OnBase 15 - Document Composition MRG
OnBase 15 - Document Composition MRG
OnBase 15 - Document Composition MRG
Version 15
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The OnBase Information
Management System software (the "Software") described in this document is furnished only under a
separate license agreement and may be used or copied only according to the terms of such
agreement. It is against the law to copy the Software except as specifically allowed in the license
agreement. This document or accompanying materials contains certain information which is
confidential information of Hyland Software, Inc. and which is subject to the confidentiality provisions
agreed to by you.
All data, names, and formats used in this documents examples are fictitious unless noted otherwise.
Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the
rights under copyright law, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Hyland Software, Inc.
attempting to complete any of its steps. Pay close attention to notes, tips, and cautions,
which can help you better understand the entire process and discover any prerequisites you
may not have completed.
phrase you are looking for and select one of the following options:
Advanced search results are displayed in a list, along with some context (e.g., page
numbers and some of the text surrounding each instance).
Cross-references: Cross-references are links to related information or additional instructions
you may need to complete a task. Though they appear the same as normal text, they jump
to referenced sections when clicked. A page or step number typically indicates a crossreference.
Document Composition
Table of Contents
Overview .........................................................................................................1
Applications .....................................................................................................1
Licensing .........................................................................................................1
Before You Begin ...........................................................................................15
Application Server Overview..................................................................................... 16
Defining the Application Server ........................................................................... 16
User Group Privileges .............................................................................................. 17
Installation ....................................................................................................17
Template Groups and Templates....................................................................18
Creating Template Groups .......................................................................................
Editing Template Groups..........................................................................................
Deleting Template Groups........................................................................................
Creating a Template................................................................................................
Viewing and Editing a Template ................................................................................
Saving a Template Locked by Another User ..........................................................
Copying a Template ................................................................................................
Moving a Template .................................................................................................
Deleting a Template ................................................................................................
Configuring Template Options...................................................................................
General Settings ...............................................................................................
File Format Settings ..........................................................................................
Email Settings ..................................................................................................
Scripting Settings .............................................................................................
Table of Contents
Document Composition
Security Settings .............................................................................................. 39
Placeholders ..................................................................................................40
Creating Placeholders ..............................................................................................
Configuring Style Correction ...............................................................................
Configuring Mask Formatting .........................................................................
Configuring Case Correction ...............................................................................
Configuring Keyword Mapping ............................................................................
Configuring Keygroup Mapping ...........................................................................
Configuring Conditions ......................................................................................
Creating User Prompts ............................................................................................
Configuring a User Prompt .................................................................................
Configuring an HTML Form Prompt ......................................................................
Creating Document Fragments .................................................................................
Editing Document Fragments ..............................................................................
Deleting Document Fragments ............................................................................
Creating Database Queries.......................................................................................
Parameterized Queries ......................................................................................
Inserting Existing Placeholders .................................................................................
Editing Placeholders ................................................................................................
Deleting Placeholders ..............................................................................................
Requirements ................................................................................................93
Operating System Requirements .........................................................................
Client Retrieval Workstation Hardware Requirements...................................................
Web Client Supported Operating Systems ..................................................................
Web Client Hardware and Browser Requirements ........................................................
Internet Explorer Browser Support ......................................................................
Document Composition
Table of Contents
Pre-Installation ...........................................................................................105
Enterprise Document Composition............................................................................105
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................112
Table of Contents
Document Composition
Configuring a Service Account .................................................................................119
Enabling the Distribution Service .............................................................................122
Users Configuration Requirements ...........................................................................123
Encrypting the Service Account Credentials ...............................................................123
Changing Configuration File Settings ........................................................................125
Adding Support for Multiple Data Sources .................................................................125
Sending Notifications to Global Distribution Lists ........................................................126
Displaying the User Who Triggered the Notification as the Sender ................................126
Supporting Non-ASCII Characters in Attachment File Names .......................................126
Configuring the Distribution Service to Save Notifications as Text Files..........................127
Sending Unity Forms ..............................................................................................127
Configuring a Temporary File Cache .........................................................................127
Associating a Temporary File Cache with the Distribution Service ...........................130
Configuring Retry Settings ......................................................................................130
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................131
Logging Information to the Diagnostics Console .........................................................131
Access to the path...is denied ..................................................................................132
Error Loading Document: Attachments Are Not Sent...................................................132
Messages Are Not Sent...........................................................................................133
Workstation Registration Not Found ...................................................................133
Cannot Create a Session Pool ............................................................................133
"No Count" Is On .............................................................................................133
Version Mismatch ............................................................................................134
Message Content and Attachments Are Reversed .......................................................134
Unity Forms Limitations ..........................................................................................135
Windows User Account Control Statement .................................................................135
Installation ..................................................................................................137
Installing Enterprise Document Composition ..............................................................137
Document Composition
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Document Composition
The Document Composition module allows organizations to generate and manage
complex documents that are customized, error-free, and high-volume, all within
OnBase. Users can automate the dynamic generation of documents based on
configurable templates. These templates are the basis of documents. They can
aggregate information from multiple sources, including user or database input, scripts,
WorkView attributes, E-Form data, images, Keyword Values, or other values stored in
OnBase. Templates are created directly in Microsoft Word.
Once configured, templates can be used to create new documents based on information
already stored in OnBase. Users can preview or edit these documents after creation.
Documents can be stored in OnBase or e-mailed to recipients.
VBScripts or Workflow can be used to automate the document creation process.
Enterprise Document Composition functionality can automatically compose and store
documents in OnBase. A server runs a Document Composition Windows Service that
processes requests and stores the documents.
Organizations are looking to improve efficiency surrounding documents they regularly
create. They need the ability to standardize the creation and storage of dynamically
generated documents based on OnBase data. Document Composition provides control
over document creation by centralizing document templates in OnBase, dynamically
merging information from disparate data sources, and specifying edit, save, and e-mail
options on final documents.
For example, an insurance company has a department that handles car accident claims
for individual customers. When a claim is made, forms are created, using information
from records that have already been stored in OnBase. Information may include
customer name, Social Security number, make and model of the car, license plate
number, and the site of the accident.
Forms must be generated using this information. The same information is used
repeatedly. These forms include the following: Acknowledgement letter, Rental Rights
letter, Auto Appraiser Assigned letter, Delay letter, Status letter, Approval letter, and
Denial letter.
By creating templates with Document Composition, users working in this department can
automatically generate documents for the specific types of letters based on the
Placeholders that were configured in the template.
A Document Composition license is required to manually generate documents. A valid
Client license is also required.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Check your current licensing status by selecting Utils | Product Licenses in the
Configuration module.
5. Select a template group from the Template Group drop-down list, or type the
name of a template group. Selecting a template group is helpful when you have
access to many templates.
6. Select a template from the Template drop-down list, or type the name of a
template. If you selected a template group, only the templates that belong to the
selected template group are displayed.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
7. Depending upon your configuration, you may or may not be able to select from
the following check boxes in the Select Template Options dialog box:
Email Document
business application that appear in the document, only the original scraped Keyword
Values will be used when uploading the document.
12. Select from the following buttons on the Document Composition tab:
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Document Composition
However, continuing to upload the document saves only one instance of the value.
14. Click Upload. The document is uploaded to OnBase.
Document Composition
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15. If you selected Email Document, the Email dialog box is displayed:
Type the email address of the recipient. Separate multiple recipients with semicolons.
Documents are created from templates configured with Placeholders to pull in necessary
information from OnBase.
To create a document:
1. Retrieve a source document or WorkView object from which you will create a
document. Documents can be retrieved using Document Retrieval or from the
Folders window.
2. Right-click on the document and select Compose Document, or click the WorkView
objects Compose Document button:
5. Select a template group from the Template Group drop-down list, or type the
name of a template group. Selecting a template group is helpful when you have
access to many templates.
6. Select a template from the Template drop-down list, or type the name of a
template. If you selected a template group, only the templates that belong to the
selected template group are displayed.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
7. Depending upon your configuration, you may or may not be able to select from
the following check boxes in the Select Template Options dialog box:
Email Document
business application that appear in the document, only the original scraped Keyword
Values will be used when uploading the document.
12. Select from the following buttons on the Document Composition tab:
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Document Composition
However, continuing to upload the document saves only one instance of the value.
14. Click Upload. The document is uploaded to OnBase.
Document Composition
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15. If you selected Email Document, the Email dialog box is displayed:
Type the email address of the recipient. Separate multiple recipients with semicolons.
4. Select a template group from the Template Group drop-down list, or type the
name of a template group. Selecting a template group is helpful when you have
access to many templates.
5. Select a template from the Template drop-down list, or type the name of a
template. If you selected a template group, only the templates that belong to the
selected template group are displayed.
6. Depending upon your configuration, you may or may not be able to select from
the following check boxes in the Select Template Options dialog box:
Document Composition
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Email Document
business application that appear in the document, only the original scraped Keyword
Values will be used when uploading the document.
11. Select from the following buttons on the Document Composition tab:
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Document Composition
However, continuing to upload the document saves only one instance of the value.
13. Click Upload. The document is uploaded to OnBase.
Document Composition
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14. If you selected Email Document, the Email dialog box is displayed:
Type the email address of the recipient. Separate multiple recipients with semicolons.
Before You Begin
In order to ensure that the templates you create for documents are as thorough as
possible, and contain all necessary information, consider the OnBase elements you may
need to configure before creating templates:
What is the purpose of this template?
Who will be creating a document from it?
Who is best suited to create this template?
For example, should one user create the letter portion of the template, then
allow another user to create and configure Placeholders and Template Options?
What existing information must be pulled in from OnBase?
For example:
Keyword Values
HTML Forms
WorkView Attributes
Does new information have to be created in OnBase before beginning to
configure a template?
How will the layout and design of information look?
Where will the document be saved after it has been completed?
Should the document be saved in one or multiple file formats?
Should VBScripts be used to automate the document creation process?
Answering these questions before beginning template group and template creation
allows for organized ease-of-use when creating, managing, and configuring
Ensure that the Application Server Path is configured if you plan on using
Document Composition within the OnBase Client. See Application Server
Overview on page 16 for more information.
Ensure that the proper User Group privileges are configured. See User Group
Privileges on page 17 for more information.
Document Composition
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Note: If the SYS Document Template Document Type is not revisable, a new copy of the
template will be saved to the SYS Document Template Document Type each time a
template is saved.
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Document Composition
3. Enter the appropriate Datasource name that the Application Server will use.
4. Click Save.
Caution: When the Application Server is reset, all currently running Clients on a single
workstation that is connected to the Application Server must be reset. If the Clients are not
reset, any further attempted connections made to the Application Server will fail.
In order to configure templates, a user must belong to a User Group that has the
Document Composition Administration privilege.
In order to create documents, a user must belong to a User Group that has the Word
Both of these privileges are assigned in the Configuration module. Select User | User
Groups / Rights . Choose the appropriate User Group and click Privileges.
The Template Builder, which is the Document Composition configuration component, is
installed by deploying the installation package to your machine using the URL or UNC
path provided to you.
Note: When the installation package is modified by your system administrator, you are
prompted to install a new version of the Template Builder after opening Microsoft Word.
1. Launch the deployment package by opening the URL or UNC path to the
DocumentCompositionConfiguration<package>.vsto file, where <package> is the
name of your specific deployment package.
2. If the Publisher cannot be verified dialog box is displayed, confirm that the Name is
Hyland.Office[year].DocumentComposition.Config and the From matches the path
and file name you were provided.
3. Click Install.
4. After installation, the The Microsoft Office customization was successfully installed
dialog box is displayed.
5. Click Close.
6. To confirm that the installation was successful, launch Microsoft Word.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
have reviewed the information in Before You Begin on page 15. To use, create, or modify
a template, users must have rights to the template group and the template.
Before you can create documents with the Document Composition module, you must
create and configure template groups and templates.
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Document Composition
Template group and template creation and configuration is done in Microsoft Word, on
the Template Builder tab:
Document Composition
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Document Composition
7. Click Continue.
Document Composition
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9. Select User Groups in the Available User Groups list and click Add to add them to
the Selected User Groups list.
Remove User Groups from the Selected User Groups list by clicking Remove to
move them to the Available User Groups list.
Note: By default, the MANAGER User Group can access and has rights to all Template
Groups, regardless of whether it is displayed in the Selected User Groups list.
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Document Composition
11. Select the check box(es) that apply to the rights that should be assigned to the
User Group:
Modify Template Group Settings - Select to allow a User Group to edit template
group configuration.
Add Templates to this Group - Select to allow a User Group to create and copy
templates for the template group.
Note: You must assign at least one User Group Modify rights.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
4. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the template group.
5. Click Delete to delete the template group or click Cancel to retain the template
6. If you clicked Delete, you are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the
template group by the Confirm Delete dialog box:
7. Select the Check this box to continue. check box and click Delete to delete the
template group, or click Cancel to retain the template group.
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Document Composition
Creating a Template
Once a template group is created, templates can be created and stored within that
template group.
Caution: Using Microsoft Words Compatibility Mode when creating and saving templates will
result in template data being lost. You are working in Microsoft Words Compatibility Mode
when [Compatibility Mode] is displayed next to the file name in Microsoft Words title bar.
1. Open Word.
2. Click the Template Builder tab:
To create a template:
Document Composition
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Document Composition
2. Expand the Template Group containing the template you would like to view or
3. Select the template.
4. Click OK.
The template is opened and displayed.
5. Edit the document as desired.
6. Click Save Template to save your changes.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Copying a Template
Once a template has been created, the template can be copied. This can save time when
configuring many similar templates.
5. The name of the template you are copying is displayed in the Name field.
6. Edit the Name field to be the new name for the copied template.
7. Click OK.
The duplicate template is created and saved to the same template group.
Moving a Template
Templates can be moved between template groups.
To move a template:
1. Click Control Panel.
2. On the Templates tab, expand a template group.
3. Select a template.
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Document Composition
5. Select the template group that the template should be moved to.
6. Click OK to move the template or click Cancel to keep the template in its original
template group.
Deleting a Template
To delete a template:
1. Click Control Panel.
2. On the Templates tab, expand a template group.
3. Select a template.
Document Composition
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4. Click Delete :
You are prompted to confirm whether you want to delete the template.
If the template is being referenced by another template (e.g., in a Document
Fragment placeholder), the affected template names are listed.
5. Click Delete to delete the template or click Cancel to keep the template.
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Document Composition
Document Composition
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3. Select the edit hyperlink in one of the following areas of the Template Options
4. After you have finished configuring template options, click Save Template to save
the configured Template Options .
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Document Composition
General Settings
General Settings
Template Name
Inherit Keywords
from Source
Document when
Document Composition
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General Settings
Word Document
Adobe PDF
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Document Composition
TIFF Image
When composing a document using a template configured to use multiple file formats:
The document must be stored in a Document Type configured to allow multiple
renditions. For information on configuring renditions, see the System
Administration documentation.
Documents are stored to OnBase in the following order:
If the user previews and edits the template in Word, any modifications are
included in the PDF or TIFF.
Document Composition
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Email Settings
Email Settings
Automatically Send
all Documents
created from this
Template via Email
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Document Composition
Click Email Settings to configure the email message in the Email Options dialog box:
Type the email address of the recipient. Separate multiple recipients with semicolons.
Select the Preview tab to preview what your email notification will look like.
Click Save to save the email notification.
Document Composition
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Scripting Settings
If you clicked the Unity Script button, select the desired Unity Script from the Select Unity
Script to run drop-down list.
Note: For more information creating Unity Scripts, contact your first line of support.
When <Do not run a Script on this Template> is selected, no scripts will run.
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Document Composition
Security Settings
Select User Group names in the Available User Groups list and click Add to add them to
the Selected User Groups list on the right.
Remove User Group names from the Selected User Groups list by clicking Remove to move
the user names to the Available User Groups list.
When each Selected User Group is selected, the following Template Rights are available:
Document Composition
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Placeholders pull values from OnBase into the document template. Placeholders can be
placed in the body of a Microsoft Word document. Placeholders can also be placed in
other areas, such as headers and footers.
Creating Placeholders
To create Placeholders:
1. Click Create New Placeholder.
2. The New Placeholder pane is displayed:
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Document Composition
E-Form Value
Document Composition
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OnBase 15
Document Composition
User Prompt
Select this source if the Placeholder value will be
provided by the user when the document is
HTML Prompt
Document Composition
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Inserts an existing template or fragment in the
current template.
Select a pre-configured template or fragment from all
available template groups and fragments.
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Document Composition
2. Click Continue.
3. Select one of the following options to determine
how the results of your query should be
Insert the first result of a single Column - Select
to insert the first result of a single column on the
document. Type the name of the column in the
Enter Column Name field.
Insert the results as an image - Select to insert
the results of the query as an image. The results
of the query must be a binary large object (BLOB)
column, and must be an image format that can be
inserted into a Word document. Type the name of
the column in the Enter Column Name field.
Insert all values as a Table - Select to insert all
the values retrieved by the SQL query as a table
embedded on the document. Instances of this
Placeholder appear on the document as an empty
table. Any column headers entered in the top row
of this table are preserved when the values are
filled in. Table styles are also preserved.
4. If you selected Insert the first result of a single
Column, proceed to step 10 below. Otherwise,
proceed to step 16 below.
Document Composition
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XML Path
2. Click Continue.
3. Select one of the following options to determine
how the results of your query should be
Insert the first value returned by the XPath
query - Select to insert the first value returned by
the XPath query on the document.
Insert the results as an image - Select to insert
the results of the query as an image. The results
of the query must be encoded using Base64
encoding, and must be an image format that can
be inserted into a Word document.
Insert the results as a list - Select to insert the
results of the query as a list. All content from the
top level nodes returned by the XPath query is
inserted as a list embedded on the document. This
Placeholder appears on the document like other
Placeholders. Any list formatting that is applied to
the Placeholder is used after the document is
created and the values are inserted in the list. If
the XPath query result includes a delimiter, type
this delimiter in the Delimiter (Optional) field.
For example, if the delimiter is a comma, the XML
should be structured as follows:
If the XPath query result does not include a
delimiter, row data must be supplied as individual
elements. For example:
Note: Outline formatting is not supported.
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Document Composition
When inserting values as a table, elements that
are not included in the columns specified in the
Column Names field are ignored. If a column is
not found in a particular row, an empty cell is
inserted. If necessary, columns can also be
4. If you selected Insert the first value returned
by the XPath query, proceed to step 10 below.
If you selected Insert the results as a table,
proceed to step Configuring Keygroup Mapping
on page 56.
Otherwise, proceed to step 16 below.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Note: You cannot create two Placeholders with the same name within the same template.
Note: The following characters should not be used in a Placeholder name if you plan on
using the Placeholder in a SQL query: & (ampersand), " " (quotation marks), (single
quotes), < > (carats). When a Placeholder name contains any of these characters and is
used in a SQL query, no data is returned for that query.
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Document Composition
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The following options are available from the Style Correction dialog box:
Select if you do not wish to apply any formatting to the Placeholder.
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Document Composition
Select to apply a date/time format to the Placeholder.
The following date/time formats are available:
Short Date - The date in MM/DD/YYYY format. For example, 11/
Time - The time in HH:MM AM/PM format. For example, 10:15 AM.
General Date/Time - The date and time in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM
AM/PM format. For example, 11/20/2009 10:15 AM.
Full Date/Time - The date and time in Day, Month DD, YYYY
HH:MM AM/PM format. For example, Friday, November 20, 2009
10:15 AM.
Month and Day - The date in Month DD format. For example,
November 20.
Month and Year - The date in Month, YYYY format. For example,
November, 2009.
Click Please Select a Date Format to select the date/time format that
should appear in the generated template from the Format drop-down
Select <Custom> to specify a new date/time format by selecting any of
the following options:
Long Date - The date in Day, Month DD, YYYY format. For example,
Friday, November 20, 2009.
Document Composition
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Click the Set Input Format hyperlink to select the date/time format that
will be entered in the generated template from the Input drop-down list.
Select <None> if users will enter varied date/time formats. OnBase will
interpret the format.
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Document Composition
Select to apply a Custom Mask format to the Placeholder.
Click Please Select a Mask Format to select the mask format that
should appear in the generated template from the Output drop-down
Document Composition
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The following options are available from the Case Correction dialog box:
(no correction)
Proper Noun
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Document Composition
You can map Keyword Types from the Keyword Mapping dialog box:
Click if you do not want to assign the Placeholder value as a Keyword Value on the
composed document.
Document Composition
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Caution: It is strongly recommended you do not map a value to a Keyword Type that is part
of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, especially when the import dialog is disabled for
the template you are configuring. When mapping a value to a Keyword Type that is part of
a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, and that Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is
contained in the Document Type used to archive composed documents, a separate instance
of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is created to contain the value when a document
is composed (i.e., the value is not included as part of the initial Multi-Instance Keyword
Type Group on the document).
Note: Multiple instances of a single Keyword Type will be displayed in the Import dialog
box or Upload pane. If these are duplicate instances, then only a single instance will be
saved on the composed document. If the instances differ, both instances will be saved. If
a template is configured to Inherit Keywords from Source Document when possible , and
another Keyword Value is mapped to the same Keyword Type, both Keyword Values will
be displayed in the Import dialog box or Upload pane.
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Document Composition
You can map column names to keywords in a Keyword Type Group or Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Group using the Keygroup Mapping dialog box:
1. From the Select a keygroup drop-down list, select a Keyword Type Group or MultiInstance Keyword Type Group.
2. The Keyword Types in the Keyword Type Group or Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group are displayed in the Keyword Type column:
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Document Composition
3. For each Keyword Type, select the column that will provide this value from the
corresponding drop-down list.
4. Click Finish .
Configuring Conditions
You can set up a condition to determine the Placeholder that will be inserted on the
For example, a Loans Department handles documents that contain a Status Keyword
Type. The two available Keyword Values are Denied or Accepted. When this Keyword
Value is indexed, a Keyword Placeholder can be configured to pull the Keyword Values
from the source document. You can configure conditions for the Keyword Placeholder
based on the Keyword Values. This allows for a value to be inserted into the document,
depending on which Keyword Value is found. Templates can also be inserted into the
document. You could configure the condition so that when a document contains the
Accepted Keyword Value, a congratulatory template would be inserted upon document
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Document Composition
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Equal to
6. Click Continue.
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Document Composition
Insert a Fragment
Insert another
Placeholders Value
Insert Text
9. If you selected the Insert another Placeholders Value or Insert Text options, the
Assign this Value to a Keyword check box is available. Select this check box to
assign the inserted Placeholder or text to a keyword. Click the Keyword hyperlink
to select a Keyword Type using the Filter by Document Type and/or Keyword Type
drop-down lists.
10. Click Finish .
Document Composition
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OnBase 15
Document Composition
3. Click Continue.
4. Configure any Style Correction settings. See Configuring Style Correction on page
5. Click Continue.
6. Configure any Case Correction settings. See Configuring Case Correction on page
7. Click Continue.
8. Configure the Keyword Mapping settings. See Configuring Keyword Mapping on
page 54.
9. Click Finish .
Document Composition
OnBase 15
10. Configure Conditions if necessary. See Configuring Conditions on page 58 for more
The HTML form template that the HTML form prompt is to reference has been
Each field on the HTML form template specifies a name attribute in its tag.
When assigning field name attributes, it is considered a best practice to use an
intuitive naming convention. This makes it is easier to select the correct field
name when configuring the HTML form prompt. For example, you might assign
a field name attribute called TimeOff_StartDate , where TimeOff references the
HTML form template, and StartDate references the display name of the field.
Caution: Document Composition HTML form prompts do not support OnBase E-Form
constructs, such as the use of AutoFill Keyword Set buttons (i.e., OBBtn_KS### or
OBBtn_ExpandKS### ).
The HTML form template was imported into OnBase using the SYS HTML Forms
Document Type.
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Document Composition
2. From the Choose an E-Form drop-down list, select a pre-configured HTML form.
Note: If there are multiple HTML forms with the same name, the Document Handle will
3. From the Enter the Field name drop-down list, select the HTML form field name
from the pre-configured HTML form that will be used for this Placeholder. You can
also type the HTML form field name in this field.
4. Click Continue .
Note: HTML forms should not be configured to use embedded scripting that utilizes XML
template groups. Instead, gather the needed data from the HTML form, then use a script
Placeholder within Document Composition to submit the request.
5. Configure any Style Correction settings. See Configuring Style Correction on page
6. Click Continue.
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7. Configure any Case Correction settings. See Configuring Case Correction on page
8. Click Continue.
9. Configure the Keyword Mapping settings. See Configuring Keyword Mapping on
page 54.
10. Click Finish .
11. Configure Conditions if necessary. See Configuring Conditions on page 58 for more
5. If you chose to create an empty fragment, type inside the space to create the
fragment. If you created a fragment out of existing text or a Microsoft Word
object, this text or object is displayed inside the fragment.
6. Edit the fragment if necessary, ensuring that the fragment is defined on a
separate line.
7. Click Save Template.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
4. Click Change to modify the fragments name in the Fragment Name dialog box.
5. Select the fragment and modify the content of the fragment.
6. Click Save Template.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
OnBase 15
Document Composition
5. Enter the appropriate information in the fields provided. The fields are detailed in
the following table.
Text Box
Type the SQL Query that will pull information from the database you
are connecting to.
Type the user name that will be used to access the datasource.
Note: This field is limited to 74 characters when using a database
that supports ANSI characters. When using a database that supports
Unicode characters, this field is limited to 37 characters.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
6. Click Done .
7. The query you created is displayed:
To show configured queries as a list, right-click and select Show as List. To show
configured queries as a tree view, right-click and select Show as Tree.
Parameterized Queries
Parameterized Queries allow data gathered from an ODBC connection to be more
dynamic. Within a SQL query, you can use the values of other Placeholders in the
template as part of your query.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
For example:
SELECT column1 FROM table WHERE column2 = &PlaceholderName
In this example, &PlaceholderName will be replaced by the value of the field named
'PlaceholderName' before the query is executed.
Note: Ensure the syntax used for the SQL query is valid. The 'PlaceholderName' that is
4. Click a Placeholder.
5. The Placeholder is added to the template as:
Placeholder is the name you gave the Placeholder in the New Placeholder dialog
Document Composition
OnBase 15
6. Apply a font or style to the Placeholder, if necessary, using the Microsoft Word
toolbar. Any fonts or styles used for the Placeholder will be used for the value that
is inserted in the composed document. If no fonts or styles are applied to the
Placeholder, the font and style will be inherited from the character prior to the
Placeholder. If there are no characters prior to the Placeholder, the font and style
will be inherited from the character following the Placeholder.
7. Click Save Template.
Editing Placeholders
Placeholders that have been created and configured can be edited.
To edit a Placeholder:
1. If the Placeholder has already been added to the template, click the Placeholder.
Skip to step 7.
2. If the Placeholder has not yet been added to the template, click Edit Placeholders .
3. The Edit Placeholders pane is displayed:
This pane displays all configured Placeholders for the selected template.
4. Click the name of the Placeholder that you want to edit.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
6. To change the name of the Placeholder, click Change and type a new name in the
Placeholder Name dialog box.
7. Click the appropriate hyperlink in the Settings portion of the Placeholder Settings
pane to edit that following settings:
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Click to edit the way the Placeholders database query results will be displayed.
See Creating Placeholders on page 40 for more information on how Database
Query Placeholders results will be displayed.
Note: The available hyperlinks depend on the type of Placeholder being edited.
8. Click Conditions to edit any configured conditions, or create a new condition. See
Configuring Conditions on page 58 for more information on configuring
9. Click Save Template.
Deleting Placeholders
Placeholder that have been created and configured can be deleted.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
To delete a Placeholder:
1. Click Edit Placeholders.
2. The Edit Placeholders pane is displayed:
Note: Deleting a Placeholder removes all instances of this Placeholder from the template,
Testing Templates
Once a template has been created, configured, and saved, you can test it to verify that
document creation functions correctly. When you test a template, all configuration
settings, including User Prompts, are tested.
To test a template:
1. Open the template.
2. Click Composition Preview.
This pane displays all configured Placeholders for the selected template.
3. Click the X next to the Placeholder that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete this Placeholder. Click Cancel to
retain the Placeholder.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
This dialog box allows you to select the source document that should be used to
compose the template you created.
4. If you want to select a new source document, or have not previously tested this
template, click the Use a Source Document hyperlink.
If you have previously tested this template, the Test this Template dialog box
contains the Auto-Name String of the source document that you used to
previously test the template. If you want to use this same source document to
test the template, skip to step 9. Click Change to change the source document
that you will use to test the template.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Document Composition
OnBase 15
8. The documents Auto-Name String is displayed in the Test this Template dialog
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Use Keyword Mapping, either by applying the Inherit Keywords from Source
Document when possible template option or by configuring Keyword Mapping on
individual Placeholders.
For Enterprise Document Composition to successfully process and store documents, the
template must be configured with the Document Type for Composed Documents setting
enabled. If the template is configured without this setting enabled, the Document Type
must be supplied by the calling script or Workflow action.
Note: Before you configure the Document Composition Windows Service, ensure you
have a Service Account configured to run the Windows Service. For more information
about configuring a Service Account, please see the System Administration Module
Reference Guide or Help files.
To configure the Document Composition Windows Service, complete the following steps:
1. Navigate to the directory where the Document Composition Windows Service was
installed. If it was installed in the default directory, it will be in the following
location: C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Document Composition (32-bit
operating systems) or C:\Program Files(x86)\Hyland\Services\Document
Composition (64-bit operating systems).
2. Open the Hyland.Office.DocumentComposition.NTService.exe.config file.
3. Type the user account that is configured as a Service Account that will be used to
process Document Composition requests in the following elements value:
<add key="ServiceAccount" value="[Name of Service Account]" />
4. Type the corresponding password in the following elements value:
<add key="ServicePasswd" value="[Password]" />
5. Type the datasource that will be used to store documents in the following
elements value:
<add key="DataSource" value="[ODBC Source]" />
6. Specify any of the following options:
Each thread will sleep for a certain number of seconds after it runs
out of work. The default is 15 seconds. This setting must be between
0 and 600. If an invalid entry is found, 15 will be used.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
4. Right-click the Hyland Document Composition Service icon and select Start.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
through the Unity API or scripting, contact your first line of support.
Although synchronous and asynchronous requests are processed in the same manner,
there are distinct differences between the two:
Synchronous requests are processed immediately after they are received.
Requests are not returned until the document has been created and archived.
Synchronous requests are intended for processes in which the user is required
to view or modify the document or metadata before continuing. Synchronous
requests are queued in the order they are received. If too many synchronous
requests exist in the queue, the service call may time out and the Client may
not receive the response.
The Document Composition Windows Service records the request and returns it
immediately. The response only indicates whether or not the request was
successfully recorded. Any errors in the actual processing are recorded in the
Enterprise Document Composition error log. Asynchronous requests are
intended for less interactive processes, such as a nightly batch process. There
is no limit to the number of asynchronous requests that can be queued for
Performance counters for Document Composition are available in Windows Performance
Monitor on the workstation that is running the Document Composition Windows Service.
Note: At least one document must be processed for performance counters to be added to
the Windows Performance Monitor. These counters are listed under Document
Composition .
Document Composition
OnBase 15
System Interaction
Agenda Management
To create an agenda management Placeholder:
4. Select Agenda/Minutes.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Meeting Property
Meeting Date
Meeting Time
Meeting Date and Time
Meeting Location
Meeting Type
Meeting Organizer
Meeting Attendance
After selecting a meeting property, you can optionally configure
additional settings. To do so:
1. Click Continue.
2. Select the desired Style Correction option.
3. Click Continue.
4. Select the desired Case Correction option.
5. Click Continue.
6. Enable or disable the Keyword Mapping option.
Meeting Tree
OnBase 15
Document Composition
After inserting the Placeholder, you can adjust the Placeholders settings using the
Fragment Settings pane:
Item Field
If you inserted an agenda section, you can insert one of the following fragments on your
template by clicking the corresponding button:
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Section Field
Select one or multiple agenda section fields on the Insert Fields screen
and click OK.
Section Children
The following buttons are available from the Template Builder tabs Agenda Manager
ribbon group:
Agenda Manager
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Item Property
Select to insert the value of the specified property of the Agenda Item:
After selecting a property, you can optionally configure additional
settings. To do so:
1. Click Continue.
2. Select the desired Style Correction option.
3. Click Continue.
4. Select the desired Case Correction option.
5. Click Continue.
6. Enable or disable the Keyword Mapping option.
Item Field
Select to insert the value of the specified field from the Agenda Item.
After selecting an item field, you can optionally configure additional
settings. To do so:
1. Click Continue.
2. Select the desired Style Correction option.
3. Click Continue.
4. Select the desired Case Correction option.
5. Click Continue.
6. Enable or disable the Keyword Mapping option.
Application Enabler
Application Enabler can be used to create documents with Document Composition in the
Unity Client. For more information, see the Application Enabler documentation.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
The document creation process can be automated by the Workflow Compose Document
action. Users requiring high throughput should contact their OnBase solution provider
for details on the Enterprise Document Composition license.
Additionally, when you import a Workflow and any associated Document Composition
templates, the templates are imported in to OnBase without a User Group assigned. The
MANAGER User Group always has rights to modify Document Composition templates.
Note: If one or more Keywords are created in the system as a result of importing a
template with Workflow, reset the cache in the Configuration module so that the
Keywords are available on the imported template.
Note: For more information on actions, see the Workflow module reference guide or help
Unity interfaces. This action is only supported in the Desktop interface when it is not
configured to require user interaction.
Creates a document from the specified template.
Note: This action can be executed on a WorkView object.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Select Template from Keyword to select a template from a Keyword Value. The
Keyword Value must contain a template name or template ID. From the dropdown select list, select the Keyword in which the template ID is stored.
Select Template from Property to select a template from a property value. The
property value must contain a template name or template ID. Enter the
property name in which the template ID is stored.
Note: In order to enable the Storage Options, the Override Template Settings with the
Following: option must be selected. In order to enable Disable Import Dialog, both Inherit
Keywords From Fields and Force Document Type must be checked.
For more information on settings, see the section on general settings in the Document
You can copy all of the settings of the current template to the override settings by
clicking Copy All Options from Template .
Configuring the Action to Not Prompt for Template Selection
If you want the action to be initiated without prompting the user to select the template
that should be used, you must configure the action settings (when Override Template
Settings with the Following is selected) or the templates settings in the following way:
Force Preview must be deselected.
Force Document Type must be selected and a Document Type must be selected
from the drop-down select list.
Inherit Keywords From Fields must be selected.
Disable Import Dialog must be selected.
Note: If the template selected in the Document Composition Template drop-down select
list has a Document Type configured, the Force Document Type drop-down list will have
the <Document Type from Template> option. When this option is selected, the action will
use the Document Type configured for the template.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
In order to successfully use the Use Automated Document Generation option, you must
select a Document Composition Template and a Force Document Type from the drop-down
select list. When the Use Automated Document Generation option is selected, the following
options are automatically selected and cannot be modified: Override Template Settings
with the Following , Inherit Keywords From Fields , Force Document Type , and Disable Import
Dialog .
Select the Meeting Agenda Document option to mark any documents generated using this
action as Agenda documents. Select the Meeting Minutes Document option to mark the
documents generated using this action as Minutes documents.
In the Web Client, the document creation process can be initiated by clicking Compose
Document in the WorkView module. For more information, see Creating a Document on
page 7.
In the Unity Client, the document creation process can be initiated from an open object
by clicking Compose from the objects main tab. The document creation process can also
be initiated from one or more selected objects in a filter by clicking Compose Document
from the Filter tab. For more information, see Creating a Document on page 11.
You can create Placeholders from WorkView objects and WorkView filters. For more
information, see Creating Placeholders on page 40.
For more information about WorkView functionality, see the WorkView documentation.
Note: If the Use Automated Document Generation option is not selected and the action is
not properly configured for Automated Document Generation, this action is not
supported in System work or Timer work.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Windows Vista SP2 or later service pack
Windows Server 2008 SP2 or later service pack
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later service pack
Windows 7 SP1 or later service pack
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Note: As of OnBase 14, the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems are
no longer supported. These operating systems do not support Microsoft .NET Framework
4.5.1, which is a requirement as of OnBase 14. If you are using either the Windows XP
or Windows Server 2003 operating system, you should not upgrade to OnBase 14 until
you have upgraded to a Windows operating system supported by OnBase. For a
complete list of operating systems that are no longer supported, see the table below.
Operating System
Windows NT 4.0
OnBase 7.2
Windows 98
OnBase 7.2
Windows 2000
OnBase 10.0.0
Windows XP
OnBase 14
OnBase 14
Document Composition
OnBase 15
1 GHz
2 GHz or faster
Memory (RAM)
1 GB
2 GB
2 GB
2 GB or greater
Screen Resolution
no longer supported. These operating systems do not support Microsoft .NET Framework
4.5.1, which is a requirement as of OnBase 14. If you are using either the Windows XP
or Windows Server 2003 operating system, you should not upgrade to OnBase 14 until
you have upgraded to a Windows operating system supported by OnBase. For a
complete list of operating systems that are no longer supported, see the table below.
Operating System
Windows NT 4.0
OnBase 7.2
Windows 98
OnBase 7.2
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Operating System
Windows 2000
OnBase 10.0.0
Windows XP
OnBase 14
OnBase 14
1 GHz
Memory (RAM)
1 GB
200 MB
Screen Resolution
2 GB or greater
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Email Platform
OnBase 15
Document Composition
no longer supported. These operating systems do not support Microsoft .NET Framework
4.5.1, which is a requirement as of OnBase 14. If you are using either the Windows XP
or Windows Server 2003 operating system, you should not upgrade to OnBase 14 until
you have upgraded to a Windows operating system supported by OnBase. For a
complete list of operating systems that are no longer supported, see the table below.
Operating System
Windows NT 4.0
OnBase 7.2
Windows 98
OnBase 7.2
Windows 2000
OnBase 10.0.0
Windows XP
OnBase 14
OnBase 14
Memory (RAM)
2 GB
4 GB
450 MB
Screen Resolution
128 MB
Note: As of OnBase 14, the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems are
Document Composition
Web Browser
Email Platform
OnBase 15
Media Player
.NET Framework
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 is required on all workstations using and configuring
Document Composition, including the server that will be used to manage Enterprise
Document Composition requests.
Microsoft .NET Framework can be obtained from the Microsoft Download Center at http:/
Databases Supported
The following tables list the databases supported.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Microsoft SQL
Server 2005 (SP2 or
later recommended)
SQL Server 2005 drivers must be upgraded to the Feature Pack for
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - December 2008 or a later feature pack.
Note: If you are using an Oracle database, it is strongly recommended that you have a
Additional Information
Oracle v or
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Additional Information
An issue has been observed with the Oracle ODBC drivers where
Unicode characters (e.g., Japanese characters) retrieved from a
CLOB data type will be truncated, and could potentially cause errors
in OnBase. The data remains intact in the database; however the
results when retrieving the data will be truncated. This has
specifically been observed in two areas of OnBase that use the CLOB
data type to store large amounts of data: VBScripts and License
Certificates. This behavior may apply to other areas of the software
that use this data type as well.
To ensure that Unicode characters retrieved from a CLOB data type
are not truncated, the Oracle 10g R2 ODBC drivers (which are
backward compatible) should be installed, as well as the latest
patchset (version for these drivers.
Oracle 12c
Additional Information
Sybase SQL
OnBase 15
Document Composition
To check your database client version, perform the following steps from the workstation
or server where the ODBC connection is configured:
1. Open your ODBC Data Source Administrator, and click on the Drivers tab.
2. Select the driver you are using to connect to your OnBase database.
If your database server software is Oracle 10 Release 2, the version number
should appear as 10.2.[#.#.#] (or later), where 10.2 is the version number and
[#.#.#] represents the service pack.
The above descriptions are examples of two commonly used database version schemes.
Ensure that the supported database you use adheres to the database client/server
recommendation. In general, Hyland Software recommends that you use the most
current drivers that correspond to your system.
Database/File Servers
Server requirements are site-specific. Database/file servers should be dedicated purpose
servers; i.e., not used as a domain controller, email server, print server, proxy server,
etc. Network and disk I/O hardware should be optimized for performance and
redundancy. Multiple network interface cards on servers are often required to minimize
network bottlenecks.
If your database server software is any version of Microsoft SQL Server, select
Microsoft ODBC Driver 11.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Each OnBase site is unique. Hyland Software depends on the customers who deploy
OnBase in virtual environments to do so only after careful design and adequate planning
(that takes into account the workloads of your organization), and in accordance with
recommendations provided by the virtual environments vendor. As with any
implementation, Hyland Software strongly recommends that any customer deploying the
OnBase solution in a virtual environment thoroughly test the solution before putting it
into production.
For information about using OnBase in a Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop
environment, please see the Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Environment
Deployment Guide , available from your solution provider.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
OnBase supports the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010 and Hyland Software
recommends that customers only install the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010. For
most users, the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010 does not provide additional
performance benefits. Microsoft provides the following guide to assist with choosing the
correct version of Microsoft Office 2010 for your organization (http://
Separate versions of the Office Business Application for 2010 and Integration for
Microsoft Outlook 2010 modules are available that support the 64-bit version of
Microsoft Office 2010. The 64-bit versions of these modules have limited functionality,
though, due to some components which are not 64-bit compatible.
The following are limitations when using the 64-bit versions of the Office Business
Application for 2010 and Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2010 modules:
The embedded Unity Document Viewer cannot display Microsoft Office
documents. The Office Business Application for 2010 will be used to open all
Microsoft Office documents. The Office Business Application for 2010 is required
to view Microsoft Office documents from the Integration for Microsoft Outlook
Topaz signature pad functionality, which is part of the Signature Pad Interface
module, is not available.
Document printing, scanning, and acquisition is not available.
The Document Composition preview window, which may be displayed after
composing a new document using the Document Composition module, is not
Send To | Mail Recipient functionality using the Novell GroupWise e-mail client is
not available.
Caution: OnBase does not support mixed 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Office installations with
the Office Business Application for 2010 and Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2010
Document Composition
OnBase 15
OnBase supports the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office 2013 and Hyland Software
recommends that customers only install the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office 2013. For
most users, the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2013 does not provide additional
performance benefits. Microsoft provides the following guide to assist with choosing the
correct version of Microsoft Office 2013 for your organization (http://
Separate versions of the Office Business Application for 2013 and Integration for
Microsoft Outlook 2013 modules are available that support the 64-bit version of
Microsoft Office 2013. The 64-bit versions of these modules have limited functionality,
though, due to some components which are not 64-bit compatible.
The following are limitations when using the 64-bit versions of the Office Business
Application for 2013 and Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2013 modules:
The embedded Unity Document Viewer cannot display Microsoft Office
documents. The Office Business Application for 2013 will be used to open all
Microsoft Office documents. The Office Business Application for 2013 is required
to view Microsoft Office documents from the Integration for Microsoft Outlook
Topaz signature pad functionality, which is part of the Signature Pad Interface
module, is not available.
Document printing, scanning, and acquisition is not available.
The Document Composition preview window, which may be displayed after
composing a new document using the Document Composition module, is not
Send To | Mail Recipient functionality using the Novell GroupWise e-mail client is
not available.
Caution: OnBase does not support mixed 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Office installations with
the Office Business Application for 2013 and Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2013
See Licensing on page 1 for licensing requirements.
Load Balancing
Document Composition supports load balancing across multiple Web Servers and
Application Servers. Load balancers must support either IP-based or cookie-based load
balancing (also referred to as layer-3, layer-4, and layer-7 load balancing). Load
balancers also must be configured to use persistent session (or sticky session) load
balancing. For information about configuring your load balancer, refer to its
documentation. For information about configuring OnBase modules for load balancing,
refer to the Web Server module reference guide.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
When using cookie-based load balancing, the HttpOnly attribute in cookies must be set
to false.
The following items must be installed on client machines prior to deployment:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86) SP1 , which can be
obtained from the Microsoft Download Center at http://www.microsoft.com/
Note: The Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86) SP1 package can also
be installed by the Hyland Office Integration Dependencies installer for ClickOnce
deployments, or by using setup.exe to run the Hyland Office 2007/2010/2013 Integration
MSI installers.
redistributables are only required if you are using Microsoft Office 2007.
Installer Overview
Standard (EXE or MSI) Installers There are two methods for running OnBase
installers: Interactive and silent. An interactive installation requires user interaction with
dialog boxes during the installation process. A silent installation does not require user
interaction during the installation process.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 , which can be obtained from the Microsoft
Download Center at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
OnBase installers may consist of both an executable file (.exe) and a Windows Installer
Package file ( .msi). When performing an interactive installation, and both an executable
file and MSI are available, use the executable file to ensure a complete installation. The
executable validates that all prerequisites are met before proceeding with the
installation. If any missing prerequisites are identified, the installer alerts the user. Most
missing prerequisites can be installed directly from the installer before continuing the
installation process.
Note: The Microsoft .NET Framework prerequisite must always be installed separately
before running either the EXE or MSI installer. The .NET Framework installer is available
from the Microsoft Download Center at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads.
When performing a silent installation, and both an executable file and MSI are available,
use the MSI. Since the MSI package does not validate prerequisites, you must ensure
that Windows Installer 3.0 or greater is installed on each workstation and that all other
prerequisites are met before running the MSI. If any prerequisites are not met, a silent
installation from the MSI will fail without alerting the user.
For more information about configuring a silent installation, see http://
ClickOnce Installers Some OnBase modules are installed for deployment using
ClickOnce. ClickOnce is a Microsoft technology that installs a deployment package to a
central server. This package can then be accessed by users to install the application on
their local workstations. The application is installed entirely under the users profile,
ensuring that it cannot interfere with other applications installed on the workstation.
ClickOnce deployments also have the following advantages:
Previously installed versions of the module can be easily and automatically
updated to the latest version with little or no user interaction, as long as the
deployment server and deployment instance name are not changed.
The module is installed on a per-user basis and does not require administrator
privileges for local installation.
There can be multiple instances of the module deployed, allowing for different
versions of the module to be installed on a per-user basis, to match the version
requirements of the workstation it is being installed to.
For more information on Microsofts ClickOnce technology see
Note: ClickOnce-deployed applications are not supported by Microsoft within a Remote
Desktop environment.
OnBase modules that are deployed using ClickOnce should either take advantage of the
ClickOnce deployment method as an alternative to a Remote Desktop deployment, or the
module should be installed using a standard installer and deployed using the Remote
Desktop methodology.
Note: Not all OnBase modules that support ClickOnce have a standard installer available.
Contact your first line of support if you are unsure how to install and deploy a specific
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Silent Installation Using setup.exe If you are running setup.exe silently from the
command line you must use the /q switch and the /CompleteCommandArgs switch,
followed by the required command-line arguments.
The q switch specifies quiet mode and is required to suppress the GUI. The
CompleteCommandArgs switch must be followed by the command-line parameters
required to configure and install the desired components.
The complete string of command-line parameters must be included in double quotes
after the CompleteCommandArgs switch. If a parameter in the string also requires double
quotes, those quotes must be escaped using \. For example: setup.exe /q /
CompleteCommandArgs "INSTALL_PROPERTY=\"my value\" INSTALL_PROPERTY_2=\"my
value 2\"".
Note: You should check the return value of the setup.exe process. A return value of 0
(zero) indicates success. Any other value returned may indicate that an error was
encountered and the installation failed.
Installer Prerequisites
The installer must be run on operating systems that support the Windows Installer
3.0+ architecture.
The installer setup executable (setup.exe ) detects most of the prerequisites for the
module that are also required for installation and installs them, if necessary. If the
installer fails to run, install all of the requirements for the module separately before
relaunching the installer. Module requirements can be found in the installation chapters
of the corresponding module reference guides.
Note: If installation is being performed using the installer MSI file, the requirements for
User Account Control (UAC) If Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled,
the installer must be run with elevated administrator privileges, even if an administrator
is currently logged on. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the installer
executable and selecting Run as Administrator from the right-click menu. MSI files cannot
be run using the Run as Administrator option. Instead, you must launch the MSI package
using the command line. For more information on installing files through the command
line, refer to your Microsoft support information or see http://technet.microsoft.com/enus/library/cc759262(WS.10).aspx.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
If installing under Windows operating systems with UAC enabled, the installer must be
run with elevated administrator privileges, even if the user currently logged in is an
The installer must be run on a machine that meets the .NET Framework requirements of
the module being installed. Module requirements can be found in the installation
chapters of the corresponding module reference guides.
The required version of the .NET Framework must be installed before launching the
installer; it is not installed if it is missing. The .NET Framework can be obtained from the
Microsoft Download Center at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads.
including the Template Builder, must match. When upgrading, both Document
Composition and the Office Business Application must be upgraded at the same time.
Launch the Document Composition v2.0 installer by executing Hyland Document
Composition v2.0.msi . The MSI is usually located in the \install\Document
Composition\v2\ folder of your source installation files.
Note: If the installer is being copied from the source location to be run from a different
location, the entire \Document Composition\v2\ folder and its contents must be copied to
the new location.
practice to restart the installing machine once the installer has finished.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Feature Names
To install Image and Word Composition, the value of the ADDLOCAL property is
DocumentComposition_v2 .
The ADDLOCAL property is added to the installation command line, as shown here:
Document Composition
OnBase 15
The Hyland Document Composition v2.0 installer does not have any additional properties
that can be set.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
For all currently supported operating systems (i.e., Windows Vista SP2 or later), the
default location of the onbase32.ini file is C:\ProgramData\Hyland Software. For previous
versions of OnBase running on older operating systems, the default location of the
onbase32.ini file may have been different (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Hyland Software ).
Your onbase32.ini file may reside in a different location, if that location is specified by
the following command line switch on the OnBase Client shortcut target:
-INIFILE= "full path\filename" , where full path and filename are replaced by the specific
path and file name.
If this command line switch is not used and you move or rename your onbase32.ini file,
OnBase will recreate the file in the default folder and ignore the newly created file.
To ensure that the INI file is accessible by OnBase and unique to each user in a Remote
Desktop environment, the -INIFILE command line switch must be applied to the OnBase
Client and Configuration shortcuts and be set to a unique location for the INI file.
Note: Additional details regarding the deployment of OnBase in a remote desktop
environment is discussed in detail in the Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop
Environment Deployment Guide , available from your first line of support.
Note: To maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions of OnBase, OnBase will
check the workstations C:\Windows folder for the OnBase INI file if it is not found in the
folder specified above. If the OnBase INI file is found in the C:\Windows folder, OnBase
will copy the file to the new location. The previously existing version of the OnBase INI
file will remain in the C:\Windows folder, but will no longer be used by OnBase.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
1. How do I prevent my template from opening in a separate window if Im using Word
OnBase 15
Document Composition
This issue can occur when attempting to create a document using a large
template (i.e., hundreds of pages), or if a template creates a large document. It
is caused by an issue in the .NET Framework. To resolve this issue, enable
Impersonation on the Application Server. If Enterprise Document Composition is
being used, the Composition Windows Service should be configured to run as a
user instead of as SYSTEM .
5. How do I modify the service location I specified during Template Builder installation?
Edit Hyland.Office[year].DocumentComposition.Config.dll.config. In a typical MSI
installation, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Hyland\Office
Integration\Office [year] (32-bit operating systems) or C:\Program
Files(x86)\Hyland\Office Integration\Office [year] (64-bit operating systems).
6. When composing a document and storing it as a PDF or TIFF, some Word features (for
example, art page borders) are not displayed on the composed document.
Document Composition does not support the use of all Word features when
composed documents are stored as PDF or TIFF. If Word features are not
displayed on composed documents being stored as a PDF or TIFF, store the
composed document as a Word document (.docx).
7. How do I resolve the There was an error in gathering Field Information selected
Field error, which occurs when upgrading a database that is licensed for Document
Composition and WorkView?
Upgrade the OnBase database, install and run WorkView Configuration, and install
Document Composition.
8. When configuring a new template with a Metadata Placeholder, the Document Type
and Keyword Type drop-down lists on the Placeholder Input screen are both empty.
This occurs because of the fact that WorkView attributes can be used as
Placeholders. If the WorkView database tables are not present in the database,
none of the Document Types or Keyword Types will display unless the WorkView
tables have been created in the OnBase database. To resolve this issue, install
and run WorkView Configuration to create the WorkView tables in the OnBase
database. After creating the WorkView tables, close and re-open Microsoft Word,
and then re-launch the Template Builder.
9. When using a Workflow ad-hoc task to generate a document using a Document
Composition template, a Navigation to the webpage was cancelled message is
displayed if you are using Microsoft Word 2007.
This is because the Browse in same window option for .DOC or .DOCX file
extensions is not set. This setting is configured per user, and may be turned off
when upgrading Internet Explorer. This error may also be caused by changing the
version of Microsoft Word that is used. To resolve this issue, enable the Browse in
same window option for .DOC and .DOCX files. For complete instructions, refer to
Microsoft KB Article 162059 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/162059).
10. When composing a PDF or TIFF document using a Document Composition template,
tables within the document overlap surrounding tables, images, and/or text.
This issue may be a result of one or more tables in the template using the Around
text wrapping table property. To change this, open the template in the Template
Builder and right-click the appropriate table. Select Table Properties and select the
None property for Text Wrapping. Do this for each overlapping table.
You can also try adjusting the spacing in between the tables to solve the issue if
you do not want to change the table properties.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
11. When using the AscW VBScript function, negative values are returned when asking for
the Unicode value of a non-Latin character. This negative number is then composed
onto a document at runtime rather than the desired Unicode character.
Microsoft has acknowledged this is a known issue. For more information on how to
work around this issue, refer to Microsoft KB article 272138 (http://
12. When using C/WScript to run VBScripts, an error message is displayed.
This issue occurs if the script file is UTF-8 encoded. UTF-8 encoded script files are
not supported when using C/WScript to run VBScripts. When using C/Scripts to
run VBScripts, UTF-16 encoded script files must be used.
The Distribution Service can run on a machine separate from that of the Application
Note: The Distribution Service must be configured to use a Service Account to send
notifications. For more information, see Configuring a Service Account on page 119.
The Hyland Distribution Service can be installed either manually or using the Hyland
Components Installer. See the Core Enterprise Installers reference guide for information
about using the Hyland Components Installer.
For manual installation steps, see the following:
Document Composition
OnBase 15
This is the interval that the Distribution Service uses to poll OnBase for
notifications. The default value is 120 (seconds). Change this value to
the number of seconds you consider an acceptable delay for sending
notifications. For example, if five minutes is an acceptable delay,
change the value to 300 (5 mins. x 60 secs/min.). If notifications need
to be sent within a minute of being created, change the value to 60 (1
min. x 60 secs/min.).
The user must be configured as a Service Account and must have the
Service Account check box checked. See Configuring a Service Account
on page 119.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
For institutional databases, add the parameter institution="99"
(where 99 is the Service Accounts institution number).
Service to check the data source connection when it starts. It is recommended that you
keep the default setting of false. There is a known issue where changing this setting to
true will cause the Distribution Service to time out every other time it starts.
8. Under smtpSettings, modify the following settings:
Setting a
Document Composition
OnBase 15
9. Open Services from the Administrative Tools in the Windows Control Panel, and
double-click Hyland Distribution Service.
10. Click the Log On tab.
11. Enter the correct login information for the user account that will be used to run
the Distribution Service. Click OK.
12. Start the service.
Note: For troubleshooting purposes, it is recommended you run only one instance of the
Running a Command
This is the preferred method for uninstalling the Distribution Service.
1. From a command prompt, navigate to the location of your Distribution Service
executable (for example, C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Distribution).
2. From this location, run the following command:
Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe /uninstall
OnBase 15
Document Composition
5. Navigate to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services.
6. Delete the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService registry key.
7. Restart the computer.
Configuring a Service Account
The Distribution Service must be configured to use a Service Account.
Note: The service account running the Distribution Service cannot have special
characters, such as & , in the password. If the password contains a special character,
Caution: Modify the registry at your own risk. Incorrectly editing the Windows registry can
cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Be sure to
back up the registry before making any changes to it. For more registry information, see
the following Microsoft articles: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256986 and http://
Document Composition
OnBase 15
2. Enter a new user name in the field beneath the User Name list and click Create.
The User Settings dialog box is displayed.
You can also select an existing user account to designate as a service account,
then click Settings. The User Settings dialog box is displayed.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Caution: The Service Account check box should never be selected with an account that is
Caution: Designating an existing user account as a Service Account removes the existing
user from all User Groups and prevents the user from being added into a User Group. Users
that are configured as service accounts will not be able to log into OnBase through
standard interfaces. A Service Account also grants the user name full rights and privileges
in OnBase.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
4. Enter a User Password and repeat this password in the Verify Password field.
If this is an existing user account and you need to change its password, select
Update Password to enable the fields. Then, enter a new password for the user
5. Click Save.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Microsoft article: How to use the ASP.NET utility to encrypt credentials and session
state connection strings available at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/329290/
1. From a command line, change the directory to the location where the
aspnet_setreg.exe utility resides. A copy of aspnet_setreg.exe is available in the
..\utilities\MISC subdirectory of the Core Services build.
For example, if the utility is in C:\Program Files\Hyland\Web Server\Utilities, then
cd C:\Program Files\Hyland\Web Server\Utilities
2. Enter the following command, where username is the user name of the Service
Account, and password is the password.
aspnet_setreg.exe -k:SOFTWARE\Hyland\DistributionService\Identity -u:"username"
3. Open a Run dialog box and enter regedt32 .
Caution: Modify the registry at your own risk. Incorrectly editing the Windows registry can
cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Be sure to
back up the registry before making any changes to it. For more registry information, see
the following Microsoft articles: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256986 and http://
The following procedure describes the steps necessary to configure the Distribution
Service for system notifications. Ensure users who will receive notifications have email
accounts configured in their User Settings.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
4. Grant the Windows account that will run the Distribution Service Read permissions
to the appropriate key.
In 32-bit environments, grant the Read permission on
In 64-bit environments, grant the Read permission on
T_SETREG. When run in a 64-bit environment, the aspnet_setreg utility
automatically stores the encrypted credentials in this key.
5. Open the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file.
In a 32-bit environment, this files default location is
C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
In a 64-bit environment, this files default location is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
6. Modify the securitySettings element to retrieve the encrypted credentials from the
a.Replace the username value with the following:
b.Replace the password value with the following:
When you are finished, the securitySettings element should resemble the
OnBase 15
Document Composition
3. For each data source that the service needs to access, paste a copy of the
element directly under the existing element. For example, if the service needs to
access two data sources, then there should be two securitySettings elements,
each with its own closing tag
( </securitySettings>).
In the following example, support has been added for two data sources:
4. For each securitySettings element, change the datasource value to the name of the
data source that the service needs to access.
You can change settings like the data source, SMTP server, and default sender by editing
the Distribution Services configuration file. To modify these settings, do the following:
Document Composition
OnBase 15
5. For each securitySettings element, change the username and password values to
reflect the service account credentials for each data source.
Note: To conserve system resources, increasing the pollSettings interval value is
recommended. The default value is 120 (seconds). Change this value to the number of
seconds you consider an acceptable delay for sending notifications. For example, if five
minutes is an acceptable delay, change the value to 300 (5 mins. x 60 secs/min).
Users who trigger notifications must have valid email addresses configured in OnBase.
Otherwise, the notifications are not sent, and the message Server Error: 501 5.5.4 Invalid
Address is displayed in the Errors tab of the Diagnostics Console.
The defaultSender setting can be overridden by modules like Workflow and WorkView,
which allow you to configure the sender address for notifications.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Previously configured file caches, if any, are displayed in the Temporary File
Caches list.
2. Type the name of the new file cache in the text field below the Temporary File
Caches list.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
3. Click Create.
The Cache Configuration dialog is displayed.
4. Enter the desired file path of the file cache in the Path field. Use the Browse
button to navigate to the desired location.
5. From the Type drop-down menu, select either Distribution Service or M icrosoft
Office Web Apps .
Select Distribution Service if the file cache is to be used with the Distribution
Select Microsoft Office Web Apps if the file cache is to be used with the WOPI
Note: If the Cache Configuration dialog was accessed from the Distribution Service Settings
or Microsoft Office Web Apps Settings dialog, the Type field will be set to Distribution
Service or Microsoft Office Web Apps, depending on the point of access, and cannot be
changed. These temporary caches, created from the Configure button in the Distribution
Service Settings dialog or the Microsoft Office Web Apps Settings dialog, are automatically
6. In the Purging Information section of the dialog, select either Automatic Purge or
Manual Purge .
Select Automatic Purge if you would like the file cache to be cleared automatically
when the Retention Time has been reached.
Select Manual Purge if you would like to empty the file cache yourself.
7. If you selected Automatic Purge in the previous step, set the Retention Time in the
Retention Time (Days) field. This value represents how many days files are stored
in the temporary file cache before being automatically purged.
This field is unavailable if the Manual Purge option is selected.
8. Click Save when finished.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
2. From the Temporary Cache drop-down select list, select the temporary file cache
you want to associate with the Distribution Service.
If there are no temporary file caches available, one must be configured. Click
Create New to configure a temporary file cache. See Configuring a Temporary File
Cache on page 127 for more information on this process.
3. Click Save.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Never retry - The Distribution Service does not attempt to send the
notification if a failure occurs.
Retry specific number of times - The Distribution Service tries to send the
notification until the specified number of attempts is reached. In the field
provided, enter the number of attempts that you want the Distribution
Service to make.
3. Click Save.
The following troubleshooting information may help you diagnose and resolve issues
with the Hyland Distribution Service.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
To address this issue, run the Command Prompt as an administrator. Under Start |
Accessories , right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
For more information about how the User Account Control can affect OnBase
deployments, see Windows User Account Control Statement on page 135.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
"No Count" Is On
If the Diagnostics Console reveals that notifications are being processed but are not
being sent, you may need to turn off the No Count variable on your SQL Server. Please
contact your solution provider for assistance.
Messages may not be sent for multiple reasons. The following are general steps to
troubleshoot the issue. Steps to address specific issues are provided in the following
Document Composition
OnBase 15
Version Mismatch
If you find that messages are not being sent, you may be using a version of the
Distribution Service that is incompatible with your current version of OnBase. If this is
the case, an error is logged to the Diagnostics Console indicating that there is a
database version mismatch. Ensure the Distribution Service is upgraded to the same
version as the rest of your OnBase solution.
1. Open Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config.
In a 32-bit environment, this files default location is
C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
In a 64-bit environment, this files default location is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
2. Locate the following element:
<securitySettings datasource="DMS" username="SVCACCT"
password="PASSWORD" >
3. Add a ContentTypeOverride element to override the default content type for the
file format, as shown in the following example. You can add these elements for
each data source the Distribution Service is configured to use.
<securitySettings datasource="DMS" username="SVCACCT"
password="PASSWORD" >
OnBase 15
Document Composition
The generic MIME type to label attachments that have the specified file
OnBase 15
Document Composition
The following best practice recommendations have been assembled by a team of OnBase
subject matter experts. They represent the accumulation of years of experience
installing and configuring OnBase solutions.
The following recommendations are general in nature, and are applicable to most
OnBase solutions and network environments. Depending on your solution design and
your organizations needs, not all of the best practice recommendations listed below may
apply to, or be recommended for, your OnBase solution.
Carefully consider the impact of making any changes, including those listed below, to
your OnBase solution prior to implementing them in a production environment.
Installing Enterprise Document Composition
While it is possible to install the Document Composition Windows Service on the same
workstation as the Application Server, it is not recommended. System resources can be
compromised if you are using Enterprise Document Composition to generate a large
quantity of documents.
OnBase 15
Document Composition
Known Limitations
Because of architectural differences between the Document Composition for Microsoft
Word and Document Composition modules, modifications to Document Composition
templates are often required after conversion.
Limitations of the Document Composition Template Converter are listed below:
Image fields are converted to Unconfigured Placeholders.
Fragments and Bookmarks are converted to Fragment Placeholders. However,
when selected on the converted template, they do not display as being
configured in the Placeholder Settings pane. After conversion, select the
Placeholder, click Edit Placeholder, and associate the correct fragment.
Any Placeholders in the header or footer are not converted. The converted
template will not contain header or footer fields.
Document Composition
OnBase 15
When template conversion is complete, it is considered a best practice to review the
converted template.
Tip: Perform the following steps using two separate workstations, or with virtual
1. Open the original Document Composition for Microsoft Word template in the
OnBase Client.
Note: You can only view Document Composition for Microsoft Word templates using a
2. Open the newly created Document Composition template from the Template
OnBase 15
Document Composition
3. Compare the two templates, modifying the newly created Document Composition
template if necessary.
OnBase 15
Document Composition