Oracle Accounts Payable
Oracle Accounts Payable
Oracle Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Payables Cycle
PO Matching
Last stage of the SCM where suppliers are paid for merchandise and services.
To help manage the procurement cycle processing high transaction volumes and
controlling the cash flow.
Better manage supplier relationships and price comparisons.
Saves money by enforcing various payment policies:
Paying suppliers on time after availing the full credit period.
Availing discounts.
Preventing duplicate invoice.
Avoiding Bank ODs.
Integrated with other modules
PO ( to pay for only what was ordered and received at the quoted price).
FA ( to account for Fixed assets purchased).
HR ( to ensure that employee expenses are paid efficiently).
CM (to enable reconciliation of payments against a bank statement).
On availing the goods / services, the encumbrance is converted to a liability to pay the
agreed price for the goods and the liability remains on the Balance sheet until paid off.
Payables Liability is measured in various ways: On Receipt of Invoice, Invoice Date, Date
when Goods are Received etc.
Payment terms would have been agreed upon at the purchase stage and quoted by the
supplier when the invoice for the goods / service is sent. These terms will differ supplierwise or by PO. The invoice due date is for operational control and has no bearing on when
the eventual liability is accounted.
When the invoice becomes due, it is to be paid off. The payment can be made by check,
EFT, cash etc,. Once paid, the liability is knocked off.
Payables needs to be reconciled with GL by comparing the Payable TB with the liability
account line in GL. This would explain the supplier liability figures appearing on the Balance
Payables is tightly integrated with other modules of Oracle suite like Purchasing,
Cash Management, Assets, Projects and GL.
POs raised in Purchasing give raise to invoices in Payables through PO matching.
Asset lines in invoices gives raise to asset addition in Assets.
Expenditures can be transferred to Projects for project accounting, tracking to billing.
Once invoices are paid off, it will be reflected as bank statement entries in Cash
management which enables to handle queries from suppliers effectively.
All accounting transactions entered in Payables, are posted to GL.
Cash Management
General Ledger
Payables Cycle
All payments pass through the following four-step Payables cycle:
Enter Invoices
Approve Invoices
General Ledger
Pay Invoices
Reconcile Payments
Enter Invoices
Invoice is at the heart of AP processing, allowing to process all types of invoices while maintaining accuracy
and control on the payment.
The various ways in which an invoice can be entered are:
Invoice Workbench: Invoices are directly entered in the Payables system. Usually complex invoices or invoices which
require online validation or invoices which have to be paid immediately, are entered through this mode
Invoice Gateway: Used for quick, high volume invoices that do not require extensive validation and defaults. After entry,
these invoices are imported into the Payables system. Validation and defaulting occur during import.
Automatic Invoice Creation: These are basically recurring invoices which are required to be generated and paid on a
frequent basis.
Imported Invoices:
One can import invoices or invoice information to create invoices in Payables.
Oracle Internet Expenses expense reports: Expense reports your employees enter using a Web browser.
Credit Card invoices: Invoices for employee credit card expenses. The credit card company sends you these invoices
as a flat file.
Oracle Projects expense reports. Projectrelated expense reports entered in Oracle Projects.
EDI invoices. Electronic invoices transferred from Oracle eCommerce Gateway.
Invoices from external systems. Invoices, such as invoices from legacy systems, loaded using SQL*Loader.
Oracle Property Manager invoices: Lease invoices transferred from Oracle Property Manager.
Oracle Assets lease payments: Lease payments transferred from Oracle Assets.
To Put on / Release a
hold on the invoice.
To review payments
against an invoice
Click to Match
Against PO,
Invoice (if Cr/Dr
Memo) or Receipt
Click to initiate
various Invoice
Click to get an
Invoice Overview
/ summary
To Enter Invoice
Distribution Lines
Invoice Types
There are various types of invoices which are:
Credit Memo
Debit memo
PO Default
Quick Match
To automatically match to a specified PO and all the shipment lines on the PO.
Click to automatically
Select/Unselect the
Distribution Lines.
Invoices Gateway
Enter the invoice header information. The following header fields are required: Supplier
or Supplier Num, Site, Invoice Amount. The other Fields to be entered are: Invoice
Date, Currency, GL date, Amount, Discount, Header Description, Pay group, Payment
Method, Date Inv received, Doc Category, Terms, Pay alone, Ex Rate type , Ex Rate,
Payment Date, WT group, Prepayment Details and Work flow details.
Click to view
rejections on
Invoice Lines.
Expense Report
Use the Expense Reports window in Payables to enter Payables expense reports for the employees and to review/modify any of the following expense
reports: expense reports entered in the Payables Expense Reports window or submitted by the enterprise's employees using Oracle Internet Expenses or
entered in Oracle Projects and then transferred from Projects to Payables.
If advance has been paid to an employee use this window to apply advances to expense reports to reduce the amount to be paid. One can also apply
hold to an expense report to prevent payment. This can be from any source.
Before one can pay expense reports, submit the Expense Report Import program which automatically creates invoices from the expense reports. One can
then use Payables to validate, pay, and account for the invoices.
1. Enter employees and their locations, expense addresses, Supervisors, and default expense accounts.
2. Enter Human Resources Financials options and Expense Report Payables options.
3. Define the employee as a supplier.
4. For expense reports entered in Payables and Oracle Internet Expenses, define expense report templates that model the
different expense report formats your employees use.
5. Enter expense reports in any of the following products: Payables, Oracle Internet Expenses and Oracle Projects.
6. In the Payables Expense Reports window optionally apply holds and/or apply advances to the expense reports.
Optionally modify or review Payables or Projects expense reports. Review, audit, and approve expense reports entered in
Oracle Internet Expenses.
7. Submit Expense Report Import to create invoices and invoice distributions for the expense reports. Review the Expense
Report Import. If there are exceptions, correct any expense reports that caused exceptions and resubmit Expense Report
8. Submit the Employee Update Program to update employee-type supplier records with up-to-date name and address
information from the employee record.
9. Pay the invoices as any other invoices are paid off.
Expense report
template for
entering the
expense report
Which determines
the expense report
items that can be
Recurring Invoices
One can enter invoices for periodic expenses for which invoices may not be received, such as rent.
To enter recurring invoices, first define a recurring invoice template, then create invoices based on the
template. For creating a template a Special Recurring Calendar and a Distribution Set (of Type Full) is
With a recurring invoice template, one can do the following:
Specify the intervals in which invoices based on the recurring invoice template will be created.
Define recurring invoices to increase or decrease by a fixed percentage from period to period.
When Payables creates recurring invoices, the invoice date is the first date of the period in which the
recurring invoice is created. The Terms Date depends on the Terms Date Basis setting at the supplier
site, but is calculated differently than for regular invoices:
If the Terms Date Basis is set to System Date, then the Terms Date is the same date that the
recurring invoice was created.
If the Terms Date Basis is set to anything else, then the Terms Date is the invoice date, which is
the first day of the period in which the recurring invoice is created.
Select Distribution
Origin as Set and the
Set Name; else enter
as PO and the PO
Click to launch a
program for creating
Recurring Invoices.
If a special invoice
amount is to be
created for recording a
deposit or balloon
payment, enter one or
two Special Invoice
Amounts and the
Periods. The system
will recalculate the
Control Amount.
Once the invoice has been entered and approved, it must be paid in a timely manner to take
advantage of available discounts.
One can initiate payment runs on a regular basis at a defined frequency. The pay run will
select all invoices that are to paid, according to the criteria and generate the appropriate
payment documents. Either a single payment can be made for the unpaid invoices of a
supplier or each of them can be paid separately.
Payment Methods:
A manual check, a Quick payment, or a check in a payment batch.
Electronic: An electronic funds transfer file is generated and delivered to bank to create payments, or
an e-Commerce Gateway payment.
Used to manually record a wire transfer of funds between organizations bank and supplier's
Clearing: Used for recording invoice payments to internal suppliers within organization.
Payment Types:
Manual: Used to record a payment made outside of Payables. For example, a typed check or wire
Quick: Quick payment, which is a single computer-generated check.
Refund: A payment received from a supplier or employee to return funds for an invoice payment made.
Refund payments pay a debit balance, and are always entered as negative amount payments.
Batch: A payment created by payment batch processing.
Payment Manual/Quick/Refund
Select the Payment Type, Bank
Account, Document (name),
Payment Date, Payment Amount,
Payment Currency. Ex Rate Type,
Ex Rate, Functional Currency &
Amount, Whether Future dated
payment, Maturity details,
Document Num and Voucher No
are assigned by the system.
Payment Batch
Each Payment Batch run involves the following steps:
Select & Build: All outstanding Invoices which fall due on before the specified pay by date and which meet the other
criteria like pay group, currency, payment method etc. are selected. This process selects the invoices and invoice
installments for payment, calculates how many documents are needed and allocates document nos to each selected invoice
Modify: At any time before formatting, one can optionally prevent payment to a supplier or of a particular invoice or change
the invoice amount or add an invoice that AP did not originally select. The Standard build program is resubmitted to
reallocate the document nos.
Print Preliminary Register: Print this register to identify the first and last document (instrument) numbers assigned.
Format & Print: The selected invoices are formatted either as checks, in which case AP produces a print file containing
remittance advise information and the formatted check information, or as an electronic payment file, in which case a data file
containing the payment information is formatted according to a particular bank or EDI format. Checks are printed on preprinted stationary or on blank check stock with Image printing or a bank file is transmitted to the bank over a modem link.
Confirm: This is the last step and a very important one because it generates document and invoice payment records
updating the payment history of invoices paid in a payment batch. A payment needs to be confirmed based on the following
Printed: The document has been properly printed/pay file generated. The invoice is marked as paid and the document
status is Negotiable.
Spoiled: The document has been spoiled while printing/pay file generation. The invoice remains unpaid and the document
status is spoiled.
Set- up: The document has been specifically identified as a non-negotiable only for aligning and test printing purposes.
The Invoice remains unpaid and the document status is Set-up.
Skipped: The document got skipped while printing or pay file generation. This document can be reissued for future
Confirmation step releases a concurrent process and records each status as mentioned above. A batch can be cancelled at
any stage upto CONFIRMED. Each step launches a concurrent manager Payment Process Manager and the
corresponding requests.
Deliver: Checks are posted to the Supplier or a bank file is generated.
Enter an Amount if
Partial Payment is to be
PO Matching
AP provides extensive PO matching features to ensure that only goods / services which are ordered,
received and accepted are paid for. If a discrepancy appears, the invoice has to be put on hold and not
paid till the difference is clarified with the supplier.
At the time of invoice entry, one has to select whether to match to the PO shipment or specific PO
distributions. Then, choose the shipment or distribution to be matched along with the quantity and price.
AP performs the following updations in the PO tables on matching:
There are a lot of Masters to be maintained in AP. These include the Supplier Master, Employee Master, AP Accounting
Calendar Master and Tax Master.
Supplier Master:
The Supplier Master is used to enter and maintain the Supplier Header and the Various Site level information. The
information captured in the master, defaults at the time of transaction entry, which can be overridden. The information
includes address, bank information, payment terms etc. A site is basically an address from which the supplier conducts the
business. Sites could be Purchasing sites, RFQ only sites and Pay sites. Each Supplier is assigned a Vendor Number
is separately for Header and Site. Each Supplier is the database has an account. An account is a record of all transactions
that affect that supplier. Supplier account balance = Invoices + Dr Memo + Cr Memo-Prepayments-Payments.
This balance can be viewed in various supplier reports.
Employee Master:
This is used to enter and maintain the Employee details. The information captured here defaults to the transaction but can
be overridden. Details like address, DOJ, DOB, Payroll No, GL account, etc are captured. This master is primarily
maintained from Oracle HRMS if it is being used.
Credit Card Master:
AP Accounting Calendar Master:
Tax Master:
Supplier Master
Enter a Unique Suppler Name. Enter an alternate name if the Payee
is different. Also enter the Taxpayer ID and Tax Regn No. Once
saved, a record cant be deleted, but can be inactivated by entering
the Inactive On date. Supplier Number is generated based on the
options in the setup.
Name of the Bank A/c and the Bank A/c No that this supplier uses.
Primary: Enable this check box to use this bank account as a default
when the supplier is paid electronically.
Curr: Payables displays the currency defined for the bank account.
Effective Dates From/To. Enter dates if you want to limit the time
during which a supplier site uses this bank account as the primary
bank account for receiving electronic payments in the bank account
Invoice Tax Code. Tax code or tax group that represents the tax charges
generally received on invoices from a supplier.
Use Offset Taxes. to record taxes on invoices while offsetting the tax
Calculation Level. Select the level at which you want Payables to
automatically calculate tax for this supplier or supplier site: Header, Line,
Tax Code, None.
Allow Calculation Level Override. defaults to the corresponding fields in
certain fields
Rounding Rule. to use to round the automaticallycalculated tax
amount.Up. Round up. Down. Round down. Nearest. Round to the
nearest number, and if the difference between Up and Down is equal, round
Distribution Amounts Include Tax. s to subtract the calculated tax from
distributions when Payables automatically creates tax distributions.
Supplier Merge
Credit Cards
Procurement Cards
Enter the Card Number of the credit card that incurred the
transaction., Transaction Date, Transaction Reference
Number, Currency, Amount, Card Program, Transaction
Card Code, Employee Name, Merchant Name.
Accounting Methods
While setting up AP, a primary and an optional secondary accounting method is required.
The accounting method determines the number and nature of the journal entries Payables creates when
transactions are transferred to GL.
There are three accounting methods which are as under:
When an item is purchased, the expense or the increase in asset value of an FA item, is recognized when
the item has been paid for. Only payments are posted to GL and not the liability. The payment distributions
typically debit the expense or asset a/c and credit the cash/bank/cash clearing a/c.
When an item is purchased, the expense or the increase in asset value of an FA item, is recognized when
the invoice is received from the Supplier. At that point a liability is recorded to pay the invoice. Both invoice
and payments are posted to GL The invoice distributions typically debit the expense or asset a/c and credit
liability a/c.
One can maintain one set of books for cash accounting and another for accrual accounting. The primary
secondary set of books are to be determined. Invoice distributions are entered in the accrual set of books
and the payment distributions are recorded in both cash and in the accrual set of books.
Accounting Entries
Accounting entries are based on accounting events. The various accounting events are:
Invoice entry, issuing payments, adjusting invoices, creating expense reports and processing prepayments.
Invoices: An invoice increases the suppliers account balance by the invoice amount. The expense (or
asset) and tax accounts are to be entered in the invoice distribution lines. The nature of the accounting
transactions for an invoice depends on whether liability has been posted for goods received and whether
Oracle Purchasing is used to initiate the invoice.
Prepayments: Prepayment is payment before the receipt of invoice from a supplier. A prepayment could
sent with PO as deposit for goods / services. On applying a prepayment to an invoice, the amount due on
the invoice is reduced.
Cr. and Dr. Memos: A memo increases the supplier balance by the memo amount. Both Cr. And Dr. memo
reduce the amount that is owed to a Supplier. They are used to record a credit against an invoice for
goods/services purchased. They are netted off against the original invoice at payment time, resulting in a
payment being issued for the reduced amount.
Cr. Memo: Negative amount invoice created by a supplier and sent to the company to notify a credit
Dr. Memo: Negative amount invoice created by the company and sent to the supplier to notify the supplier
of a credit the company is recording.
Payments: A payment decreases the Suppliers a/c balance by the payment amount. Payments do not give
raise to tax postings.
Account Head
Entering Invoices
Making Payments
Account Head
Advance A/c
Tax A/c (say 10%)
Advance A/c
GL Transfer:
A program has to be run from AP for transferring the accounting entries of all transactions in a batch mode
to the interface table that is ready to be imported to the GL as a journal. These journals are identified
based on the Batch name, journal name and sources. One can choose to transfer invoice, payment or
both. AP also creates distributions for discounts taken and foreign currency ex gain/loss incurred between
invoice and payment time.
AP Set-Up
Steps in AP Setup:
In Invoice set up, Invoice payment terms, distribution sets, tolerance limits, Hold & Release names and
Expense report templates are defined.
In Payment set up, the payment program, payment format, bank setup, interest rates and bank charges are
This is used for opening/closing AP Accounting periods.
Here, Tax codes, regions, reporting entities, Withholding certificates and groups, Recovery rules etc are
All the Financial (accounting rules) and Payables options are defined.
There are lot of values used in various AP forms. These are called lookup values and defined here.
Credit Card:
Define the credit card program here.
Procurement Cards:
The credit card profile, GL account sets and Code sets are defined here.
GL Date Basis. The date to use as the default accounting date for invoices during invoice
entry:. Invoice Date, System Date, Goods Received/Invoice Date, Goods
Received/System Date.
Prepayment Settlement Days. No of days to add to the system date to calculate a default
settlement date for a prepayment.
Default Template. The default expense report template that AP Expense Reports window uses.
Enter the Payment Terms, Pay Group and Payment Priority to be assigned to any suppliers that are
created from employees during Expense Report Import.
Apply Advances. To apply advances to employee expense reports if the employee has any outstanding,
available advances.
Automatically Create Employee as Supplier. While importing Payables expense reports, AP
automatically creates a supplier for any expense report where an employee does not already exist as a
Hold Unmatched Expense Reports. Payables requires that each invoice is matched for the supplier site
to either a PO or receipt.
AP Data Model
Oracle Payables maintains data in a large number of tables which can be either reference or transaction
data. Transaction data refers to invoices, Cr. / Dr. memos, adjustments, payments etc., which go on to
make the supplier a/c. Reference data refers to supplier info, look up codes and static info.
The Transaction tables falls into two groups: Invoice Group, which stores all the data entered through the Invoice
Workbench and Payment Group, which corresponds to payments raised either through the Payment workbench or by an
automatic payment run. The table details are as under:
Table Name
Stores Invoice header information having one row per each transaction type and
carries the VENDOR_ID and invoice AMOUNT.
It carries the invoice line comprising distribution amount, CCID, tax lines etc.
Holds one row per invoice and in case of installments holds one row per installment
having a due date and an amount.
It holds payment documents per each row; stores the supplier info who received the
payment like VENDOR_ID, VENDOR_NAME etc and the info of the bank account
used to make the payment like BANK_ACCOUNT_ID, AMOUNT AND CHECK_DATE.
Holds a permanent record of all payment documents issued to pay invoices and
invoice installments.
Invoice Group
Payment Group
Innovative Uses
Web-Enabled Commerce:
This is a self-service application which allows users access to data directly using a Web browser with appropriate
security clearance.
Employees can enter their own expense reports.
Mobile employees can use the Expense spreadsheet to track expenses offline in disconnected mode, then upload their
expense records into the Self-Service Expenses application to submit for approval.
Then Oracle Workflow routes the report for approval and automatically enforces company policies and business rules.
AP then processes the expense report and issues a payment to the employee.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI):
EDI is a process for using electronic messaging to communicate with trading partners. Oracle EDI Gateway is used to
send various paper documents to the trading partners.
This Gateway extracts data from apps and delivers it in a common format to an EDI translator.
The translator then converts the common format to the standard formats.
The data can be sent via modem links across phone lines or across the net or a floppy.
Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS):
Instead paper invoice being sent to the AP dept. for payment, an ERS enables a user to automatically create standard,
unapproved invoices for payment. The invoices are based on the receipt transactions process through Purchasing.
The invoice may be triggered by an Advance Shipment Notice from the Supplier or a third-party receiving process.
Invoices are created using a combination of receipt and PO info.
ERS reduces suppliers expense of generating invoices and the buyers expense on matching invoice to receipts and
processing payments.
Procurement Card Integration:
Companies issue corporate card to their employees for simplifying admin of employee expenses.
With procurement card integration the transaction detail from the statement filed provided by the card issuer can be
imported. Employees are automatically notified of the transactions appearing on their card.
Then using the Oracle Self-Service Expenses they can verify these transactions, override default transaction
accounting and generate invoices automatically representing the employees liability to pay the card issuer