Resume Updated 11 7 15
Resume Updated 11 7 15
Resume Updated 11 7 15
06/2014 05/2016
Graduate coursework
Education coursework
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Bachelors of Arts, English
Minneapolis Public Schools, Minneapolis, MN
Kindergarten Teacher
Planned and taught standards based lessons.
Participated in grade level and school wide professional development, including professional learning communities.
Differentiated instruction for students from range of academic backgrounds.
Established consistent rules and procedures in order to maintain a safe and controlled classroom.
Incorporated Responsive Classroom techniques to build a trusting and caring classroom community.
Strong behavior management skills and tools for working with students from differing backgrounds including students
with IEPs and BIPs.
Experienced in working with English learners and implementing curriculum to increase academic vocabulary in the
classroom. Ume
Summer 2014