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The English Language Learner

Can Do Booklet
Grades 3-5
Performance Definitions
Can Do Descriptors
For use in conjunction with the
WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards

Copyright Notice
2012 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. The WIDA English Language Learner Can Do Booklet, Grades 3-5, may not
be reproduced, modified, or distributed without prior written permission from the WIDA Consortium. The WIDA ELL Can Do Booklet is
for your personal, noncommercial use only. Fair use of the WIDA ELL Can Do Booklet includes reproduction for the purpose of teaching
(including multiple copies for lesson planning).
To order more copies of this booklet, please visit www.wida.us or contact the WIDA Help Desk at toll free 1-866-276-7735 or e-mail

2012 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortiumwww.wida.us.

Foreword: The WIDA English Language Learner Can Do Booklet

The WIDA Consortium, from its conception, envisioned a system of standards and assessments that would assist
schools in teaching academic language to English Language Learners (ELLs). This dream, now a reality, includes
the development of practical tools to guide teachers when designing and implementing lessons, monitoring student
progress, determining student language proficiency levels, collaborating across programs, and conveying results to
ELLs and their parents.
The WIDA English Language Learner Can Do Booklet is a very important contribution to meeting these goals. The
booklet complements the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards and provides a valuable set of resources
aligned to the Performance Definitions for the levels of English language proficiency. WIDAs professional
development program works with these resources to assist teachers in embedding academic English into content
lessons and working school-wide to ensure the academic success of our culturally and linguistically diverse learners.
The WIDA Consortium recognizes that as a teacher of ELLs, you have a challenging but crucial job within your
school. We sincerely hope that this booklet and other WIDA resources help to make your work more effective and
your students more successful both in learning English and mastering challenging academic content.

Timothy Boals, Ph.D.

Executive Director
WIDA Consortium

The resources contained in this booklet are intended to support classroom instruction. As with all WIDA products and services, they
address language proficiency in relation to five English language proficiency (ELP) standards:

Social and Instructional Language

The Language of Language Arts
The Language of Mathematics
The Language of Science
The Language of Social Studies

The following table displays the major components of WIDAs standards-based system. The bold-faced components are included in this
booklet and listed in the order in which they appear.

Components of WIDAs Standards-based System

Standards-based Component

Distinguishing Feature

Strands of Model Performance Indicators as

representative of the WIDA English Language
Proficiency Standards

Illustrate how English language learners process and use language for each English
language proficiency standard, language domain, and language proficiency level
by grade level cluster

Performance Definitions

Outline how English language learners process and use language for each level of
language proficiency in grades K-12

Can Do Descriptors

Describe how English language learners process and use language for each language
domain and level of language proficiency by grade level cluster

Speaking and Writing Rubrics

Document how English language learners process and use language in the domain
of speaking or writing for each level of language proficiency based on three criteria:
linguistic complexity, vocabulary usage, and language control in grades K-12

The resources contained in this booklet are intended to support

classroom instruction. The Performance Definitions (see page 4)
provide criteria that shape each of the six levels of English language
proficiency. The three bullets within each proficiency level in the
Performance Definitions represent:
Linguistic Complexitythe amount and quality of speech
or writing for a given situation
Vocabulary Usagethe specificity of words or phrases for a
given context
Language Controlthe comprehensibility of the
communication based on the amount and types of errors
The Performance Definitions provide a concise, global overview of
language expectations for each level of English language proficiency.
They span the spectrum of grade levels which means that educators
must interpret the meaning of the Definitions according to students
cognitive development due to age, their grade level, their diversity of
educational experiences, and any diagnosed learning disabilities (if
applicable). For example, in level 5, extended oral or written
discourse would probably be indicated by a 1st grade students
ability to orally retell a story in a series of sentences using simple
transition words. However, a middle school student might be
expected to exhibit linguistic complexity at level 5 by incorporating
a variety of sentence structures in an essay several paragraphs in

length. It is important to recognize that the Performance Definitions

are the basis for use of other standards-based resources such as the
Can Do Descriptors.
The Can Do Descriptors (see pages 6-7) are the centerpiece of
this booklet, designed to support teachers by providing them
with information on the language students are able to understand
and produce in the classroom. What is unique about the Can
Do Descriptors is that they apply to all five English language
proficiency standards, which means they provide an opportunity to
link language development across all academic content areas. The
Descriptors are intended to be used in tandem with the Performance
Definitions. This is because the quantity and quality of language
expected at a particular level of language proficiency may not be
fully indicated within the Can Do Descriptor for each language
domain and proficiency level.
For example, the Can Do Descriptors show that students may
be able to identify at various levels of language proficiency,
but the language (linguistic complexity, vocabulary usage, and
language control) they use will vary tremendously. At one end of
the spectrum, beginning English language learners may identify by
pointing or using short words or phrases, whereas at the end of the
language development continuum, students will begin to identify
complex themes and ideas described in detailed technical language.

Performance Definitions for the Levels of English Language

Proficiency in Grades K-12
At the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners will process, understand, produce, or use:

specialized or technical language reflective of the content areas at grade level

a variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in extended oral or written discourse as required by the specified grade level
oral or written communication in English comparable to English-proficient peers


specialized or technical language of the content areas

a variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in extended oral or written discourse, including stories, essays, or reports
oral or written language approaching comparability to that of English-proficient peers when presented with grade-level material


specific and some technical language of the content areas

a variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in oral discourse or multiple, related sentences, or paragraphs
oral or written language with minimal phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that do not impede the overall meaning of the
communication when presented with oral or written connected discourse with sensory, graphic, or interactive support


general and some specific language of the content areas

expanded sentences in oral interaction or written paragraphs
oral or written language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that may impede the communication, but retain much of its
meaning, when presented with oral or written, narrative, or expository descriptions with sensory, graphic, or interactive support


general language related to the content areas

phrases or short sentences
oral or written language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that often impede the meaning of the communication when
presented with one- to multiple-step commands, directions, questions, or a series of statements with sensory, graphic, or interactive support


pictorial or graphic representation of the language of the content areas

words, phrases, or chunks of language when presented with one-step commands, directions, WH-, choice, or yes/no questions, or statements
with sensory, graphic, or interactive support
oral language with phonological, syntactic, or semantic errors that often impede meaning when presented with basic oral commands, direct
questions, or simple statements with sensory, graphic, or interactive support

Grade Level Cluster

Can Do Descriptors
The grade level cluster Can Do Descriptors have been created by
teachers, primarily for teachers, who work with English language
learners throughout the consortium. During 2007-08, over 900
teachers and administrators participated in refining and validating
five grade level clusters of Descriptors from the original document
spanning the K-12 spectrum. These Descriptors for the four
language domainslistening, speaking, reading, and writingand
five levels of English language proficiency are based on the WIDA
English Language Proficiency Standards.
Interpretation of the Can Do Descriptors
To maintain the succinctness of the individual statements, some
basic assumptions need to be made in interpreting the Can Do
1. Sensory, graphic, or interactive support are present through
language proficiency level 4, Expanding.
2. English language learners can process or produce the
language associated with the stated language functions.
3. Linguistic complexity, vocabulary usage, and language control
increase incrementally as students move from one English
language proficiency level to the next.

Uses for the Can Do Descriptors

The Can Do Descriptors are a resource, in addition to the English
language proficiency standards, to use in classrooms with English
language learners. As an instructional assessment tool, language
teachers may:
Share the Descriptors with classroom teachers and
administrators to describe the second language acquisition
process around the levels of English language proficiency
Provide resource teachers, such as Title I or literacy coaches,
additional information about English language learners
Use to plan with tutors or mentors who work with English
language learners
Develop or co-develop lessons and units of study with
differentiated language objectives
Set language goals with their English language learners*
Explain to parents students progress in listening, speaking,
reading, and writing*
Suggest language goals to be incorporated into Individual
Education Programs (IEPs) for English language learners with
diagnosed disabilities
Translate English language proficiency test scores (i.e.,
ACCESS for ELLs, W-APT, and WIDA MODEL) into
classroom practice
Observe and note levels of student performance as a precursor
to using WIDA Speaking and Writing Rubrics for formative
Use the Descriptors to advocate on behalf of English language

The Can Do Descriptors are a sampling of the language expectations

of English language learners as they travel along the continuum
of English language development. Unlike the strands of model
performance indicators that scaffold across levels of language
proficiency, the Can Do Descriptors function independently within * For these uses, the Can Do Descriptors are also available in Spanish on pp. 8-11 of
a given level of language proficiency.
this booklet.

Can Do Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 3-5

For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English
language learners can process or produce the language needed to:
Level 1


Follow one-step oral

directions (e.g., physically
or through drawings)

Categorize content-based
pictures or objects from
oral descriptions
Arrange pictures or objects
per oral information

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Follow multi-step oral


Interpret oral information

and apply to new situations

Identify illustrated main

ideas from paragraph-level
oral discourse

Carry out oral instructions

containing grade-level,
content-based language

Identify illustrated main

ideas and supporting details Construct models or use
from oral discourse
manipulatives to problemsolve based on oral
Infer from and act on oral
Distinguish between literal
Role play the work of
and figurative language in
authors, mathematicians,
oral discourse
scientists, historians from
oral readings, videos, or
Form opinions of people,
places, or ideas from oral

Identify objects, figures,

Follow two-step oral
people from oral statements
or questions (e.g., Which
Draw in response to oral
one is a rock?)
Match classroom oral
Evaluate oral information
language to daily routines
(e.g., about lunch options)

Match literal meanings of

oral descriptions or oral
reading to illustrations

Express basic needs or


Answer simple contentbased questions

Answer opinion questions

with supporting details

Justify/defend opinions or
explanations with evidence

Re/tell short stories or


Discuss stories, issues, and


Make predictions or
hypotheses from discourse

Give content-based oral


Give content-based
presentations using
technical vocabulary

Offer solutions to social


Offer creative solutions to


Present content-based

content-based functions
and relationships

Name pre-taught objects,

people, diagrams, or
Recite words or phrases
from pictures of everyday
objects and oral modeling
Answer yes/no and choice

Ask simple, everyday

questions (e.g., Who is
Restate content-based facts
Describe pictures, events,
objects, or people using
phrases or short sentences
Share basic social
information with peers

Sequence pictures from

oral stories, processes, or

Engage in problem-solving

Level 6 - Reaching


Point to stated pictures,

words, or phrases

Level 2

Sequence steps in gradelevel problem-solving

Explain in detail results
of inquiry (e.g., scientific

The Can Do Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three
criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students language processing and use across the
levels of language proficiency.

Can Do Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 3-5

For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English
language learners can process or produce the language needed to:
Level 1
Match icons or diagrams
with words/concepts

Make sound/symbol/word
Match illustrated words/
phrases in differing
contexts (e.g., on the
board, in a book)


Label objects, pictures, or

diagrams from word/phrase

Level 3

Identify facts and explicit

messages from illustrated

Interpret information
or data from charts and

Find changes to root words

in context

Identify main ideas and

some details

Identify elements of story

grammar (e.g., characters,

Sequence events in stories

or content-based processes

Follow visually supported

written directions (e.g.,
Draw a star in the sky.)

Use context clues and

illustrations to determine
meaning of words/phrases

Level 4
Classify features of various
genres of text (e.g., and
they lived happily ever
afterfairy tales)
Match graphic organizers
to different texts (e.g.,
compare/contrast with
Venn diagram)
Find details that support
main ideas
Differentiate between fact
and opinion in narrative
and expository text

Make lists from labels or

with peers

Produce simple expository

or narrative text

Take notes using graphic


Communicate ideas by

sentences from word/
phrase banks or walls

String related sentences


Summarize content-based

Copy words, phrases, and

short sentences

Fill in graphic organizers,

charts, and tables

Compare/contrast contentbased information

Answer oral questions with

single words

Make comparisons using

real-life or visuallysupported materials

Author multiple forms of

writing (e.g., expository,
narrative, persuasive) from

Describe events, people,

processes, procedures

Explain strategies or use

of information in solving

Level 5
Summarize information
from multiple related
Answer analytical questions
about grade-level text
Identify, explain, and give
examples of figures of
Draw conclusions from
explicit and implicit text
at or near grade level

Produce extended responses

of original text approaching
grade level

Level 6 - Reaching


Identify cognates from first

language, as applicable

Level 2

Apply content-based
information to new
Connect or integrate
personal experiences with
Create grade-level stories or

The Can Do Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three
criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students language processing and use across the
levels of language proficiency.

Descripcin de Habilidades: Grados Escolares 3-5

Dado el nivel de desempeo en ingls y apoyados de grficos, apoyos visuales, y apoyos interactivos hasta el Nivel 4, los
estudiantes de ingls pueden procesar o producir el lenguaje que se necesita para hacer lo siguiente:
Nivel 1
Sealar dibujos, palabras,
o frases segn lo indicado


Identificar objetos, figuras,

o personas siguiendo
declaraciones verbales
o preguntas (ejemplo:
Cul de estos objetos es
una piedra?)
Emparejar lenguaje oral
del saln de clase con
rutinas diarias

Categorizar dibujos de
contenido u objetos
siguiendo instrucciones
Acomodar dibujos
u objetos segn
informacin oral
Seguir instrucciones
verbales de dos pasos
Hacer dibujos que
respondan a instrucciones
Evaluar informacin oral
(ejemplo: las opciones
para el almuerzo)

Nivel 3
Seguir instrucciones
verbales de mltiples pasos
Identificar las ideas
principales ilustradas en
discurso verbal a nivel de
Emparejar significados
literales con ilustraciones
siguiendo descripciones
verbales o ledas
Ordenar dibujos de
cuentos, procesos o pasos

Nivel 4
Interpretar informacin
oral y aplicarla a
situaciones nuevas
Identificar puntos
y detalles ilustrados
principales a travs de
discurso oral
Inferir y actuar en relacin
a informacin oral
Hacer actuaciones de
las obras o el trabajo de
autores, matemticos,
cientficos o historiadores
aprendidos a travs
de videos, lecturas o

Nivel 5
Seguir instrucciones orales
que contienen lenguaje de
contenido acadmico del
grado escolar
Hacer modelos o usar
objetos interactivos para
resolver problemas en
discurso oral
Distinguir entre lenguaje
literal y figurativo en
discurso oral

Nivel 6 - Alcanzando

Seguir instrucciones orales

de un paso (ejemplo:
fsicamente o a travs de

Nivel 2

Formarse opiniones de
personas, lugares, o ideas
de escenarios presentados

Los Descriptores Can Do trabajan en conjunto con Las Descripciones WIDA de las Habilidades en los niveles de lenguaje acadmico de las normas de desempeo del
lenguaje ingls, los cuales usan tres criterios (1. complejidad lingstica; 2. uso de vocabulario; y 3. control del lenguaje) para describir la calidad y la cantidad incremental del
procesamiento y uso de lenguaje a travs de los diferentes niveles de desempeo.

Descripcin de Habilidades: Grados Escolares 3-5

Dado el nivel de desempeo en ingls y apoyados de grficos, apoyos visuales, y apoyos interactivos hasta el Nivel 4, los
estudiantes de ingls pueden procesar o producir el lenguaje que se necesita para hacer lo siguiente:
Nivel 1
Expresar necesidades o
condiciones bsicas


Recitar palabras o frases

de dibujos de objetos de la
vida diaria y de modelos
presentados oralmente
Contestar preguntas
de seleccin multiple y
preguntas de s o no

Hacer preguntas simples

cotidianas (ejemplo:
Quin falto hoy a
Reformular hechos de
contenido acadmico
Describir dibujos, eventos,
objetos o personas usando
frases u oraciones cortas
Compartir informacin
bsica social con sus

Nivel 3

Nivel 4

Nivel 5

Contestar preguntas
simples de contenido

Contestar preguntas de
opinin con detalles que
apoyen un argumento

opiniones o explicaciones
con apoyo de evidencia

Recontar/contar cuentos
cortos o eventos

Hablar acerca de cuentos,

asuntos y conceptos

Predecir algo o hacer un

hiptesis por medio de
ejecutar un discurso

Dar presentaciones orales

de contenido acadmico

Dar presentaciones con

contenido acadmico
usando vocabulario

Ofrecer soluciones para

conflicto social
Presentar informacin con
contenido acadmico
Participar en la resolucin
de problemas

Ofrecer soluciones
creativas para resolver
relaciones y funciones con
contenido acadmico

Ordenar en secuencia
los pasos para resolver
problemas segn el grado

Nivel 6 - Alcanzando

Nombrar objetos,
personas, diagramas, o
dibujos que han sido preenseados

Nivel 2

Explicar resultados
en detalles de una
investigacin (ejemplo:
experimento cientfico)

Los Descriptores Can Do trabajan en conjunto con Las Descripciones WIDA de las Habilidades en los niveles de lenguaje acadmico de las normas de desempeo del
lenguaje ingls, los cuales usan tres criterios (1. complejidad lingstica; 2. uso de vocabulario; y 3. control del lenguaje) para describir la calidad y la cantidad incremental del
procesamiento y uso de lenguaje a travs de los diferentes niveles de desempeo.


Descripcin de Habilidades: Grados Escolares 3-5

Dado el nivel de desempeo en ingls y apoyados de grficos, apoyos visuales, y apoyos interactivos hasta el Nivel 4, los
estudiantes de ingls pueden procesar o producir el lenguaje que se necesita para hacer lo siguiente:
Nivel 2

Nivel 3

Nivel 4

Emparejar conos o
diagramas con palabras/

Identificar hechos o
mensajes especficos de un
texto ilustrado

Interpretar informacin o
datos de cuadros o de un

Identificar cognados del

lenguaje nativo, segn se

Encontrar cambios a la
raz de un palabra en un
contexto especfico

Identificar las ideas

principales y algunos

Clasificar caractersticas
de varios gneros de texto
(ejemplo: y vivieron
felices para siempre
cuentos de hadas)

Hacer conexiones con


Identificar elementos
de un cuento (ejemplo:
personajes, lugar)

Odenar eventos de un
cuento o procesos de
contenido acadmico

Seguir instrucciones
escritas con apoyos
visuales (ejemplo: Dibuja
una estrella en el cielo)

Usar pistas del contexto

e ilustraciones para
determinar el significado
de palabras/frases

Emparejar palabras/frases
ilustradas en diferentes
contextos (ejemplo: en la
pizarra, en un libro)

Emparejar organizadores
grficos con diferentes
textos (ejemplo:
comparar/contrastar con
un diagrama de Venn)
Encontrar detalles
que apoyen las ideas
Diferenciar entre un
hecho y una opinin en
un texto narrativo o en un
texto expositivo

Nivel 5
Resumir informacin
de diferentes orgenes
relacionados entre s
Contestar preguntas
analticas acerca de texto
al nivel del grado escolar
Identificar, explicar y dar
ejemplos de elementos del
lenguaje retrico
Sacar conclusiones de un
texto explcito o implcito
al nivel de grado o cerca
del nivel de grado escolar

Nivel 6 - Alcanzando


Nivel 1

Los Descriptores Can Do trabajan en conjunto con Las Descripciones WIDA de las Habilidades en los niveles de lenguaje acadmico de las normas de desempeo del
lenguaje ingls, los cuales usan tres criterios (1. complejidad lingstica; 2. uso de vocabulario; y 3. control del lenguaje) para describir la calidad y la cantidad incremental del
procesamiento y uso de lenguaje a travs de los diferentes niveles de desempeo.

Descripcin de Habilidades: Grados Escolares 3-5

Dado el nivel de desempeo en ingls y apoyados de grficos, apoyos visuales, y apoyos interactivos hasta el Nivel 4, los
estudiantes de ingls pueden procesar o producir el lenguaje que se necesita para hacer lo siguiente:
Nivel 1


Nivel 3

Nivel 4

Nivel 5

Hacer listas de etiquetas

con compaeros

Crear un texto narrativo o

expositivo simple

Tomar notas usando

organizadores grficos

Escribir texto original al

nivel de grado escolar

Comunicar ideas a travs

de dibujos

oraciones usando bancos
de palabras o frases

Unir oraciones

Resumir informacin con

contenido acadmico

Copiar palabras, frases y

oraciones cortas

Completar organizadores
grficos, cuadros o tablas

informacin con
contendido acadmico

Contestar preguntas orales

con una palabra

Hacer comparaciones
usando materiales de la
vida real o apoyos visuales

Crear mltiples formas

de escritura siguiendo
un modelo (ejemplo:
texto narrativo, texto

Aplicar informacin con

contenido acadmico a
nuevos contextos

Describir eventos,
personas, procesos o pasos

Explicar estrategias o el
uso de informacin para
resolver problemas

Conectar o integrar
experiencias personales
con contenido/literatura
Crear informes o cuentos
al nivel de grado escolar

Nivel 6 - Alcanzando

Etiquetar objetos, dibujos,

o diagramas usando
bancos de palabras o frases

Nivel 2

Los Descriptores Can Do trabajan en conjunto con Las Descripciones WIDA de las Habilidades en los niveles de lenguaje acadmico de las normas de desempeo del
lenguaje ingls, los cuales usan tres criterios (1. complejidad lingstica; 2. uso de vocabulario; y 3. control del lenguaje) para describir la calidad y la cantidad incremental del
procesamiento y uso de lenguaje a travs de los diferentes niveles de desempeo.

2012 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, on behalf of the WIDA Consortium


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