Questionnaire On Branding Perception
Questionnaire On Branding Perception
Questionnaire On Branding Perception
Brand perception
c) Yes. Yes
d) Rarely. Not sure
8. Do you use the products because they are most available?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) Mostly.
9. Does county of orgin affect your product purchase decision?
a) Yes
b) No
10.Does association of product with a particular group of company lead to
preference for such products?
a) Sometimes
b) Always
c) Never
11.Do you think sponsorships help them build a stronger brand?
a) Yes.
b) No
c) Dont know
12.What do you think about rankings of products?
a) They are based and influenced
b) They are fair and give a true picture.
c) They are not fully reliable.
13.How much do you care about using brands?
a) Slightly.
b) Strongly
c) Not much
d) Never
14.Where have you seen advertisement for brand products?
a) Television.
b) Internet.
c) Radio
15.Which factor influence your choice for branded products?
a) Price
b) Product quality
c) Advertisement/promotion
d) Style