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METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Patrol Sovios Bureau rt Distct TOT Sea, SW, Washinglon DC, 00m memopaNpuM 10, Assistant Chit of Pace iy rie: A 20 208 ws ov 20 Patol Sevios THRU: Commanding Otoo FretDetie FROF DATE: November 19,201 SUBJECT: mendations natig First District Officer ise 15002587 (CHRONOLOGICAL NARRATIVE SECTION, ‘OnMonday October 12, 2016, at approximately 1810 hours, a cizen was entering the Citibank establishment located at 600 Pennsyvaria Avenue, South East. The cizon noticed treo (3) ‘young teenagers congregating near the entrance ofthe bank; I appeered thal these subjects Were standing around the ATM machine located in the vestibule area ofthe berk. The ctizen {haught this activity was suspicious, as these subjecta were neither using the ATM nor entering the Bonk. The group ony appesred tobe watching customors enaring and leaving the bank. ‘Aftor fing thal tho group's sctvty wae euepciou, the ctizen decided fo cal 611 and ported the incident was operat forte evening tour of duty, reosived Fapaicher indicating hat ere were thre (3) AFlean Ameviean tha bank acting ss Tol planning to roo someone il no ico received fe assgnmermigassst om conmuntcators. iho was assigned to Gime Patrlgllco responded t this cal for serve. Shorty thoretor III cicoted over tho raco zone that she was coe tothe bank and obeorved (8) Alsan Arran males matching the decorplion given to ther bythe {Gepaicer walling eastbound inthe 600 block of Penneyivena Avenve, 6, ‘who was now nthe area, observed th subjects walking east bound on Pennsyvania Avenue SE, away fom te bank. Atthis pln he sujet in question began poeare to reaze tra te pale ofees were folowing them, Once lee user became se othe subjects he uly pues Hs vee to Ne ca, exted Ne ‘ehicis, and stated toa tree (2) subjects to stp so hal he coud speck : {ire al ve (3) aubjecs Bogan oes and ep up in eee ae Intel a fou pura ater one oft sje, Ourng oot pars, pe pave rectonal cations to oer often th aea va rade errUMesTon. ich up with individual he was pursuing (ater identified as was wearing a backpack, which he quiody removed He en earing to be retioving eomething from within Sed ee hance wind MEER ring ta fray be reaching tra ueapon domandod ina out verbal ree above hs Pad forse whe silly oraboed os deparmena nsued OC sprog and wa mad not Comply inser the OC Soro, ones gamed oot comely rated 2° down onthe ground. ste sane an ses wih attempting to estan anc hens I 262 21 fod. sbjc peoscing tress unte fey were strong re lll re was atari a is back in bank and had located the orignal 911 calle, etormined that no cine had been committed ‘reasoning wy were 10 Be ek er ry pain as a resut ofthe sion. fr ft needed, he would roques| ? ciumba Fire Board to examine beth individuals fer any Injures. an oth daniod medical oe they wore not inured, Both subjects wore Fen released from police custody, Fron prepared a report fora “stop and tsk, ee ee MAMIE > Fret Orit to conduct eter Ravin’ ofthe re o MEMBER(S) INVOLVED 1 eros a snes P0119 ty & Un Stat On uly and ts Pact inomaioe Riot CAD Numbor Assignment ‘Appointed 0 MPD: Firearm Cotiication ‘ASP Equipped: 0c Spray Equipped: Body dimer Equipped: Body Worn Camora Equiped Ins: Employee Assistance: Fratemal Order of Police Attomey Involvement: Impairment UPR: (Current Duty Status: Yes Yes Yoo No No No No None Non No Fall, MEMBER(S) INVOLVED Duty & Uniform Status: Personal information CAD Number: ‘Assignment ‘Appointed to MPO: Firearm Cortiioation ‘ASP Equipped: OC Spray Equipped: Body Armor Equipped: Body Worn Camere Equipped Ingures: Ennployee Assistance: Fraternal Order of Police Attorney Involvement: Impairment UFR: Current Duty Status: Sado A (On duty and in untorm a Uale (orovided a signed PD 119) Yes Yos Yes Yes No No No No None None No Fut MEMBER(S) INVOLVED uty & Unitorm Status Personal information (CAD Number Assignment. ‘Appointed to MPD: Firearm Conifisation ASP Equipped: (orovided a signed PD 118) ono Savin select Bsa 105 Yee 26 Spray Equppet Boxy hrmor Eau Body Wa Comore Eqipped gator Employes Aasotanc: Fratema Order o Pak ‘kterey Invalvomont ‘mpaiment tn Curent Duty Statue Personal Home adress: Home Telephone Number. Injures: How Sustained: Impeiment: Yes Yes No No No No None None No Fat SUBJECT OF sTOP (Unarmed) —_- None given None NA None (No Statement Given) Grcumstences that ldo police contact: "{- Suspicious Person Compaint (911 Calo the Office of Unfied Commuricatiens) Villans ria ae att sun.ecr oF stor >: Cinema) NoStaeneet en Fe es Fee apne Mea tie oe Pow Sisto we en tt ia on FE ee ete occ Usted Commer) olin asl xtc vie wuss cawass ‘= Avwitness canvass was ciginaly conduct that yelded negative resus + Asibngunt canes ines a a A Coe 4201S whch podocs Wo 2 enorowea ulnoceet + Theivesgatng ofc aso condced a low up canvass fr esse inthe area on ‘Sunday October 18 2015 wher elded (1) addtonal wees oh ever =A re-canvass for wiinesses wes conducted by (ty eek following the incident, a the location ofthe organ eTOPe a ‘ne (1) adetonal witness ‘= Allwitness statements are included in the below witness statement section. INVOLVED OFFICER STATEMENTS) fe (Provided PD 118) (Atachment 2) ‘OnOctaber 12th 2015 at approximately 1814 hours, a police cll for service was volced in PSA. 107 by the Fic District depatchar on bahal ofa calor wha fe three individuals were possibly golng to attempt to "rob someone! in the vicnty ofthe secure ATM vestibule at 601 Pennsyivaria Avenue SE. A lookout was gathered by 1071 which included a "black male, ‘wearing a ean jacket, jean pants and brighity colored blue head phones and blue backpack” fo make contact with ths individual whose identity was later made known 3s fed on foot by running fom responding offcers toward Eastern Market re siely looking back atthe fully m ut cars in the area. Upon reaching the vicinity oft Street and O Street SE fobserved my fully marked MPD ‘Scout Car puling southbound ino the block and again fed on foot by runing southoound into the 400 block of th Street SE, crossing into numerous lanes of actively owing trafic with tle regard fortis safety or the safety of cers. Upon reaching the eas! side of the siret from the ‘westside which he had been on previous Jand encther subject (whose identiy was later made known a [and observedinem entirely upon the Street SE. | extedmy pales vehicle and verbaly conta Deere om ore ne ll en eogzes 23 Bogen me lll eno BS ae Man, sop, ‘Bont rant howevet thued to tun on foot eastbound n Ue nore aaey ofthe G00 Dock of E Steet SE toward oN Sect {ave cheae on fot and lenued repaid oud verbal commands frit stop andthat was @ police of the pursuiton the First Distict Dispatch chanel. In te course ofthe ‘oot pursuit inued to lock back at me, making eye contac and cbserving my {ally marked police urefrm In daylight condtions whl gnor ‘lear commands to stop from my postion which was approximatoly ten foot avay. also crossed into nonin ae ignoring Fe on say an the lone oe ore res, soe ao during the sure of to foot pret fenoved th backpax fem both Shoulders en his back rotted tone font of hie BO Bega opening ppers on tant placed he ight hand ro seeing for an obec. Upon etena othe Soo bcc ah Stet i apa nota and Bodo the sidewalk on be south side of the sbect ren stopped running and continued to search through his backpack despite my repeated commands for him to get on the grouny is hands, IThad'my OC Spray daplayed at this point n my lefthand and advise hat ithe dik not comply with geting onto the ground and showing me his hands, he would be sprayed as at the time | was fearful for my safety and that ofthe pubic ashe was being furtive in Ns movements and creating a public hezard by running int trafic and attempting to remove an 6 III 0c comoy ting ‘Man your ot westbound toward 8h Street SE it trminatod appreximatoly twenty to thirty secends afer began at which pol Ftopped turned nv back to ne and agaln Logan searching through fve backpack gain fearing for my saety and the safety of tho publ, | physially ic ordered him to the ground, | used a single-persan take Gown while Im to “get on the your hands behind your back and stop resisting’ loudly and cloaly. At this pon, proached from an unkown direction and giatad secearing at me tole him go, get of im" and physical attempted to remove me ‘aa ite grabbing at my uniform and equipment. | then kept a. vith a lower extremity andused shove leudy anecoaty atatng "Got Back? At is ting ‘souing comme ‘them rom nim potting to and myself that they ba repeatedly asced by 3 ene length ofthe incident tom the ritareat ror ing sort on ther way was approximately 20-30 minutes to the INVOLVED OFFICER STATEMENT(S) GN | cece ite | taceence noe 12,2016 1614 | ni ain frp Fares pepe ed leper ar another one ef the incividual set and pushed the other inividual back ved at mh Steet and E Svest, Se and Spprehended the other indviual, replaced in hand cuffs and an investigation was conducted. After [spoke with the complainant twas > sn: 19 rorsa0is 3:52am ve Cheenloy Page #17 Due Tins Tum Onartor Aston onans 4131323 Ageey= MPD, Groupe 1D Bate 107, Sanse A, Prom 3, BT — Pry Un ar ec (Corie Open Type Coden STOP ST 7s, Se ¥pe Cod» NOSE - NUMBERS ONLY ‘CASE NUMER ASSIGNED R2OISI6R1@2" Dipaon sign ASSNCASE EVENT COMMENT. Ce mbes REOS16212 fs orgie Soop emi: 13 owns vezni7 ass vENT CoM TWuns Iein41 @i13.—138)-——-BVENT UPDATED: Leal 8008 ST SEDC, Cow Somos FTHSTSE/TH STSE ‘Sage MPD. Gru 1D Ba 107, Sn ye Et ‘Primary Unie aay ent ‘cues F Open a ype Codes IOP STO ERIS, See Codes NOSD «NUMBERS ONLY [EVENT COMMENT: © Ere Leainn age om “HO ENNSYLIAMIAAVE SE DG eS EST SE eel std ea 13 re) cxeucasne1323 St sates eompiteg WII 8 iigost veined ‘sie COIOTE Suara = Comment Syren Unt iL AVENANTA ESD lonais 183137 G13 1323 _Agenoy= MPD Groups 1D, Beste 107 Stas A, Pros 3 ETA Hal Typed, ‘Primary Unite CPIO7E , Primary Mentor ‘Cuenta Open =TType Coen STOP- STOP shype Con NOS} - NUMBERS ONLY nied pore AM onan B00 BST SEDC, Epo ‘ipaiton Cbg ACA yorans 185023 aus: Agseye MPD, Groups 1D Beate 107, Su A, Perth io. ca Oe eee oe eat aE ony eee meee sebssae i eli ar es re ay oa me ea ea SMe neat DC, Employ rns2015 10332 AM ven_cueolny 3 #7 A Leation 80 8 ST 88 ‘ot = Time Term Oaertor Acton Dispelion Changed RT oszo1s 1:30AM Bret ornohey Pages #17 POTTE Meee Dum GOSPTIOL OL ~mnaeswees—] METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT | WasHiNaron, oc | —_SZ22.S-_| Daily Patrol Activity Report |_““'735” Seaimine cade LY ne Dio (4 ) Ove Own Dw Gee Ger ary Oye Os vee Ove Oe es Ove Om [Che | Ore Ow Che re 72008 Arachne 1% freee co 8 bec pn am sd vee cin eda a atone pl earn me hc nt Corie an see "inact tal Seles mil econo Matra ely ota ao oa ear Sogo? pan esr Re estan” [storie oe Asn ae Fenn 1. 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Anoueo veintcte Petes (antle iy Fun LPT BirmP Sine Owir ‘ay garmin weer wf BACK Ucar Dott ae ——— = oe OPTS monn oct GOSPr LAE i wor METROPOLITAN poLice DEFARTAKNT | wasHINeTOR, 96 | —=ESeOT Daily Patrol Activity Report 237 Tom ples Sn ains a Fess ul on Sar] site eats | igen [atm eae ‘Sentco oe Bal ti CoH | hotited? | : 1526 | 2D is ies ]130 |r85| 2D ['8t0 fio | #45 | 45 ie 1935, 2005) fom, 2035| 2037|2045| UD 3 ans [207 |205 | Go Ove Om ve Cove = Tee Oe Oe Ove en Dee Ove Oe De Cee Oe he Ove On | es Ove Oar [Om Owe Gen Ome Sar biratescaain wip mba 1 Tommi ea net atta ¢: Nea im nnd toe ean. // Onan coer nae Gees PAC ene rota et aia etcetera at® lanes 4, morgen Uoha* Ch 15. 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