Sales and Distribution
Sales and Distribution
Sales and Distribution
1. What happens in the access sequence when you put all the ticks in the exclusive
7. Storage locations are areas where materials are stored within a plant
a) Yes b) No
10. What are the organizational levels of the Enterprise Structure in R/3?
12. How you customize fields for material master? Write with path.
13. How do you determine which views of a material need to be added or to see
which plants a material has been extended to?
14. What is organization structure for SD point of view? Write with structure.
15. What are Material Listing /Exclusion in SD? Which one has priority over the
16. Can you assign two different sales organizations to the same company code?
17. What are the four predefined Basic Pricing Elements in SD?
18. What is the sequence through which the system searches the record in an
Access Sequence?
19. Write down the five factors on which a Pricing Procedure is determined in SD?
Material determination