George Afeti1
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has emerged as one of the most
effective human resource development strategies that African countries need to embrace
in order to train and modernize their technical workforce for rapid industrialization and
national development. This paper discusses the current environment in which TVET
systems in Africa operate and highlights some promising reforms that are underway in a
number of countries and the lessons that can be learned. The impact of globalisation on
technical and vocational education in Africa and how skills training in developing
countries can benefit from a globalising economy are also discussed. The paper argues
that in order for technical and vocational education to effectively support
industrialisation, economic growth, wealth creation and poverty eradication, skills
training must be of high quality and competency-based, incorporate the use of modern
information and communication technologies, be relevant to the needs of industry,
efficient, and adaptable to the changing technological work environment. The paper
suggests that these goals are best achieved within a national TVET policy framework that
is linked to other national policies on education and training at all levels, industrialisation
and employment creation, and national socio-economic development in general. The
paper concludes that technical and vocational education is a necessary but not sufficient
condition for industrialisation. What is required in addition are government policies that
stimulate the economy and grow high-performance enterprises that demand highlyskilled labour and consequently create opportunities for further technical education and
training at a higher level in a virtuous circle of sustained industrial growth and increasing
demand for higher quality technical workforce.
Dr. Afeti is Secretary General of the Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) and a
TVET consultant to the African Union.
1. Introduction
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is back on the development
agenda of many African countries after years of benign neglect, instigated by a complex
set of reasons that included budgetary constraints and criticisms of the World Bank in the
early 90s on its direction and focus. 2 The World Bank had argued at the time that the cost
of technical and vocational education was too high compared with the returns to the
economy, that the quality of training was poor and that there was considerable mismatch
between training and the needs of industry. Simply put, the delivery of vocational
education and training was not cost-effective. However, since the beginning of the new
millennium, a fresh awareness of the critical role that TVET can play in economic growth
and national development has dawned among policy makers in many African countries
and within the international donor community. The increasing importance that African
governments now attach to TVET is reflected in the various Poverty Reduction Strategy
Papers that governments have developed in collaboration with The World Bank. 3 In its
poverty reduction strategy document, Cameroon for example intends to develop
vocational and professional training to facilitate integration into the labour market; Cote
dIvoire talks about strengthening vocational training; Ghana links vocational education
and training with education of the youth and the development of technical and
entrepreneurial skills; Lesotho and Rwanda focus on linking TVET to businesses while
Malawi emphasises the need to promote self-employment through skills development.
Other countries that have prioritised TVET initiatives in their national development
policy documents include Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda and
One of the most important features of TVET is its orientation towards the world of work
and the emphasis of the curriculum on the acquisition of employable skills. TVET
delivery systems are therefore well placed to train the skilled and entrepreneurial
workforce that Africa needs to create wealth and emerge out of poverty. Another
important characteristic of TVET is that it can be delivered at different levels of
sophistication. This means that TVET can respond, not only to the needs of different
types of industries, but also to the different training needs of learners from different
socio-economic and academic backgrounds, and prepare them for gainful employment
and sustainable livelihoods. A skilled workforce is a basic requirement for driving the
engine of industrial and economic growth, and TVET holds the key to building this type
of technical and entrepreneurial workforce.
The term TVET as used in this paper follows the 1997 UNESCO International
Standard Classification of Education definition, which is education and training to
acquire the practical skills, know-how and understanding necessary for employment in a
particular occupation, trade or group of occupations or trades. It is important to note that
TVET is not only about knowing how to do things but also understanding why things are
done in a particular way. The conceptual definition of TVET cuts across educational
World Bank (1991): Vocational and technical education and training A World Bank policy paper.
Washington, DC.
D. Bloom, D. Canning and K. Chan (2006): Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa,
The World Bank, Africa Region Human Development, Working Paper Series No. 102.
levels (post-primary, secondary, and even tertiary) and sectors (formal or school-based,
non-formal or enterprise-based, and informal or traditional apprenticeship). It is therefore
important to keep in mind the transversal and longitudinal nature of TVET as we attempt
to highlight the importance of this type of education and training. In order to place the
discussion in the right perspective, we shall first examine the current training and socioeconomic environment within which TVET systems in Africa operate.
2. Current status of TVET in Africa
TVET systems in Africa differ from country to country and are delivered at different
levels in different types of institutions, including technical and vocational schools (both
public and private), polytechnics, enterprises, and apprenticeship training centres. In West
Africa in particular, traditional apprenticeship offers the largest opportunity for the
acquisition of employable skills in the informal economy. In Ghana, the informal sector
accounts for more than 90 percent of all skills training in the country.
In all of Sub-Saharan Africa, formal TVET programmes are school-based. In some
countries, training models follow those of the colonial power. In general however,
students enter the vocational education track at the end of primary school, corresponding
to 6 8 years of education as in countries like Burkina Faso and Kenya, or at the end of
lower or junior secondary school, which corresponds to 9 12 years of what is called
basic education in countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Mali and Swaziland. In many countries,
the vocational education track has the unfortunate reputation of being a dead-end, so far
as academic progression is concerned and fit for those pupils who are unable to continue
to higher education.
The duration of school-based technical and vocational education is between three and six
years, depending on the country and the model. Some countries like Ghana, Senegal, and
Swaziland in an attempt to expose young people to pre-employment skills have
incorporated basic vocational skills into the lower or junior secondary school curriculum.
However, this approach has met with some scepticism. The sceptics argue that technical
and vocational education for employment is unlikely to be effective when delivered
concurrently with general education in junior secondary schools. This is because
employment-oriented training requires inputs in human (qualified instructors) and
material resources that are not available or are too expensive to provide in all junior
secondary schools in a country or even in a cluster of secondary schools.
Vocationalisation of the junior secondary school curriculum should therefore be viewed
with caution. A good basic education provides a solid foundation for a good technical and
vocational education. The only cases in which vocationalisation may be helpful is
probably in the use of computers, general agriculture or farming, and entrepreneurship.
Computer literacy is relevant to all occupations while the teaching of basic agriculture
and entrepreneurship is not capital-intensive or too costly.
What type of governance structures do we have for managing TVET in Africa? In many
countries, oversight responsibility is shared in general between the ministries responsible
Atchoarena, D and Andre Delluc (2002): Revisiting technical and vocational education in Sub-Saharan
Africa. IIEP-UNESCO, Paris.
Johanson, R.K and A.V. Adams (2004): Skills Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. The World Bank.
Washington DC.
World Bank (2000): African Development Indicators 2000. The World Bank. Washington DC.
practical skills and competences for the world of work. Average completion rates are 80
90% for primary school; 30 40% for lower or junior secondary school; and about 20%
for senior secondary school. And only 1 2% of the college age group actually enter the
universities and other tertiary institutions. In Ghana, for example, 49.1% of the total
workforce is illiterate and only 3.9% have had any vocational or technical training 7. In
Tanzania, less than five percent of the labour force is educated above primary school
iv) Educated but unemployed college and university graduates:
In almost all countries in Africa, large numbers of graduates coming out of the formal
school system are unemployed, although opportunities for skilled workers do exist in the
economy. This situation has brought into sharp focus the mismatch between training and
labour market skill demands. Critics argue that the lack of inputs from prospective
employers into curriculum design and training delivery in universities and colleges is
partly responsible for the mismatch. Another reason that is often cited for the incidence of
high unemployment among graduates is the absence of entrepreneurial training in the
school curriculum.
v) Uncoordinated, unregulated and fragmented TVET delivery systems:
Except for a few countries (notably, South Africa, Botswana, Mauritius, Tanzania,
Malawi, Zambia, and Namibia), TVET provision in Africa is spread over different
ministries and organisations, including NGOs and church-based organisations, with a
multiplicity of testing and certification standards. This situation has implications for
standardization of training, cost-effectiveness, quality assurance, recognition of prior
learning, and the further education of TVET graduates, because of the absence of a
framework for mutual recognition of qualifications. In the informal sector, traditional
apprenticeship, which is often the only means for the rural poor and the economically
disadvantaged to learn a trade is marginalised, unregulated, and lacks government support
and intervention. The diverse TVET management structures and the sharing of
supervisory responsibilities by various government bodies and ministries account for
some of the inefficiencies in the system, like duplication and segmentation of training,
and the absence of a common platform for developing coherent policies and joint
initiatives. Such fragmented governance structures do not promote effective coordination,
sharing of resources, and articulation within the system.
vi) Low quality:
In general, the quality of training is low, with undue emphasis on theory and certification
rather than on skills acquisition and proficiency testing. Inadequate instructor training,
obsolete training equipment, and lack of instructional materials are some of the factors
that combine to reduce the effectiveness of training in meeting the required knowledge
and skills objectives. High quality skills training requires qualified instructors,
Ghana Statistical Service (2000): 2000 Population and Housing Census. Accra, Ghana.
x) Inadequate financing:
Only a few governments in Africa are able to finance TVET at a level that can support
quality training. Ethiopia spends only about 0.5 percent of its education and training
budget on TVET while Ghana spends only about 1 percent. The figure is a respectable 10
percent for Mali and 12.7 percent for Gabon. It must be recognised that TVET is
expensive on a per student basis. In 1992, Gabon spent as much as US$1,820 per TVET
student.8 Unit costs are necessarily expected to be higher in TVET institutions than in
primary and secondary schools because of smaller student-to-teacher ratios, expensive
training equipment, and costly training materials that are wasted during practical
xi) Public versus private provision of TVET:
TVET in Africa is delivered by both government and private providers, which include
for-profit institutions and non-profit, NGO and church or faith-based institutions. Schoolbased government training institutions are generally fewer in number than those in the
private sector, although Kenya with its over 600 Youth Polytechnics is a notable
exception. In Ghana, government TVET institutions include 23 technical institutes under
the Ministry of Education with a total enrolment of about 19,000 students and 38
National Vocational Training Institutes run by the Ministry of Manpower Development
and Employment. There are an estimated 500 private establishments of diverse quality
that enrol over 100,000 students. The Catholic Church is the single largest private
provider of TVET in Ghana, enrolling about 10,000 students in its 58 technical and
vocational training institutions.
In almost all countries, non-government provision of TVET is on the increase both in
terms of number of institutions and student numbers. This trend is linked to the fact that
private providers train for the informal sector (which is an expanding job market all over
Africa) while public institutions train mostly for the more or less stagnant industrial
sector. Private providers also target soft business and service sector skills like
secretarial practice, cookery, and dressmaking that do not require huge capital outlays to
deliver. On the other hand, the first choice of students is the public vocational schools
because of the lower fees charged and the perception of better quality. Women constitute
the majority of students in private institutions (76 percent in Ghana; 60 percent in
Tanzania and Zimbabwe; 55 percent in Senegal). 9 For obvious reasons, for-profit private
providers are often concentrated in the urban centres, while Church-based institutions
tend to be based in rural and economically disadvantaged locations.
In Tanzania, public institutions account for only 8 percent of the total number of
institutions, while enterprise-based training (at 22 percent), for-profit institutions (at 35
percent), and Church/NGO providers (at 31 percent) make up the bulk of the private
sector institutions. In Zambia, public TVET provision is at 18 percent, while Church,
NGO and for-profit providers take up 18 percent and 36 percent, respectively.10 It is
important to distinguish within the private providers, in-company or enterprise-based
training that is often dedicated to the sharpening of specific skills of company employees
Invariably, effective vocational and technical training begins with the formulation of a
national policy and the establishment of a national implementation body, either as a semiautonomous body or as an agency within a designated government ministry. Such
agencies or National Vocational Training Authorities have been established in many
countries, including Botswana (Botswana Training Authority BOTA), Mauritius
(Industrial and Vocational Training Board IVTB), Namibia (National Vocational
Training Board NVTB), Tanzania (Vocational Education Training Authority VETA),
and Zambia (Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority
TEVETA). Ghana has also recently passed an Act of Parliament that establishes a
Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) which will
have overall responsibility for skills development in the country. The Council is expected
to establish an Apprenticeship Training Board to link non-formal and informal vocational
training to the formal TVET sector. Private training providers, including NGOs and
Church Based Organisations (CBOs) are represented on the Council. In general, Training
Authorities, through their various specialised organs and occupational advisory
committees, have the responsibility to develop national vocational qualification
frameworks and proficiency levels as well as standards for validation of training,
certification and accreditation of training institutions.
From outside Africa, two training models stand out for mention: the centralised
Singaporean model and the dual system practiced in Germany. In Singapore, a National
Manpower Council ensures that training is relevant to the needs of the labour market.
Training also includes the inculcation of shared cultural values and attitude development.
The dual system of vocational training in Germany allows for learning to take place in a
vocational school and in an enterprise concurrently. Approximately, 70% of all school
leavers, aged between 15 and 19 years undergo training under the dual system. The dual
system promotes the linkage of vocational training to the world of work. It is doubtful,
however, if the industrial fabric in Africa is sufficiently developed and versatile to
support the German dual system type of training.
4. Strategic Policy Framework
How then can technical and vocational training be promoted in Africa in order to achieve
the strategic policy goal of stimulating industrial and economic growth? In my opinion,
five broad strategic objectives will have to be met. These are: enhancing the quality of
training, assuring relevance and employability of trainees, improving coherence and
management of training provision, promoting flexibility of training and life-long
learning, and enhancing the status and attractiveness of TVET.
i) Enhancing the quality of training
Training for high-quality skills requires appropriate training equipment and tools,
adequate supply of training materials, and practice by the learners. Other requirements
include relevant textbooks and training manuals and qualified instructors with experience
in enterprises. Well-qualified instructors with industry-based experience are hard to come
by, since such categories of workers are also in high demand in the labour market. But
they could be suitably motivated to offer part-time instruction in technical and vocational
Technical education is expensive and quality comes at a price. There is no substitute for
adequate funding when it comes to delivering quality vocational education and training.
In this regard, a training fund can be established to support TVET from payroll levies on
employers. Training levies are in effect taxes imposed on enterprises to support skills
development. Although the tax level is generally less than 2 percent of the enterprise
payroll, the cooperation of employers is necessary for the successful implementation of
such a scheme. Training levies are in operation in several African countries, including
Cote dIvoire, Mauritius, Mali, South Africa, and Tanzania.
Competency Based Training (CBT) can also enhance quality. The concept of
competency-based training is not new to Africa. Traditional apprenticeship, particularly
as practiced in West Africa, is competency based. A competency is the aggregate of
knowledge, skills and attitudes; it is the ability to perform a prescribed professional task.
CBT is actually learning by doing and by coaching. It is necessary to incorporate the
principles and methodology of CBT into the formal technical and vocational education
system. However, since the development and implementation of competency-based
qualifications (involving standards, levels, skills recognition and institutional
arrangements) are very costly in terms of training infrastructure and staff capacity,
piloting of the CBT approach in a few economic and employment growth areas is
recommended, rather than a wholesale training reform strategy. Vocational students
should be encouraged to build a portfolio of projects undertaken or items produced
during training as evidence of proficiency and proof of ability to perform prescribed
professional tasks.
Quality should be seen as fit for purpose, rather than as measuring up to an ill-defined
standard. Quality that is fit for purpose is dynamic and improves as the purpose or the job
to be done moves up to a higher plane. A decentralised and diverse TVET system that
includes school-based training, enterprise-based training, and apprenticeship training
(both non-formal and informal) requires a strong regulatory framework for overseeing
training curricula, standards, qualifications and funding. A suitable qualifications
framework and inspection system will provide the necessary quality assurance and
control mechanism within such a diverse system.
ii) Assuring relevance and employability of trainees
Assuring the employability of trainees begins with effective guidance and counselling of
potential learners in the choice of training programmes in relation to their aptitude and
academic background. Employability presupposes the acquisition of employable skills
that are related to the demands of the labour market. Labour market information systems
and tracer studies which track the destination of graduates in the job market can provide
useful feedback for the revision of training programmes so as to enhance the
employability of trainees.
seen as a valid passport to a good job and not as a second best choice or the only
educational route for the academically less endowed.
The status of technical and vocational education can also be enhanced by upgrading
polytechnics and polytechnic-type non-university institutions to offer technical or skills
degrees. The trend world-wide is to strengthen polytechnic institutions and their role in
industrial and technological development, re-engineer their training programmes for
greater relevance and higher quality, and generally raise their status and attractiveness as
higher institutions of choice for senior secondary school leavers. Japan, Korea and
Singapore have been awarding skills degrees for many years now and Ghana has
recently granted accreditation to two of its polytechnics to start offering degree
programmes in a few technological areas. The Kenya Government has also decided to
follow this positive trend of revitalizing polytechnic education and promoting skills
training to the highest level possible.
5. The impact and challenge of globalisation
Like every aspect of human endeavour today, the forces of globalisation have not
overlooked technical and vocational education and training. Tony Blair, the British Prime
Minister once had this to say about globalisation:
You have no choice, this is inevitable. These forces of change driving the future dont
stop at national boundaries, dont respect tradition. They wait for no one and no nation.
They are universal.
Globalisation is characterised by the increasing integration of national economies around
the world. The process of globalisation is driven by the ease of information exchange,
capital flows, and the migration of people, labour, goods, and services across national
boundaries. The challenge of globalisation for TVET in Africa is the tension it has
created between developing skills for poverty eradication and skills for global economic
competitiveness. Although the primary objective of technical and vocational training in
Africa is to support economic growth and wealth creation for poverty alleviation through
the acquisition of employable skills, a strategic approach to skills development on the
continent cannot ignore the effects of globalisation.
For this reason, the acquisition of industrial skills is as important to Africa as the basic
vocational and technical skills. In the advanced developing countries like Singapore and
Malaysia, the rise to economic prominence was supported by the development of high
level technical skills. However, the experience of these countries also shows that their
industrial lift-off was preceded by high stocks of literacy and basic skills. The sheer lack
of skills of all sorts in Africa and the demands of poverty alleviation mean that African
countries must pursue the development of skills at all levels of the spectrum (basic,
secondary, and tertiary levels), with each country emphasizing the skill levels that
correspond best to their current stage of economic development and the needs of the local
labour market. At the same time, the important requirement of building a society imbued
with high stocks of basic numeracy and literacy skills cannot be ignored.
Modern society is characterised by the increasing application of information and
communication technologies. ICT education therefore must form a strong component of
all levels of skills training. In the globalising labour market, employees are regularly
required to update and upgrade their knowledge and skills in order to remain abreast with
the rapid technological advances in the workplace. Globalisation reinforces the
imperatives of quality, relevance, flexibility, technology-mediated learning, and life-long
learning. These attributes constitute the education and training bench-marks for skilled
human resource development in the knowledge-driven economies of today.
Interestingly, globalisation can offer Africa opportunities for high-level technical skills
training through the process of technology transfer. In effect, technology-rich transnational corporations, if suitably motivated, can become important private sector training
providers of high-level industrial skills within the TVET system of their host countries.
This is because a major dimension of globalisation is foreign direct investment (FDI) and
the implantation of trans-national corporations in developing economies. FDI inflows,
accompanied by top-grade technical expertise and modern manufacturing machinery can
trigger a process of technology transfer, skills accumulation and industrialisation in the
receiving country. Although the debate is still on as to whether globalisation helps or
hurts, a country can upgrade its industries and increase the skills stock of its technical
workforce through FDI and the operations of technologically advanced multinational
companies in the country. The activities of such companies may be directly or gently
steered by government policy to include provision of high-level skills training and the
establishment of collaborative practical research and innovative training programmes
with the countrys higher education institutions, particularly the universities and
However, globalisation can also hurt the development of indigenous technology. The
downside effect of globalisation on technical and vocational education and training in
Africa is the flooding of local markets with all manner of cheap goods and technology
products from foreign countries. What is the market for a locally produced wooden chair
when the imported plastic version is cheaper? Again, how competitive is the cost of a
locally sewn dress against cheaper imported second-hand clothes? National policies
should therefore take into account these and other globalisation-induced factors in
designing TVET programmes and courses for industrialisation in an increasingly interconnected world economy.
6. Key policy issues
What are the key policy issues and strategies involved in the re-engineering of an
effective technical and vocational education system for industrialisation, economic
growth and wealth creation? To my mind, there are five policy issues that cannot be
Deliver workplace training to employees
Contribute financially to national training fund
Provide opportunities in industry for TVET teachers to regularly update their
workplace experience;
Provide opportunities for industrial attachment and internships for trainees
Contribute to the development of national skills standards.
8. Conclusion
The promotion of technical and vocational education and training for industrialisation,
economic development, wealth creation and poverty eradication demands policies and
strategies that address the cross-cutting issues of quality and relevance of training,
employability, collaboration between training institutions and employers, accreditation of
training providers (in the formal, non-formal and informal sectors), assessment,
certification, internal and external quality assurance of training programmes, funding, and
instructor training. This calls for a TVET system that is competency-based and
employment led, with proficiency testing of learners and trainees as proof of competence.
TVET should also be seen and acknowledged by all stakeholders as a valid passport to a
well-paid job or self-employment or higher education and not as an alternative
educational opportunity fit only for early school leavers, the less academically endowed
or the poor.
Finally, the point has to be made that technical and vocational education and training
alone by itself does not lead to rapid industrialisation, or provision of jobs or eradication
of poverty. Good government policies do all three. National governments therefore, need
to create an economic environment that promotes the growth of enterprises and generally
stimulates the economy. When businesses develop and expand, additional labour-market
demands for technical and vocational training emerge, and new job and further training
opportunities are created to trace and light the path of industrialisation. For this to happen
on a sustainable basis, however, the TVET system must be labour-market relevant,
equitable, efficient, and of high quality. This is the challenge that African governments
and training institutions must rise up to. Are they ready?
List of Abbreviations