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Power System Generation, Transmission and Distribution Prof. D. P. Kothari Center For Energy Studies Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

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Power System Generation, Transmission and Distribution

Prof. D. P. Kothari
Center for Energy Studies
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture No. #01
Electrical Energy Systems- A Perspective

So, today is the lecture, the first lecture of this class this course, and the title of the
lecture is electrical energy systems a perspective.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:12)

All of you know that electric energy is an essential ingredient for anything what do you
want to do? Any industrial activity all round development of any country, any society,
because whatever you may do, since morning to the evening, you practically consume
electric energy. Be it geyser, the water heating in winter for taking bath or breakfast
toaster or you know for anything, the cleaning of the house you need vacuum cleaner,
any industry, lighting commercial activity.
So, need we need to electrical energy, even in computers, without electric energy no
computer can work for all time. How much UPS will help you? So, then we need to
generate electric energy in bulk. After generation, you have to transmit it also, because as

you know, load may not be close to the generating station, and transmit economically,
because anything whatever you may say, cost remains a main factor in any activity. And
we may have to transmit over long distances. It so happens the coal or any fuel may not
be available close to the load. For example, in UP the generation is in eastern UP, and
the load is in western UP; the industries are in western UP, so but the generation is in
Singroli, the first super thermal station in India.
So, you have to transmit power over long distances. In electric energy, the beauty is it
can be adapted easily, and efficiently to domestic, and industrial applications. For
example, lighting; just you to put the switch on unlike other means.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:24)

Say may be candle, may be a kerosene lamp. You have to do lot of effort, mechanical
work, drives just you to start a motor. The per capita energy consumption is a very
reliable indicator of any country how much progress it has done. There are other
indicators, For example, how many people own telephones? How many people own
cars? How many people have the houses of their own? Australia is number one in this
category. Two third of Australians own their own houses. Our teledensity was very bad;
tell about, 10 to 15 years back. Even today, only in urban areas this 3.6, in rural
continuous 2.5. Thanks to the revolution of mobile phones, etcetera. Now it is very easy
to talk to anybody. Now, today we are of course, talking about electric energy. So, we
will restrict ourselves to the electric energy. Now, how do you say the per capita energy

consumption is a reliable indicator; if we had no activity, if we had no industry, we do

not need electric energy.
Unfortunately or fortunately, our population is so large. We are only second to China,
second largest populous country in the world. We have already crossed 100 core in 2000
a d, and we are likely to over take China by 2020. Now because of that, our per capita
energy consumption comes to just 425 mega watt kilo watt power. How what UK 5600,
Australia 4000, HongKong 4000, US 13000, and the highest in the world is Norway and
Sweden with about 17000. I just said we try to blame population for whatever is wrong
in this country, because it is so easy, and it is so visible, but that is not correct.
If you look at China, which as I just said has a higher population, their per capita energy
consumption is higher than US- 500. Only perhaps, Bangladesh is lower than us in the
world. Now we come to conventional sources. Conversion from fossil fuels, that is coal,
oil, natural gas these are the three main fuels, which can be used, which can be burnt to
produce heat energy, which can later on be converted into mechanical energy and
subsequently electric energy.
So, there are two conversions involved in any conventional way of generation of power.
All of you must know, any number of conversions, efficiency goes down. We have been
taught in our earliest stages of a life that, eta is equal to eta 1 into eta 2, in that case eta
will be lower of the 2. The value of total efficiency will be lower of eta 1 or eta 2. Now,
we can have nuclear power, we can have hydro resources. These three are basically the
conventional way of generating power in the world; and the fact remains even by 2020,
the total power generation in the world will be 80 percent by conventional energy only.
But renewable energy will take 20 percent of the total generation, which is a very good
percentage. Today in 2003, it has not crossed even 5 percent mark, in India, it is highly
varies from 2 to 3 percent.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:01)

And I just said that heat energy by burning fossil fuel or fission of nuclear material,
fusion still belongs to the realm of theoretical studies. It is a delight of theoreticians. You
can only produce papers on fusions there is no in practice so far, fusion is not been a
success. Though, for your information, let me tell you in 1989, the time magazine
published in US in April issue, carried a news item that, two American scientists were
successful in producing the fusion, later on it proved to be a coal one, just like our Ramar
Pillay, who claimed that we can produce a coal from water.
But one day, who knows as telling earlier on that it it will be a reality. Once it is a reality,
there will be no need of no dearth of electrical energy. No energy conservation will be
required, no energy management will be required, but let us see when that day comes.
Now, heat energy is converted to mechanical form through a thermo cycle. Those of you,
who are mechanical engineers, you know what is a thermocycle. Even electrical
engineers do read certain courses of mechanical engineering and then, mechanical
engineering mechanical energy to electrical energy through generators. A thermocycle,
as all of you know is a low efficiency cycle, one minus t 2 upon t 1; that is efficiency.
And efficiency is normally less than 40 percent. In India, the highest is 30 percent. The
best maintained government plant is in Vijayawada, and the private plants as Birla is in
Gujarat and Tata is in Bombay. In fact, Bombay has not experienced any shortages, any
outages, any blackouts, brownouts, thanks to the private companies. As you know the

partly Delhi is also in the hands of Tata now, and let us hope thing will improve further.
Conventional sources, though I just now said, 80 percent in 2020, we cannot go on in on
using conventional energy sources forever, because they are limited. When I was a
student is sixties, my teachers used to tell me the coal is there for another 200 years.
Today I also tell you that the coal is therefore 200 years, why I am able to tell that,
because we always get explore we explore newer and newer places, where you get coal,
but that does not mean you should burn all the available coal. Why? These two things are
entirely different- availability, and affordability. A Mercedes car is available in the
market. Can we afford it? Can all of us afford it? Very populous Minority of Indians can
only afford it.
So, though coal may be available for 200 years, we cannot afford to burn it. And as you
all know our Indian ethos, we leave things for our future generations. Why do we have
provident fund? Why do we have pension schemes? If you ask anyone why are you
building house for children. So, why cannot you leave coal also for your children, and
your childrens children? So, that is why there is a need to conserve to economize,
minimize on burning of coal. And hence, we need to take the help of other sources of
energy, which are perennial, that is renewable, the green energy, the natural energy, the
new energy sources. There are it is not only the availability, it is a question of
environmental and ecological considerations; and that is why, about energy and
environment we talk in the same breath. You may be having couple of courses in
environmental engineering in energy studies, and tech program.
Let me take you back it to 70s. In fact, till 70s there was no problem of any electrical
energy throughout the world. The 70s saw three steep crises in oil prices, and that was
really a show the world, and it was a wake up alarm, and people started shifting from oil
to coal. In fact, as far as we are concerned, in India we have no choice. Our indigenous
oil production is only 40 percent of our requirement. And then, secondly do not think
that oil and coal is only for power production, there are so many other things, which we
do with coal and the oil. Coal is still being used in many Indian homes for cooking, coal
is still being used in steam engines though in very very limited way now, for shuttling
services, or few trains like palace on wheels. You know, they want to retain that old
flavor, and and and glamour, and so on.

What is important today is on one hand I said we should increase our per capita energy
consumption, because that will show the world how much progress, we have done.
Please remember our president Dr. Kalam says that by 2020, we should be a developed
country; and if that dream has to be converted into reality, next we will have to generate
energy, and we have to use the energy. So, that per capita energy consumption goes up,
as I said that is one indicator of your prosperity.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:31)

However, when I write here, curtailment of energy consumption is what? We are talking
for the whole world; the developed world has already reached a level beyond which they
cannot afford to consume energy. So, already maximum, because whatever the do in life
they consume electrical energy. And so, beyond that what else they can do? And they
will have to learn to curtail, in fact as soon as the energy consumption of the particular
house goes beyond a limit, the rate becomes double. The housewife runs throughout the
house, and starts closing various switches. You know, so that there is no wastage of
energy, and it comes back within that zone, where the cost of energy is a normal one, and
not a panel one, and not at double one.
So, the developed world has to reduce the energy consumption, the developing world has
to increase. As this well known proverb someones food is poison for somebody else. So,
what prescription is good for developed world is not necessarily good for the developing
world. That does not mean that you have got a sanction of wastage of energy. We still

have to conserve energy. Using the experience of the first world that is developed world,
we should not try to raise it so much that, you have to further reduce it.
It should be sustainable. Now, sustainable word is being used everywhere in any title of
the thesis, project, sustainable development. Everybody is now talking of sustainable
development, whether it is a countries development, whether it is an institutes
development, a departments development, or your own development. Absolute
technology have to be discarded it. You should not go through the same bad experience,
I wish the US or any other developed country has gone. You should learn lessons from
others. If someone has gone for some route, and there is a problem on that route, we will
warn other people, hey do not go that way, there is a problem there. So, he is merely
transferring his experience to somebody else. So that, he does not have to unnecessarily
go through the same bad experience, right.
So, we should learn, we should keep our eyes, and ears open, and see what has gone
wrong there. For example, you should learn from Chernobyl accident accident from 3
mile Island accident, nuclear accident, I am talking. 3 Mile Island was in 70s, and
Chernobyl was again 80s in mid 80s. So, we should be we may have a nuclear power
we do have nuclear power generation, but guard against those factors which led to those
two accidents, as far as possible.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:14)

We have to intensify the efforts to develop alternate sources of energy. That is what your
and that is why you are doing and I am taking energy studies. Most of the courses are
renewable energy. Why because, we have to slowly, but surely replace the need of
conventional power generation, by non conventional sources. Why? They are
sustainable; they are perennial sources. When nobody will ask you money if the wind is
blowing, no government can tax hey, you are enjoying free breeze of air, give me two
rupees or sunlight you are getting, it is free. Nobody can nobody can charge you for
getting sunlight in your house, if you have properly built the house. Solar, tidal, wind,
biomass, waste, C, MSD, geothermal, and so on.
We just talked few minutes back about fusion energy, which is futuristic, but once
successful, it will give you inexhaustible source of energy. Today, solar we are looking
towards for meeting our rising energy needs; our needs are rising. I remember I did not
purchase the fridge till I was 42. Today the boy gets a job later, he gets the fridge first,
because the times have changed. We did not have television till I was you know 35. Now
the, three are boys also, girls also watch television. If you switch it off, he or she will
make an annoying fight with the parents. So, there is that addiction is there are right from
the birth almost, because the mother is watching, the child is also watching.
Recycling of nuclear waste, anything this is an era of recycling. In fact, the waste has
become a primary source, and the new material has become a secondary source. You
know, waste management has become a very important course. There are a couple of
universities, which have started waste I am taking waste management, because let us not
throw waste anymore. A waste is no more a waste, it is a valuable resource. In fact, in
foreign countries, if you want to purchase a coalgate or any toothpaste - all these are
international brands, you get coalgate everywhere, coalgate commonly. You have to give
the earlier used one tube, if you want the new one, you cannot just throw it.
So the waste same nuclear is no exception. You should recycle the nuclear waste, and
that is why the fast breeder reactor technology has come; and there is a research station
near Madras or Chennai, in the place called Kalpakkam, where we do have a nuclear
power station also right. So why fast breeder reactor technology is becoming popular,
because you can use their this recycled fuel. Earlier when the Nehru and Baba the
combined vision, the two visionaries in India, whatever Nehru did, one of the best

success stories IIT system, as you are able to see that, we just live into 50 years of IIT
system in US. The Koragpur IIT was started somewhere in 1951 also.
So, similarly Nehru started this industries industrialization. Not even in was being
manufactured in India before we got freedom. So, these started the nuclear power station
- the first station was 69, Tarapur, Trombay. Unfortunately or fortunately, the fuel use
was uranium; enriched uranium- u 2 32, I hope you are not forgetting chemistry. Now,
what was the unfortunate part in it, it was not available in India. We had to import it
from where? From USA, and our relationship with USA was not quite good. ((Barring))
Kennedys era, which was very brief. Unfortunately, it was smashed away by some
terrorists. Do not think terrorist is recent origin, terrorists are always there. Even
Ravanan act you can term as terrorism is taking away Sita, What else it was?
So, terrorism has been there in this world right from the first day, the D-day. So,
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday our relation with US was good. On Tuesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday were not good. So, whenever enriched uranium has to come, we run the
plant. Whenever it was not coming, we close the shop. So, they third the Indian scientists
thought, this is no good, this is not sustainable to use the phrase. So, they started, second
nuclear power plant in Kotta. Kotta is the only place in India, where you have all the
three plants; there is a thermal power plant, there is a hydro power plant, and there is a
nuclear power plant. And Kotta is the only place from where atleast 500 IIT entrance are
coming. The big industries there, how to you know, help people to enter IIT. Anyway,
that is not the topic of todays lecture.
So, there they started using Canadian help, where they we wanted. And the third
Kalpakkam was totally indigenous nuclear power plant, where we used our own
petroleum, and thorium, and we are having the largest deposits of thorium in the world
45000 tons in Kerala, and Orissa.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:08)

Development and application of anti-pollution technologies, as I said environment has

become very very important. You know how much fuel crib was raised in Delhi in the
last few years, and then they have to the Supreme Court had to, and all buses were
converted almost overnight, to c n g. Now, Delhi has become one of the cleanest cities in
India, otherwise it was the fourth most polluted cities in the world.
So, you have to develop and apply anti-pollution technologies. You cannot afford to have
pollution; it affects everybody, not only human beings, it affects vegetation, it affects
buildings. You know, in Delhi out of every five children, two are asthmatic. If you want
to know why, just go and stand near any red light square, and see that those cars, what
sort of fumes are coming out - the blackish, the whitish, please remember the white one
is more harmful than black, because the combustion is not complete, and CO comes out.
So, all these anti-pollution technologies have to be studied, there has to be a course, a
subject full fledged. Bulk power generating stations are easy to control pollution,
because centralized one point measures can be adopted, it is very easy. See, all of you are
in the one place, it is easy to control. If all of you are standing in different places,
different corners, it is not easy to monitor. So, the bulk power stations the India thought
is the best way to generate power. So, super thermal stations started.
So, the first super thermal power station in India was Singroli on UP and MP border. As
I said, coal we had ample coal, and the coal is mostly in Bihar, the eastern part of India.

So, earlier days we used to have load based power plants. Wherever load is there, we
have a power plant, like Bhangalpur in cities. And, coal has to travel all the way from
Bihar to Delhi. I remember the headlines of those days in Hindustan times, or times of
India or whichever paper you read, Bhagalpur coal only left for 8 hours, and there used
to be panic, because three ministries have to be coordinate - the power ministry, the steel
ministry, and the coal ministry, and railways, because it is railways which have to carry
this coal. Sometimes wagons were not available.
So, the government of India took the decision not to have anymore load based power
plants. So, they said let us have the coal based power; that means, wherever coal is, we
go there, and have a big power plant- super thermal. Super thermal means anything more
2000 mega watts. We have many super thermal power plants- Corba, Obra,
Chandarpore, Ramagundam, Singroli, and so on, Neyveli. What was the advantage? Cost
wise, it was cheaper per mega watt or per kilo watt power power generated cost used to
come cheaper. As you know, 100 volts bulb is cheaper than to 60 watt per. There are
plus and minus. The 60 volts bulb you can put in two different places, you can have
perhaps, more uniform illumination.
So, there is plus and minus in whatever you do. You must have done this lighting or
illumination in your under graduate final year or somewhere. Utilization of electric
power, Taylors book, or book, or books, or book, whichever book you might have read.
So, there is a plus and minus. What is minus here? You have to carry that power
generated in a jungle near those mines to load sectors, because there is nobody to use that
power there, barring a locality, or you know a campus where the people were working in
that power plant are living, and that may be 300 persons or 400 persons, or 1000 persons,
not more than that.
So, most of the power has to be evacuated, transmitted, transported to far of distances.
So, you need to build your transmission network, which we started with 33 k v, 66 k v,
132 k v, 220 k v, 400 k v - 400 k v came in 1970. That was a mistake, we should have
gone to 500 k v then and there, why the power transmission is proportional to v square e
v by x into sine delta; e and v are roughly the same, so, v square x by sine power
transmission. You must have done that, you will do it again in our future lectures. Since
power is generated in bulk, it has to be transmitted in bulk. So, transmission line

capability should be there, so 500 k v. Now there is a talk of having 765 k v transmission
line in our country.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:30)

Electric energy used today in the world is 30 percent of the total energy consumption.
Please understand, 70 percent energy which we consume is non-electric form. This
figure was only 20 percent, when I was a student in 60s. It has become 10 percent more,
figure will further go up rise further. Thanks to one particular sector, if I want to name is
In sixties when I was studying, throughout India, there were steam engines, run by coal,
steam. Today it is hardly, and you have to go to that museum - railway museum to see
the steam work model, or those two or three places, which I mentioned earlier on this
lecture- Palace on wheels or Simla or Calcutta to Simla or whatever. I do not know
whether that has also been converted into diesel. What is the main problem with
electricity? Unlike water and gas, it cannot be stored economically. The word
economically is very important, because immediately you can say well sir, in the battery
form we do a store electricity.
There other ways of you know electric storages become a very important R and D topic,
Compressed air storage, hydrogen, pump storage plants, you must have heard about
pump storage plants. These are the ways in which you can you can store energy; but they
are not fuel sales are coming, and they are not so economical. The first fuel sale car,

which has come in Japan, costs two crores of rupees. Tomorrow it may be two million,
but that is tomorrow, not today. Gas and water, just open a tap, you get water.
It is not that easy. So, you have to generate power as in when you need. So, the situation
is more complex. Why complex? All the time you have to maintain this LG balance.
What is this LG? LG is not that company, Korean company. I am talking in load and
generation balance. You have to constantly estimate, forecast load. So, the load
forecasting has become a very important topic in power systems, and in electric energy
systems. Even in renewable energy you have got to forecast, how much wind power can
be consumed, how much solar energy can be used, because there are no users, why have
why produce power? It will be a losing game, if you start shop somewhere in general,
there will be no customers.
So, feasibility report as as you call it in the industry, before you start a industry you have
to get a consultant, who will prepare a feasibility report. There after all you are opening
industry to earn profit. It is not a charity. So, LG balance has got to be maintained all the
time. LG is total generation must be equal to total load plus losses if any, because losses
is also a load. It is very important, but the load is a very naughty fellow. It is a random
variable. I am sure you must have learnt enough mathematics to understand that, there is
something called probability theory, the statistics. The populis is the best book on
random variables.
I do not know whether you have done that course in mathematics, if not you can read
that book if you have time. The load is a random variable when will you feel hot enough
to start a fan, cooler, or or AC? Nobody knows; each person will behave in a different
way, when will you say, stop it is enough cold. The air conditioning is too much, reduce
it. So, each person is free to feel hot enough or cool enough to start a fan or a heater or a
fridge or or AC, whatever.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:30)

So, it is a random variable; it varies randomly. I do not know how many of you know
normal distribution or Gaussian distribution, which is this - varying from minus three
sigma to plus three sigma. How many of you know? Are you aware of this figure? Some
of you yes. This is a normal or a Gaussian distribution. The beauty of this distribution is
it gets completely described by first two moments. Namely, expectation, expected value
or mean value, and second is standard variation or variance sigma square. Sigma is the
standard variation, variance. Sigma square is the variance.
So, you have to forecast the load, you have to keep load variation in mind. Hence there is
a figure drawn here, which is called a typical load curve. This is forecasting by energy
control centre. The idea of energy control centre was given for the first time in the world
by a fellow called DeLiac, he gave it for the first time. What is an energy control centre?
The energy control centre in Delhi is in .
So, please ask your energy forum person or M.Tech coordinator, to arrange a visit, which
is across the road. In fact, walk and see what is happening there, that controls first
monitors and then controls, the electric power system in a real time, online monitoring
and control. How many of you have heard of Scada? supervisory control, and data
acquisition system, that is Scada. We have just purchased an equipment which 700000 in
our downstairs power system labs. You can go there, and have a look at it. Now this
particular curve, y axis is megawatt, x axis is time. If it is 24 hours, it is daily load curve.

If it is 7 days, it is weekly load curve, 30 days is monthly load curve, 12 months is yearly
load curve, and so on.
Here, I have shown a daily load curve. As you can see, load is constantly varying, and
the peak load comes at a particular time. This is a peak load, this is a time varying load,
and this is the base load. This much load is there all the time. Now, you get scholarship,
let us say it is 5000 rupees or whatever amount it is. You have to plan how to spend that.
There is a certain basic expenses you cannot avoid it, fees, some books, the mess dues,
the electricity bill, whatever way they get , they get added, like into mess bill or whatever
way, that you cannot say you that you avoid it. You cannot postpone that.
But certain expenses are varying - visit to some picture hall, or restaurant. You can
avoid, you can postpone, and you can forget about it. There is a peak- unfortunately you
get sick, or brothers marriage, sisters marriage that go home with some gift, it is a peak
, it will not come every time; but power station has to cater to this peak load. That is a
job of an electric system engineer to provide electric power, they are obligated. It is an
obligation on them to provide power as and when asked. So, your capacity of your power
plant will be guided by peak load, and the average load will give you energy
(Refer Slide Time: 41:21)

You have just seen the typical load curve, peak load, time of occurrence. Let us define
the load factor, which is a very important factor in power system or electric energy

system or whatever you want to call it. Average load upon maximum of peak load is a
definition of load factor. Naturally as anybody can see it with a even with ordinary
intelligence, this factor has to be less than one. At the most it will be one, when your
maximum load and average load are the same. That is a step function, which you must
have learned in a control systems.
That is the lay load is same throughout. Then, load factor is one, but it is not normally so.
Load factor is 0.6 or something like that. Your aim, your endeavor, your effort, should be
to make load factor as close to one as possible. Why? Can anybody reply to this
question? Why load factor should be as close to one as possible? So that, you can use
your install capacity to the maximum. Why a director or a principal of a college asks his
heads of department the utility factor? How many people visit library? How many people
visit lab, and use that particular equipment, which is so costly?
If it is to be used once in ten years, why have it? So, the load factors should be made as
close to one as possible. How do you do that? This itself is a PhD topic. People have
written papers and papers in this topic. You must go to the library, and read papers from
journals of your liking of your choice. If you are electrical engineers, read IEEE
transactions, proceedings IEE UK, IEE US, our own Indian journal institution of
engineers, then there are various journals. You can go to the library, and get yourself
familiarized with those develop the habit of reading journals, habit of reading journals. It
will help you while doing your project. You may like to do a PhD later on. You may like
to join R and D organization. You do not know what you want to do. So, it will this will
be helpful. Average load gives you energy consumption as I said, and peak load gives
you plant capacity.
So, while planning the power plants, you need to survey that particular zone area to
which that plant is going to cater to the load. Another important factor is diversity factor.
What is diversity? You must have heard this word diversity, unity in diversity. In your
house, you do not keep all the bulbs, all the fans, all the AC, and all the coolers on all the
time, but you do have them. In case you shift from dining room to bed room, bed room to
drawing room, drawing room to study room, you go and start that particular bulb,
particular fan, particular tube, and so on.

So, summation of individual maximum demands, upon maximum load on the system is
always more than one, because you are not going to have all maximum demand on all the
time. At a given point of time maximum load on the system will be much less, may be
only two tube lights are on, may be only two fans are on. You may have ten fans, even in
your class room, there may be four fans, but if it is an empty class; only first two fans are
on where you are sitting in first two tables, or benches, or chairs and tables. Why should
you keep those fans on which are not going to serve any purpose, it will be wastage of
energy, which you cannot afford. Higher this factor, better it is.
That means you are conserving energy. Higher factor will only show that you are not
using all connected loads; you are conserving energies, you are waste avoiding wastages.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:23)

How do you achieve this high diversity factor? Having said that you must have a higher
diversity factor, that means there should be ways and needs to increase it. There are five
golden rules written here, and fortunately none of them cost you a penny. Whatever
scheme you take to your boss, he will ask how much money is involved.
So, if you want to go and attend a conference, your head of department will immediately
ask you, fine, you are going for the conference; but how much money you want from
me? Or you take any proposal, the first question which any superior or a boss will ask
you is, even your parent will ask you, you want to go for somewhere, but how much
money you want? Is the next question immediately. None of them needs money.

So, there are five, and yet unfortunately the irony is we do not follow it. India being a
poor country, we understand that you may not be able to follow methods, which needs
money. Unfortunately none of them needs money, and it is not that our boss- the political
people, do not know about that. That is a bigger irony when you are know a thing, and
yet you are not able to do it. Let us start one by one. Incentives to users for electric
electricity in light load periods- night periods.
All of you know that in night time, not many industries operate. Only those industries
which are having three shifts will operate in the night. Normally they will have an off.
Not many educational institutions will be having classes in night time. In agriculturists
not many will like to irrigate their lands in the night time, but if a utility tells them, look
if you use power in night time, I will charge only half the money. So, there is an
incentive to shift the peak load to elsewhere. Peak saving techniques reduce that peak, so
that your load factor goes up.
You must be knowing that Air India gives you half the price for a ticket from Bombay to
Delhi if you travel at mid night or two a m. Why? A plane is coming from London, and
some people have got down in Bombay. So, those seats are available to them. Ultimately
plane is going to Delhi. So, they literally ask that those who interested in going to Delhi
by air, it is half the price. It is a win-win situation. You gain provided if you are paying
from your pocket, if the company is paying then you will like to travel in a convenient
Not only that, you are saving on air ticket, you are saving on hotel because you are not
going to take a room in the hotel, you are going to sit in that airport, or Shivaji airport, or
Indiragandhi airport, pass time and catch a flight at two a m. So, you are not only saving
on the airfare, you are also saving on your hotel accommodation.
Day light saving: What is day light saving? Does anybody know? In summer days the
days are longer. I do not know how many of you get up early; but if you get up early, at
five a.m. there is sunlight in summer, whereas in winter we have get up at six thirty a.m.
for sunlight. So, what you can do you can follow different timings in summer and winter.
You can adjust your clock so that, though it is four p m it shows five p m so that the time
has been advanced. What is the use? Your college is over at four p m, yours shops, your
offices, you come out early, and there is enough daylight available.

So you shop, you swim, you play tennis without using electric energy, and that is why
England had the first three world cups in their own land by telling others look, you do
not have day light. We have up to nine p m. In fact, if you go to Norway and Sweden, the
night is only for three hours or four hours. The sun is shining at midnight, in the country
of sun at the midnight, and you have to literally have the thick curtains to simulate
darkness, so that you can get sleep in Norway and Sweden.
So, why not use it in India? Of course, you have to change your timings, adjust your
clocks from the third week of October, something else, third week of March, as the
whole world does it. Why you do not want to do? It does not cost you anything. People
will get accustomed to it. Well ladies and gentleman, we will do the remaining things
tomorrow. So, today we have done let us revise, let us recapitulate.
(Refer Slide Time: 51:58)

In the first introductory lecture, various factors have been defined - load factor, and
diversity factor, Indian and world energy scenario was briefly discussed. And in the next
lecture, we will discuss about the remaining ways in which we can improve the diversity
factor, plus structure of power systems, how the power systems have been built, what is
there. So, whatever we have done today if you have any questions, now there is the time
I would like to answer them. If you have any anything you have you want to know any
query, any suggestion or any point, which are not clear. As I said, we are following this
book; and this is from chapter one, and you can read it.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:56)

If you do not have a book, there are copies in central library, and centres librarydepartment library. You can read it, or you might have taken notes or whatever. And our
first minor I understand is on fourth September onwards is something. So, start preparing
right from day one. There is no relaxation here. So, in case there is no question or
queries, so we will meet on Tuesday. The coming Tuesday, same time, same studio,
same audience. So, thank you very much.

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