Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee: Application Form
Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee: Application Form
Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee: Application Form
Application No._______________ (to be allotted by DHCLSC)
(To be filled by the candidate)
1. Applicants Name :
(In Block Letters)
Mobile No.
e-mail :
Specify experience in :
High Court of Delhi/ Supreme Court of India _____________
District Courts / Labour Courts / MACT/ any other Fora _________________
Specify whether ever remained on the panel of the Delhi High Court Legal
Services Committee or Delhi State Legal Services Authority, if yes, give details :
Whether any disciplinary case/complaint is pending against the applicant with any
Bar Council/Authority or any criminal case is pending or has ever resigned / removed from
the panel of DHCLSC/ DSLSA. If yes, give details : ________________________________
I hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found
false /incorrect at any stage, my candidature shall be liable to be rejected. I have read and
understood the instructions and terms and conditions of the empanelment and agree to
abide by them. I declare that I fulfill the eligibility conditions for the category to which I am
seeking empanelment. I am submitting only one application for empanelment.
Place: ________________
Date: ________________
(Signature of the Applicant)