Is Iec 60034 8 2002
Is Iec 60034 8 2002
Is Iec 60034 8 2002
Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
ICS 29.160.01
OBIS 2008
NEW DELHI 110002
This Indian Standard (Part 8) (Second Revision) which is identical with IEC 60034-8 : 2002 'Rotating
electrical machines - Part 8: Terminal markings and direction of rotation' issued by the International
Electrotechnical Comm ission (IEC) was adopted by the Bureau of Ind ian Standards on the
recommendation of the Rotating Machinery Sectional Committee and approval of the Electrotechn ical
Division Council.
The text of IEC Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Ind ian Standard
without deviations. Certain terminology and conventions are, however, not identical to those used in
Indian Standards. Attention is particularly drawn to the following:
a) Wherever the words 'International Standard' appear referring to this standard , they should
be read as 'Indian Standard'.
b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current
practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.
In this adopted standard. reference appears to the following International Standard for which
Indian Standard also exists. The corresponding IndianStandard, which is to be substituted in its respective
place is listed below along with its degree of equivalence for the edition indicated:
IEC 60050 (411) 1973 IS 1885 (Part 35) : 1993 Electrotechnical Identical
International Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 35 Rotating mach ines
Vocabulary(lEV) - Chapter 411 : (first revision)
Rotating machines
The technical committee responsible lor the preparation of this standard has reviewed the provisions 01
the following International Standards relerred to in this adopted standard and has decided that they are
acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard:
lEG 60445 Basic and salety principles for man-machine interface, marking and
identification - Identification of equipment terminals and of terminations
of certain designated conductors, including general rules for an
alphanumeric system .
Only English language tex1 has been retainedWhile adopting it in this Indian Standard , and as such the
page numbers given here are not the same asin the IEC Standard.
For the purpose 01 deciding whether a particular reqUirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value, observed or calculated expressang the result of a test shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 'Rules lor rounding off numerical values (reVised)'.'Thenumber of significant places retained
In the rounded off value should be the same asthat of the specified value in this standard .
IS/IEC 60034-8: 2002
Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
1 Scope
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of th is document
For dated references . only the edition cited applies For undated references the late st ed ition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies
IEC 60050(411) . International Electrotechfllca l Vocab ulary (lEV) - Chapter 411 Rotatmg
IEC 60417-1 .Graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 1 Overview and application
IEC 60445. Basic and safety principtes for man-machine Interlace . marking and Identification
- Identification of equipment terminets and of termtneuons of certain aessqnetea conductors
Including general rules for an eiptienumenc system
For the purposes of this part of IEC 60034 . the terms and definitions given In IEC 60034 -1
and the following apply
terminal marking
permanent Identification of the external termination of Winding leads or aux iliary leads at the
disposal of the user for connection of the machine to the supply or apparatus that indicates
the funct ion of the termination
connecting points
all current transfer POints that are used to permanently Interconnec t WindIng o r Wind ing
element ends Internally
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
tapping points
Intermediate connections to a portion of a winding element
winding leads
Insulated conductors that make the electr ica l connec tion bet wee n a wind in g and Its
an assembly of turns or coils hav ing a defined function in an electrica ! rotating mach ine
[lEV 411 -37-01]
winding phase
one or more winding elements associated with a pa rt icula r ph ase
winding element
a part of a winding . all the turns or ca lls In that part being permanentl y connected togeth er
separate windings
two or more windings . each having a sepa rate function . and not interconnec ted . used only
separately. whether fu lly or In part
multi-speed motor
a motor which can be operated at anyone of two or more definite speeds
constant power
when the change In speed of a multi-speed motor prov ides app rox imate ly constant power
constant torque
when the change In speed of a multi-speed motor provides approx imately constant torque
variable torque
when output torque of a multi-speed motor is proportional to approx imately the square of the
phase sequence
the order In which the voltages successively reach their maximum positive va lues between
supply conductors
ISIIEC 60034-8 : 2002
tn at end of th e macrune which accommoda te s the shaft end
!lEV 411 -4 3-36 J
For ma chines having two shaft ends . the D -end IS the end
a ) hailing the large r d iameter .
b l Oppos ite the externa l fan when the shaft ends are of the same dia me te r.
Su p ply con du ct or
C C om p e n sa tong Winding
E S h u n t e xc ua n on Win ding
K Secondary Wi nding
L Second ar y Winding
M Seconda ry Windin g
V P n m a ry Wind ing
W Pnma r y Winding
ISIIEC 60034-8 : 2002
SD DC br akes
SW Srushwear dete ct or
CA Capacit ors
CT Current transforme r
HE Heat er s
LA LIghtning arrestor
SC Surge c ap acit or
Te Th e rmoco up le s
5 D irection of rotation
The direction of rotat ion sha ll be that of the shaft ob se rve d wh en fac ing th e D-e nd
Mac hines with terminal markings acco rd ing to this standa rd sha ll have a cl ockwise dire ction of
rotati on
For other configurations . inclu din g urudir ecno nat mach ines the d irec tion of rot ation sha ll be
shown by an arrow located on the enclosure
6.1 General
6.1 .1 Application
A termina l mar king sha ll Ide nti fy all Winding and aux il iar y device te rm inations accessib le to
the user
NOT E Ex te rn al hne co nnec tio ns and Wind ing arr a nge m ents ge n e ra ll y us e d f or c omm on appli ca tions a re shown in
a nne x A
All three -phase a c mach in es wit h more th an three ter mi nal s and all other machin es (and
aUXIlia ry dev rces : With mor e th an two termin al s sha ll have connecting instructi o ns cons istent
With thi s sta nda rd
The ter min al markin g com prrses upper- case Lat in characters and Arabic numerals . Th e
char act er s sha ll be arra nged Witho ut spaces
IS/lEe 60034-8: 2002
Each winding . winding phase or aux ihar y cucun sha ll be assigned a letter syrnbott s] In
accordance With clause 4
To prevent contusion With the numerals 1 and O. the leiters T and ' 0' shall not be used
Several leads of a machine can have the same marking only If each of them IS capable of
completely fulf illing the same electrical function . so that either one of them can be used for
the connection . See figure 9
When several leads or conductors are provided to share the current. the termina l markings
shall be identified by an additional numerical suffix separated by a hyphen See figure 10
Some multi-speed motors having two or more independent windings may produce circulating
currents in the de-energized winding . In trus case . the terminal markings for the open delta
connect ion shall be identified by an additional numerical sufftx separated by a hyphen See
figure A . 14.
6.1 .6 Omissions
Numerical suffixes and/or prefixes may be omitted If there IS no risk of contusion See
figure 2 .
When two or more elements are connected to the same terminal ItS marking shall be
determined from one of the elements . The order of precedence shall be determined by the
lower suffix See figure 8
When two or more functionally different elements are connected Internally the combination of
elements shall be considered a Single element and the terminal marking shall have the alpha
notation of the primary element function . See figure 24
The termination for the protective earth conductor shall be marked With the letters PE
accord ing to IEC 60445 (or marked with symbollEC 60417-5019) No other terminals shall be
so marked .
6.2 Suffixes
The ends of each Winding element are distinguished by a nurnerical suffix . In accordance With
IEC 60445 . as follows : (see figure 5)
In all winding elements . the end closer to the supply connection shall be marked With the
lower of the two numbers.
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
When several ends of winding elements are j oined . the terminal marking shall use the lower
suffix . see figure 8.
Tapp ing points of a winding element shall be marked in the sequence in which they occur 10
the windlOg element. as follows: (see figure 6)
The tap closest to the beg inn ing of the wind ing shall be marked with the lowest suffix
6.3 Prefixes
Winding elements that are separate (or belong to different current systems) . but have a
similar, but independent. function . shall be marked with the same letter . but dist ingu ished by a
numerical prefix .
Each of the term inals shall be marked with a numerical prefix corresponding to the separate
winding (or current system) to which it belongs . as follows : (see figure 7)
first winding
second winding 2
third winding 3
fourth winding 4
and so on
With multi-speed machines the sequence of the prefixes corresponds to the sequence of
increasing speeds See figure A 18.
The letter symbols shall be U. V . and W for the first . second and third pr imary wind ing phase
respectively and N when a neutral conductor is used (see figure 3) and K. L. and M and Q
when a secondary Winding is used . See figure 11.
The terminal markings of a two-phase machine are derived from the markings for three-phase
machines. With the letter symbols Wand M omitted .
The letter symbols assigned shall be U for the pr imary Wind ing and Z for aux iliary winding .
See figure 12 •
If the Winding ends of a main and an auxiliary winding are connected to a common terminal.
the terminal shall be marked according to the rule for the main phase .
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
The numerica l order of the prefix shall Increase according to the order In which the U phase of
each phase group reaches its maximum
The pr imary wind ings shall have terminal markings as derived for asynchronous machines .
Term inal mark ings of the d .c . separately excited field w indings shall be F1 and F2
6.6 DC machines
The letter symbols assigned to winding elements shall be as listed in 4 .2 With terminal
marking as shown in figures 16 to 24 :
The term inal markings shall be so arranged that clockwise rotation is obtained when the
alphabet ical sequence of the lett ers (e .g U 1. V1 . Wl) corresponds to the time sequence of
the system phase voltages
For counter-clockwise rotation . the time sequence of the system phase voltages sha ll be
reversed by rearrangement of the supply cables . (e .g . L2 and L3 in the case of 3-phase)
The requ irement in th is clause appl ies to machines of any rated output and voltage even If
clockwise rotation IS impracticable .
When machines are suitable for operation in only one direction of rotation . an arrow shall
in di cate the direction of rotation . Trus arrow needs not to be on the rating plate . but It sha ll be
permanently attached and easily vrsible
Clockwise rotation shall be obta ined when the supply is connected to U 1 and U2 and the
aux iliary wind ing is connected as Z1 with U1 and Z2 With U2 To reverse the direction of
rotation . term inals Z1 sha ll be connected to U2 and Z2 to U 1.
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
The term inal markings shall be so arranged that clockwise rotat ion is obtained when the
alphabetical sequence of the letters 10 each phase group corresponds to the time sequence of
the system phase voltages connected to this group. The order of prefixes of the groups
correspond to the sequence 10 which the first phase of each phase group reaches its
max imum value
For counter-clockwise rotat ion. the time sequence of the system phase voltages shall be
reversed by the rearrangement of the supply cables w ithin each group and by reversing the
order of connecting the groups of the supply voltages to the phase groups of the windings .
6.7.5 DC machines
The terrmnal markings shall be so arranged that clockwise rotation is obtained when the line
polarities L+ and L- correspond to the po larities of the terminals A 1 and A2 . When the
machine is provided with a separately-excited field wind ing. the terminal markings shall be so
arranged that clockwise rotat ion is obta ined when the line polarities L+ and L- correspond to
the polarities of both the terminals A 1 and A2 and the termina ls F1 and F2 .
For counter-clockwise rotation the polarity of the supply connection to either the armature or
the field shall be reversed takinq into account 6 .7 .6.
6.7.6 Relation between direction of current and magnetic field (DC machines)
6.7.6 .1 Two excitatron windings generate un idirectional fields if the excitation current in both
Windings flows from the terminal with the lower (higher) numerical suffix to the terminal with
the higher (lower ) suffix
6.7.6 .2 The magnetic fields of commutating and compensat ing windings shall be of correct
polarity With respect to each other and to the magnetic field of the armature winding if in all
the Windings current flows from the terminal with the lower (higher) numerical suffix to the
terminal WIth the higher (lower) suffix
ISIIfe 60034-8: 2002
u N
u2i v26 .i
U3~ V3~ W3~
uJ vJ wJ
Figure 4 - Single three-phase winding, two elements per phase ,
open connection, twelve terminals
u2i v2l
U3~ V3~ W3~
u4i v4l wJ
U7~ V 7? W7~
UBi vJ .i
Figure 5 - Single three-phase winding, four elements per phase.
open connection, twenty-four terminals
ISIIEC 60034-8 : 2002
vn Wl1
V 12 W12
V I3 W13
V 14 W1
Figure 6 - Single three-phase winding , two elements per phase with four tapping points
per element , open connection , thirty-six terminals
~ ~ 2U)
~'1 2W'}
1U] 1V1 lWl
Figure 8 - Two elements, internal co nnection , three terminals
ISIIEC 60034-8 : 2002
Ul ·l
l UI'
(U2 )
(V2 )
iV·JI ,
(1IIf2 \
I VI · I
WI · I
WI ·
Figure 11 - Three-phase wound-rotor, star connections
with neutral conductors , eight terminals
Ul U2 II I2
-JVV'-- ~
Figure 1'1 - Single-phase auxiliary wind ing,
integrally connected capacitor, one element
ISIIEe 60034-8 : 2002
Figure 14 - Single-phase main winding, integrally connected
thermal protector, one element
6.8.4 DC machines
Bl B2
82 B~
Cl C2
Cl C2
01 02
~ --
Fl F2
Fl F2 F3 F4
~ ~
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
A: (Xl) O -(-X2-)-_--<r'
(81) )
'ffffY" --__• -r;..."...'VV."...,..;.......:.---__
(C 1) (C2)
Figure 24 - Armature winding with commutatlng and
compensating windings, one element
7.1 General
The marking of auxil iary terminals shall be accord ing to 6.1.3. with 4 .4 identifying the type of
auxiliary device together with :
The add ition of letters and/or numbers to the aux iliary symbol shall wherever possible be
based on the rules given in clause 6 of this standard .
NOTE When there is a large number of terminals for a given type of device . the leads may be grouped by del/ Ice
code and the terminals identified by a prefix (1-99) and follo_d by a smgle digit suffix ( 1-9) .
7.2 Marking
L1 L2
ISJlEC 60034-8: 2002
I L1 L2 L3 Connection L1 L2 Connection
I .. U ..y ..W Delta "U ..y Star
"Ul ~
..~/\ o
Low "Ul ··Yl "WI (··Ul . .. m) ;[ «vi . "U2) ;[ "Wl . ..Y2) Delta
Devices CT. PT. R. TB. TC. TN . TM and TP shall be marked and connected in accordance
with to where:
7. indicates the device coding and 0 represents the device.
The first character in the marking represents the device number.
NOTE 1 The manufacturer should identify the function of these devices in the wr itten instructions.
NOTE 2 When only one CirCUIt exists the initial character may be omitted.
NOTE 3 For TC devices. the leads are colour coded by the manufacturer to denote polarity.
NOTE" For resistance thermometers . the last character Indicates the circuit number.
NOTE 5 ThIS symbol should be changed according to lEG 60617 for schemat ic diagrams
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
L1 and L2 should be connected according to wntten instructions or lead colou r Identi fic ation
7.2 .3 Switches
Switches shall be marked and connected as shown in figure 33 where ' denotes the switch
. S3
' S1
S2 --:.IY"----0
Figure 33 - Switch connections
IS/lEe 60034-8: 2002
Annex A
14..1 General
Annex A provides connections for terminal markings that shall be used for common
applications. The layout of figures is for information only and may take other forms .
I L1 T L2 L3 Connection L1 L2 L3 Connection
U T V W Delta U V W Star
VolUge L1 L2 Join Winding
together connection
Low UI VI Wl [UI.w2j;[ U2.Vl) :[V2.Wl) Delta
HIgh UI VI Wl [U2 .V2.w2) Star
ISJ1EC 60034·8 : 2002
Ul ~
U3 ~
W1~ V~Vl
Join Winding
Voltage L1 L2 L3 together connection
Low Ul Vl Wl [Ul .U3 ] : [V1 V3] . [Wl .w3] (U2 V 2 W2] P a ra lle l sia l
High Ul Vl Wl [U2 .U3) . (V2 .V3] 1W2.w3j S en e s sta r
-r' \U2
L1 L2 L3
Join together Winding conneclion
Low Ul Vl Wl [U l.U3.w2] . [V 1.V3 .U2). [W1.w3.v2 j Pa ra lle l della
High Ul Vl Wl (U2 .U3] .[V2 .V3] .[W2 .W3] Della
L1 L2 L3 Join Winding
together connection
ISJ1EC 60034-8: 2002
r.: ~U4
V 2 ~V1
. W4 U1
L2 L3 connection
W1 Parallel star
W1 Parallel delta
Join together
. _ Part-wind " .
Figure A 8 lUI U
10 9 , single volta e " . 1.W3)
g • SIX termit nats
I5nEC 60034·8 : 2002
Ul U3
U2 ~
: ~W2 ~3 VI
/wz v~
Wl / ~Vl
---...,---,-- ---,-- - - - ----,-,---- - - , - - - - - - - - - -- - ----,-1- - ,
IVol tage ii . Isolate Join t oget he r I Winding i
L1 L2 L3 ! s eparate l y : connec tion !
Low I Sta rt I Ul VI WI U3:V3 W 3 I
(U2 V 2 .W2 )
Star 1-1
: !
Low , Run ; Ul VI WI I (U l .U3 ).[V1 V3j :IWl .W3I IU2V2 W2 ] ! Parallel sta r I
I ----~
HIgh iI Run ; Ul VI i
WI IU2 .U3] :IV2V3] :[W2W3J i. Senes star i
ISIIEC 60034-8 : 2002
2W 2V
FIgures A 10. A 11 and A 12 are genera lly ut ilized as one of the wind ings in a three or four
speed motor
Some motor desrqns do not produce circulating currents . In these cases . terminals (1W-1 .
lW-2 ) and (2W- l . 2W -2) in figures A 14 and A 15 res pecti ve ly will be permanently joined by
the motor manufacture r and the -1 and -2 suffixes de leted .
I5nEC 60034-8: 2002
Isolate Winding
Speed L1 L2 L3 separately connection
low lU IV lW 2U . 2V. 2W Serres star
High 2U 2V 2W iu. IV . lW Para lle l sta r
2W- l
'solate Winding
Speed L1 L2 L3 separately connection
ISIIEe 60034-8: 2002
2U j
3W 3V
low lW IV lW-l 2U . 2V, 2W, 3U, 3V , 3W [1W-1 ,lW-2) Open ser ies delta
Middle 2U 2V 2W 1W-1 , W-2 , 1V, iu, 3U , 3V , 3W Sta r
High 3U 3V 3W 2U ,2V,2W (1W -1 , 1W-2 , IV, 1U) Paralle l sta r
'U j 2U 3U j
Speed L1
,w~v :A~ 3W~V
L2 L3 Isolata separately Join together Winding connection
low lU IV lW 2U , 2V , 2W -l , 2W-2 , 3U , 3V , 3W --- Star
MIddle 2U 2V 2W-l iu. IV. 1W, 3U , 3V , 3W [2W-1 . 2W-2) Open delta
High 3U 3V 3W 1U. 1V. lW, 2U , 2V , 2W-l , 2W-2 --- Star
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
A.2 .2 .4 Four-speed
Comb inations of w ind ings sha ll be selected from figures A .1. A2 . A 10. A 11 and A 12 and
the prefixes th en adjusted
Join Winding
Speed L1 l2 l3 Isolate separately
together c;onnec;tlon
The term ina l markings of single-phase. single vo ltage motor windings shall be as follows '
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
A.4 DC machines
Fl Al F2
Roution L+ L-
Clo c kwise [Fl . AI) [F2 , A2)
Counter -clockwise [Fl . A2] [F2 . Al)
ISIIEC 60034-8: 2002
Fl Al
« 1) (02]
Rotation L+
A2 0 1 r l02 J
Clockwise [Fl . Al . 01) [F2 . A2. 02)
Counter-clockwise [Fl . A2. 02) [F2 . Al . Otl
Rotation L+ L-
Clockwise At A2. (02 )
Counter-clockwise Al A2 . (01 )
(see below)
Rotation is independent of the polarity of A1 and A2 . An arrow on the enclosure shall always
be used to indicate the direction of rotat ion .
Clockwise rotation is shown in the figure . Counter-clockwise rotation can only be achieved by
changing the internal connection , that is. by reversing the series-winding connecting POints
(01) and (02) and then marking (01) as A2.
Bureau of Indian Standards
SIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization , marking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.
SIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course
of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are
also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates
that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or
edition by referring to the latest issue of 'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions' .
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. ETD 15 (5702).
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