Errata For Deveaux, Velleman and Bock, Stats: Data and Models, 3 Ed
Errata For Deveaux, Velleman and Bock, Stats: Data and Models, 3 Ed
Errata For Deveaux, Velleman and Bock, Stats: Data and Models, 3 Ed
p. 234, Problem 23 (continued from p. 233): The regression model given is for data since
1980 (not 1950).
p. 691 There is a mistake in the For Example: The first step (calculation of a 95%
confidence interval (0.452, 1.00) for the mean of logDiam when Age is 5 million years) is
OK. The problem enters when transforming back units to of kilometers in diameter:
10mean(logDiam|(Age = 5)) is the median of Diam|(Age = 5).
This will not in general be the mean of Diam|(Age = 5).
In fact, if the model fit exactly, logDiam|(Age = 5) would be normal (so Diam|(Age =
5) would be called lognormal). If the mean and standard deviation of logDiam|(Age
p. 702, Exercise 4: Typo on 4th line units for size should be 1000 ft2 (not $1000s ft2)