Strategy Assignment
Strategy Assignment
Strategy Assignment
Developing a strategy for your firm is a key part of success in the StratSim environment. Your
strategy will serve as your firms roadmap throughout the simulation. Your plan should
consist of 5 elements: Business definition and rationale, source of competitive advantage,
performance objectives, key success factors, and strategic assumptions. You may also find it
helpful to review the Market-Based Marketing Management section of the StratSim manual.
Please respond to the following questions to create an overall definition of your strategy. You
may choose to address these in PowerPoint presentation format or in a maximum of two
pages. Please provide your assignment to your instructor before starting your decision.
1. Business Definition: Who do you want to serve and why? Be sure to include
customers/segments to be targeted and customer needs satisfied. What is the rationale for
these choices (examples: segment attractiveness, market gaps, fit with resources, synergies)?
2. Source of Competitive Advantage: With which competitors will you compete and how do
you intend to win against them?
3. Performance Objectives: What performance goals do you have for your firm? (examples:
highest cumulative profit, highest stock price, largest market share in target markets, etc.)
4. Key Success Factors: What is required of your firm to execute this strategy successfully?
(examples: product development, outspend competition, first in market, etc.)
5. Strategic Assumptions: For your strategy to be successful, are there any underlying
assumptions that you have made? (examples: Firm A exits the family segment, able to
introduce a new truck by period 4, first mover advantages, etc.)