Ductility Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
Ductility Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
Ductility Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
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Ductility design of reinforced concrete shear walls with the consideration of axial compression
J S Kuanga and Y P Yuenb
a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Peoples
Republic of China; b Department of Civil Engineering, Bursa Orhangazi University, Turkey
It has been demonstrated repeatedly by many disastrous
earthquakes [14] that well-designed structural walls can
render excellent lateral stability and drift ductility to
medium-to-high-rise reinforced concrete (RC) buildings
under seismic actions. Under reversed cyclic loading,
well-detailed and conned RC shear walls display very
good and stable exural deformability and energy dissipation capacity, which are attributed to the high curvature
ductility and extended plastic hinge length.[5] Meanwhile, as compared with the frame systems, the structural
behaviour of shear-wall systems is less inuenced by
random non-structural component eects such as inll
panels, which often trigger soft-storey phenomena in the
frame structures.[6] Shear walls are thus recognised as the
very important structural members with relatively high
ultimate lateral load-carrying capacity in seismic resistant
With credit given to the eorts made in experimental and analytical studies undertaken by researchers in the
past decades, the design and analysis methods for typical
RC walls have been well-established and standardised.
RC shear walls in high-rise buildings are often characterised by high compression forces and aspect ratios, as
a consequence of architectural designs which maximise
clear oor heights and usable oor areas. Recent studies [8,9] indicated that structural wall elements in tall
buildings can sustain axial compression ratios as high
*Corresponding author. Email: cejkuang@ust.hk
2015 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
as 0.4 fc Ac or above, which is already beyond the typical range of 0 to 0.2 investigated experimentally.[1012]
A few studies on RC walls under an axial force ratio
above 0.3 can be found in the literatures,[1215] and
these experimental studies revealed that high axial force
ratios severely deprive drift ductility and stability of
RC walls. Shear walls suddenly fail in a brittle manner
when subjected to lateral reversed-cyclic loading under
a high axial compression ratio, thus losing their vertical
load-carrying capacity.
The 2010 Chile earthquake is a good example where
lessons were learned on the eect of high axial forces on
the seismic performance of RC structural walls. It has
been indicated from post-earthquake eld investigations
that thin walls, with thicknesses ranging from 150 mm to
200 mm, in newly built high-rise buildings are normally
subjected to a higher axial compression and suered severer damage than thicker walls in old buildings during
the earthquake.[16,17] Out-of-plane insatiability of walls,
buckling or fracturing of the boundary reinforcement, and
compression failure over the entire wall lengths are typical signicant damage modes observed in thin RC walls,
as shown in Figure 1. The design of new buildings in
Chile mainly follows the American Concrete Institutes
1995 building code for structural concrete, but the provisions on the detailing of transverse reinforcement at wall
boundaries are not included, which can be a major cause
of the signicant wall damage.
cu lw
2.00y c
where lw is the wall length. Hence, the curvature ductility, as well as the drift ductility , decreases with an
increase in axial compression. On the other hand, when
the strain penetration eect is deemed negligible and the
plastic hinge length is assumed to be lp 0.08lw , the
drift ductility of exural-controlled wall segments can be
estimated as follows:
y H 2 /3 + (u y )lp H
y H 2 /3
1 0.12cu
0.24 ,
V y cV
HKIE Transactions
To parametricise the axial compression eect on
the structural performances of RC walls, the axial
compression ratio is usually used, dened as follows:
fc A
Figure 2. Relationship between displacement ductility and axial compression ratio for dierent types of RC (a) all walls; (b) slender
walls; and (c) squat walls.
Figure 3. Relationship between ultimate displacement ratio and axial compression ratio for dierent types of RC (a) all walls; (b)
slender walls; and (c) squat walls.
HKIE Transactions
with the axial compression ratio, as shown in Figure 3(c).
This reversed trend is actually due to the fact that the
shear strength and sliding resistance of cracks in squat
walls are enhanced by axial compression, which increases
the interfacial friction between crack faces.
Another important structural property of RC walls
related to axial compression is the shear strength. For
comparison purposes, the peak base shears reported by
the tests in the database are further normalised by the
following equation:
vn =
fc 0.5 Aw
Figure 4. Relationship between the normalised shear strength and axial compression ratio for dierent types of RC (a) all walls; (b)
slender walls; and (c) squat walls.
The HKConcrete2013
In Clause of the HKConcrete2013,[18] the upper
limit of axial compression ratios of RC structural walls is
specied as follows:
0.45fcu Ac
0.5 Grade I, Intensity 7 or 8
fc Ac
0.6 Grade II or III
Grade IV
where NW,C isthe factored axial force for the wall, which
is 1.2(Gk + i rdi Qki ) (wherein rdi is the combination
coecient ( 1) for variable action i [19] due to representative gravity load); and fc is the design axial compressive strength of concrete under uniaxial compression at 28
days, which is equal to the characteristic axial strength of
concrete fck divided by the safety factor 1.4.
The characteristic axial strength fck is determined by
150 mm 150 mm 300 mm prism compression tests.
0.35 DCH
fcd Ac
where NED,EC is the design axial force from the
for the seismic design situation (i.e. Gk +
i E,i Qki + E, wherein E is seismic action and E,i
is the combination coecient ( 1) for variable action
Qki ); and fcd is the design (with a safety factor of 1.5)
cylinder strength of concrete under uniaxial compression
at 28 days, which approximately equals 0.8 times the
corresponding cube strength.
The denitions of axial compression ratio for RC
walls and columns are identical in EC8. The denominator
HKIE Transactions
in Equation (7) has a similar form to that of Equation (6),
but the cylinder strength is used in RC designs with EC8.
If the design cylinder strength fcd in EC8 is converted to
the characteristic cube strength fcu , it can be shown below:
0.45fcu Ac
fc A c
fcd Ac
fck Ac
Grade I, Intensity 9
Grade I, Intensity 7 or 8
Grade II or III
Grade IV
Grade IV
0.35 DCH
fck Ac
*Limits for Grades I, II and III short pier RC shear walls (4 < H /B 8) are 0.45, 0.50 and 0.55, respectively.
0.28 DCH
0.32 DCM
ri Qki ,
NW,HK = 1.2 Gk +
fck Ac
HKIE Transactions
Table 2.
Specic use
Storeys with correlated
Independently occupied storeys.
ncr =
fcu Ac
This work was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants
Council [grant number 614011].
Notes on contributors
Ir Prof J S Kuang is a Professor of
Civil and Environmental Engineering,
the Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology. His areas of expertise span seismic engineering, with an
emphasis on seismic design and the
behaviour of concrete structures, seismic vulnerability assessment of tall
buildings, large-scale testing of structural concrete, and computational mechanics and simulation
in structural engineering. Ir Prof Kuangs awards include the
Telford Premium and the TK Hsieh Award from the Institution of Civil Engineers UK in 2014 and 2006, respectively, and
the HKIE Transactions Prize from the Hong Kong Institution of
Engineers in 2007.
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