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David Littlejohn Foreign Legions of The Third Reich Vol. 1 - Norway, Denmark, France

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FRANCE ere P Otero os eer by DAVID LITTLEJOHN, MA, ALA, as Legions pe of the Third Reich Ec i jorway, Denmark, | France avo ltruA0HN Second Pinting = ly 1907 (SON No, oscars aed i he Und Sie of Ameen Dejened Hoge Jal Bender Introduction hic the twee of 2 serie devted to an alr eld of miltary euch turers ahs, gs, eds and heirs the frig slur (Cerin cermany’ ily and prota ces ding the Second Werk Wr, iho ese ofthe callaorating poll partes of acu Europe rom which, of ouna many ol hese souneers cel, nc the clay, arto mth 0a foes i Ben ily “The ovine “Ths al volume dea with Norway, Detar nd Franc, and wl be followed sar shorty by one deaing wh the ther pf weer rope Holand gum, ta and Span. Canal and southern trope wilhaveavohmeof thi own ll the "Oswo hat tsa he volte rm ease Europe the Ble Sates nd tari warmer ity mal and tens ofthe itary of Work War {eerily Fen hing, an be mre tating fr he elector oF wou cle the fal volume nthe eri thereby binging the woe upto he let state o ‘ey avalible nome Documentation nthe prepatn this series the autor ht ben ero rected thes AMihyeTOht eee sides that In May of that yer Qusng bunched is Naor Semng Aiea exe ony Hor ayo Ob 24, there ot "unheated vay OTIS sath Sebo or he NS. Cp of politcal ear (hte ] i | i : i i : 1s se at a tes wth al he awe fying names were om bythe 2p NS Womens Orputaton (sane Orpminnnen) eee ane ae Labor Service tual cle up he et dak. One of th cae as that hoy ater te nf cae arson hal bag, wae wth Ra ad broken at and may of nation had 2A fallin ibe A. we ede estat or Sigh ere ln ig Cones but te centr ota ied ete pero unotwhomiere ray the RAD. inGermany. Quang about mended Wve pal Noreen skype ep = coped bythe Geman fo th Mow ator Serce elon) A, tether ston son bth Homan none {Bac ake har oe ub andes he Wonk Bie in ign or Rb oles SB} Sie AE fen a core ioe fcMor pc cnponded nth te rent 3 Legion a VIKEN BATALJON \ Soe sees ‘Art infor Company “Norwepa’ The Wiking Division nFinlrd where Nonweion Lip ney Se AA ‘Theos on embarl he SS. wee ened onthe SS une olae tc ft here ratonaty ela patch uch a fe eb mata nner mean who wasnt fla he at ried nee hace yo inte resent esate bo eo hem peer honor In practic the rune cll pach waste mes conmorh worn ol 2d the poring of he SS. runes below he ot be pocket emo have ee eo ma oth Gamage nel oh i ey tae caratiarraste og ‘members othe SS onthe porke ts unm Ee 6 © Nordin BS rere) Nerd and pe) ‘Above: vei sig ofthe Wiig, Nordlund sd Nor ion, Germanic 5S. Norway (Germanische SS. Norge) ‘he founda of the None 5. sendy en ey ouchedon, bao | bs iy Se eres Get cet he Gorn Nore an rme pt ofa wider “Carmanie SS" devs by Miner, which encore ton German Algemsne SS formations occpid ween tarape The fret ‘ish nk pia wn sand and common German schon aks was [sopiedthe nme of the ran bing merely Mera srry, The GermanieSS Norma severed allconsecion wth as Rid "pue”. Woe so longer posse to belong both oganzations A new ath fallegance mes Token fit tme to Mle fot Quing Thus the German SS. Nor at pace yee ce cs Gr eR arn eet er pS me ee a a Fog bans On th eit pe arm te NS ela an ros eon ack fhe orsnzton = "Garmante $S. Norge” On the et eal the ark ofthe ‘sen the igh whe oer bie sata lt, aOWp ey ‘lesan ht womb the Nerd Dion. The Chie Sl he armani SS Nowwayworeths mobile swath on both alls. Colarpatches were piped c= eS ee er ea reread ‘ina fralvanks. ot mee rer Dick Sam Brome” bak and ross sap waswormty alas. On the it shoule ony arene wat worm r- ear ohne ben aed shoug he Ce f Sa id wea TG pate 5. “ager on ceramonleceatione oni “presenaon” dager aided 3 4 “pc honor by Hn. On pa, ave dy, Garman ste it was No Garmin 5 formation a Narayan sfcen ae Be repr Scand Regiment, The age ht could be miner ara orbs ough "non of which hee were twee invaous prbot Nora. ingot that et “vsrengih Thi war ot the rent of ako lumen 2 much th ft ht ‘he Germanic in Noray al ebeae was en ey a stepping stone The Carman $5. wa ony 3 parts omaton puting in couple of ening sence tough the wech en do ection! mene day. So mt Gers Norwegian (Quitng) Police ~~ LEED) CER Eee vided Derma The cum wren nd och tty areal ‘hae wee sl Nas pla prio Denar, at eas cm mal vial ole aire eral oe a hve oni enna DNSAR, over 1 egy nde the leaderhip of» Yee man annie, bt a ice iene sea ees Aided em be em em bade Sao eect er oe bop DNSAL. Badges ato 8 Hone show wae tet of 000 bat wheter ached hs ube i a bok member es ‘Ben wedge $l Raa Nordland Regiment eS Shjalm Hide Lesspe eee eee Um Dienst der DeulschenWehrmachl GS.. (Germanische Sturmbann Dinemark) n Septomber 91 he Algemene Sin Germany exablohed supp by heSS, comitedots hak shit lke and blck roe, Sere weekens. was not acento Rae belonged 10 &pro-Nai pla par ‘one's homeland In order o be eligi to on Since the trl sen of th Gemaniche Surmbsnne (curing al eatoaie) amounted in Mach 8 some 300 Danish workers in Corman two ely sucestl in inducing Dash worker to ol by th Naval Card (Se aries Danes there wer inthe eae Batalon were then ected o unis fl German Navy and Naval Guard Units [ay in the ecco the German Nae began iking on Dah vlum teen. Alouth lt mentioned prev) German nares dl sow anh member the Manerepee ‘Rina eae sound 28 men bt a 22 any 190 ws desde hat it shook be putin ur tm and expanded t9 tetween 1500 and 2000 men, The newly aed \uinevege wee ten ited ou wi 3 rk Bue unorm tha a the Ce hava Poli consis of unc butoned othe nec, log otse ad shes, oe eternity 1s pated ap wth he German amy type meth cockade surmounted by a Ge cians Se eeysstis ma sin teon ce oe rane engl dma bad Thee were only the enconmisioned nacht nthe enc of he German sme fore). Occnonl,« ermal ral cap ight be warn. Unt he Begining of 84th force amounted to oll Trapper efter the above ate the Garman deynatons Offices mere Geran. On day ‘reared reve ot thd wer lel eat es nea ren aig the Gesape tack den eistnce pe. Volusers hal on ltr cles es oevesi indie eep ae Sommers Guard Corps the Royal Dan Ar ote ha the congue of hi nave land, fone Late and ous with dann on the Ensen From ct down ‘remy aca! an, later as «Capa with Igégscnad 27 Sly wind seting upd nt rhe roti wali rd eh al InDenmark,_ ths omaton nas propery the Gard Cop of he German in Denar Vthoret det ke Lateaben | arma, bt ws ners opal {own a Sommers Yao samme Guard Core itwore he Boe wey Non-crnssoed eon! were Dai, al Iheofices wee Geen. nFetry 144 opened own Cas col Kp Sole tons. Wha na, bout 1.20 men oanzo in ve compan one Copenhagen, the ther four qurered 3 tuuste aids trougout ‘mutt, Ue he Nava Gard Uni ns ots meh paive defers eration, srerked acl with the SD. in combating the Darth etre end se antaabraeerupe” in lain ate foek ut md event pects Wh ‘he po Caps was forme Some ht andra memters fhe Soma’ orp vasa 1 i Aieeld Defense Commando In aldion othe ore Gand Corp ogee Pou Somme, the Gero A Force Denar aboot up, in Ap 190 ts min a te Te, «cal Fuplsetormando tera ald cormanda The cone rin of sare and Voth reser of Dera Bes could an ja ‘ted. The ution mat te rma! Lite shor blowe, tower a ip. Gemmanspeaing panne ore yellow am and with nbc, "Dev Seanad the Cash words “Den ae aera! Keene (Combat ‘the Geman trad iorce, Alvoluntesr ook an oath of alec to Ad Hel Deutiche Wehrmacht ‘rm Band wor bythe Aid elonce Commando Heimwchr and German Self-Defense Corps of North Schleswig The Voaeatche community of Nonh Shleag cobsed sone 80 of mente oth Carman aed fre grad tvoughouthe ros ranches othe “Sikes threw none allo eeu ant Thos eat hme ware: ‘Sed to a the German cco ators im our Duh resin ‘Sin the ping of 92 Hema Hoe Deen force wat abe aang the Yotadache of Neth Scheme Danes co hey 0 wed bo 2atriiligendest) erin Dani Titi. ‘erm sy ley mth othe et yl Basar with eich ebm ahW had wround 1400 embod was unde the commando Pott amen a Soca. wa open able-bodied ales berween the ges 117 and yes tahun hata matin so-alelAlemegpe or Sean olan ey fr imei ai i he eve! of any ene ani De ‘tn sch am evetty the re ofthe Hac woul be mobile a 2 ‘ene femoton oe Garran Watch The Heme wane nee Tew med bt i ot, Force Deauehe Sect cr DS)" protect he ona, and prope tl ‘rman cil comrades” Te DSS, enn the fomer SK norm nahou the ‘ical path The DSS. ad about members onze in even companies anes could inthe Todt Organisation eter nrkr thw ws (01. Gand Unt (O1 Schtahonando which termed in 4, had he al ‘arg OT intone nace cone and so ergo ‘winger. Hore the bronn OF unferm wah ek shave spe teow forage cap A Caan ay sel het was morn om dasha mand recuts had Wo under 3 seek ining core uid Dena ees Germany: thee was or tape a npn © che taining cho! tt. Clow oie Pant bel Dash volar lowed owes toa device, but, 0, was probable hie rem on shel in worn by he Felons. Thee were Danish voltae inthe Geman Labor Senice (RAD ish tegence reckoned atin 12 there were 1 tee The nina fergagerwasen nants. Dankheluter ao ted wahthe Sper Lean Norway. Atsin itis not rown f Danesnthe Sper eon wre aon (ao German regions certiy allowed i). Miscellaneous Somme Onishi serie nh the Garces one Cha on Norway in he eas Dans eve tind volies nthe Corman td Ar ote andthe Horne One Fak vs nthe Rach ha ay {ton merken emploedin Germany abo in the Security Cat ogra ‘Commer Fc ga us statoned tn Derk wearing the Geman "oe Pall tunlor. five man ato of is Secu Gam consisted of to Germs Danes Thay were aad nhs or eae, ‘hasbeen etirted tat total ane eth nea the German ee The German atch the Wes eno 30 May 10 wth he von othe ‘counties. By the str ne Garman amor wa joing France, On ‘he government mowed o Borden On une, resent bron alles on ta year old Philippe Ein, Marshal of Face ane “Vitor of Verdun to fom vermont. The aed gendeman sree, nd win los han week fn 2 he had ged an ariie wth Gomory. Under the erm fh erent ‘none Hitler eer sgn wh «defeated fe, nlp of France nat be ‘ile oughly het ot er maropolan tery the et woul be ee theenemys presence. Buin beth oc nd unacuped zoe he sng theiench government would app. Since he government ha esa al ety in the Unocrpied Zane he erm Vihy anc” an employed tha ‘her yeretome incon beeen "hy" nde rel ane" Inrat ‘Sace me are here ml conened nth ible tl and i,t to bop by dering the symbol with which "Vichy Hance” hs became, ‘ed. Thi double headed ate nae the fans gli ali hl ‘ine by he sibstston os Mahl of ance baton or saan hong ads colored redwhte/ie ed eng he cute cla on both ses). The a io ts device be ek ith tern hcp, for he momar ue oy hat this emblem becanefor France what the ssa a or many. Supporters othe eine wore Wl evans wee ural in the “Of Jour” of 15 Noveber 354 Yo wear a ape bigs on 3 By shield Avwe shales be feted pr of many clabotonst nog ec even atin, oe fom, he tatu of & nana ection ons pr wth {spin of Honor POLITICAL PARTIES There nas nofrench Napa, rete, none fay comequanc the we pa "which pad oti nae Par Nara Sie Farge of Chan sae ane rode Frage atonal Soc of Maurie ema ea ‘Cimtt = ete minicle sf th fen soporer i Path and none oubie fh Tha hn, Rowenes, any ht here were no icant ro German pli {fous h ocied France. Tere were fla mot parts, emir coe EIS ober of onal acre which hay mer these of pola pay. Fr. (Par Populaire Franca) cundedln ie ys Di e-em wh ad ued Je te PE sho operated Uc Ze ther a poli pares repent bared under he in apse le of Moreen Populares Tene ai ts lo folning iw dfan of ac, he PPX aod Seto ch aden pr ther ator aoc wh rere ch he he fen colonies, party ia Noh Aen "he orga APE ambien war ingly a white PP. on fed cag cating in seb ler 4 sled eed of he anche ate he Beane ks rnc ‘ace Tho co aobe thon Clic com nemblem hich in France, socited more wth ses tht with Cstanty) with pars ofthe ce ca ‘nay. This eve in la on a wie octagon ound in ed was wm on ack ‘oar bythe Gade anges W abo wa Seated on he a ng of the Garde rans te sed by ie Ree ea Fry idmtat excep tt aE ‘Shey pombe Bea esis” ete ee encore ‘SIeeut ftom ake : df he ns Jeunes tn vol oe LP wore spec the me of he ace JACQUES DORIOT on he cl (Rassemblement National Populire) nde by Mace atin Ferny 9M. 6a ha behind hin 2 fy he carer a asd sc rena pltican which ned a il oar ot he Legon Nate Populave ACP) orgie Sud, Scion, tabs, on which wit and raping he ches wih 1m December 194 he une Face oa delight deca ‘the ey government ob te otal recone youth movement in the ‘ped Zone Thre se dou ht thr wn done much more ra he rs oft an Dorit than o ono he stn af wn opely sce yuh ‘he high join ofthe ances ander he accupton wt ay 9 when al ‘ongre in Pats 3000 untomed man paraded down the Champs Byes MS.t. (Mouvement Socal Révoluionnsire) The MS asa breakaway Hom DEat+ RNP. by fg Dele which ‘le revete the Dat fold. The MLR teon wore the are ‘hata he RNP Laon acetal wich nt word pon moe "ed and white ces, the other on 2 Be Get) and red shi MSR" The youth branch mat Known 48 the 1S. Jeune So -ésiutomire) 3 Weer change eunes guporderance. le he "hey more a Hh shit, ao posi a rasa wh the ter “LE Avot anion ofthe MS. mam me Mosvement Soria] Révoltionare Lingue Frangaee Founded earn 1941 by Petre Consann shtydemented Ci polsewgue (he French ant-bsh ntsemite and abe Leite tes amas a Eropean evoton rough anc-Cerman club The rio othe Nice de a Uigue range, the Party’ "star trooper” would con te tae ben ped mor by hat o the Carman S.A. than by any enh de Ge contd ol Bao sb, ack beacon bc ihr st band with ro coloed arcigucon + white damond, bel nd com sap and Hak beet Sriragecap_ The igus eompapet "Appt at ue o September 132, oor suard wil Renelrh wear 3 Kak she SRS ete, The Une’ you section at ele Ls une Franc ot de Fp and was ‘nse ithe Cadets ce Franc for 40 1a os and he Pang de ae Fir yo ofa 2a As tl i i ic ins cere The nth aici rl hd on Section Sle nti peal A lew Sections which co-operated with the SD. of Pars. The sepee of co eon betwen the German and he igue on be gaged othe et tha mem ter of he gue who Ri ben led by he reste were Bred with he la Mao! he SS ping he colin. asuince mah Dots PPS. - a re cumple Of co-operation betwean to ‘olibretons pres (ut atgon wa much mare he de fhe dy owing er the ay hal begun fl 0 ces Minor Parties and Factions 11 FAL. a FanatNaonabCollcite)- Founded by Pre Cent "hes war, Februey 198 a reed under he ocupation, Cle Ste." y septembes182 the PENG ha len spt to such eee ta ough indy devoted o Fain, wat whol apposed 10 he dit omic ane folsbrsion wih the Germans that war becoming daly more apie in trea the Germans reed ela Roce a upped he PSF The Feumoverent whch many people seen wrong a a5 ora a nm Nx dara Dorit wa ale to “borothe name ft ita he Cade Fangs aap {0 We own stones sn. The PENG. ete ws fur conver 2 Frat Fane ~The cretion of Jen Nose, a arch and sv 193445 Race Inerainal Fame (LE) Bok ma arated y he sovenment in October 999 bt hee bythe German ae the fal Fane ‘hen reece i py ude ferme fe Front Fan. Wh wou rere) tom the pot seme entre by thee of 98 probably ee ing oui in thse ements by he er and more cel pati, 152, gy Sol raga ter enamel! bogies Sec fama 4 Aton Fraga Thi was anther pay which aed ol he dominant olen er Vehy nhc spear eminence might ne nated Founded sac ot es car ee eer te a ace ea se diem no sal pr 10 principal carpon. the distinguished phigh, ‘Chee Mauna Lle Dela Rocque Maura mat an adr Pin, bt na en tothe Germans. Asasuppoter ofthe concept ol manarcy, Acton Fagate Maa Action rane of ome Seton forthe seesion of Bsa om theres of Fane. vas at "nha fect bse the Geman ith eye fo fermenting the maim ‘ad intlac norms supped the SS. Wh hi thera ck writer {DPS roms Sci ran This wan the i to what hd befor the wat rated o bean upandconing fren ech pals Colonel De aac pola parties mere oulaed nthe Unociied Zone, 10 the PSF. changed AUTONOMOUS YOUTH MOVEMENTS (1 Les Jeunes Marchal ‘Created by Fcques Bouquets the Lee Vole in Fs te ‘4 arch was diel lect a character, that newpaper, te Tee ‘tsquedypro-German. They operated inthe supe Zoncoty- The ‘hei shit vai, sometimes ny te, mates the gies Fenech ae let eas pocket aed fancique on whe sik was won. pone ‘ice of he anciqu om ir shed th et adie ofthe each NS ‘ss dened ot 0 mucho the emblem othe Vichy sata bas es Jeunes du Marchal were very acne in tecuing French a fot the ‘wee so embaratinglycliratni tha th Marshal hms od uy ‘ep inand suppres his eration uppoedly deoted wo Ns penon. went onto become the decor ofthe Eel des Cae STi Cl Chapele-onServal in the Occupied Zone which was much mote o ‘olaoratnst tans oppose umber t Urge the Unacupind Zone. Sagar teresa Saiyin’ the Sceupieg tater | sore eke ea Fae arcarcaty ct ee athe enh NSIC bege ons Sao oh ‘SekD may hve Bee dered om he 0 Mowemenjunese nthe Unoceupied Zone a Mouvement Jenene wn cra by he Serta Youth 3 iy wth he object of erconpaning ll ouh rou athe Unoccp Zone which were synpahtto he fthe rege thet ten those of ‘uthoried movements aa sanctioned by the government. There was a ‘bic-up “reno Youth les Ami de oun) reverent Both hee roo snore a unfor consisting of bl or ey shit with «Back a dark. twas. Above the lft bret pocket # shied Ladge mas wom which had ‘wnchrl ee in an ier wht Waal ake ty a on he ea ‘ed onthe right At the top ofthe sid the word “ones” in yon fed. Thisbaige wan cath on thst ut could be worn mintre n ramelon the pe of clan ether Memtbenti figs or ths movement a known but ney ta have Ben lage nce thre mas ample apparent oe with an inclination 0 wea uiform amend in qus-miay di to oso 1 eee race ot Pure Mer (.EOM) wut eonone de France et €Oute Mer he Youth of France and Overs! ign founded by Henry EPupbet and fon-Mcel Renault in Mais fn a ‘et Ease adeiip posed io Renal’ had shorty thee. The [1-0 wa good el mote commited to calaboratn than es Campagna Fence temas pent yung fam 31014 yeas Ls Gide) and young ths up othe age ol 33 381M. proper om tho very st Jos mee lode By Otte 18 the [LOM cama s members of 3050, "ts vim conte fey si rk le and ark Blue owes fo ada si) The badge ofthe Os able br sco inthe TIPO Mc handook "lk butloaking rater more Bk ana!) ona wie (ce eu 48 wth the fetes 1EO.M. in ek ‘er the occupation of bash zane of France Gin November 184 the JOM, ion ors with Beas eunene Francie apd hs, bythe bck dr, became the oy ofall econaed youth overeat the nar TS Fouwe Mer GOO ‘The Legion of French Combatants (LF.C) 8 MILITARY VOLUNTEERS LVF 7 July 1981 = 28 Jane 1942) Having deat nt the paca parties nd pri home-ted vo Germans in amoeacine capac. Thebes nan fhe the elon der tives Fangs. WA) nil eet onthe Sve Union 22 a 9 man 2nd Rusia hod ben “end and anemic anes al Somewhat in abeyance But the unheralded ian of Rial cap meta the Hotel Majestic Part alah eon a-hole sent a ter renamed he Lh des ote rang comre le bole, ‘ac tha the Vie fovermnt ad erate ew which aad Fenhmen frig arms ened at topping tem ong de Ge an {LVF wea purely “pat” ale, Pain ge the ew entree Ns personal ingand thew wat amendedt tha no becom woul be abe since the LV received total fon 1240 apcars an, an of ee ado ered daw on mei pounds ad eth being a ofthe cm ‘aut af wjecion ana farther 320 on moral grounds OF the rerwiting ‘he majority lover 3) wae ened inthe fs tee moms of ‘e_Natrly may ahough by 1 meas lth luce came tom he Doses PF Inc Dat hme, (On8 ly Dat announced tthe LV. waa be corned by General 4 French replr offer ro Ake, ta vlc wed te alowed 1 the French unform. Neither proton proved te, Henly, who ha nt france atualy declared war on the Soviet Union tere cul! be no qs sending combats tothe nt in fenchutom, Thien a coe, i Span anticommunist selunce car Howey, tee ws 0 bon ther the 198i pte or the sighy modi enon Known HM 192 Adak blu worm wat ao sometines worm a Fane, Heads as ors Woops bret” rg thane beet sq but no ole the Ap 2 mas nnn below nvr chevron othe metal LVF po ae aae cn cans 2 a wade Us ates TOA ere eas fe toc eens ies el li * MARE ou | cRrive Soa eh a arr sperihe ra es aa iter he ard Gaefeea, greasy ieee Selle Ohi hy Légion Tricolore (28 June 1942 -28 December 1942) othe Unknow Soler in arn October the Hench Pos Ofice srl Ufgon Tear pcr samp fad on the Legions recruiting pose) The Lion Tresor wre the same ski form ad foes oop beret he ia Tile Sia ie, Agen reson we uly ce Lv. an December 1982-1 September 1944) te oe Lig én sa On i od Ag oy, gn, el eS o_o ee ee ree Eee E GCL eae he Frenc ye Stormbrigade The French SS. / The Sturmbriga Stns Sasori eet ey 51 TU VEUX QUE.LA FRANCE VIVE LT tia iy Mul LE BOLCHEVISME lay down tha sues panon sal wear plain wht sl ‘ate ponan could hav ben trom ance or ump pre-nareagea Fist ype of ctr pth ‘Second ie of clr pte soos Fase especial in Pt ge roupe sn Seg Kom he 177 revo and coment daca i vec Rusa speaking French zensto aah cake vidal coll ptch a meal So on Hach, later eplaed by a syed Sn call Some of aor a ES ea Tera Come ies Fea Ponies meemteton adler te Toga Nota the NSKX due were nor-conbitart forearp hh me et wo the as fred pr of he socal NSKA: tn haan comin nemspue epee yuearayougNSKK rane Rae carne ie sl eared it the Wallen 5S Railway Flak Units hen, in November 792 the Germans aceaped the who of nce te “A see yas ws cle nas banded. Ts a weimetucdtee The Grins hove wete anos tere mest “lone. hope at 100 ca ie The Moe elias since second mare uae apes ns aden matt Sines ca tbe obined y vlan ene re kone when tw nounced hatin aon esate ore uy Fisker Th Vine Ones” won eres 0 0 franc ad ben allowed Organisation Tost Se “ay wear on the Org. Toss braward "a shield in thelr natianal color", which wn the Theol ance, mold apes omen is/hte/red deve but raph aphic ty bythe Org Tt nd oer Geman bor agencies ance wna enc colhbraton who marked covey wih he SD. ts lmoxuousy nae fried ecru ae for werk in Gr tat cooperated with he eae by puting a5 but these reps proved ob a vce wapop with hei compas ‘ak shoulder evap brown weer te ant nl sown ogee oof the OT. ha orl largely on frig voles to ven inthe Schulshonmando wre om the right Sper a co wheel French inspector of he OL. hd dt lve uno In ick. The German “Ode of Bele” of 194 sates ht wore om he Teno fl he Ore Teh k he French NSA, the French Teno volutes tional shel! o any her dite ere. ‘The French SS. / The Chatlemagne Division Sek rane Bi wc aa area gt ‘he LVF andthe rench sau ga fhe Wallen 5. net abe ve ned ras of french mir coliborstors had been eae 1 Wehrmacht o Germany. In aton athe NSKK. On Kiogmarievluneer, aa po, depot pesanrel and jenrt bans tat-eame wie unin Vech/s own detested inter secutty tbl don, The thes. ater hed would ine og 10 workin the Geman armament vars he Geman ary oval pole were ao andere thou conuhaton Acti "CHARLEMAGNE" as cetny manuacred probably n Pa few any eve wore kA dora bade nthe ech oon wa ail ints ce, dtc nat wom. Thins met badge nol eames tthe fot of sll wi on et» ec eagion a yl fd il eh tre golden er de son valu backround Kh ade, notin Aword mast be sidaboutthe oan of Arendt pach. Credence a let thi nom exe pater by of (ach die wat can $5: Baer Krukenberg had met Dmand obj Ison, mary of whee mere eet Chi, wuld eine we hl tunes lth 5, by sing hy wold noe lle upon to ds but would Stead “sor he tat of foun of Ae” “is promise ws, of couse {GA highly ancl rap prodiced byte SS Mopeands De inthe closing month the war purer 0 how he am nd cl dei inary fret mason ersng he Wallen SS. martin om yi ‘ier winter lining in the Rhone vil the Bade, nw och to a Don the J.Wlfn Grocer Dion dey 5S. “Chae teed ft for active dy, now contd of wo reine the 7 Sumber sivions commander at dee Pada eran of COteer der SS. oro he Hench, Gnade Brigade). Krkenor ‘fo Paul the order fir mutual (German spe. ear Mare Re the b.M, acted aon oie basen he Hench and Carman thf he “gets nee promi bu never ered, nor were he ls aficet mol flered a2 soba. The iin had ak do th Catman a Teor In Feany 1985 he Chaemape win acon as part of Army Vata in Pear, On the 25 fat morh papa in ere tmencaound te tow of Hanmenten. The nce othe Red Aryans Trench in thee. One group wa app in 3 pocket onthe Rac cou and be evacuated by he German Nino Deir, he ruvor aventuly nding Neues abou reer of Bein). A second soup ohh ‘caw under coer ot og which fone forthe, ated expo tothe murder ie of he Reisner ryan sng his acl ne hes never en determined, hed rou, msl ‘een tht lie Bac ports were ow in en binds, anempted 3 reat wena tu by 17 March al ad ther Ben ied taken cgi su asin this ‘Eeeeteere eee g re ts md-Mach ll tat was let of he Chromegne was reared stoi Aout never of ohana ts Dison tremsie asichan ere wong the 9 an the vey en th mont th cov Be ere ‘titer Regan de 83 "chalogre™ ean aot 7 hiner are acon he expert a the a ston anda raha o te Soponed wl? were ot hte fawn ne win vested when longer we on ng om ay rer Staton obo. Tey wee pom hat hy col ve 0 non-combat Ener to ter and te hnded te int are hamish ete eat Row 2 Ap 85 shou or ov handed oe om he Caer cnt oath tinh bode ein Die 0967 TONE tome one hud yrse on he wy. tn a he aaa cc bumbafon st raion, wee stale ak crcgan ordnance coe ce sr chatenapne’ ons ck tbe ee of Btn. the“ Soa meine en 0 me) omaned 2 Net The srstteuten toe thwart hr, anes tins ce tga ten ced 18 men Te Frerhen wee made widgancow eho roa nti tte contra aac ear cero tae alana coed ean See iee ssn w iedTee comme mie on Ao the defense ofthe cy flo pieces. Such was the endo the “Charleragne” vl toot oe he depute eon of Ace Lorine Inch had change ands aa 7 eof lay ag, with he eh Pecwumaby acing on the sumption tha the Abacolaraine ere pt by the SS in France =the desrcon of Ordouta =" ob) ine athe cbs, Internal Security and Police Forces in France, 1940-1948 ‘lice Frameave chin the Sevce Orde Legion {ih the SOL, mato enamel MILIGE FRANCAISE ASSEMBLEES CONSTITUTIVES DE LA MILICE FRANCAISE oe FRANCAIS, FRANCAISES IA PATRIE EST EN DANGER existence mene de lo FRANCE ‘eaten jeu. Choque jour kedonger interior se precise es oggrve. FACE AU PERIL COMMUNISTE 1A MIE FRANCAISE forgero Tranite du Peuple FRANCAIS. (Gesera nate seuletwa combat TOUS A L’ ASSEMBLEE DE LA MILICE FRANCAISE Dimanche 28 Fevrier 1843 OPORA MUNICAL ie CLERMOVE at 12S Ans 4 ge amon Jon fhe Nie tame, rad Turis secey at he taht” Fs nine arn ef e 12s me's nd more net, a ace he comin pl he Mle Spe Sunt ne rene oa aod ‘tis caun s' e va roscen y sban a mie sn tin Syne sind emer Serta" Vice Narorle una Mi, On 30 January the new iia severed al con erleson shri threes the Mice Navonae. wan recvstned the Mice 2» f J ‘iu gime Ch dame hat de eid Swords) Gg werd) ald gaimay ap gall (On the et per sm a se wh he Reta dg fhe region o which a belonged ws ner, ‘The Criminal wretigaton Banh ofthe Mle the 2e Save, come par Pas dates party of unfemed pena In male town, the 2e eric an 55. were linked together under he designation Scion Spike In February 196 he Nice tok ne the ole National des Cas Uap al in taining heaéquenes. The sts choo move very ight He shou 29s anes wore norma dak be shoulder spe but withthe loves bal The Youth Seaton, the Avant-Garde Mice, wa orld betwen 18 20 was directed by he ede ofthe .0.M, en-Marcel Rena mas formed Focthe tint year of teitence the Mile wi allowed to operate nln the Sa Zone bt after 31 Decenber 19, was pated to anon i the Noth 2 tho. 1s Pars hedquarer wat rnc nthe lamer hoadqurrfthe Fi {tia ony ate he rechen ner ace ino Mi, but in Api 14 nam aarp wel ranks, ined om are 20 coloed Alera ol wh there mere seven handed hound in metopitan Frans The Gers showed coniderableekcane about ertuning the ice wil oder weapons. into unl Octo 190 when Drand lore wih aka ozen ther Senior Mile otic, ed yp wih he SS ht hey mod low Frane-Gare hive upto-dte machi guns. The Mic ws 0 evenly sa ams tha seine members would pacout th empl with pipe convey the impression that Hey contained revohers! Apt from yal ams the ‘boa Mice weopore weer orton gure Hany unt bose “ani as Sime eontniy some lee un tat a acquire rie omer Weld War fsimatesf te numerical engi he Mle vty By 0-Day ne 14 tere were posi bo 0 mers the Fane Care emanente, wth furs ter the Ae ain hve ben meer of sound 2900 othe ev of Beaton. Pima posi by the lt that the cllabrting ple pares hd gun to ‘Teer! and conte fn addon to he regu Mlice Action Groups rom Dots PP; the Groupe Franc of Df Mice Natorle Ppa ormed une tthe Brigade lowes othe Fane Fury, a wel as miscelaneus rung ths Known te Junes Garde wha old be Yee on 6 Yuh an Tews einrs rote enemies ofthe tte” Tange sale actions wh Geman msn, mere fot by he Mice ain ‘at eas pan conceaton famed Magusuds aul in mountains er (tended ae inthe oth Zone. Wah the liana ance the acca ‘he have noted ded Germany where test menbars wee meee no the Willen 5 rom what ware arnd tre wo gt inant atallons which Saleen tis stoop Brigade (Legion) Nord-Alisine ‘swe fave en noted the Mile a uring wal aloe elon ‘sacl staat aks ap eno do. ntl Apt 144 hen nar siderite Geman presre. The Gams were asiows exist sentiment among Moser, and ake the $n France had naiced how {hey more able o recut Hani Algerans may om the Pa ein these characters ame fowardinsuch numbers th nanan 94, he Da tos up a Ariat shorted toa égon) Non-AcneRecaing ‘aed out onthe Gears belay he lesan Alera aero he dtu Prog’ Alen, Mohamed ol Mad He succeded n peng ome! ‘is compas o fet services tthe hut abo 1a oe else count ofthe minal eons, Although hel uiorm ws vitae same tht fhe Mie Fran, Sétng of dark tue un roses adhere ith Hh sit hs sre supplied at bain prices by a eit mute der, anova the ‘can Legon were very dette nt connected withthe Mies seior NCOs wee ll white Fence ard wore sand SD fey ‘ny special rend insignia of any af 10 dingih them sa thet ‘elles ss sens tohave en andar peace inte eno Frenchmen tans ofthe SD.) Ths cust farmation wt under the commando 2 not French ole fics, Hen fom sel nae was Chamber who bela Ison aan SD. Haspturmies “lon, long wh nate French pole fe, Pete Bony, ha heady ime unde SD isan, Fench elle ofthe Catan, known os the C {FAsopreecion fang, which wihed down and torte tesance pe lore handing them oe othe Germans Dordogne eo, sometines in paral with he ice Fana, though ee rover any det coaperaton betwen thee two am-etaee bode Mlice @retonne) Perot ‘Streit of he Beton Nationa Paty 8 fore hs cn iia to sheresitane nthe ery man of 1944 Th formation which dno cone th eer of the above, nas known the Mice Pero rin the Breton anu {lezen Pero.) The ame deed fo Fhe en Mar art pash pit Scriacwho on 12 December 1863 ha Reen rial Ailey he cl eit forhisto-outpoken advcay of colaboaton wih he Germans sa rond te sstonomy. The German wore quick och nan aon angen. he “quant Rennes ot only permite the lormatin of thiolate mt ol boat ‘00a bu pate sender, Elen afro went unde te odoin le Cou comminion a .D.Obwosturmiver. ‘hare some doubt 0 what unr the ie Breton lr Me Perr ‘aly more, Bt # nas probably Inpro: psy the Back ab ofthe PNB tien Som Toop wih om of ge spin by the SD. I oe tet ‘tote nha held $,commison, probably more the sundard SD. uo The Mle Fangate of coune, oiled unit in tay and hes ormaone vote the ck and white ermine” arm el! ofthe Province of rity, but his Soe nt sign that ey had any connection whasceet with he lie Perot on Ie cantar the ely fhe Mic range water opened al hat he treton atonal stood for, since the A as “nance” and wed forthe Ieeacupat the union. Th ws, terelore, open confit han cope ‘With he Hieraton of France, the Mise et ed with he eet German, were mre no the Wale 5. and ae id ave been vial wiped atin heal aes fhe wari the Hane! French Police ‘Aho he French pice mere alten cae upon to asin he ours ap of Jews labor drat dodgers and reste supe and even era stan = “uly parcpsie armed operons co-operation wih ihe ican the Get rans apis the magus, woul be quite wrong 0 set thatthe French Palce were claboraionat indeed acl retance movements ened within the Sc sel. However equ would be inaccurate toa ht the pole wa er they ee rom the ait of volt clsbortion thn parc, he $0. The structure of the pce under the occupation fin In Och 94 the Vihy Miniter of atc, ere Pucheu iste thee on iey new ple deprimatseach nderaraer sinner devgraton, These wee (al PQ Pac des Questions hes neal the Police for Jewish Mans, bu popula, and more accretion 2 ‘he Arie oie (B) SPACercedePoice Anhconmunite minal fe sespcol Wigede had eadrapuaton. One sich, Under Police Conve Dad in Fri, atoted 2611 reunce suspen the course of te yer sty 5 ‘thse were tuned vet he SD, ad bout uate of this Iter numba ware t perah in Geimancancentaon ® ° ® amon. cues Dot wo an Eacuve Direc of the |e) S85. enice dev Soiets Secrte, The “Secret Soci uns hich hs tranch he police rected stemton were mainte lodge of he rerons een by ‘he Cac nahn ocho ot bcd grounds The prea Strté National wat reamed. Police tone. For police oves the Uncccpied Zane wa Sided into Reins contig of pour ‘hts ec Rafal leo ole said ors ee Reo two enn de Pace. acho the deparinent of the Reon ah ders Departmental Peet Alton nia population of ver 1000 Rad ‘The wb-etion of he ional Foe wee Folic de Shwe ‘Couper Maes de Reeve (MLR) eganers de eCard ‘arbe des Communications Nocona fess "on ound a (iar nd Clas) gir Cla ‘elon sip wth a mavow ed cet tip) ae corny chet ge ine spe wih 2 nano vd cent sie 0 4 8 tose the Ata orp ther laborers oF combat weap Thal Seaport AL wm hth abn gun unre were employed on combat dies and some minor acon sat he Bish; but arse DAL German commande, Colonel Meyer-iko, ms ily ter he Ano a ang a North Aan November 142 most of the Fecha that an “Inge aglon” would be eed o deed he cm Aaa oro ight ron pce by erage ait teen Sealine om aca test” {ob Coane. On 2 Oecember heaved bya Tun a st ani toro en and aoa cn cl rnbst0 {sunk ction on lap. The endcame sory thereat eth he alae of stance in Tuna May 194. Cs who fod ten tere war, aalgned on 2 charge of tigh weston wd ho Decorations and Medals of the French (Vichy) State, 19401985, fonm -srangely ena Vichy oh ot atemgt ater the dese fe Lesion of and war anatdel 1," penone who hve peripted ia acon toe the War colonial possessions. This medal was givon tor diatingulthed service in the Ait Calon pe Theon ly Due wh yen andredstipes covet he 1) Médatle cy Levent tuted on 2 December HA and. shen operational ence th rh a re French nr bien ne and fay 19 We mica tothe SylnClce med of 92 excep that tb (© sso Colne Ths singh the exiting Cola Medal este 191110 whic hee new “ar” have Been aed. These ae! fa) Aique Occidentale Frangae (French, West Ava sited en 21 November 180 ad resarably ‘commemorating the ect estance to the Angorce (0 Cle des Soma Goran Co, ratte on 13 1c 190 Che des Soma 94. Inte on 26 Dace tbe ft repli he above. Ge fr acon agit he Sd ipa ln oie Aba Vid ‘ive Some 1 Méaite jour ls Acts de Courage et de Dtvoueren (Medal for Ace reece athough wie propo tha hed of Pan be subsite thimat er done. The reverse reads it Feangas Mine de teri an 3 paces {iy Mov of Hara for Rawaymen. This ronponate ren ms istited int eat dt unknown) and hin wo grades bronze ard ver, Iason wa aanymorars who wete worded valle ar tach wile on day Only "hou ny wore iued Regret no station or other des hia andin> teeing verde salable It Medal of Hoar of Marsal Petr. THs coat was ited sme ie ung 04a wan teded to evar ac of excetion allt, BA pees thai wr never bed and pou never put te produto. wade otheRecomainaceFrangie meta the iia ian Wounded Moda were made ye Vey aor, Dotted were exc the sine ab ‘he premartypesand craathertoree eae a Vey awa” Naural Freshen serine Gera are forces wee ele eal German milany tcoraton and war bes even ut the ge, te Kh’ Cros fhe Kon

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