Math 7
Math 7
Math 7
Teacher Candidate:
Haley Carbone
Cooperating Teacher:
Group Size:
Subject or Topic:
Mrs. Fidler
Allotted Time
60 min.
Coop. Initials
Grade Level 4th
Standard - CC.2.2.3.A.1
Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
The fourth grade students will demonstrate their understanding of dividing 4-digit by 1digit numbers by completing five problems during an exit slip.
II. Instructional Materials
A. White boards
B. Smartboard
C. Division problems
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
1. Dividing by 1-digit numbers
B. Key Vocabulary
1. Estimation - a rough calculation of the value, number, quantity, or
extent of something.
C. Big Idea
1. Dividing by 1-digit divisors
D. Content
1. Estimating division problems
2. Checking through division of 4-digit by 1-digit problems
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. The teacher will gather students at Smartboard and present them
with the problem, In all, 2,486 hot dogs were sold at a Pottsville
football game. If there are 4 hot dogs in a package, how many
packages of hot dogs were sold?
2. Ask the students, Without going through our division process, how
could we figure out about how many hot dogs were sold?
3. Allow students to predict what they should do with this problem.
4. Explain to students that a good way to start with a 4-digit by 1-digit
division problem is to estimate in order to make the 4-digit number
easier to divide.
5. Demonstrate that if the students round 2,486 to 2,400 they can
estimate an easier division problem.
6. Demonstrate that 2,400 divided by 4 is like 24 divided by 4 which
would equal 6, so in this problem, there were about 600 hot dogs
sold at the game.
7. Explain that the students will be able to come back and solve this
problem at the end of the lesson using their division process.
B. Development
1. Have the students return to their seats and explain that they are going
got work on a problem together as a class.
2. Present the problem 4,826 divided by 5 on the board.
3. Start off by asking the students what they could round the number
4,826 to help them create an easier problem.
4. Show the students that they would round 4,826 to 5,000 then ask, 5
times what would equal 5,000?
5. Explain to students that 5 times 1,000 would equal 1,000, so their
answer will be about 1,000.
6. Next, write the problem out on the board and demonstrate how to
separate each of the place values by putting lines in between each.
7. Start off the division process as usual.
8. Remind students that this time they will be bringing the place values
one and at a time this time to help keep things organized.
9. After getting the answer 965 R 1, ask the students if 1,000 was a
reasonable answer.
10. After this problem, pass out white boards to students and have them
do a few more problems together as a class.
11. Have students show their answers to the problems to check their
12. After practice with these problems, divide table groups to make sure
that the groups are even.
13. Explain to the students that two tables will be given the same
division problem to work on.
14. In their groups, they will need to work together to solve the division
problem on their whiteboards.
15. After they solve their division problems, they must go find their
table match and compare their answers to see if they are the same.
16. Give students a couple different problems to work on to practice
within their groups, make sure each person in the group is practicing
the problems.
17. After students get practice with this, return to the problem that was
presented earlier, In all, 2,486 hot dogs were sold at a Pottsville
football game. If there are 4 hot dogs in a package, how many
packages of hot dogs were sold?
18. Have students solve the problem on exit slips before they finish.
C. Closure
1. After students finish their exit slips, ask, What was something you
found difficult about 4-digit division and what did you find easier?
2. Present students with their homework and explain that they will be
practicing more 4-digit division tomorrow.
Teacher will practice with students on 4-digit division problems.
Students will break into groups to work on 4-digit division problems on iPads.
Performance assessment:
Students will be using number magnets to perform 2-digit through 4-digit division
problems with the teacher one-on-one.
The students will be presented with problems that set up using number magnets
and they will have to solve the problem using the numbers provided to them.
The students will show their process and explain the steps as they go along with
the problems.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
Where should you start dividing?
What place value are you placing that number in?
Explain what you will do here
The teacher will be assessing students based off a checklist (see attached).