Evi Veronica IQS Journal
Evi Veronica IQS Journal
Evi Veronica IQS Journal
e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399. Volume 8, Issue 1 Ver. I (Jan. 2014), PP 15-21
Abstract: Phytoplankton is microorganism which possesses important roles in the waters, not only as primary
producer in food chain but also one of the parameters for fertility level of the waters. This study was aimed at
knowing the phytoplankton dynamics and the water quality of Hampalam River and fish pond in Batanjung
Village, Kapuas Regency. The study was carried out from May 2011 to May 2012, and sampling was done 13
sucessive times at 6 station points. Phytoplankton sampling was done using filtering method and physical and
chemical parameter measurements were done in situ and laboratory. Results showed that 60 genera of 7
phytoplankton phylla were found in the river and pond, with the highest abundance of Pleurosigma belonging
to Chrysophyta in the river and Euglena sp.belonging to Euglenophyta in the pond, respectively. Based upon
the phytoplankton structure and aquatic physical and chemical parameters, Hampalam river and public pond
were in moderate fertility level or stable ecosystem. DHL, Salinity, total P, NO3, NH3, and pH directly affect
the phytoplankton.
Keywords: effect, phytoplankton, water quality, river, Hampalam, pond.
I. Iintroduction
Phytoplankton is natural food for various fishes and shrimps inhabiting first producer level in energy
flows. It, as primary producer in the water, is also one of the life sources for all animals. Phytoplankton is
dissolved oxygen producer in the water as well. In food chain, phytoplankton is eaten by herbivores (such as
zooplankton) which will also be eaten by larger carnivores (fish and others) and etc.
The existence of phytoplankton in the waters can be seen on the basis of their abundance influenced by
several environmental parameters and their physiological characteristics. It will change at various levels as a
response to the changes in physical, chemical and biological environmental conditions. Factors supporting the
phytoplankton growth are very complex and interacting between physical and chemical factors, such as
dissolved oxygen, temperature, visibility and the availability of nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorous (Goldman
and Horne, 1983).
In river ecosystem occurs water mass mixture and no vertical stratification of the water column is
formed. Currents, erosion and sedimentation are common phenomenon in the river affecting the life of aquatic
biota. Hampalam river, one of the affluents of Kapuas river, Kapuas Regency with 7.5 km long and 15-17 m
wide, is an aquatic area highly potential for fisheries particularly as fishing ground for shrimp, crab, gobiid,
snakehead and others. Along the left and the right of Hampalam river there are public fish ponds which get
physical changes after the agricultural and fisheries irrigations were built, changes in land function from forest
to plantation and agriculture areas, and increasing human activities along the river. This change causes
alterations of aquatic environmental conditions and fish ponds along the river otomatically affect the water
quality and the life of aquatic biota especially phytoplankton as primary producer in the water. Therefore, it is
necessary to know how the water quality affects the phytoplankton abundance.
This study was aimed to pursue the effect of water quality on the phytoplankton abundance and the
phytoplankton structure in Hampalam river and public fish ponds in Batanjung village. The study is expected to
be able to give additional field evidence concerning the effect of physical and chemical water quality on the
phytoplankton abundance and the phytoplankton structure in Hampalam river and local public fish ponds, so
that it could help speeding up the concept or technological development effort in managing the water quality and
the phytoplankton abundance development in the most favorable condition and as an effort of sustainable
aquatic resources management.
Research Methods
This study was carried out in May 2011 to May 2012 in Hampalam river and public fish pond in
Batanjung, Kapuas Regency. The observations were done in time series at monthly basis and at six stations as
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Effect Of Water Quality On Phytoplankton Abundance In Hampalam River And Fish Pond Of
Station I (headwaters), 032151.5S and1141240.8E,
Station II (Mid Headwaters), 032158.7S and1141417.1E,
Station III (Mid Downstrean), 032145.3S and 1141323.6E,
Station IV (Hampalam rivermouth), 032121.5S and 1141449.2E,
Station V (Headwaters pond/Public property1), 032151.5LS and 1141240.8E,
Station VI (Pond of Mid Headwaters/TMR2), 032154.8S and 1141256.4E, respectively.
Samples were collected by filtering 30 liters of water using a 20 m plankton net. Samples were put into
20 ml botol containing lugol 1% solution. Phytoplankton species and abundance were observed using an
Olympus, ZX typed-microscope and identified following Newell and Newell, 1963, Yamaji, 1982, and Bold
and Wynne, 1985. Water quality was measured in situ covering pH, temperature, DO, and salinity using
HORIBA Water Quality Checker u10, visibility with Secchi disc, depth with depth sounder, and NO3 and PO4
with spectrophotometer in the laboratory.
Phytoplankton abundance was estimated using APHA (1985), while diversity index and dominance index
with Shanon-Wiener (Shannon index) method. Eveness index was measured with Simpson index and BrayCurtis equation. Statistical analysis was applied to know the effect of water quality on the phytoplankton
abundance using Multivariate Statistics and version 20-SPSS.
Empirical Result
Water Quality
Measurement data of water quality (physical and chemical parameters) are completely given in Table 1.
Table 1. Mean value of aquatic physical-chemical parameters in each station of Hampalam River and fish
pond (TMR) of Batanjung village, Kapuas Regency.
Sta. I
Sta. III
Sta. IV
Sta. V
Sta. VI
Temperature (C)
Total P (mg/L)
NH3 (mg/L)
Current speed (cm/s)
Depth (cm)
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Effect Of Water Quality On Phytoplankton Abundance In Hampalam River And Fish Pond Of
In general, visibility is increasingly lower toward the river mouth. According to Siahaan et al. (2011),
water visibility was getting lower toward the downstream. As a consequence, light penetration into the water
reduces and then will also reduce the photosynthetic rate and the primary productivity of the phytoplankton
(Nybakken, 1992). Moreover, the temperature range of 29.8-30.4 C is good for the phytoplankton. It is in
agrreement with Effendi (2003) that the optimum temperature for phytoplankton growth ranged from 20-30 C.
Dissolved oxygen recorded in this study, 3.05-3.47 mg/L, was low. According to Bolorunduro and Abba
(1996), fish will reduce their feeding in low dissolved oxygen condition, about 3 mg/L. Low DO indicates that
the photosynthetic process is not good due to low water visibility making the light penetration cannot reach the
deep waters. Based on Government Regulation Numnered 82, 2001, oxygen concentration for fisheries must be
> 3 mg/L, so that Hampalam river could be suitable for aquatic organisms.
According to Effendi (2003), nitrate concentration in Hampalam river and fish pond is categorized as
low fertility level (oligotrophic), while according to Wetzel (2001), total phosphate concentration in Hampalam
river indicates high fertility (eutrophic). High phosphate concentration could result from several factors, one of
which is much sediment in the waters. According to Karels and Serge (2010), high phosphate in natural waters
could also result from sediment composition in the waters.
Phytoplankton Structure
This study found 60 species of phytoplankton consisting of Chrysophyta (46%), Chlorophyta (35%),
Euglenophyta (11%), Cyanophyta (3%) and Mastigopora, Chloromonadopora, and Pyrrophyta (1% each). High
Chrysophyta in the river and ponds could result from that it is freshwater phyllum, while in seawater the
phytoplankton possessing important role for fisheries is diatom. As primary producer, diatom is eaten by
zooplankton, fish larvae and small fishes. The phytoplankton composition and abundance are highly affected by
environmental conditions that could support their life and grazing by zooplankton and other planktivores.
The occurrence of phytoplankton at one point of the river could only describe an instantineous
environmental condition of the water due to depending upon the current velocity of the river, physical changes
after building the irrigation for agriculture and fisheries, change in land use from forest to plantation and
agricultural areas, and higher human activities along the watershed affecting the phytoplankton occurrence.
Rodrigues, LC. et al. (2009) studying the species richness and the density of phytoplankton in Parana river
before reservoir development (1993-1994) and 8 years after reservoir development (2000-2007) in the
headwaters found that there was significant difference between the two periods in which decline in
phytoplankton species richness occurred after the reservoir development. As a whole, algal density decreased in
2005 - 2007.
The present study found that mean range of the phytoplankton diversity index (H) in the river and pond
was low (<2.306). The lower the H value the lower the phytoplankton diversity, and this condition highly
influences the water stability and living environment, but it will easily change with relatively small
environmental influence. Eveness index (E) was high in the river and pond (Odum, 1993). This is reciprocal to
dominance index (D) with a range of 0-1, in which if the eveness index is high (approach to 1), there is no
species dominance and vice versa. It is suppored by Pirzan et all (2005) that if eveness index approaches to
zero, the species eveness in the commuunity is low and inversely if the eveness index approaches to 1 the
spesies in the community is the same. The present study finding the eveness index approaching to 1 and 0 could
understood that there is no species dominating the Hampalam river and the public ponds meaning that the
aquatic ecosystem is still stable. Mean biotic index of the phytoplankton during the study is given in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. Diversity (H), eveness (E) and dominance (D) indices of phytoplankton
Phytplankton abundance per station ranged from 539,442 to 871,758 ind/L in the river and from
1,025,706 to 2,028,659 ind/L in the pond. High phytoplankton abundance in the pond could result from good
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Effect Of Water Quality On Phytoplankton Abundance In Hampalam River And Fish Pond Of
range of total phosphate concentration in the pond promoting the phytoplankton growth, while limited
phytoplankton abundance in the pond is due to river current and current velocity dependence.
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Effect Of Water Quality On Phytoplankton Abundance In Hampalam River And Fish Pond Of
PATH Analysis.
Figure 5. Path Analysis of physical, chemical, phytoplankton parameters.
Path analysis above (Fig. 5) describes the relationship and direct and indirect effects of water quality on
the phytoplankton. Different line colors indicates different analyses, in which the same color represents the
output of similar analysis. Red color (temperature, visibility and depth) means that water depth and visibility
affects water temperature as much as 3.4 %, and the rest 96.6 % is influenced by other factors. Black color
(temperature, visibility, DO and depth) indicates that DO is affected by water temperature, depth, and visibility
as much as 14.7%, and the rest 85.3% is affected by other factors, whiile water depth and temperature
negatively influence DO or there is a trade-offs, meaning that increased water depth and temperature will cause
DO decline and vice versa. In the river, water temperature, depth and visibility directly affect the photosynthetic
rate. Increased water temperature results in reduction in dissolved oxygen that eventually affect the the life of
aquatic organisms (Moriber, 1974).
Green color (temperature and total P) shows that water temperature influences the total P concentration
as much as 4.8%, and the rest 95.2 % of total P is affected by other factors. Brown color (temperature and
NH3) indicates that water temperature influences the NH3 concentration as much as 1.8%, and the rest 98.2% is
affected by other factors. Orange color (total P, NH3, NO3 and pH) reflects that total P, NO3 and NH3 affect
the water pH as much as 7.8 %, and the rest 92.2% is affected by other factors. Grey color (visibility and
salinity) shows that water salinity is influenced by visibility as much as 30.5%, and the rest 69.5 % is affected
by other factors.
Purple color (pH, DO, salinity, DHL, total P, NO3, NH3 and phytoplankton indicates that phytoplankton
occurrence is affected by pH, DO, salinity, total P, NO3, and NH3 as much as 63.8%, and the rest 36.2 % of the
occurrence is affected by other factors. Blue color (depth and DHL) shows that water depth influences DHL as
much as 59.8%, and the rest 40.2% is affected by other factors. Yellow color (phytoplankton and DO) indicates
that phytoplankton affects dissolved oxygen (DO) as much as 27.1%, and the rest 72.9% of DO is inflenced by
other factors. There is mutual influence between DO and phytoplankton, in which DO has direct influence on
phytoplankton and vice versa, because phtoplankton is aquatic flora conducting photosynthetic process and
becoming DO source in the waters. Tinginya faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap DO dan fitoplankton
disebabkan karena fitoplankton dan DO di perairan sama-sama punya peranan penting bagi organisme di
perairan sehingga keberadaannya sangat dipengaruhi beberapa faktor lingkungan fisik perairan.
DHL, NO3, NH3, and pH negatively influence the phytoplankton meaning that if DHL, NO3, NH3 and
pH are high, thephytoplankton is low and vice versa. Furthermore, DHL, salinity, total P, NO3, NH3, and pH
directly affect the phytoplankton, while water depth, visibility, and temperature do not directly affect the
phytoplankton. NO3 and total Phosphate are nutrients for phytoplankton growth, while NH3 is a reduction
output of NO3 and phytoplankton excretion. Webber D.F et all (1995) found that as limiting fator, high
productivity in marine ecosystem was affected by nitrogen, but in freshwater ecosystem, it was affected by
phosphate concentration. Change in one of the environmental factors will influence the phytoplankton diversity.
Saravi H. N. et al (2011) suggested that majority of phytoplankton species possesses large tolerance to different
water quality and influence of water quality on the phytoplankton communities varied from year to year.
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Effect Of Water Quality On Phytoplankton Abundance In Hampalam River And Fish Pond Of
PCA Analysis
Figure 6. Water quality with station Figure 7. Phytoplankton species abundance with station
Based on PCA (Bi Plot) analysis of water quality parameters in each station (Fig. 6), it could be assumed
that station M (rivermouth) is characterized with high salinity, DO and NH3. In contrast, other stations possess
low salinity, DO and NH3. Station TM (T. rivermouth) is characterized with high current velocity FL) and
depth Z. Station TH (T. headwaters) and HL (headwaters) are characterized with high pH dan visibility SD.
Station TMR I (public pond I) and TMRII (public pond II) is characterized with high EC (DHL), total P, WT
(temperature), SD (visibility) and NO3, but low other parameters. High salinity, DO and NH3 in station
rivermouth could result from that Hampalam river is an affluent of Kapuas river existing exactly in Kapuas
rivermouth so that its salinity is affected by periodic seawater inclusion as in dry season, water input, and high
human activities in the rivermouth could also cause high DO and NH3. However, high DHL, total P,
temperature, visibility and NO3 in station TMR I and TMR II could result from activities in the pond as culture
medium of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and iridescent shark (Pangasius sp.). PCA (Bi Plot) analysis on
phytoplankton species in each station (Fig. 6) could be assumed that station TMR II (public pond II) is
characterized with high phytoplankton abundance of species L (Closterum ), J (Euglena ) and A (Scenedesmus).
Nevertheless, the abundance of these species is low in other stations. Station TMR I (public pond I) is
characterized with high phytoplankton abundance of species K (Chlorella sp.), B ( Navicula sp.), H
(Trachelomonas sp.), M ( Trachelomonas volvoc), N (Melosira) and I (Phacus). While station TM (T.
Rivermouth), TH (T. headwaters), M (rivermouth) and HL (headwaters) are characterized with high
phytoplankton abundance of species E (Surilla), C (Pleurogsima), D (Synedra) and F (Eunotia), and species G
(Oscillatoria) is closer to station HL (headwaters).
Based upon PCA (Bi Plot) analyses on water quality and on species abundance, it is concluded that DHL,
temperature, visibility, total phosphate and NO3, affect the phytoplankton abundance of Closterum, Euglena,
Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Navicula, Trachelomonas, Trachelomonas volvoc, Melosira and Phacus, while water
depth, current velocity, visibility, pH, DO, NH3 and salinity influence the phytoplankton abundance of Surilla,
Pleurosigma, Synedra dan Eunotia. Nevetherless, Oscillatoria is affected by water visibility and pH. In public
ponds, there was high phytoplankton abundance, particularly Euglena. It could result from environmental
factors, especially nitrate, phosphate, and temperature to support their growth. Phytoplankton occurrence is
affected by the availability of nutrients, sunlight and temperature (Lismining and Satria (2009). In tropical river,
the phytoplankton biomass is affected not only by nutrients but also by rainy and dry seasons, in which in rainy
season water agitation occurs causing turbidity and low light intensity (Soares M.C.S et al., 2007). High
abundance of Pleurosigma in Hampalam river is supported by environmental factors, particularly water pH,
salinity, DO and NH3.
The study of Piirsoo K., et al 2004 showed that in Estonia river, the phytoplankton composition is
heterogenous, their development is highly dependent upon the light condition and vegetations in the river bank.
In big and small rivers, phytoplankton is quantitatively an pa potency indicator for river ecological status.
The study identified 60 species of phytoplankton from 7 phylla, Chrysophyta, Chlorophyta,
Euglenophyta, Cyanophyta, Pyrophyta, Mastigopora and Chloromonadophyta. Genus with the highest
abundance in the river was Pleurosigma belonging to Chrysophyta division, and in the pond Euglena sp. from
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Effect Of Water Quality On Phytoplankton Abundance In Hampalam River And Fish Pond Of
Euglenaphyta division. The phytoplankton structure Hampalam river and public pond had low diversity, high
eveness and low dominance, while their abundance between the river and the pond was not different. Based
upon their abundance, both Hampalam river and pond were categorized possessing moderate fertility level or
belonged to stable ecosystem.
Observations Hampalam River water quality and pond belongs to the people of the village Batanjung
brightness parameters, pH, DO and NO3 are low or below the standards set for the needs of aquatic organisms
whereas both parameters including total phosphate that can be utilized by phytoplankton for growth.
Parameters DHL, salinity, total P, NO3, NH3, and pH directly affect phytoplankton. DHL parameters,
temperature, brightness and total Phosphate NO3 Closterum affect the abundance of species, Euglena,
Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Navicula, Trachelomonas, Trachelomonas volvoc, Melosira and Phacus. Parameter
depth, current speed, brightness, pH, DO, NH3 and salinity affect the abundance of species Surilla, Pleurosigma,
Synedra and Eunotia. While Oscillatoria species is affected by brightness and pH parameters
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