Hs Science Standards
Hs Science Standards
Hs Science Standards
The Arizona high school science standard was designed to support the instruction and
assessment of students. Science instruction should involve students actively using scientific
processes to understand course content and make connections to real life and related areas of
study. The goal in the development of the standard was to assure that the six strands and five
unifying concepts are interwoven into a fabric of science that represents the true nature of
science. Students have the opportunity to develop both the skills and content knowledge
necessary to be scientifically literate members of the community.
Strands 1, 2, and 3 (Inquiry Process, History and Nature of Science, and Science in Personal and
Social Perspective) contain the processes and connections desired of Arizona students and must,
therefore, be reflected in all science courses. These strands are designed to be explicitly taught
and embedded within each of the content Strands 4, 5, and 6, and are not intended to be taught in
isolation. The processes, skills, and content of the first three strands are designed to umbrella
and complement the content of Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space Science.
At the high school level, Strands 4, 5, and 6 (Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space
Science) contain content area knowledge and skills that are, by nature, course specific. These
strands were written to provide frameworks for complete courses in Life, Physics, Chemistry, and
Earth and Space sciences.
The high school science Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) will be administered as
an end of course test. For each course tested, all performance objectives in Strands 1, 2 and 3
may be included on the assessment. Depending on the course tested, performance objectives
from Strand 4, 5, or 6, will be measured. For example, an end of course AIMS for high school
biology could include performance objectives from Strands 1, 2, 3, and 4. A blueprint of the
Science AIMS will be available following test development.
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Concept 4: Communication
Communicate results of investigations.
PO 1. For a specific investigation, choose an appropriate method for communicating the results.
(See W09-S3C2-01 and W10-S3C3-01)
PO 2. Produce graphs that communicate data. (See MHS-S2C1-02)
PO 3. Communicate results clearly and logically.
PO 4. Support conclusions with logical scientific arguments.
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
PO 2. Describe various ways in which energy is transferred from one system to another (e.g., mechanical contact,
thermal conduction, electromagnetic radiation.)
PO 3. Recognize that energy is conserved in a closed system.
PO 4. Calculate quantitative relationships associated with the conservation of energy.
PO 5. Analyze the relationship between energy transfer and disorder in the universe (2nd Law of Thermodynamics).
PO 6. Distinguish between heat and temperature.
PO 7. Explain how molecular motion is related to temperature and phase changes.
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05
Italics denote a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to grade level
content or at a higher level of complexity.
The bulleted items within a performance objective indicate specific content to be taught.
Arizona Department of Education Standards Based Teaching and Learning
Approved 5.24.04
Updated 3.10.05