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2 DW Overview

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Data Warehouses Lecture 2

Introduction to Data Warehouses,

Definitions, Concepts,
• Definitions, Concepts, Architecture,
• Sources used for this lecture
– Stefano Rizzi,
Open problems in data warehousing: eight years later, DMDW,
2003 (Keynote slides).
– Ralph Kimball, Joe Caserta, The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit:
Practical Techniques for Extracting, Cleaning, Conforming and
Delivering Data
– H.W. Inmon, The Data Warehouse Environment: Building the
Data Warehouse
– Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross, Data Warehouse Toolkit: The
complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling
R. Kimball’s definition of a DW
• A data warehouse is a copy of transactional
data specifically structured for querying and
• According to this definition:
– The form of the stored data (RDBMS, flat file)
has nothing to do with whether something is a
data warehouse.
– Data warehousing is not necessarily for the
needs of "decision makers" or used in the
process of decision making.
Inmon’s Definition of a Data
A data warehouse is a
– subject-oriented,
– integrated,
– nonvolatile, and
– time-variant
collection of data in support of management’s decisions. The data
warehouse contains granular corporate data.
Subject-Oriented Data Collections
Classical operations systems are
organized around the applications of
the company. For an insurance
company, the applications may be
auto, health, life, and casualty. The
major subject areas of the insurance
corporation might be customer,
policy, premium, and claim. For a
manufacturer, the major subject
areas might be product, order,
vendor, bill of material, and raw
goods. For a retailer, the major
subject areas may be product, SKU,
sale, vendor, and so forth. Each
type of company has its own unique
set of subjects
Integrated Data Collections
Of all the aspects of a data
warehouse, integration is the most
important. Data is fed from multiple
disparate sources into the data
warehouse. As the data is fed it is
converted, reformatted,
resequenced, summarized, and so
forth. The result is that data—once it
resides in the data warehouse—has
a single physical corporate image.
Non-volatile Data Collections

Data is updated in the

operational environment as a
regular matter of course, but
warehouse data exhibits a very
different set of characteristics.
Data warehouse data is loaded
(usually en masse) and
accessed, but it is not updated
(in the general sense). Instead,
when data in the data warehouse
is loaded, it is loaded in a
snapshot, static format. When
subsequent changes occur, a
new snapshot record is written.
In doing so a history of data is
kept in the data warehouse.
Time-variant Data Collections
Time variancy implies that every
unit of data in the data warehouse
is accurate as of some one
moment in time. In some cases, a
record is time stamped. In other
cases, a record has a date of
transaction. But in every case,
there is some form of time
marking to show the moment in
time during which the record is
accurate. A 60-to-90-day time
horizon is normal for operational
systems; a 5-to-10-year time
horizon is normal for the data
warehouse. As a result of this
difference in time horizons, the
data warehouse contains much
more history than any other
Operational Data Store (ODS)
The Operational Data Store is used for tactical decision
making while the DW supports strategic decisions. It
contains transaction data, at the lowest level of detail for
the subject area
– subject-oriented, just like a DW
– integrated, just like a DW
– volatile (or updateable) , unlike a DW
• an ODS is like a transaction processing system
• information gets overwritten with updated data
• no history is maintained (other than audit trail) or operational history
– current, i.e., not time-variant, unlike a DW
• current data, up to a few years
• no history is maintained (other than audit trail) or operational history
Data Warehouses and Data Marts
• A data warehouse is a central repository for all or significant parts of the
data that an enterprise's various business systems collect. Enables strategic
decision making.
• A data mart is a repository of data gathered from operational data and other
sources that is designed to serve a particular community of knowledge
workers. In scope, the data may derive from an enterprise-wide database or
data warehouse or be more specialized. The emphasis of a data mart is on
meeting the specific demands of a particular group of knowledge users in
terms of analysis, content, presentation, and ease-of-use. Users of a data
mart can expect to have data presented in terms that are familiar.
• In practice, the terms data mart and data warehouse each tend to imply the
presence of the other in some form. However, most writers using the term
seem to agree that the design of a data mart tends to start from an analysis
of user needs and that a data warehouse tends to start from an analysis of
what data already exists and how it can be collected in such a way that the
data can later be used. A data warehouse is a central aggregation of data
(which can be distributed physically); a data mart is a data repository that
may derive from a data warehouse or not and that emphasizes ease of
access and usability for a particular designed purpose.
A data warehouse tends to be a strategic but somewhat unfinished concept;
a data mart tends to be tactical and aimed at meeting an immediate need.
History of DWs: The early 90’s
• W.H. Inmon coins the term “data warehousing”
• Widening interest from enterprises
• Widening interest from vendors
• Almost ignored in the academic world
• Some topics from traditional databases:
– integration of heterogeneous sources
– materialized views
– aggregation queries
– ....
History of DWs: Back to 1995
• Start of the Stanford DW Project
– develop algorithms and tools for the efficient collection and
integration of information from heterogeneous sources
• Widening interest from the academic world
– dedicated workshops
– gaining attention in major conferences
• Dedicated commercial tools for Data Warehousing
• The CIKM’95 paper by J. Widom
Jennifer Widom,
Research Problems in Data Warehousing, Int'l Conf. on
Information and Knowledge Management, 1995.
 change detection, view maintenance, data scrubbing,
optimization, design, evolution
History of DWs: Into 2k
• End of the Data Warehouse Quality
European Project
– study of quality of service factors and their
relationship with design, operation, and
evolution of data warehouse systems\M.
– Jarke and Y. Vassiliou,
Data Warehouse Quality Design: A Review of the DWQ Project,
Information Quality, 1997.
• On-going interest from research
• A large selection of commercial tools and platforms
• Many mature implementations of DWs in enterprises
History of DWs: Into 2K
• The DMDW’00 paper by Vassiliades  
– P. Vassiliadis.
Gulliver in the land of data warehousing: practical experiences and observa
tions of a researcher.
In Proc. of Design and Management of Data Warehouses (DMDW'2000) 2nd
International Workshop in conjunction with the 12th Conference on Advanced
Information Systems Engineering CAiSE*00, June 5-6, 2000, Stockholm,
 [MS powerpoint presentation]
• A significant gap between researchers and practictioners
– researchers overlook practical problems
– little acceptance of research results by the industrial world
– increasing market for Data Warehousing systems
– about 20 papers in VLDB, PODS, SIGMOD
– problems and failures
• no rextbook design methodology
• no standards for metadata
• no solutions for ETL
• no approach for view size estimation
The goals of a Data Warehouse
• We have mountains of data in this company, but we can't
access it."
• "We need to slice and dice the data every which way."
• "You've got to make it easy for business people to get at
the data directly."
• "Just show me what is important."
• "It drives me crazy to have two people present the same
business metrics at a meeting, but with different
• "We want people to use information to support more fact-
based decision making."
The goals of a Data Warehouse
• The data warehouse must make an organization's
information easily accessible.
• The data warehouse must present the organization's
information consistently.
• The data warehouse must be adaptive and resilient to
• The data warehouse must be a secure bastion that
protects our information assets.
• The data warehouse must serve as the foundation for
improved decision making.
• The business community must accept the data
warehouse if it is to be deemed successful.
Data Warehouse Architecture
Requirements for DW
• Business Needs
– data expectations, data sources, end user interviews,
complexities and limitations
• Compliance Requirements
– Sarbanes-Oxley 2002 (SOX)
– archived copies, data staging, proof of data flow,
algorithms for data adjustments, proof of security of
on-line and off-line data copies
• Data Profiling
– quality, scope, context of a data source, dirty data
sources, missing data, best-guesses, human
intervention, data elimination, realistic development
Requirements for DW (cont’d)
• Security Requirements
– a paradox:
• Data Warehouse: publish data widely
• Security: restrict data to those with a need to know
– role-based security at the final applications
(not grant or revoke at the DBMS level)
– security for developers (separate subnet),
backups (tapes, disks)
Requirements for DW(cont’d)
• Data Integration
– at the core of the IT business, aka, “the 360
degree view of the business”
– specific to Data Warehouses: establishing
common attributes (conforming dimensions),
agreeing on common business metrics
(conforming facts) so that one can perform
mathematical calculations (differences, ratios,
Requirements for DW (cont’d)
• Data Latency
– how quickly to deliver data to the end user
– improvements with algorithms, parallel
processing, streaming
• Archiving and Lineage
– change calculations
– legal compliance lineage requirements
• End User
– reports, OLAP, data handoff
Technical Requirements for DW
• Architecture
– ETL tool versus hand coding
– batch updates versus data streaming
– horizontal (orders/shipments) versus vertical
(customers/orders) task dependency
– scheduler automation
– quality handling/data cleansing
– metadata
– security
– staging
Data Warehouses and Design
• Design of the interface with the operational systems
• Design of the data warehouse itself
• Iterative approach to DW design -- a waterfall approach
does not work well
Beginning with Operational Data
• Data are not simply extracted
• Data across operational systems are severely un-integrated (extract
programmer’s nightmare!)
– same data, different name
– same name, different data
– different keys, same data, etc
– non-standard data encodings (male/female, 0/1, etc) and field
– different measurements, measurements at different levels of detail
– different source system technologies (DB2, SQL Server, OS/390 DB2,
VSAM, IMS, etc)
• Loading archival data, first-time load, ongoing deltas
• The next lecture is devoted to the concept of Extract-Transform-
Load or aka ETL process
Data Warehouse Design
• Start with the ER-Diagram that represents the
corporate data model or with one ore more
operational data models to be integrated
• Remove data used purely in the operational
• Enhance key structures with an element of time
• Add derived (calculated) data (i.e., summaries)
• Turn “relationships” of the ER model into
“artifacts” in the data warehouse
• Perform stability analysis (see next slide)
Stability Analysis
Perform stability analysis
group attributes together
based on their likelihood
to change, i.e., create
different groups of data
Data Models
• High-Level Data Model
– ERD model, ER-model, conceptual model, corporate
model, enterprise model
– defines the scope of source and data integration
– must be agreed upon by the modeler, the end-user
and management
• Mid-Level Data Model
– Logical data model, DIS model, data information
model, derives from the High-Level model
– might not be developed at once in its entirety
• Low-Level Data Model Physical data model
Logical or DIS Data Model

1. Primary Grouping of data

• Represents primary entities
• Represents major subject
• Attributes and keys of
major subject areas
2. Secondary Grouping of data
• Can exist multiple times for
each subject area
3. Connectors
• relationships in the ER
• foreign keys
4. Type of Data
• Supertypes to the left
• Subtypes to the right
An example DIS model
Another example: Sub-
Design Techniques: Merging
Many tables imply much dynamic Merging many tables together
I/O makes access faster
Design Techniques: Introduction of
Redundant Data
Design Technique: Separation of
Data when there is a disparity of
probability of access
Design Technique: Introduce
Derived Data

Calculated once
Forever available
Design Techniques: Creative

•  The top 10 customers

•  The average transaction value for this extract
•  The largest transaction
•  The number of customers who showed activity without purchasing.
Design Technique: Forget
Referential Integrity
• In the operational environment, referential integrity
appears as a dynamic link among tables of data.
• Not in a data warehouse because
– volume of data is too large
– the data warehouse is not updated, just appended to
– the warehouse represents data over time and relationships do
not remain static
• relationships of data are represented by an artifact in the
data warehouse environment. Therefore, some data will
be duplicated, and some data will be deleted when other
data is still in the warehouse. In any case, trying to
replicate referential integrity in the data warehouse
environment is a patently incorrect approach.
• Understand star schemas and snowflake
• Understand dimensional modeling
• Understand dimension outriggers, degenerate
dimensions and other variations in the data
warehouse model
• Create a star schema
• Determine which dimensions to include in the
data warehouse and select the dimension
• Understand the three kinds of fact tables
Dimensional Modeling
• Data modeling for Data Warehouses
• Based on
– fact tables
– dimension tables
Fact Tables
• Represent a business process, i.e., models the business
process as an artifact in the data model
• contain the measurements or metrics or facts of
business processes
– "monthly sales number" in the Sales business process
– most are additive (sales this month), some are semi-additive
(balance as of), some are not additive (unit price)
• the level of detail is called the “grain” of the table
• contain foreign keys for the dimension tables
Dimension Tables
• Represent the who, what, where, when and how of a measurement/artifact
• Represent real-world entities not business processes
• Give the context of a measurement (subject)
• For example for the Sales fact table, the characteristics of the 'monthly sales
number' measurement can be a Location (Where), Time (When), Product Sold
• The Dimension Attributes are the various columns in a dimension table. In the
Location dimension, the attributes can be Location Code, State, Country, Zip code.
Generally the Dimension Attributes are used in report labels, and query constraints
such as where Country='USA'. The dimension attributes also contain one or more
hierarchical relationships.
• Before designing your data warehouse, you need to decide what this data warehouse
contains. Say if you want to build a data warehouse containing monthly sales
numbers across multiple store locations, across time and across products then your
dimensions are:
Possible OLTP Location Design

In order to query for all locations that are in country 'USA'

we will have to join these three tables:

FROM Locations, States, Countries
where Locations.State_Id = States.State_Id
AND Locations.Country_id=Countries.Country_Id
AND Country_Name='USA'
Location Dimension
Dim_id Loc_cd Name State_NM Country_NM
1001 IL01 Chicago Illinois USA
1002 IL02 Arlington Illinois USA
1003 NY01 Brooklyn New York USA
1004 TO01 Toronto Ontario Canada
1005 MX01 Mexico Distrito Mexico
City Federal

In order to query for all locations that are in country 'USA'

FROM Location_dim Note the
where Country_Name='USA' redundancy
Time Dimension
Dim_id Month Month- Quarter Quarter- Year
Name Name
1001 1 Jan 1 Q1 2005
1002 2 Feb 1 Q1 2005
1003 3 Mar 1 Q1 2005
1004 4 Apr 2 Q2 2005
1005 5 May 2 Q2 2005

Not as trivial at it seems ;-)

Product Dimension
Prod_id Prod_cd Name Category
1001 STD Short-Term-Disability Disability
1002 LTD Long-Term Disability Disability
1003 GUL Group Universal Life Life
1004 PA Personal Accident Accident
1005 VADD Voluntary Accident Accident
Star Schemas
Select the measurements
SELECT P.Name, SUM(F.Sales)

JOIN the FACT table with Dimensions

FROM Sales F, Time T, Product P,
Location L                         
WHERE F.TM_Dim_Id = T.Dim_Id
AND F.PR_Dim_Id = P.Dim_Id
AND  F.LOC_Dim_Id = L.Dim_Id

Constrain the Dimensions

AND  T.Month='Jan' AND T.Year='2003' AND

‘Group by' for the aggregation level

Advantages: GROUP BY P.Category
-easy to understand
-better performance
Snow-flake Schemas

Rule of thumb:
If we did not de-normalize
don’t use them
the dimensions
Dimensional Modeling Steps
• Identify the business process
• Identify the level of detail needed (grain)
• Identify the dimensions
• Identify the facts
Dimensional Modeling Myths
• Myth #1: Dimensional models and data marts are for
summary data only
– can’t predict all the queries users will ask, therefore information
must be stored at the detail level in a DW and summarized
levels for a DM
• Myth #2: Dimensional models and data marts are
departmental, not enterprise, solutions
• Myth #3: Dimensional models and data marts are not
• Myth #4: Dimensional models and data marts are only
appropriate when there is a predictable usage pattern
• Myth #5: Dimensional models and data marts can't be
integrated and therefore lead to stovepipe solutions.
Dimensional Modeling Pitfalls
• Pitfall 5. Make the supposedly query-able data in the presentation
area overly complex. Database designers who prefer a more
complex presentation should spend a year supporting business
users; they'd develop a much better appreciation for the need to
seek simpler solutions.
• Pitfall 4. Populate dimensional models on a standalone basis
without regard to a data architecture that ties them together using
shared, conformed dimensions.
• Pitfall 3. Load only summarized data into the presentation area's
dimensional structures.
• Pitfall 2. Presume that the business, its requirements and analytics,
and the underlying data and the supporting technology are static.
• Pitfall 1. Neglect to acknowledge that data warehouse success is
tied directly to user acceptance. If the users haven't accepted the
data warehouse as a foundation for improved decision making, then
your efforts have been exercises in futility.
Dimensional Modeling Pitfalls
• Pitfall 10. Become overly enamored with technology and data
rather than focusing on the business's requirements and goals.
• Pitfall 9. Fail to embrace or recruit an influential, accessible, and
reasonable management visionary as the business sponsor of the
data warehouse.
• Pitfall 8. Tackle a galactic multiyear project rather than pursuing
more manageable, while still compelling, iterative development
• Pitfall 7. Allocate energy to construct a normalized data structure,
yet run out of budget before building a viable presentation area
based on dimensional models.
• Pitfall 6. Pay more attention to backroom operational performance
and ease of development than to front-room query performance and
ease of use.

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