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BlackArch Linux

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BlackArch Linux

The BlackArch Linux Guide

February 5, 2014

1 Introduction
1.1 What is BlackArch Linux? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Get involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2 User Guide
2.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 Setting up repository . . . . . . .
2.1.2 Installing packages . . . . . . . .
2.1.3 Installing packages from source . .
2.1.4 Installing from live-, netinstall- ISO

































A Appendix
A.1 FAQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2 AUTHORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
or ArchLinux

3 Developer Guide
3.1 Contributing to repository . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 Required tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2 Steps for contributing . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.3 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fetch PKGBUILD . . . . . . . . Clean up PKGBUILD . . . . . . Adjust PKGBUILD . . . . . . . Build the package . . . . . . . . Install and test the package . . Add, commit and push package Create a pull request . . . . . .
3.1.4 Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.5 General tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Chapter 1


What is BlackArch Linux?

BlackArch Linux is a lightweight expansion to Arch Linux for penetration testers.

The toolset is distributed as an Arch Linux unofficial user repository so you can install BlackArchLinux on top of an existing Arch Linux installation. Packages may be installed individually or by
We currently have over 650 tools in our toolset and the repository is constantly expanding.
All tools are thoroughly tested before being added to the codebase to maintain the quality of the


Get involved

You can get in touch with the BlackArch team. Just check out the following:
Web: http://www.blackarch.org/
Mail: blackarchlinux@gmail.com
IRC: irc://irc.freenode.net/blackarch

Chapter 2

User Guide


The following sections will show you how to setup the BlackArch repository and install packages.
BlackArch supports both, installing from repository using binary packages as well as compiling and
installing from sources.
BlackArch is compatible with normal Arch installations. It acts as an unofficial user repository. If you want an ISO instead, see the Live ISO section.


Setting up repository

There are 6 steps in order to setup and use the BlackArch repository successfully. You must follow
the instuctions in order. Do not add blackarch to your pacman.conf file without following steps 0
to 2 first.
1. If you have installed BlackArch before and there is an existing [blackarch] entry in
/etc/pacman.conf, remove or comment out the entry and run pacman -Syy.
2. Run the following as root. This is for package signing.
wget -q http://blackarch.org/keyring/blackarch-keyring.pkg.tar.xz{,.sig}
gpg --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --recv 4345771566D76038C7FEB43863EC0ADBEA87E4E3
gpg --keyserver-o no-auto-key-retrieve --with-f blackarch-keyring.pkg.tar.xz.sig
pacman-key --init
rm blackarch-keyring.pkg.tar.xz.sig
pacman --noc -U blackarch-keyring.pkg.tar.xz

3. If possible, please verify the signing keys fingerprint against as many sources as possible.
4. Append the following lines to your /etc/pacman.conf file:
Server = <mirror_site>/$repo/os/$arch

The BlackArch Linux Guide

Replace <mirror site> with a mirror site of your choosing. Please use one of our official mirrors.
5. Now run:
$ sudo pacman -Syyu


Installing packages

You may now install tools from the blackarch repository.

1. To list all of the available tools, run
$ sudo pacman -Sgg | grep blackarch | cut -d -f2 | sort -u

2. To install all of the tools, run

$ sudo pacman -S blackarch

3. To install a category of tools, run

$ sudo pacman -S blackarch-<category>

4. To see the blackarch categories, run

$ sudo pacman -Sg | grep blackarch


Installing packages from source

As part of an alternative method of installation, you can build the BlackArch packages from source.
You can find the PKGBUILDs on github. To build the entire repo, you can use the blackman tool.
First, you have to install blackman. If the BlackArch package repository is setup on your
machine, you can install blackman:
pacman -S blackman

You can build and install blackman from source:

mkdir blackman
cd blackman
wget https://raw2.github.com/BlackArch/blackarch/master/packages/blackman/PKGBUILD
# Make sure the PKGBUILD has not been maliciously tampered with.
makepkg -s

Download, compile and install packages:

$ sudo blackman -i package

Download, compile and install whole category:


The BlackArch Linux Guide

$ sudo blackman -g group

Download, compile and install all of the BlackArch tools:

$ sudo blackman -a

To list the blackarch categories:

$ blackman -l

To list category tools:

$ blackman -p category


Installing from live-, netinstall- ISO or ArchLinux

You can install BlackArch Linux from one of our live- or netinstall-ISOs.
See http://www.blackarch.org/download.html#iso. The following steps are required after the
ISO boot up.
Install blackarch-install-scripts package:
$ sudo pacman -S blackarch-install-scripts

$ sudo blackarch-install

Chapter 3

Developer Guide

Contributing to repository

This section shows you how to contribute to the BlackArch Linux project. We accept pull requests
of all sizes, from tiny typo fixes to new packages.
For help, suggestions, or questions feel free to contact us.
Everyone is welcome to contribute. All contributions are appreciated.


Required tutorials

Please read the following tutorials before contributing:

Arch Packaging Standards
Creating Packages


Steps for contributing

In order to submit your changes to the BlackArchLinux project, follow these steps:
1. Fork the repository from https://github.com/BlackArchLinux/blackarchlinux
2. Hack the necessary files, (e.g. PKGBUILD, .patch files, etc).
3. Commit your changes.
4. Push your changes.
5. Ask us to merge in your changes, preferably through a pull request.

The BlackArch Linux Guide



The following example demonstrates submitting a new package to the BlackArch project. We use
yaourt (you can use pacaur as well) to fetch a pre-existing PKGBUILD file for nfsshell from the AUR
and adjust it according to our needs.


Fetch the PKGBUILD file using yaourt or pacaur:

user@blackarchlinux $ yaourt -G nfsshell
==> Download nfsshell sources
x gcc.patch
user@blackarchlinux $ cd nfsshell/


Clean up the PKGBUILD file and save some time:

user@blackarchlinux nfsshell $ ./blarckarch/scripts/prep PKGBUILD
cleaning PKGBUILD...
expanding tabs...
removing vim modeline...
removing id comment...
removing contributor and maintainer comments...
squeezing extra blank lines...
removing || return...
removing leading blank line...
removing $pkgname...
removing trailing whitespace...


Adjust the PKGBUILD file:

user@blackarchlinux nfsshell $ vi PKGBUILD

Build the package

Build the package:

user@blackarchlinux nfsshell $ makepkg -sf
==> Making package: nfsshell 19980519-1 (Mon Dec
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...

2 17:23:51 CET 2013)

The BlackArch Linux Guide

-> Downloading nfsshell.tar.gz...

% Total
% Received % Xferd Average Speed
CurrentDload Upload
Left Speed100 29213 100 29213
0 48150
0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 48206
-> Found gcc.patch
-> Found LICENSE
<lots of build process and compiler output here>
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: nfsshell 19980519-1 (Mon Dec 2 17:23:53 CET 2013)

Install and test the package

Install and test the package:

user@blackarchlinux nfsshell $ pacman -U nfsshell-19980519-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
user@blackarchlinux nfsshell $ nfsshell # test it

Add, commit and push package

Add, commit and push the package

user@blackarchlinux nfsshell $ cd /blackarchlinux/packages
user@blackarchlinux ~/blackarchlinux/packages $ mv ~/nfsshell .
user@blackarchlinux ~/blackarchlinux/packages $ git add nfsshell && git commit
nfsshell && git push

Create a pull request

Create a pull request on github.com

firefox https://github.com/<contributor>/blackarchlinux



1. Dont add Maintainer or Contributor comments to PKGBUILD files. Add maintainer and
contributor names to the AUTHORS section of BlackArch guide.
2. For the sake of consistency, please follow the general style of the other PKGBUILD files in the
repo and use two-space indentation.


General tips

namcap can check packages for errors.


Appendix A





The following people have contributed directly to BlackArch:

Evan Teitelman teitelmanevan at gmail dot com
Tyler Bennnett tylerb at trix2voip dot com
Levon Kayan noptrix at nullsecurity dot net
Jeremy Lynch jl at adminempire dot com
Ari Mizrahi codemunchies at gmail dot com
fnord0 fnord0 at riseup dot net
nrz nrz at nullsecurity dot net
Ellis Kenyo elken.tdos at gmail dot com
CaledoniaProject the.warl0ck.1989 at gmail dot com
sudokode sudokode at gmail dot com
Valentin Churavy v.churavy at gmail dot com
Boy Sandy Gladies Arriezona reno.esper at gmail dot com
Mathias Nyman None
Johannes L
othberg demizide at gmail dot com
The following people contributed directly to ArchPwn, which has been merged into BlackArch:
Francesco Piccinno stack.box at gmail dot com

The BlackArch Linux Guide

jensp jens at jenux.homelinux dot org

Valentin Churavy v.churavy at gmail dot com
We have taken build code from the following people:
3ED krzysztof1987 at gmail dot com
AUR Perl aurperl at juster dot info
Aaron Griffin aaron at archlinux dot org
Abakus java5 at arcor dot de
Adam Wolk netprobe at gmail dot com
Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde dot org
Aleshus aleshusi at gmail dot com
Alessandro Pazzaglia jackdroido at gmail dot com
Alessandro Sagratini ale sagra at hotmail dot com
Alex Cartwright alexc223 at googlemail dot com
Alexander De Sousa archaur.xandy21 at spamgourmet dot com
Alexander Rdseth rodseth at gmail dot com
Allan McRae allan at archlinux dot org
AmaN gabroo.punjab.da at gmail dot com
Andre Klitzing aklitzing at online dot de
Andrea Scarpino andrea at archlinux dot org
Andreas Sch
onfelder passtschu at freenet dot de
Andrej Gelenberg andrej.gelenberg at udo dot edu
Angel Velasquez angvp at archlinux dot org
Antoine Lubineau antoine at lubignon dot info
Anton Bazhenov anton.bazhenov at gmail
Arkham arkham at archlinux dot us
Arthur Danskin arthurdanskin at gmail dot com
Balda Baldanos at gmail dot com
Ballo Gy
orgy ballogyor+arch at gmail dot com
Bartek Piotrowski barthalion at gmail dot com
Bartosz Fe
nski fenio at debian dot org

The BlackArch Linux Guide

Bartlomiej Piotrowski nospam at bpiotrowski dot pl

Bogdan Szczurek thebodzio at gmail dot com
Brad Fanella bradfanella at archlinux dot us
Brian Bidulock bidulock at openss7 dot org
C Anthony Risinger anthony at xtfx dot me
CRT crt.011 at gmail dot com
Can Celasun dcelasun at gmail dot com
Chaniyth chaniyth at yahoo dot com
Chris Brannon cmbrannon79 at gmail dot com
Chris Giles Chris.G.27 at gmail dot com & daschu117
Christoph Siegenthaler csi at gmx dot ch
Christoph Zeiler archNOSPAM at moonblade dot org
Clement DEMOULINS clement at archivel dot fr
Corrado Primier bardo at aur.archlinux dot org
Daenyth Daenyth+Arch at gmail dot com
Dale Blount dale at archlinux dot org
Damir Perisa damir.perisa at bluewin dot ch
Dan Fuhry dan at fuhry dot us
Dan Serban dserban01 at yahoo dot com
Daniel A. Campoverde Carri
Daniel Golle
Daniel Griffiths ghost1227 at archlinux dot us
Daniel J Griffiths ghost1227 at archlinux dot us
Daniel Micay danielmicay at gmail dot com
Dave Reisner dreisner at archlinux dot org
Dawid Wrobel cromo at klej dot net
Devaev Maxim mdevaev at gmail dot com
Devin Cofer ranguvar at archlinux dot us
DigitalPathogen aur at InfoSecResearchLabs dot co dot uk
DigitalPathogen aur at digitalpathogen dot co dot uk

The BlackArch Linux Guide

Dmitry A. Ilyashevich dmitry.ilyashevich at gmail dot com

Dominik Heidler dheidler at gmail dot com
DrZaius lou at fakeoutdoorsman dot com
Ebubekir KARUL ebubekirkarul at yandex dot com
Eduard bekks Warkentin eduard.warkentin at gmail dot com
Elmo Todurov todurov at gmail dot com
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot linkmauve at linkmauve dot fr
Eric Belanger eric at archlinux dot org
Ermak ermak at email dot it
Evangelos Foutras evangelos at foutrelis dot com
Fabian Melters melters at gmail dot com
Fabiano Furtado fusca14 at gmail dot com
Federico Quagliata (quaqo) linux at quaqo dot org
Firmicus francois.archlinux dot org
Florian Pritz bluewind at jabber dot ccc dot de
Florian Pritz flo at xinu dot at
Francesco Piccinno stack.box at gmail dot com
Francois Charette francois at archlinux dor org
Gaetan Bisson bisson at archlinux dot org
Geoffroy Carrier geoffroy.carrier at koon.fr
Georg Grabler (STiAT) ggrabler at gmail dot com
George Hilliard gh403 at msstate dot edu
Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi vmlinuz386 at yahoo dot com dot ar
Gilles CHAUVIN gcnweb at gmail dot com
Giovanni Scafora giovanni at archlinux dot org
Gordin 9ordin at t gmail dot com
Guillaume ALAUX guillaume at archlinux dot org
Guillermo Ramos 0xwille at gmail dot com
Gustavo Alvarez sl1pkn07 at gmail dot com
Hugo Doria hugo at archlinux dot org

The BlackArch Linux Guide

Hyacinthe Cartiaux hyacinthe.cartiaux at free dot fr

James Fryman jfryman at gmail dot com
Jan heftig Steffens jan.steffens at gmail dot com
Jan de Groot jgc at archlinux dot org
Jaroslav Lichtblau dragonlord at aur dot archlinux dot org
Jaroslaw Swierczynski swiergot at aur dot archlinux dot org
Jason Chu jason at archlinux dot org
Jason R Begley (jayray at digitalgoat dot com
Jason Rodriguez jason
aur at catloaf dot net
Jason St. John jstjohn at purdue dot edu
Jawmare victor2008 at gmail dot com
Jeff Mickey jeff at archlinux dot org
Jens Pranaitis jens at chaox dot net
Jens Pranaitis jens at jenux dot homelinux dot org
Jinx jinxware at gmail dot com
John D Jones III j[nospace]n[nospace]b[nospace]e[nospace]k[nospace]1972 at gmail dot com
John Proctor jproctor at prium dot net
Jon Bergli Heier snakebite at jvnv dot net
Jonas Heinrich onny at project
insanity dot org
Jonathan Steel jsteel at aur dot archlinux dot org
Joris Steyn jorissteyn at gmail dot com
Josh VanderLinden arch at cloudlery dot com
Jozef Riha jose1711 at gmail dot com
Judd Vinet jvinet at zeroflux dot org
Juergen Hoetzel jason at archlinux dot org
Juergen Hoetzel juergen at archlinux dot org
Justin Davis jrcd83 at gmail dot com
Kaiting Chen kaitocracy at gmail dot com

The BlackArch Linux Guide

Kaos gianlucaatlas at gmail dot com

Kevin Piche kevin at archlinux dot org
Kory Woods kory at virlo dot net
Kyle Keen keenerd at gmail dot com
Larry Hajali larryhaja at gmail dot com
LeCrayonVert greenarrow at archlinux dot us
Le suisse lesuisse dot dev+aur at gmail dot com
Lekensteyn lekensteyn at gmail dot com
Limao Luo luolimao+AUR at gmail dot com
Lucien Immink l.immink at student dot fnt dot hvu dot nl
Lukas Fleischer archlinux at cryptocrack dot de
Manolis Tzanidakis
Marcin avalan Falkiewicz avalatron at gmail dot com
Mariano Verdu verdumariano at gmail dot com
Marti Raudsepp marti at juffo dot org
MatToufoutu mattoufootu at gmail dot com
Matthew Sharpe matt.sharpe at gmail dot com
Mauro Andreolini mauro.andreolini at unimore dot it
Max Pray a.k.a. Synthead synthead at gmail dot com
Max Roder maxroder at web dot de
Maxwell Pray a.k.a. Synthead synthead at gmail dot com
Maxwell Pray a.k.a. Synthead synthead1 at gmail dot com
Mech tiago.bmp at gmail dot com
Michael D
ull mail at akurei dot me
Michael P ptchinster at archlinux dot us
Michal Krenek mikos at sg1 dot cz
Michal Zalewski lcamtuf at coredumpdotcx
Miguel Paolino mpaolino at gmail dot com
Miguel Revilla yo at miguelrevilla dot com
Mike Roberts noodlesgc at gmail dot com

The BlackArch Linux Guide

Mike Sampson mike at sambodata dot com

Nassim Kacha nassim.kacha at gmail dot com
Nicolas Pouillard nicolas.pouillard at gmail dot com
Nicolas Pouillard https://nicolaspouillard.fr
Niklas Schmuecker (IRC: nisc) nschmuecker gmail dot com
Oleander Reis oleander at oleander dot cc
Olivier Le Moal mail at olivierlemoal dot fr
Olivier Medoc oliv o medoc at yahoo dot fr
Pascal E. archlinux at hardfalcon dot net
Patrick Leslie Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx dot net
Paul Mattal paul at archlinux dot org
Paul Mattal pjmattal at elys dot com
Pengyu CHEN cpy.prefers.you at gmail dot com
Peter Wu lekensteyn at gmail dot com
Philipp TamCore B. philipp at tamcore dot eu
Pierre Schmitz pierre at archlinux dot de
Pranay Kanwar pranay.kanwar at gmail dot com
Pranay Kanwar warl0ck at metaeye dot org
PyroPeter googlemail dot com at abi1789
PyroPeter googlemail.com at abi1789
Ray Rashif schiv at archlinux dot org
Remi Gacogne rgacogne
arch at coredump dot fr
Renan Fernandes renan at kauamanga dot com dot br
Richard Murri admin at richardmurri dot com
Roberto Alsina ralsina at kde dot org
Robson Peixoto robsonpeixoto at gmail dot com
Roel Blaauwgeers roel at ttys0 dot nl
Rorschach r0rschach at lavabit dot com
Ruben Schuller shiml at orgizm dot net

The BlackArch Linux Guide

Rudy Matela rudy at matela dot com dot br

Ryon Sherman ryon.sherman at gmail dot com
Sabart Otto
Seberm seberm at gmail dot com
SakalisC chrissakalis at gmail dot com
Sam Stuewe halosghost at archlinux dot info
SanskritFritz SanskritFritz at gmail dot com)
Sarah Hay sarahhay at mb dot sympatico dot ca
Sebastian Benvenuti sebastianbenvenuti at gmail dot com
Sebastian Nowicki sebnow at gmail dot com
Sebastien Duquette ekse.0x at gmail dot com
Sebastien LEDUC sebastien at sleduc dot fr
Sebastien Leduc sebastien at sleduc dot fr
Sergej Pupykin pupykin.s+arch at gmail dot com
Sergio Rubio rubiojr at biondofu dot net
Sheng Yu magicfish1990 at gmail dot com
Simon Busch morphis at gravedo dot de
Simon Legner Simon.Legner at gmail dot com
Sirat18 aur at sirat18 dot de
SpepS dreamspepser at yahoo dot it
Spider.007 archPackage at spider007 dot net
Stefan Seering
Stephane Travostino stephane.travostino at gmail dot com
Stephane Gaudreault stephane at archlinux dot org
Sven Kauber celeon at gmail dot com
Sven Schulz omee at archlinux dot de
Sebastien Duquette ekse.0x at gmail dot com
Sebastien Luttringer seblu at archlinux dot org
TDY tdy at gmx dot com
Teemu Rytilahti tpr at iki dot fi

The BlackArch Linux Guide

Testuser 01 mail at nico

siebler dot de
Thanx thanxm at gmail dot com
Thayer Williams thayer at archlinux dot org
Thomas S Hatch thatch45 at gmail dot com
Thorsten T
opper atsutane
aur at freethoughts dot de
Thorsten T
opper atsutane
tu at freethoughts dot de
Tilmann Becker tilmann.becker at freenet dot de
Timothy Redaelli timothy.redaelli at gmail dot com
Timothee Ravier tim at siosm dot fr
Tino Reichardt
Tobias Kieslich tobias at justdreams dot de
Tobias Powalowski tpowa at archlinux dot org
Tom K tomk at runbox dot com
Tom Newsom Jeepster at gmx dot co dot uk
Tomas Lindquist Olsen tomas at famolsen dot dk
Travis Willard travisw at wmpub dot ca
Valentin Churavy v.churavy at gmail dot com
ViNS gladiator at fastwebnet dot it
Vlatko Kosturjak kost at linux dot hr
Wes Brown wesbrown18 at gmail dot com
William Rea sillywilly at gmail dot com
Xavier Devlamynck magicrhesus at ouranos dot be
Long Chen chenxiaolong at cxl dot epac dot to
aeolist aeolist at hotmail dot com
ality at pbrane dot org
astaroth astaroth at web dot de

The BlackArch Linux Guide

bender02 at archlinux dot us

billycongo billycongo at gmail dot com
bslackr brendan at vastactive dot com
cbreaker cbreaker at tlen dot pl
chimeracoder dev@chimeracoder.net
damir damir at archlinux.org
darkapex me at jailuthra dot in
dkaylor dpkaylor at gmail dot com
dobo dobo90 at gmail dot com
dorphell dorphell at archlinux dot org
evr evanroman at gmail
fnord0 fnord0 at riseup dot net
fxbru frxbru at gmail
icarus icarus.roaming at gmail dot com
iceman icemanf at gmail dot com
kastor kastor at fobos dot org dot ar
kfgz kfgz at interia dot pl
linuxSEAT linuxSEAT at gmail dot com
m4xm4n max at maxfierke dot com
mar77i mysatyre at gmail dot com
marc0s marc0s at fsfe dot org
mickael9 mickael9 at gmail dot com
nblock nblock at archlinux dot us
nofxx x at nofxx dot com
onny onny at project
pootzko pootzko at gmail dot com
revel revel at muub dot net

The BlackArch Linux Guide

rich o rich o at lavabit dot com

s1gma s1gma at mindslicer dot com
sandman r.coded at gmail dot com
sebikul sebikul at gmail dot com
sh0 mee at sh0 dot org
shild sxp at bk dot ru
simo simo at archlinux dot org
sudokode sudokode at gmail dot com
tobias tobias at archlinux dot org
trashstar trash at ps3zone dot org
unexist unexist at subforge dot org
untitled rnd0x00 at gmail dot com
virtuemood virtue at archlinux dot us
wido widomaker2k7 at gmail dot com
wodim neikokz at gmail dot com
yannsen ynnsen at gmail dot com


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