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Atherosclerosis 207 (2009) 239244

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Neopterin predicts the risk for fatal ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetes
Long-term follow-up of the HUNT 1 study
Inga Thorsen Vengen a , Ane Cecilie Dale b,c , Rune Wiseth b,c , Kristian Midthjell d , Vibeke Videm a,e,

Department of Laboratory Medicine, Childrens and Womens Health, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Department of Cardiology, Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
Department of Public Health, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine, Trondheim University Hospital, NO-7006 Trondheim, Norway

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 19 December 2008
Received in revised form 1 April 2009
Accepted 2 April 2009
Available online 11 April 2009
Heart diseases
Diabetes mellitus

a b s t r a c t
Aims: Neopterin has emerged as a novel predictor of coronary events. The study aim was to compare
the predictive value of neopterin and C-reactive protein (CRP) on long-term risk for fatal ischemic heart
disease (IHD) in persons with newly diagnosed diabetes compared to persons without diabetes.
Methods and results: In 19841986 a large population study, HUNT 1, was conducted in Norway. During the
study, 205 patients were diagnosed with formerly unknown diabetes. A matched control group without
diabetes was selected from the HUNT 1 population. Fatal IHD was registered until 2004. Blood samples
were drawn at baseline and serum was analysed for neopterin and CRP. Cox regression analysis with
correction for age, gender, hypertension, body mass index, established cardiovascular disease and total
cholesterol was used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) for fatal IHD. In the diabetes group, neopterin and CRP
were independent predictors of fatal IHD, HR 2.59 (1.116.01) and 2.45 (1.055.69), respectively. Neither
CRP nor neopterin were signicant predictors of fatal IHD in the control group.
Conclusion: In subjects with diabetes, both neopterin and CRP were independent predictors of fatal IHD,
suggesting that these two markers reect different aspects of the pathogenesis underlying fatal coronary
2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is considered both a metabolic and
an inammatory disease [1]. Individuals with impaired glucose
metabolism are at increased risk for fatal ischemic heart disease
(IHD) [2], and there is rm evidence that inammation is central in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. It has therefore been
suggested that diabetes accelerates the atherosclerotic process by
increasing inammation [3], and hyperglycemia is associated with
increased markers of inammation [4]. Obesity is common among
diabetes patients, and inammatory mediators released from visceral and subcutaneous fat are both pro-inammatory and may lead
to decreased insulin sensitivity [5]. Hyperglycemia is also associated with endothelial dysfunction [6].

Corresponding author at: Department of Immunology and Transfusion

Medicine, Trondheim University Hospital, NO-7006 Trondheim, Norway.
Tel.: +47 725 73321; fax: +47 725 76426.
E-mail address: vibeke.videm@ntnu.no (V. Videm).
0021-9150/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Several inammatory markers have been suggested for prediction of risk for future coronary events. C-reactive protein (CRP)
measured in high-sensitivity assays (hs-CRP) is most widely studied [7,8]. However, the predictive value of CRP has been disputed
and there is a search for stronger predictors among inammatory
markers [9]. Monocytes and macrophages are central in all stages
of atherosclerosis, and neopterin is a soluble marker of monocyte
activation. Neopterin has been identied as a prognostic factor in
acute coronary syndromes [10,11], in survivors of acute myocardial
infarction [12], as well as for rapid disease progression in patients
with stable angina pectoris [13].
In previous studies assessing the predictive power of different
inammatory markers on future IHD, the presence of diabetes most
often has been treated as a confounding factor in the statistical analyses. With the increasing prevalence of subjects with diabetes and
their known risk for IHD, it could be argued that the diabetes population should be analysed separately in order to get further insight
into differences between subjects with and without diabetes.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate baseline CRP and
neopterin as prognostic markers for fatal IHD among subjects with
diabetes during long-term follow-up.


I.T. Vengen et al. / Atherosclerosis 207 (2009) 239244

2. Materials and methods

2.2. Study variables

2.1. Study population

Hypertension was dened as blood pressure 140/90 mmHg

or as current use of antihypertensive medication. Previous cardiovascular disease (CVD) was dened as having had myocardial
infarction, angina pectoris or stroke (self-reported). Body mass
index (BMI) was calculated as weight (kg) divided by the squared
value of height (m). The ratio of waist to hip circumference was
determined. Based on self-reporting, the participants were classied as smokers or non-smokers.
Neopterin was analysed in serum as indicated by the manufacturer, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Brahms,
Hennigsdorf, Germany). For high-sensitivity detection of CRP,
microtiter plates were coated with rabbit anti-human CRP antibody (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA). Diluted samples or standards
(CRP from human plasma, Sigma) were added. Goat anti-human
CRP (Sigma) was used as secondary antibody, and peroxidaseconjugated rabbit anti-goat antibody (Dako Cytomation, Glostrup,
Denmark) was employed in the subsequent step. The substrate was
o-phenylenediamine 0.15 mg/mL with 0.015% H2 O2 . The reaction
was stopped with 2 M H2 SO4 , and the optical density was measured at 492 nm (Sunrise microplate reader, Tecan, Mnnedorf,
Switzerland). The assay was calibrated against a commercial assay
(Immunlite 2000 High Sensitivity, Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles,
California, USA).

During 19841986, a large health survey (HUNT 1) was

conducted in the county of Nord-Trndelag in Norway. The
county is fairly representative for Norway as a whole with a
stable and ethnically homogenous population, with only 3% nonCaucasians.
The HUNT 1 study has been described in detail elsewhere [14,15].
Briey, 76,885 individuals responded to a questionnaire, and 74,977
(88.1%) attended a clinical examination that included measurements of blood pressure, pulse, height and body weight. Data on
smoking habits, exercise and level of education were recorded. In
all participants aged 40 years and older, a non-fasting glucose concentration in capillary whole blood was measured. If the glucose
concentration in persons without known diabetes was 8 mmol/L,
fasting glucose was measured within 15 days. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed in subjects with fasting blood glucose
<7 mmol/L. Persons with fasting glucose 7 mmol/L or a 2-h glucose concentration 11.0 mmol/L were considered to have diabetes
Through this procedure, a total of 428 persons were diagnosed
with previously unknown diabetes. Among these patients, 103 were
excluded for various reasons. Due to geographical constraints, it
was feasible to follow 235 of these 325 patients. A control group of
205 persons without diabetes matched by age, gender and municipality was selected from the HUNT 1 population, and the 205
corresponding diabetes patients were then included (see Appendix
A for further details).
Both groups were invited to a comprehensive baseline clinical
examination including a full medical history, ECG, urine samples and measurements of serum creatinine, total cholesterol and
HDL-cholesterol. The diabetes patients attended this examination
622 months (mean 14) after the baseline survey and the comparison group attended after 1232 (mean 22) months. A blood
sample was drawn from all participants. Frozen serum was stored
at 40 C until 2005 when the samples were moved to 80 C.
Before analysis in the present study the serum had been thawed
twice, once for use in analysis in 1987 [17] and once for aliquotation in 2007. 5 patients with newly diagnosed diabetes and
7 control participants were excluded due to missed blood sampling.

Table 1
Background characteristics.

Gender (male/female)
Age, years
BMI, kg/m2
Waist-hip ratio
Random glucose, mmol/L
Fasting glucose, mmol/L
Total cholesterol, mmol/L
HDL-cholesterol, mmol/L
Total cholesterolHDL-cholesterol
Creatinine, mol/L
Hypertensiona , number (%)
Smoking, number (%)
Previous CVDb , number (%)

Newly diagnosed
diabetes (n = 200)

Control group (n = 198)

67 (6568)
29.7 (29.030.3)
0.92 (0.900.93)
10.6 (10.011.1)
6.8 (6.57.0)
6.7 (6.56.8)
1.24 (1.201.29)
5.6 (5.45.8)

67 (6568)
26.2 (25.726.7)
0.88 (0.870.89)
5.2 (5.15.4)
5.0 (4.85.1)
7.3 (7.17.5)
1.46 (1.411.51)
5.2 (5.05.5)

86.4 (83.289.5)
135 (68%)
42 (23%)
44 (22%)

86.2 (84.488.0)
98 (49%)
35 (21%)
27 (14%)

Continuous variables are given as mean and 95% CI.

Hypertension was dened as blood pressure > 140/90 or the use of antihypertensive medication.
CVD = Cardiovascular disease was dened as prior myocardial infarction, angina
pectoris or stroke.

2.3. Follow-up
Information on causes of death was obtained by linking data
from our study to the Cause of Death Registry at Statistics Norway,
which receives all death certicates of Norwegian citizens. Deaths
were classied according to the International Classication of Disease (ICD-9 and ICD-10). Death from IHD was dened by ICD-9:
410414 and ICD-10: I20-25. We calculated the individual person
time at risk from the date of the comprehensive baseline clinical
examination until the date of death from IHD, death from other
causes or until the end of follow-up on December 31, 2004. The
study protocol conformed to the Helsinki declaration, and the study
was approved by The Data Inspectorate and recommended by the
Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics.
2.4. Statistical analysis
Baseline characteristics are displayed by proportions or means
with 95% condence intervals (CI), stratied according to diabetes
status. Spearmans rank correlation coefcient was used to evaluate
the correlation between neopterin and CRP concentrations. Due to
non-normal distribution, the data were analysed with Mann Whitney U-test. The Chi-square test was used to compare categorical
Incidences of IHD mortality were plotted in KaplanMeier plots.
Cox regression analysis was used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) and
95% CI of death from IHD according to the baseline concentrations
of the biomarkers. Neopterin and CRP concentrations were divided
into tertiles (neopterin <7.9, 7.910.5, >10.5 nmol/L, CRP < 1.09,
1.092.86, >2.86 mg/L). Departures from the proportional hazards
assumption was evaluated using graphical procedures (loglog
All statistical tests were two-sided and p-values below 0.05 were
considered statistically signicant. Data were analysed with SPSS
for Windows (version 15.0 SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
3. Results
Background characteristics are shown in Table 1. Subjects with
newly diagnosed diabetes had a higher BMI, were more often

I.T. Vengen et al. / Atherosclerosis 207 (2009) 239244


Table 2
Concentrations of neopterin and CRP (means and 95% CI), stratied according to previous CVD and diabetes status.


Previous CVD

No previous CVD


Mean (95% CI)

Mean (95% CI)


Neopterin (nmol/L)
CRP (mg/L)


13.2 (11.115.3)
3.56 (2.494.63)


9.6 (9.010.3)
2.98 (2.333.62)



Neopterin (nmol/L)
CRP (mg/L)


10.0 (8.911.2)
1.81 (1.362.26)


9.7 (9.110.3)
1.95 (1.692.22)


n = number in each group.

Fig. 1. The correlation of neopterin and CRP concentrations in patients with newly
diagnosed diabetes. Panel A: All samples. Panel B: Samples from patients with
CRP < 10 mg/L only.

hypertensive, and more often had established cardiovascular disease than the control group. Concentrations both of total and
HDL-cholesterol were lower in the diabetes group, resulting in a
higher total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio. Mean individual person time at risk was 12.6 years (range: 0.119.7). During follow-up,

44 participants with and 28 participants without diabetes died

of IHD. Among the participants who died of IHD, 16 with and 8
without diabetes had established cardiovascular disease at baseline
(p = 0.49).
At baseline, neopterin was not higher in the diabetes
group (10.4 (9.711.1) mmol/L) compared to the control group
(9.8 (9.210.3) mmol/L, p = 0.65), as opposed to CRP (3.11
(2.553.66) mg/L in the diabetes group and 1.93 (1.702.17) mg/L in
the control group, p < 0.0005). In the group with newly diagnosed
diabetes, baseline concentrations of neopterin were signicantly
higher in the participants with established cardiovascular disease
(p = 0.001, Table 2). A similar non-signicant trend was seen for
CRP (p = 0.094). In the comparison group, there were no differences in neopterin or CRP concentrations between subjects with or
without established cardiovascular disease at baseline. Neopterin
and CRP concentrations were signicantly correlated (p < 0.001),
but with a moderate correlation coefcient (diabetes group;
Spearmans rho = 0.234, control group; Spearmans rho = 0.353),
Fig. 1.
In univariate Cox regression analyses age (continuous) and previous CVD (yes, no) were signicant predictors in both groups
(p < 0.0005). In the diabetes group, neopterin (p < 0.0005), gender
(p = 0.047), diastolic blood pressure (continuous, p = 0.01) and creatinine (continuous, p < 0.0005) were also associated with fatal IHD.
In the control group BMI (continuous, p = 0.008) and systolic blood
pressure (continuous, p = 0.005) were associated with fatal IHD. The
multivariate analyses were adjusted for age, gender, hypertension
(yes, no), BMI, previous CVD and total cholesterol (continuous). Cre-

Table 3
Hazard ratio for the tertiles for neopterin and CRP in serum from participants with newly diagnosed diabetes and their control group.
No. of deaths

Death rate per

1000 person years

Hazard ratioa


Hazard ratiob





























No. of person years

Newly diagnosed diabetes
Tertile I
Tertile II
Tertile III
Tertile I
Tertile II
Tertile III
Control group
Tertile I
Tertile II
Tertile III
Tertile I
Tertile II
Tertile III

Adjusted for: age, gender, hypertension, BMI, previous cardiovascular disease and total cholesterol.
Adjusted for: age, gender, hypertension, BMI, previous cardiovascular disease, total cholesterol and opposite biomarker.
Neopterin: Tertile I: <7.9 nmol/L, Tertile II: 7.910.5 nmol/L, Tertile III: >10.5 nmol/L.
CRP: Tertile I: <1.09 mg/L, Tertile II: 1.092.86 mg/L, Tertile III: > 2.86 mg/L.


I.T. Vengen et al. / Atherosclerosis 207 (2009) 239244

4. Discussion

Fig. 2. Neopterin, CRP and death from IHD in patients with newly diagnosed
diabetes. Survival curves according to tertile of neopterin (panel A) or CRP
(panel B) concentration at baseline. Neopterin: Tertile I: <7.9 nmol/L, Tertile II:
7.910.5 nmol/L, Tertile III: >10.5 nmol/L. CRP: Tertile I: <1.09 mg/L, Tertile II:
1.092.86 mg/L, Tertile III: >2.86 mg/L. The highest tertile of both markers were signicant predictors of fatal IHD; neopterin HR 2.59 (1.116.01), p = 0.027 and CRP 2.45
(1.055.69), p = 0.038. The model was adjusted for age, gender, hypertension, body
mass index, previous CVD and total cholesterol.

atinine was not included, because it gives only a crude estimate of

renal function and the association seen in univariate analysis was
lost in multivariate analyses (p = 0.2). Some data regarding smoking
were missing, but in participants with information on smoking it
was not a signicant predictor in Cox regression and did not affect
the predictive value of the biomarkers.
In Cox regression analysis including either neopterin or CRP, the
highest tertile of both markers were signicant predictors of fatal
IHD in the subjects with diabetes, HR 2.59 (1.116.01) and 2.45
(1.055.69), respectively (Table 3). There was a change in hazard
ratios when the opposite biomarker was included in the analysis;
CRP was no longer a signicant predictor, CRP (HR 2.12 (0.895.05))
whereas neopterin was (HR 2.39 (1.015.69)). In the participants
without diabetes, none of the biomarkers could predict fatal IHD
(Table 3). The survival curves from the Cox regression model for
each biomarker in subjects with newly diagnosed diabetes are illustrated in Fig. 2.

We investigated the predictive value of neopterin and CRP on

fatal IHD in 200 patients with newly diagnosed diabetes and a group
of 198 matched individuals without diabetes, followed for nearly 20
years. In the group with newly diagnosed diabetes, both neopterin
and CRP were predictors of fatal IHD, suggesting that these two
markers reect different aspects of the pathogenesis underlying
fatal coronary events. None of the biomarkers could predict fatal
IHD in the group without diabetes, possibly due to the limited numbers and small overall risk among the controls. However, this could
also reect that the predictive value of these inammatory markers for fatal IHD may be stronger in persons with than in persons
without diabetes.
Neopterin is released from activated monocytes and
macrophages that are involved in the generation of atheromatous
plaques from the earliest stages. Interferon-gamma (IFN-) from
CD4+ T-cells is considered the most important stimulus activating
macrophages to synthesize neopterin [18,19]. Neopterin is related
to the presence of signicant coronary stenosis in stable angina
[20], but previous research indicates that neopterin is a marker
of plaque activity more than the extent of atherosclerosis [21,22].
Furthermore, by increasing the risk for acute coronary syndromes,
plaque activity may be more important for IHD mortality than
the extent of atherosclerosis, thus rendering neopterin a strong
Patients with unstable angina have an increased number of
oligoclonal CD4+ T-cells that lack CD28, an important receptor for
costimulation upon activation [23]. Such T-cells are active producers of IFN- and may thereby stimulate plaque macrophages
to increased neopterin release. In turn, neopterin enhances the
inammatory processes in vulnerable plaques. It promotes cellular adhesion molecule and tissue factor expression on endothelial
cells, making them pro-atherotrombotic [24].
CRP is produced in hepatocytes, largely as a consequence of gene
activation by interleukin-6 (IL-6) [25]. IL-6 is released by many
cell types as part of the acute-phase reaction [25], with approximately one third of circulating IL-6 coming from adipose tissue [7].
In contrast to neopterin, CRP is therefore probably a broad marker of
inammation. This does not exclude the possibility that CRP is also
directly involved in atheromatosis [26]. However, IL-6 concentrations seem to predict critical coronary stenosis better than does CRP
[27]. It has been suggested that CRP is only a moderately strong predictor of future cardiovascular events [28]. Previous work from our
group also showed a much stronger correlation between neopterin
and coronary artery stenosis than for CRP [20].
In our present study both neopterin and CRP were signicant
predictors in the multivariate Cox regression models. When corrections were made for the opposite marker, respectively, the HR
remained nearly unchanged. This conrms that they represent
related, but not similar phenomena, as supported by their weak,
albeit signicant correlation (Fig. 1). Our ndings are in keeping
with previous studies in other patient groups. A study comparing
neopterin and CRP in patients with lower respiratory tract infections clearly demonstrated that the markers behave differently
when responding both to viral and bacterial infections [29]. Furthermore, neopterin, but not CRP, was a predictor of future cardiac
events in patients with chronic stable angina [30], in hypertensive patients without obstructive coronary artery disease [31], and
during follow-up after acute coronary syndromes [32].
Both biomarkers behaved differently in the participants with
newly diagnosed diabetes and the control group. Baseline CRP concentrations were signicantly higher in the patients with diabetes.
Hyperglycemia is a strong proinammatory stimulus [4] that also
leads to increased IL-6 production [33]. Furthermore, the increased
BMI and more abdominal fat in the participants with diabetes could

I.T. Vengen et al. / Atherosclerosis 207 (2009) 239244

also contribute to the increased baseline CRP concentrations.In the

subjects with newly diagnosed diabetes, the baseline CRP concentrations were unrelated to the presence or absence of CVD. Since
only overt conditions (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris or
stroke) were considered, undiagnosed presence of low-grade disease may have obscured the data. Alternatively, the stimuli to CRP
production related to atherosclerosis may have been much smaller
than those caused by diabetes itself. A previous study supports that
CRP is not a good predictor of the presence of atherosclerosis in
patients with diabetes [34].
Baseline concentrations of neopterin did not differ in subjects
with and without newly diagnosed diabetes. In the participants
with diabetes, however, neopterin was signicantly higher in subjects with previous CVD. An earlier study on critical limb ischemia
showed that patients with diabetes had higher concentrations of
neopterin than patients without diabetes [35]. These ndings may
indicate higher atherosclerotic plaque activity in subjects with
diabetes, which may in part explain their higher mortality of cardiovascular disease [2].
5. Study limitations
The study population was small and therefore not large enough
for stratication by gender, age or whether diabetes was well or
poorly regulated. The study also carries a risk of false negative conclusions. Nevertheless, our results suggest that the predictive value
of the inammatory markers studied differ between subjects with
and without diabetes.
Use of statins is associated with lower concentration of inammatory markers [10]. The use of statins was, however, uncommon in
Norway during the inclusion period. The diabetes patients and the
controls at risk for IHD probably started using statins when these
substances were introduced on the market. This would not affect
the baseline samples, and the benet with respect to mortality
would rather increase the risk of false negative conclusions.
Other variables related to fatal IHD, such as the left ventricle
ejection fraction and coronary artery disease extension by angiography, might inuence our ndings. However, since HUNT 1 is a
population based study, these variables were not available and our
results could not be adjusted for them.
The quality of serum stored for up to 20 years may have been
reduced. Samples from both groups were handled similarly. Since
concentrations of neopterin and CRP were compared between the
groups, changes in absolute concentrations due to storage are not
supposed to be important. The concentrations correspond to the
levels detected in fresh serum samples from similar populations
6. Conclusion
Neopterin was a robust predictor of fatal IHD in patients with
newly diagnosed diabetes in our study. Neopterin may be a more
plaque-specic marker, whereas CRP reects non-specic lowgrade inammation common both for atherosclerosis and diabetes.
The role of neopterin as a prognostic marker for coronary events
warrants further study with particular emphasis on the value of
this marker in subjects with diabetes.
The Nord-Trndelag Health Study (The HUNT Study) is a collaboration between the HUNT Research Centre of the Faculty of
Medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
at Verdal, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and the NordTrndelag County Council. We are grateful to Helse Nord-Trndelag


HF/The Nord-Trndelag Hospital Trust for managing the blood tests.

Nina Sandberg provided excellent technical assistance.
Funding sources: The study was supported by The Cardiac
Research Fund at Trondheim University Hospital. Ane Cecilie Dale
received a grant from The Liaison Committee for the Central Norway
Regional Health Authority and the Norwegian University of Science
and Technology.
Appendix A
A.1. Study population
In all HUNT 1 participants aged 40 years and older, a non-fasting
glucose concentration in capillary whole blood was measured. If
the glucose concentration in persons without known diabetes was
8 mmol/L, fasting glucose was measured within 15 days. An oral
glucose tolerance test was performed in subjects with fasting blood
glucose <7 mmol/L. Persons with fasting glucose 7 mmol/L or a
2-h glucose concentration 11.0 mmol/L were considered to have
diabetes. Through this procedure, a total of 428 persons were diagnosed with previously unknown diabetes. Among these patients,
103 were excluded; 20 because they were older than 80 years of
age, 12 because they died, 14 due to serious illness at baseline, 2
had moved out of the county, 37 declined to participate in followup, and 18 persons were not followed up for other reasons; leaving
325 patients with newly conrmed diabetes. Due to geographical
constraints, it was feasible to follow 235 of these 325 patients. From
the HUNT 1 population 235 pairs of control persons without diabetes, matched to the subjects with newly diagnosed diabetes by
age, gender and municipality, were invited to participate. If the rst
control person declined to participate, the second one was asked,
and eventually 205 control persons agreed to participate. The 205
corresponding diabetes patients were then included.
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