Endocrine Disorders During Pregnancy 2006
Endocrine Disorders During Pregnancy 2006
Endocrine Disorders During Pregnancy 2006
Derek LeRoith
Susan J. Mandel
Adrenal Disorders in Pregnancy
John R. Lindsay and Lynnette K. Nieman
In normal gestation, hypercortisolism and relative hyperaldosteronism are not usually clinically apparent. In contrast, adrenal disorders
that do occur during pregnancy contribute to significant maternal
and fetal morbidity. This article reviews the natural history, causes,
diagnosis, and treatment of adrenal causes of Cushings syndrome,
adrenocortical hypofunction, primary hyperaldosteronism, and the
management of adrenal pheochromocytoma in pregnancy.
This article discusses the risks of pregnancy for mothers with type
1 diabetes and their babies, emphasizing appropriate preconception counseling and management goals; optimizing glycemic monitoring and intensifying insulin therapy during the metabolically
dynamic process of pregnancy; appropriately evaluating women
and their fetuses for complications of both diabetes and intensive
diabetes therapy during pregnancy; and peripartum and postpartum glycemic control.
Thyroid physiology and pathophysiology during pregnancy are reviewed focusing on the distinction between thyroid disorders and
normal gravid physiology using the history, clinical examination,
and laboratory testing. Management of hypothyroidism is discussed, including the effects of insufficient maternal levothyroxine
therapy on the fetus and recommendations for optimizing maternal levothyroxine therapy. Therapy of hyperthyroidism is reviewed, with attention to the fetal effects of maternal antithyroid
therapy. In addition, diagnosis and therapy of fetal hyperthyroidism is presented. A practical evaluation of thyroid nodules during
pregnancy is presented.
Hypertension in Pregnancy
Caren G. Solomon and Ellen W. Seely
Endocrinology of Parturition
Victoria Snegovskikh, Joong Shin Park, and Errol R. Norwitz
June 2006
Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Cardiovascular
Willa A. Hsueh, MD, and Preethi Srikanthan, MD
Guest Editors
September 2006
Molecular Basis of Inherited Pancreatic Disorders
Markus M. Lerch, MD, Thomas Griesbacher, MD,
and David C. Whitcomb, MD, Guest Editors
December 2006
Growth Hormones
Ken K.Y. Ho, MD, Guest Editor
December 2005
Endocrinology of Aging
Johannes D. Veldhuis, MD, Guest Editor
June 2005
Cushings Syndrome
James W. Findling, MD, and Hershell Raff, PhD
Guest Editors
March 2005
Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
Daniel Einhorn, MD, and Julio Rosenstock, MD
Guest Editors
0889-8529/06/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
It has been 11 years since the last publication of an issue of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America that focused on endocrine
disorders during pregnancy. In the preface, Lois Jovanovic, guest editor of
and contributing author in that issue, wrote that there were three endocrine
components to mammalian pregnancy: fetal, placental, and maternal endocrinology. And, of these, she observed, the maternal was the most understood and the focus of many of the articles contained in that issue.
Fortunately, in the ensuing 11 years, we have learned much about the other
two components, specically the inuences of maternal endocrine disorders
on the fetoplacental unit.
In this issue, I have selected topics that cover each of the main subspecialties (adrenal, pituitary, diabetes, thyroid, and calcium/bone) within adult
endocrinology. For each area, the authors have delineated the current
understanding of its physiology and pathophysiology during gestation as
well as outlined the maternal therapy to optimize pregnancy outcome. In addition, I have included an article on the impact of polycystic ovarian syndrome on fertility, relevant because of its prevalence and the availability
of therapy. Cardiovascular endocrinology, a newer subspecialty within
our discipline, is well-represented by the article on pregnancy and hypertensive disorders. There are two other nontraditional articles. Recently, we
have gained understanding of the eects of the intrauterine milieu on the future endocrine development of the child and this is presented in the section
on imprinting. Lastly, the conclusion of pregnancy, parturition, represents
a complex hormonal interplay that is described in the article on endocrinology of parturition.
0889-8529/06/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
I have had the pleasure and honor of working with renowned experts in
their respective elds and in large part because of them, it has been a privilege to serve as the Guest Editor of this issue of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America. I thank my colleagues for their
outstanding contributions to this volume, which is a valuable and timely addition to its eld.
Susan J. Mandel, MD, MPH
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
415 Curie Boulevard
611 CRB
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
E-mail address: smandel@mail.med.upenn.edu
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) are up-regulated during normal pregnancy. Pregnancy
represents a state of relative hypercortisolism, resulting from the interaction
of the maternal HPA axis and the fetal-placental unit. Consistent with
a physiologic role, the RAS maintains normal sodium balance and volume
homeostasis. In normal gestation, hypercortisolism and relative hyperaldosteronism are not usually clinically apparent. In contrast, adrenal disorders
that do occur during pregnancy contribute to signicant maternal and fetal
morbidity. This article reviews the natural history, causes, diagnosis, and
treatment of adrenal causes of Cushings syndrome, adrenocortical hypofunction, primary hyperaldosteronism, and the management of adrenal
pheochromocytoma in pregnancy.
nodular adrenal disease and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-independent hyperplasia, caused possibly by aberrant receptor stimulation, accounted for eight cases of the pregnancies [1]. The overall increased
incidence of adrenal Cushings syndrome suggests that anovulation may
be less prevalent in this cause or that unrecognized, illicit luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin receptor expression was considered
to be adrenal adenoma [6,7]. In the latter setting, Cushings syndrome would
not be triggered until pregnancy is established.
Cushings syndrome in gestation is associated with maternal morbidity,
including preeclampsia, hypertension, diabetes, wound breakdown, opportunistic infections, and fracture [4,8]. Maternal death was reported in two
cases [5,9]. Hypercortisolism eects on the fetus include increased rates of
spontaneous abortion, perinatal death, premature birth, and intrauterine
growth retardation [2,4]. As a result of this fetal and maternal morbidity,
early diagnosis and treatment of Cushings syndrome in pregnancy are critical. However, the physiologic changes of pregnancy complicate this goal.
Plasma cortisol, cortisol-binding protein (CBG), and urinary free cortisol
(UFC) increase during the second and third trimesters (Fig. 1) [10,11]. There
are no formal studies of how the usual diagnostic criteria should be modied
to allow for pregnancy-induced hypercortisolism.
Screening and dierential diagnosis of Cushings syndrome
The interpretation of screening tests for hypercortisolism is more dicult
in pregnancy, particularly in the second and third trimesters. In the rst trimester, cortisol excretion is similar to that of nonpregnant women. It then
increases up to threefold by term, to overlap values seen in pregnant women
with Cushings syndrome [10]. As a result, it is likely that only the UFC values in the second and third trimester greater than three times the upper limit
of normal can be interpreted as indicating Cushings syndrome. Unfortunately, there are limited data on the upper range of UFC in normal pregnancy, using modern antibody-based assays, and no reports of UFC
measured by structural assays such as mass spectrometry. Plasma cortisol
diurnal variation is preserved in normal pregnancy, albeit with a higher
nighttime nadir. Although the loss of diurnal variation is characteristic of
Cushings syndrome, diagnostic thresholds for evening plasma or salivary
cortisol levels in pregnant patients have not been developed [1,10]. Furthermore, the suppression of serum and urinary cortisol by dexamethasone is
blunted in pregnancy (Fig. 2). Thus, this screening test has an increased potential for false-positive results in pregnancy. Although the evidence is limited, the present authors suggest a combination of greater than threefold
elevation of UFC and elevated midnight salivary cortisol as a diagnostic
strategy for the identication of Cushings syndrome in pregnancy [12,13].
The rst step in the dierential diagnosis is to discriminate between
ACTH-independent and ACTH-dependent hypercortisolism, which may
Fig. 1. Serial increases in serum cortisol (open circles) and ACTH (closed circles) during pregnancy in normal controls throughout pregnancy. This graph was modied from the series of ve
normal pregnant women studied by Carr and colleagues (1981). The bars adjacent to the right
axis are summary data derived from a recent series [1] to denote the range of serum cortisol observed in Cushings syndrome in pregnancy (open diamonds, median and range; n 52); ACTH
values for Cushings disease (closed triangles, median and range, n 18); and adrenal Cushings
syndrome (open triangles, median and range, n 17). (Modied from Carr BR, Parker CR Jr,
Madden JD, et al. Maternal plasma adrenocorticotropin and cortisol relationships throughout
human pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1981;139(4):41622.)
be achieved by measuring plasma ACTH levels [14]. A two-site immunometric assay is preferred to radioimmunoassay, unless the latter can reliably discriminate low or suppressed ACTH levels (%10 pg/mL [2.2 pmol/L]) [14,15].
To avoid falsely low results, it is important to collect the sample in prechilled
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tubes, transport it to an ice bath, and prepare it promptly by refrigerated centrifugation and plasma separation.
In the nonpregnant population, plasma ACTH suppression (%5 pg/mL
[1.1 pmol/L]) identies ACTH-independent primary adrenal causes of Cushings syndrome. However, in a recent review of Cushings syndrome in pregnancy, mean plasma ACTH levels were nonsuppressed in approximately
half of those patients who had primary adrenal disorders, perhaps because
of continued stimulation of the maternal HPA axis by placental CRH or because of placental secretion of ACTH [1,16]. As a result, the recommended
diagnostic ACTH thresholds in the general population may lead to inaccurate diagnoses in pregnancy [15].
If plasma ACTH is suppressed, no further biochemical testing is needed,
and imaging of the adrenal glands, discussed below, then will localize the
Fig. 2. Change in plasma cortisol before (closed circles) and after (open circles) the administration
of 1 mg of dexamethasone (Dex) in pregnant women. Blood was drawn at 8 AM. A single dose of
dexamethasone was administered orally at 11 PM, and blood was drawn at 8 AM on the following
day. (From Odagiri E, Ishiwatari N, Abe Y, et al. Hypercortisolism and the resistance to dexamethasone suppression during gestation. Endocrinol Jpn 1988;35:68590; with permission.)
UFC elevated
Elevated midnight
salivary cortisol
CS confirmed
Adrenal Imaging
Investigate CD
Fig. 3. Diagnostic algorithm for the dierential diagnosis of Cushings syndrome (CS) in
1947 [28]. The present authors believe there have been no reports of maternal deaths from AI in pregnancy since the 1950s, with the introduction of
cortisone, earlier diagnosis, and improved antenatal care. However, a reported case of maternal death at 8 months after delivery illustrates the importance of careful postpartum follow-up [26]. Some cases that were not
diagnosed during pregnancy had normal maternal and fetal outcomes, suggesting that women with unrecognized AI benet from transplacental passage of cortisol from the fetus. Therefore, AI may only become apparent
in the immediate postpartum period [29]. In women known to have the disease, careful titration of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacement
are required to avoid an adrenal crisis and potential side eects, including
hypertension and exacerbation of preeclampsia [26,30].
Gestational AI has been associated with high rates of intrauterine growth
retardation, low birth weight [31,32], and fetal mortality [33]. A recent Italian series reported improved miscarriage rates (16 of 104 pregnancies) compared with intrauterine death rates in the 1950s of 40% to 50% [34]. Most of
the earlier reports consisted of previously unrecognized cases or preceded
the availability of modern glucocorticoid regimens [35]. These dierences
have led to the speculation that, treated properly, women do not have increased complications of gestation. There does not appear to be an increased
risk of preterm abortion or congenital anomalies resulting from AI alone,
when patients are treated adequately [36]. However, when AI is associated
with other autoimmune conditions, including positive circulating anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anticoagulant, and diabetes, there may be additional risks of preterm abortion [3739].
Clinical and laboratory features
Most cases of primary AI are diagnosed before pregnancy. During gestation, a new diagnosis should be considered in a case with classic symptoms
of excessive fatigue, malaise, weight loss, vomiting, orthostasis, abdominal
pain, hyperpigmentation, or biochemical disturbance [30,39,40]. Hypoglycemia, salt craving, malaise, seizures, or even coma should prompt testing of
the HPA axis in pregnancy. Persistent vomiting can be mistaken for hyperemesis gravidarum, potentially leading to a fatal outcome if left undiagnosed [40]. Biochemical disturbance with hyponatremia is characteristic;
however, this is usually more severe than the mild hyponatremia (5-mmol/L
decrease) that occurs in normal pregnancy. Severe hyponatremia or metabolic acidosis is associated with poor outcomes, including fetal death [33].
Hyperkalemia was reported to be absent in several cases of newly diagnosed
primary AI during pregnancy. This may reect the increase in the RAS,
rather than the severity of adrenocortical dysfunction [33,40].
Although criteria for diagnosing AI in pregnancy have not been developed, the previously reported 8 AM third-trimester plasma cortisol levels
and responses to the SCT in normal pregnant women and the results
from the low-dose cosyntropin stimulation testing cited above provide useful information. Taken together, the present authors consider basal or
ACTH-stimulated plasma cortisol levels in the third trimester greater than
30 mg/dL (828 nmol/L) sucient to exclude AI [42].
Tests used for the dierential diagnosis
Plasma ACTH levels dierentiate primary (elevated) from secondary adrenal failure (low or normal) and can help to conrm primary AI in nonpregnant patients who have borderline plasma cortisol levels. An ACTH
level above 100 pg/mL (22 pmol/L) is generally consistent with primary
AI, even in late pregnancy [43]. However, ACTH levels uctuate widely
day-to-day, and a single value cannot be relied on for the diagnosis of either
primary or secondary AI.
Approximately 90% of nonpregnant patients who have idiopathic AI are
positive for 21-hydroxylase antibodies, and antibodies to 17-a-hydroxylase
and side-chain cleavage enzymes are positive in approximately 30% of patients [51]. The presence of adrenal antibodies provides conrmatory evidence for an autoimmune cause, but it cannot be relied on for diagnosing
AI, given the 10% prevalence of negative test results in patients proven to
have AI. The presence of mineralocorticoid deciency is highly suggestive
of primary AI arising from adrenocortical atrophy, and in this setting, plasma
aldosterone-to-renin ratios are low in association with elevated plasma renin activity [52].
Patients who have an autoimmune cause do not require imaging. Imaging
of the adrenal glands can detect the large glands associated with other
causes, such as tuberculous or fungal infection, bilateral metastases, hemorrhage, or infarction [39,53,54]. US imaging is safe but may have limited resolution. Non-gadolinium-enhanced MRI is preferred to CT in pregnancy.
Although MRI provides excellent soft tissue enhancement and has improved
resolution compared with ultrasound [55], deferring adrenal imaging until
the postpartum period should be considered if the patient is clinically stable.
The optimal antenatal management of AI occurs in a multidisciplinary
clinic that includes an endocrinologist. The primary roles for the endocrinologist are to provide a diagnosis, monitor the adequacy of corticosteroid or
mineralocorticoid replacement regimens during gestation, crisis, and labor,
and to ensure continuity during the postpartum period. Prepregnancy
counseling should be conducted routinely in women of childbearing age.
Women should be educated regarding the principles of self-administration
of intramuscular hydrocortisone (50100 mg) for pregnancy-associated emesis before urgent medical assessment. All patients should wear a medic alert
bracelet or necklace for identication during an emergency.
Physiologic glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid treatment appears to
be safe during pregnancy [56]. The most critical periods in pregnancy
when the adequacy of glucocorticoid replacement regimens may aect outcomes are in undiagnosed cases during the rst trimester when symptoms of
adrenal crisis can be mistaken for pregnancy-associated emesis and during
the stress of labor and delivery [33].
Several glucocorticoid regimens are available for chronic replacement
during pregnancy. Hydrocortisone is the present authors preferred choice,
at a replacement dose of 12 mg/m2 to 15 mg/m2 of body surface area [57].
Two thirds of the daily dose is given when the patient awakens, with the remainder given in the afternoon to mimic normal diurnal variation. Although this dose may lead to over-replacement in a proportion of
nonpregnant cases, in the absence of more detailed studies during pregnancy, this approach seems reasonable [58]. Glucocorticoid replacement
regimens usually remain stable during gestation, even until late in the third
trimester. Prednisone or prednisolone may be used as alternative glucocorticoid regimens. Prednisone and cortisone acetate are not useful for the
emergency management of adrenal crisis because they require the reduction
of a ketone group to a hydroxyl group on carbon-11 to active metabolites.
Furthermore, they are longer acting compared with hydrocortisone and less
suitable for physiologic replacement [59].
Oral udrocortisone, 0.1 mg daily (ranging between 0.05 mg and 0.2 mg),
is standard mineralocorticoid replacement and has largely replaced salt tablet regimens [59]. Fludrocortisone dosages are usually stable through pregnancy but occasionally may need to be reduced during the third trimester
to avoid the side eects of edema or exacerbation of hypertension [60].
The acute treatment of adrenal crisis includes prompt, rapid glucocorticoid replacement with hydrocortisone, 100 mg to 200 mg IV, as a single bolus. Thereafter a bolus of 50 mg to 100 mg is given every 6 to 8 hours during
the acute period, based on maximal cortisol production rates of 200 mg/d to
400 mg/d [30]. Women with hypoglycemia should receive 5% dextrose infusions, and those with hypotension should receive 0.9% saline. Because hydrocortisone at these dose levels contains adequate mineralocorticoid
activity, udrocortisone is not indicated in the acute period and has been associated with the side eects of pulmonary edema caused by salt and water
retention [30]. A transfer to routine oral therapy is warranted when acute
symptoms have settled or when the patient is tolerating oral uids.
During labor and the postpartum period
Routine glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacement therapy can
be continued until the onset of labor, provided that the patient has no
Hypertension in pregnancy
Normal gestation is associated with a fall in blood pressure toward the
end of the rst trimester, reaching a nadir between 22 and 24 weeks. Hypertension during pregnancy, dened by an absolute systolic or diastolic blood
pressure exceeding 140 or 90 mmHg, respectively, complicates approximately
15% of pregnancies [61]. Increased vascular distensibility and reduced
peripheral vascular resistance occurring in pregnancy are accompanied
by physiologic changes, including sodium retention, increased extracellular
uid, and up-regulation of the RAS [62].
The prevalence of primary hyperaldosteronism (PA) in nonpregnant hypertensive subjects varies between 1% and 12%, depending on the patient
population, diagnostic methods used, and conrmation by surgery [63]. In
contrast, PA is rare in pregnancy, with approximately 31 cases reported
worldwide since the original description by Crane in 1964 [64,65]. The majority of reported cases arise as a result of adrenal adenoma or hyperplasia.
However, there are rare reports of glucocorticoid-remediable hyperaldosteronism in pregnancy [66].
Plasma renin activity increases early in the rst trimester of normal pregnancy, reaching values almost three- to seven-fold greater than the normal
Pheochromocytoma in pregnancy
Pheochromocytoma accounts for approximately 0.1% cases of hypertension in the general population. There have been at least 200 cases diagnosed
in pregnancy, and the estimated prevalence at term is approximately 1 in
54,000 [83,84]. Pheochromocytoma is associated with sustained or paroxysmal episodes of hypertension, pallor, headaches, and palpitations [84]. Other
presentations include chest pain, dyspnea, abdominal pain, seizure, or even
sudden death [85]. Although antenatal diagnosis is associated with improved
outcomes, pheochromocytoma can be missed because of unexpectedly normal blood pressure during gestation [83,85]. A recent case illustrated the
course of a women who was managed emergently after being diagnosed during labor [86]. However, a delayed diagnosis has been associated with maternal death caused by cerebral edema associated with cardiogenic shock [85].
Untreated pheochromocytoma is associated with increased fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality. The maternal mortality rate was 48% before
1969 and 26% in the 1970s, and subsequently it fell to 17% [8789]. Since
1990, approximately 85% of cases have been diagnosed antenatally, perhaps
because of increased awareness [84]. In one series, antenatal diagnosis reduced the maternal mortality and the fetal loss rate to less than 1% and
15%, respectively [88]. A hypertensive crisis may be precipitated by abdominal palpitation [84], drugs, including metoclopramide [87], or labor. Pheochromocytoma should be actively sought for in patients who have aected
family members with von Hippel-Lindau or multiple endocrine neoplasia
2 syndromes [90]. The lack of proteinuria in pheochromocytoma may dierentiate pheochromocytoma from hypertension associated with preeclampsia. Other potential dierential diagnoses include anxiety, cocaine use,
pulmonary embolism, and alcohol withdrawal [84].
Catecholamine production generally remains stable during gestation [91].
Screening for pheochromocytoma was traditionally undertaken by assessing
elevated 24-hour urinary epinephrine and norepinephrine excretions. Because tumor secretion may be episodic, these methods have been largely superseded by more sensitive and specic techniques. Fractionated urinary
metanephrines and plasma metanephrines are more sensitive for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma in nonpregnant patients, but their value in pregnancy has yet to be evaluated fully [92]. Dynamic testing with clonidine has
not been validated in pregnancy [93]. Adrenal imaging is performed when
the diagnosis is conrmed biochemically using existing nonpregnant reference ranges. MRI (without gadolinium) has better specicity than ultrasonography and is preferred to CT to minimize exposure to ionizing
radiation. Pheochromocytoma is typically bright on T2-weighted MRI,
with a sensitivity of 93% to 100% [94]. Metaiodobenzylguanidine-, uorine-18 ([18F])-dopa, and [18F]-dopaminelabeled positron emission tomography scanning methods are highly specic, functional imaging modalities
that may be considered for localization in the postpartum period and
have additional utility for assessing extra-adrenal disease, which occurs in
approximately 10% of cases [94].
Adrenalectomy is the preferred denitive treatment of pheochromocytoma following adequate a- and b-blockade for at least 2 weeks before
surgery. Primary medical therapy is indicated for cases diagnosed after 24
weeks gestation because of the attendant diculties and risks of surgery performed at that time. a-Blockade with phenoxybenzamine, 10 mg to 20 mg
twice daily, is begun initially, with titration to a dose of approximately 1
mg/kg/d until hypertension is controlled. After several days of a-blockade,
b-blockers are added to minimize reex tachycardia, despite their possible
association with intrauterine growth retardation [88]. When used as
monotherapy, unopposed b-blockade leads to vasoconstriction and potential hypertensive crisis and should be avoided. Metyrosine is a specic inhibitor of cathecholamine synthesis through its eect on tyrosine hydroxylase.
Although it is an FDA category C agent, metyrosine was previously used in
one patient with malignant pheochromocytoma without complication [95].
There are insucient data to recommend its routine use in pregnancy, but
it may be considered for short-term emergency use in cases late in the third
trimester with refractory hypertension or arrhythmia [95]. Phentolamine,
1 mg to 5 mg, is the agent of choice for the treatment of a hypertensive crisis
The optimal timing of adrenalectomy is late in the rst or early in the second trimester. In the third trimester, a combined caesarian section followed
by adrenalectomy for cases managed conservatively with medical therapy
may be considered. Vaginal delivery is not recommended because of the potential for exacerbating a hypertensive crisis. A close liaison with the anesthesiologist is imperative before adrenalectomy, C-section, or labor.
Pregnancy and congenital adrenal hyperplasia
The prenatal diagnosis and treatment of 21-hydroxylase (CYP21 gene)
deciency are options for couples who have a previously aected infant
and may be requested by an index case before attempting pregnancy. Genetic counseling is guided by molecular investigation of the family, ideally
by CYP21 genotyping of the aected individuals and an evaluation of the
parents to exclude a new mutation in the child. Biochemical testing of the
partner of an aected individual can identify a potential heterozygote, in
which case genotyping should be performed [96].
Couples at risk for an aected infant may choose to undergo prenatal
treatment with dexamethasone coupled with prenatal diagnosis. The goal
of the treatment is to inhibit fetal ACTH and so prevent hyperandrogenism
and virilization of an aected female fetus. Thus, dexamethasone, at a divided daily dose of 20 mg/kg of prepregnancy weight, is started when pregnancy is diagnosed. Dexamethasone is the agent of choice because it is not a
ready substrate for 11-b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2. Chorionic villous sampling is performed at 9 to 11 weeks for the evaluation of the fetus
sex and CYP21 gene. Dexamethasone is discontinued if the fetus is male or
an unaected female. As a result of this strategy, treatment would continue
in only one of eight pregnancies. The initiation of therapy before 9 weeks
has resulted in normal genitalia in 11 of 25 aected females and only mild
virilization in another 11, but later treatment or the use of a lower dose of
dexamethasone has resulted in virilization in 23 of 24 aected infants [97].
There are relatively few data on the long-term risks of prenatal dexamethasone treatment for aected or unaected fetuses. One recent study showed
that 174 children (including 48 who had CAH) who received dexamethasone
did not dier in cognitive or motor development from 313 unexposed
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* Corresponding authors. Basic Medical Sciences, Health Sciences Centre, 300 Prince
Philip Drive, St. Johns, NL, A1B 3V6 Canada (C.S. Kovacs); Calcium Metabolism and
Osteoporosis Program, American University of BeirutMedical Center, P.O. Box 11-0236,
Riad E1 Solh 4407 2020, Beirut, Lebanon (G.E.-H. Fuleihan).
E-mail addresses: ckovacs@mun.ca (C.S. Kovacs); gf01@aub.edu.lb (G.E.-H. Fuleihan).
0889-8529/06/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. Calcium homeostasis in human pregnancy and lactation compared with normal. The
thickness of arrows indicates a relative increase or decrease with respect to the normal and nonpregnant state. (Adapted from Kovacs CS, Kronenberg HM. Maternal-fetal calcium and bone
metabolism during pregnancy, puerperium and lactation. Endocr Rev 1997;18:83272. 1997
The Endocrine Society; with permission.)
human data are unavailable. The reader also is referred to several other
comprehensive reviews on the subject [13].
Fig. 2. Longitudinal changes in calcium, phosphorus, and calcitropic hormone levels that occur
during pregnancy and lactation. Normal adult ranges are indicated by the shaded areas. The
progression in PTHrP levels is depicted by a dashed line to reect that the data are less complete; the implied comparisons of PTHrP levels in late pregnancy and lactation are uncertain
extrapolations because no reports followed patients serially. In both situations, PTHrP levels
are elevated. (Adapted from Kovacs CS, Kronenberg HM. Maternal-fetal calcium and bone metabolism during pregnancy, puerperium and lactation. Endocr Rev 1997;18:83272. 1997 The
Endocrine Society; with permission.)
not be mistaken for evidence of physiologic hyperparathyroidism of pregnancy, an erroneous concept that has persisted in some modern texts [4,5].
The decline in total serum calcium is an unimportant artifact of a nonphysiologic measurement; the ionized calcium is the relevant measurement and always should be assayed if there is any doubt about the true value of the
serum calcium during pregnancy (or at any time). Serum phosphorus levels
also are normal during pregnancy.
As observed by longitudinal measurements during pregnancy with modern two-site intact immunoradiometric assays (IRMA), serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) decreases to the low-normal range (ie, 1030% of the
mean nonpregnant value) during the rst trimester, then increases steadily
to the mid-normal range by term [610]. As judged by the intact serum
PTH level, the parathyroids are modestly suppressed beginning early in the
rst trimester and return to apparently normal function by the end of pregnancy. First-generation PTH assays in the 1970s and 1980s were insensitive
and measured multiple, biologically inactive fragments of PTH; a few studies
with these assays had detected higher levels of PTH during pregnancy in humans. Those early studies of PTH in pregnancy, combined with the observation that total serum calcium decreases during pregnancy, reinforced the
erroneous concept that secondary hyperparathyroidism occurs during pregnancy. Modern intact assays have made it clear that in well-nourished
women, ionized calcium is normal throughout pregnancy, and that PTH is
suppressed during early pregnancy. Bio-intact PTH assays have been developed that detect true full-length PTH [11]; the levels are likely similar to
levels obtained with the more widely used intact PTH assays, but no study
has examined this. In contrast to the normal suppression of PTH during
pregnancy, there is evidence that PTH may increase above normal in late
pregnancy in women from Malay, who have very low intakes of calcium [12].
Total 1,25(OH)2D3 levels double early in pregnancy and maintain this
increase until term; free 1,25(OH)2D3 levels are increased from the third trimester and possibly earlier. The increase in 1,25(OH)2D3 may be largely independent of changes in PTH because PTH levels typically are decreasing at
the time of the increase in 1,25(OH)2D3. The maternal kidneys likely account
for most, if not all, of the increase in 1,25(OH)2D3 during pregnancy, although the decidua, placenta, and fetal kidneys may contribute a small
amount. The relative contribution of the maternal kidneys is based on several
lines of evidence [1], including the report of an anephric woman on hemodialysis who had low 1,25(OH)2D3 levels before and during a pregnancy [13].
The renal 1a-hydroxylase may be upregulated in response to factors such
as PTH-related protein (PTHrP), estradiol, prolactin, and placental lactogen
(evidence from animal studies is reviewed by Kovacs and Kronenberg [1]).
Serum calcitonin levels also increase during pregnancy, with the C cells of
the thyroid, breast, and placenta possibly contributing to the circulating level
of calcitonin. It has been postulated that calcitonin protects the maternal skeleton from excessive resorption of calcium, but this hypothesis is unproved.
transfer occurring at this stage of pregnancy compared with the peak rate
of calcium transfer in the third trimester. One might have anticipated that
markers of bone turnover would increase particularly in the third trimester;
however, no further increase was seen at that time.
Changes in skeletal calcium content have been assessed in humans through
the use of sequential bone density studies during pregnancy. Because of concerns about fetal radiation exposure, few such studies have been done. Such
studies are confounded by changes in body composition and weight during
normal pregnancy, which can lead to artifactual changes in bone density. Using single-photon or dual-photon absorptiometry (SPA/DPA), several prospective studies did not nd a signicant change in cortical or trabecular
bone density during pregnancy [1]. Several more recent studies have used
DXA before conception (range 18 months prior, but not always stated)
and after delivery (range 16 weeks postpartum) [2127]. Most studies involved 16 or fewer subjects. One study found no change in lumbar spine
bone density measurements obtained preconception and within 1 to 2 weeks
postdelivery [23], whereas the other studies reported decreases of 4% to 5% in
lumbar spine bone density with the postpartum measurement taken 1 to 6
weeks postdelivery. The puerperium is associated with bone density losses
of 1% to 3% per month in women who lactate (see lactation section), and
it is important that the postpartum measurement be done as soon as possible
after delivery. Other longitudinal studies have found a progressive decrease
during pregnancy in indices thought to correlate with bone mineral density,
as determined by ultrasound measurements at a peripheral site, the os calcis
[28]. Although the longitudinal studies with SPA/DPA suggested no change
in trabecular or cortical bone density during pregnancy, the subsequent evidence from preconception and postdelivery DXA measurements and peripheral ultrasound measurements suggests that there may be a small net loss of
maternal bone mineral content during normal human pregnancy. None of all
the aforementioned studies could address the question as to whether skeletal
calcium content increases early in pregnancy in advance of the third trimester,
as has been observed in normal mice. Further studies, with larger numbers of
patients, are needed to clarify the extent of bone loss during pregnancy.
It seems certain that any acute changes in bone metabolism during pregnancy do not normally cause long-term changes in skeletal calcium content
or strength. Numerous studies of osteoporotic or osteopenic women have
failed to nd a signicant association of parity with bone density or fracture
risk [1,29]; however, a few studies of women with extremely low calcium or
vitamin D intake found that pregnancy may compromise skeletal strength
and density (see later). Although most clinical studies could not separate
out the eects of parity from the eects of lactation, it may be reasonable
to conclude that if parity has any eect on bone density or fracture risk,
it normally must be only a modest eect. A more recent study of twins indicated that there may be a small protective eect of parity and lactation on
maintaining bone mineral content [30].
Fig. 3. The calcium receptor (represented schematically) is expressed in mammary tissue during
lactation (but not pregnancy), wherein it has several key functions as elucidated from studies in
mice [33]. The calcium receptor monitors the systemic concentration of calcium to control
PTHrP synthesis and the supply of calcium to the breast. An increase in systemic calcium or
the administration of a calcimimetic inhibited PTHrP, whereas a decrease in systemic calcium
stimulated PTHrP. The calcium receptor also directly regulates the calcium and uid composition of milk. The administration of calcium or a calcimimetic stimulated the transport of calcium into the breast, and the administration of a calcimimetic enhanced the entry of water
into the milk, making it less viscous. (From Kovacs CS. Calcium and bone metabolism during
pregnancy and lactation. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia 2005;10(2):10518. 2005 Springer
Science and Business Media BV; with permission.)
tissue and stimulates resorption of calcium from the maternal skeleton, renal
tubular reabsorption of calcium, and (indirectly) suppression of PTH
(Fig. 4). In a sense, the breast becomes an accessory parathyroid gland during lactation, but the hyperparathyroidism of lactation is increased secretion of PTHrP, not PTH. The strongest evidence in support of this model
comes from the study of mice in which the PTHrP gene was ablated at
the onset of lactation, but only within mammary tissue [32]. The lactational
decrease in bone mineral content was signicantly blunted in the absence of
mammary gland production of PTHrP. Other evidence for the central role
of PTHrP in lactation comes from humans, in that PTHrP levels correlate
negatively with PTH levels and positively with the ionized calcium levels
of lactating women [31,34], and that higher PTHrP levels correlate with
greater losses of bone mineral density during lactation in humans [35]. Observations in aparathyroid women provide evidence of the impact of PTHrP
in calcium homeostasis during lactation (see later).
Calcitonin levels are elevated in the rst 6 weeks of lactation. Studies in
mice lacking the gene that encodes calcitonin indicate that calcitonin may
modulate the rate of skeletal resorption during lactation. Calcitonin-null
mice lost more than 50% of skeletal mineral content during 3 weeks of
Fig. 4. The breast is a central regulator of skeletal demineralization during lactation. Suckling
induces release of prolactin. Suckling and prolactin inhibit the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) pulse center, which suppresses the gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone [LH], follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH]), leading to low levels of the ovarian sex
steroids (estradiol and progesterone). PTHrP production and release from the breast is controlled by several factors, including suckling, prolactin, and the calcium receptor. PTHrP enters
the bloodstream and combines with systemically low estradiol levels to upregulate bone resorption markedly. Increased bone resorption releases calcium and phosphate into the bloodstream,
which reach the breast ducts and are actively pumped into the breast milk. PTHrP also passes
into the milk at high concentrations, but whether PTHrP plays a role in regulating calcium
physiology of the neonate is unknown. Calcitonin (CT) may inhibit skeletal responsiveness to
PTHrP and low estradiol. (From Kovacs CS. Calcium and bone metabolism during pregnancy
and lactation. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia 2005;10(2):10518. 2005 Springer Science and
Business Media BV; with permission.)
and bone metabolism that occur in reproductive-age women who have estrogen deciency induced by gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy for endometriosis and other conditions. Six months of acute estrogen
deciency induced by gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy
leads to 1% to 4% losses in trabecular (but not cortical) bone density, increased urinary calcium excretion, and suppression of 1,25(OH)2D3 and
PTH levels [1]. During lactation, women are not as estrogen decient, but
they lose more bone mineral density (at trabecular and cortical sites),
have normal (as opposed to low) 1,25(OH)2D3 levels, and have reduced
(as opposed to increased) urinary calcium excretion. The dierence between
isolated estrogen deciency and lactation may be due to the eects of other
factors (eg, PTHrP) that add to the eects of estrogen withdrawal in lactation (Fig. 5). The relative inuences of estrogen deciency and PTHrP have
been partially discerned in normal mice, in which it has been shown that
treatment with pharmacologic doses of estrogen blunted, but did not abolish, the normal demineralization that occurs during lactation [43].
The bone density losses of lactation are substantially reversed during weaning at a rate of 0.5% to 2% per month [1,29,40]. The mechanism for this restoration of bone density is uncertain and largely unexplored, but preliminary
evidence from animal models suggests that PTH, calcitriol, calcitonin, and estrogen may not be required to achieve that restoration. In the long-term, the
consequences of lactation-induced depletion of bone mineral seem clinically
unimportant in most women. Most epidemiologic studies of premenopausal
Fig. 5. Acute estrogen deciency (eg, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue therapy) increases skeletal resorption and raises the blood calcium; PTH is suppressed, and renal calcium
losses are increased. During lactation, the combined eects of PTHrP (secreted by the breast)
and estrogen deciency increase skeletal resorption, reduce renal calcium losses, and raise the
blood calcium, but calcium is directed into the breast milk. (From Kovacs CS, Kronenberg
HM. Maternal-fetal calcium and bone metabolism during pregnancy, puerperium and lactation.
Endocr Rev 1997;18:83272. 1997 The Endocrine Society; with permission.)
receptor, and at the same time it treats premature labor associated with hypercalcemia [68,69]. Experience with any of the aforementioned pharmacologic therapies is limited to individual case reports [49]; consequently, no
medical therapy can be claimed to be better than any other. Medical therapy
should be coupled with maternal surveillance and the monitoring of serum
calcium and electrolytes and the initiation of antenatal testing with serial fetal
ultrasound starting at 28 weeks of gestation. Parathyroidectomy is recommended postpartum in cases that were followed medically during pregnancy.
Lactation is not contraindicated in women with untreated hyperparathyroidism, but worsening of hypercalcemia and accelerated skeletal losses may be
anticipated because of the combined eects of PTHrP and hyperparathyroidism to stimulate bone resorption.
Neonatal hypoparathyroidism secondary to maternal hyperparathyroidism is usually transient (see earlier) and is treated with calcium supplementation and calcitriol. These neonates also should be fed milk formulas high
in calcium and low in phosphate to minimize the risk of hypocalcemia. The
prevalence and severity of complications from hyperparathyroidism in
mothers and neonates have and will continue to decrease over time, owing
to increased surveillance, earlier intervention, and improved surgical and anesthetic technology [52,60,61].
Familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
Familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FBHH) is an autosomal
dominant disorder that is caused by inactivating mutations in the calciumsensing receptor that cause hypercalcemia and hypocalciuria [70,71]. In
contrast to patients with hyperparathyroidism, patients with FBHH do
not experience bone demineralization or nephrolithiasis. FBHH has been
reported in pregnancy with no clinical sequelae in the mother [72]. As anticipated, maternal hypercalcemia has caused suppression of PTH synthesis in the fetus, however, and subsequent hypocalcemia and tetany in the
neonate [72,73]. The treatment of neonates is similar to that of children
born to mothers with hyperparathyroidism (see earlier).
The calcium-sensing receptor is expressed in the epithelial ducts of breast
tissue and has been shown to modulate the production of PTHrP and the
transport of calcium into milk in a mouse model [33]. Activating mutations
of this receptor in women with FBHH theoretically could enhance the degree of skeletal demineralization during lactation and the calcium content
of milk, but this has not been studied.
Patients usually are known to have hypoparathyroidism or aparathyroidism before pregnancy, and the therapeutic dilemma revolves around adjustment of the treatment, which may vary widely. In 1966, OLeary et al [74]
reported two cases of hypoparathyroidism treated with high doses of
calcium and vitamin D wherein the mothers gave birth to healthy infants
after uncomplicated pregnancies. Despite physiologic increments in endogenous calcitriol levels during pregnancy, several studies since have documented increased requirements for exogenous calcium and calcitriol therapy
as pregnancy progressed in patients with hypoparathyroidism [7578]. Conversely, in numerous other case reports, women with hypoparathyroidism
have been reported to require less calcium and vitamin D supplementation
during pregnancy [1]. Potential explanations for requiring less supplementation during pregnancy include pregnancy-induced increments in calcitriol
from placental sources, the potential eect of PTHrP in the maternal circulation to stimulate the renal 1a-hydroxylase, and other pregnancy-related
factors (eg, prolactin or placental lactogen) that may stimulate the renal
1a-hydroxylase or enhance intestinal calcium absorption independently of
calcitriol. The last-mentioned has been reported exclusively in animal models [1]. In some case reports, it seems that the normal, artifactual decrease in
total serum calcium during pregnancy was the parameter that led to treatment with increased calcium and calcitriol supplementation. Although few
cases report measurements of ionized calcium, several do mention that the
increments in vitamin D were due to maternal symptoms of hypocalcemia
or tetany.
Consequently, there is no established therapeutic regimen for the treatment of hypoparathyroidism during pregnancy, but numerous principles exist that help to guide treatment decisions. Calcitriol levels normally increase
during pregnancy and contribute (at least in part) to the enhanced intestinal
calcium absorption of pregnancy; most women should receive an increase in
the dosage of calcitriol at least initially. The total serum calcium is less informative, and the ionized calcium should be monitored in these patients.
Undertreatment results in maternal hypocalcemia; increases the risk of premature labor and of neonatal secondary hyperparathyroidism; and may lead
to neonatal skeletal demineralization, subperiosteal bone resorption, and osteitis brosa cystica [79]. Conversely, overtreatment may lead to maternal
hypercalcemia and neonatal hypoparathyroidism and raises the potential
concerns of teratogenicity that has been shown using older vitamin D preparations [80,81]. The active forms of vitamin D, such as calcitriol and 1a-calcidiol, have the advantages of a shorter half-life and lower risk of toxicity. A
study reported the outcome of pregnancy in 10 women treated with calcitriol
at doses of 0.25 mg/d to 3.25 mg/d [75]. In 8 of 10 pregnancies, healthy infants
were delivered. In two cases, serious adverse events occurred, including premature closure of the frontal fontanelle and stillbirth, but the causative role
of calcitriol could not be established [75]. Details regarding nine additional
cases of hypoparathyroidism and vitamin Dresistant rickets were provided
in the same publication and conrmed the lack of toxicity or teratogenicity
from vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy [75].
In contrast to the conicting literature on the eects of pregnancy on
hypoparathyroidism, calcium and vitamin D or calcitriol requirements in
Neonatal complications
Administration of intravenous magnesium to mothers before delivery increased neonatal serum magnesium and decreased PTH levels, whereas the
eect on neonatal total and ionized calcium levels varied [97,99]. Studies
evaluating the impact of neonatal hypermagnesemia on neonatal outcomes
have yielded conicting results [97,104106]. Respiratory depression and hypotonia were reported in 16 cases of neonatal hypermagnesemia [106]. A follow-up study of 35 infants born to toxemic mothers treated with magnesium
sulfate for 2 to 4 days suggested that neonates whose mothers had received
prolonged administration may be more likely to manifest respiratory depression [105]. Cord blood and neonatal serum magnesium levels were of little
diagnostic value to the clinical picture except in cases of severe hypermagnesemia [105,107], conrming the general observation that circulating serum
magnesium levels do not reect intracellular and total body magnesium
stores. Conversely, a study of 118 infants born to mothers who had received
intramuscular magnesium in doses of 10 to 95 g concluded that the neonatal
death rate was lower than that of the total newborn population [104]. Respiratory depression, hypotonia, and need for intubation were not evaluated in
that report, however [104]. Neonatal bone abnormalities have been reported
with long-term use of magnesium sulfate. The rst report by Lamm et al
[108] described a congenital form of rickets manifested by defective ossication of bone and enamel in the teeth of the ospring of mothers who had
received magnesium sulfate during pregnancy. Several cases of abnormal
mineralization of metaphyses since have been reported in neonates born
to mothers who received prolonged intravenous magnesium and had high
serum magnesium levels [109111]. The proposed mechanism for defective
mineralization of bones involves the inhibition of calcication of osteoid
in which calcium-binding sites are occupied by magnesium [109,110].
Some of these conicting ndings regarding neonatal morbidity from maternal administration of magnesium sulfate may be explained by the route
and duration of magnesium sulfate administration, by the variability in
the ranges of cord magnesium levels reached, and by the gestational age
of the neonates. Postdelivery, there was a delay in normalization of the serum magnesium level for a few days resulting from the limitation of magnesium excretion by the newborns immature kidneys [97].
Management issues
There are no guidelines for the monitoring of pregnant women receiving
magnesium sulfate. Neonates born to mothers receiving long-term magnesium sulfate and experiencing severe hypermagnesemia (O 7 mg/dL) are
more likely to have hypotonia, respiratory depression, and bone abnormalities [97,105,107,111]. Subjects receiving such therapy for periods exceeding
1 or 2 days should be monitored carefully, with the measurement of maternal serum calcium and magnesium levels, coupled with monitoring the
fetal movement. Symptomatic neonates can be managed by maintaining
ventilation for 24 to 48 hours and providing intravenous uids for electrolyte balance for a few days, after which marked clinical improvement is usually noted [105]. Intravenous calcium to antagonize the central nervous
system depression and peripheral neuromuscular blockade has been used,
with careful monitoring of the heart rate [105].
Low calcium intake
There are limited data that low calcium intake in the mother may adversely
aect fetal mineral accretion and maternal bone mineral metabolism [112].
In women with low dietary calcium intake, there are diering results as to
whether or not calcium supplementation during pregnancy improved maternal or neonatal bone density [3]. There is short-term evidence that maternal
turnover was reduced when 1.2 g of calcium was given for 20 days to 31 Mexican women with a mean calcium intake of 1 g during weeks 25 to 30 of gestation [113]. In a double-blind study conducted in 256 pregnant women, 2 g of
calcium supplementation improved bone mineral content in infants of supplemented mothers who were in the lowest quintile of calcium intake [114].
During lactation, there is no rm evidence that low calcium intake leads
to impaired breast milk quality or accentuates maternal bone loss [115].
Even in women with very low calcium intakes, the same amount of mineral
was lost during lactation from the skeleton compared with women who had
supplemented calcium intakes, and the breast milk calcium content was
unaected by calcium intake or vitamin D status [116118]. Conversely,
because high calcium intakes do not aect the degree of skeletal demineralization that occurs during lactation [3841], it is unlikely that increasing calcium supplementation above normal would aect skeletal demineralization.
In general, the physiologic changes in calcium and bone metabolism that
usually occur during pregnancy and lactation are likely to be sucient for
fetal bone growth and breast milk production in women with reasonably
sucient calcium intake [115]. The inclusion of calcium supplementation
for pregnant women with low calcium intake could be defended, however,
and is strengthened further by the possible link between low calcium intake,
preeclampsia, and increased blood pressure in the ospring [112]. Increased
calcium intake also is recommended in adolescent mothers to meet the need
of reproduction and maternal bone growth [115]. There is evidence that the
skeleton of an undernourished adolescent recovers fully from lactational
losses, but there is some concern that peak bone mass might not be attained
subsequently [119].
Vitamin D deciency
In humans and in animal models, vitamin D deciency or the absence
of the vitamin D receptor can lead to adverse neonatal outcomes, including neonatal rickets, craniotabes, decreased wrist ossication centers, and
impaired tooth enamel formation [120]. These features generally are not
present at birth, but appear postnatally as intestinal calcium absorption becomes vitamin D dependent. Although vitamin D supplementation of pregnant mothers at risk for vitamin D deciency improved neonatal serum
calcium concentrations and resulted in a trend for greater height and length
in the ospring [112], a Cochrane review of 232 women in two trials reported conicting results [121]. Although there is no evidence to indicate
a benecial eect of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy above
the amounts needed to prevent vitamin D deciency, optimal levels for vitamin D supplementation are unclear [122]. An arbitrary daily recommended
intake has been set at 400 IU/d, but likely needs revision upward [123]. Recommendations for vitamin D supplementation either for women of childbearing age or for lactating women were not mentioned in the new US
dietary guidelines issued in 2005 [124].
Scientic data pertaining to vitamin D supplementation during lactation
are even scarcer than data on vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy.
An arbitrary daily recommended intake has been set at 400 IU/d, but
may be insucient [123]. Whether vitamin D deciency impairs the ability
to restore maternal skeleton postweaning is unclear [1]. Lactating mothers
supplemented with 1000 IU to 2000 IU of vitamin D for 15 weeks experienced increments in circulating maternal 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels of
16 ng/mL to 23 ng/mL [122]. It has been suggested that vitamin D supplementation of lactating mothers would improve vitamin D nutrition in the
mother and the breastfeeding infant; this has not been shown yet, but is currently under investigation [122]. Breastfed infants of vitamin Ddecient
mothers should receive vitamin D supplementation to avoid nutritional rickets [125]. There is low penetrance of vitamin D into breast milk, and it is
more ecient to give the vitamin D supplement directly to the infant, although supplementing the mother with high doses has been shown to
work [126].
Hypercalcemia of malignancy
Hypercalcemia of malignancy, an extremely rare occurrence, has been reported in two casesdone in metastatic breast cancer and the other in renal
cell carcinoma [127,128]. In both reports, the disease was rapidly progressive
and resulted in premature delivery at 29 and 32 weeks of gestation and maternal demise within 4 months postpartum. On the rst day postdelivery,
both infants were hypercalcemic, and one subsequently developed hypocalcemia from transient hypoparathyroidism. Intravenous pamidronate was
used shortly before delivery in one case with normalization of maternal serum calcium within 5 days of pamidronate administration [128]. Treatment
in such cases includes adequate aggressive hydration with close monitoring,
furosemide, and possibly calcitonin. Because bisphosphonates cross the placenta, their use should be reserved for life-threatening situations.
Studies of pregnant women indicate that the fetal calcium demand is met
largely by intestinal calcium absorption, which from early pregnancy onward more than doubles. The studies of biochemical markers of bone turnover, DXA, and ultrasound are inconclusive, but suggest that the maternal
skeleton also contributes calcium to the developing fetus. In contrast, during
lactation, skeletal calcium resorption is the dominant mechanism by which
calcium is supplied to the breast milk; renal calcium conservation is also apparent. Lactation produces an obligatory skeletal calcium loss regardless of
maternal calcium intake, but the calcium is completely restored to the skeleton after weaning through mechanisms that are not understood. The adaptations during pregnancy and lactation lead to novel presentations and
management issues for known disorders of calcium and bone metabolism,
such as primary hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, and vitamin
D deciency. Finally, although some women experience fragility fractures
as a consequence of pregnancy or lactation, in most women the changes
in calcium and bone metabolism during pregnancy and lactation are normal
and without adverse consequences in the long-term.
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muscles, white adipose tissue, and liver and suppression of hepatic glucose
production. The risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes and GDM
are comparable (eg, obesity, ethnicity, family history). b-Cell adaptation
to insulin resistance is impaired in women with GDM and may be a universal
response to insulin resistance because it is found in many ethnic groups.
Women with a history of GDM are at an increased risk for subsequent development of type 2 diabetes (50%80%). Type 2 diabetes and GDM arguably may be the same disease with dierent names [46].
with diabetes do not target the actual normal levels in pregnancies of nondiabetic women (Table 1) [1,23,24].
Optimizing clinical outcome for various diabetic complications in pregnancy occurs at dierent levels of blood glucose. A decreased rate of congenital anomalies was observed when the postprandial threshold was less
than 140 mg/dL or the preprandial threshold was less than 120 mg/dL
[2528]. In contrast, a mean blood glucose of less than 100 mg/dL to 110
mg/dL was associated with fewer large-for-gestational-age (LGA) or macrosomic newborns [10,18,2931]. This association suggests that there are clinical thresholds for optimizing pregnancy rather than an absolute number for
normoglycemia that in many cases is unobtainable. Because macrosomia
and fetal hyperinsulinemia are the central complications in GDM, the targeted threshold needs to be mean blood glucose of 90 mg/dL to 100 mg/dL
and postprandial blood glucose of 110 mg/dL to 120 mg/dL.
DCCT [17]b ACOG [23] ADA [24] 4th Intl [1] Parretti [21] Yogev [22]
! 105
! 95
5560 G 5
75 G 12
78 G 11
! 180
O 65
! 130140
! 120
! 155
! 130
! 140
! 120
98105 G 5
8595 G 6
6065 G 5
97.0 G 11
105 G 13
68.3 G 10
74.7 G 5.2
84.0 G 18
size, they chose to conclude that . The study suggests that intensive treatment of GDM may have little eect on birth weight, birth trauma, operative
delivery, or neonatal metabolic disorders [36].
Treatment modalities in gestational diabetes
The introduction of new pharmacologic alternatives for treatment (insulin analogues and oral antidiabetic agents) and their use in pregnancy make
it worthwhile to consider proven and potential benets during gestation.
Although treatment modalities for achieving targeted levels of glycemic
control in type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and GDM dier, diet, exercise,
insulin, and oral antidiabetic drugs are the chief means of reducing blood
glucose concentrations. In pregnant women with type 2 diabetes, oral antidiabetic drugs have not been tested adequately in terms of whether targeted
glycemic levels can be achieved.
Diet and exercise: modalities that enhance glucose control
Diet is the mainstay of treatment in GDM whether or not pharmacologic
therapy is introduced. Dietary control with a reduction in fat intake and the
substitution of complex carbohydrates for rened carbohydrates seeks to
achieve and maintain the maternal blood glucose prole essential during gestation. Two current approaches are recommended: decreasing the proportion
of carbohydrates to 35% to 40% in a daily regimen of three meals and three
to four snacks [1,23,24,37] or lowering the glycemic index so that carbohydrates account for approximately 60% of daily intake. The assignment of
daily caloric intake is similar for women with either GDM or pregestational
diabetes and is calculated based on prepregnancy body mass index (BMI)
[1,23,24]. In general, for normal-weight women (BMI 2025), 30 kcal/kg
should be prescribed; for overweight and obese women (BMI O 2534),
calories should be restricted to 25 kcal/kg; and for morbidly obese women
(BMI O 34), calories should be restricted to 20 kcal/kg or less. Caloric restrictions of 30% in obese patients are associated with the same rate of macrosomia as in the general population. When caloric restrictions are applied,
free fatty acids and ketone bodies may increase (starvation ketosis), requiring
daily assessment of the ketones in the morning urine; if positive, blood assessment needs to be done [38]. A moderate exercise program for pregnant diabetic women who are willing and able may improve postprandial blood
glucose levels and insulin sensitivity [24,39]. Some women are less able to exercise owing to issues of socioeconomic limitations, obesity, and multiparity.
Insulin therapy
Types of insulin to manage diabetes in pregnancy
Insulin production has progressed from animal species to human insulin
preparations produced with recombinant DNA technology to the current
Table 2
Studies reporting the use of insulin analogs in pregnancy
Type of
1 and 2
1 and 2
1 and 2, GDM
Neonatal outcome
L: 1/20
H: 9/57
L: 2/25
H: 2/35
Lispro: 17%
Human: 23%
Hypoglycemia: 41%
Macrosomia O 4000 g
P (6 cases)
Lispro: 44%
Human: 30%
Abbreviations: CR, case report; DPR, diabetes proliferative retinopathy; H, human; L, lispro; NP, no progression; P, progression; Prosp, prospective;
RCT, randomized control trial; Retro, retrospective; d, no data.
Insulin aspart.
Insulin glargine.
(rst author, year [Ref.])
labor; insulin lispro was not detected in the umbilical cord blood of the
infants [45].
Using an in vitro model in which human placentas were perfused, Challier and coworkers [63] reported evidence of human insulin in the fetal perfusate after infusion into the maternal compartment of the placenta.
Boskovic and coworkers [64] evaluated 11 term human placentas obtained
from uncomplicated pregnancies immediately after delivery. No placental
transfer was detected during perfusion with insulin lispro (100 mU/mL and
200 mU/mL). In contrast, there was a concentration-dependent transfer to
the fetal perfusate at insulin lispro levels of 580 mU/mL and higher. Finally,
the investigators compared actual maternal serum level and administered
doses of insulin lispro. Mothers treated with 50 U of insulin lispro achieved
serum concentrations greater than 200 mU/mL with an apparent linear correlation between dose and levels [64]. The investigators did not evaluate placentas of diabetic mothers, however. Placentas generally are aected by the
disease, which may inuence the perfusion characteristics. One can speculate
that even in the presence of lower insulin doses, placental transfer may occur. Although it is unlikely that insulin lispro in therapeutic doses would
cross the placenta, the high dose of insulin required in pregnancy, especially
in GDM and type 2 diabetes, to achieve established levels of glycemic control needs to be weighed against the potential for placental transfer and adverse outcome for the fetus.
Before using insulin analogues to treat pregnant women, several issues
need to be addressed: Can pregnant women achieve targeted levels of glycemic control with the use of insulin lispro? The response is yes; the quality of
glycemic control parallels the accepted criteria recommended during pregnancy. Is the quality of glycemic control during pregnancy with the use of
insulin lispro comparable to that with the use of regular insulin? Is the incidence of hypoglycemic incidents similar? Six published studies compared the
use of insulin lispro and regular insulin in pregnancy. Most of the studies
found no signicant dierence with respect to glycemic control and the incidence of hypoglycemia. Two of the studies were performed on women with
GDM with a total of 60 women treated with insulin lispro. In the study by
Persson and coworkers [50], there was a lower postprandial glucose concentration after breakfast and a slightly higher rate of hypoglycemia (! 55 mg/dL)
in the insulin lispro group. If there is no advantage in using insulin lispro
compared with regular insulin, is insulin lispro as safe in pregnancy as regular insulin? Insulin lispro may be more user-friendly with negligible dierences in glycemic control and hypoglycemia. These assets cannot currently
justify extensive use of the drug, however, before establishing its safety in
well-controlled clinical trials.
Which patients should receive pharmacologic therapy?
When diet fails to achieve targeted levels of glycemic control, insulin and
antidiabetic agents are validated treatment options. Available guidelines
dier regarding the threshold of fasting plasma glucose at which pharmacologic therapy (glyburide or insulin) should be initiated [23,24,65]. Some authors recommend a threshold of fasting plasma glucose 95 mg/dL or greater
[1,65] whereas others recommend a threshold of 105 mg/dL or greater
[23,24]. Using a fasting plasma glucose threshold of 95 mg/dL or greater decreases the rate of macrosomia and LGA infants [66,67].
Most authorities agree on initiation of drug therapy with elevated postprandial values (R 120 mg/dL for 2 hours or R 140 mg/dL for 1 hour).
Using these standards, approximately 30% to 50% of women with GDM
require pharmacologic therapy when diet therapy alone fails to reduce glycemic levels. When patients who qualied for diet therapy were evaluated,
only patients who achieved established levels of glycemic control improved
insulin secretion and sensitivity. Patients who failed to achieve glycemic
control, although exhibiting slightly improved insulin sensitivity, did not
achieve the same level of insulin response and sensitivity as nondiabetic
women [68]. Studies using continuous blood glucose monitoring have shed
new light on the existing controversy whether to test blood glucose at 1 or
2 hours postprandial in pregnant women. The author found that the time
from start of meal to the postprandial peak is approximately 80 to 90 minutes depending on the type of diabetes and regardless of level of glycemia. In
nondiabetic pregnant women, the peak postprandial value was 110 mg/dL.
The association between this physiologic characteristic and pregnancy outcome needs to be evaluated before changing current clinical thresholds
Can the fetus provide a marker for pharmacologic initiation?
Three randomized controlled studies addressed the use of fetal abdominal
circumference to guide insulin therapy. This approach combined maternal
glucose and fetal growth parameters. The studies suggest that some women,
despite glucose levels above established targets (R 105 mg/dL) may not derive a fetal benet from intensied therapy [7072]. In a randomized study
with a large sample size, the author found similar results. In the authors
study, subjects who did not achieve targeted levels of glycemic control
had higher rates of macrosomia and LGA infants, however, regardless of
abdominal circumference [73]. The limitation of the use of abdominal circumference at 28 weeks gestation as a measure for insulin initiation is
that it is snapshot information, whereas fetal growth is longitudinal. Most
environmental eects (eg, glucose) occur during the third trimester, which
is also the time of most fetal growth. A fetus at 28 weeks gestation in the
40th percentile of growth can double its weight and reach the 85th percentile
under the inuence of elevated blood glucose. Using the fetus as an additional marker for the decision-making process in initiating pharmacologic
therapy is an attractive approach. It should not be used as a single predictor,
but in conjunction with GDM severity parameters and level of glycemic
control throughout pregnancy.
85 1 (unit) 85. The total insulin dose is divided so that two thirds is administered in the morning, which is further split in a ratio of 2:1 (intermediate and rapid-acting), and one third is administered with supper and
bedtime in a ratio of 1:1 (rapid-acting and intermediate). The rapid-acting
dose is administered with supper, and the intermediate dose is taken before
bedtime. If after 3 to 7 days the GDM patient has not achieved the desired
level of glycemic control, the total insulin dose should increase by 10% to
20% and thereafter adjusted when needed. The actual total insulin dose in
GDM women is 40% higher than the calculated (starting) dose [76]. The decreased insulin sensitivity characterizes pregnancy and in particular GDM
patients. As a rule of thumb, before every insulin administration, self-monitoring blood glucose assessment needs to occur.
Oral antidiabetic agents as alternatives to insulin therapy
A variety of oral agents may be alternatives to insulin therapy for women
with GDM. Sulfonylureas are insulin secretagogues (eg, glyburide and
glipizide). The primary action of glyburide is to increase insulin secretion, decreasing hepatic glucose production with resultant reversal of hyperglycemia and indirect improvement of insulin sensitivity [78] Antidiabetic
drug groups include meglitinides (insulin secretagogues, such as the rapidacting repaglinide, which limit postprandial hyperglycemia), biguanides
(eg, metformin, which decreases insulin resistance), a-glucosidase inhibitors
(eg, acarbose, which reduces intestinal absorption of starch and glucose),
and thiazolidinediones (eg, rosiglitazone and pioglitazone). All have been
used successfully in the treatment of nonpregnant patients with type 2 diabetes.
Each may be used alone or in combination with other oral agents or insulin.
Most of these drugs have not been studied in pregnancy or only minimally so. The most data regarding safety in pregnancy for oral antidiabetic
drugs are with the use of glyburide. To date, 1261 women treated with glyburide have been reported in the literature. For insulin analogues and oral
antidiabetic drugs, none of the studies were blinded (Table 3). Many experts
and authoritative bodies have recommended using glyburide as an alternative to insulin [65,7983]. Others have not rmly advocated the use of oral
agents in pregnancy and recommend further evaluation [24,84,85]. The
use of oral agents is a pragmatic alternative to insulin therapy in pregnancy
because of ease of administration and patient satisfaction with a noninvasive
treatment. However valid these reasons, the introduction of a new drug is
unjustied if improvements in pregnancy outcome and cost-eectiveness
are not evaluated denitively.
Is there increased risk for fetal anomalies with the use of oral
antidiabetic drugs?
For a drug to be potentially eective and safe in pregnancy, it should not
cross the placenta or should not be detrimental to the fetus at concentrations
Table 3
Studies reporting use of oral antidiabetic agents in pregnancy
No. of patients
Type of
diabetes Glyburide insulin Metformin Other
of good control
2000 [78]
1997 [93]
Prosp, observ
No signicant
2004 [94]
2004 [95]
2004 [96]
Prosp, observ
Prosp, observ
Prosp, observ
Neonatal outcome
No dierence in
anomalies, and
No signicant
in metabolic
and PNM
section: 36%
No signicant
Macrosomia: 7%
(rst author, Study
year [Ref.]
Prosp, observ
2003 [98]
2003 [99]
Case series
Improved level
of glycemic
control in the
group: 82%
Improved level
of glycemic
2002 [100]
Repaglinide: 23
2004 [90]
Prosp, observ
2002 [91]
Prosp and
retro, observ
w/o metformin: 39
No signicant
No signicant
dierence in
between insulin
the rate
and glyburide
insulin- and
glyburidetreated groups
No dierence in
Less macrosomia
ponderal index
in the glyburide
group (5/40 vs
between the
No hypoglycemic LGA in the
events in the
glyburide and
glyburide group
in the insulin
group: 16%
and 29%
GDM developed
in 7.1% of
GDM developed
in 3% of
patients treated
with metformin
vs 27% w/o
2002 [97]
Table 3 (continued )
(rst author, Study
year [Ref.]
Type of
diabetes Glyburide insulin Metformin Other
of good control
and 2
and 2
Neonatal outcome
Drug deemed safe
in rst trimester
Reduced PNM
GDM: 81.4%
Type 2 diabetes:
Prosp, observ
2000 [104]
Sulfonylurea: 68
No signicant
dierence in
Higher rate of
(32% vs 10%)
and PNM
(11.6% vs
1.3%) in
1984 [101]
1986 [102]
Prosp, observ
1979 [103]
No. of patients
1971 [105]
and 2
2005 [107]
2005 [108]
2 52
Using oral
Diet treated: 27
Using insulin:
Mean blood
glucose similar
in all groups
Blood glucose
Blood glucose
No signicant
dierence in
and congenital
lower rate
of maternal
in glyburide
Perinatal outcome
Perinatal outcome
Abbreviations: NA, not available; Observ, observational; PNM, perinatal mortality; Prosp, prospective; RCT, randomized controltrial; Retro, retrospective; w/o, without.
2004 [106]
that are clinically indicated for the mother. Case reports and small retrospective studies in women receiving rst-generation sulfonylureas raised concern
about congenital anomalies [86,87]. Potential eects on the fetus, mainly hypoglycemia and growth stimulation [87], were reported. A report of increased
rates of congenital malformations involved 20 type 2 diabetes patients who
had hyperglycemia before conception (hemoglobin A1c O 8). It is impossible
to determine if the reported rate of anomalies was due to the use of the drug
or the preexisting hyperglycemia [86]. In contrast, several studies showed that
anomalies in the infants of women who received oral antidiabetic agents were
associated with altered maternal glucose metabolism and not the drug [88]. A
meta-analysis failed to show an increased risk for fetal anomalies with sulfonylureas [89]. Metformin seems to be unassociated with congenital malformations in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and reduces the
occurrence of GDM and spontaneous abortion (see Table 3) [9092].
Does glyburide cross the placenta?
The placenta of the diabetic mother is characterized by capillary dilation,
relatively immature villous structure, and chronic disturbances in intervillous circulation. The author examined the placentas of nondiabetic and diabetic mothers in vitro and showed that glyburide (glibenclamide) does not
cross the human placenta from the maternal to fetal circulation in signicant
amounts. There was virtually no drug transport even when concentrations
three to four times higher than peak therapeutic levels were employed
[109111]. The author also showed that rst-generation sulfonylureas diffused across the placenta most freely [109111]. There is evidence that the
qualitative aspects of transfer are comparable between placentas obtained
during the rst and third trimesters [64,112]. In mothers treated with therapeutic plasma concentrations of glyburide, the drug was undetectable in the
cord blood of their neonates [78]. No data exist on the long-term eects on
the infant when oral antidiabetic drugs and insulin analogues are used in the
mother. Glyburide exhibits less transfer across the placenta compared with
other agents, underscoring its potential therapeutic usefulness.
Because glyburide does not cross the placenta, it cannot aect neonatal
hypoglycemia or fetal anomalies. In addition, most GDM patients are identied between 24 and 28 weeks gestation. The fetus is not exposed to the
drug during organogenesis. In rare cases of early diagnosis in the rst trimester (perhaps type 2) and recognized type 2 diabetes, current data suggest
that the use of glyburide or metformin would not increase the rate of anomalies inuenced by the level of glycemic control. Although a randomized
study would be the ideal model to address this issue, it is highly unlikely
that it would be performed for ethical considerations (see Table 3).
Glyburide pharmacology and administration
The pharmacologic mechanism of action of glyburide is to increase insulin secretion, and its secondary eect is to decrease insulin resistance by
Table 4
Comparison of selected pregnancy outcomes in conventional versus intensied insulin therapy,
glyburide versus insulin, and nondiabetic subjects
comparison [18]a
LGA (%)b
Macrosomia (%)
Ponderal index O 2.85
Overall Caesarean section (%)
Induction of labor (%)
PET (%)
CHTN (%)
5-Min Apgar score ! 7 (%)
Neonatal ICU admission (%)
Hypoglycemia (%) ! 40 mg/dL
Polycythemia (%) O 60%
Hyperbilirubinemia (%)
O 11 mg/dL
Hypocalcemia (%) ! 8 mg/dL
Respiratory complications (%)
Shoulder dystocia
Perinatal mortality
Neonatal death
Comparison [78]
Conventional Intensied Glyburide Insulin [8,18]
5/1000 4/1000
5/1000 4.7/1000
Abbreviations: CHTN, chronic hypertension; ICU, intensive care unit; NA, not available;
PET, preeclampsia.
Conventional therapy: fasting plasma glucose and 2-h postprandial once weekly, visualized
self-monitoring blood glucose 4 times daily; intensied therapy: memory-based self-monitoring
blood glucose 7 times daily.
LGA O 90th percentile; macrosomia R 4000 g.
severity when fasting plasma glucose results were between 95 mg/dL and 139
mg/dL. Of patients, 71% required a 10-mg daily dose of glyburide to
achieve glycemic control. In all disease severity levels, glyburide and insulin-treated subjects had similar success rates in achieving targeted glucose
levels and pregnancy outcomes [113]. Achieving the established level of glycemic control, not the mode of therapy, seems to be the key to improving
pregnancy outcome in GDM.
Is glyburide therapy less costly than insulin therapy?
The costs of alternative therapies should be addressed when dierent
medications exhibit similar eectiveness and safety. Goetzel and Wilkins
[114] compared the costs of insulin and glyburide and observed that glyburide is considerably less costly (average savings per patient of $166$200
based on rates in 2000). Glyburide is a cost-eective, patient-friendly, potentially adherence-enhancing therapy that produces perinatal outcome comparable to insulin therapy.
Mechanism of action
Glimepiride (Amaryl)
Glipizide (Glucotrol)
Glipizide-GITS (Glucotrol XL)
Glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase,
Nateglinide (Starlix)
Repaglinide (Prandin)
Metformin (Glucophage)
Pioglitazone (Actos)
Rosiglitazone (Avandia)
Decrease in
FPG (mg/dL)
Decrease in
hemoglobin A1C (%)
Excreted in
breast milk
Table 5
Oral antidiabetic drug classication
Table 5 (continued )
Drug (trade name)
Mechanism of action
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Acarbose (Precose)
Miglitol (Glyset)
Decrease in
FPG (mg/dL)
Decrease in
hemoglobin A1C (%)
Excreted in
breast milk
Aspart (Novolog)
Lispro (Humalog)
Glargine (Lantus)
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Diabetes Care 2005;28:18515.
Using 2002 birth data [1], it is estimated that diabetes aects an estimated
8% of the more than 4 million pregnancies that come to term annually in the
United States. Identifying women who require aggressive monitoring and
treatment of their diabetes to minimize both maternal and fetal complications during and after pregnancy is a signicant challenge for physicians
and the health system because almost 75% of pregnancy-related diabetes occurs in women with gestational diabetes or undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.
Conversely, although type 1 diabetes is estimated to account for only 1%
to 2% of the pregnancies complicated by diabetes (w6000 births in the United
States annually), screening is not an issue because the diagnosis of type 1
diabetes is generally well established in a womans preconception years.
As recently as the 1980s, type 1 diabetes and pregnancy were a deadly combination for mothers and especially for fetuses, with rates of fetal perinatal
mortality as high as 25% to 30% [2]. Advances over the past 2 decades
in home glucose monitoring and insulin administration have provided
the technology needed to not only allow women to successfully survive pregnancy but also to decrease the risks of diabetic fetopathy to those of the
nondiabetic population [3,4].
Pregnancy in diabetic women is associated with an increase in risk to
both the fetus and the mother. Early in the pregnancy there is an emergency
* Corresponding author. Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, 2219 Bath Street, Santa
Barbara, CA 93105.
E-mail address: ljovanovic@sansum.org (L. Jovanovic).
0889-8529/06/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
to normalize the blood glucose to prevent congenital anomalies and spontaneous abortions. As the pregnancy progresses, the mother is at an increased
risk for syncope, hypoglycemia, or diabetic ketoacidosis, all of which need
emergency attention. Later in the pregnancy, she is at risk for accelerated
retinopathy, with the risk of blindness, pregnancy-induced hypertension
and preeclampsia-eclampsia, urinary tract infections, including pyelonephritis, and polyhydramnios. The greatest concern is the increased risk of sudden death in utero for the fetus. All of these dreaded complications can
be obviated or at least minimized with careful planning of the pregnancy
and attention to glucose control.
The additional risks of pregnancy for mothers with type 1 diabetes and
their babies place the emphasis of optimizing maternal and fetal health of
these pregnancies and the focus of this article on (1) appropriate preconception counseling and management goals; (2) optimizing glycemic monitoring
and intensifying insulin therapy during the metabolically dynamic process of
pregnancy; (3) appropriately evaluating women and their fetuses for complications of both diabetes and intensive diabetes therapy during pregnancy;
and (4) peripartum and postpartum glycemic control.
Congenital anomalies
There is an increased prevalence of congenital anomalies and spontaneous abortions in diabetic women who are in poor glycemic control during
the period of fetal organogenesis, which is nearly complete at 7 weeks postconception [5]. Thus, a woman may not even know she is pregnant at this
time. For this reason, prepregnancy counseling and planning are essential
in women of childbearing age who have diabetes. Because organogenesis
is complete so early in the fetus development, if a woman presents to her
health care team and announces that she has missed her period by only
a few days, if the blood glucose levels are normalized immediately [610],
there is still is a chance to prevent cardiac anomalies by swiftly normalizing
the glucose levels (although the neural tube defects are probably already set
by the time the period is missed).
Women with type 2 diabetes are less likely to have preconception care
and counseling, often because the diabetes has not yet been diagnosed,
and thus, they are at even greater risk of bearing a birth-defective child.
In one study [11], 40% of women with type 1 diabetes but only 14% with
type 2 diabetes received preconception care.
Another problem for some women with type 2 diabetes is gaining access
to adequate medical care before and after conception. Nowhere is this more
evident than in Hispanic women, in whom the higher prevalence of obesity,
type 2 and gestational diabetes, and increased fertility rates place them at
higher risk for maternal and neonatal complications [1214]. Pima Indian
women are also at increased risk; they have a 19-fold higher incidence of
type 2 diabetes compared with the general United States population, with an
age-adjusted prevalence rate approximately eight times higher [15,16].
A measurement of glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) can, in early
pregnancy, estimate the level of glycemic control during the period of fetal
organogenesis. There are two important observations in this regard: rst,
HbA1c values early in pregnancy are correlated with the rates of spontaneous abortion and major congenital malformations [1719]. Although most
studies have been performed in women with type 1 diabetes, the same risk
of hyperglycemia applies to those with type 2 diabetes [20,21]; and second,
normalizing blood glucose concentrations before and early in the pregnancy
can reduce the risks of spontaneous abortion and congenital malformations
nearly to that of the general population [22,23].
One report compared 110 women who were 6 to 30 weeks pregnant at
the time of referral with 84 women who were recruited before conception
and then put on a daily glucose-monitoring regimen [19]. The mean blood
glucose concentration was between 60 and 140 mg/dL (3.3 mmol/L and 7.8
mmol/L) in 50% of the latter group of women. The incidence of anomalies
was 1.2% in the women recruited before conception versus 10.9% in those
rst seen during pregnancy. Very similar ndings were noted in another
study: 1.4% versus 10.4% incidence of congenital abnormalities [23]. Major congenital malformations, which either require surgical correction or
signicantly aect the health of the child, are more common in infants of diabetic mothers (13% versus 2% in infants of nondiabetic mothers) [24].
The increased rate of spontaneous abortion in poorly controlled diabetic
women is believed to be secondary to hyperglycemia, maternal vascular disease, including uteroplacental insuciency, and possibly immunologic factors [25]. In addition, animal studies suggest that hyperglycemia regulates
the expression of an apoptosis (programmed cell death) regulatory gene as
early as the preimplantation blastocyst stage, resulting in increased DNA
fragmentation [26]. These ndings emphasize the importance of glycemic
control at the earliest stages of conception.
Ideally, if a diabetic woman plans her pregnancy there is time to create
algorithms of care that are individualized, and a woman can be given
choices. When a diabetic woman presents in her rst few weeks of pregnancy, there is no time for individualization; rather, rigid protocols must
substituted urgently to provide optimal control within 24 to 48 hours.
Deleterious eects of strict glycemic control
Despite the clear benets to the fetus of strict glycemic control, there
is a hazard of hypoglycemia. Major complications of hypoglycemia can usually be prevented with careful monitoring and education of the mother
[7,23,27]. Very strict glycemic control (mean blood glucose % 56 mg/dL)
may be deleterious to the fetus and should be avoided. In one study, the
most common cause of maternal mortality was related to hypoglycemia [28].
There are three reported situations in which the rapid normalization of
blood glucose level increases the risk for the deterioration of diabetic retinopathy: puberty [29], pregnancy [30], and insulin-like growth factor
(IGF)-1 treatment [31]. If two of these events occur in the same patient,
the risk for retinopathy progression is potentiated [30,32]. All three situations are associated with increased serum concentrations of growth-promoting factors. It is hypothesized that when the blood glucose level is rapidly
decreased, there is increased retinal extravasation of serum proteins. If there
is a concomitant increase in the concentration of serum growth-promoting
factors, a predisposed retina may deteriorate [3335].
Pregnancy per se is the condition most frequently reported in which the
rapid normalization of blood glucose is associated with retinal deterioration
[7,32, 3436]. Normal pregnancy is associated with a high concentration of
many growth-promoting factors [3638]. Hill and colleagues [33] have reported that a potent mitogenic and angiogenic factor normally absent
from the adult circulation becomes detectable by 14 weeks of gestation
and is maximal at 22 to 32 weeks of gestation. A placental growth hormone
variant had been found to increase throughout pregnancy, along with the
human somatomammotropin prolactin [36]. Maternal IGF-1 production
has also been shown to increase signicantly above nonpregnant levels
[37]. It is well known that diabetes mellitus is associated with perturbations
of growth hormone IGF-1 in cases of poor metabolic control [38].
If treatment with lispro insulin, a short-acting insulin analog, allows for
increasing the rate whereby the hyperglycemic state is normalized, then lispro insulin may play a role in causing the rapid deterioration of retinopathy.
It is unlikely, in the few case reports of rapid deterioration of retinopathy in
patients taking lispro insulin, that deterioration was caused by the IGF-1 activity of this insulin, because pregnancy alone has such elevated IGF-1
Human insulin binds to the IGF-1 receptor with an anity of 0.1% to
0.2% of the anity of IGF-1. A comparison of lispro and human insulin
was made to determine the relative IGF-1 receptor binding anity in human
placental membranes, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle cells, and mammary
epithelial cells. Lispro had a slightly higher anity for the human placental
membranes compared with human insulin. No other dierences were observed in any other cell lines. Despite the suggested increased anity, it
should be noted that the absolute anity for the IGF-1 receptor is extremely
low for both lispro and human insulin. Concentrations more that 1000 times
above normal physiologic range are needed to reach a receptor binding afnity of 50%. IGF-1 is a much larger protein chain than insulin, and there is
a 49% homology between human insulin and IGF-1. The reversal of the
Asx28 and Asx29 amino aids in lispro increases this homology to 51% because of the analogous position in the IGF-1 molecule. It has been shown
that insulin lispro has the same anity for the IGF-1 receptor as human insulin and that the dissociation kinetics of insulin lispro on the insulin receptor are identical to those of insulin, indicating that insulin lispro should have
no excess mitogenic eect through the IGF-1 or insulin receptor [39,40].
Phelps and colleagues [32] have clearly shown that the deterioration of
retinopathy correlated signicantly with the levels of plasma glucose at entry
and with the magnitude of improvement in glycemia during the rst 6 to 14
weeks after entry, although the 13 patients with no retinopathy at baseline
did not progress to proliferative retinopathy. However, one of the women
developed moderate hemorrhages, exudates, and intraretinal microaneurysms. Of their 20 patients with an initial background of retinopathy, two patients progressed to proliferative retinopathy. Laatikainen and colleagues
[41] conrmed that the decrease in hemoglobin HbA1c levels was the most
rapid in the two patients with the worst progression. They concluded that
a rapid near-normalization of glycemic control during pregnancy can accelerate the progression of retinopathy in poorly controlled diabetic patients.
The Diabetes in Early Pregnancy (DIEP) study [42] reported the results of
155 type 1 diabetic women who underwent retinal angiography in the rst
few weeks of gestation and then at term (within 1 week before delivery).
In the 140 patients who did not have proliferative retinopathy at baseline,
the progression of retinopathy was seen in 10.3%, 21.1%, 18.8%, and
54.8% of patients with no retinopathy, microaneurysms only, mild nonproliferative retinopathy, and moderate to severe nonproliferative retinopathy
at baseline, respectively. Proliferative retinopathy developed in 6.3% of patients with mild and 29% of patients with moderate to severe baseline retinopathy. The elevated glycosylated hemoglobin at baseline and the
magnitude of improvement of glucose control through week 14 were associated with a higher risk of progression of retinopathy (the adjusted odds ratio
[OR] for progression in those with a glycohemoglobin level R 6 standard
deviations [SD] above the control mean versus those ! 2 SD was 2.7;
95% condence interval [CI], 1.1%7.2%; P 0.039). Independent of retinal status, the DIEP study also reported that the duration of diabetes increased the risk of progression such that after 6 years duration of
diabetes the OR was 3.0 (95% CI, 0.5%17.4%); after 11 to 15 years, the
OR was 9.7 (95% CI, 1.9%49.0%); and after more than 16 years, the
OR was 15.0 (95% CI, 3.0%74.5%); however, hyperglycemia was a stronger risk factor. Additional evidence has been reported by the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial [30]. For women in the conventional care
group who became pregnant and thus had immediate intensication of glucose control (n 135), the retinal status worsened in 47% of the patients,
and the OR for progression by the second trimester was 2.6, compared
with diabetic women in the conventional group who did not become
There is one case report in the literature, which clearly shows that the
combination of pregnancy and rapid normalization of severe hyperglycemia
suggestion that screening pregnant women for hypothyroidism by measuring thyrotropin may be worthwhile and that treating women with serum
thyrotropin concentrations at or above the 98th percentile could lead to
an increase of approximately 4 points in IQ scores in their children. Because there is an increased risk of gestational hypothyroidism in diabetic
women, all diabetic pregnant women should be screened for hypothyroidism
early in their pregnancy and treated immediately if hypothyroidism is documented [51]. Notably, Graves disease is not more common in type 1 diabetic
women than in the general population [46].
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis, a complication associated with a high mortality
rate in the fetus, may occur. In addition, ketonemia during pregnancy has
been associated with decreased intelligence in ospring [5254], but in these
reports there is no mention of an association with fetal malformations. In
early pregnancy, ketonuria sometimes occurs in women who are limiting
their caloric intake because of nutritional recommendations [55]. Ketonuria
resulting from caloric restriction has been shown subsequently not to be associated with decreased intelligence in the ospring, unless it is also associated with severe hyperglycemia (blood glucose levels O 180 mg/dL). Thus,
women with moderate to large ketonuria associated with hyperglycemia
should immediately alert their physician. Also, if a type 1 diabetic woman
is using an insulin infusion pump [53], even short periods of interruption
in the infusion may result in ketoacidosis caused by the increased metabolic
rate in pregnancy. Thus, many centers are recommending the use of an additional injection of neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin at bedtime,
in a volume that is 0.1 times the patients weight in kg, for an appropriate
adjustment in the overnight basal metabolism [27,55].
Pregnancy-induced hypertension
Normal rst trimester blood pressure is less than 120/80 mmHg [56]. Fetal complications from maternal hypertension include intrauterine growth
retardation and fetal demise. The only antihypertensive mediations that
have been proven to be safe over the past two generations are methyldopa
and hydralazine. When additional medication is needed to maintain normotension, the use of labetolol has been recommended, along with the judicious
use of calcium channel blockers and even diuretics. Nifedipine has also been
reported to be safe when added after the rst trimester. The use of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in pregnancy have been associated
with congenital anomalies, specically renal agenesis or renal failure, and
thus, they are absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy [57]. However,
Hod and colleagues [57] have shown that when ACE inhibitors are used
before conception, they decrease the degree of proteinuria, and when they
are discontinued at the time of conception, the decreased proteinuria is sustained throughout pregnancy, with an improved maternal and fetal outcome. Although the management of elevated blood pressure in a diabetic
pregnant woman is an urgent priority, the means to achieve these goals
are limited in pregnancy.
Diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy, when not associated with hypertension, does not
have an impact on fetal outcome unless the kidney function is more than
50% impaired. Normal creatinine clearance is increased in pregnancy because of the increased metabolic rate and the increased cardiac output by
the 10th to 12th week of gestation. Thus, a depression of the creatinine
clearance below 50 mL/min is associated with increased fetal loss. Proteinuria greater than 250 mg/dL in the rst trimester has been associated with
nephrotic syndrome by the third trimester, requiring bed rest and in some
cases replacement of protein losses with parenteral supplementation of albumin [25]. Maternal anasarca is not associated with fetal hypdrops, as long as
the maternal nutrition includes enough protein for fetal growth [55].
must be monitored with treatment goals that are lower than those that are
used outside of pregnancy, to goals of 60 to 90 mg/dL. Understanding these
nondiabetic pregnancy, normal glucose ranges provides additional support to
the previous observation that the macrosomia risk increases with increasing
maximal postprandial hyperglycemia R 120 mg/dL [4]. While striving to
achieve normoglycemia in a type 1 diabetic womans pregnancy, fasting, preprandial, and 1-hour postprandial SMBG testing [4,63] must be carried out to
dose insulin safely yet meet the fasting-preprandial glucose goals of 60 mg/dL
to 90 mg/dL and 1-hour postprandial glucose goals of 100 mg/dL to 120 mg/
dL [64].
Because of the high frequency of SMBG testing required in pregnancy,
the use of alternative site SMBG testing is appealing, but the dynamically
changing blood glucose concentrations after eating may be identied at nger sites before they are detected at forearm or thigh sites [65]. Because no
studies have evaluated the use of blood glucose values from alternative sites
in pregnancy, alternative site SMBG testing must be discouraged. The eventual availability of real-time continuous glucose monitoring sensors holds
the promise of not only signicantly reducing the number of nger-stick
blood glucose assessments but also raising the awareness of glycemic excursions [66,67], which can occur commonly, particularly in women with type 1
diabetes, between SMBG measurements. At the time of this writing, no such
system is available currently for commercial use.
Glycosylated hemoglobin testing
Until real-time continuous glucose monitoring systems are in routine
clinical use to accurately assess 24-hour glycemia, frequent HbA1c monitoring will remain valuable as an assessment of blood glucose excursions occurring at non-SMBG time points. Whereas the HbA1c testing frequency in a
nonpregnant population is commonly timed to assess a new steady state of
glycemic control, during the compressed time frame of pregnancy (in which
2 weeks represents 5% of a normal gestation), the need to recognize and
treat worsening glycemic control as promptly as possible can be facilitated
by examining HbA1c changes because they reect trends in glycemic control.
Because clinically and statistically signicant dierences in HbA1c can be detected at 2-week intervals [68,69], HbA1c assessment every 2 weeks during
gestation is recommended.
Nondiabetic pregnant women evaluated by continuous glucose monitoring systems maintain mean blood glucose levels of or less than 100 mg/dL
[60], and treating diabetic pregnant women to this mean glucose goal signicantly decreases perinatal mortality [70]. Knowing that a mean blood
glucose goal of 100 mg/dL correlates with an HbA1c goal of 5% [71], discordant SMBG and HbA1c results should prompt investigation because poor
control, undetected by the patients current SMBG routine, is assumed. Additionally, when using HbA1c measurement as an indicator of glycemic
There are several components to the treatment of diabetes in pregnant
women, the administration of insulin, exercise, and diet.
Insulin doses
The starting insulin dose is calculated to be 0.7 U/kg/d, divided into three
to four injections of short- and intermediate-acting insulin. Thecapillary
glucose needs to be measured before and 1 hour after each meal, at bedtime, and at 3 AM to assure that there is around-the-clock glucose control.
Each day the insulin is adjusted based on the blood glucose measurements
such that the optimal dose of insulin is derived on a daily basis. Only human
insulin should be used in pregnant women. Most women with type 1 diabetes require at least three injections per day [41,45,48]. A two-injection regimen can cause nocturnal hypoglycemia if the evening meal dose of
intermediate-acting insulin peaks during the middle of the night [27].
Total daily insulin requirements typically rise during gestation. This is
caused primarily by the eects of human placental lactogen, which has somatotropic properties. The average insulin requirement in pregnant women
with type 1 diabetes rises from 0.7 U/kg/d in the rst trimester, often increasing to 0.8 U/kg/d for weeks 18 to 26, 0.9 U/kg/d for weeks 26 to 36,
and 1.0 U/kg/d for weeks 36 to term. Massively obese women may need
initial doses of 1.5 U/kg/d to 2.0 U/kg/d to overcome the combined insulin
resistance of pregnancy and obesity [54]. Declining insulin requirements
may occur at 9 to 12 weeks of gestation and again at 38 to 40 weeks of
gestation [27]. These changes in insulin requirement are thought to be
caused by the luteal-placental shift in progesterone seen in the late rst trimester and to the onset of labor, with increased glucose use that occurs
when uterine contractions commence.
The total daily dose is divided such that 50% is given as a basal dose, using an insulin infusion pump or NPH insulin, divided into two to three daily
injections spaced 8 to 12 hours apart. The meal-related dose then is the other
50% of the insulin requirement. Recent reports have shown that insulin lispro is safe in pregnancies complicated by type 1 diabetes [77]. However, the
studies using insulin aspart and the long-acting insulin analogs detemir and
glargine have not yet been published.
Some clinicians have recommended using insulin pumps to achieve optimal
glycemic control during pregnancy [78,79]. Most pregnant women require at
least three infusion rates in a 24-hour period, in particular a low-dose basal
from 12 midnight to 4 AM, an increased rate in the early morning hours,
from 4 AM to 10 AM, to counteract the increased release of the anti-insulin hormones cortisol and growth hormone, and an intermediate basal during the
rest of the day, from 10 AM to 12 midnight. A protocol for calculating infusion
rates has been described elsewhere [80].
Role of exercise
Gestational diabetes diers from a pregnancy in type 1 diabetes because
the former is a disorder primarily of impaired glucose clearance. As a result,
therapies that overcome peripheral resistance to insulin, such as exercise, are
preferable to insulin. In comparison, in women with type 1 diabetes who are
already taking insulin, the benets of exercise are not so clear. Exercise can
contribute to the brittleness of diabetes, with the risk of exercise-induced
hypoglycemia. Women who exercised before pregnancy can usually continue under the supervision of their obstetrician. However, exercise is not recommended in women who are deconditioned and did not exercise before
pregnancy [80].
The optimal diet takes into account caloric intake, carbohydrate content,
and the distribution of meals throughout the day. The appropriate caloric
intake depends on the pregravid weight, with the following general
Fetal surveillance
The high perinatal mortality once associated with a diabetic pregnancy
has decreased signicantly, largely caused by improved glycemic control
[81]. In the past, unexplained fetal death occurred in 10% to 30% of type
1 diabetic pregnancies, typically after the 36th week of gestation in women
with poor glycemic control, associated with macrosomia, hydramnios, preeclampsia, and vascular disease. Fetal surveillance, therefore, is of utmost
importance in optimizing a good outcome for both mother and fetus, especially in the perilous third trimester. Ultrasonography is the most useful tool
for the assessment of the fetus. It can be used to (1) estimate gestational age;
(2) screen for structural anomalies; (3) evaluate growth; (4) assess amniotic
uid volume; and (5) determine fetal status dynamically through Doppler
and biophysical studies.
Ultrasonographic estimates of gestational age are most accurate if they
are performed in early pregnancy. The gestational age, determined by
a crownrump length measured in the rst trimester, will be accurate within 5
days. Ultrasonographic estimates of gestational age are not reliable after the
28th week and cannot be used to determine the estimated date of delivery
Macrosomia is more apparent in some fetal structures, such as the liver
and abdomen. As a result, ultrasonographic estimates that use the fetal
fetal testing should be performed twice per week. Doppler umbilical artery
velocimetry has shown increased placental resistance in women with vasculopathy and poor glycemic control, which increase the risk of intrauterine
growth retardation and preeclampsia [82,88].
Insulin requirements drop sharply after delivery, and the new mother may
not require insulin for 24 to 72 hours. Insulin requirements should be recalculated at this time, at approximately 0.6 U/kg/d, based on postpartum weight.
Postpartum caloric requirements are approximately 25 kcal/kg/d and somewhat higher (27 kcal/kg/d) in lactating women.
Glycemic control is somewhat more erratic in lactating diabetic women,
with more frequent episodes of hypoglycemia. Because the risk of lifethreatening hypoglycemia is increased in the immediate postpartum period,
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[83] Benedetti TJ, Gabbe SG. Shoulder dystocia: a complication of fetal macrosomia and prolonged second stage of labor with mid-pelvic delivery. Obstet Gynecol 1978;52:526.
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Hyperprolactinemia is responsible for about one third of all cases of female
infertility [17]. Hyperprolactinemia impairs the hypothalamic-pituitaryovarian axis at several levels, the primary site of inhibition being at the
hypothalamus, where it inhibits the pulsatile secretion of GnRH [18]. The
dierential diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia is extensive [18].
For patients with prolactinomas, the choice of therapy may have important consequences for decisions regarding pregnancy. Transsphenoidal surgery is curative in 50% to 60% of cases and rarely causes hypopituitarism
when it is performed on women with microadenomas. For patients with
Prior therapy
No. of patients
6 (1.3%)
20 (23.2%)
2 (2.8%)
Table 2
Eect of bromocriptine on pregnancies
Spontaneous abortion
Hydatidiform moles
Data from Krupp P, Monka C, Richter K. The safety aspects of infertility treatments. In:
Program of the Second World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
August 1988. p. 9.
throughout gestation is limited to only slightly more than 100 women, but
no abnormalities were noted in the infants except one with an undescended
testicle and one with a talipes deformity [32]. Because bromocriptine crosses
the placenta [33], however, it should not be used any longer than necessary
during pregnancy.
Pergolide has been shown to cross the placenta in mice, but no teratogenicity was seen in doses of 60 mg/kg/d [34]. Detailed data are available on
the safety during early gestation for only one patient treated with pergolide
for Parkinsons disease [35]. In this pregnancy, no teratogenicity or developmental abnormalities were found in the child, but the authors stated in this
report that, in premarketing studies of pergolide for endocrine disorders,
two major and three minor congenital abnormalities were described among
38 pregnancies, but a causal relationship has not been established [35].
Other information from the manufacturer (Eli Lilly & Co) stated that
they had only limited data on pregnancies in which the fetus was exposed
to pergolide, nding that 7.2% of pregnancy outcomes resulted in spontaneous abortions, 7.2% in minor malformations, 14.3% in intentional abortions, and 28.6% in healthy infants; for 43.4%, no information was
available [36]. This limited information is sucient to recommend against
using pergolide when a woman wishes to get pregnant.
Some early publications reported no detrimental eects on pregnancy or
fetal development in women who became pregnant during treatment with
quinagolide [37]. A more recent review of 176 pregnancies, in which quinagolide was maintained for a median duration of 37 days, reported 24 spontaneous abortions, 1 ectopic pregnancy, and 1 stillbirth at 31 weeks
gestation [38]. Nine fetal malformations were reported in this group: spina
bida, trisomy 13, Down syndrome, talipes, cleft lip, arrhinencephaly, and
Zellweger syndrome [38]. Quinagolide also should not be used if pregnancy
is desired.
Cabergoline has been shown to cross the placenta in animal studies [16],
but such data are lacking in humans. Data on exposure of the fetus or embryo during the rst several weeks of pregnancy have been reported in more
than 350 cases, and such use has not shown an increased percentage of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, multiple gestation, or congenital
abnormalities [3943]. No alterations in newborn weights were observed
[3943]. Available data from 107 infants followed for 1 to 72 months showed
normal physical and mental development [39].
With respect to using a dopamine agonist to facilitate ovulation and fertility, bromocriptine has the largest safety database and has a proven safety
record for pregnancy. Although the database for cabergoline use in pregnancy is much smaller, it does not seem to exert any deleterious eects on
pregnant women, and the incidence of malformation in their ospring is
not greater than in the general population. For a woman who is intolerant
to bromocriptine and who is doing well with cabergoline, continuation of cabergoline for facilitating pregnancy seems reasonable. The safety databases
for pergolide and quinagolide are limited, but they seem to raise considerable
concerns, so these drugs should not be used when fertility is desired. The effects of transsphenoidal surgery during gestation are not known specically,
but would not be expected to be signicantly dierent from the eects of
other types of surgery (unless hypopituitarism should ensue) [44].
Management of prolactinoma in pregnancy
The risks of surgery versus medical therapy for prolactinoma should be
explained in detail to each patient. For patients with microadenomas or intrasellar macroadenomas, bromocriptine or cabergoline therapy generally is
preferred to surgery because it is safe for the fetus when discontinued early
in gestation, and it poses only a small risk of tumor enlargement for the
mother. Such patients should be seen each trimester and assessed for symptoms such as headaches or visual problems; visual eld testing needs to be
done only when clinically indicated. When the tumor is large or extends
to the optic chiasm or into the cavernous sinus, the following approaches
should be considered: (1) preoperative surgical debulking, (2) intensive monitoring without bromocriptine therapy, or (3) continuous bromocriptine
therapy. The safety of the last approach has not been established, but based
on the few cases cited earlier, it probably is not harmful. Patients with macroadenomas should be seen monthly for such assessments, and visual elds
may cause an exacerbation of acromegaly in a few cases [47], but this does
not seem to be a sucient enough risk to advise against pregnancy.
Eects of acromegaly on pregnancy
Certain complications of acromegaly are potentially harmful to the mother
and the fetus. Carbohydrate intolerance is present in 50% of patients with
acromegaly, and overt diabetes is seen in 10% to 20% [55]. Insulin resistance secondary to the increased levels of GH may increase the risk of gestational diabetes. There is increased salt retention, and hypertension occurs
in 25% to 35% of patients. In addition, cardiac disease is present in about
one third of patients. There may be a specic cardiomyopathy associated
with acromegaly, and coronary artery disease may be increased [55]. The
risks for gestational diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease likely are increased in women with acromegaly during pregnancy.
Management of acromegaly and pregnancy
The considerations regarding the use of bromocriptine and cabergoline in
women with prolactinomas also apply to women with acromegaly. For most
patients, these drugs should not be continued during pregnancy. Data on the
use of octreotide during pregnancy are limited. Only 14 pregnant patients
treated with octreotide, octreotide long-acting-release, and lanreotide have
been reported; no malformations were found in their children [54]. Octreotide crosses the placenta [59] and can aect developing fetal tissues. It does
not bind with high anity to the placenta and has no eect on the placental
GH variant [60]. Because octreotide crosses the placenta, and because data
documenting safety are limited, it is recommended that octreotide and other
somatostatin analogues be discontinued if pregnancy is considered, and that
contraception be used when these drugs are administered. Considering the
prolonged nature of the course of most patients with acromegaly, interruption of medical therapy for 9 to 12 months should not have a particularly
adverse eect on the long-term outcome. These drugs can control tumor
growth, and for enlarging tumors, their reintroduction during pregnancy
may be warranted versus operating.
Cushings syndrome
Slightly more than 100 cases of Cushings syndrome in pregnancy have
been reported [6176]. The distribution of causes of Cushings syndrome in
pregnancy diers markedly from that in the nonpregnant population. Less
than 50% of pregnant patients described had pituitary adenomas, a similar
number had adrenal adenomas, and more than 10% had adrenal carcinomas
[6173]. Only three reports have described pregnancies associated with the
ectopic ACTH syndrome [63,67]. In many cases, the hypercortisolism rst
became apparent during pregnancy, with improvement after parturition,
[76], but catheterization was performed via the direct jugular vein approach
rather than the femoral vein approach to minimize fetal irradiation; in these
cases, clearly increased central-to-peripheral ACTH gradients were found.
Eects of Cushings syndrome on pregnancy
Cushings syndrome is associated with a fetal mortality of 25% from
spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and early neonatal death because of extreme prematurity [6173,76]. Premature labor occurs in more than 50%
of cases, regardless of cause [6173,76]. The passage of cortisol across the
placenta occasionally results in suppression of the fetal adrenals [69]. This
passage seems to be uncommon, but the neonate should be tested for this
potential problem and given exogenous corticosteroids until the results of
the evaluation are known.
Maternal complications also may occur. Hypertension develops in most
patients. Diabetes and myopathy are frequent. Postoperative wound infection and dehiscence are common after cesarean section. The pregnancy
seems to induce an amelioration of Cushings syndrome in some patients,
but an exacerbation in others [6167,73].
Management of Cushings syndrome during pregnancy
In data from the literature summarized from two reviews [61,64], fetal
loss rates of 9% and 24% and premature labor rates of 20% and 47%
were found in 11 and 17 women who were treated during pregnancy compared with fetal loss rates of 30% and 38% and premature labor rates of
48% and 72% in 26 and 43 women in whom treatment was delayed. Treatment during pregnancy has been advocated [61,64,76].
Medical therapy for Cushings syndrome during pregnancy is not very
eective [63,64,73]. A few case reports have documented the ecacy of metyrapone [76]. Ketoconazole has been given to two patients with complications
of intrauterine growth retardation, but no malformations or other perinatal
disorders [70,71]. Use of other drugs, such as aminoglutethimide, mitotane,
bromocriptine, and cyproheptadine, has been limited [73]; because of potential toxicity to the fetus, aminoglutethimide and mitotane should be
avoided. Transsphenoidal resection of a pituitary ACTH-secreting adenoma
has been performed successfully in several patients during the second trimester [62,65,68,69,72,73,76]. Although any surgery poses risks for the mother
and fetus [44], with Cushings syndrome, the risks of not operating seem to
be considerably higher than the risks of proceeding with surgery.
had been stopped, had to be reinstituted to control tumor size [77], and in
a second, octreotide was continued during pregnancy for tumor size control.
The most pressing issue with such tumors is the need to control hyperthyroidism during pregnancy, and that can be done with standard antithyroid
drugs [78]. With growing macroadenomas, octreotide may be necessary for
tumor size control [77,79].
Clinically nonfunctioning adenomas
Pregnancy would not be expected to inuence tumor size in patients with
clinically nonfunctioning adenomas, and only two cases have been reported
in which tumor enlargement during pregnancy resulted in a visual eld defect [25,80]. The lactotroph hyperplasia that occurs during pregnancy can be
quite signicant, however [2,3]. MRI obtained during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period has shown that this hyperplasia may cause the
normal pituitary to increase to 12 mm in height [57]. It would be expected
that if this lactotroph hyperplasia were to occur in a patient with a preexisting clinically nonfunctioning adenoma, this hyperplasia could push up
the clinically nonfunctioning adenoma to cause chiasmal compression or
headaches. In the second case reported, the patient responded rapidly to
bromocriptine treatment, probably owing to shrinkage of the lactotroph hyperplasia with decompression of the chiasm and probably with little or no
direct eect on the tumor itself [80]. Most clinically nonfunctioning adenomas are gonadotroph adenomas [81]. Two patients have been reported who
had gonadotroph adenomas secreting intact follicle-stimulating hormone
with a resultant ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome [82,83]; both became
pregnant, one after having the follicle-stimulating hormone hypersecretion
controlled by bromocriptine [82] and the second after surgical removal of
the tumor [83].
Hypopituitarism may occur because of tumor compression of the hypothalamus or pituitary stalk or from prior neurosurgery. Hormone decits
can be partial or complete, and loss of gonadotropin secretion is common.
Induction of ovulation may be dicult, and a variety of techniques have
been used, including administration of human chorionic gonadotropin
and follicle-stimulating hormone (in the past as human menopausal gonadotropin) [8487], pulsatile GnRH [8890], and in vitro fertilization [91].
In women, the only hormone replacements to be considered during pregnancy are thyroid and adrenal hormones. Because of the increased thyroxine
turnover that occurs during pregnancy, thyroxine levels decrease, and TSH
levels increase with a xed thyroxine dose over the course of gestation
[15,92]. The average increase in thyroxine needed in these patients is about
0.05 mg/d. Because patients with hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction may
not elevate their TSH levels normally in the face of increased need for thyroxine, it may be appropriate to increase the thyroxine supplementation by
0.025 mg after the rst trimester and by an additional 0.025 mg after the second trimester. There are no data to support this approach, however.
Because the cortisol production rate normally is increased in pregnancy
[11,12], the dose of long-term glucocorticoid replacement theoretically ought
to be increased during pregnancy. This dose increase does not seem to be
necessary in practice, however, and patients usually can be kept on their
standard replacement doses of glucocorticoids. Additional glucocorticoids
are needed for the stress of labor and delivery, such as 75 mg of hydrocortisone intravenously every 8 hours with rapid tapering postpartum. If there
is signicant stress during the pregnancy, such as infection, that would require prolonged high doses of glucocorticosteroids, the steroid of choice is
prednisolone, which does not cross the placenta [93]. Even high doses of
prednisone are generally quite safe [94], however, and suppression of neonatal adrenal function in ospring of women taking prednisone during pregnancy is rare [95]. Glucocorticoids also may pass to the neonate in breast
milk, but the amounts (0.14% of maternal blood levels) are not sucient
to alter neonatal adrenal function, even with large maternal doses of prednisone [96].
Lymphocytic hypophysitis
Lymphocytic hypophysitis usually presents in the peripartum period as
a mass lesion indistinguishable from a pituitary adenoma. It is characterized
by massive inltration of the pituitary by lymphocytes and plasma cells with
destruction of the normal parenchyma. The disorder is thought to have an
autoimmune basis. Most cases occur in association with pregnancy, and
women present during pregnancy or postpartum with symptoms of varying
degrees of hypopituitarism or symptoms related to the mass lesion, such as
headaches or visual eld defects. Mild hyperprolactinemia and diabetes insipidus also may be found. On CT or MRI, a sellar mass is found, which
may extend in an extrasellar fashion and may cause visual eld defects.
The condition usually is confused with that of a pituitary tumor and cannot
be distinguished from a tumor except by biopsy. By virtue of the hypopituitarism it produces, lymphocytic hypophysitis also can be confused clinically
with Sheehans syndrome except that there is no history of obstetric hemorrhage [97,98].
The diagnosis of lymphocytic hypophysitis should be considered in women
with symptoms of hypopituitarism or mass lesions of the sella during pregnancy or postpartum, especially in the absence of a history of obstetric hemorrhage. An evaluation of pituitary function and CT or MRI are
warranted. If prolactin levels are only modestly elevated (! 150 ng/mL)
in the presence of a large mass, the diagnosis is unlikely to be an enlarging
prolactinoma and more likely to be hypophysitis or a nonsecreting tumor.
Hormone replacement therapy should be instituted promptly when hypopituitarism is determined to be present. For unclear reasons, there seems
to be a particular predilection for impaired ACTH secretion, and this
axis must be evaluated carefully and treated to avoid adrenal insuciency
[99]. Unless there are visual eld defects, uncontrollable headaches, or radiologic evidence of progressive enlargement of the sellar mass, rapid surgical intervention is not warranted because some women may undergo
a spontaneous regression of the mass and return of pituitary function
[99101]. Surgery generally does not result in improvement in endocrine
function, however [102,103]. Although high doses of glucocorticoids
have been advocated to reduce the inammation [103], there have been
no controlled studies documenting the benet of this approach, and the
author does not recommend this.
Sheehans syndrome
Sheehans syndrome consists of pituitary necrosis secondary to ischemia
occurring within hours of delivery [104,105]. It is usually secondary to hypotension and shock from an obstetric hemorrhage. Pituitary enlargement during pregnancy apparently predisposes to the risk for ischemia with occlusive
spasm of the arteries to the anterior pituitary and stalk [104,105]. The degree
of ischemia and necrosis dictates the subsequent patient course. Modern obstetric techniques have resulted in Sheehans syndrome being found rarely in
current practice [106].
Acute necrosis is suspected in the setting of an obstetric hemorrhage in
which hypotension and tachycardia persist after adequate replacement of
blood products. In addition, the woman fails to lactate and may have hypoglycemia [104,105,107]. Investigation should include levels of ACTH, cortisol, prolactin, and free thyroxine. The ACTH stimulation test would be
normal because the adrenal cortex would not be atrophied. Thyroxine levels
may prove normal initially because the hormone has a half-life of 7 days.
Prolactin levels are usually low, although they are generally 5- to 10-fold elevated in the puerperium. Treatment with saline and stress doses of corticosteroids should be instituted immediately after drawing the blood tests.
Additional pituitary testing with subsequent therapy should be delayed until
recovery. Diabetes insipidus also may occur secondary to vascular occlusion
with atrophy and scarring of the neurohypophysis [108].
When milder forms of infarction occur, the diagnosis of Sheehans syndrome may be delayed for months or years [107,108]. These women generally have a history of amenorrhea, decreased libido, failure to lactate, breast
atrophy, loss of pubic and axillary hair, fatigue, and symptoms of secondary
adrenal insuciency with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
[107,108]. Some women experience only partial hypopituitarism and may
have normal menses and fertility [109]. Although women may have episodes
of transient polydipsia and polyuria, many have impaired urinary
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The most recognized alteration in maternal thyroid physiology is the increase in thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG). This increase begins early in the
rst trimester, plateaus during midgestation, and persists until shortly after
delivery [5]. Elevated TBG results from a decrease in its hepatic clearance,
owing to estrogen-induced sialylation [6]. The increased concentration of
TBG expands the extrathyroidal pool, triggering a concomitant increase
in maternal thyroid hormone synthesis and elevation of total thyroxine
(T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) levels [5]. In addition to TBG, maternal glomerular ltration rate is increased during early gestation and maintained
throughout pregnancy; this results in an increased renal clearance of iodide,
which indirectly stimulates the maternal thyroid machinery [7]. Lastly,
transplacental passage of T4 and iodide and placental metabolism of iodothyronines stimulate the maternal thyroid by depleting the maternal circulation of thyroid hormone and its precursors [8].
In addition to indirect stimuli, there is strong evidence that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) has intrinsic thyrotropic activity. A signicant
degree of homology exists between the hormone-specic b-subunits and
the extracellular receptor binding domains of hCG and TSH [9,10]. hCG secretion begins shortly after conception, peaks around gestational week 10,
and gradually declines thereafter to a nadir by about week 20 [5]. It is believed that the high serum concentrations of hCG during early pregnancy
directly activate the TSH receptor. This belief is substantiated by the nding
that serum hCG concentrations during early pregnancy are negatively correlated with serum TSH concentrations and positively correlated with free
T4 concentrations [5,11]. Serum TSH concentrations vary throughout pregnancy, with the rst-trimester values being lower than the values before conception and during the second and third trimesters [12]. Using an assay with
a detection limit of 0.05 mU/L, researchers found that during the rst trimester, 9% of pregnant women without thyrotoxic symptoms had subnormal serum TSH concentrations (O 0.05 mU/L, but ! 0.4 mU/L), whereas
an additional 9% had suppressed concentrations (! 0.05 mU/L) [13]. Ultimately, the nadir of maternal serum TSH levels mirrors the peak in
hCG concentrations [5]. A more recent study has reported the upper 95%
condence interval (CI) for serum TSH levels in the rst trimester to be
2.5 mU/L [14].
Although consistent patterns of total T4 and TSH during pregnancy
are well documented, the same is not true for free T4 concentrations, particularly during the rst trimester. Free T4 concentrations during this time
have been reported to be higher, lower, and the same as concentrations before conception [5]. These discrepant ndings are likely due to a combination
of shortcomings in methodology and dietary iodine intake among study participants [12]. Based on the available data, it is likely that free T4 and T3 concentrations increase slightly during the rst trimester in response to elevated
hCG. Subsequently, free T4 values decline as pregnancy progresses and nadir during the third trimester with measured values in commercial assays
that may be lower than the assays published reference ranges [12]. Currently, none of the manufacturers of the automated free T4 assays has provided trimester-specic reference ranges. Until this information is available,
the serum total T4 concentration may be a better reection of T4 production
during pregnancy. To account for the increased thyroid hormone production
during gestation, the normal reference range for total T4 should be adjusted
by a factor of 1.5 for pregnant patients [12,15].
Screening studies have shown that an elevated serum TSH concentration
is found in 2.5% of pregnancies [16,17]. In an iodine-sucient environment,
hypothyroidism during pregnancy is caused primarily by Hashimotos thyroiditis and prior radioactive iodine treatment or surgical ablation of
Graves disease [18]. Nevertheless, the clinician should keep in mind the
less common causes (eg, overtreatment of hyperthyroidism with thionamides, transient hypothyroidism owing to postpartum thyroiditis, medications that alter the absorption or metabolism of levothyroxine, and
pituitary/hypothalamic disease) because the diagnosis and management of
these patients may be dierent.
The diagnosis of hypothyroidism during pregnancy is crucial because of
its potential adverse eects on the mother and the child. Only 20% to 30%
of patients with overt hypothyroidism develop symptoms consistent with
disease, however, whereas most patients with subclinical disease are entirely
asymptomatic [19,20]. When symptoms do exist, the diagnosis often is overlooked, and a womans complaints may be attributed to pregnancy itself.
The diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism is made by documenting an elevated serum TSH concentration; however, most commercial laboratories
have not established trimester-specic reference ranges. Patients with central
hypothyroidism resulting from pituitary or hypothalamic disease do not
manifest an elevated serum TSH level during pregnancy.
Pregnancy outcome
Despite the association between overt hypothyroidism and infertility, hypothyroid women may become pregnant [21]. The likelihood that either maternal or fetal complications will arise depends on the severity of disease and
adequacy of treatment. Gestational hypertension occurs more often in
overtly hypothyroid women (36%) than in women with subclinical disease
(25%) or the general population (8%) [22]. A separate study reported
a markedly increased use of cesarean section because of fetal distress among
women who were severely hypothyroid (56%) at their initial antenatal visit
compared development between children born to women with hypothyroxinemia (free T4 % 10th percentile) and normal serum TSH concentrations
(! 2.2 mU/L) at gestational week 12 with children of controls (free T4
50th90th percentiles and normal TSH). They found a signicant delay in
mental and motor development for 1-year-olds and 2-year-olds born to
the women with hypothyroxinemia. Infants of mothers with hypothyroxinemia at 12 weeks that normalized during pregnancy did not dier signicantly
from controls. In addition, infants in the control group whose mothers became hypothyroxinemic after 12 weeks of gestation did not show impaired
development [31]. The potential inuences of iodine nutrition and other maternal comorbidities were not addressed in this study. Although the relative
contribution of maternal versus fetal thyroid hormone to neurologic development is not fully understood, these ndings suggest that maternal hormone is important during the rst trimester, before the fetal thyroid gland
begins to function, and later in gestation.
The treatment of hypothyroidism during pregnancy depends on the timing of diagnosis, the severity of disease, and possibly the cause of thyroid
dysfunction (Box 1). The starting levothyroxine dose for women with overt
hypothyroidism should be 2 mg/kg/d ) [12]. This dosage is higher than that
required for full replacement in nonpregnant patients and accounts for the
increased thyroidal demand of normal pregnancy. If the initial serum TSH
level is only slightly elevated (ie, TSH ! 10 mU/L), an initial dose of 0.1
mg/d of levothyroxine may be sucient [32].
The likelihood that hypothyroid women who receive levothyroxine replacement will need a dosage increase may depend on the cause of their thyroid dysfunction. In one study, 76% of hypothyroid women versus 47% of
women with Hashimotos thyroiditis required an increase in levothyroxine
dosage during pregnancy [2]. In addition, because women with Hashimotos
thyroiditis may have residual thyroid function that can respond partially to
the stimulatory eects of pregnancy, they require a smaller mean dosage increase (25%) than hypothyroid women (45%) [2].
As previously discussed, the stimulatory eects in pregnancy begin early
in the rst trimester and persist until delivery. Maternal requirements must
be monitored closely throughout gestation. A serum TSH level should be
checked as soon as pregnancy is conrmed. In a prospective study, the median time for dosage increase was 8 weeks gestation [1]. In addition, 25% of
women with a normal TSH concentration during the rst trimester and 37%
with a normal TSH in the second trimester eventually require an increase
in levothyroxine dosage [2]. Women with a serum TSH level less than
2.5 mU/L at initial screening should have their thyroid function re-evaluated
every 3 to 4 weeks during the rst half of pregnancy and every 6 weeks during the latter half.
immediately after delivery and have their serum TSH level re-evaluated in 6
The prevalence of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy ranges from
0.1% to 0.4%, with Graves disease accounting for 85% of cases [32,39].
Single toxic adenoma, multinodular toxic goiter, and subacute thyroiditis
constitute most of the remaining cases during pregnancy, whereas exogenous thyroid hormone and hydatidiform molar disease are extremely rare
Graves disease
Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism during
pregnancy [32,39]. Similar to other autoimmune diseases, the activity level
of Graves disease may uctuate during gestation, with exacerbation during
the rst trimester and gradual improvement during the latter half. Patients
with Graves disease also may experience an exacerbation shortly after delivery [44]. With this possibility in mind, there are several dierent clinical
scenarios by which a woman may present with Graves disease during pregnancy. First, a woman with stable Graves disease receiving thionamide
therapy may experience an exacerbation during early pregnancy. Second,
a woman in remission may experience a relapse of disease. Lastly, a woman
without prior history may be diagnosed with Graves disease de novo during
The diagnosis of Graves disease may be dicult to make clinically because of the presence of hypermetabolic symptoms in normal pregnancy,
such as palpitations, irritability, and heat intolerance. The thyroid examination is often dierent from that of normal pregnancy, hyperemesis gravidarum, and gestational thyrotoxicosis. Women with Graves disease usually
have a goiter (with or without bruit), but the accompanying autoimmune
syndromes of ophthalmopathy and possibly dermopathy are still quite rare.
Laboratory studies also are helpful, revealing a suppressed serum TSH
level and usually elevated free and total T4 serum concentrations. As described previously, however, 60% of women with hyperemesis gravidarum
have a subnormal serum TSH, and nearly 50% have an elevated serum
free T4 concentration [45]. In situations in which doubt exists, measurement
of serum total T3 concentration and T3 resin uptake may be helpful because
only 12% of women with hyperemesis gravidarum have an elevated free T3
index [45]. Finally, TSH receptor antibodies are usually present with
Graves disease and may aid in conrming the diagnosis.
Pregnancy outcome
The risk of complications for the mother and the child is related to the
duration and control of maternal hyperthyroidism. The highest incidence
occurs in cases with the poorest control, and the lowest incidence occurs
in cases with adequate treatment [40,4648]. The frequency of preterm labor
is highest among untreated mothers (88%) compared with partially treated
mothers (25%) and adequately treated mothers (8%) [46]. In addition, untreated women are twice as likely to develop preeclampsia during pregnancy
than women receiving antithyroid medication [40]. As for the fetus, stillbirth
is much more common among untreated women (50%) than either partially
treated women (16%) or adequately treated women (0%) [46]. Finally, studies have indicated that children born to mothers with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism are more likely to be small for gestational age and to have
congenital malformations unrelated to thionamide therapy [47,48].
The most important thing to remember when treating Graves disease
during pregnancy is that two patients are involved, the mother and fetus.
The goal of therapy is to control maternal disease, while minimizing to potential for fetal hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (Box 2).
Thionamide antithyroid drugs, propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole
(MMI), are the mainstay of treatment of Graves disease during pregnancy.
These medications decrease thyroid hormone production by inhibiting
discontinuation, of thionamide treatment [60]. If improvement is not apparent, consideration should be given to more aggressive diagnostic testing,
such as periumbilical blood sampling, with treatment tailored to the specic
ndings (eg, intra-amniotic levothyroxine therapy for persistent hypothyroidism) [61,62].
Aside from the hypothyroidism, the other potential side eects of thionamide therapy must be considered. The maternal side eects are the same for
any individual taking these medications, the most common being a rash. As
for the fetus/neonate, several cross-sectional studies have found no eect on
cognitive or somatic development among infants exposed to PTU or MMI
[6366]. Several rare birth defects have been observed in neonates born to
mothers taking MMI during pregnancy (eg, aplasia cutis, choanal atresia,
esophageal atresia, and minor dysmorphic features) [67,68]. None of these
ndings has been reported with PTU. The authors prefer PTU as rst-line
therapy. If a woman is unable to tolerate PTU, the authors prescribe
MMI, especially after rst-trimester organogenesis.
Treatment guidelines
The initial dosage of antithyroid medication depends on the severity of
disease. PTU should be used preferentially given the multiple case reports
of congenital defects and dysmorphic features occurring in infants exposed
to MMI [67,68]. If one is allergic or intolerant of PTU, however, MMI
should be substituted (especially after rst-trimester organogenesis) before
recommending thyroidectomy. Antithyroid medication should be titrated
to maintain maternal T4 concentrations within the upper third, or slightly
above, of the normal range for pregnancy. Because pregnancy reference
ranges have not been reported for most free T4 assays, the authors recommend using the serum total T4 concentration for thionamide dose titration.
In addition, the authors adopt a pregnancy reference range for total T4 to be
1.5 times the nonpregnant reference range owing to thyroidal stimulation
during pregnancy (see section on normal gravid thyroid physiology) [15].
Clinicians should re-evaluate maternal thyroid function every 2 to 4 weeks
and adjust thionamide therapy accordingly. Serum TSH levels are not helpful in the management of Graves disease during early pregnancy because of
the lag time that exists between the normalization of thyroid hormones and
TSH, but may be useful later in gestation when the disease is controlled. The
authors do not exceed 600 mg/d of PTU or 40 mg/d of MMI for extended
periods. One should continue to titrate PTU to the lowest possible dose that
maintains control. Graves disease may ameliorate as pregnancy progresses.
As a result, thionamide therapy may be discontinued in 30% of women during the nal weeks of pregnancy [69]. Cord blood testing for TSH and T4
is recommended in all infants born to mothers with active Graves disease.
In addition, to assess the risk for fetal or neonatal hyperthyroidism, measurement of TSH receptor antibodies at 26 to 28 weeks gestation is recommended (see later).
b-Adrenergic blockers
b-Adrenergic blockers are used often in the treatment of hyperthyroidism
because of the presence of adrenergic signs and symptoms (eg, tachycardia,
palpitations, and diaphoresis). A retrospective analysis reported, however,
an increased frequency of rst-trimester miscarriages in mothers treated
for 6 to 12 weeks with a thionamide and propranolol (24%) compared
with a thionamide alone (5.5%) [70]. This dierence existed despite similar
thyroid hormone concentrations. Although this was a small study, the authors recommend avoiding b-adrenergic blocking agents if possible in the
rst trimester.
Because of past reports of neonatal hypothyroidism after exposure to iodine, its use during pregnancy has been severely limited. Most published
work consists of case reports, however, in which euthyroid mothers were exposed to iodine-rich food, medicine, contrast media, or disinfectant agents
or hyperthyroid mothers were simultaneously treated with iodine and thionamides [71]. A study investigating the use of low-dose iodine (640 mg/d of
potassium iodide) for the treatment of Graves disease during pregnancy revealed improved maternal thyroid function and normal neonatal outcome
[71]. Specically, none of the neonates exposed to potassium iodide exhibited a goiter, and only 6% had an elevated TSH by way of the cord
blood. Although this evidence does not make iodine a rst-line therapy
for pregnant women with Graves disease, it does suggest that low-dose potassium iodide may be considered in special circumstances, such as in preparation for thyroidectomy or in thionamide-intolerant patients refusing
Subtotal thyroidectomy for the treatment of Graves disease during pregnancy is reserved for specic situations: when persistently high dosages of
thionamides (PTU O 600 mg/d, MMI O 40 mg/d) are required to control
maternal disease, if a patient is allergic or intolerant of both thionamides, if
a patient is noncompliant with medical therapy, or if compressive symptoms
occur in the mother because of goiter size [32]. Historically, it has been
recommended that surgery occur during the second trimester, before gestational week 24, in an attempt to minimize the risk of miscarriage [59]. Women who are persistently hyperthyroid before surgery should be prepared with
a b-adrenergic blocking agent and a 10- to 14-day course of potassium iodide with the intent of treating the hyperthyroid state and minimizing the
potential for perioperative disease exacerbation.
Radioactive iodine therapy
Radioactive iodine therapy is contraindicated for the treatment of
Graves disease during pregnancy. Fetal tissue is more radiosensitive than
adult tissue and may be susceptible to congenital defects during early development [72]. Additionally, the fetal thyroid gland begins to concentrate iodine after gestational week 10, predisposing the fetus/neonate to congenital
hypothyroidism [73,74].
state [88]. Nodules with benign cytology should be observed and followed by
an endocrinologist after delivery. Nodules with cytologic ndings consistent
with follicular neoplasm may require further evaluation after delivery with
radioactive iodine imaging, which is contraindicated during pregnancy,
and possibly surgery. If the ne-needle aspiration cytology is consistent
with thyroid cancer, surgery is recommended. Currently, there is no consensus on the appropriate timing of surgery. Some experts recommend operating during the second trimester, before 24 weeks gestation, to minimize the
risk of miscarriage [21]. Thyroid cancer discovered during pregnancy is not
more aggressive, however, than that diagnosed in a similar aged group of
nonpregnant women, leading other experts to advocate postponing denitive surgery until after delivery in most patients [89,90]. A retrospective
study of pregnant women with dierentiated thyroid cancer found there
to be no dierence in either recurrence or survival rates between women operated on during or after their pregnancy [90].
The authors have adopted a clinical practice inuenced by both schools
of thought. If a malignant nodule is discovered early in pregnancy, it should
be monitored with repeat ultrasound at midtrimester. If the nodule has
grown signicantly, surgery should be considered with the assistance of an
experienced anesthesiologist. Postoperative radioactive iodine therapy, if indicated, must be delayed until after the delivery. Conversely, if the nodule
size is stable, or the malignancy is not discovered until the second half of
pregnancy, surgery can occur after the patient has delivered. In all women
with cytology indicative of papillary thyroid cancer, regardless of surgical
timing, levothyroxine suppression therapy should be initiated to maintain
the serum TSH in the subnormal, but detectable, range (ie, 0.10.3 mU/L).
In addition, women with previously diagnosed or treated dierentiated
thyroid cancer require an increased levothyroxine dosage during pregnancy.
The recommended schedule for serum TSH testing is the same as that outlined for hypothyroid women (see Box 1). The authors adopt a therapeutic
target for serum TSH of 0.1 to 0.8 mU/L for patients with papillary or follicular thyroid cancer, depending on their risk of recurrence, and less than
2.5 mU/L for patients with medullary thyroid cancer.
Thyroid disorders are common among pregnant women. Diagnosis of
thyroid dysfunction is complicated, however, by nonspecic symptoms,
the hypermetabolic state of pregnancy, and normal gravid thyroid physiology, which results in alterations of maternal serum TSH and thyroxine concentrations. If untreated, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may
adversely aect the mother and fetus. In cases of primary hypothyroidism,
maternal serum TSH concentrations should be monitored throughout pregnancy, and the levothyroxine dosage should be adjusted to maintain
maternal serum TSH levels at 2.5 mU/L or less. Conversely, in cases of true
hyperthyroidism (e.g., Graves disease), maternal thyroid function should be
evaluated every 2 to 4 weeks, and thionamide therapy (preferably PTU)
should be given, titrated to achieve maternal serum total T4 concentration within the upper one third of normal to slightly elevated range for pregnancy. Fetal ultrasonography and measurement of maternal serum TSH
receptor antibody concentrations should be employed to prevent fetal/neonatal complications. Finally, the evaluation of nodular thyroid disease and
cancer is similar in pregnant and nonpregnant patients. Use of radioactive
iodine is contraindicated during pregnancy, however, and should be postponed until after delivery.
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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility in the United States, aecting 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age [1,2]. It is typically characterized by hyperandrogenism and
chronic anovulation. Hyperandrogenism may present as hirsutism, acne, or
male-pattern alopecia. Anovulation manifests as irregular menstrual cycles,
usually amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, and infertility [3]. In the past, abnormally regulated luteinizing hormone (LH) levels alone were believed to
account for these symptoms. However, recent evidence suggests that hyperinsulinemic insulin resistance plays a pathogenic role in PCOS by increasing
circulating ovarian androgen concentrations, perhaps via P450c17a stimulation [4,5], thus impeding ovulation [68]. Obese as well as lean women with
PCOS manifest insulin resistance independent of fat mass [6,9]. Presumably
as a result of their insulin resistance, women with PCOS have also been
found to be at increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus
[10], dyslipidemia [11], and possibly cardiovascular disease.
The presence of hyperinsulinemic insulin resistance in PCOS creates an
interesting paradox because peripheral tissues, such as skeletal muscle, are
resistant to insulin in terms of glucose metabolism, whereas the ovary remains sensitive to insulin with regard to stimulation of testosterone biosynthesis, suggesting tissue-specic dierences in insulin sensitivity. The exact
underlying mechanism of insulin resistance in PCOS remains poorly characterized. Although recent studies have implicated a post-insulin receptor
defect as the likely mechanism [1215], further work must be done to elucidate a specic target. Of note, attention is concurrently being focused on the
possibility of PCOS as a genetic disorder, expressing itself only after interaction with other environmental factors [1618].
Aside from weight loss, other therapies for anovulatory infertility that
target insulin resistance have become widely popular in recent years because
of the growing recognition that insulin resistance likely hampers fertility and
decreases the ecacy of other pharmacologic therapies in PCOS. Of the
insulin-sensitizing drugs, metformin, an oral biguanide used to treat type
2 diabetes mellitus, is the most comprehensively evaluated drug, with proven
eectiveness in lean as well as obese women with PCOS [4,5,23]. An
improvement in insulin sensitivity and reduction in circulating insulin by
metformin may enhance ovulation in PCOS by decreasing intraovarian concentrations of androgens, normalizing gonadotropin secretory dynamics, or
a combination of these and other processes.
The ecacy of metformin monotherapy in promoting ovulation and
fertility in PCOS was recently conrmed in a meta-analysis by Lord and
colleagues [24]. The meta-analysis consisted of 13 randomized controlled
clinical trials that included 428 women with PCOS. Ovulation was achieved
in 46% of women with PCOS who received metformin compared with 24%
who received placebo (odds ratio [OR] 3.88, 95% condence interval [CI]:
2.256.69) [24]. Subsequently, a pilot study comparing metformin and lifestyle modication showed no dierence in ovulation rates between the
two groups; however, the study had a 39% dropout rate, potentially biasing
the results [25]. A further study showed that the addition of metformin to
a hypocaloric diet in obese women with PCOS resulted in improvement in
menstrual irregularity when compared with the placebo and hypocaloric
diet arm [26]. Similarly, in clomiphene-resistant patients, the combination
of clomiphene and metformin has been shown to improve ovulation [27]
and pregnancy rates [24,28] when compared with clomiphene alone.
Newer insulin sensitizers known as the thiazolidinediones (TZDs) have
also received attention with regard to their potential role in the treatment
of PCOS. Troglitazone, the rst drug of this class, has been shown to improve ovulation rates, hyperandrogenemia, and insulin resistance compared
with placebo [29]. Its mechanism of action, although partially systemic, is
also thought to involve direct ovarian action because thecal cells possess
the peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor-g (PPARg) nuclear receptors that these drugs target. In thecal cell cultures, troglitazone impedes
stimulation of androgen biosynthesis by the combination of LH and insulin [30]. However, troglitazone was withdrawn from the worldwide market
because of hepatocellular toxicity.
Rosiglitazone is another TZD that is commercially available, and it has
also been shown to normalize menses and improve insulin resistance in
women with PCOS [31]. Additionally, when rosiglitazone was administered
to nonobese women who had PCOS with normal insulin sensitivity, ovulation frequency and androgen levels improved compared with placebo even
though insulin parameters did not change [32]. This supports the theory
that TZDs as a class may have direct inhibitory eects on ovarian androgen
biosynthesis. Pioglitazone, the most recently developed TZD, also improved
well, including plasma concentrations of triglycerides, small dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles, free fatty acids, plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), tissue plasminogen activator antigen (TPA Ag), vascular
cell adhesion molecules (VCAMs), leptin, and tumor necrosis factora
(TNF-a) [39]. Thus, normal pregnancy itself is a state of heightened insulin resistance. Further, in women with PCOS, pregnancy may augment the
preexisting insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, resulting in fatal and
nonfatal complications.
and obese women who conceived after IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to determine their miscarriage rates. Obese women were again
found to have an increased risk of EPL (22% versus 12%; P .03) and a decreased live birth rate compared with lean women. Obesity, characterized by
hyperinsulinemic insulin resistance, was shown to be an independent risk factor for EPL [51].
Investigators have examined the eects of insulin-sensitizing drugs on the
rate of miscarriage in PCOS. Glueck and colleagues [52] performed a prospective cohort pilot study of women with PCOS, comparing those treated
with metformin before conception who continued the drug throughout pregnancy with historical controls who did not receive metformin. Results
showed that the rate of rst trimester pregnancy loss was 39% in the historical controls but only 11% in the metformin group. Ten women in the metformin group had had previous pregnancies while not receiving metformin.
In this subcohort, the miscarriage rate decreased from 73% to 10% with the
addition of metformin (P ! .002). Overall, no evidence of teratogenicity
was noted in the metformin group. Before metformin therapy, fasting serum
insulin levels correlated positively with PAI activity (r 0.60, P .004).
Over a median treatment period of 6 months (before conception), a reduction in fasting serum insulin was also positively correlated with a reduction
in PAI activity (r 0.65, P .04), suggesting that hyperinsulinemia and
PAI activity may be closely related; perhaps both can help to explain the etiology of EPL in PCOS.
Glueck and coworkers [53] went on to complete a follow-up prospective
study conrming that EPL decreased from 62% to 26% (P ! .0001) when
women with PCOS continued metformin throughout pregnancy. Again, no
teratogenic adverse events occurred. In this study, PAI activity was again
lower on metformin compared with premetformin entry levels. However,
logistic regression revealed that entry fasting serum insulin was the only signicant variable associated with total (previous and current) rst trimester
miscarriage (OR 1.32 for each 5-mIU/mL increment in insulin, 95% CI:
1.091.60, P .005).
A larger retrospective study of women with PCOS performed by an independent group also showed a decrease in EPL in those who continued metformin throughout pregnancy compared with controls (8.8% versus 42%;
P ! .001) [40]. This trend remained signicant in the subgroup analysis
of women with a prior history of miscarriage. No adverse fetal outcomes
were noted in the metformin group, except for 1 of 62 live births that suffered from achondroplasia, a hereditary condition thought to be unrelated
to metformin. Additionally, those women who remained on metformin
had signicantly decreased serum androgen concentrations and improved
insulin sensitivity during pregnancy compared with controls; both are plausible explanations for the decrease in miscarriage rate.
Given the consistency among these studies, insulin resistance seems to
play an important role in EPL in women with PCOS. It is plausible that
between those with and without pregestational insulin resistance, one might
consider other determinants of PCOS as possible explanations.
The hypothesis that PCOS is associated with GDM has not been supported by all studies. For example, a retrospective cohort study by Haakova
and coworkers [67] compared pregnant women with PCOS with age- and
weight-matched pregnant controls and found no statistical dierence in
the development of GDM. Nevertheless, consistency among many studies
combined with their large magnitudes of eect is supportive evidence in favor of insulin resistance causing women with PCOS to be at increased risk
for developing GDM. This eect has been noted independent of age and
BMI. Several reports prospectively document insulin resistance preceding
GDM, implying a cause-eect relation. Further, the association is biologically feasible because insulin resistance is the main oender implicated in
type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Consequences of GDM are signicant and include the long-term risk of
developing diabetes later in life as well as signicant immediate perinatal
risks, including macrosomia, hypoglycemia, stillbirth, jaundice, and respiratory distress syndrome. Rates of birth trauma and cesarean section are also
increased. Another potential complication is the development of pregnancyinduced hypertensive disorders (PIHDs), such as preeclampsia and gestational hypertension. A recent case-control study examined this relation
and found that women with GDM have a 1.5-fold increased risk of developing PIHDs [68]. Ethnicity was found to modify the association, with the
greatest risk existing among black women [68].
Given the signicant attendant complications, some investigators have
examined potential drug therapy to prevent the onset of GDM in women
with PCOS. One study compared women with PCOS who conceived while
taking metformin and continued taking it throughout pregnancy with
women with PCOS who conceived without metformin therapy [58]. GDM developed in 3% of the metformin pregnancies compared with 31% of the
nonmetformin pregnancies (OR 0.093, 95% CI: 0.0110.795; P .03).
After adjustment for age at delivery, metformin was associated with a 10fold reduction in GDM in women with PCOS. Further, metformin was
shown to decrease BMI, insulin levels, insulin resistance, and insulin secretion; these eects were maintained throughout pregnancy. Metformin did
not result in any major fetal malformations or fetal hypoglycemia, again
supporting its safety in pregnancy. Nevertheless, the utility of metformin administration to women with PCOS during pregnancy to prevent development of GDM has not been rigorously tested in a randomized clinical trial.
Pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders
PIHDs complicate 3% to 5% of pregnancies in previously normotensive
women [39] and usually develop during the third trimester. Although hypertension in these women typically resolves by 6 weeks postpartum, they are at
with controls (11.5% versus 0.3%; P ! .05), and preeclampsia was found
more frequently among insulin-resistant patients with PCOS than in noninsulin-resistant patients with PCOS (22% versus 7%; P ! .05) and controls. BMI was similar among the insulin-resistant and noninsulin-resistant
women with PCOS. This was the rst prospective study in women with
PCOS to support the association between hyperinsulinemia and PIHDs
proposed earlier by other investigators.
Nonetheless, some of the available data do not support the proposed hypothesis. A study by Mikola and coworkers [64] found no signicant dierence in the incidence of preeclampsia between women with PCOS and
a normal control population. After multiple logistic regression, nulliparity
was the only signicant risk factor for preeclampsia; BMI greater than
25 kg/m2, multiple pregnancy, and PCOS had no predictive value. When
de Vries and colleagues [75] matched cases and controls for parity, however,
women with PCOS maintained a signicant association with preeclampsia.
A more recent study by Haakova and coworkers [67] also retrospectively analyzed the relationship between women with PIHDs and women with
PCOS. Although a trend toward increased PIHDs occurred in the women
with PCOS, no statistically signicant dierence was found when compared
with age- and weight-matched controls.
Clearly, the limited data on the association between PCOS and PIHDs
are conicting. The eects of age, BMI, ovulation induction, and parity
have been studied, however, and the magnitude of association among positive studies remains quite large.
Taken one step further, the impact of insulin resistance in women with
PCOS who develop preeclampsia has also been examined, suggesting a possible mechanistic link. Several reports document hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemia developing before preeclampsia, providing support for insulin
resistance in disease pathogenesis [69,77,78]. Additionally, insulin resistance
or its associated features have been shown to occur many years after a preeclamptic rst pregnancy [7982]. Persistence of insulin resistance postpartum
further suggests a role for its causality in the development of preeclampsia
[82]. Laivuori and colleagues [83] found an association between preeclamptic
pregnancy and the existence of hyperandrogenemia 17 years after delivery,
suggesting that these women could have had hyperinsulinemic PCOS during
their reproductive years (although all reportedly had normal menstruation)
and may be at risk for its metabolic consequences after menopause.
Several theoretic mechanisms exist whereby hyperinsulinemia could predispose to PIHDs in women with PCOS. For example, hyperinsulinemia
may increase renal sodium reabsorption [84] and stimulate the sympathetic
nervous system [85]. Insulin resistance or associated hyperglycemia may impair endothelial function [86]. Endothelial dysfunction may decrease prostacyclin production [87]. Studies in animal models have shown that androgens
increase vasoconstriction in response to pressors [88] and also decrease the
synthesis of prostacyclin [89], potentially playing a further role in the
development of PIHDs. Interestingly, the plasma total renin level was found
to be higher in normotensive women with PCOS compared with healthy
controls, independent of insulin resistance [90]. Although many possible theories exist, more studies need to be done to conrm a mechanistic link between hyperinsulinemia and preeclampsia.
Preeclampsia may have acute and chronic consequences. Acute problems
primarily revolve around delivery complications and increased perinatal
morbidity. Chronic eects, however, are more dicult to study because
women who develop these problems often have a remote diagnosis of
PIHD that is dicult to ascertain [39]. One study was able to show that
the risk of hypertension is increased almost threefold after 2 to 24 years
of follow-up in women with a history of preeclampsia or eclampsia compared with controls [91]. Other long-term consequences that have been reported include hypertriglyceridemia, hyperuricemia, hyperandrogenemia,
and abnormal brachial artery ow-mediated (endothelium-dependent) dilatation [39], consistent with the eects of insulin resistance.
Given this increase in cardiovascular risk factors, some investigators have
attempted to determine if mortality attributable to cardiovascular causes is
increased among women with a prior history of preeclampsia. One study
found that mortality attributable to cardiovascular causes was increased
among Norwegian women who had preeclampsia and preterm delivery
(ie, severe preeclampsia) compared with preeclamptic women with term delivery or women with preterm delivery alone [92]. Another study found that
women with a discharge diagnosis of preeclampsia were twice as likely to be
admitted to the hospital for or to die from ischemic heart disease compared
with women with uncomplicated pregnancies [93]. These ndings suggest
that preeclampsia may serve as a marker for future cardiovascular disease.
Whether this association is independent of obesity and other predictors of
cardiovascular risk still remains to be seen.
Given the available evidence, it is possible to imagine that interventions
targeted at improving insulin sensitivity may decrease the likelihood of preeclampsia and later life complications, including risk of cardiovascular
events. For instance, weight reduction before pregnancy and avoidance of
excessive weight gain during pregnancy may contribute to improved insulin
sensitivity and decreased risk for developing preeclampsia. When lifestyle
modication cannot be maintained, however, incentive to use insulin-sensitizing drug therapy, such as metformin, may exist. Studies that examine the
eect of metformin on the incidence of preeclampsia and its complications
in women with PCOS are currently needed.
Future directions
In summary, infertility in PCOS has multiple facets (eg, anovulation, decreased implantation), and several treatment options exist including those
that target insulin resistance. Once pregnancy is achieved, however, women
are faced with several potential complications, including EPL, GDM, and
PIHDs. All these disorders are potentially linked by their association with
hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. Hence, it is notable that preliminary studies suggest that metformin, which is an insulin-sensitizing agent
that is a pregnancy class B drug, may decrease the risk of EPL and GDM
in women with PCOS. Furthermore, given the long-term metabolic consequences of PCOS, including type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular disease, some experts speculate as to whether administering metformin
during pregnancy may not only prevent pregnancy complications but also
retard or prevent some of these long-term health risks. In fact, the occurrence of EPL, GDM, and PIHDs may be identied as predictors of cardiovascular risk in women with PCOS.
Although it is reassuring that metformin administration during pregnancy
appears to be safe, rigorous randomized controlled trials must be conducted
to conrm metformins ecacy and safety under these conditions before
its use during pregnancy can be recommended.
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Hypertension in Pregnancy
Caren G. Solomon, MD, MPHa, Ellen W. Seely, MDb,*
Prior personal or family history of preeclampsia
Diabetes mellitus
Renal disease
Collagen vascular disease
Multiple gestation
Data from Roberts JN, Pearson GD, Cutler JA, Lindheimer MD. Summary
of the NHLBI Working Group on Research on Hypertension in Pregnancy. Hypertension Preg 2003;22:10927; and Duckitt K, Harrington D. Risk factors for preeclampsia at antenatal booking: systematic review of controlled studies. BMJ
Even in the absence of frank obesity, increasing body mass index (BMI) is
associated with increased risk for preeclampsia [13]; similarly, increased
blood pressure even within the normal range is a recognized risk factor
[14]. Black race also may predispose, although the association between black
race and preeclampsia may be explained by the high prevalence of obesity
and chronic hypertension in this population.
Other recognized risk factors for preeclampsia include a prior personal or
family history of preeclampsia [12]. A maternal history of preeclampsia increases the risk of preeclampsia in a womans daughter and her sons female
partner [15]. There may be several susceptibility genes for preeclampsia. Associations have been described between risk for preeclampsia and polymorphisms the genes for factor V Leiden, angiotensinogen, and endothelial
nitric oxide synthase, although these have not been conrmed consistently
in other populations [16]. Conditions linked to preeclampsia, in addition
to preexisting hypertension, include diabetes mellitus, renal disease, collagen
vascular disease [1], and possibly polycystic ovary syndrome [17].
An increased risk of preeclampsia also has been reported in multiparous
women when there is a change in paternity [18], with shorter length of sexual
relationship, and with prior use of barrier contraceptives; these observations
have been suggested to support a possible immunologic cause of the disorder. More recent data have suggested, however, that relationships between
these factors and preeclampsia may be explained by other confounding factors [19]. The risk associated with a change in paternity may be explained by
the length of the interval between pregnancies; longer intervals seem to predispose to preeclampsia regardless of paternity [20].
Women who are current cigarette smokers during pregnancy seem to have
a decreased risk of developing preeclampsia, even after adjustment for BMI
[21]; in contrast, women who stop smoking before pregnancy do not have decreased risk. Possible mediators of the risk reduction associated with cigarette
smoking include increase in nitric oxide production, decrease in thromboxane production, or alteration in cell immunity; better understanding of these
factors might lead to preventive strategies without the hazards of smoking.
Decreased placental perfusion is considered a central feature of preeclampsia (see section on pathophysiology later). Conditions associated
with increased placental size, such as multiple gestation [22], increase the
risk for preeclampsia. The risk for severe preeclampsia was reported to be signicantly greater with triplet pregnancy compared with twin pregnancy [23].
Assessment of risk factors for preeclampsia should be a part of routine
prenatal care. Women who have identied risk factors may benet from
closer surveillance during pregnancy [24].
Pathophysiology of preeclampsia
Despite decades of research, the cause of preeclampsia remains uncertain.
Many theories have been proposed.
Maternal factors
Endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of preeclampsia and involves the
placental and systemic circulations [25]. It is unclear whether endothelial
dysfunction is primary (causal) or a secondary manifestation of disease.
Signs of endothelial dysfunction include hypertension, proteinuria, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and organ hypoperfusion. Several laboratory
abnormalities consistent with abnormal endothelial function have been observed in women with preeclampsia, including decreased levels of prostacyclin (with an increased ratio of thromboxane to prostacyclin) [26] and
increased levels of endothelin-1 [27] (a growth factor derived from endothelial cells that causes vasoconstriction). Increased pressor responsiveness to
angiotensin II (in contrast to the refractoriness to this substance observed
in normal pregnancy) also is characteristic of preeclampsia.
Insulin resistance is a well-recognized correlate of endothelial dysfunction
and may play a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia [28]. In normal
pregnancy, insulin resistance increases with gestation, and insulin resistance
is greater in women with preeclampsia. Studies of women with established
preeclampsia revealed higher levels of insulin and glucose, increased levels
of triglycerides and free fatty acids [29], and elevated levels of cytokines
(eg, tumor necrosis factor-a [30]) associated with the insulin-resistant state.
Although abnormalities observed in cross-sectional studies of preeclampsia could be a result rather than a cause of disease, several of these abnormalities have been shown to precede the development of preeclampsia.
Prospective studies of pregnant women who subsequently developed preeclampsia have shown higher levels of glucose [31], insulin [32], triglycerides,
free fatty acids [33], and tumor necrosis factor-a [34] and lower levels of highdensity lipoprotein [35] and sex hormonebinding globulin [36] than in women
who remain normotensive through pregnancy [28]. More recently, elevated
levels of the cytokine soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1(st-1) and lower
levels of placental growth factor (PlGF) were reported to antedate the development of preeclampsia [37]; high levels of st-1 are proposed to antagonize
vasodilatory eects of PlGF-1 and vascular endothelium-derived growth factor, resulting in placental vascular insuciency and other systemic eects.
Follow-up studies of women with a history of preeclampsia have revealed
several metabolic abnormalities, including increased insulin resistance [38]
and abnormal endothelial relaxation [39]. These observations, coupled
with the abnormalities observed in women before the development of preeclampsia, have suggested the importance of underlying maternal factors
and factors specic to the pregnancy in the pathogenesis of disease.
Fetoplacental factors
During normal pregnancy, fetal trophoblasts transform maternal spiral
arteries from resistance muscular vessels to low-resistance vessels by
replacing endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells of the media [40]. Several
factors (eg, nitric oxide and vascular adhesion molecules) seem to play a role
in successful trophoblastic transformation. In preeclampsia, the trophoblastic invasion is incomplete such that spiral arteries maintain increased vascular tone, leading to decreased placental perfusion. It is currently uncertain
which mediators of trophoblastic invasion are defective in preeclampsia.
Predictors of preeclampsia
Given the increased maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality associated
with preeclampsia, attempts have been made to identify markers predictive of the development of preeclampsia. Several purported markers (eg,
hyperinsulinemia and hypocalciuria) have been associated with a higher
risk of preeclampsia, but the overlap in levels between women who have
and have not developed the disease is too great for them to serve as useful
discriminators in practice. Assessments of vascular function also have been
proposed as discriminatory markers; however, assessment of angiotensin II
pressor response [41] is too invasive and impractical and Doppler assessment of uterine artery blood ow is too nonspecic [42] for clinical use. It
is currently uncertain whether serum levels of st-1 or serum or urinary levels of PlGF [43] will prove to be useful in distinguishing between pregnant
women who will and will not develop preeclampsia.
Prevention of preeclampsia
The lack of predictive markers for the development of preeclampsia has
complicated eorts to prevent the disease. Nonetheless, several interventions
have been studied in populations considered to be at increased risk based on
historical factors, such as primiparity.
Based on the observation of relative increases in thromboxane relative to
prostacylin levels in women with preeclampsia, aspirin or other antiplatelet
agents have been proposed as preventive agents. Although several small trials suggested a benet to aspirin, a large multicenter, placebo-controlled,
randomized trial [44] including 6927 women at increased risk for preeclampsia found no signicant reduction overall in the risk of preeclampsia with
aspirin therapy (60 mg/d). Subgroup analyses indicated a possible benet
in reducing risk in women who delivered before 32 weeks gestation, but
such women could not be reliably identied prospectively. Another large
randomized trial of low-dose aspirin (60 mg/d) in high-risk women also
showed no signicant benet [45].
Similar to aspirin, calcium supplementation seemed to be a promising
preventive strategy in small studies. In a multicenter, placebo-controlled,
randomized trial of 4589 healthy nulliparous women [46], supplementation
with 2 g of elemental calcium daily did not reduce signicantly the risks of
preeclampsia or pregnancy-associated hypertension among the group overall or among women with low calcium intake or low urinary calcium levels
at baseline.
Because preeclampsia has been considered to reect a state of increased
oxidant stress, it has been hypothesized that supplementation with antioxidants might reduce risk for this disorder. A randomized trial of supplementation with vitamins E and C was terminated early, however, after the rates
of preeclampsia did not dier materially between women receiving and not
receiving supplementation [47]. Low levels of u-3 fatty acids have been associated with increased rates of preeclampsia [48], but it is not known
whether supplementation reduces this risk.
Lifestyle modications
Women who are lean before pregnancy have a lower risk of preeclampsia
than women with higher pregravid BMI [12]. It is not known, however, if
weight loss before pregnancy in obese women reduces risk. Some retrospective data have indicated that higher levels of leisure-time physical activity in
the rst 20 weeks of pregnancy are associated with a signicantly reduced
risk for preeclampsia [49]. However, another retrospective report found
no signicant reduction in the risk for preeclampsia with greater leisuretime or nonleisure-time physical activity [50].
Management of preeclampsia
Women with established or suspected preeclampsia require close clinical
surveillance. The goal is to avoid the development of eclampsia or other complications in the mother, but prolong the pregnancy as long as possible, as
long as the mother and fetus are stable. Indications for immediate delivery
have been outlined by the Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy and include maternal and fetal factors [1]. Maternal indications include gestational age 38 weeks or greater; platelet count less than 100,000
cells/mm3; progressive decline in either liver or renal function; signs of placental abruption; or symptoms of persistent severe headaches, visual
changes, severe epigastric pain, nausea, or vomiting. Fetal indications for delivery include abnormal nonstress testing or ultrasound scans indicating severe growth restriction, unfavorable biophysical prole, or oligohydramnios.
Table 1
Pharmacologic therapy for hypertensive pregnancy
Route of
By mouth
Calcium channel
By mouth
May exacerbate asthma and heart
May exacerbate asthma and heart
Caution when used with magnesium
Categories: A (not listed), adequate and well-controlled studies have failed to show a risk
to the fetus in the rst trimester of pregnancy (and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters); B, animal reproduction studies have failed to show a risk to the fetus and there are no
adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women; C, animal reproduction studies
have shown an adverse eect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies
in humans, but potential benets may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks; D (not listed), positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data
from investigational or marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential benets may
warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks; and X (not listed), studies in
animals or humans have showed fetal abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human
fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience, and the
risks involved in use of the drug in pregnant women clearly outweigh potential benets.
ACEIs and ARBs are contraindicated in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy because of the risk of fetal or neonatal renal failure and other complications (category D).
Short-acting calcium channel blockers have been used in this setting, but are not approved
for treating hypertensive crisis even in nonpregnant patients, and may increase risk for cardiovascular events.
mortality compared with women who were normotensive and gave birth at
term [70]. Studies of long-term risks may be biased, however, by possible
misdiagnosis of chronic hypertension as preeclampsia, and further research
is needed to better understand the long-term risks associated with a history
of preeclampsia and to identify eective interventions. Currently, lifestyle
interventions to control BMI and reduce insulin resistancedincluding dietary changes and increased physical activitydare reasonable and should
be encouraged.
New-onset hypertension complicates 5% to 10% of pregnancies. Preeclampsia is associated with substantial risk to the mother and the fetus.
Recognized risk factors include primiparity and preexisting chronic hypertension. Many biochemical abnormalities (eg, hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipidemia, elevated levels of tumor necrosis factor-a, and, more recently, elevated
levels of st-1 and reduced levels of PlGF) also have been recognized to predispose to disease. Currently, there is no marker for disease that has proved
suciently discriminatory to be used in practice, and no interventions are
known to be eective in preventing the disease. The cure for preeclampsia
is delivery of the fetus, but delivery earlier than necessary poses major risks
to the fetus; management involves close follow-up of the mother and the
fetus to prolong the pregnancy as long as is safely possible. Although
no antihypertensive medications are approved for use in pregnancy, clinical experience has supported certain choices (including methyldopa,
b-blockers, and calcium channel blockers for long-term management and
hydralazine, labetalol, and nitroprusside for acute management). Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers are contraindicated in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Women with
a history of preeclampsia are at increased risk of preeclampsia in subsequent
pregnancies and may be at increased risk for subsequent hypertension and
cardiovascular disease. Further research is needed to understand causes of
preeclampsia better and to identify interventions that can prevent its occurrence and reduce subsequent risks in women who have had preeclampsia.
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Endocrinology of Parturition
Victoria Snegovskikh, MDa,*,
Joong Shin Park, MD, PhDb,
Errol R. Norwitz, MD, PhDa
Reproductive success is critical for survival of the species. The timely onset of labor and delivery is an important determinant of perinatal outcome.
Preterm birth (dened as delivery before 37 weeks gestation) and post-term
pregnancy (dened as pregnancy continuing beyond 42 weeks) are both associated with a signicant increase in perinatal morbidity and mortality. The
factors responsible for the timing of labor in the human are complex and, as
yet, are not completely understood. This article reviews the current understanding of the parturition cascade responsible for the spontaneous onset
of labor at term and discusses preterm labor and post-term pregnancy.
Historical context
Considerable evidence suggests that the fetus is in control of the timing of
labor. Horsedonkey crossbreeding experiments in the 1950s resulted in
a gestational length intermediate between that of horses (340 days) and
that of donkeys (365 days) [13], suggesting a role for the fetal genotype in
the initiation of labor. The mechanism by which the fetus triggers labor at
term has been demonstrated elegantly in domestic ruminants such as sheep
and cows and involves the activation at term of the fetal hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, leading to a surge in adrenal cortisol production. Fetal cortisol then acts to up-regulate directly the activity of placental
17a-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase (CYP17) enzyme, which catalyzes the conversion of pregnenolone to 17b-estradiol. The switch in progesterone:estrogen
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: vica@inbox.ru (V. Snegovskikh).
0889-8529/06/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
et al
ratio at term provides the impetus for uterine prostaglandin production and
labor [49]. However, human placentae lack the CYP17 enzyme, which is
critical to this pathway [2], and, as such, this mechanism does not apply in
humans. During the Hippocratic period, it was believed that the fetus presented head down so that it could kick its legs up against the fundus of
the uterus and propel itself through the birth canal. Although we have
moved away from this simple and mechanical view of labor, the factors responsible for the initiation and maintenance of labor at term are not well dened. The slow progress in our understanding of labor in humans is the
result, in large part, of the absence of an adequate animal model. Parturition
in most animals results from changes in circulating hormone levels in the maternal and fetal circulations at the end of pregnancy (endocrine events),
whereas labor in humans results from a complex dynamic biochemical dialog
that exists between the fetoplacental unit and the mother (paracrine and autocrine events).
Diagnosis of labor
Labor is the physiologic process by which a fetus is expelled from the uterus
and is common to all viviparous species. Labor remains a clinical diagnosis. It
requires the presence of regular painful uterine contractions, which increase in
frequency and intensity, leading to progressive cervical eacement and dilatation. In normal labor, there appears to be a time-dependent relationship
between these elements: the biochemical connective tissue changes in the
cervix usually precede uterine contractions that, in turn, precede cervical
dilatation. All of these events occur usually before spontaneous rupture of
the fetal membranes [10]. The mean duration of human singleton pregnancy
is 280 days (40 weeks) from the rst day of the last normal menstrual period.
Term is dened as the period from 37.0 to 42.0 weeks of gestation.
Fig. 1. Proposed parturition cascade for labor induction at term. The spontaneous induction
of labor at term in the human is regulated by a series of paracrine-autocrine hormones acting
in an integrated parturition cascade responsible for promoting uterine contractions. COX-2,
cyclooxygenase 2; OT, oxytocin; PGDH, prostaglandin dehydrogenase; PGEM, 13,14dihydro-15-keto-PGE2; PGFM, 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2a; PLA2, phospholipase A;
SROM, spontaneous rupture of the fetal membranes; 11b-HSD, 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 16-OH DHEAS, 16-OH-dehydroepiandrostendione sulfate.
et al
Regardless of whether the trigger for labor begins within or outside the
fetus, the nal common pathway for labor ends in the maternal tissues of
the uterus and is characterized by the development of regular phasic uterine
contractions. As in other smooth muscles, myometrial contractions are mediated through the ATP-dependent binding of myosin to actin. In contrast
to vascular smooth muscle, however, myometrial cells have a sparse innervation, which is further reduced during pregnancy [12]. The regulation of
the contractile mechanism of the uterus is therefore largely humoral or dependent on intrinsic factors within the myometrial cells.
(see Fig. 1) [16]. DHEAS is converted in the fetal liver to 16-hydroxy DHEAS
and then travels to the placenta where it is metabolized into estradiol (E2),
estrone (E1), and estriol (E3). In the rhesus monkey, an infusion of C19 precursor (androstenedione) leads to preterm delivery [17]. This eect is blocked
by the concurrent infusion of an aromatase inhibitor [18], demonstrating that
conversion to estrogen is important. However, a systemic infusion of estrogen failed to induce delivery, suggesting that the action of estrogen is likely
paracrine-autocrine [17,19,20]. In addition to DHEAS, the fetal adrenal
glands also produce copious amounts of cortisol. Cortisol acts to prepares
fetal organ systems for extrauterine life and to promote expression of a number of placental genes, including corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH),
oxytocin, and prostaglandins (especially prostaglandin E2 [PGE2]).
CRH is a peptide hormone released by the hypothalamus but is also expressed by placental and chorionic trophoblasts and amnionic and decidual
cells [2123]. CRH stimulates pituitary ACTH secretion and adrenal cortisol
production. In the mother, cortisol inhibits hypothalamic CRH and pituitary
ACTH release, creating a negative feedback loop. In contrast, cortisol
stimulates CRH release by the decidual, trophoblastic, and fetal membranes
[2326]. CRH, in turn, further drives maternal and fetal HPA activation,
thereby establishing a potent positive feed-forward loop. In normal pregnancy,
the increased production of CRH from decidual, trophoblastic, and fetal
membranes leads to an increase in circulating cortisol beginning in midgestation [27]. The eects of CRH are enhanced by a fall in maternal plasma
CRH-binding protein near term [28]. CRH also enhances prostaglandin production by amnionic, chorionic, and decidual cells [23]. Prostaglandins, in
turn, stimulate CRH release from the decidual and fetal membranes [24].
The rise in prostaglandins ultimately results in parturition [29]. CRH also
can directly aect myometrial contractility [30]. Taken together, these factors
suggest that placental CRH serves as a placental clock that controls the timing of labor [31,32]. A longitudinal measurement of CRH throughout pregnancy suggests that the placental clock may be set to run fast or slow as early
as the rst or second trimester of pregnancy [31,3335]. Once the speed of the
placental clock is set, the timing of delivery may be predetermined.
Role of estrogens in the onset of labor
Human pregnancy is characterized by a hyperestrogenic state of unparallel magnitude in the entire mammalian kingdom. The placenta is the primary source of estrogens, and concentrations of estrogens increase in the
maternal circulation with increasing gestational age. Placental estrone and
17b-estradiol are derived primarily from maternal C19 androgens (testosterone and androstenedione), whereas estriol is derived almost exclusively from
the fetal C19 estrogen precursor (DHEAS). Estrogens do not themselves
cause uterine contractions but do promote a series of myometrial changes,
including increasing the number of prostaglandin receptors, oxytocin
et al
receptors, and gap junctions, and up-regulating the enzymes responsible for
muscle contractions (myosin light chain kinase, calmodulin) [3639] that enhance the capacity of the myometrium to generate contractions.
Role of progesterone in the onset of labor
The administration of a progesterone receptor antagonist such as RU486 readily induces abortion if given before 7 weeks (49 days) of gestation
[40]. Similarly, the surgical removal of the corpus luteum, the source of progesterone, before 7 weeks results in pregnancy loss [41]. Taken together,
these data suggest that adequate production of progesterone by the corpus
luteum is critical to the maintenance of early pregnancy until the placenta
takes over this function at approximately 7 to 9 weeks of gestation (hence,
its name: pro-gestational steroid hormone). The role of progesterone in later
pregnancy, however, is less clear.
In contrast to most animal species, the circulating levels of progesterone
during human labor are similar to levels measured 1 week prior [2,42], suggesting that the systemic withdrawal of progesterone is not a prerequisite for
labor in humans. This is in contrast to most laboratory animals (with the
noted exceptions of the guinea pig and armadillo) in which progesterone
withdrawal is an essential component of parturition. However, circulating
hormone levels do not necessarily reect tissue levels, and there is increasing
evidence from both in vitro [4345] and in vivo studies [4648] that the spontaneous onset of labor at term may be preceded by a physiologic (functional)
withdrawal of progesterone activity at the level of the uterus. In one clinical
trial, Meis and colleagues [47] randomly assigned 459 patients at high risk
for preterm delivery by virtue of a previous preterm birth to receive a weekly
intramuscular injection of 17a-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (250 mg) or
a matching placebo, beginning at 16 to 20 weeks of gestation and continuing
until 36 weeks. Prophylaxis with 17a-hydroxyprogesterone signicantly reduced the risk of delivery at less than 37 weeks (36% versus 55% in the placebo
group [relative risk [RR], 0.66; 95% CI, 0.54%0.81%]), less than 35 weeks
(21% versus 31% [RR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.48%0.93%]), and less than 32 weeks
(11% versus 20% [RR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.37%0.91%]). Progesterone likely
maintains uterine quiescence during the latter half of pregnancy by limiting
the production of stimulatory prostaglandins and inhibiting the expression
of contraction-associated protein genes (ion channels, oxytocin and prostaglandin receptors, and gap junctions) within the myometrium [9,49]. The molecular mechanisms by which progesterone maintains uterine quiescence are
not known, but the progesterone receptor is likely critical to its action. In support of this hypothesis, the administration of the progesterone receptor antagonist RU-486 at term leads to increased uterine activity and the induction of
labor [50].
Cortisol and progesterone appear to have antagonistic actions within the
fetoplacental unit. For example, cortisol increases prostaglandin production
et al
11.0 11.0
11.4 11.6 11.8 11.6
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Fig. 2. Preterm births in the United States, 19902002. (Data from the National Center for
Health Statistics, nal natality data, and the March of Dimes Perinatal Data Center, 2003.
Available at http://marchofdimes.com/peristats.)
preterm births
Preterm births
for maternal or
fetal indication
Preterm PROM
(idiopathic) preterm
- Diabetes
- Preeclampsia
- Placenta previa
- Placental abruption
Fig. 3. Causes of preterm births. (Data from Tucker JM, Goldenberg RL, Davis RO, et al. Etiologies of preterm birth in an indigent population: is prevention a logical expectation? Obstet
Gynecol 1991;77:3437.)
et al
Fetal stress
Maternal stress
(uteroplacental insufficiency)
Activation of maternal HPA axis
cox-2 in amnion
PGDH in chorion
Rupture of
Fig. 4. Maternal and fetal HPA axis and preterm birth. COX-2, cyclooxygenase 2; MLCK,
myosin light chain kinase; OTR, oxytocin receptors; PGDH, prostaglandin dehydrogenase.
(PGs, endothelin)
Rupture of
cytokine network and the presence of cytokines in the maternal or fetal compartment several weeks before delivery.
Decidual hemorrhage
Decidual hemorrhage (abruption) presenting as vaginal bleeding in more
than one trimester of pregnancy is associated with a three- and sevenfold increased risk, respectively, of preterm birth [84] and pPROM [85]. The risk of
preterm birth is even higher (100-fold) in such women if they also had
a previous pregnancy complicated by pPROM [86]. The causes of decidual
hemorrhage-associated preterm birth include older, parous, married, and
college-educated women [87], a prole quite distinct from that of both infection- and stress-mediated preterm labor.
Thrombin, a plasma protease that converts brinogen into brin, is
formed from prothrombin by the action of prothrombinase (factor Xa). Recent studies have shown that thrombin stimulates myometrial contractions
by activating phosphatidylinositol-signaling pathways in a dose-dependent
fashion [88]. Thrombin also increases expression of plasminogen activators
and MMPs (Fig. 6) [89,90]. The release of thrombin associated with placental abruption may therefore directly initiate the nal common pathway leading to preterm labor.
Pathologic uterine distention
Excessive uterine stretching caused by multiple-birth pregnancy or polyhydramnios is associated with preterm labor. Preterm birth rates exceed
50% for twin pregnancies, 80% for triplet pregnancies, and 90% for quadruplet pregnancies. The mechanism is not clear but appears to involve a signal initiated by the mechanical stretching of uterine myometrial, cervical,
and fetal membrane cells that is transmitted through the cellular
et al
Decidual activation with release of clotting
factors including factor Vlla / tissue factor
thrombin (IIa)
prothrombin (II)
uPA / tPA
active MMPs
ECM degradation
Rupture of
Fig. 6. Hemorrhage and preterm labor. ECM, extracellular matrix; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; tPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator; uPA, urokinase plasminogen activator.
Post-term pregnancy
Post-term (prolonged) pregnancy is dened as a pregnancy that has extended to or beyond 42 weeks (294 days) from the rst day of the last normal
menstrual period or 14 days beyond the best obstetric estimate of the date of
delivery [93]. Because of the heterogeneity of populations, denitions, the use
of ultrasonography, and local practice patterns (such as the routine induction of labor at term and the management of parturients who previously
have undergone cesarean delivery), the reported incidence of pregnancies
continuing beyond the estimated date of delivery varies widely. In the United
States, approximately 18% of all births occur after 41 weeks, 3% to 14%
(mean 10%) occur after 42 weeks and are therefore post-term, and 4% of
pregnancies will continue to or beyond 43 weeks in the absence of obstetric
intervention [94,95]. The routine early use of ultrasonography to accurately
date pregnancies can reduce the rate of false-positive diagnoses and thereby
Uterine distention
Uterine expansile capacity
Fetal membrane
Cytokine production
Rupture of
et al
the risks of the routine induction of labor (primarily failed induction leading to
cesarean delivery) are lower than reported previously [114,115], recent consensus opinions recommend the routine induction of labor at an earlier gestation
age, specically 41 weeks gestation [93,107].
Labor is a complex physiologic process involving fetal, placental, and
maternal signals. The timely onset of labor and birth is an important determinant of perinatal outcome. Both preterm labor and delivery and post-term
pregnancy are associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Considerable evidence suggests that the fetus is in control of the timing of
labor and, thus, its birth, but exactly how this is achieved in the human is still
unknown. A better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the
process of labor will further our knowledge about disorders of parturition,
such as preterm labor, and improve the ability of obstetric care providers
to secure a successful pregnancy outcome.
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The combined epidemiologic, clinical, and animal studies clearly demonstrate that the intrauterine environment inuences growth and development
of the fetus and the subsequent development of adult diseases. There are
critical specic windows during development, often coincident with periods
of rapid cell division, during which a stimulus or insult may have long-lasting consequences on tissue or organ function after birth. Birth weight is only
one marker of an adverse fetal environment, and conning studies to this
population only may lead to erroneous conclusions regarding etiology.
Studies using animal models of uteroplacental insuciency suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress play an important role in the
pathogenesis of the fetal origins of adult disease.
* University of Pennsylvania, 421 Curie Boulevard, BRB II/III, Room 1308, Philadelphia,
PA 19104.
E-mail address: rsimmons@mail.med.upenn.edu
0889-8529/06/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
a signicant correlation between low birth weight and the later development
of adult diseases. The associations with low birth weight and increased risk
of coronary heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes remain strong even after adjusting for lifestyle factors, such as smoking, physical activity, occupation, income, dietary habits, and childhood socioeconomic status, and occur
independent of the current level of obesity or exercise [17].
that accelerated growth confers an additional risk to the growth-retarded fetus, these conicting results demonstrate the need for additional carefully
designed studies to determine just how childhood growth rates inuence
the later development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Epidemiologic challenges
These data suggest that low birth weight is associated with glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The question remains as
to whether these associations reect fetal nutrition or other factors that contribute to birth weight and the observed glucose intolerance. Because of the
retrospective nature of the cohort identication, many confounding variables were not always recorded, such as lifestyle, socioeconomic status, education, maternal age, parental build, birth order, obstetric complications,
smoking, and maternal health. Maternal nutritional status, directly in the
form of diet history or indirectly in the form of BMI, height, and pregnancy
weight gain, were usually not recorded. Instead, birth anthropometric measures were used as proxies for presumed undernutrition in pregnancy.
Genetics versus environment
Several epidemiologic and metabolic studies of twins and rst-degree relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes have demonstrated an important genetic component of diabetes [3235]. The association between low birth
weight and risk of type 2 diabetes in some studies could theoretically be explained by a genetically determined reduced fetal growth rate. In other
words, the genotype responsible for type 2 diabetes may itself cause retarded
fetal growth in utero. This forms the basis for the fetal insulin hypothesis,
which suggests that genetically determined insulin resistance could result
in low insulin-mediated fetal growth in utero as well as insulin resistance in
childhood and adulthood [36]. Insulin is one of the major growth factors in
fetal life, and monogenic disorders that aect fetal insulin secretion or fetal
insulin resistance also aect fetal growth. Mutations in the gene encoding
glucokinase that result in low birth weight and maturity onset diabetes of
the young have been identied [37,38]. Such mutations are rare, however,
and no analogous common allelic variation has yet been discovered.
Recent genetic studies suggest that the increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes of subjects who are born SGA results from the combination of genetic
factors and an unfavorable fetal environment. Polymorphisms of PPARg2,
a gene involved in the development and metabolic function of adipose tissue,
have been shown to modulate the susceptibility of subjects who are born SGA
to develop insulin resistance later in life [39,40]. The polymorphism is only associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes if birth weight is reduced [39,40].
There is obviously a close relation between genes and the environment.
Not only can maternal gene expression alter the fetal environment; the maternal intrauterine environment also aects fetal gene expression.
What animal models can tell us
Animal models have a normal genetic background on which environmental eects during gestation or early postnatal life can be tested for their role
in inducing diabetes. The most commonly used animal models are caloric or
protein restriction, glucocorticoid administration, or induction of uteroplacental insuciency in the pregnant rodent. In the rat, maternal dietary protein restriction (approximately 40%50% of normal intake) throughout
gestation and lactation has been reported to alter glucose homeostasis and
hypertension in the adult ospring [4146]. Ospring are signicantly growth
retarded, remain growth retarded throughout life, and develop mild b-cell secretory abnormalities in some cases [4145] and insulin resistance in others
[43,4650]. Aged rats develop hyperglycemia, which is characterized by defects in insulin signaling in muscle, adipocytes, and liver [4750].
Fetal overexposure to glucocorticoids via maternal administration or by
inhibition of placental 11bhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase1 in the rat induces hypertension, glucose intolerance, and abnormalities in hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) function after birth [5154].
To extend these experimental studies of growth retardation, we developed
a model of uteroplacental insuciency (IUGR) in the rat that restricts fetal
growth [55,56]. Growth-retarded fetal rats have critical features of a metabolic prole characteristic of growth-retarded human fetuses: decreased levels of glucose, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), amino acids, and
oxygen [5759]. By 6 months of age, IUGR rats develop diabetes with a phenotype remarkably similar to that observed in the human being with type 2
diabetes: progressive dysfunction in insulin secretion and insulin action.
Thus, the studies in various animal models support the hypothesis that an
abnormal intrauterine milieu can induce permanent changes in glucose homeostasis after birth and lead to type 2 diabetes in adulthood.
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Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type.
Abortion, spontaneous, gestational Type I
diabetes associated with, 54, 81
Acromegaly, during pregnancy, 105106
Addisons disease, in pregnancy, 611. See
also Primary adrenal insuciency.
Adenomas, pituitary, during pregnancy,
clinically nonfunctioning, 109
Cushings syndrome with,
12, 56
endocrine changes with,
prolactinoma, 100105
100, 108109
0889-8529/06/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
b-Adrenergic blockade (continued )
for pheochromocytoma, during
pregnancy, 1415
for preeclampsia, during pregnancy,
Biophosphonates, for primary
hyperparathyroidism, during
pregnancy, 3536
Birth size, in adult metabolic disease, insulin
inuence, 195
Birth weight, adult metabolic disease and,
insulin factors, 195
Blood pressure, elevated, in pregnancy,
157171. See also Hypertension.
Body mass index (BMI), adult metabolic
disease and, 193194
insulin factors, 195
as preeclampsia risk factor, 160161,
infertility and, 147149
Bone biopsy, for skeletal calcium
metabolism, during pregnancy, 2627
Bone metabolism, in pregnancy and
lactation, 2151
adaptations during lactation,
adaptations during pregnancy,
disorders of, 3345
Breast(s), skeletal demineralization role of,
Bromocriptine, for acromegaly, during
pregnancy, 106
for Cushings syndrome, during
pregnancy, 108
for hyperprolactinemia, during
pregnancy, 101
eects on pregnancy,
indications for, 104105
for lactotroph hyperplasia, during
pregnancy, 109
Cabergoline, for acromegaly, during
pregnancy, 106
for hyperprolactinemia, during
pregnancy, 101, 104105
Calcitonin, for primary
hyperparathyroidism, during
pregnancy, 35
Dehydroepiandrostenedione (DHEAS),
fetal, labor onset role of, 176177
Early pregnancy loss (EPL), with polycystic
ovary syndrome, 141144
Emergency management, of preeclampsia,
Endocrinology consult, for primary adrenal
insuciency, during pregnancy, 9
Endothelial dysfunction, in preeclampsia,
fetoplacental, 162163
maternal, 162
Environmental factors, of adult metabolic
disease, 196
Estrogen(s), labor onset role of, 177178
Euthyroidism, with autoimmune disease,
during pregnancy, 123
Exercise, for gestational Type I diabetes, 57,
Familial benign hypocalciuric
hypercalcemia (FBHH), in pregnancy,
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
(GnRH), in skeletal calcium
metabolism, during lactation, 30, 32
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
axis, fetal, labor onset role of, 176177
premature, 181182
Hypothyroidism, during pregnancy,
causes of, 119
diagnosis of, 119
pregnancy outcomes with,
treatment of, 121123
fetal, 120121
avoiding, 127128
neonatal, 120121
Immunoradiometric assays (IRMA), for
calcium and bone adaptations, during
pregnancy and lactation, 2324, 28
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT),
developmental adult metabolic disease
and, 193199
in gestational diabetes mellitus,
In vitro fertilization (IVF), for infertility,
Infertility, body mass index and, in
preeclampsia risks, 147149
Labetalol, for preeclampsia, 166167
Macrosomia, with gestational diabetes,
Magnesium sulfate, administration during
pregnancy, 4143
bone and mineral impact of, 41
management issues with, 4243
maternal complications of, 41
neonatal complications of, 42
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in
pregnancy screening, for Cushings
syndrome, 45
for hyperaldosteronism, 12
for pheochromocytoma, 14
for primary adrenal insuciency,
Maternal factors, of preeclampsia, 160162
Maternal monitoring, for preeclampsia, 165
Metabolic disease/disorders, in
preeclampsia, 150, 162
origins of adult, 193204
animal models of, 196197
birth size and insulin, 195
catch-up growth, 194195
cellular mechanisms, 197199
epidemiologic challenges of, 196
genetic versus environment, 196
high birth weight, 194
low birth weight, 193194
mitochondrial dysfunction and,
oxidative stress and, 197199
with insulin resistance, 140141, 150
Nifedipine, for preeclampsia, 167
Nitroprusside, for preeclampsia, 166167
Nodules, thyroid, during pregnancy,
Obesity, as preeclampsia risk factor,
160161, 164
infertility and, 147149
Octreotide, for acromegaly, during
pregnancy, 106
for thyroid-stimulating hormonesecreting tumors, during
pregnancy, 108109
Oral antidiabetic agents, during pregnancy,
administration of, 69
anomalies risks with, 63, 68
classication of, 7172
cost of, 70
insulin therapy versus, 6367,
lactation and, 73
pharmacology of, 6869
placental transfer of, 68
Osteoporosis, with pregnancy and lactation,
clinical features of, 3940
diagnostic studies of, 40
hormonal factors of, 39
laboratory ndings, 40
pathogenesis of, 40
prevalence of, 3839
therapeutic interventions for, 40
Oxidative stress, adult metabolic disease
and, 197199
Oxytocin, labor onset role of, 179
Paracrine mediators, of parturition,
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), magnesium
sulfate administration during
pregnancy impact on, 41
maternal, 41
neonatal, 42
mineral ions and, adaptations during
lactation, 2830, 32
adaptations during pregnancy,
Parathyroidectomy, for primary
hyperparathyroidism, during
pregnancy, 3536
superimposed on chronic
hypertension, 157158
Pregnancy, acromegaly during, 105106
adrenal disorders in, 120
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
and, 1516
Cushings syndrome, 16
hyperaldosteronism, 1113
hypertension, 11, 1314
overview of, 1, 16
pheochromocytoma, 1316
primary adrenal insuciency,
calcium and bone metabolism during,
adaptations during lactation,
adaptations of, 2227
disorders of, 3345
Cushings syndrome in, 16
causes of, 12
clinical presentation of, 1
diagnosis of, 107108
dierential diagnosis of, 25
eects on pregnancy, 108
incidence of, 2, 106
maternal morbidity associated
with, 2
pathogenesis of, 106107
pituitary dysfunction with,
screening tests for, 2
treatment of, 56, 108
euthyroidism with autoimmune
disease during, 123
familial benign hypocalciuric
hypercalcemia in, 36
Graves disease in, 124130
diagnosis of, 125
epidemiology of, 124
pregnancy outcomes with, 125
treatment of, 125130
b-adrenergic blockers, 129
guidelines for, 126, 128
iodides for, 129
radioactive iodine therapy,
surgery indications, 129
thionamides for, 125128
hyperaldosteronism in, 1113
clinical presentations of, 12
diagnosis of, 1213
prevalence of, 11
RAS activity with, 1112
treatment of, 13
hypercalcemia of malignancy in, 44
hyperemesis gravidarum with, 124
hypertension in, 11, 157171
Pregnancy (continued )
chronic antenatal disorders of,
classication of, 157158
clinical manifestations of,
complications of, 158
incidence of, 157, 168
later life risks associated with,
management of, 164167
pathophysiology of, 161163
predictors of, 163
prevention of, 163164
risk factors for, 160161
with hypothyroidism, 119120
with pheochromocytoma, 1314
with polycystic ovary syndrome,
with Type I diabetes, 8586
hyperthyroidism during, 123130
Graves disease, 124130
hyperemesis gravidarum, 124
prevalence of, 123124
hypoparathyroidism during, 3638
hypopituitarism during, 109112
causes of, 109
hormone replacement for,
syndromes of, 110112
hypothyroidism during, 119123
causes of, 119
diagnosis of, 119
pregnancy outcomes with,
treatment of, 121123
insulin resistance during, 140141, 162
labor and delivery, endocrinology of,
173191. See also Parturition.
gestational Type I diabetes
management during, 92
primary adrenal insuciency
management during, 1011
low calcium intake during, 43
lymphocytic hypophysitis during,
magnesium sulfate administration
during, bone and mineral impact
of, 4143
osteoporosis associated with, 3840
pheochromocytoma in, 1316
clinical presentations of, 13
diagnosis of, 14
fetal morbidity/mortality with, 14
maternal morbidity/mortality
with, 14
treatment of, 1415
pituitary disorders in, 99116
acromegaly, 105106
adenomas, clinically
nonfunctioning, 109
Cushings syndrome with,
12, 56
endocrine changes with,
100, 108109
Cushings syndrome, 106108
tumor-related, 12, 56
hypopituitarism, 109112
normal anterior gland
physiology, 99100
prolactinoma, 100105
polycystic ovary syndrome
complications of, 141150
post-term, causes of, 185
complications of, 185186
endocrinology of, 184185
primary adrenal insuciency in, 611
causes of, 6
clinical presentations of, 67
diagnosis of, 79
clinical features, 7
dierential, 89
tests used for, 9
laboratory features, 7
screening tests, 8
fetal morbidity/mortality with, 7
maternal morbidity/mortality
with, 67
treatment of, 910
during labor, 1011
postpartum, 11
primary hyperparathyroidism during,
fetal complications of, 3435
incidence of, 33
management of, 3536
maternal manifestations/
complications of, 34
morbidity with, 33
prolactinoma in, 100105
dopamine agonists for, 101
eects on pregnancy, 102104
gestational tumor growth,
incidence of, 100
management of, 104105
surgical treatment of, 100101
pseudohypoparathyroidism during, 38
Sheehans syndrome during, 111112
thyroid disorders during, 117136
cancer, 132
common incidence of, 117,
euthyroidism with autoimmune
disease, 123
fetal/neonatal hyperthyroidism,
hyperthyroidism, 123130
hypothyroidism, 119123
nodules, 131132
normal gravid thyroid physiology
versus, 117119
thyroid function during, normal
gravid, 117119
thyrotoxicosis during, 124
Type I diabetes in, 7997
congenital anomalies associated
with, 54, 63, 68, 8081
diabetic ketoacidosis with, 85
diabetic nephropathy with, 86
diet for, 57, 62, 90
exercise for, 57, 89
fetal risks with, 54, 7980, 90
fetal surveillance with, 9092
glucose monitoring for, 81
by self, 8687
glycemic control for, 5378, 81
goals for, 55, 8687
monitoring methods for,
normal prole in, 5455
glycosylated hemoglobin A1c
monitoring for, 81, 8788
hypertension with, 8586
hypoglycemia hazards with, 81
insulin therapy for, diet therapy
versus, 62
doses for, 8889
fetal markers for initiation
of, 61
oral antidiabetic agents
versus, 6367
patient indications for,
placental transfer and safety
concerns, 58, 60
requirements for, 6263
risks of rapid-acting, 8184
types of, 5759
intensied therapy for, 5557
labor and delivery
considerations, 92
management of, 5378
maternal risks with, 7980
oral antidiabetic agents for,
administration of, 69
anomalies risks with, 63, 68
classication of, 7172
cost of, 70
insulin therapy versus,
6367, 6970
lactation and, 73
pharmacology of, 6869
placental transfer of, 68
Seizure prophylaxis, for preeclampsia, 167
Tetany, neonatal, with maternal primary
hyperparathyroidism, 34
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs), for infertility,
139140, 143
Thionamides, for Graves disease, during
pregnancy, 125128
Thyroid cancer, during pregnancy, 132
Thyroid disorders, during pregnancy,
cancer, 132
common incidence of, 117,
euthyroidism with autoimmune
disease, 123
fetal/neonatal hyperthyroidism,
hyperthyroidism, 123130
hypothyroidism, 119123
nodules, 131132
normal gravid thyroid physiology
versus, 117119
Thyroid function, during pregnancy,
dysfunctional, 119132. See also
Thyroid disorders.
gestational Type I diabetes and,
normal gravid, 117119
Thyroid nodules, during pregnancy,
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH),
pregnancy physiology of, 117118
placental transfer and safety
concerns, 58, 60
requirements for, 6263
risks of rapid-acting,
types of, 5759
intensied therapy for, 5557
labor and delivery
considerations, 92
management of, 5378
maternal risks with, 7980
oral antidiabetic agents for,
administration of, 69
anomalies risks with,
63, 68
classication of, 7172
cost of, 70
insulin therapy versus,
lactation and, 70, 73
pharmacology of, 6869
placental transfer of, 68
polycystic ovary syndrome and,
postpartum management of,
prevalence of, 53, 79
retinopathy progression risks
with, 8184
spontaneous abortion rate with,
54, 81
thyroid disease associated with,
treatment of, 8890, 93
evidence-based criteria
for, 73
intensive, 5557
Type 2 diabetes versus, 5354
urinary ketone testing for, 88
Ultrasonography, for fetal surveillance,
gestational diabetes indications for,
in pregnancy screening, for Cushings
syndrome, 4
for pheochromocytoma,
for primary adrenal
insuciency, 9
for thyroid nodules, 131132
Urinary free cortisol (UFC), in pregnancy
screening, for Cushings syndrome, 2
Urinary ketone testing, for gestational Type
I diabetes, 88
Uterine distention, in premature birth,
Vitamin D deciency, during pregnancy,
osteoporosis associated with, 39
Weight loss, for infertility, 138139, 150