Fourth Grade Conference Review
Fourth Grade Conference Review
Fourth Grade Conference Review
Foundational Skills:
Spelling: 4th Graders are currently working on using
spelling words correctly in everyday writing, making
sure letters are formed correctly, not capitalized unless
needed, and letters are setting on the lines.
Language Arts: In grammar, 4th Graders are
currently working on subjects and predicates, kinds of
sentences, and quotations.
Mathematics: 4th Graders are currently using place
value to solve problems, adding and subtracting larger
numbers, and beginning multiplication.
Basic Facts: +: _____ End of Year GOAL: 75
Basic Facts: -: _____ End of Year GOAL: 70
Basic Facts: x: _____ End of Year GOAL:75
Basic Facts: : _____ End of Year GOAL:65
My greatest strength in math is:
An area that I want to improve on in math is:
To improve this, I will:
Reading: 4th Graders are currently working on
fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and a variety f
reading skills & strategies.
My greatest strength in reading is:
An area that I want to improve on in reading is:
To improve this, I will:
Science: 4th Graders are currently working on lab
safety, planning and conducting experiments correctly,
and roles of scientists.
My favorite thing in science is:
Academics Continued
Social Studies: 4th Graders are currently working on
regions of the United States and basic geographical
and historical information.
My favorite thing in social studies is:
Writing: 4th Graders are currently practicing using punctuation
and capitalization correctly in their writing.
Shows responsibility
by following rules
and directions
Demonstrates safety
Work Habits
Completes assignments
on time
Works productively
Works cooperatively
Works independently
C = consistently demonstrates
I = inconsistently demonstrates
S = seldom demonstrates