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A Toy Story Unit Plan

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Unit Name

A Toy Story

Key Learning Area

Technologies / Science /
Humanities and Social Sciences

Year Level


3 weeks

Rationale: This Unit of Work combines Technologies, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences. Students will design and create their own
moving toy applying their knowledge of force and motion (push and pull). Lesson plans, samples and resources are available on the A Toy Story
Weebly site.

Identify Curriculum Content descriptors




Design and Technologies

Knowledge and

Explore how technologies use forces to create movement in products (ACTDEK002)

Design and Technologies

Process and Production

Generate, develop and record design ideas through describing, drawing and
modelling (ACTDEP006)

Design and Technologies

Process and Production

Use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to safely make designed
solutions (ACTDEP007)

Physical Sciences

A push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape (ACSSU033)


How changing technology affected peoples lives (at home and in the ways they worked,
travelled, communicated and played in the past) (ACHASSK046)

Humanities and
Social Sciences
General Capabilities

Personal and Social

Content descriptor

Make decisions - identify factors that influence decision making and consider the

usefulness of these in making their own decisions

Cross Cultural

Critical and Creative


Identify and clarify information and ideas - identify and clarify relevant information and
prioritise ideas

Critical and Creative


Organise and process information - analyse, condense and combine relevant information
from multiple sources

Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander Histories
and Cultures

Students will have opportunities to learn that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
have longstanding scientific knowledge traditions and developed knowledge about the world


observation, using all the senses

prediction and hypothesis

Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander Histories
and Cultures

testing (trial and error)

Students will identify the interconnectedness between technologies and Identity, People,
Culture and Country/Place. They will explore, understand and analyse how this intrinsic link
guides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in sustaining environments, histories,
cultures and identities through / by creating appropriate and sustainable solutions.

Teaching and Learning Sequence

Lesson 1

Engage students in this unit.

Moving Toys

Provide a purpose toys for kids in hospital

Investigate toys look at actual toys, images of toys.
Discuss how they move and sort into a table according to how they move.
Send Parent Letter home requesting resources

Diagnostic Assessment
Group discussions
Moving Toys table

Lesson 2

Science push and pull

Formative Assessment

Just a Push or

Discuss the meaning of force

Finish with YouTube clip A Push Or A Pull by Peter Weatherall

Monitor understanding
of how a push or pull
affects how objects
Venn Diagrams
Arrow placement

Lesson 3

Introduce the Design Brief and form groups

Formative Assessment

Toy Designers

Discuss how we will approach the task. (Design, Make, Appraise)

Technology Journals
Group participation

Show You Tube clip Gravity, Force and Work Discuss.

Create Venn Diagram from 2 hoops, sort toys into push, pull, both
Use Arrows to show the direction of a force.

Begin research. In groups discuss what ideas they already have.

Model, then in group assessing how toys move
Using images and websites A Toy Story Webmix
Discuss differences between toys from the past and present. Analyse toys for purpose and design.
Look at indigenous toys - Bush Toys A Living History
Lesson 4
I Have Skills

Students will draw annotated drawings of their designs.

Show samples A Toy Story Weebly site - Skills
Discussion and demonstration of skills.

Formative Assessment

If needed show ideas on how to attach wheels A Toy Story Weebly site - Skills
Begin distribution of materials and making of toys.
Lesson 5


Toy Makers

Teacher carries out Assessment

Students complete Self/Peer Assessments

Self/Peer Assessments

Lesson 6

Arrange a visit to the Hospital to deliver the toys.

If this is not deemed possible, have some from Drovers (hospital volunteers group) come top
school to collect the toys.


A Toy Story Weebly site http://whytemobtoo.weebly.com/

A Toy Story Webmix https://www.symbaloo.com/shared/AAAAB8Vvqu4AA42ARphn3w==
Book - Bush Toys A Living History

Notes DMA

Design, Make, Appraise

1. Research and plan our moving toys
We will look at what happens when you push/pull a toy (e.g. the wheels move, it slides
across something)
We will look at some other toys on the
A Toy Story Webmix - (Resources) and discuss.
We will draw plans/designs
We will think about what materials are available/what we need
(Appraise) Does our design meet the criteria? Will it work?
2. Make
We will look at skills/techniques we might need to learn to complete our toys
Learn skills
Make our toys
3. Appraise
Does our toy move as planned?
What problems are there? (parts falling off, not working as planned)
Does it meet the criteria?
4. Make adjustments

Notes Assessment

Questioning for Assessment

(use ideas from Fleer and Jane (2011) p 122)

How do you know if your design will work/is safe?

Can you give and example?
Is there another way to do that?
What are your reasons for saying that?
Which part of your design makes it move?
What might happen if you did thisnot that?
What might you do to make that stronger?
How did your ideas differ from?
How did you decide whose idea to use?

Assessment Checklist
A Toy Story Weebly site Technology Assessment
Self/Peer Assessment
A Toy Story Weebly site Technology Assessment


Ask the following questions.

Was the content suitable for the age group?
Was there enough variety in the presentation?
Was the presentation of the unit easy for students to understand?
Were instructions clear?
Did the progression of activities lead students to successfully meet the design brief?
Did students actively participate in this unit?
What were the strengths of this unit?
Were there skills that I need to develop to improve my teaching of this unit?

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