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Conversation: La Faim Dans Le Monde: Share Ideas & Ask Questions About

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Conversation: La Faim dans le monde

Share what youve learned about world hunger. Each time you
speak at least one full sentence, put 1 jewel in the box. Get rid of
all your jewels and help group members to do the same by
asking questions to the group or to people who have lots of
jewels remaining (not just your friends!).
Share ideas & ask questions about:
Who is hungry in our world
Where hunger is prevalent
Why hunger exists
How food waste contributes to hunger
How organizations are fighting hunger
How you/students at WMS fight hunger
The paradox of obesity & hunger both existing in our world
Build on others comments!
I will listen in and assess how well you T.A.L.K.:
Talk in French, try to communicate, stay on topic
Accurately use new vocabulary from the unit

Listen carefully to others comments and build off them

Are Kind to group members by contributing to conversation
without taking over and by inviting others to participate in the
How well can you:

Strong Performance

Meets Expectations

I elaborate to
complete task; I
speak in sentences
and some strings of
Accurately use new I demonstrate full
structures and
control of studied
vocabulary about
structures, I am easy
hunger and
to understand, and I
use many new
fighting hunger
words from unit

I complete the task

with developed
responses; I speak in
simple sentences

Talk in French, try

to communicate,
stay on topic


Listen carefully to
others comments
and build off them

I demonstrate good
control of studied
structures, I am
mostly easy to
understand, and I
use some new words
from unit

My response shows
without repetition
or rephrasing. I
frequently build on
existing topic.

My response shows
understanding with
minor repetition or
rephrasing. I
occasionally build on
existing topic.

Are Kind to group I participate fully as

members by
a member of
contributing to
conversation by
initiating topics and
without taking over and
asking questions of
peers who arent
inviting others to
participate in
the conversation

I participate as
required and
occasionally initiate a
topic or ask a

I complete task with
adequate responses; I
speak in simple
sentences and
memorized phrases
I demonstrate partial
control of studied
structures, I am not
always easy to
understand, my
errors interfere
sometimes with
meaning, and I use a
few new words from
My response shows
some understanding
with occasional
repetition or
rephrasing but I do
not build on existing
I participate as
required but do not
initiate topics or ask

Does Not Meet

I do not complete the
task; I speak with
words, phrases,
and/or lists of words
I make frequent
errors in studied
structures; my errors
interfere with

My response shows
minimal or no
understanding even
with repetition or
rephrasing. I do not
build on existing
I do not participate as
required unless
prompted. I do not
initiate topics or ask

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