Phase 3 Draft 4
Phase 3 Draft 4
Phase 3 Draft 4
Assessment 2
Learning Experience 1
Learning Experience 2
Learning Experience 3
Warm up activity :
Shared reading of The Waterhole
so images of the book are clear to
make strong connections between
the story and what they saw at the
Main activity:
Independent construction using
their writing, painting and drawing
skills, using the story mapping
strategy. Students will sequence
their story using the four resources
model. Showing their understanding
of the narrative orientation,
complication and resolution. This
experience will support their fine
motor skills. They will be able to
practise communicating their ideas
through a range of multimodal
methods. The teacher will support
their understanding of being
sustainable by asking How would
the animals be feeling? and How
could you help them?. Students will
share their work with a partner.
Strategies students will engage to
support writing word wall, photo
displays, story mapping and pre
writing development with capital
letters and full stops.
Warm up activity:
Watch a slide show from the excursion to
help recall events. Students to revisit their
draft from the second lesson, and discuss
their work with a partner.
Main activity:
To develop a Pic Collage using an iPad This
independent writing experience provides
students with the opportunity to reflect on
what they have learnt over lesson plans. Use
pictures from excursion, word wall, role-play,
and their paintings and drawings.
Students will be producing a final piece of
writing from the editing and Story mapping
already completed but now in a digital form.
Each student supported by teacher and SSO,
rotate between small group experiences.
Published work to be presented to the Class
and to be produced in the School Newsletter
and displayed in front foyer of school.
Literacy Learning Centre set up for
students to rotate through:
*Small group (4) develop pic collage on iPad
narrative text.
*Dramatization in the sand tray, recreating a
scene from The Waterhole using plastic
*Independent reading at the Book Club
corner, opportunity to discuss texts.
*Alphabet writing using chalk on cementwrite the first letter sound of the animal
they choose. Practice letter formation.
*Spelling words from the word wall cutting
out letter from magazines.