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Ermas Feb Update

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All of the recent articles on the changes in math instruction and assessment has prompted many questions

and comments; So I decided perhaps it was time to share an update on the Math revolution I am seeing in
classrooms. I have posted access to some of the articles at the end of the update. This month we will focus
on instruction and next month on assessments and the rubrics teachers are using to assess mathematics.
The Common Core Standards in Mathematics (CCSM) has
provided an opportunity to transform the teaching and
learning of mathematics by positioning students in more
active roles as learners. Modeled after the mathematics
goals used by the high-performing schools of Japan and
Singapore (and grounded in research), the content
standards describe what students will know and the
practice standards describe how successful students will
demonstrate their proficiency in mathematics.

In 1991 the National Council Teachers

Mathematics (NCTM) identified communication,
with conversation as the key component, as
one of the six standards for teaching

A successful mathematics program emphasizes
frequent Math Talks in mathematics. MATH
TALKS, is defined by NCTM as the ways of
representing, thinking, talking, and agreeing and
disagreeing that teachers and students use to
engage in a [mathematical] tasks (NCTM, 1991).

The Standards discourage over-reliance on memorization

and isolated skills. Instead, teachers are urged to
emphasize problems that require critical thinking,
communication, and mastery of concepts that will
provide sturdier foundations for advanced learning.

Effective communication about mathematics is

essential in helping students develop the
thinking, self-questioning, and explanation skills
needed to master skills and concepts. Effective
communication happens when students articulate
their own ideas and seriously consider their
peers mathematical perspectives as a way to
construct mathematical understandings.

Mathematical Practices
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them
2. Reason abstractly and quan=ta=vely
3. Construct viable arguments and cri=que the
reasoning of others
4. Model with Mathema=cs
5. Use appropriate tools strategically
6. AFend to precision
7. Look for and make use of structure
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated

Encouraging students to construct their own

mathematical understanding through
conversation is an effective way to teach
mathematics. The role of the teacher
transforms from being a transmitter of
knowledge to one who presents worthwhile
and engaging mathematical tasks (Rich Math
Tasks). One of the more powerful teaching
strategies in the mathematics classroom is the
use of rich mathematical tasks (RMT) to promote
mathematical conversations. Robust use of Rich


Math tasks creates the context for Math


ENRICH DESCRIBES a rich task as having a range of characteristics that together offer different opportunities
to meet the different needs of learners at different times. What is also apparent is that much of what it takes
to make a rich task "rich" is the environment in which it is presented, which includes the support and
questioning that is used by the teacher and the roles that learners are encouraged to adopt. That is, an
environment in which learners are not passive recipients of knowledge, accepting what is given, but independent
assertive constructors of their own understanding who challenge and reflect. On its own a rich task is not
rich - it is only what is made of it that allows it to fulfilL its potential. (WWW.ENRICH.ORG) We do not
need to be searching for rich tasks. A slight difference in a task or the way questions are posed can provide
ample opportunities for students to engage in meaningful, rigorous mathematics. The key is the orchestration
of the conversation.





Focus on the why as well as the how

Allow for multiple entry points and solution

Challenge students to reason about
mathematics by looking for patterns, making
conjectures, conducting explorations, examining
connections between and among mathematical
concepts, and justifying mathematical solutions/

Make explicit the connections between
mathematics and real-life experiences

Encourage the use of different tools, including
technology, to explore mathematics and solve
mathematics problems

Provide opportunities for collaboration to
communicate and critique mathematical

Focus on the why as well as the how

Encourage students to justify and explain
their solution strategies

Encourage students to critique the
mathematical reasoning of others

Support students in advancing, but not taking
over their thinking as they engage in a
productive struggle with mathematics

Elicit and make connections between different
mathematical ideas and/or approaches to the
same problem

What does a Math Talk look like sound like in the classroom? (Adapted from The Routy Math Teacher)

Looks Like
Students are sharing solu=on strategies in small groups
Teacher uses wait ;meto support student thinking
and encourage deep thinking
Students compare and connect their solu=on
strategies with other students solu;ons
Students work collabora;vely as a community of
learners to support each other
Students and teacher par;cipa;ng and engaging in

Sounds Like
Teacher uses the students ideas to guide them to the
correct solu;on.
Students reect on what others say during instruc;on
Teacher guides discussion to stay focused on topic
Teachers asks students to ask ques=ons about another
students response
Students repeat, rephrase, summarize, translate, and
build on the thinking of others.
Mistakes are used as learning tools.

On the live binders (www.projectaero.org), I have posted the Math Talk Learning Rubric which describe levels and
components of a Math-Talk Learning Community.

Yesterday, in my emails I received another great example of what is happening in math classrooms, PreK-12. Allison
is a third grade teacher at the American School of Madrid.

Hi Erma,

This morning I ran my math class like you ran our module this past weekend. We had a small discussion rst
about the importance of the WHY we should understand our thinking. We then only solved 3 (rich) word
problems throughout the hour block.

Kids rst read the problem, solved it independently, then broke o into groups to share their thinking. It was
VERY successful and just wanted to share with you! Every one of my students drew a model, wrote an equa;on
to support the model and wrote word reasoning as to how they arrived at their answer. Even the kids that are
hesitant to write a strong reasoning nailed it.

Safe travels and see you in April.

Thanks to all who have shared their success and samples of student work!!! Providing opportunities for rich math
talks make a difference! In her new book Mathematical Mindsets, Jo Boaler, devoted a chapter (5) to rich
mathematical tasks stating Mathematics is a subject that allows for precise thinking, but when that precise
thinking is combined with creativity, flexibility, and multiplicity of ideas, the mathematics comes alive for people.
Teachers can create such mathematical excitement in classrooms, with any task, by asking students for the
different ways they see and can solve tasks and by encouraging discussion of different ways of seeing

I am excited by the changes I am seeing in math classrooms. Without rich tasks you cannot address the actions
that are important to mathematics, the mathematical practices! The inclusion of the mathematical practices in daily
instruction is critical and the secret to success is for less teacher to student conversation and more student to
student conversation.


Links to articles mentioned

How the Department of Defense Schools are teaching their version of the Common Core.

Many parents hated Common Core math at first, before figuring it out

The Math Revolution

New, Reading-Heavy SAT Has Students Worried

The Math Class Paradox

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