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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 3949 “Third edition 2004-12-01 Plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Textile-reinforced types for hydraulic applications — Specification Tuyaux et flexibles en plastique — Types hydrauliques avec armature textile — Spécifcations Rofororee number 180 3949-2008(€) © 1s0 20041S0 3949:2004(E) POF dlecanmer ‘Ths POF ile may contain enbedded taelaces. In accordance wih Adobe's loaning poly, his tle may be printedor viewed but shal downicading this le, paties accerttheren the responsbilly of net ininging Acobe'sIcersing poly The ISO Central Secretariat ‘accapls no lay inthis are, Adsbois trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated Deials ofthe sofware products used fo create his POF fle can te fund in the Ganeal Ino relative tothe fll; the POF ceation parameters were optinized lr ping, Every carehas been taken lo ena tnal the Hes sullabotor use by ISO member bodies. Inthe "ntkely erent thal a problem relating tot i found, please inion he Gertral Secelaral athe adress gen bel. © 180 2008 [A rights rese-ved, Unies thorwice species, no part ofthis publoaton may be reprodsced or uizadin any form or by any m ‘lectonie or machanlesl, eluding shetacepying ard mize, wihat permission m wing tram either ISO at tha aera below of 10% momber Body in he county lta reuasoy. 150 copyright ottce ase posila So» CH-1211 Geneva 20 Ter at 290111 Fax 141 227400047 E-mail copy ght@iso rg Web wniso or Pubiched in Switerand serps fence teeta © 160 2008 -Allrighte reconeISO 3949:2004(E) Contents Page ‘Scope Normative references .... Classification esecccnnne 1 2 2 Terms and defi 4 5 Materials and construction .s:u:annsninnenavisintnnsnnninunatintiniannnnnt 51 Hoses. 5.2 Hose assemblies -..eeenn jensions and tolerances .. 6A Diameters 62 Concentricity 7 Performance requirements 7A Hydrostatic requirements -coevoesevnenenvetenninenneneneetninenee 7.2. Change in longth 7.3. Minimum bend radius .. TA Resistance to impulse 7.5 Leakage of hose assemblies 76 Cold flexibility 7.7 Ozone resistance 7.8 Electrical conductivity 7.9 Resistance to fluids ...-eenninnnsenrininesninnsniitansninne a 9 Designation 10 Marking 10.1, Hoses 10.2 Hose assemblies 11. Recommendations for packaging and storage 12. Test report Annex A (normative) Frequency of testing for type approval and routine tests Annex B (informative) Recommended frequency of testing for production acceptance tests .. Annex G (informative) Recommendations for lengths of supplied hoses and hose assemblies Annex D (normative) Method of test for electrical conductivity Bibliography ..So 3949:2004(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO mombor dodies). Tho work of propating Irtornational Standards is normally carried out through ISO. echnical committees. Each member bacy interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be representad on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, inligison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechrical standardization. International Standards are dratted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 The main task of technical commiitees is 1o prepare International Standards. Draft Internaiional Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodes for voting. Publcation as an International Standard requires approval by at laast 75 % of the member bodies cesting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possiblity that some of the elements cf this document may be the subject of patent tights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 3949 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO:TC 45, Rubber and rubber products, Subcommittee SC 1, Hoses (rubber and plastics) This third edition cancels and replaces the second eultion (ISO 3849:1991), which has been technically revised. (© 10 2004 Al rights resendINTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 3949:2004(E) Plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Textile-reinforced types for hydraulic applications — Specification 1 Scope ‘This International Siandard species requirements fot two types of textle-reintorced thermoplastics hoses and hose assemblies of nominal bore from 5 to 25. Each type is divided into two classes dependert on electrical conductivity requirements. They are suitable for use with’ — hydraulic fluids HH, HL, HM, HR and HV (as defined in ISO 6743.4) at tomporatures ranging from 40°C to -+100°C; — Water-based hydraulic tluids HFC, HFAE, HFAS and HFB (as defined in ISO 6743-4) at temperatures ranging from 0 °C to +60 °C. This International Standard does not include tequrements for end fttings. Its limited to the performance ot hoses and hose assemblies. NOTE Cperaiing temperaturesin excess ot 100°C may materaly reduce the lie of te nase. 2 Normative references The following relerenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition ofthe referenced document (inclucing any amondments) apps, ISO 1402, Rubber and plastics hoses and hase assemblies — Hyarostatic testing ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized — Determination of the effect of liquids ISO 4671, Rubber and plastics hocos and hese acsomblias — Mathode of measurement of dimensions ISO 4672:1997. Rubber and plastics hoses — Sub-ambient temperature flexibility tests ISO 6803, Rubber or plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Hydraulic-pressure impulse test without flexing 1S0 7928:1991, Rubber and plastics hoses — Assescment of ozone resistance under static conditions ISO 8830, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Vocabulary ISO 8331, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assembles — Guide to selection, storage, use and ‘maintenance10 3949:2004(E) 4 Classi ation “wo lypas of hose aro specified, dstinguishod by their maximum working pressuro: 2) type R7:hoees with one cr more layers of retvorcement; ) type RA: hoses with ane or more layers af reinforcement, far operation at highar working prassures. Each type of hose is divided into two classes according to ils electrical properties: 41) class 1, no electrical requitements; 2) class 2, “non-conductive” (see 7.8). 5 Materials and construction 5.1 Hoses Hoses shall consist of a seamless thermoplastics lining resistant to hydraulic fluids, with a suitable textile yarn reinforcement and a thermoplastics cover resistant to hydraulc fluids, water and the weether. For dass 2 hoses, the cover shall not be perforated. It shall be orange (colour code RAL 2004), 5.2 Hose assemblies Hose assemblies shall only be manulactured with those hose fitings whose functionality conforms to the requirements of 7.1, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 and, tor class 2 only, 7.8. NOTE The manuiacture’s instructions should be folowed for proper preparation and fabrication of hose assembles. 6 Dimensions and tolerances 6.1 Diameters When measured in accordance with ISO 4671, the diameters of hoses shell conform to the values given in Table 1 Table 1 — Dimensions of hoses Inside diameter Maximum outside Nominal mm mm bore Type RT “ype RB Type R7 | Type FB 5 48 34 a6 4 114 146 62 62 70 62 70 137 168 8 a 85 a7 8s 156 186 10 90 109 99 109 16.4 209 125 123 135 128 135 225 246 16 156 167 156 407 258 298 19 188 198 186 198 286 330 25 250 204 250 204 247. 206 JNOTE Inside dlamoters are accordance wit 160.4397, (G'1S0 2004 - Al rats resend10 3949:2004(E) 62 Concentricity ‘When measured in accordance with ISO 4671, the concenticity of hoses shall conform fo the values given in Tabb 2 Table 2 — Concentricity of hoses Maximum voristion in wall thickness between inside Nominal bore ‘diameter and outside diameter Upioara nauang 6S 08 (Over 62 and including 19 40 Over 19 i 7 Performance requirements 7A Hydrostatic requirements ‘When determined in accordance with ISO 1402, the maximum working pressure, the proof pressure ard the ‘minimum burst pressure of hoses and hose assemblies shall conform to the values given in Table 3. ‘Table 3 — Maximum working pressure, proot pressure and minimum burst pressure Maximum working Proof pressure | Minimum burst prossuro Nominal pressure bore bart bari bar TypeR7 | TypeR8 | TypeR7 | TypeR8 | TypeR? | TypeRs 5 210 360 420 700 240 1400) 63 192 360 385 700 770 1400 8 175 — 280 — 700 — 10 158 280 315 560 620 1120 128 140 248, 200 490 500 90 16 105 192 210 385 420 770 19 8 168 175 315 350 60 6 a 140 140 280 20 560 tba = 0 MPa, 7.2 Change in length When determined in acsodance with ISO 1492, the change in length of the hose at the maximum working pressure shall nol exceed =3 %, 7.3. Minimum bend radius Use test pieces having a length at least four times the minimum bend radius. Measure the hase outside diamotor with vorniorcallipors in the etraight lay position bafore bonding the hase. Bond the hase through 180° to the minimum bend radius and measure the flainess with the callipers.ISO 3949:2004(E) When bent to the minimum bend radius given in Table 4, measured on the inside of the bend, the flatness shall nol exceed 10% of the original oulside diameter Table 4— Minimum bend radius Homiaibore | Mnmunbendrade 5 70 58. 100 a ng 10 128 428 180 16 208 19 240 25 00 7.4. Resistance to impulse 7.4.1. Tha impuise test shall be in accordance with [SO 8803, The test-fluid temperature shall be 10°C. 7.4.2 Fo type R7 hoses, when tested al an Impulse pressure equal to 125% of the maximum working pressure, the hose shall witistand a minimum of 150 000 impulse cycles. For type R@ hoses, when tested at an impulse pressure equal to 133 % of the maximum working pressure, the hose shal withstand a minimum of 200 090 impulse cycles. 7.43 Thore shall be no leakage or other malfunction before reaching the specified number of cycles. 7.A.A Thie tect ehall be considerod a destructive teet and the teet pieces ehall be doctroyed after the test. 7.5 Leakage of hose assemblies When tasted in accordance with ISO 1402, there shall be no leakage or evidence of failure, This test shall be considered a destructive tast and the test piece shall be destioyad after the test 7.6 Cold flexibility When tested in accordance with method B of ISO 4672:1997 at a temperature of —40 °C, there shall be no cracking ofthe lining or caver. The test piece shall not leak or crack when subjected to a proof pressure test in ‘accordance with ISO 1402 aftar regaining ambient temperature, 7.7, Ozone resistance When tested in accordance with methad 1 or 2, depending on the norrinal bore of the hase, of ISO 7326:1991, ing ar deterioration of the cover shall be vsible under x2 magnification 7.8 Electric al conducti ity ‘This test shall be carried out in accordance with Annex D. it applies to class 2 hoses only (the test shall not be lied to hoses with a perforated cover) ‘The current measured during the test shall be no greater than SO iA. 12160 2004 - fi rghteoxorvosISO 3949:2004(E) 7.9. Resistance to fluids 7.9.1 Test pieces ‘The fluid resistance tests specified in 7.9.2 to 7.9.4 shall be carried out on moulded sheets of lining and cover ‘material having a minimum thickness of 2 mm, 7.9.2 Oilresistance When determined in accordance with ISO 1817 by immersion in IRM 903 of for 72_2h ata temperature of 100°C + 3 °C, the percentage change in volume of the lining and cover shall be between 0 % and +35 %. 7.9.3 Water based fluid resistance: ‘When determined in accordance with ISO 1817 by immersion in a test liquid made up of equal volumes of 1,2-athanediol and distiled water for 168_{ h at a temperature of 70°C +: 1 °C, the percentage change in vvdlume of the lining and cover shall be between 0 % and 25 %. 7.9.4 Waterresistance When determines in accordance with ISO 1017 by immersion in ditiled water for 169.4 hata temperature of 70°C 1°, the percentage change in volume ofthe tring nd cover shall not be grea than 25% 8 Frequency of testing ‘Tho frequency of type approval and rautine tasting shall be as spacifiad in Annex A. ‘Type approval tests are those tests required to confirm that @ particular hose design, manufactured by a particular method, moots all tho roquiromants of this International Standard. Tho tests shall be repoatod at a maximum of five-year intervals, or whenever a change in the method of manufacture or materials used occurs. ‘They shall be performed on the largest-diameter hase of each design and each type in the manufacturer's range. Routine tests are those tests required to be carried out on each length of finished hose prior to cispatch. Production acceptance tests are those tests, specified in Annes B, which should preferably be cartied out to contol the quality of manufacture. The frequencies specified in Annex B are given as a guide orly. 9 Designation Hosas chall be designated as in the following exampla for a type R7 textlo-inforced thermoplastics hycraulic hose of class 1 with a naminal boro of 19. EXAMPLE 1S03949°R7-1/10.ISO 3949:2004(E) 10 Marking 10.1 Hoses Hoses shall be markad with at least the following information, and the marking shall be repeated at least once every 760 mi: a) the manufacturer's name or identification, e.g. Man; ) the number of this International Standavd, Le. ISO 3949; ©) the type and class, e.g. R71; 4) for class 2 hoses, the words "NON-CONDUCTIVE"; @) the nominal bore, eg, 16; 4) the quarter and last two digits of the year of manufacture, e.g. 3004. EXAMPLE 1 Man/ISO 3949/R7-1/162004, EXAMPLE 2 Man/ISO 9949/R7-2 NON CONDUGTIVE/1S/9@04 10.2 Hose assemblies, Hose assemblies shall be marked with at least the following information: )_ the manufacturer's name or identification, e.g. Man; b) the maximum working pressure"! of the assembly in bars, eg. 70; @) the last two digite of the month and year of assembly, e.g. 09/04. EXARIPLE. Man/70109"04. 11 Recommendations for packaging and storage These are given in ISO 8931. 12 Test report When requested by the purchase, the manufacturer or supplier shall provide a test report with each lenath or batch of hoses supplied to the purchaser. 1) The maximum working pressure of an assembly's the lowest maximum working pressure of any ofits components 2) 1obar = 1Mea © 160.2004 - fights reserved1s0 3949:2004(E) Annex A (normative) equency of testing for type approval and routine tests Tabla A.1 givas the froquancy of testing for type approval and routine tests (soo Clause & for a dafinition of these tests). Table At Property Type approval | Routine tests Hoses/hoee assemblies (as appropriate) Visual examiraton (inside and outside) x x Measurement o inside diameter x x Measurement of outside clameter x x Noasurement of concentriity x x Proof test x x Burst ost x x |Change-in-enat test x x Mirimum bend rectus x NA Impulse test x NA Leakage test x x Cold fexibiity test x NA Jozone resistence lest x NA Electrical conductivity (ctass 2 ony) x NA. Resistance to fuids [oi resistance test on cover x WA oir resistance test on tring x NA. Water based fud resistance test on cover x NA. Water based Mud resistance test on lining x NA Water resistance test on cover x NA water resistance test on Ining x NA INA =ol applicable X= test tobe earredoutISO 3949:2004(E) Annex B (informative) Recommended frequency of testing for production acceptance tests ‘Table B.1 gives the suggested frequency for production acceptance tests (see Clause &), which may be carriad ‘out eithor per batch or po 10 batches as indicated in the table. A batch is defined as 500 m of hose. Table B.1 — Recommended frequency of production acceptance tests Property Por batch Per 10 batches appropriate) [Hoseaihoae assambi [Visual exanination (inside and outside) x x IMoasuromont of inside ciametor x x Measurement of outside diameter x x Measurement of concentrcity x x Proc! test x x Burst test x x |Change-in-lenath test x x Minimum bend redias x x Imputse test NA NA Leakage test x x [Cord texiity test NA NA Jozone resistance test Na. NA Etectical cancuciuty (class 2 only) NA NA [Resistance to fulds [O¥ resistance test on cover Na. WA JO1 resistance test on tning NA. NA |water bacod fd resistance jest on cover Na. NA |Water based fud resistance test on ining NA NA |water rocitance test on cover Na, NA |Water resistance test on lining NA NA IN. = rotappleabo: x west lo bo eavied ut (5160 2004 ~All ight reservesISO 3949:2004(E) Annex C (informative) Recommendations for lengths of supplied hoses and hose assemblies C1 Hoses Hoses should be supplied in lenaths as specified by the purchaser, subject toa tolerance of 2%. ‘When no epecific hoe lengthe have been ordered, the percentages of difforont longthe in any given delivery should be as follows: = ever 20m not loss than 80 % of tho total langth; — over 10 mto 20m nat more than 20% of the total lenoth; = 1mto10m not more than 3% of the total length, No hose langth should be lass than 1 m. ©.2 Hose assemblies ‘The tolerances on the lengths of hose assembies should conform to the values given in Table C.1 Table C.1 — Tolerances on lengths of hose assemblies Hose assembly lenath mm Tolerances, Up to and including 630 [over e20 up o ana ictvang 1280 TF mm [Over 1 250 up to and including 2 500 mm [ove 2500 up to and including 8 000 rs lover & 000 Ree1S0 3949:2004(E) Annex D (normative) Method of test for electrical conductivity WARNING — Care should be taken whilst carrying out this test in view of the high electrical voltage oppliod to the test assombly. Take a nose assemby having a fee length of 150 mm 10 mm, without fu, and capped to provententy of moisture. Remove any surface moisture by wiping with a dry cloth. Then condition the hose assembly at 23°C 2 3°Cand ata minimum of 65 % relative humidity fora pesiod of 168. oh ‘Attach one end fiting of the conditioned ascombly to the load from @ 60 Hz to 60 Hz sinueoidal 37,6 KV (r.m.s.) 2c. power source. Suspend this lead by dry fabric stings so that the hase hangs tree at least 600 rm from any earby objects. Connect the lower end of the hose io earth through a resistor of between 1 x 10° {2 and 1x 10° 81, keeping the resistor near the end of the hose. Connact 2 suitable a. voltmeter across the resistor, using a fully shielded cable with the shielding wall earthed. Apply 37,5 KV + 0.5 kV to the test piace for 5 min + 16 6 and moasure the currort. © 180.2004 - Al ghts reservesISO 3949:2004(E) Bibliography [1] 180 4997, Fluid power systems and components — Comectors and associated components — Nominal outside diameters of tubes and nominal inside clarneters of hoses [2] 1S0 6743-4, Lubricants, inoustrial ols and related products (class L) — Classification — Part 4: Family H (Hydraulic systems) "1
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)