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Submitted by:
Guisadio, Carla Mae
Layug, Romana
Maristela, Jefferson
Puno, Charmaine


In todays generation, gadgets become kids constant companion.
There are lots of versions and variations of these gadgets which are now
available in the market. One of the features of a gadget which make it more
appealing to the public is its capacity to stay connected in the Internet. The
target market of these gadgets are mostly students since this technology for
youngsters serve as their playmates too. Internet, indeed, has been part of a
childs life in todays generation. In the 2014 survey conducted by Cartoon
Network, the Philippines made it on top among the kids that use technology
or gadgets most in Asia-Pacific. Internet offers countless applications, such as
gaming, search engines and the phenomenal Social Media which anyone can
easily access in the Internet for free.
In a conservative country like the Philippines, there are still many
assumptions from parents that Social Media has negative effects on students
academic performance. On the other hand, there are parents who allow their
children to be exposed to Social Media because they believed it will help their
children be more alert, smart and excel in school.
To date, schools and institutions are experiencing many technological
advancements and changes in techniques in improving their teaching

methods to meet the growing demands of their students. There are schools
which take advantage of the use of Social Media as a teaching aid.
Social networking sites are the fastest and easiest way to connect or to
communicate other people whether they are near or far from you. By these
sites you can post anything you want such as photos, videos, and words that
you cant tell personally and you want the world to know.
Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and
Thumblr are very useful to the youth because they will be updated on what is
happening to our country and even to the world.
Social networking sites is not just for connecting people, its also have
different addictive application that the youths might spend their time instead of
doing some important things like homework, school projects and studying
their lesson.
Cyberbullying already exists in our generation; it has negative effects
to the teens and children especially to those people with low self-esteem. It
has an effect to the performance of the victims in the school performances, it
can also affect to social development of the victim especially when it comes to
making friends with others because they might think that people around them
hates them, and the worst is, victim might commit suicide due to severe
A social networking site is a platform to build social networks or social
relations among people who, for example, share interest, activities,

backgrounds, real life connections. Facebook is one of the most famous sites
today. You can post there anything you want such as images, videos, and
This study aimed to discover the Effect of Social Networking
Sites to the Social Aspects and Academic Performance of the First
Year BSBA Students of Concordia College A. Y. 2015-2016.

Foreign Literature
Barnes (1954) indicates that Social Network Theory views social
relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Social Network is a social structure
made up of individuals (or organizations) called nodes, which are tied
(connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as
friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, likes/dislikes, or
relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.
Moreover Abhyankar (2011) pointed out that from the very beginning;
human beings always associated themselves to some form of social structure
as they evolved across generations. All human beings crave social life, but
not all can have time and resources to enjoy social circle where they can
communicate, collaborate and freely express themselves with like-minded
peers for satisfying their different needs like security, assets, skills,
relationships, science and technology, events, politics, history, literature, art,

etc. There is no end to the list of fundamental principles that can drive people
to create platforms for communication and interaction, mutually beneficial for
the whole community.
According to Abhyankar (2011), Social Network is an online
community where people across the globe (irrespective of demographic and
geographical differences) can develop network with different organizations or
individuals for a specific purpose. It creates a chain of linked/connected
entities (individuals/organizations, communities, forums, groups etc.) like a
tree with multiple branches and nodes. These branches are the various
groups, communities, forums etc. that an individual intends to join. Hence, a
social network represents relationships between nodes (people) and flows
between the branches (groups, communities, forums, organizations etc.)
A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that
focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among
people, who, for example, share interests and/or activities. A social network
service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her
social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services
are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such
as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes
considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social
network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online
community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users

to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual

Social media are becoming increasingly popular among politicians and
their organizations as a means to disseminate political messages, learn about
the interests and needs of constituents and the broader public, raise funds,
and build networks of support. These activities often take place on privately
run social networking sites that allow political figures and institutions to
communicate with the public in unmediated, high-profile fora. In Canada,
many parliamentarians have created accounts on popular sites such as
Facebook, Twitter, and My Space and Flickr. The content posted on these
sites may relate to policy issues and the official work of politicians or to
aspects of their personal lives (Clark, 2010).
The use of social networking as a public relations tool is certainly a
nothings among organizations. The velocity and accessibility brought by
these sites when it comes to information is truly impeccable. A lot of things
may still come up in the future, but as for now, if you want your business to
get noticed, you may want to use social media. The dawn of the Internet as
an innovation in itself has probably propelled lot of changes and
advancements in a lot of sectors. Through the websites that they put up, they
are able to inform people about their products and services in a more efficient
way. The use of electronic mail has also helped them gauge their audiences
needs and wants as well as addressing to them in a quick way. The most

recent innovation in online business would be the usage of social media as a










organizations in terms of their public relations with their target audiences. The
invasion of various businesses in these sites have been rampant, mainly
because of its advantages that has proven to be very effective in increasing
visibility, revenue, and influence.
Foreign Studies
Fuchs, Christian. 2009. Social Networking Sites and the Surveillance
Society. A Critical Case Study of the Usage of study, Facebook, and MySpace
by Students in Salzburg in the Context of Electronic Surveillance.
Salzburg/Vienna: Research Group UTI. ISBN 978-3-200-01428-2. 674
students from Salzburg participated in the study that was conducted by the
Theory Research Group (University of Salzburg, ICT&S Center). 88.3% of the
respondents use studiVZ, 39.5% Facebook, 15.9% My Space, 9.0% Xing,
7.4% Lokalisten. Each of 61 other social networking sites (SNS) is used by
less than 1%. Study author associate professor Christian Fuchs: There are
indications for a strong economic concentration in the area of social
networking sites. On the one hand concerning usage, but as a consequence
on the other hand also in relation to profits that are made by advertising.
59.1% of the respondents see the maintenance of social contacts as the
biggest advantage of SNS, 55.7% say that economic and political surveillance
is the greatest risk. Fuchs: Students are very aware of the massive collection

of personal data on these platforms; they use them nonetheless because of

the expected communicative advantages. This does not mean that they are
incautious, but that there is a structural lack of alternative platforms. Noncommercial, non-profit SNS do not have to evaluate data for personalized
advertisements, therefore the probability of surveillance and data abuse
decreases. But such platforms are currently hardly existent or completely
unknown, therefore young people the main usage group of social
networking sites have to rely on commercial service providers that collect,
store, and evaluate personal data in order to accumulate profits by targeted
advertising. 81.8% of the respondents have little knowledge about concrete
data surveillance in Europe (e.g. the Data Retention Directive or the Austrian
Security Police Act). But 67.4% have a critical standpoint towards
surveillance. 88.7% of the studiVZ users have good or very good knowledge
about what happens with their data on the platform. The same is true for only
35.9% of Facebook users and 22.6% of My Space users. Fuchs: Students
are generally critical towards surveillance, but they only have little concrete
knowledge about the existing political regulations. Users rather high degree
of knowledge about study and their rather critical information behavior on this
platform, contrast with knowledge and information behavior on Facebook and
My Space. This can be explained by the change of the terms of use that study
undertook at the beginning of 2008 and that introduced targeted advertising.
The introduction was accompanied by a self-organized information campaign

that students conducted on the platform and public discussions that

presented study as the sniffle (=Sniffle Directory). This campaign can be
interpreted as a form of fragmented public. Its success was very limited.
Nonetheless it has resulted in the fact that many students have read the new
terms of use and have opted out of standard advertising options, which was
not the case on other platforms.
The study recommends that citizens see commercial Internet platforms that
store and evaluate personal data generally critically and that by establishing
special consumer protection websites it could be documented in the public,
which rights in dealing with personal data such platforms obtain by their terms
of use and their privacy terms. Christian Fuchs: There are many examples
for how affected citizens try surveilling the surveillors with the help of
websites. This can pose a certain degree of protection by making use of
public information, but also has limits because the basic problem is that we
live in times, in which on the one hand there are strong commercial interests
in data collection and data evaluation and on the other hand after 9/11
continuously more political steps have been taken for creating surveillance
societies. These are political-economic problems, not technological ones
Local Literature
In this Digital Age, everyone seems to make his or her presence felt in
the virtual world to validate his or her existence. Getting connected through
social networks and blog sites seems to be the norm, not just among

individuals, but also among companies and businesses. With this, the Honor
Award Program (HAP) of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) has ventured
into social media to strengthen its promotional strategies of the Program.
Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT)
Chairman Ivan John E. Uy said that social networking sites can be a useful
tool in public service delivery. The use of Facebook and Twitter in
government offices provides better access to the public, he said in an
interview aired over DZRB. There are 24 million Internet users in the
Philippines, 51% of which use social networking sites. Social media is an
effective platform for information dissemination and engagement. Its about
time to engage with our stakeholders. There are 1.4 million government
workers all over the country.

Filipinos should hear of the inspiring stories of

our outstanding public servants. Being on Facebook is one way to reach out
to the public that we serve, said CSC Chairman Francisco T. Duque III. The







empowerment, including generating greater public awareness on various

government programs through the use of social networking sites. Pursuing
this thrust, the provincial government led by Gov. Amado Espino Jr.
conducted a multi-sector bloggers orientation seminar last June 1 at the
Pangasinan Development and Training Center here. The participants included
provincial department heads, chiefs of hospitals, administrative officers and
staff, and IT personnel of different departments of the provincial government.


Vangie Padilla, a social media specialist and resource speaker, said Espino
wanted to raise the level of quality of public service given to the 2.6 million
College of Arts and Science Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service. Since
there are now some 300,000 Pangasinenses who are on Facebook, Padilla
said Espino thought of coping with the times by switching from the traditional
to cyberspace. Since Pangasinan is now dubbed as No. 1 province in many
aspects, Gov.Espino opts to explore greater heights of bringing government
service closer to the people, having seen the intense impact of social media
like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube among Pangasinenses, Padilla said.
Provincial employees lauded the project, expressing their full support to the
cause by putting their own group page so they can post their regular activities
and enable the public to keep track of the efforts of the provincial government.
A series of orientation seminars is underway for all provincial employees, high
school and college students, Sangguniang Kabataan officials, and various
sectors in the province. Tutorial for government employees on social
networking is also set to fully realize the project.
The Philippines has been on the World Wide Web since the early
90s.MozCom was the first commercially available Internet provider in the
Philippines, starting in 1994. In early 2000, via the Electronic Commerce Act
or Republic Act 8792, the Philippine government mandated that every
department should have a presence on the web. This was to allow the public
access to information as well as a means to communicate with their duly


elected politicians. There are different levels of web presence required of the
government. The hierarchy, from the most basic to the highest, is: Emerging
Web Presence level could be just a simple static website with details of the
respective agency and contact information.
Local Studies
Social Networking is one of the trendiest topics being talked about by
the students in Concordia College. Examples of social networking sites are
Friendster, Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Social Networking Sites help us
to communicate with our friends, classmates, and relatives but they also allow
us to communicate with other people who contribute to common interests with
us. Through these social networking sites, we develop virtual interpersonal
relationships. An






relationship between two or more people. This connection may be based on

emotions like love and liking, regular business interactions, or some other
type of social commitments. Interpersonal relationships take place in a great
variety of contexts, such as family, friends, marriage, acquaintances, work,
clubs, neighborhoods, and churches. They may be regulated by law, custom,
or mutual agreement, and are the basis of social groups and society as a
Social networking sites manipulate the interpersonal relationship of students
in many ways. Through social networking sites, users come to meet other
people worldwide. These people can affect the users interpersonal


relationship with other people close to him/her. This influence can either be
good or bad for the user. The researchers chose the topic about the influence
of social networking sites to be studied because it is shown evidently that
most of the students in Concordia College use Social Networking Sites as
part of their activities done in the internet.

Gathering Related Literature for the social networking sites is not that
difficult. The study is rich with prevalence and outcome but there is a deficit
on related studies and related literature. The researchers are very keen in
finding information for local studies and literature. However an inquiry and
review of relevant literature had been made and gathered to provide some
information and insights to help with the study. The Related Literature and
Studies that were gathered serve as an important source of information which
impel the researcher to conduct a broad study on the perception on
bisexuality among college students. The relevant literature and studies gives
knowledge and ideas on the effects of social networking sites to the students.
An investigation by the researchers of recent journals and books that
may tackle the same subject of local and foreign reveals the same opinion.



This study aimed to determine the Effects of Social Networking Sites to

the Social Aspects and Academic Performance of the First Year BSBA
Students of Concordia College A.Y. 2015-2016.
Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents according to:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2. What are the effects of social networking sites to the first year BSBA
Concordia College students in terms of the following aspects:
2.1 Social aspects
2.2 Academic performances


In this study, the Effects of Social Networking Sites to the Social
Aspects and Academic Performance of the First Year BSBA Students of
Concordia College A.Y. 2015-2016 conceived the conceptual framework
based on the Input-Process-Output system approach. This approach is
composed of interrelated elements that served as guide by the researchers in
solving the problem under investigation.
The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that
people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing
cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or
alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant
elements. Cognitive dissonance is the distressing mental state that people
feel when they "find themselves doing things that don't fit with what they


know, or having opinions that do not fit with other opinions they hold." A key
assumption is that people want their expectations to meet reality, creating a
sense of equilibrium. Likewise, another assumption is that a person will avoid
situations or information sources that give rise to feelings of uneasiness, or
Cognitive dissonance theory explains human behavior by positing that
people have a bias to seek consonance between their expectations and
reality. According to Festinger, people engage in a process he termed
"dissonance reduction," which can be achieved in one of three ways: lowering
the importance of one of the discordant factors, adding consonant elements,
or changing one of the dissonant factors.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Effects of Social Networking Sites to

the Social Aspect and Academic Performance of First Year BSBA Students of
Concordia College A.Y 2015-2016.




Students Profile
1. Age
2. Gender
Students Social




Identifying the

through Survey

Effects of Social


Networking Sites

Analysis, and
Interpretation of

to the academic
Performances of
First Year BSBA
Students of
College A.Y.

There is no significant relationship between social networking sites to
the social aspect and academic performances of the first year BSBA students
of Concordia College A.Y. 2015-2016.


The study limits itself on the effect of social networking sites on the
academic performance of first year BSBA students of Concordia College A.Y.
2015-2016. The study attempts to determine on how frequent respondents
use social networking sites. The data gathered and presented in the study are


limited from those obtained from selected 30 First Year BSBA Students of
Concordia College A.Y. 2015-2016.
The questionnaire served as the main instrument to gather the data
needed in the study. The questions were not intended to measure other
factors that affect academic performance of the learner.


From the point of view of development, there is an increasing
awareness and concern on the impacts of Social Media in the context of
quality education in the academe as a whole.
As this study was an attempt to address specific issues related to
Social Networking Sites in relation to Academic Performance of the youth, the
significance of the study was therefore premised on the following:
ICT Programmers and Software Industry. The result of the study may
motivate programmers to develop a Social Media and applications that may
contribute to the enhancement of knowledge and skills of the students.
School Administrators and Teachers. Analysis and interpretation of the
study may be used for the improvement of the school policies, instructional
lessons, staff development, programs, supervisory practices and decision
making toward a common purpose.
Parents and Students. The result of the study could develop concern of
parents roles and responsibilities in providing and guiding the students to


give their quality time and learn the values of self-realization. As for students,
the study can serve as a guide to learn the basic lifelong experiences in
worthy and responsible use of Social Media.

For clarification and appreciation of the present study, the following
terms are defined:
Academic performances generally refers to how well a student is
accomplishing his or her tasks and studies, but there are quite a number of
factors that determine the level and quality of students' academic
Behavior is the actions by which a person adjusts to his environment.
College students a person formally engaged in learning, especially are
enrolled in a school or college.
Cyberbullying is blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually
badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people though online.
Effect is something that is produced by an agency or cause, result,
Social networking sites is a platform to build social networks or social
relations among people who, for example, share interest, activities,
backgrounds, real life connections. A social network service consists of a


representation of each user (often profile) his/her social links, and the variety
of additional services.
Social role is a defined pattern of behavior that is expected of person in a
given setting or group.

This chapter describes the subjects of the study, sources of data and the
procedure followed in the study.



This study will utilize descriptive design. This research design is suitable
with the aims of the researcher which is to determine the effect of social
networking sites to the 1st year BSBA students of Concordia College
especially to their social aspect and academic performances.


In this research work, random sampling technique will be used. The
researcher will ask 30 1ST Year BSBA Students of Concordia College A.Y.
2015-2016, those students who are willing and available to answer the
formulated survey questionnaire. We will continuously do this process until
the sample reaches the desired size.


The respondents of the study will be composed of 30 1 ST Year BSBA
Students of Concordia College A.Y. 2015-2016.

The researcher will formulate a 20 items survey questionnaire that
intends to determine the effects of social networking sites to the students
which are considered as affected aspects of an individual and the aspects
are: social aspect, and academic performances.



In regards with the gathering of data, the researcher will utilize
formulated survey questionnaire. In accordance with this, the researcher will
follow the following step by step procedures.
1. The researcher will ask the permission of the DEAN of Higher
Education Department of Concordia College to allow them to conduct a
survey pertaining to the said research title.
2. The researcher will distribute the formulated survey questionnaire.


The data that will be obtained from the questionnaires which is going to
be distributed by the researcher was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted with
the use of the following sampling technique;
1. Percentage
Percentage was used to define the demographic profile of the

% = f n * 100


f=Frequency (number of the correct answers of the

n = Overall Points
% = Percentage of correct answers of the respondent

2. Weighted Mean


Weighted mean was used to determine the effect of social networking

on social aspect and academic performances of the students.

X = X N


X = total score of the respondents

N = number of respondent

This chapter presents the presentation or findings, analysis and
interpretation of data gathered from respondents of the study. The specific
problems raised in this study were answered sequentially. The study data
reviewed the answers of respondents after the survey. The demographic


profile of the respondents includes their age and gender. The data is
presented in tabular forms with their corresponding textual presentation and
The researcher conducted the study to find out the Effects of Social
Networking Sites to the Social Aspects and Academic Performances of 1 st
Year BSBA Students of Concordia College A.Y. 2015-2016.
Specifically the study answered the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1. Age;
1.2. Gender;
2. What are the effects of social networking sites on:
2.1 Social aspect
2.2 Academic performances

Problem 1. Demographic Profile of respondents

Table 1
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Age of Respondents
Respondents Frequency Percentage




Shown in table 1 is the frequency and percentage distribution of the age

of respondents. 57% are within the age range of 16 to 19 followed by 40% are
of age 20 to 23 and 3% are of age 24 to 28.

Table 2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Gender of the
Respondents Frequency Percentage
Shown in table 2 is the frequency and percentage distribution of the
respondents gender. 37% of the respondents are male and the remaining
63% from the respondents are female.

Problem 2. What is the effect of social networking sites on:

Social aspect
Academic performances
Figure 2: Interpreted Obtained Value
4.50 5.00
3.50 4.49

Strongly Agree


2.50 3.49
1.50 2.49
1.00 1.49

Moderately Agree
Strongly Disagree

Table 3
Effects of social networking sites to the 1st Year BSBA Students of
Concordia College A.Y. 2015-2016 on Social Aspect
Social aspect
1. Do you regularly view any of the
networking sites?
2. Do you hose sleep due to late night logins?
3. Can Social media helps you to express
4. Do you spend more time in socializing
online than to join in an organization?
5. Does social media makes you feel
6. Do you still hang out with your friends?
7. Does Social media bring you closer to your
family and friends?
8. Do you forgot household chores to spend
more online?
9. Social media provides ways to enhance
connection with students as it brings them
closer by alleviating the necessity of physical
10. Social media is a good way to release
Average Weighted Mean























Table 3 presents the effects of social networking sites to the 1 st Year

BSBA Students of Concordia College on Social Aspects
Table 4


Effects of social networking sites to the 1st Year BSBA Students of

Concordia College on Academic Performances
Academic Performances
1. Social media helps students to develop
important knowledge and social skills
2. Using social media people around the
global can interact long distantly and virtually
3. Youth can further explore topics that
theyre interested through online social
4. Life without internet is quit boring
5. Social networking especially the internet
offer the possibility to get info from all over
the world in an easy and fast way
6. Do Social networking sites makes your
works easier
7. Do you spend more time in socializing
online than to study
8. Can you consider ads that you see on
your profile can help you in your school stuff?
9. Do you choose to play online games
than to do your school homework?
10. Do your grades or school works suffer
because of the amount of time you spend
Average Weighted Mean

























Table 4 presents the Effects of social networking sites to the 1 st Year

BSBA Students of Concordia College on their academic performance.


This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation of
the study. The researcher conducted the study to find out the effects of social
networking sites to the 1st Year BSBA Students in Concordia College A.Y.
The researcher conducted the study to find out the effects of social
networking sites to the students in terms of social aspects and academic
Moreover it aims to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1. Age;
1.2. Gender;
2. What are the effects of social networking sites on:
a. Social aspects
b. Academic performances



1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

37 percent of the respondents are male and the remaining 63 percent
are female. 57 percent are within the age range of 16 to 19 years old,
40 percent are within the age bracket of 20 to 23 years old and the
remaining 3 percent are currently within the age bracket of 24 to 28
years old.
2. Effects of social networking sites
The effect of social networking sites on social aspects a mean of 4.27
which is greater than the mean of effects on academic performance as
it scored lower at 4.06.


Majority of the respondents belong to the age bracket of 16 to 19

years of age, because the respondents are in 1 st year. The dominant
genders of the respondents are female because the school have a
historical review of being a school for girls only thats why few male are

enrolling in this school.

2. The effect of social networking sites on social aspects a mean of 4.27
which is greater than the mean of effects on academic performance as
it scored lower at 4.06. it means that the social networking sites has a
greater effect on social aspect rather than academic performance.



1. Since social networking sites are now the most influenced on the
students in terms of different aspects, the researchers recommend that
the students should have the proper time management to maintain the
proper balance on school and build a good relationship with others.
2. Since the academic performances of the students is one of the
affected aspects of spending a lot of time on social networking sites,
students should use it in a useful way such as reading informative
blogs and posts which is credited or validated with professionals, and
also reading a useful information posted by known group or
3. The parents in general must be aware that students need parental
guidance while using the Social Media. Parents play a major role in
their childs Social Aspect and Academic Performance, thus when their
childrens learning habit diverted into excessive use of Social Media
this will have a great effect on the childs Academic Performance.
Social Media in moderate usage doesnt directly affect the students
learning process but anything in excess is harmful.


Boyd, Dana (2006). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship
Boyd, Dana (2010). Facebook Privacy Settings: Who Cares?
Deloitte LLP (2009). Social networking and reputational risk in the workplace
Ethics & Workplace Survey results
Jones, Sydney (2009). Generations Online in 2009
Martin, Chuck (2010). Social Networking Usage and Grades among College
Megan Sponcil (2010). Use of social media by college students: Relationship
to communication and self-concept
Raizada, Rajat (2009). The Effect of Social Networking Sites on Personal
Lived of the People
Swatman, Paula (2012) Ethical Issues in Social Networking Research
Wang, Qingya (2011). The Effects of Social Media on College Students
Filipino internet users most engaged in social media: survey, Retrieved
October 18, 2012 from http://www.filipino-internet-users-most-engaged-socialmedia-survey.htm
Defining Social Media: 2006 2010, Retrieved October 10, 2012 from
http://www.Defining Social Media 2006 2010 - Brian Solis.htm

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