Answer All Questions: 4 Semester - B.E. / B.Tech Second Internal Test - March 2013
Answer All Questions: 4 Semester - B.E. / B.Tech Second Internal Test - March 2013
Answer All Questions: 4 Semester - B.E. / B.Tech Second Internal Test - March 2013
: 06.03.2013
Branch : ECE
Max. Marks: 50
6.(a)i) With a neat diagram explain the positive and negative clipper.
(8 marks)
ii) Explain the working of Schmitt trigger and derive its hysteresis voltage.
(8 marks)
(b)i) Explain the first order low pass butterworth filter with a neat circuit diagram.
Derive its frequency response and plot the same.
(8 marks)
ii) Design a low pass second order filter with cutoff frequency of 1kHz and with a
pass band gain of 2.
(8 marks)
(8 marks)
(8 marks)
(b)i) Explain the VCO with a neat block diagram. Write its typical connection diagram
and its output equation.
ii) Explain the working principle of variable transconductance multiplier.
8.(a) Draw and explain the band pass filter for high Q values.
(b) Derive the expression for Log Amplifier with neat diagram.
(8 marks)
(8 marks)
(8 marks)
(8 marks)