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Memo Lssonplans Meth 5

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MEMO of my 6 Lesson Plans

When planning activities for my class I always start with setting the goals first. I
incorporated CLIL into all my lessons and before making the activities I asked myself
several questions similar to; what kind of vocabulary should I teach in each lesson,
which skills I will be using, what grammatical structure do I want my students to
acquire and so on. It was a long process before I could actually start planning my
activities. I also put a lot of thought into making the materials for my students as I
wanted to make my own materials and making less use of materials off the Internet.
The tools that I have used to build my lessons on are based on Westhoffs Penta Pie.
According to Edwards (2015, December 4), you have several tools to help you with
planning your activities, and the first one is the Penta Pie. In the following I will
elaborate more on my choices that I have incorporate into my lessons.
Content and language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
As stated by Tennant (n.d.), CLIL refers to situations where subjects, or parts of
subjects, are taught through a foreign language with dual-focused aims, namely the
learning of content and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language. The use of
CLIL in my lessons not only encourages my students to learn content of the subject
but it also promotes interpersonal, communication and language skills which will
help them in their daily lives or future careers. According to Bank (2016), CLIL
encourages the use of curricula which promote the right interpersonal skills,
cultural sensitivity and communication and language abilities which are in
demand by todays employers.

Flipping the Classroom

Although it was a difficult task to perform, I did this to try out some new method.
By flipping the classroom it helps me as a teacher to focus more on the
questions of my students rather to just explaining the content. My students get
a lot of input at home and get the chance to discuss their findings with their
teacher. According to Acedo (n.d.), The main goal of a flipped classroom is to
enhance student learning and achievement by reversing the traditional model of a
classroom, focusing class time on student understanding rather than on lecture.
The Penta Pie
As stated earlier I have built my lesson plans using Westhoffs Penta Pie. How I
have done this is by following the five steps of this Pie. The first step is the
Input. To give my students a lot of Input I introduced all new materials in this
part plus I used reading materials and video fragments that are a level higher
than the level of my students. According to Westhoff (2008), Ook is men het er
in grote lijnen over eens dat die blootstelling het meeste oplevert als de input
qua moeilijkheidgraagd net iets boven het actuele taalbehersingsniveau van de
leerder ligt. In het vakjargong: de input moet i+1 zijn(blz. 13). Also, I want my
students to go from de actuele ontwikkeling to the naaste ontwikkeling.
According to Geerts en van Kralingen (2012), De zone van de naaste
ontwikkeling is dus de meest ideale, omdat die voldoet aan de voorwaarden die
nodig zijn om tot leren te komen (blz. 47). The next step that I took was, is to

make activities to help my students process the material they have received
during the Input. I have made activities using the WH-questions. But I do not
only let students answer these questions but I made activities, where students
can process the content by doing a variety of activities. According to
Westhoff(2008), Er moet een taak zijn die er toe leidt dat leerderes zich richten
op de betekenis van wat ze aangeboden krijgen(blz. 14). During the form
processing I have used in 5 of my plans vocabulary and one grammar. I did not
make activities where my students needed to translate words into Dutch
because I believe in doeltaal -voertaal and these students are at HAVO 3 level. In
the activities I give them a lot of work by letting them check the definitions
themselves rather to give the definitions. In my opinion this is better because
they are not only looking up words but they are processing it at the same time.
The last step is the Output. I made activities which will give me an insight of
what my students have learned and if they have reached the goals. At the end
of my lesson series I gave a recap of all the lessons pertaining to my theme and
I let my students gather information that would help them with their test. I
always think about students that were absent or did not get all the information
they needed through the lessons, and this was a way that I could help them fill
any gap they might had.
Tasked Based Learning
In my lessons I used a lot of task based activities by using information gap activities
and making a folder which is an objective of an observable result. According to
Bilash (2009), Task-based learning focuses on the use of authentic language
through meaningful tasks such as visiting the doctor or a telephone call. This
method encourages meaningful communication and is student-centred . I do not
only make my students work in groups but I also teach them that they have to
depend on each other to fulfill a task.
Activated language teaching
Throughout my lessons I use this method. Students like to compete against each
other. Also, they learn to collaborate with each other by listening to one another.
Nowadays students do not even make use of notebooks anymore. They make use of
laptops or tablets. This is why I tried to incorporate some ICT in my lessons by using
Kahoot and teaching them how to use mind meister. I have done this because I want
to teach them to make their own mind map which they can use later in their
portfolios or even in giving presentations.
In the Content processing part I formed three types of questioning using the OBIT
method. The questions that I made had to do with onthouden , begrijpen and
toepassen. It might differ per lesson.
Reading and listening strategies
Because I used Flip the classroom If I want my students to read an article I start
with each lesson by pre-activating knowledge by using the strategy of

Voorspelvaardigheid. I give them guiding questions before reading the article. If it

is a video fragment I do the same. And depending on the goal I let them takes notes
whilst listening to the fragment. This I do to teach them selective listening. Further, I
let my students structure a reading text by giving them pieces of the text which
they have to put in chronological order. This I do because according to Staatsen
(2011), Leerlingen moeten leren de opbouw van een tekst doorzien (blz.39) Lastly,
I have used to communicative approach. Under this approach falls CLIL and TBL.
According to Ur (2012), learners perform communicative tasks such as problemsolving, conveying information to one another or filling in information on a map
from instructions (p.8). This approach focusses more on fluency than accuracy and
this is why I have not focused much on grammar.

Acedo, M. (n.d.) 10 Pros And Cons Of a Flipped Classroom. Teach thought we grow
teachers. Retrieved from: http://www.teachthought.com/uncategorized/10-proscons-flipped-classroom/
Balisha. O. (2009). Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT). Best of Bilash. Retrieved
from: http://www.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/best%20of
Bank, A. (2016) Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) British Council.
Retrieved from: https://www.britishcouncil.org/europe/our-work-in-europe/contentand-language-integrated-learning-clil
Edwards, S. (2015, December 4) Curriculum Design Output. Prezi. Retrieved from:
Penny Ur (2012), A course in English Language Teaching. Cambridge University
Staatsen. F (2011), Moderne Vreemde Talen in de onderbouw.Uitgeverij Coutinho:
Tennant, A. (n.d.) What is CLIL? One Stop English. Retrieved from:
Walter, G & van Kralingen, R (2012), Handboek voor Leraren. Uitgeverij Coutinho:
Bussum 2012
Balisha. O. (2009). Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT). Best of Bilash. Retrieved
from: http://www.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/best%20of

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