Resume11 15 15
Resume11 15 15
Resume11 15 15 217.369.2862
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Bachelor of Music Education
Fall 201 1- Spring 2016 (Expected)
Chancellor's Scholar, Campus Honors Program
James Scholar, College of Fine and Applied Arts
Dean's List, College of Fine and Applied Arts
GPA: 3.79
Illinois Professional Educator License - Music (K-12)
Spring 2016 (Expected)
Student Teacher, Normal Community West High School, Fall 2015
Lisa Preston, Cooperating Teacher
Worked with four levels of curricular high school band
Taught and prepared specific pieces of band music for performances
Assisted with the instruction of the extra-curricular marching band
Planned logistics for an overnight trip involving over 150 people
Student Teacher, Parkside Junior High School, Fall 2015
Jennifer Bolton, Cooperating Teacher
Taught and assisted with 5th through 8th grade curricular band classes
Assisted with the extra-curricular jazz ensemble
Taught sectionals and assisted with the extra-curricular honor ensemble
Assistant Pit Orchestra Director, Illini Student Musicals, Spring 2014
Responsible for communicating with and organizing an ensemble of musicians
Assisted in rehearsals and coordinated logistics for a theatrical production
Music Activity Leader, Champaign County Juvenile Detention Center, Spring 2014
Collaborated with a team to plan and lead weekly music and art activities with
incarcerated youth
Marching Band Instructor, Multiple Schools, Since 2012
Taught music sectionals and marching fundamentals during summer band camp
Assisted with the teaching of competitive and noncompetitive halftime shows
Schools include:
Monticello High School
Plainfield South High School
Metamora High School
Stillman Valley High School
Marching Band Show Designer, Multiple Schools, Since 2013
Designed the visual aspect of high school and collegiate halftime shows
Provided consultation and advice regarding show design and instruction
Schools include:
University of Illinois Marching Illini
Urbana High School
El Paso Gridley High School
Stillman Valley High School
Saxophone Section Leader, University of Illinois Marching Illini, 2013, 2014
Led daily music sectional
Taught and refined marching technique in small groups
Received leadership and instructional training
Camp Counselor, Camp Unistar- Cass Lake, MN, Since 2012
Worked with middle and high school age youth
Planned and led outdoor activities
National Association for Music Education, Chapter President, 2014-2015
Organized events and meetings for the professional development of pre-service music
Coordinated volunteers for the 2015 Illinois Music Education Conference
Managed social media and mass communication for the chapter
National Band Association, Chapter Vice President, 2013-2015
Assisted in organization, communication, and planning of events
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Music Fraternity, Chapter Treasurer, 2013-2014
Developed a budget of several thousand dollars each semester
Monitored financial transactions