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Unit 2: Reconstruction Study Guide For Test

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Unit 2: Reconstruction
Study Guide for T e s t

Know the meaning of the following vocaButaTy-words. On the test, there will
be 3 paragraphs and you will have to place the correct vocabulary w o r d in
sentences where they make the most sense.
1. freedmen-ex-slaves who were now free
2. sharecropping- a form o f farming where freedmen "rented" a piece o f
land f r o m a landowner; sharecroppers had to give the landowner at
least half of their crops as payment for the land; this type of living kept
the sharecropper and their families poor
3. civil rights- the basic rights of an individojal to be treated equally and
fairly under the law
4. (3]talawags- white(p)utherners who were Republicans and who supportec
Reconstruction; these people had opposed the South's position in the
Civil War
5. Jim Crow laws- laws that segregated blacks f r o m whites in public
places (train depots, restaurants, schools, trains)
6. impeachment- the process of bringing criminal charges against a
government or high official
7. Reconstruction-the process of rebuilding; the formal Reconstruction Era
was f r o m 1 865-1 877
8. amnesty-the act of forgiving and forgetting an offense
9. carpetbaggers - Northerners who moved South during Reconstruction;
they carried bags that were covered with carpet; many Southerners
looked at these Northerners as people who wanted to make a profit o f f
of the Southerners
Short Answer Questions
You will have S short answer questions on the test. You will need to
understand and explain:
1 3"" amendment - abolished slavery forever

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