Image Watermarking Using Least Significant Bit Algorithm
Image Watermarking Using Least Significant Bit Algorithm
Image Watermarking Using Least Significant Bit Algorithm
ISSN 2278-6856
The advent of the Internet has resulted in many new
opportunities for the creation and delivery of content in digital
form. Applications include electronic advertising, real-time
video and audio delivery, digital repositories and libraries, and
Web publishing. An important issue that arises in these
applications is the protection of the rights of all participants.
It has been recognized for quite some time that current
copyright laws are inadequate for dealing with digital data.
This has led to an interest towards developing new copy
deterrence and protection mechanisms. In this paper, a digital
watermarking system was developed using Least Significant
Bit (LSB) algorithm. C# programming language was used to
implement the system and its robustness was tested using
different types of attacks such as distortion, saturation and
gray scale.
1. Introduction
In recent years, the distribution of works of art, including
pictures, music, video and textual documents, has become
easier. With the widespread and increasing use of the
Internet, digital forms of these media (still images, audio,
video, text) are easily accessible. This is clearly
advantageous, in that it is easier to market and sell one's
works of art. However, this same property threatens
copyright protection. Along with the advancement of
Image technologies in the past decades, storage of data by
digital products or transmission of images over the
Internet, in the form of texts, images or videos, have
brought about signicant progress for modern information
technology. Nonetheless, the increasingly powerful
software has also made it easy to gain unrestricted access
to the data in the storage media for further modifying its
content. As a result, data and copyright protection have
been important subjects in research and applications
nowadays. On the other hand, during the process of data
transmission, it often occurs that condential information
needs to be encrypted in order to avoid interception by
attackers in communication networks. To solve these
problems, several information hiding methods have been
proposed and studied for data protection and secret
information embedding, but these traditional data hiding
techniques often bring about permanent damage to the
content of the host media, which is not acceptable in some
applications [1].
Digital documents are easy to copy and distribute,
allowing for pirating. There are a number of methods for
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3. Implementation
The system was developed using C#, the user interface as
shown in figure 3.1 is used to load the image into the
system and then further processing of the image using
digital watermarking is carried out.
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Figure 3.4 above shows the cover image on the left and
the watermarked image on the right. This shows theres
no visible difference between the watermarked image and
the original image.
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4. Performance Evaluation
Different attacks that are applied to the watermarked
image to test the robustness of watermarking system are
(i) distortion, (ii) saturation and (iii) gray scale. The
extracted watermarks after applying various attacks are
shown in figure 4.1 to 4.6.
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ISSN 2278-6856
[1] Frank H. and Kutter, M. (1999): Multimedia
Watermarking Techniques, Proceedings on IEEE,
87(7): 1079 1107.
[2] Latha, M.M., Pillai, G.K. and Sheela, K.A. (2007):
Watermarking based content Security and
Multimedia Indexing in digital Libraries,
International Conference on Semantic Web and
digital Libraries (ICSD). ARD Prasad & D. P.
Madalli (Eds.).
[3] Cox I, Miller M, Bloom J, Fridrich J, Kalker T
(2008): Digital Watermarking and Steganography
Second Edition. Elsevier, 2008.
[4] Wang, R. Z., Lin, C. F., Lin, J. C(2003): Image
hiding by optimal LSB substitution and genetic
algorithm, Pattern Recognition, 34: 671- 683.
[5] Kobayashi M, and Tewfix (1998): Digital
watermarking: Historical roots, IBM Research,
Tokyo Res. Lab., Tech. Rep., Apr. 1998.
[6] Song C, Sud Sudirman, Madjid Merabti (2009):
Recent Advances and Classification of Watermarking
Techniques in Digital Image
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