Teacher Professional Growth Plan
Teacher Professional Growth Plan
Teacher Professional Growth Plan
Strategy 1.2
Attend and actively participate in all grade level, division, and school
wide meetings.
Timeline: Ongoing
Resources: N/A
Strategy 1.3
Maintain open and clear lines of communication with the other Grade 5
teachers, asking questions, creating plans, and sharing ideas.
Timeline: Ongoing
Resources: Email, Google Documents
Strategy 1.4
Measures: This goal will be measured by the feedback that I receive from my colleagues.
I will also assess my goal progress by reflecting professionally on my efforts and my
perceptions of the impact that my involvement is having.
Strategy 1.2
Strategy 1.3
Strategy 2.2
Strategy 2.3
Measures: I will know that I have achieved my technology goal upon the completion of
my teaching internship if I have used each strategy increasingly throughout the semester.
Technology use will be documented in my lesson plans and reflections. My lesson
reflections will also provide me with documentation of the effectiveness of each
technology tool or activity for increasing student engagement and understanding.
Strategy 1.2
Strategy 1.3
Strategy 1.4
Measures: Evidence within my lesson and unit plans will measure the progress of the
implementation of my goal within the classroom. My professional learning and growth
will be recorded within my lesson reflections. I will also be able to evaluate the success
and impact of my goal based on student learning. This will be reflected in student math
assessment; including observations, conversations, and products.