Weebly Portfolio Ryan Kilgore Arizona State University SED 322 12/2/15
Weebly Portfolio Ryan Kilgore Arizona State University SED 322 12/2/15
Weebly Portfolio Ryan Kilgore Arizona State University SED 322 12/2/15
Ryan Kilgore
Arizona State University
SED 322
We focus and build upon standards and objectives.
We will utilize technology to solve math problems.
We will create an environment based on respect and cooperation to facilitate
We have 50 minutes a day dedicated to math, but we continue to learn
outside the classroom environment.
We will make connections with math concepts with real-life applications.
We will make connections to other areas of learning.
We show our work and do not skip steps because math is logical and
Our definitions and theorems are our best friends, understanding them is key
to success.
I will lecture, but we will always have time for discussion.
We always feel free to raise our hands, because more than one of us will
have the same question.
I am here for you, I am here to teach you as much as I am able to about
math, but we will only make it as far as you are willing to go.
We set goals and work hard until we achieve them, and then we set new
We will meet failure with adversity, learn from our mistakes, and power
through them.
Philosophy of Education
As a teacher I will make the classroom a fun and nurturing environment with aim being to
facilitate learning. I define a fun classroom as one that has lively discussion, even in a math
classroom, or rather especially in a math classroom. We will discuss stories about math and
mathematicians, how math shows up in real world applications, not just discuss numbers and
equations and word problems. My classroom will have plenty of inquiry based learning lessons
and projects because it is one thing for me to make connections for my students, and a whole
other thing for them to discover things for themselves. My classroom will be one of community.
It isnt my classroom, or their classroom. It is our classroom. Students will take ownership of the
classroom by being given responsibilities like maintaining a neat and organized environment,
taking attendance, passing out papers, and all other tasks I can give to them. I do not expect my
students to become responsible just because they have to be in my classroom, so I will give them
every opportunity to learn about responsibility and to become responsible individuals. Thus that
really is the main goal for me as a teacher, to have my students become successful individuals
inside and outside the classroom. There is no shame in being a mediocre member of society, but I
will try my hardest to make sure each and every single one of my students will never be a
mediocre version of themselves. In my classroom I will expect more than anyone ever asked of
them or will ask of them, because my students will only achieve so high as the bar I set for them.
No matter what happens, successes or failures, I will always be there for my students and I will
never work less than my hardest for them. That is a promise.
Contact Info
Mr. Kilgore
Direct Line: 480-555-1234 Ext. 5678
Email: rkilgore@myhighschool.net
Office hours: 7am to 7:30am, 2:15pm to 3pm, or by appointment
Correspondence for parents: Bi-Weekly email updates will be sent out about our progression
through the course content regarding upcoming assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests, as well
as individual progress reports. A calendar for all dates for all lessons and assessments will be
published online on my page on the school website found here at:
Correspondence for students: You will register for this class on https://www.remind.com/ so
that I may send out important alerts and reminders of upcoming events and assignments, or
changes to the syllabus or calendar when as they occur. Parents may also register for this class on
Remind and I greatly encourage it.
Course Description
Students will be entering this class with a strong grasp of algebraic skills and we will be using
those skills as a foundation for developing strong geometric skills. We will learn about
properties, relationships, and measurements regarding points, lines, rays, segments, angles, two
and three-dimensional figures, parallel and perpendicular lines, as well as writing logic proofs of
important fundamental geometric theories and examples.
Course Objective
We will use our algebraic skills to be able to describe and interpret geometric problems in realworld applications, and as we acquire a deeper understanding of geometric relationships, we will
be able to explain them using logical proofs. This course will enhance students ability to think
spatially, critically, and creatively, and will provide students with a strong foundation to achieve
in Pre-Algebra the following year.
In this class, we will learn about Geometry but we will also connect it all of your classes
whenever possible, as well as apply it to your lives and other real world situations. While there
will be times that I lecture, we will learn through discovery, and by participating in group and
whole class discussions, while emphasizing usage of mathematical language.
Scientific Calculator
12-inch Ruler
6-inch Protractor
College Ruled Paper Notebook
Basic Colored Pencil Kit and Regular Pencils
Graphing Paper
Grading Policy
Grading Scale
A 90% to 100%
B 80% to 89.9%
C 70% to 79.9%
D 60% to 69.9%
E 59.9% or below
Grade Breakdown
Tests 30%, Homework 30%, Quizzes / Notes Quizzes 20%, Participation 10%, Bell-Work
Every day, you should come to class on time, and prepared to learn. This means you will be in
your assigned seat with your necessary materials and beginning our daily 5-minute warmup
activity that can be found on the front whiteboard. Occasionally we will have quizzes on content
and note-taking, but you will be notified at least 2 days in advance of all quizzes. Daily
homework is very important because it provides opportunity to practice our skills and deepen our
grasp of key concepts! Each chapter will end with a chapter test approximately every two to
three weeks depending on our schedule which again is posted online. The participation portion of
your grade comes from adhering to the rules and procedures of the classroom.
we can see your thought process, and if you make a mistake, we can identify it quickly and
correct it! Knowing the content equally important to having precise and accurate execution of
your operations. This allows me to on occasion give you partial credit for a problem you got
wrong because of a single operational error.
!!Homework Policy!!
Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. The only exception this will be that no homework
will be due the day of a test, but I expect each of you to use that time wisely to study for the test.
Again, homework is extremely important because practice makes perfect! Homework will
never be busy work. It is an opportunity every day to get better at math by. Homework will be
turned in every day at the beginning of class. While you are doing your warm up bell-work, I
will come by your desk and your homework should be ready for me to collect. Half the
homework score will be from percentage of completion, and the other half of the score will be
by the percentage correct. This is to emphasize that you work hard to attempt each problem
with honest effort and with determination. I understand that you will come across some math
concepts may be difficult for you the first time you do attempt them, but we will find success in
recognizing where we made our errors so that we dont repeat them in the future! That being
said, for each homework assignment you will have the opportunity to correct your mistakes
and earn up to half of the points you missed. For any late homework assignment, you may turn
it in no later than 3 days late for up to 50% credit. Homework past 3 days will not be accepted
because the point of homework is to keep you up to speed with the content, it is not busy work
We will be moving from one topic to the next on almost a daily basis.
Attendance Policy
Excused absences will be allowed under the following conditions: doctors notes for illness or
injury, family emergencies, or natural disasters. If you know you are going to be absent ahead
of time, you must notify me as early as possible so that we may figure out a plan for the you to
be able to learn the content given the days you will miss and a plan to complete your homework
and missed classwork. If you know you will be absent ahead of time but do not notify me, the
absence will be treated as unexcused, however you will still be able to turn in late work no
later than 3 days late for up to 50% credit.
In the event that you are tardy, you will not receive credit for warmup bell-work. It is extremely
important to be in class on time because immediately after bell-work. The bell-work is an
additional opportunity to get in guided practice and ask me any questions regarding the previous
days content. After the bell-work, we will review any homework, and proceed immediately into
the days lesson!
For all other matters students will be subject to the schools Absence/Truancy/Tardy Policy
which can be found on the school website.
Date _____________
Date _____________
Ryan J. Kilgore
Home Address:
6929 E. Osborn Rd Unit A
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
To guide secondary students to become successful adults with math skills proficient to
achieve in any area of life.
December 2016
August 2011
Live caption telephone conversations for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Driver, Mobile Waiters, Anthem, AZ
Fall 2015
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Spring 2011
30 hours
Focused on classroom management
Zuni Elementary School (SUSD), Scottsdale, AZ
Fall 2009
30 hours
Assisted/observed special education classroom
October 4, 2015
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Welcome back for another school year! I would like to express my excitement about working with your
child this coming school year! Education has always played an important role in my life as I graduated
from Arizona State University with a BAE in Secondary Education in Mathematics and am continuing my
education in a Masters in Education program. More importantly, I understand how great a role it plays in
your childs life. I look forward to teaching your child as much as I can about math, as well as life skills
necessary to help them achieve success in whatever it is they may choose in life.
This year in Algebra 3-4 we will be covering linear equations, multivariable equations quadratic
equations, and address complex and real roots. The material will involve equations, but we will approach
the material by addressing the theory and logic behind the equations as well as focusing on the vocabulary
and real-life application. The goal is to give your student a deeper, more complex understanding of the
Attached to this email is the syllabus which you can refer to for greater detail of the curriculum we will be
covering. The syllabus also contains my contact information if you have any additional questions and
concerns. You may choose to purchase a TI-84 graphing calculator for your child, but it is not necessary.
We will be drawing a lot of graphs so I recommend also purchasing a graphing steno pad in addition to
the usual paper notebook. Homework is going to be a big part of the class, but I will do my best to keep it
light, relevant, and meaningful. We will also be doing a couple of fun projects with the content.
Throughout the school year I will keep you up to date with that and everything upcoming with a biweekly
email, as well as occasional emails letting you know how your child is progressing and allowing you the
opportunity to be actively involved with the work we cover.
In the event you do need to contact me with any additional comments, questions or concerns please refer
to my contact information for correspondence. Please note that I remain in the classroom Monday through
Friday for an additional hour after school ends at which time you are more than welcome to call or come
in. So if you wish to schedule a meeting outside of that additional hour, please do so as early as possible
as my schedule outside of class fills up very quickly, but please feel do not hesitate. I am here for you and
your child so I will attempt to accommodate your busy schedules as best I can!
Again, I greatly anticipate working with you and your child this school year. Lets make it a great one!
Ryan Kilgore
October 4, 2015
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Today, your child, So-and-so, broke our classroom rule regarding interrupting others, whether it is myself
or a student. This rule was covered the first week of class when we created our code of conduct together
as a class. We outlined it in the syllabus, and each student, including So-and-so, signed a statement of
acknowledgement of our classroom rules. This was not the first occurrence as this form of disruption has
become a trend in the classroom with So-and-so, so I am taking the time to correct this before it becomes
anything more than a nuisance, because So-and-so really is a good student and I greatly welcome his/her
input whenever he/she chooses to share it.
You may choose to simply sit down and have a brief discussion about this with So-and-so, and take the
time to review the code of conduct in the syllabus with him/her and why these are the rules we chose for
our classroom. Respect is a large part of the code of conduct, but again I know So-and-so pretty well now
and know them to be respectful even if sometimes his/her actions may not display that. I only ask that Soand-so be more mindful going forward of raising their hand patiently and waiting for someone to finish
sharing their thought before being called upon. I have complete confidence that we will be able to
continue to have So-and-so contribute to our class discussions without further issue.
However, in the event that this issue continues to occur, the next step of discipline will be that together we
will need to schedule a formal sit-down with So-and-so either before or after class. We will directly
address the issue and put together a plan of action of how we will rectify the situation.
Please acknowledge you received this letter by signing your name at the bottom, and have So-and-so
return it to me tomorrow, Tuesday, October 6th. As always, if you have any comments, questions, or
concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. So-and-so should have a hard copy of the syllabus with my
contact information, but it is also available on my page on the school website.
Thank you for your time and cooperation,
Ryan Kilgore
October 4, 2015
Such-and Such High School
1234 Something St.
Somewhere, Arizona, 85000
Dear Principal So-and-so,
I would like to express my great interest in teaching math at Such-and-such High School this upcoming
school year. I recently graduated from Arizona State University with a BAE in Secondary Education in
Mathematics. It is an accomplishment that I believe represents how important a role education has taken
in my life and the passion I have for education and math. More importantly, I know the importance of
education in the lives of our future generations and I hope to impart my passion for math, and for learning
in general, to my students. I know that as a teacher my role in my students lives extends beyond teaching
them math. I read somewhere once, in more words or less, that despite our terrible doubts, we are all
capable of greatness neither we nor anyone else can even imagine, and what an adventure it is to discover
it! I look forward to helping all of my students realizing this truth and preparing them to become
successful individuals inside and outside the classroom.
As an intern and student teacher I have spent countless long evenings and late nights developing lesson
plans, unit lesson plans, and curriculum plans. I have studied different learning and teaching strategies, I
have searched for innovative ones. I have put those theories into practice, developing strength in those
areas as well as developing strength in classroom management. I enjoyed my time in those classrooms
immensely and it only fortified my belief that my place in life is at the front of a classroom.
I know that even after the contract hours expire at the end of the day, our job continues, sometimes even
into the weekend, but I am all in. This is what I have prepared for the last few years at ASU. I believe that
hard work, dedication, and ingenuity are integral for success and I make sure each following day in the
classroom is always my best. So although I have finished my undergraduate studies, I plan to further my
education while honing my teaching skills in the classroom, taking to heart the theory that we are all
lifelong learners.
I also believe that my students success hinges the on their grasp of the same principals of hard work,
dedication. The same goes for the parents of my students. I plan to keep parents as involved in the
education of their children as I can by maintaining up to date correspondence with each and every one of
them, while giving constant academic feedback and advice to my students.
I hope I might have the opportunity of speaking with you further with regards to a math teaching position
and my philosophy of teaching. I thank you for your time and consideration and await your reply.
Ryan Kilgore
Enclosure: Rsum.
After my first year of teaching (and every year after) I will have one question: did I prepare them
to be successful at not just the next level of math, but also help them to realize their fullest potential?
I hope the answer will be yes. First year success in the classroom to me means being on top of all my
paperwork: homework, tests, quizzes, IEPs, 504s. Something tells me there will be a lot of those
things. I also want to network, to know everyone in my school by the end of my first year, faculty
and staff alike. The school is a community and every co-worker I have is a valuable resource.
Additionally, I want to embrace the whole experience because I only get one first year. I wont join
every club and attend every meeting, but I will make time to attend school events to interact with my
school community outside the classroom and make myself accessible to them.
By five years time I will have continued my education and received a Master of Education
degree. The pay for a teacher in Arizona is not the greatest, so after five years of teaching here one of
two things will happen. Either I will move to another state to continue teaching, or I will transition
into administration and perhaps get into the politics of education. The latter of the two is the most
likely. As much as I love math, the whole reason I got into education was to make a difference in my
community, but I realize I dont want to affect change at a pace of 175 students at a time. I dont want
to minimize the importance and impact a great teacher can and does have, but I want to be a part of
changing the way the education system in Arizona is run from top to bottom.
I have not decided yet which professional organizations I will join as a math teacher. There
are so many to choose from. All offer great resources for teaching math: lesson plans, conferences,
webinars, funding, etc. A couple that stood out to me were Math for America and National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics because both have a vision of always evolving the way math is taught. As a
teacher, the financial benefits from joining an organization such the Arizona Education Association
are important. I would absolutely join that organization or one offering similar benefits .
Subject/Grade: High School History
S1C6-PO3: Analyze immediate and long term effects of Reconstruction in post Civil War
TS2: Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote student learning and creativity
TS3: Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge
to new technologies and situations
Objective (Explicit):
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Reconstruction and post Civil War
vocabulary by completing practice activity through Quizlet
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of vocabulary by defining terms
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable, include variety of methods of checking for
Students will demonstrate evidence of mastery by completing Civil War &
Reconstruction test.
Key vocabulary:
Andrew Johnson
Thirteenth Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
Fifteenth Amendment
Ku Klux Klan
Compromise of 1877
Radical Republican
Chrome Books
Instructional Input
Teacher Will:
-Teacher will give Prezi presentation on content
-Teacher will ask students questions on content
Student Will:
-Take notes and answer questions given by teacher
-Complete Cornell notes with a paragraph summary
-Students will be given cloze notes (ELL, GIFTED, SP ED) and be given the questions
ahead of time that way they are able know what to look for in the lecture presentation
and have more time to think about the answer (SP ED, ELL)
-Gifted students will have the opportunity to write a longer summary.
Guided Practice
Teacher Will:
Teacher will do 3 example Flash Card with the students
Student Will:
Students will help teacher create and go over flash cards
Students who are not ready to go on will go over lecture notes again and be grouped
together to work over the content again and create a set of flash cards together.
Independent Practice
Teacher Will:
Teacher will walk around and answer any questions students might have
Student Will:
Students will use Chrome Books to log into Quizlet to use flashcards or other review
Students can create hand written flashcards or have more time on the Chrome Books.
Students who are not ready to move on can practice with it at home.
Closure/Lesson Summary:
-Poll everywhere to test students understanding
-Have some of the students read their summaries and have a discussion
Theory into Practice, Vol. 43, No. 3, Homework (Summer, 2004), pp. 197-204
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3701521
Meanings of Homework and Implications for Practice
Pamela M. Coutts
Theory into Practice, Vol. 43, No. 3, Homework (Summer, 2004), pp. 182-188
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3701519
Teacher: Kilgore
Date: 10/25/15
a. Content standards
b. ELL Standards
c. Technology Standards
Overhead Projector
Graphing Calculators
Guided Notes Packet
Laptop (Prezi)
Key Vocabulary:
Correlation and Causation
L 1 , L2
Dependent and Independent Variables
Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Line of best fit
End Behavior
Maximum, Minimum
Content and Language Objectives:
a. Content objectives:
SWBAT input a list of data into a graphing calculator and graph it.
SWBAT to interpret the data and choose which regression is the most appropriate
and justify their choice.
b. Language objectives
SWBAT use introduced key terms and vocabulary to interpret, discuss, and solve
a problem of polynomial models in real-world application.
SWBAT justify in writing which type of regression is most appropriate given a
particular set of data.
Assessment (At least three assessments)
Individual: Exit Ticket students will look at three separate plots of data and for each
write down which type of regression has the best fit and which regression would be
most appropriate to model the data.
Group: Students discuss real world data
Written: Exit Ticket given three sets of data, students will justify their choices of
Lesson Sequence
Introduction: (How will you get students started as they enter the room? What will be
the first task they must engage into capture their interest? Or initiate their background
knowledge or past learning?)
Review the previous sections of chapter 5 and give my students an idea of how it
all comes together.
Review any issues from students with last nights homework
Explain that now we will be applying what we learned over chapter 5 to real
world situations.
Give the a few examples of things real world applications where we might want
to use polynomials to model them. (Models are used to predict what may happen
and to analyze what already has.)
Review key vocabulary from previous sections
Main Lesson:
I do: Introduction to new content
Explicitly state the learning objectives for the lesson
Proceed through guided notes
Spend extra time on key concepts of R2, regression, correlation, causation and
discuss them (and state their etymology)
Guide group discussions as needed
We do: Guided Practice (How will you show students what you want them to engage
in?/ What will you model in terms of learning content and target language?)
Fill out guided notes
Discuss key vocabulary terms (and their etymology briefly)
Follow guided problems
Work on additional practice problems within guided notes on inputting data,
choosing which model (linear, quad, cubic) is most appropriate calling on
students to complete the steps of an example with me.
Have a class discussion about the think-share-pair problem using key terms and
determination? Is this the most appropriate for the data? Justify your answer.
5. TABLE GROUP: After guided class discussion with new directive to use
vocabulary and terms, revise group answer, write it down, and hand into
Homework: Using an internet capable device, find one real-world example
where a set of datas relationship would be represented by a quadratic function.
Describe the example in a short paragraph of 3 to 4 sentences (this should take
about 15-20 minutes to search and complete)
Closing: (what will you do invite students to share back what they did or learned
during the lesson?)
Review bell work answers last 2 minutes of class
SIOP Features
___Adaptation of Content; ___Links to Background; ___Links to Past
learning; ___Strategies incorporated
Integration of Process
___Reading; ___Writing; ___Speaking; ___Listening
___Modeling; ___Guided practice; ___Independent practice;
___Comprehensible input
___Hands-on; ___Meaningful; ___Linked to objectives; ___Promotes
Grouping Options
___Whole class; ___Small groups; ___Partners; ___Independent
___Individual; ___Group; ___Written; ___Oral