Nehunia Ben Hakana
Nehunia Ben Hakana
Nehunia Ben Hakana
According to the statement of Rabbi Yochanan (Shevu'ot 26a), Nehunya interpreted the
entire Torah by the hermeneutic rule known as the "general and particular" ("kelal uferat "), which rule has also been adopted by his pupil Rabbi Ishmael as the eight of his
13 hermeneutic rules. Nehunya is frequently mentioned in the Talmud; in Hullin 129b he
is referred to as the antagonist of Eliezer and Joshua in regard to a halakhah (comp.,
however, Eduyot vi. 2). He said that the Pharaoh of the Exodus was rescued from the
Red Sea, that he repented, that he afterward reigned in Nineveh, and that it was he who
in the time of Jonah exhorted the inhabitants of Nineveh to repentance (Pirke De-Rabbi
Eliezer xliii.). Nehunya is known also for his ethical saying: "Whoso receives upon him
the yoke of the Torah, from him is removed the yoke of royalty and that of worldly care;
and whoso throws off the yoke of the Torah, upon him is laid the yoke of royalty and that
of worldly care" (Pirkei Avot iii. 6; Avot of Rabbi Natan recension B, xxxii. [ed. Solomon
Schechter, p. 68]).