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120109arti - Rai Statcom

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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)

Volume 1 Issue9 pp 001-005 December 2012


ISSN 2278 - 0882

Enhancement of Voltage Stability & reactive Power

Control of Distribution System
Using Facts Devices
Aarti Rai
Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University, Bhilai
Email: engraarti23@gmail.com

The modern power distribution network is constantly
being faced with an ever-growing load demand.
Distribution networks experience distinct change from a
low to high load level every day. Electric load growth
and higher regional power transfers in a largely
interconnected network becoming more complex and
less secure power system operation. Power generation
and transmission facilities are unable to meet these new
demands. Voltage control is a difficult task because
voltages are strongly influenced by random load
fluctuations. Voltage profile can be improved and power
losses can be considerably reduced by installing Custom
Power Devices or Controllers at suitable location.
FACTS are devices which allow the flexible and
dynamic control of power systems. Enhancement of
system stability using FACTS controllers has been
investigated. These controllers which are also named
Distribution Flexible AC Transmission System (DFACTS) are a new generation of power electronicsbased equipment aimed at enhancing the reliability and
quality of power flows in low-voltage distribution
networks. This work includes first the optimal location
of FACTS devices, second voltage stability analysis and
third control of reactive power of system. The model can
be simulated in MATLAB. The performance of the
whole system such as voltage stability, transient
stability, frequency and power swings will be analyzed
and compared without FACTS and with FACTS device.
For stability analysis after creating the faults
(disturbances) in the system the FACT device (SVC,
STATCOM, SSSC, and UPFC) and power system
stabilizers (PSS) can be used to improve transient
stability and power oscillation damping of the system.





Power quality is set of electrical boundaries that allow

the piece of equipment to function in its intended
manner without significant loss of performance or life
expectancy. The electrical device like electric motor, a
transformer, a generator, a computer, a printer,
communication equipment, or a house hold appliance.
All of these devices and others react adversely to power
quality issues, depending on the severity of problems.
Reactive power cannot be transmitted across large power
angle even with substantial voltage magnitude gradient.
Reactive power should be generated close to the point of
Consumption. We can make several reasons to minimize
reactive power transfers.
1) It is inefficient during high real power transfer and
require substantial voltage magnitude gradient
2) It causes high real and reactive power losses
3) It can lead to damaging temporary overvoltages
following load rejections
4) It requires larger equipment size for transformer and
Due to this here D STATCOM as shunt device is used.
DSTATCOM is a voltage-source inverter (VSI) based
shunt device generally used in distribution system to
improve power quality. The main advantage of
DSTATCOM is that, it has a very sophisticated power
electronics based control which can efficiently regulate
the current injection into the distribution bus. The
second advantage is that, it has multifarious applications,
e.g. i. cancelling the effect of poor load power factor, ii.
Suppressing the effect of harmonic content in load

IJSRET @ 2012

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)

Volume 1 Issue9 pp 001-005 December 2012


currents, iii. Regulating the voltage of distribution bus

against sag/swell etc., compensating the reactive power
requirement of the load and so on.



A DSTATCOM is a controlled reactive source, which

includes a Voltage Source Converter (VSC) and a DC
link capacitor connected in shunt, capable of generating
and/or absorbing reactive power. The operating
principles of a DSTATCOM are based on the exact
equivalence of the conventional rotating synchronous
compensator. The DSTATCOM protects the utility
transmission or distribution system from voltage sags
and/or flicker caused by rapidly varying reactive current
demand. In utility applications, a DSTATCOM provides
leading or lagging reactive power to achieve system
stability during transient conditions.
The DSTATCOM can also be applied to industrial
facilities to compensate for voltage sag and flicker
caused by non-linear dynamic loads, enabling such
problem loads to co-exist on the same feeder as more
sensitive loads. The DSTATCOM instantaneously
exchanges reactive power with the distribution system
without the use of bulky capacitors or reactors.
In most applications, a DSTATCOM can use its
significant short-term transient overload capabilities to
reduce the size of the compensation system needed to
handle transient events. The short-term overload
capability is up to 325% for periods of 1 to 3 seconds,
which allows applications such as wind farms and utility
voltage stabilization to optimize the systems cost and
performance. The DSTATCOM controls traditional
mechanically switched capacitors to provide optimal
compensation on a both a transient and steady state

ISSN 2278 - 0882

The AC terminals of the VSC are connected to the Point

of Common Coupling (PCC) through an inductance,
which could be a filter inductance or the leakage
inductance of the coupling transformer, as shown in
figure 1. The DC side of the converter is connected to a
DC capacitor, which carries the input ripple current of
the converter and is the main reactive energy storage
element. This capacitor could be charged by a battery
source, or could be recharged by the converter itself. If
the output voltage of the VSC is equal to the AC
terminal voltage, no reactive power is delivered to the
system. If the output voltage is greater than the AC
terminal voltage, the DSTATCOM is in the capacitive
mode of operation and vice versa. The quantity of
reactive power flow is proportional to the difference in
the two voltages. It to be noted that voltage regulation at
PCC and power factor correction cannot be achieved
simultaneously. For a DSTATCOM used for voltage
regulation at the PCC, the compensation should be such
that the supply currents should lead the supply voltages;
whereas, for power factor Correction, the supply current
should be in phase with the supply voltages.


Basic Configuration of D STATCOM

The D-STATCOM is a three-phase and shunt connected

power electronics based device. It is connected near the
load at the distribution systems. The major components
of a D-STATCOM are shown in figure 2. It consists of a
dc capacitor, three-phase inverter (IGBT, thyristor)
module, ac filter, coupling transformer and a control
strategy. The basic electronic block of the D-STATCOM
is the voltage sourced inverter that converts an input dc
voltage into a three-phase output voltage at fundamental

Figure 2. Simplified diagram of a D-STATCOM

connected to a distribution network

Figure 1. Basic structure of D STATCOM

IJSRET @ 2012

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)

Volume 1 Issue9 pp 001-005 December 2012


Fig 2 shows a simplified diagram of a STATCOM

connected to a typical distribution network represented
by an equivalent network.
The D-STATCOM consists mainly of a PWM inverter
connected to the network through a transformer. The dc
link voltage is provided by the capacitor which is
charged with the power taken from the network. The
control system ensures the regulation of the bus voltage
and the dc link voltage. The principle operation of the
DSTATCOM depends upon reactive current generation,
so (I) varies as

ISSN 2278 - 0882

Capacitive Mode

Inductive Mode

Where V0, V, X are the output voltage of the IGBTbased inverter, the system voltage, the total circuit
reactance (transformer leakage reactance plus system
short circuit reactance) respectively.
Figure 4. Operating modes of D STATCOM


Model Description & Simulation Result

Modelling the D-STATCOM includes the power

network and its controller in simulink environment
require electrical block from power system block set.
Test System

Figure 3. D STATCOM Operation

When the secondary voltage (VD) is lower than the bus
voltage (VB), the D-STATCOM acts like an inductance
absorbing reactive power from the bus. When the
secondary voltage (VD) is higher than the bus voltage
(VB), the DSTATCOM acts like a capacitor generating
reactive power to the bus.
No load mode

Figure 5 Single Line Diagram

IJSRET @ 2012

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)

Volume 1 Issue9 pp 001-005 December 2012


ISSN 2278 - 0882

Figure 8. With STATCOM

Figure 6. Simulink Model of D STATCOM
Fig 6 shows the test system implemented in MATLAB
SIMULINK. The test system comprises an 11kV, 50Hz
transmission system,
a 50 MW load suddenly occur at the load end thereby
the most important parameter of the system i.e. Voltage
is varied or it may crosses its permissible limits so to
maintain the voltage stability of the system I am using
D- STATCOM. Using D- STATCOM we can also
control the reactive power flow in the distribution lines.
Circuit Breaker is used to control the period of operation
of the D-STATCOM.

The first simulation contains no STATCOM and 50 MW

load suddenly applied at the load end. A new set of
simulations was carried out but now with the DSTATCOM connected to the system as shown in fig
8.where the very effective voltage regulation provided
by the D-STATCOM can be clearly appreciated.


The model of a D-STATCOM was analyzed and

developed for use in simulink environment with power
system block sets. Here a control system is designed in
MATLAB simulink. A D-STATCOM can control
reactive power and also regulate bus voltage. It can
improve power system performance. Here waveform
shows the performance of DSTATCOM in a distribution
system. By varying an inductive load at some amount we
can observe that D-STATCOM can regulate load side
voltage approximately constant which shows the voltage
stability of the D-STATCOM.

Figure 7 Simulation Result without STATCOM



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IJSRET @ 2012

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)

Volume 1 Issue9 pp 001-005 December 2012


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IJSRET @ 2012

ISSN 2278 - 0882

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