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Angles Lesson Plan

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Lesson Planning Framework

Date: 21st of May.

Lesson Title:
Measuring angles and
calculating unknown

KLA(s)/Subjects MATHS

Year level(s): 5/6

Duration of lesson:

Identify classroom context

Lesson Objectives

Catering for diversity

During this lesson students will have the opportunity

to demonstrate their ability:
- Estimate and measure (using protractor) angles.
- Identify and understand vertically opposite angles and

alternate interior angles.

Recognise a pair of complementary and supplementary
angles and distinguish the difference.

Whole class introductory recap learning (peer teaching).

Advanced students have been grouped together to allow for extension.

Small group rotations this allows accurate teacher observation and more one on
one time.
Teacher aid is present and takes a rotation station.

Learning Statements

How will they be Assessed

Yr 5 Maths

Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees. Construct angles

using a protractor(ACMMG112)
Investigate, with and without digital technologies, angles on a straight
line, angles at a point and vertically opposite angles. Use results to find
unknown angles (ACMMG141)

Students will be observed throughout the stations.

Teacher aid will feedback on students ability and difficulties.
Sheets will be collected and assessed to determine next week warmups (this allows
students who required more time, clarification and students who did understand to
recap their learning).

Learning Sequence
Engaging Learners

Safe and Supportive Learning Environment

Interactive angles competition for warmup.

Small rotational groups.
Kinaesthetic, visual and auditory learning.
Peer teaching.
Differentiated activities for ability levels.

Expectations. The 4Bs.

Tickets, warnings etc.
Reassurance its ok if you dont understand.
Small group rotations more clarification.

Lesson Structure
10 mins

3 x 15 mins

Lesson Organisation
Introduce the lesson.
Today we are going to follow on with angles.
While weve been going through angles the last few days some might still have some
difficulties make sure you ask for help if you need clarification.
Estimating angles class comp interactive whiteboard. Light-hearted.

Introduce the 3 rotation activities.

Focus group with Miss Gavin working on supplementary and complimentary angles.
Notebook, worksheet and angles interactive matching game.

Independent work. estimating angles first then using protractors to measure them,
protractor instructions included for those who forgot. Group talk is ok if peers need
Increased difficulty questions are supplied for advanced group 3 angles present
and reflex angles.
Extension - (They will complete after Mr Millers activity therefore work sheet
alternate and opposite angles included)

Group work with Mr Miller (back of room) vertically opposite angles (advanced group
will also work on alternate interior angles)
Examples on whiteboard to be copied down and worked through as a group.
Tape and chalk angles also on the ground... where students can discover the
unknown angles.

Resources and Transitions


Interactive estimating angles game,

Interactive notebook (with rotation groups).

interactive notebook
move students according to groups and rotation
Notebook/ interactive match game.
Chalk/ tape.


Bring class together, collect sheets, pack away books

Exit tickets (answer a question about angles what was something they
learnt today) Eg. If I had 23-degree angle what would its matching angle
be in a complementary angle?


Extended activities for students who finish early

Resources and Transitions

- Early finisher angle booklet.

- Use the protractor to create a net of a 3D shape we learnt
last wee.

- Protractor.
- Booklets.

Evaluation of Lesson Objectives

Considerations for future lessons

Teacher Mentor Feedback

Reflective comment on the lesson

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