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International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE)

ISSN: 23196378, Volume-1, Issue-10, August 2013

Unified Power Flow Controller for Power Quality

Vaibhav S Kale, Prashant R Patil, Ravi Khatri
In the present scenario, most of the power systems in the
developing countries with large interconnected networks
share the generation reserves to increase the reliability of the
power system.
However, the increasing complexities of large
interconnected networks had fluctuations in reliability of
power supply, which resulted in system instability, difficult
to control the power flow and security problems that
resulted large number blackouts in different parts of the
world. The reasons behind the above fault sequences may be
due to the systematical errors in planning and operation,
weak interconnection of the power system, lack of
maintenance or due to overload of the network.
In order to overcome these consequences and to provide the
desired power flow along with system stability and
reliability, installations of new transmission lines are
required. However, installation of new transmission lines
with the large interconnected power system are limited to
some of the factors like economic cost, environment related
issues. These complexities in installing new transmission
lines in a power system challenges the power engineers to
research on the ways to increase the power flow with the
existing transmission line without reduction in system
stability and security.
In this research process, in the late 1980s the Electric
Power Research Institute (EPRI) introduced a concept of
technology to improve the power flow, improve the system
stability and reliability with the existing power systems.
This technology of power electronic devices is termed as
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems
(FACTS) technology. It provides the ability to increase the
controllability and to improve the transmission system
operation in terms of power flow, stability limits with
advanced control technologies in the existing power systems

Abstract: The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a

typical FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) device that is
the most sophisticated and complex power electronic equipment
and has emerged for the control and optimization of power flow
and also to regulate the voltage in electrical power transmission
system. This project propose the real, reactive power and voltage
control through a transmission line by placing UPFC at the
sending end using computer simulation. The control scheme has
the fast dynamic response and hence is adequate for improving
transient behavior of power system after transient conditions.
When no UPFC is installed, real and reactive power through the
transmission line cannot be controlled. A control system which
enables the UPFC to follow the changes in reference values like
AC voltage, DC voltage and angle order of the series voltage
source converter is simulated. In this control system, a
generalized pulse width modulation technique is used to generate
firing pulses for both the converters. Simulations will be carried
out using MATLAB/PSCAD software to check the performance
of UPFC.
Keywords: - UPFC, FACTS, Power Quality, Transient,



The technology of power system utilities around the world

has rapidly evolved with considerable changes in the
technology along with improvements in power system
structures and operation. The ongoing expansions and
growth in the technology, demand a more optimal and
profitable operation of a power system with respect to
generation, transmission and distribution systems. Power
quality is an issue that is becoming increasingly important to
electricity consumers at all levels of usage. Sensitive
equipment and non-linear loads are commonplace in both
the industrial and the domestic environment; because of this
a heightened awareness of power quality is developing [2].
The sources of problems that can disturb the power quality
are: power electronic devices, arcing devices, load
switching, large motor starting, embedded generation,
sensitive equipment, storm and environment related damage,
network equipment and design. The solution to improve the
energy quality (PQ-Power Quality) at the load side is of
great important when the production processes
get more complicated and require a bigger liability level,
which includes aims like to provide energy without
interruption, without harmonic distortion and with tension
regulation between very narrow margins [3].


FACTS controllers are used for the dynamic control of
voltage, impedance and phase angle of high voltage AC
transmission lines. FACTS controllers can be divided into
four categories:
1. Series controllers.
2. Shunt controllers.
3. Combined series-series controllers.
4. Combined series-shunt controllers.
Series controllers inject voltage in series with the line. As
long as the voltage is in phase quadrature with the line
current, the series controller only supplies or consumes
variable reactive power. Any other phase relationship will
involve handling of real power as well.

Vaibhav S Kale, M.Tech Student: Sri Balaji College Of Engineering

And Technology, Jaipur, India.
Prashant R Patil, M.Tech Student: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of
Engineering, Pune, India.
Ravi Khatri, M.Tech Student: Sri Balaji College Of Engineering And
Technolog, Jaipur, India.

Unified Power Flow Controller for Power Quality Improvement

Figure 2.4 Interline Power Flow Controller comes in this

Figure 2.1 Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
is one such series controller.




All shunt controllers inject current into the system at the
point of connection. As long as the injected current is in
phase quadrature with the line voltage, the shunt controller
only supplies or consumes variable reactive power. Any
other phase relationship will involve handling of real power
as well.

3.1 The Operating Principal of UPFC

The basic components of the UPFC are two voltage source
inverters (VSIs) sharing a common dc storage capacitor, and
connected to the power system through coupling
transformers. One VSI is connected to in shunt to the
transmission system via a shunt transformer, while the other
one is connected in series through a series transformer.
A basic UPFC functional scheme is shown in fig.3.1.

Figure 2.2 Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is

one such controller
Fig3.1 Basic functional scheme of UPFC


This could be a series combination of separate series
controllers, which are controlled in a coordinated manner, in
a multilane transmission system. Or it could be a unified
controller, in which series controllers provide independent
series reactive compensation for each line but also transfer
real power among the lines via the power link.

The series inverter is controlled to inject a symmetrical three

phase voltage system (Vse), of controllable magnitude and
phase angle in series with the line to control active and
reactive power flows on the transmission line. So, this
inverter will exchange active and reactive power with the
line. The reactive power is electronically provided
by the series inverter, and the active power is transmitted to
the dc terminals. The shunt inverter is operated in such a
way as to demand this dc terminal power (positive or
negative) from the line keeping the voltage across the
storage capacitor Vdc constant. So, the net real power
absorbed from the line by the UPFC is equal only to the
losses of the inverters and their transformers. The remaining
capacity of the shunt inverter can be used to exchange
reactive power with the line so to provide a voltage
regulation at the connection point.
The two VSIs can work independently of each other by
separating the dc side. So in that case, the shunt inverter is
operating as a STATCOM that generates or absorbs reactive
power to regulate the voltage magnitude at the connection
point. Instead, the series inverter is operating as
SSSCregulate the current flow, and hence the powers flow
on the transmission line.
The UPFC has many possible operating modes. In
particular, the shunt inverter is operating in such a way to
inject a controllable current, ish into the transmission line.
The shunt inverter can be controlled in two different modes:

Figure 2.3 Interline Power Flow Controller comes in this

This could be a combination of separate shunt and series
controllers, which are controlled in a coordinated manner, or
a unified power flow controller with series and shunt
elements. In principle, combined shunt and series controllers
inject current into the system with shunt part of the
controller voltage in series in the line with the series part of
the controller. However, when the shunt and series
controllers are unified, there can be a real power exchange
between the series and shunt controllers via the power link.

3.1.1 VAR Control Mode

The reference input is an inductive or capacitive VAR
request. The shunt inverter control translates the var

International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE)

ISSN: 23196378, Volume-1, Issue-10, August 2013
reference into a corresponding shunt current request and Control of power flow is achieved by adding the series
adjusts gating of the inverter to establish the desired current. voltage, VS with a certain amplitude, VS and phase shift,
For this mode of control a feedback signal representing the to V1. This will gives a new line voltage V2 with different
magnitude and phase shift. As the angle varies, the phase
dc bus voltage, Vdc, is also required.
shift between V2 and V3 also varies. Figure 2 shows the
single line diagram of the UPFC and phasor diagram of
3.1.2 Automatic Voltage Control Mode
The shunt inverter reactive current is automatically voltage and current.
regulated to maintain the transmission line voltage at the
point of connection to a reference value. For this mode of
control, voltage feedback signals are obtained from the
sending end bus feeding the shunt coupling transformer. The
series inverter controls the magnitude and angle of the
voltage injected in series with the line to influence the
power flow on the line. The actual value of the injected
voltage can be obtained in several ways
Direct Voltage Injection Mode: The reference inputs are
directly the magnitude and phase angle of the series voltage.
Phase Angle Shifter Emulation mode: The reference input
is phase displacement between the sending end voltage and
the receiving end voltage.
Line Impedance Emulation mode: The reference input is
an impedance value to insert in series with the line
Figure 3.2.2: Single line diagram of UPFC and phasor
diagram of voltage and current
Automatic Power Flow Control Mode: The reference
inputs are values of P and Q to maintain on the transmission
line despite system changes.
3.2 UPFC Construction
With the development of power systems especially the
The UPFC consists of two voltage source converters; series opening of electric energy markets, it becomes more and
and shunt converter, which are connected to each other with more important to control the power flow along the
a common dc link. Series converter or Static Synchronous transmission line, thus to meet the need of power transfer.
Series Compensator (SSSC) is used to add controlled On the other hand the fast development of power electronic
voltage magnitude and phase angle in series with the line, technology has made UPFC a promising part for future
while shunt converter or Static Synchronous Compensator power system needs. This device is an advance power
(STATCOM) is used to provide reactive power to the ac system device capable of providing simultaneous control of
system, beside that, it will provide the dc power required for voltage magnitude, active and reactive power flows in an
both inverter. Each of the branches consists of a transformer adaptive fashion [10]. The following section is discussing
and power electronic converter. These two voltage source the testing of transmission line with UPFC device with
converters shared a common dc capacitor [5]. The energy MATLAB / SIMULINK model environment [11-12].
storing capacity of this dc capacitor is generally small.
Therefore, active power drawn by the shunt converter A. Simulink model of 22 kV Transmission Line
should be equal to the active power generated by the series The simulation model of Single line transmission system of
converter. The reactive power in the shunt or series 22kV Line is shown in Fig .4.1. The model is simulated and
converter can be chosen independently, giving greater corresponding results of voltage magnitude, real and
flexibility to the power flow control. The coupling reactive power flows in line are shown in Figs 4.2 and 4.3
transformer is used to connect the device to the system. respectively.
Figure3.2.1 shows the schematic diagram of the three phase
UPFC connected to the transmission line.

Figure 3.2.1: Schematic diagram of three phase UPFC

connected to a transmission line [2] Control.

Fig.4.1. Simulink Model of 22 k V Transmission Line.

Unified Power Flow Controller for Power Quality Improvement


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Fig.4.2. Voltage magnitude of 22 kV Transmission Line.

Fig.4.3. Real and Reactive power flows of 22 kV Line.

By observing the above wave forms, at steady state time t =
0.02sec the voltage magnitude is 21.23kV, the real power is
98.15MW and the reactive power is 61.64 MVAr
In the simulation study, Matlab Simulink environment is
used to simulate the model of UPFC connected to a 3 phase
system. The modelling of UPFC and analysis of power
systems embedded with UPFC has been presented, which is
capable of solving large power networks very reliably with
the UPFC. The investigations related to the variation of
control parameters and performance of the UPFC on power
quality results are carried out. In 22 kv study, the MATLAB
environment using phasor model of UPFC connected to a
three phase-three wire transmission system. This paper
presents control and performance of UPFC intended for
installation on a transmission line. Simulation results show
the effectiveness of UPFC in controlling real and reactive
power through the line.
The UPFC model can be reduce the harmonics and ability to
control real and reactive powers. The heating in the
transformers is reducing by using multilevel response. This
is due to the reduction in the harmonics. So That the
simulation results are inline with the predictions .They are
used for power quality too.

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