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The Resume

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241 N Elbert St. APT J, Milledgeville, GA 31061 | afdwozan@gmail.com | 706-968-6510

Check out my Online Portfolio: http://mt-with-annamarie.weebly.com/




Class of 2012; GPA: 3.95, Graduated with Honor of Distinction
Class of 2016; Current GPA: 3.46
Completed: 89% of Music Therapy Undergraduate coursework
Total Hours: 260: exceeding required 180
PLEASE NOTE: Format is in alphabetical order (not chronological)
Spring 15 (30 hours): Central State Hospital; Adult Practicum- African American male, 72
years old. Suffered from major depression, schizoaffective disorder, & multiple physical conditions
due to severe alcohol/drug abuse, disabling his speech. Through music he found spiritual relief.
He became positively engaged - singing, solo and with the therapist, he was interested in musical
elements and voiced fond memories. MT support through; lyric analysis, sharing of memories
(family, his old life-style).
GCSU Music Therapy Clinic; (33 hours)
Fall 14: Oconee Center Rehab; Facilitated 2 adult groups
1. Substance abuse; the musical experiences increased socialization and expression
through lyric analysis and drum circles, Observed improved coping and group interaction skills.
These improvements produced comfort in sharing and receiving feedback on issues at hand.
2. Developmentally disabled; A variety of musical genres and instruments were used to
facilitate improved socialization that resulted in better direction following, impulse control, selfconfidence and expression, creative communication methods.
Spring15: extended sessions- Worked with autistic individual (see *Fall 14; Child
Practicum) and family member using CD recording of my musical performance. The client and
family became familiar with educational group processes employed by Therapist f to strengthen
the bond between the client and his grandfather (both play guitar). The music atmosphere and
techniques reduced tension made way for conversations that produced a healthy understanding
of their differences; and to relate to one another. The client and grandfather reported positive
changes at home.
Georgia Network for Educational & Therapeutic Support of Oconee-GNETS - (48 hours)
Fall 13: Observed other MT student working with 4 children in 2nd grade. This was an
introduction to developing group dynamic leadership skills such as direction following, impulse
control, identifying basic emotions, and use of music for education; creative expression and
socialization. All useful tools for opening communication, identifying and resolving issues.
Fall 14: Child Practicum - Employed group dynamic leadership skills in a multi-disabilities
high-school class (8th-12th) Served as the group leader to support a number of adolescences
through socialization techniques to increase; direction following, impulse control, self-expression
and identification. Individual Worked with an autistic male, 18 yrs. Old, suffered from bipolar
disorder & major depression. The client was motivated by guitar playing, song-writing, music recreation, verbal processing that resulted in improved coping skills, and strengthen sense of self.
Good Vibrations; Life Enrichment Centers - Creative Expressions; (38 hours)
Fall 2012: Teamed with other MT students in working with a developmentally disabled group
(approx. 10) of adults, Techniques included use of verbal/non-verbal communication. The clients
were divided in to small groupings and coached in performing musical skits in a Christmas
Concert (Percussion, art, social games, and rehearsal).
Spring 14: Similar method used (above) - lead to Spring Concert. Specifically; tracked and
observed communication progress through interactions with a middle-aged, non-vocal, female.
Both performances were observed to provide a lasting impression on the participants and

Hospice Care Options; (90 hours)

Spring 13: As a MT student- supported clients of home hospice care. MT treatment involved
reminiscing, singing of hymns & classics of their day.
Summer Volunteer 2013-15: Camp Good Grief For 3 summers lead the musical
component of a series of 3 day daytime camp-, Each summer, the 3 day camps were held in
Macon, Milledgeville, & Eastman. The clients were between the ages of 4-18. The camps were
geared to support grieving children who had experienced traumatic losses of a loved one. MT
treatment involved emotional identification and expression, trust games, provided space for
children to interact. Song writing was the major theme of our sessions, final product was
performed for parents at the end-of-camp ceremony.
Fall 15 (22 hours): Juvenile Justice - Milledgeville Intensive Treatment-ITU; Advanced
Practicum- Clients were 2 African-American males, ages 17 & 19. The clients experienced
traumatic events, abused substances, committed crimes of sexual assault & robbery. Therapy
treatment involved song-writing, reviewed varieties of poetry styles, musical improvisation, recreation, lyric analyzation. Main instruments used electric/acoustic guitars, synthesizer, &
percussion. MT support for self-identification, and expression, validation of independence through
decision making opportunities, increased of coping skills and reduced self-harm tendencies.



PRESIDENT (Two Year): Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society

Aug. 2014- April 2016
SONG LEADER: Kappa Delta Sorority
Feb. 2015- Jan. 2016
HEAD MUSIC EDITOR: Peacocks Feet; University Creative Writing Journal
Aug. 2015- April 2016
TRESURER: Music Therapy Society
Aug. 2014- April 2015
PHILANTHROPY CHAIR: Environmental Science Club
Aug. 2013- April 2014
OUTSTANDING JUNIOR: Music Therapy Department
April 10, 2015
DEANS LIST: Georgia College & State University
Aug. 2012-Dec. 2014
MUSIC MINISTER: Second Beulah Baptist church
May 2014- May 2016
Competitions: 5 consecutive years of superior rating
Lessons Instructor: 2012
Habersham Rehabilitation Services, and Challenged Child Day Care

Dr. Chesley Mercado, Ed.D., LPMT, MT-BC

Chair, Creative Arts Therapies Department- 478-445-2645 - chesley.mercado@gcsu.edu
Professor Katie Whipple, MMT, LPMT, MT-BC
Clinic Coordinator- 478-445-2647- katie.whipple@gcsu.edu
Professor Jimmy Helms, LPMT, MT-BC, MMT
Lecturer, Music Therapy- 478-445-2647- jimmy.helms@gcsu.edu
Tammie Malone
Volunteer Coordinator, Hospice Care Options- 478-453-8572- tmalone@hcoga.com


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