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Syllabus 9

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Merced College
Spring 2016
Mon 5:10 10:00 PM

Section # 6067


Instructor: Mr. Jagpal

Room: V114 (Vocational

E-mail: rupinder.jagpal@mccd.edu


Course Description:
[CILC areas A, B, C, D, E, F] 3 units: 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab.
Advisories: AOM-50A or AOM-50B (keyboard at a minimum of 20 Words per minute); ENGL81, ENGL-84; MATH-80
This course explores computer use in the workplace with emphasis on business situations.
Computer applications including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation
managers will be covered. Also included will be accessing information through the Internet and
World Wide Web, telecommunications, and introduction to web page design, and other software
appropriate to business.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) or Objectives: Upon completion of this
course, students will:
A. Utilize the Operating System to create folders, save and copy files, defragment and
scan disk a computer, and multitask in Windows.
B. Examine Computer Concepts in order to name and describe the typical digital
computer components (equipment) and their functions (input and output
devices). Describe common computer applications and related social and ethical
C. Develop Library Literacy, and differentiate between information and knowledge.
Examine the links among information centers and their access points through
technology and other reference sources. Recognize the diferent levels, types, and
formats of information including but not limited to primary vs. secondary, and popular
vs. scholarly.
D. Experiment with and navigate the Internet using search engines. Determine whether
a Web site is accurate, reliable, and scholarly.
E. Apply Word Processing techniques by creating documents that include: (1) margin
changes, (2) center page, (3) headers and/or footers, (4) ClipArt inserted and moved,
(5) a page break, (6) landscape orientation, and (7) the insertion of a table.
F. Design and analyze business Spreadsheets by creating formulas, producing visual
representation of data in the form of charts, and editing cells. Solve problems within a
spreadsheet by: utilizing statistical functions: max, min, average, pmt function and
creating a what if statement. Print sheet/s showing and hiding the formulas.
G. Understand the basic structure of electronic databases and the strategies used to access
Edit a Database with multiple tables by adding to the table structure, sorting and
filtering data, and generating queries. Create forms and reports using the Wizard only.
H. Create and present an electronic Presentation by: designing slides to include
ClipArt/Photo/Movie, WordArt, AutoShape and/or an image from the Internet. Print slide
Required Text /Materials: Available for purchase online through our bookstore.
Textbook: New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013, First Course, Enhanced Edition.
Ann Shafer, Patrick Carey, June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, Kathleen T. Finnegan.

2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal

Publisher: Cengage Learning. ISBN-10: 053874653X, ISBN-13: 9780538746533.

500 MB USB drive (for saving your documents).
Three print card at a cost of $2 per 50 pages. Print cards are available at the Campus
Six Scantrons.
3-ring 1/2 binder

Teaching Methods:
1. Lectures: Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. Students
should plan to take careful notes as not all material can be found in the texts or readings.
Discussion is encouraged as is student-procured outside material relevant to topics being covered.
2. Assignments: End of chapter and online activities will be assigned weekly to reinforce material in
the text. These assignments may require the application of various software packages.
3. Quizzes: Daily quizzes will be given to help ensure students stay up with assigned material and will
be used as attendance.
4. Exams: Four exams will be given. The exams will be closed book/notes and will test assigned
readings and material discussed in class. Review sheets will be provided prior to the exam day. The
final exam will not be comprehensive in nature. However, the instructor reserves the right to retest
on material that was not appropriately comprehended. These items will be noted on exam review
5. Participation: Student participation will be graded by the level of class participation and attendance.
Your grade in this course is based upon a percentage of total points earned for class assignments, evaluation of reference sources, tests,
and final presentation.

Assignments: Class assignments will indicate your ability to format a variety of documents and
demonstrate your understanding and progress in this course. These assignments will be completed using
Microsoft Office 2013.


Examinations will be administered at the end of each unit of work (Word, Excel, and Access) to
measure your learning and achievement of all concepts and procedures. (200-300 points)
Random tests to reinforce your understanding of the material. (5-10 points)
Daily Quiz to help your knowledge of previous days lecture. (5-10 points)
Lab assignments done daily. (10-20 points)
Homework assignment due daily. (10-20 points)
Successful students may need to develop speed and accuracy skills or complete assignments in the
computer lab, library or at home (if you have the appropriate software).
Homework: Per the California Community College Chancellor, students are expected to complete
two hours per week for each unit they are enrolled. Therefore, with this 3-unit course, six hours of
homework per week should be planned. Since this is a 2-hour lecture and 3-hour lab per week
course, some of your homework may be completed during lab time in-class. However, please set
aside a minimum of three hours per week to successfully complete this course: reading chapters,
researching, completing assignments, applying what youve learned to real-life documents, and
preparing for examination.
E-mail will be used to communicate outside of class hours. Sometimes assignments will be
emailed. All students are required to have an e-mail account and check the email frequently (at
least once a day) to see for possible assignment. All students are required to provide the instructor
with the preferred email address. All students are encouraged to use the lab and the library
computers for free internet access and use of Microsoft Office 2013. The computer lab and the
library open at 8:00 in the morning.

1. The students are to attend all class session. I reserve the right to drop students who have missed
the equivalent of two weeks of class; extenuating circumstances aside. You are responsible to
inform me of planned absences, before the missed class day. This is extremely important if you are
going to miss a test. Tests will not be able to be made up unless you have already talked to me and
arranged something before the test day.
2. If you are absent, please contact the student(s) on your syllabus for missed assignments etc.

2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal

3. Each class session (day) is broken in two parts. Part one is lecture and it will start at 5:10 sharp.
The second part, lab work, will follow the lecture.
4. Plan to be in class before 5:05 PM.
5. There will be daily quizzes based on the previous days lecture. It will be done at 5:10 PM sharp.
6. Every day that you are in class at 5:10 PM or before you will be awarded five points. If you arrive at
5:15 PM, you will not get the five points and you will be considered late. Two late arrivals will be
considered an absent.
7. Grading Scale: 90%+ A, 80%+ B, 70% C, 60%+ D, below 59% F.
8. Lab works are done in class and are due the same day. Homework assignments are given at the
end of each class and they are due before the start of the next class. Allocate at least three hours
a week for homework assignments
9. There will be three topic tests (Word, Excel and Access) and a PowerPoint presentation.
10. If you have to be absent on a test date, please make arrangement to take the test before the actual
test date.
11. The best way to contact your instructor is by e-mail.

Course Policies:
Student Responsibilities:
Please be sensitive to the learning environment: It is assumed that every student is attending class to learn; therefore, anything, which
distracts any student from learning, is not appropriate classroom behavior. You must turn-off your electronic devices such as cell
phone, iPhone, iPods, droids, pagers etc*. During the lecture you must avoid using the computer (internet email, typing lecture) and
conversing with other students. Food/drinks are not allowed in the room. Smoking is prohibited in and outside the classroom. Video
and audio streaming and internet chat room are prohibited. Violators will be dismissed and counted as absent.

Missed Classes: The student is responsible for obtaining material distributed on class days when
he/she was absent. This can be done through contacting a classmate who was present. Missed or late
quizzes can not be made up under any circumstances.

Assignments: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date due. Late submission of
assignments will be assessed a penalty of 10% per day. No exceptions are made.

Attendance & Academic Honesty & Disruptive/Disrespectful Behavior :

The student is responsible to attend all class sessions. You may be dropped from class for excessive
absences (2 absences). See attendance policy in the college catalog (2015-16, p. 21). See MC Board of
Trustees Conduct policy which includes Academic Honesty
(http://www.mccd.edu/leadership/ofpres/policies/new/5000s/BP5500.pdf) (also on p. 11 in MC catalog); it
indicates that a student may be suspended from the college for cheating. You may be asked to leave a
class if you are disruptive or disrespectful. This IS YOUR WARNING: An Academic Dishonesty Report will
be sent to the Vice President of Student Personnel documenting any cheating. Submit only your work;
dont share your work (USB).

Lab Time (Computer lab):

This class requires 3 hours of extra lab time a week outside of class. You will complete these three hours
working on lab assignments. Please expect to work at least 3 hours a week on your computer outside of
class. Schedule this time into your weekly schedule.

DSPS Statement
If you have a verified physical, medical, psychological, or learning disability or perhaps you feel you may
have one of these disabilities that afect your ability to carry out assigned course work, please contact the
Disabled Students Program & Services (DSP&S) office. DSP&S staf will review your needs and determine
what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.
DSP&S is located in the Lesher Student Services Building. If you plan to take exams proctored by the DSS
office, provide the proctor form at least one week prior to the exam.

Friend to contact:
(if you miss a day, it is your responsibility to get the missed assignments from a friend):

2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal

Important dates: ReminderIt is YOUR responsibility to drop.
Feb. 2
Jan. 25
Jan. 30
Feb. 12
May 22

Adds Require Instructors Signature
Last Day to Drop with no entry on
day to drop with a W
Credit/No Credit Option Ends
Final Exam:

Promoting Student Success through Academic Support Services

Tutorial Center
Provides tutoring assistance for most Merced: Communication
Bldg., Rm 1
Merced: Student Union,
Study Central
Ofers faculty and peer guide
Room 141
assistance in most subjects and
Merced: Science Bldg.,
Math Lab
Room 201
computer tutorials for all math
Merced: Communication
Computer Lab
Ofers faculty assistance and
Bldg., Rm 2
computer individualized
Los Banos:
Provides peer-assisted study sessions Merced:
Instruction (SI)
for all SI courses.
Banos: Building A,
Academic Support Services are available at no cost toLos
all students
enrolled at Merced College. Contact the Student Success Office
for more information (209) 384-6177
Merced College Student Success Program Website:
Per the California Community College Chancellor, students are expected to complete two
hours of homework per week for each unit they are enrolled. Therefore, with this 3unit course, six hours of homework per week should be planned. Since this is a 2-hour
lecture and 3-hour lab per week course, some of your homework may be completed
during the lab time in class. However, please set aside a minimum of three hours per
week outside of class time to successfully complete this course: reading chapters,
researching, completing assignments, applying what youve learned to real-life documents,
and preparing for Opportunities.
Note: All documents are to be typewritten. Each page must have your name typed
somewhere on the page. Most often this will be in the footer with the path and
filename. Example: E:/CPSC 30 - Student Name/Word/Resume p201
Portfolio: Students will compile a personal portfolio of their work. Keep all of your
graded documents in order to select which assignments you will include in your portfolio.
Correct each document as soon as it is returned to you and print a copy. You will then be
accumulating the necessary items you will need for your portfolio. The completed portfolio is
due near the end of the course and may not be submitted late!

2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal


2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal

Course Outline: The following schedule may be adjusted by the professor as necessary
Week 1
Textbook, class syllabus, supplies, and parts of computer. Microsoft Windows 7 operating
system, Office 2013 (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint), Computing Concepts, Word,
Keyboard, Numeric Key pad, diference between Software and Hardware, Operating Systems
(Windows 7), Desktop, Menu, Ribbon, placement
Homework assignment
Acquire (USB flash drive, Print Cards, Binder)
- Study ECC1 ECC 30
- Study FM1 FM31
- Study IB1 IB 29

Week 2

Operating Systems, File management, Making folders, Saving files, Moving Files, Finding
files, Renaming files and folders, Deleting folders and files, Backup operation, Cloud storage.
WORD; Short cuts, File name, Quick Parts, Footer, Print Screen, Image manipulation,
Dialogue Box,
File Management, More WORD, Discuss Exploring the Basics of Microsoft Windows 7, the
operating system, and Managing Your Files. Create folders on your pen drive
Homework assignment
- Study WIN1 - WIN30

Week 3

Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)

Day 1 notes (10 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)

Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)

Day 2 notes (10 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)

More file management, more shortcuts, Internet, Intranet, Email, Search Engines
Insert Ribbon
Word, Insert Ribbon and Styles, Color selection, Paint software
Homework assignment
-Create a biography of yourself
- Study Tutorial 1 Creating and Editing a Document WD 1- WD 26
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Biography (10 points)
Pet.docs (10 points)

Week 4

PAGE LAYOUT Ribbon, page setup, paragraphs, arrange, VIEW, Zoom, Ruler, Gridlines
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on WD55 WD5 Review (Steps 1 -29)
- Print Flower.docs
- Complete Case Problem 1 on WD56 WD58 (Steps 1 16)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on WD58 (Steps 1 5)

Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)

Daily Quiz (5 points)
Print Letter.docx (10) points
Walking Tour Flyer (10) points
Flower.docs (10 points)

Week 5

2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

MLA (Editing an Academic Document)

MLA Review
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on WD61 WD112
- Complete Review Assignments on WD113 WD114 (Steps 1 33)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on WD115 (Steps 1 5)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on WD115 (Steps 1 16)
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Creating Tables and Multipage Report
MLA Review
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on WD119 WD159
- Complete the task on WD159 WD229
- Complete Review Assignments on WD230 WD232 (Steps 1 33)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on WD233 (Steps 1 17)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on WD235 (Steps 1 15)
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Word Final Examination
Excel; Getting Started
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on EX1 -- EX 122
- Complete the task on EX1 -- EX 122
- Complete Review Assignments on EX123-EX124 (Steps 1 -13)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on EX125 EX126 (Steps 1-14)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on EX126 EX127 (Steps 1 -18)
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Excel; Calculating Data with Formulas and Functions
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on EX131 -- EX 182
- Complete the task on EX131 -- EX 182
- Complete Review Assignments on EX183 -EX184 (Steps 1 -22)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on EX184 EX185 (Steps 1-15)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on EX185 EX186 (Steps 1 -13)
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)

Week 9

Week 10

Excel; Calculating Data with Formulas and Functions

Homework assignment
- Complete the task on EX131 -- EX 182
- Complete the task on EX131 -- EX 182
- Complete Review Assignments on EX183 -EX184 (Steps 1 -22)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on EX184 EX185 (Steps 1-15)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on EX185 EX186 (Steps 1 -13)
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Excel; Analyzing and Charting Financial Data
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on EX189 -- EX 247
- Complete the task on EX189 -- EX 247

2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal

- Complete Review Assignments on EX248 EX249 (Steps 1 -19)

- Complete Case Problem 1 on EX249 EX250 (Steps 1-15)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on EX250 EX251 (Steps 1 -16)

Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)

Daily Quiz (5 points)

Week 11 Spring Breakno classes

Week 12
Excel Final Examination
Excel; Review; Master Document
- Review
Creating a Presentation
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on PPT1 PPT 60
- Complete Review Assignments on PPT61 PPT62 (Steps 1- 26)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on PPT63- PPT64 (Steps 1-17)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on PPT64 PPT 65 (Steps 1 -14)
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Week 13
Creating a Presentation
Adding Media and Special Efects
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on PPT1 PPT 60
- Complete Review Assignments on PPT61 PPT62 (Steps 1- 26)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on PPT63- PPT64 (Steps 1-17)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on PPT64 PPT 65 (Steps 1 -14)
- Complete the task on PPT69 PPT 124
- Complete Review Assignments on PPT125 PPT127 (Steps 1- 27)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on PPT127- PPT128 (Steps 1-14)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on PPT128 PPT 130 (Steps 1 -9)
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Week 14
Adding Media and Special Efects
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on PPT69 PPT 124
- Complete Review Assignments on PPT125 PPT127 (Steps 1- 27)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on PPT127- PPT128 (Steps 1-14)
- Complete Case Problem 2 on PPT128 PPT 130 (Steps 1 -9)
PowerPoint Final Presentation
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Week 15

Creating a Database
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on AC1-AC104
- Complete Review Assignments on AC105-AC106 (Step1-11)
- Complete Case Problem 1 on AC 107
- Complete Case Problem 2 on AC108
- Complete the task on AC1-AC104

2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal

- Complete Review Assignments on AC105-AC106 (Step1-11)

- Complete Case Problem 1 on AC 107
- Complete Case Problem 2 on AC108
Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)

Daily Quiz (5 points)

Marinating and Querying a Database

Creating a Database
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on AC115-AC170
- Complete Review Assignments on AC171
- Complete Case Problem 1 on AC 172
- Complete Case Problem 2 on AC173
- Complete the task on AC115-AC170
- Complete Review Assignments on AC171
- Complete Case Problem 1 on AC 172
- Complete Case Problem 2 on AC173
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Marinating and Querying a Database
Creating a Database
Homework assignment
- Complete the task on AC179-AC221
- Complete Review Assignments on AC222
- Complete Case Problem 1 on AC 223
- Complete Case Problem 2 on AC225
- Complete the task on AC179-AC221
- Complete Review Assignments on AC222
- Complete Case Problem 1 on AC 223
- Complete Case Problem 2 on AC225
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)

Access, Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Creating a Database
Homework assignment
- To be announced later
Attendance 5:10 PM Sharp (5 points)
Daily Quiz (5 points)
Week 19 Access Finalccess Final

2016 Merced College.

Mr. Jagpal

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