Different Than Other Plants But Once You Get Used To What They Need
Different Than Other Plants But Once You Get Used To What They Need
Different Than Other Plants But Once You Get Used To What They Need
flowers, after which the blooms will slowly start dropping off (perfectly
naturally) from the bottom up. It will eventually re-flower.
**Like most pretty things, they are a little high-maintenance and a bit
picky: they like light, but only north-facing; they hate draughts; and
they only like soft water. Never, ever cut the aerial roots off (the
slightly greying roots curling around the top - apparently some people
don't like the look of them), and never, ever remove them from the
original plastic pots they've been rooted in.
**If you live in a hard water area, use cooled boiled water from the
kettle," says Richards. "Either water them once a week with an
eggcup-sized amount of soft water, or stand your orchid in a bucket
and drench completely with soft water to replicate a tropical rain
shower - let it soak for a minute in enough water to cover the
compost. But don't let any water sit in the area where the leaves
cross over [if it does, dab away with tissue]."
**While the flowers are in bloom, keep the stems pinned to the sticks
they are supplied with for support.
Every node (the little triangular etch) on the stem is a potential new
bloom. Once all the flowers fall off, trim the stem all the way down,
just above the very lowest node, and cut diagonally. "This will help to
stimulate new growth, hopefully a new flower stem," says Richards.
It's ideal to put cut-down orchids in a conservatory or greenhouse to
encourage reflowering; failing that, a north-facing windowsill will do.
Keep watering weekly, and you should see a new stem coming
through. And that, says Richards, is that.
Orchid Growing Tips
Most orchids require moist, well-draining conditions. There are several
types of growing media that can be used with orchid plantsredwood
or fir bark, sphagnum peat moss, rocks, cork, charcoal, sand,
potting soil, etc. A basic mix for growing orchids consists of
coarse perlite, fir bark, and sphagnum moss. You can also add
charcoal but this is optional. Generally, the grade of bark is
dependent on the type of orchid grown. For instance, phalaenopsis
orchids are usually grown in coarse bark, cattleyas in medium bark,
and young orchid plants are best grown in fine bark.
Orchids require shallow planting. Place orchids in an east to southfacing window or room. These plants prefer bright, indirect light.
Insufficient light results in poor flowering. However, too much light
can lead to leaf scorch.
Temperature is also important for indoor orchid care. While orchids
tolerate cooler or warmer temperatures throughout their normal
growing season, they need to be about 15 degrees cooler at night
than during the day in order to bloom sufficiently.
By Becca Badgett
(Co-author of How to Grow an EMERGENCY Garden)
Growing phalaenopsis orchids was once an elite and costly hobby for
those dedicated to phalaenopsis orchid care. Nowadays, advances in
production, largely due to cloning with tissue culture, makes it
affordable for the average gardener to learn how to care for a
phalaenopsis orchid. Impress your friends by growing these showy,
long lasting blossoms.
What are Phalaenopsis Orchids?
Also keep an eye out for signs of pests or disease. Orchids are
occasionally affected by mealybugs, scale, and aphids. These can
usually be washed off or treated with insecticidal soap.
Moth orchid size is measured by the span of the leaves. The wider the
leaf span, the more blooms you can expect from this orchid.
Numerous hybrids and cultivars bloom at different times of the year.
Moth Orchid Info and Care
Moth orchid info indicates this plant is best grown in diffused or low
light situations, and in standard household temperatures to provide
the right phalaenopsis orchid care. Temperatures around 65 to 75 F.
(18-24 C.) during the day and 10 degrees lower at night are
appropriate for this plant. Broad spectrum fluorescent lights can b e
used for successfully growing phalaenopsis orchids.
Learning how to care for a phalaenopsis orchid starts with potting
your new plant in the right medium. Never plant growing
phalaenopsis orchids in regular potting soil, as roots will suffocate and
rot away. Grow them in a coarse textured mixture, such as a
commercial mix for epiphytic orchids. You can make your own
soilless mix for growing phalaenopsis orchids from coarse fir bark,
hardwood charcoal, perlite and coarse peat moss.
Do not over water your phal! This is the number one cause
of death and you may not even know you are doing it until one
day the plant is dead.
Keep your plant warm. Phals do not like to get too cold.
Temps at night shouldn't get below about 62 degrees. Daytime
temps in the mid 70's to 80's are good.
Don't forget to feed them. Phals need plant food at some
Leaf reading
You can tell a lot about the health of your phals by just looking at the
The leaves should be firm and not drooping, shiny and not
wrinkled. Drooping and wrinkled leaves means they are not
getting enough water. When they do get too much, they turn
yellow and roots will start to rot.
Ideally the leaves should have a light green color, but a bit
darker for darker colored flowers. A too dark green leaves
means that they are not getting enough sunlight but a very
light green leaves means too much. They can also have
yellowish to red spot which means sun burn!
Splitting of the leaves sometimes occur, it might look ugly but
no need to worry, however this usually happens when the
plant was deprived of water at some time and was suddenly
given a lot.
Going deeper.
Check the roots from time to time. Silvery looking roots could mean
its time to water. But it also means they are in a healthy state, when
wet they should be green. Brown and soggy roots are rotting roots.
emerging new root
You should trim these away. When a lot of roots start to come out from
the pot, then it says `repot me.
Pin It
By Joan Norton
Remove Orchid From Pot
Design Pics/Allan
Seiden/Design Pics/Getty Images
It is time to transplant your orchid when the roots are growing over
the side of the pot or the lower leaves have died and weakened the
center stem. The plant has either become too big for the container or
the potting medium has broken down and no longer supports the
plant. Always wait for an orchid to finish blooming before
Other People Are Reading
Grasp the orchid plant by the main stem and gently remove it
from the overturned pot. A very root-bound plant will be difficult to
shake loose, and sometimes the pot needs to be broken. Remove all
of the old potting medium by shaking the plant and picking the
medium out from between the roots. Do not reuse any of this material
in the transplant process. Gently wash off the orchid roots with water
to remove fine particles. Pull off dead or weak lower leaves and pull
off plant tissue at the leaf juncture. Prune all shriveled roots carefully
with hand-held pruners, being careful not to cut healthy growth. Dead
tissue is hollow when squeezed or wiry looking.
New Pot
Choose a plastic or clay pot that will accommodate the entire
root system comfortably. Cover the bottom of the pot with a thin layer
of potting mix. Place the plant in the pot with the lower leaves slightly
above the rim. Place and push potting material in the spaces between
the roots, pressing gently as you go. Ensure the bottom leaves remain
slightly above the pot rim. Tap the pot gently to settle the materials
and add more if needed to fill the space. Experienced orchid
gardeners add a label to each plant indicating its name and bloom
Water and Ongoing Care
multiple stems coming from the same plant, three ice cubes is
enough. But if you have more than one plant in a pot, youll want to
give each plant its very own serving of three cubes each.
You can remove the entire flower spike so that the orchid plant can
put more energy back into the leaves and roots, helping it to grow
stronger and produce a fresh new flower spike.
You'll know an orchid flower spike has formed when what looks like a
root starts to grow upwards and the tip takes on the appearance of a
mitten, as opposed to a root tip that is rounded. Once the orchid
flower spike is identified, the orchid can be returned to its normal
As the flower spike grows, support it with a stake along the way. To
produce a beautiful display of orchid flowers try to avoid changing the
plant's orientation to the light when it is producing its flowers.
Otherwise, the flowers may be twisted on the stem and you may
jeopardize a nice arching floral display.
You can cut the bare flower spike back to a "node", a triangular
shaped area on the stem, which may encourage the orchid to
generate new side flower spikes.