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Chronic Diseases Miasms

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Chronic Disease
in Dr. Hahnemanns
Medical System

by Steven Decker FHCH(Hon.)

Patty Smith DMH, DVH
Rudi Verspoor DMH

With thanks to our editor, Venetia Smith

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

When, at the mature age of 73, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann made public
his ground-breaking discovery regarding the nemesis of medicine
chronic disease he hardly expected that discovery, or himself for that
matter, to be received warmly or openly, much less to be truly understood,
even by his followers. Many physicians of his time in Germany, and
increasingly elsewhere, had adopted the application of the ancient law of
similars based on his system of provings and the dynamized and
potentized dose he had pioneered. Yet he knew that what he had
discovered and was now revealing to his followers demanded a
comprehension that would stretch the limits of even those who had
accepted what he had already presented to the world, what he called
general homeopathy.
But in communicating to the world this great discovery, I am
sorry that I must doubt whether my contemporaries will realize
the consistency of these teachings of mine, and will imitate them
carefully and gain thereby the infinite benefits for suffering
humanity which must inevitably spring from a faithful and
accurate observance of the same; or whether, frightened away by
the unheard of nature of many of these disclosures, they will not
rather leave them untried and unimitated, and therefore unused.
At least I cannot hope that these important communications
will fare any better than the General Homeopathy which I have
published hitherto. (Chronic Diseases, SRD translation).

Indeed, as one early chronicler of Hahnemanns life points out, the

new understanding of disease, the psora theory as it came to be termed,
aroused just as much excitement amongst his adherents and students as
amongst the opponents of homoeopathy. 1 One of the keenest students of

Haehl, Richard, Samuel Hahnemann, His Life and Work, Vol I, p. 148.

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

this new theory declared in 1836 that he had encountered not one
homeopath that agreed with it.2
On the one hand, the psora theory was seen in a materialistic sense
as being related largely and simply to the itch mite (scabies), yet on the
other it was seen abstractly as a concept not linked therapeutically to
homeopathy. Indeed, homeopathy could do without it in any case, given
that the essence lay in finding a remedy based on the symptoms of the
disease according to the law of similars.3
In either instance, the result was a profound misunderstanding of what
Hahnemann had discovered in his 7th decade of life. It seems as if many, if
not all of his followers thought that the Master had lost some of his
capacities in what seemed the twilight years of an already illustrious
Today the prevailing situation regarding the understanding and
acceptance of the psora theory is little changed. Either the matter of the
chronic miasms is ignored, which is mostly the case, with few homeopaths
having bothered to read or study Chronic Diseases, Hahnemanns work on
this matter, or it is subsumed back into general homeopathy. The fact is
that the presence of a chronic miasm becomes a factor in the decision as to
which remedy should be selected from amongst the group that is identified
from a repertorisation. In both cases, the full import of Hahnemanns
discovery is misunderstood, essentially because of the wider and more
critical misunderstanding of Hahnemanns teachings regarding his new
medical system.

Op cit., Vol II, p. 166

A good example of this thinking is the following: Schrn finds that the action of
homoeopathic remedies in chronic diseases is not founded on the theory of psora, but on
the truth of the law of similars. Homoeopathic cures have taken place before the advent
of the psora teaching; of the fifty remedies named in 1828 as antipsorics twenty-two had
been previously incorporated in our Medical treasury and have cured without their title
of nobility; chronic evils have been cured by remedies which do not belong to the
antipsorics. (Haehl, Vol II, p. 164)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

The more general misunderstandings of Hahnemanns teachings have

been systematically set out by the authors in The Dynamic Legacy: from
Homeopathy to Heilkunst. This work seeks to deal in more detail with one
particular aspect, namely the psora theory and its implications for
medical treatment within the context of Dr. Hahnemanns complete
medical system, Heilkunst.
While the reader is directed to our larger work for the general
background to what we set out here as regards chronic disease, and in
particular the chronic miasms, a few comments as introduction and
orientation would be in order.
Strictly speaking, homeopathy is an approach using the law of cure law of similars or similia similibus - to the selection of the right medicine
for a disease based on the characteristic symptom picture or pattern of that
disease in a given patient. As much as it may surprise some, and while this
approach does dominate the pages of the main work of Hahnemanns new
system of medicine, the aphoristic Organon, homeopathy can by no means
be equated to the full extent of this system, which he rightly termed
Heilkunst (as in Organon der Heilkunst).
Heilkunst is difficult word to translate into English, for in its demotic,
abstract sense it can simply be taken to mean medical art or remedial art.
In its deeper sense it encompasses all means of restoring the human being
to health and wholeness at all levels (body, mind, soul and spirit). That
Hahnemann had more than homeopathy in mind in his medical system can
be seen by glancing at those aspects of his writings that cover such things
as diet, exercise, hygiene, prevention, hydrotherapy, mesmerism (energy
therapies in general) and magnets, electricity and galvanism.
While it may be convenient at times to use the word homeopathy to
refer to this whole system, as it often is, this continued use only results in
confusion down the road. It is better if we confine the term homeopathy
to its correct meaning that is, the system of selection of a medicine using
the symptoms of disease guided by the law of similar resonance (grounded
in the actual provings of medicinal substances as set out in materia
medica). Then, when we wish to refer to Hahnemanns complete medical
system, we should use the correct term, Heilkunst. For what is not


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

generally understood or appreciated is that Dr. Hahnemann taught that one

could select medicines for certain diseases on other than the basis of
homeopathicity or symptom similarity.
Where the selection of the remedy is essentially to be based on the
symptom picture of the disease, there is really little or no need for any
concept such as that of a miasm, whether acute or chronic in nature. To
know that a disease is or isnt a miasm should make no difference in the
selection of a remedy, as all that is supposedly considered are the
symptoms. However, for conveniences sake, in order to reduce the field
of medicines from which one must select the correct remedy, homeopaths
have found it useful to know which miasm they are dealing with, as each
miasm, for reasons they do not know or can explain, seems to have a
limited number of medicines to chose from for cure.
It is quite a different matter for the student of Hahnemanns complete
medical system, Heilkunst. Nosology, or the classification of disease, is of
utmost importance in dealing with the critical and underlying realm of
disease that Hahnemann identified by their characteristic of being primary
and having a more or less constant disease nature. This is in contrast to the
diseases that homeopathy treats secondary, that is, derived from the
primary disease, and of variable nature. The selection of the right
medicine according to the law of similars is not necessarily done, nor
indeed can it often be done, on the basis of the symptom picture, but rather
on the basis of jurisdiction and principle, which forms part of
Hahnemanns disease nosology. You will search in vain for such a
nosology in any general homeopathic text.
This small work is first aimed at all students of Dr. Hahnemanns
works, including the general student of homeopathy as it is conventionally
taught. Much of the material will be familiar and what is not should help
to clear up the prevailing confusion on the topic of miasms. It seems these
days that anything can be classified as or considered a miasm. There is no
clear understanding of the term in homeopathic writings (nor is one
required in principle to prescribe homeopathically, which explains the
prevailing confusion in the literature). Without a clear and real foundation
or grounding of the term, it means both everything and nothing. This takes


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

us far from Hahnemanns intent to create a rational system of medicine.

We need first to return to some basic concepts and principles.
The second intent of this work is perhaps of more value to those few
students who have actually studied Heilkunst and not simply homeopathy,
at least the confused variant now taught, so-called classical or
Hahnemannian homeopathy, which purports to cover all that
Hahnemann wrote on medicine and also to be true to his legacy, neither of
which its proponents can properly lay claim to, as is carefully documented
in our larger work, The Dynamic Legacy: From Homeopathy to Heilkunst.
While some others may derive some benefit therefrom and even be
encouraged to read more about the riches that lie beyond the limited
horizons of homeopathy, whether classical or more correctly defined,
the reader is hereby warned that parts of this analysis may take him into
waters that require more depth of study (for those interested in pursuing
this study, we refer them to www.homeopathy.com and
www.heilkunst.com). To stray past the Pillars of Hercules involves its
own perils, least of which is the loss of ones restricted world-view.

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

1: The Historical Foundation

In 1828, the German medical reformer, Samuel Hahnemann, formally
communicated his discovery to the world of a new, fundamental type of
disease, which he termed chronic miasms4. Out of these fundamental
disease types, or archetypes, there emerged a myriad of other, more
particular diseases, also chronic in nature, which he referred to as chronic
diseases. What had occasioned this new discovery in Dr. Hahnemanns
later years? He was by this time already 73 years old.
Not long after having communicated formally his discoveries to the
world in 1810, particularly that of homeopathic prescribing,5 in his
Organon der Heilkunst (Organon of the Remedial Art), Hahnemann made
some disquieting observations. He began to notice that often the chronic
disease conditions, initially improved and even seemingly dispatched by
the application of remedies homeopathically-selected, returned and were
now no longer responsive to the previous successfully applied medicine
or, if they did not return, the underlying state of health (constitution) of the
patient continued to degenerate despite the apparent cure.

The term miasm was commonly in use in Hahnemanns day and referred to
some noxious, unseen influence in the air that made one sick. The term goes back to the
Greek and was used by Hippocrates to refer to a certain taint in the air that caused
disease, the precursor to the later germs of the air theory made famous by Louis
Pasteur, but it is important to understand that there is a world of difference between
Hahnemanns dynamic conception of disease and the more material one of Pasteur and
conventional medicine.

It is critical here to understand that the term homeopathy refers factually to

Hahnemanns discovery of a way to find the curative medicine for a disease that is
unidentifiable by the usual diagnostic methods, and this by means of the disease image
created by the totality of characteristic symptoms of the disease, to which a similar
medicine can be found, namely that one that produces in clinical provings a similar
disease image (as recorded in the Materia Medica). Thus, while the Organon dwells
heavily on this new, and very useful method of disease diagnosis and treatment, it also
covers other aspects of medicine, such as obstacles to cure, energetic balancing,
psychotherapy, drainage, etc.

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

His followers seemed to think that the problem lay in the limited
number of medicines that were available to the homeopathic practitioner.
Hahnemann himself rejected this possibility and concluded that the
problem was not so much a quantitative one (more medicines) as a
qualitative one (deeper understanding of the underlying principles of
disease and treatment). This led him quickly to the discovery of the
venereal miasms, which were chronic, infectious and inheritable in nature.
It took another 10 years of close observation, however, to discover and
confirm the arch malady behind the many non-venereal diseases of
chronic nature (psora), as well as to determine new medicines to cure
them, as the hitherto store of medicines, while effective against true acute
diseases (that is, self-contained, self-limiting diseases), were of no use
against the chronic diseases derived from the chronic miasms.
The general discovery of the chronic miasms as the underlying
fundamental cause of the myriad of chronic diseases not only clarified a
compelling medical mystery and enhanced the therapeutic effectiveness of
his new system of medicine, but also brought Hahnemann back to his
initial fundamental discovery of the two types of disease those of a
fixed, static or constant nature and diseases mostly arising from them
having a more variable nature or essence. It also provided the critical basis
for the next momentous chapter in his lifes work the use of dual remedy
prescribing.6 Both of these aspects have been misunderstood, if not
ignored by his followers since, perhaps because they involve a deeper
understanding of disease and therapeutics than is contained in
conventional homeopathic texts, and Hahnemann was rightfully skeptical
of the reception his new discovery would receive even as he felt
compelled to share it with the world for the benefit of mankind.
3 At least I cannot hope that these important
communications will fare any better than the General
Homeopathy which I have published hitherto.
5 May they do better with the great discovery herewith
presented to them!

See An Affair to Remember in the Heilkunst Series (www.heilkunst.com)

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

6 And if they do not -- well - then will a more conscientious

and insightful posterity alone have the advantage to be
obtained by a faithful, punctual observance of the teachings
laid down here of being able to deliver mankind from the
numberless torments stemming from the unnameable,
protracted diseases which have been an onus upon poor
diseased humanity as far back as history extends - a boon that
had not been within their reach by what Homeopathy had
taught hitherto.

Based on the literature to date on this important topic, even in the last
few years, as well as the one-sided treatment of, and even lack of
treatment of the chronic diseases and miasms by the followers of Dr.
Hahnemann, it would seem that his fears have been borne out. Yet it lies
open to every practitioner of the true medical art, Heilkunst, to achieve the
success in treatment bequeathed by Dr. Hahnemann from a faithful
observance of his teachings on chronic disease. This book is dedicated to
the full understanding of his teachings and the fruitful application of his
insights to the many sufferers of chronic illness, as he had fervently

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

2: The Problem
By his own account, around 1816 Hahnemann began to have doubts
about the efficacy of the hitherto homeopathic method (treatment of
disease based on symptom similarity) despite its success in the true acute
diseases, including the epidemic and sporadic. He openly and honestly
describes the process he went through in facing these doubts in his second
seminal work, Chronic Diseases, which properly forms part of his more
occasional writings (the language and length, except for the materia
medica, is more in keeping with these).7
36.1 Using the more natural treatment, homeopathic
physicians have frequently been able in a short time to remove
the present chronic state of suffering which they had before
them, after examining it according to all the symptoms
perceptible to the senses... These improvements indeed far
excelled all that allopathy had ever in rare cases been able
to effect by a lucky grab into their medicine chests.
37.1 The complaints yielded for the most part to very
small doses... and, if the malady was not altogether too old and
had not been too much and in too great a degree spoiled by
allopathy, it often yielded for a considerable time, so that
mankind had good reason to deem itself fortunate even for
that much help, and, indeed, it often proclaimed its
37.2 A patient thus treated might and often did consider
himself in pretty good health, when he fairly judged of his
present improved state and compared it with the far more
painful one before Homeopathy had afforded him its help.

It could be said with some justice that the Chronic Diseases, theoretical part, and
the various occasional writings collected as The Lesser Writings, form a parallel
Organon, intended to be read alongside of and in conjunction with the more aphoristic
Organon. Indeed, Hahnemann explicitly references several of the occasional writings, as
well as the Chronic Diseases, in the Organon.

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

37..2.1 Of this kind were the cures of psoric disease not yet
fully evolved, which had been treated by my followers with
remedies which did not belong to the number of those which,
later, proved to be the chief anti-psoric remedies, because
these remedies were not yet known. They had been merely
treated with such medicines as homeopathically best covered
and temporarily removed the then apparent moderate
symptoms, thus managing a kind of a cure which brought back
the emerging psora into a latent state, thus achieving a kind of
well-being, lasting for many years, especially in young,
vigorous persons, such as would appear as true health to
every inaccurately investigating observer.
37..2.2 But with chronic cases of fully evolved psora,
the medicines which were then known never sufficed for a
complete cure, any more than these same medicines suffice
38. Often even somewhat gross dietary sins, colds, the
onset of especially rough, wet and cold or stormy weather, or
even of autumn, however mild, but, more yet, winter and a
wintry spring, and then some violent mental or physical
exertion, but particularly some shock to the health caused by
some severe external injury, or a very sad event that bowed
down the mind, repeated fright, great grief, sorrow and
continuous vexation, often brought forth in a weakened body
(if the apparently cured disease had an already advanced
psora at its base) the re-appearance of one or more of the
sufferings which seemed already conquered, often aggravated
by some quite new occurrents, which, if not more serious than
those formerly dispatched homeopathically, were often just as
onerous and now more obstinate.
39. Sometimes a joyous lot, or an external situation of
circumstances improved by fortune, a pleasant journey, a
favorable season or dry, uniform weather conditions, might
produce a remarkable pause of shorter or longer duration in
the chronic malady of the patient, during which the
Homeopathist might consider him as fairly well recovered; and
the patient himself, if he good-naturedly overlooked some
passably moderate maladies, might consider himself as

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

healthy. Still such a favorable pause would never be of long

duration, and the return and repeated returns of the maladies
in the end left even the best selected homeopathic remedies
then known, and given in the most appropriate doses, the less
effective the oftener they were repeated. They served at last
hardly even as weak palliatives. But usually, after repeated
attempts to conquer the disease which appeared in a form
always somewhat modified, residual maladies appeared, which
the homeopathic medicines hitherto proved, though not few,
had to leave uneradicated, yea, often undiminished. Thus
there followed more and more complaints ever more
troublesome, and as time proceeded, more serious, and this
even with blameless regimen and punctual observance of
directions on the part of the patient. The chronic sickness
could be but little delayed in its progress by the homeopathic
physician while worsening from year to year despite all
40. This was, and remained, a quicker or slower process in
such treatments of all non-venereal, severe chronic diseases,
even when these were treated in exact accordance with the
teachings of the homeopathic art as hitherto known. Their
beginning was promising, the continuation less favorable, the
outcome hopeless. (SRD translation; emphasis added

From such an exciting and promising beginning of a new system of

medicine not more than a decade earlier, Hahnemann had come to this
startling and gloomy conclusion. What had happened?
Hahnemanns honest and critical observations had triggered a crisis of
confidence in his new system of homeopathic medicine. How did he react?
He could have simply ignored the problem and consoled himself with the
many successful cures that had been achieved and were still possible. He
could have consoled himself with the thought and fact that there simply
were not enough medicines in use and placed his focus and energies solely
into more provings, as many of his followers urged. However, such
approaches are not open to a seeker of truth and a genius of Hahnemanns

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

stature. The burden of genius is to go beyond the comfortable confines of

the known light and to cross the boundary into the unknown darkness.
53 To find out then the reason why all the medicines
known to Homeopathy failed to bring a real cure in the abovementioned diseases, and to gain an insight more nearly correct
and, if possible, quite correct, into the true nature of the
thousands of chronic diseases which still remain uncured,
despite the irrefutable truth of the Homeopathic Law of Cure,
this very serious task has occupied me since the years 1816
and 1817, night and day

Hahnemann knew from his study of the matter that the problem lay
not in the lack of known medicines but in his lack of knowledge of
disease. Homeopathy had proved efficacious against many diseases so the
problem was not that the law of similars was not universally valid
indeed it was but that there was a gap in the understanding of disease
and, therefore, the most effective application of that ancient law of cure.
He realized that the treatment to date, based on the prevailing symptoms,
did not constitute a full cure of the case; there remained hidden diseases
not visible in any symptoms and not treatable by his hitherto homeopathic
system of treatment.
41 And nevertheless this teaching itself was supported
upon the most unassailable pillars of truth and will evermore
be so. The attestation of its excellence, yea (so far as this can
be predicated of human affairs), of its infallibility, has been
laid before the eyes of the world through facts.
42. Homeopathy alone taught first how to cure the great
self-contained diseases, the old, smooth scarlet fever of
Sydenham, the more recent purples, whooping cough, croup,
sycosis, and autumnal dysenteries, by means of the
specifically aiding homeopathic remedies. Even acute pleurisy,
and typhous contagious epidemics must now allow themselves
to be speedily turned into health by a few small doses of
rightly- selected homeopathic medicine.

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Hahnemann was aware that he faced a qualitative problem, not a

quantitative one that could simply be addressed by increasing the number
of remedies in the materia medica. Only if the understanding of disease
could be advanced, only then could the quantitative issue of additional
remedies be usefully explored. The organizing idea must come first, for
the search for new remedies to be properly guided and fruitful. He realized
that he faced a problem not of lack of medicines, but of knowledge.
43. Whence then this less favorable, this unfavorable,
result of the continued treatment of the non-venereal chronic
diseases even by Homeopathy? What was missing in the
thousands of failed endeavors to cure the remaining diseases
of protracted nature so that lasting recovery might proceed
44 Perhaps by the still too small number of homeopathic
remedial implements so far proven as to their pure actions!
45 Students of Homeopathy have hitherto thus consoled
themselves [and still largely do today]; but this excuse, or socalled consolation, never satisfied the founder of Homeopathy
particularly because even the ever increasing store of
proved powerful medicines has not advanced the cure of
chronic (non-venereal) diseases by a single step, while acute
diseases (unless these, at their commencement, threaten
unavoidable death) are not only passably removed, by means
of a correct application of homeopathic remedies, but, with the
assistance of the never-resting, living, Sustentive Power in our
organism, find a speedy and complete cure.
385 If the cause must at all times be proportionate to its
effect and the reason to its consequence, as always in nature,
no one can see how, after rescinding those external assaults to
her health, the resulting maladies could not only continue, but
even increase from year to year, if their ground did not lie in
something else, something deeper,
-so that those untoward events (the miscarriage and the
sad tidings), since both disappeared of themselves and
therefore could not possibly yield a sufficient ground for the
ensuing chronic disease, are only to be regarded as the

Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

impetus and occasion of the evolution of an inimical Potence of

greater importance, inwardly pre-existent but hitherto

Hahnemann quickly identified the two known venereal diseases,

infectious in nature and passed on to offspring, syphilis and gonorrhea
(sycosis), as constituting two of the hidden causes of chronic diseases.
However, these two miasms8 only accounted for a small proportion of all
chronic disease cases at the time. Hahnemann realized that the cause of the
other chronic diseases lay in a hidden fundamental disease (arch
malady) that could not be detected by the presenting symptoms of the
patient. Where he and his students had been treating the chronic diseases
as if they were stand alone, idiopathic diseases, he discovered that they
were but fragments of a deeper disease, a chronic miasm.
49. ...and that consequently he would first have to come to
know as far as possible the whole extent of all the occurrents
and symptoms belonging to the unknown arch malady before
he might hope to discover one or more medicines
homeopathically capable of covering the whole of the
fundamental malady by means of its peculiar symptoms, by
which means he would then be in a position to curatively
conquer and extinguish the sickness in its whole extent,
consequently also its single members that is, all its disease
fragments appearing as so many various disease cases.

Hippocrates writings seem to be the first recorded use of the term miasm,
which has its origins in the Greek word for taint or fault. There was the understanding
that certain diseases were infectious in nature, that is, they were transmitted to humans by
tainted air and water in the form of entities called miasms. In Hahnemanns time it was a
common belief that miasms were impure airs, such as that from swamps, which were
responsible for the spread of epidemic diseases among groups of people. One of the
remedies for malaria, Malaria officianalis, was developed at least partly on the basis of
the view that it was the impure airs emanating from the swamp water that caused malaria.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Hahnemann realized that the arch malady had to be of a chronic

nature. It also had to be infectious, much like the chronic venereal miasms
he had earlier discovered.
50. But that the arch malady sought for must also be of a
miasmatic, chronic nature clearly showed itself to me from
this circumstance, that after flourishing and evolving to a
certain height, it is never lifted by dint of a robust constitution,
or overcome by the most wholesome diet and regimen, nor
does it quench itself. Rather it is evermore aggravated, from
year to year, by transition into other more serious symptoms,
right up to the end of life, like every chronic, miasmatic
disease, e.g., the venereal bubo which has not been cured from
within by mercury, its specific remedy, but has passed over
into venereal disease that likewise never quenches itself, but
increases from year to year (despite the best regimen and
most robust bodily constitution), evolving new and worse
symptoms, again right up to the end of life.

What now emerged was that under the various chronic diseases,
which had seemed initially to be idiopathic diseases (that is, selfcontained), there existed more fundamental, primary chronic maladies of a
constant nature called chronic miasms.9
49.1 The continually repeated fact that the nonvenereal
chronic diseases, after being time and again removed
homeopathically in the best way by the remedies fully proved
up to the present time, always returned in a more or less
varied form and with new symptoms, or reappeared annually
with an increase of complaints, first disclosed to me:
that the homeopathic physician in such a chronic (nonvenereal) case, yea, in all cases of (non-venereal) chronic
disease, is not only dealing with the disease appearance before
his eyes, and should not view and treat it as if it were an
idiopathic disease, to be speedily and permanently expunged

See the section in The Dynamic Legacy on Idiopathic Disease.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

and cured homeopathically (which empirical results refuted)

but that he was always dealing with some separate part of a
more deep-seated original malady, whose great extent is
shown in the new occurrents emerging from time to time;
that the homeopathic physician may not hope to
permanently cure single disease cases of this kind under the
presupposition, hitherto entertained, that they were
idiopathic, self-contained diseases which would never again
sprout forth with other, new, troublesome symptoms

Here we have a discovery that has been completely missed by

generations of homeopaths because of their blindness regarding the dual
nature of disease between those diseases having a constant nature or
Wesen and those having a more variable nature. This discovery involved
the dual nature of chronic disease: first, the few chronic miasms that are of
a static or constant nature, which then can give rise to numerous chronic
diseases of variable nature (for example, we have the archetypal chronic
miasm, psora, and also a host of psoric diseases, for which there are a host
of anti-psoric medicines. This is everywhere emphasized in his Chronic
Diseases and the Organon as the following examples illustrate:
13.2 ...The Chronic Diseases, which spring from miasms...
14.1 ...the chronic diseases arising from miasms directly...
57.1 All chronic diseases of mankind... must therefore all
have for their origin and foundation static chronic miasms...
896 every other psoric diathesis, i.e., the psora that is
still dormant within, as well as the psora that has evolved into
one of the innumerable chronic diseases springing from it
183.1 ...then the slumbering psora awakes and shows
itself, by the heightened and augmented symptoms following
below, in its transition to the formation of severe maladies; one
or another of the nameless (psoric) chronic diseases breaks


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

243.1 ...psora having gradually developed secondary

maladies and thus having changed into chronic diseases of
various kinds...
243.2 ...but instead of the original chronic (psoric)
disease, they have for a time come under the dominion of a
sulphur-disease (another, perhaps more bearable,
indisposition)... They do not know, that their changed disease
state is merely a transformation of the same psora...
244.1 ...the treatment of a multitude of chronic diseases
(the secondary psoric maladies)...
245 ...either with the still hidden and dormant psora or,
when this has already more or less developed and broken out
into its varied chronic diseases...
.72.2. -- these are called chronic diseases.
.72.3. They arise from dynamic infection by a chronic

The chronic, secondary diseases that arise from psora and the other
chronic miasms are determined by various factors:
394 The awakening of the internal psora, hitherto
slumbering and latent, having been held in check as it were by
a good bodily constitution and favorable external relations, as
well as its breaking out into more serious maladies and
sicknesses, is announced by the increase of the signs given
above as indicating the slumbering psora and also by a
numberless multitude of various other signs and complaints.
These are varied according to the distinct bodily constitution
of a person, his hereditary disposition, the various errors in
his education and habits, his manner of living and diet, his
employments, his spiritual direction, his morality, etc.
395 Then when the itch-malady evolves into a manifest
secondary disease


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

The venereal diseases did not present the same picture of suppression
and proliferation of disease as did the arch malady, which he termed
psora. He traced this miasm to an initial skin lesion, often undetected,
which was highly infectious through contact or exchange of clothing, and
could be inherited, and was able to discover medicines that had the power
to address the chronic diseases of psoric origin.
53.1 Gradually I learned of more helpful means against
this arch malady engendering so many sufferings, that is
against that which may be called by the general name of Psora
(the inner itch disease with or without its skin eruption). It
then dawned on me, due to the subsequent aid afforded by
using these medicines in similar chronic diseases for which
the patient was unable to identify such an infection, that also
these cases, in which the patient recalled no infection of this
kind, nevertheless had to have stemmed from a Psora
contracted perhaps already in the cradle, or communicated in
some other unrecallable fashion; and this often found
corroboration upon more careful inquiry with the parents or
aged relatives.
54.1 Exacting observation of the aid afforded by the
antipsoric means added in the first of these eleven years
taught me evermore how frequently the moderate, as well as
the more severe and the most severe, chronic diseases were of
this origin.

Of the three chronic miasms, psora was the most important.

58.1 In Europe and also on other continents so far as is
known, according to all investigations, only three chronic
miasms are found, whose diseases emerge as local symptoms,
and from which most, if not all, the chronic diseases originate;
namely, first, SYPHILIS, which I have also called the venereal
chancre disease; then SYCOSIS, or the fig-wart disease; and
finally the chronic disease which lies at the foundation of the
eruption of itch, the PSORA, which shall be spoken of first as
the most important of them all.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

62.1 And, if we except those diseases evinced by a

perverse medical practice or by deleterious labors in
quicksilver, Lead, Arsenic, etc., which appear in the common
pathology under a hundred proper names as supposedly
separate and self-contained (idiopathic) diseases (and also
those springing from syphilis and the still rarer ones springing
from sycosis), all the remaining natural chronic sufferings,
with or without names, find in PSORA their true origin, their
only source.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

3: The Dynamic Nature of Disease

It is critical to understand what Hahnemann means by disease if a full
understanding of chronic disease is to be achieved. This is set out in detail
in the prior works of the authors, The Dynamic Legacy, and
Understanding Disease in Hahnemanns System; what follows here are the
main elements.
For Hahnemann, disease is a dynamic or supersensible phenomenon
that resides above the physical body in what is commonly referred to as
the astral body of man, that part of the dynamic man that involves the
emotions and desire, what he called a dynamic affection. The power of
the medicine (artificial disease) lies precisely in its similar resonance to
that affection.
.29.1 the Feeling of the natural (weaker) dynamic
disease affection is extinguished and disappears for it [the
Living Principle] thereby, which affection from then on exists
no more for the Living Principle, which is now solely occupied
and governed by the stronger, artificial disease affection...

A disturbance of our natural, god-given desire function then deranges

the functioning of the organism and eventually leads to physical
symptoms, the famous hierarchy of altered feelings, functions and
sensations used in homeopathic case-taking.
The impingement of the Feeling (das Gefhl) leads to a pervasive
mood or feeling (Stimmung), which, at the phenomenological level,
anchors the disease in the patient in the form of feelings. Next, we have
impressions at the etheric level of the body (Leib), which is the realm of
functions, and finally sensations in the physical body. The feelings,
functions and sensations comprise what Hahnemann termed the condition


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Thus, we now have a sequence for the disease process:

Dynamic Affection dynamische Affection
State of Mind der Gemthszustand
(Ontic Organization)
The Feeling das Gefhl
(Astral Body)

Feelings Gefhlen

Impression die Eindruck

Functions Thtigkeiten
(Etheric Body)
Sensibility die Empfindung
Sensations Empfindungen
(Physical Body)
What this means is that the terms that Hahnemann uses for disease,
while they may bear a resemblance to existing disease names, are not to be
reduced to their material counterparts, or even judged thereby. Allopathic
nosology (disease classification) consists in the naming or describing of
the outer form or appearances of things, on the belief that disease is a
material thing. Thus, the naming of the outer shell of a thing is taken as
the thing itself, as if one were to take a box of cereal as being the cereal
itself. Initially, the physicians who had accepted his application of the
ancient law of similars based on provings, now rejected en masse the
psora theory. They interpreted Hahnemann as saying that the itch mite was
responsible for a host of diseases that they considered as separate (based
on allopathic diagnosis), missing entirely Hahnemanns dynamic
concept of disease that had its origins in an external itch and to which he
gave the existing name of psora.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Psora, a common expression that was widely known in

Hahnemanns time, was the general term for a whole series of
skin troubles of the most varied kinds, well known from the very
earliest timesalthough at the same time [his contemporaries]
applied it in the narrower sense to itch proper. (Richard Haehl,
Samuel Hahnemann, His Life and Work, p. 143)

Even today there are articles by allopathically-trained homeopaths

criticizing Hahnemanns disease classification based on current
materially-based and derived disease distinctions, implying that
Hahnemanns insights are out of date, crude and can be set aside in the
light of modern medical science.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

4: Rediscovery of the Dual Nature of Disease

The discovery of the chronic miasms as fundamental diseases of
constant nature that gave rise to a myriad of secondary, variable diseases
was, for Hahnemann, a return to the roots of his system. Right from the
beginning he had identified two types of disease: diseases of a constant,
static nature which were primary and gave rise over time, under varying
circumstances and in varying constitutions, to disease of a varying nature
or essence. However, the primary, constant diseases are limited in number
and had largely been identified by Hahnemanns time. They include the
classic infectious diseases, such as the childhood illnesses, cholera,
typhoid, yellow fever, etc., as well as the category of physical and
emotional shocks Hahnemann referred to as homogenic diseases.10
The specific remedies for these diseases had mostly been identified
from folk medicine or from clinical observation based on provings, so
Hahnemann turned his attention to the many remaining diseases that were
of a variable nature. Treatment of these diseases could not be done on the
basis of the known cause or disease image, such as with the constant
diseases, which are more readily identifiable due to their constant nature
over the centuries. It was Hahnemanns genius to approach them by way
of their symptom image on the basis of the ancient law of similars, and
thereby to create what he termed homeopathy. This became the focus of
his call for medical reform with the publication of the Organon in 1810.
However, with the discovery of the chronic miasms as the progenitor
of the many chronic diseases, Hahnemann had discovered a deeper form
of his earlier observation of the dual nature of disease.
57.1. All chronic diseases of mankind, even those left to
themselves, not aggravated by a perverted treatment, show,
as was said, such a constancy and perseverance, that as soon
as they have developed and have not been thoroughly cured by
art, evermore increase with the years and during the whole of


See The Dynamic Legacy.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

mans lifetime; they cannot be diminished by the powers of

even the most robust constitution, nor by the soundest
regimen and diet. Still less can they be vanquished and
extinguished. Thus they never pass away of themselves, but
increase and are aggravated even till death. They must
therefore all have for their origin and foundation static
[constant] chronic miasms, whereby their parasitical
existence in the human organism is enabled to continually rise
and grow.
70. They must therefore all have for their origin and
foundation static chronic miasms, whereby their parasitical
existence in the human organism is enabled to continually rise
and grow.

This idea of static diseases (that is, diseases of a constant nature) as

well as those of more variable nature is found also in the Organon:
.46.1. Very many examples of diseases would be
adducible, which in the course of nature were cured
homeopathically by diseases of similar symptoms, if we did not
have to keep solely to those few static diseases arising out of a
fixed miasm, and thus worthy of a determinate name, so as to
be able to speak of something determined and undoubted.
.81.1. b] 11. If one however, nevertheless, occasionally
believes himself in need of certain disease names in order to
make himself succinctly understandable to common people
when the patient is being spoken of, so let him make use of the
same only as a collective name and say e.g.,: the patient has a
kind of St. Vitus dance, a kind of edema, a kind of nerve fever,
a kind of ague, never however (so that the delusion in these
names may finally cease once and for all): he has the St. Vitus
dance, the nerve fever, the dropsy, the ague, since there
certainly arent any fixed, static diseases by these and similar
names. [that is, only such diseases can have a disease name
independent of the medicine]
.100.2. The novelty or peculiarity of such a epidemic
makes no difference in either its examination or cure, since
the physician presupposes the pure image of each presently


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

reigning disease as new and unknownand here all the more,

since each reigning contagion is in many regards a
phenomenon of its own kind, and is found by exact
examination to be very divergent from all former contagions
falsely labeled with certain names; -- if we except the
epidemics that stem from an static infectious tinder such as
smallpox, measles, etc.
.142.1. But how some symptoms a] of the simple
medicine employed for cure may be spotted, even in diseases,
especially of the static, chronic type, among the ailments of
the original disease, is an object of the higher art of judgment
and is to be left only to masters of observation.
Introduction to the Organon: 161. If one discounts the
cases where the empiricism of the common man furnished the
ordinary doctors (rather than their inventive art,) with the
specific means for a static disease, whereby they could thus
directly cure, e.g., venereal chancre disease with mercury,
contusion disease with Arnica, intermittent swamp fever with
China bark, freshly arisen scabies with sulfur powder, etc.

However, the most comprehensive understanding of this critical

distinction between fixed and variable diseases is to be found in his
occasional writings, collected under the unfortunate and misleading title,
The Lesser Writings.

Essay on a New Principle (1796)

The first published result of Hahnemanns new observations on
medicine was a lengthy and important work entitled, Essay on a New
Principle for Ascertaining the Curative Powers of Drugs of 1796. Here we
can find the initial insights that emerged from all the hard labors of the
previous eight years, in particular the early discoveries of the dual nature
of disease and medicinal action.
Hahnemann sets out that there exist two types of disease, a concept
that he would continue to develop throughout his lifetime.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

It is only the very great simplicity and constancy of ague

and syphilis that permitted remedies to be found for them,
which appeared to many physicians to have specific qualities...
they are, however, probably specific in both diseases, when
they occur simple, pure and free from all complication. Our
great and intelligent observers of disease have seen the truth
of this too well, to require that I should dwell longer on this
Now, when I entirely deny that there are any absolute
specifics for individual diseases, in their full extent, as they
are described in ordinary works on pathology, I am, on the
other hand, convinced that there are as many specifics as
there are different states of individual diseases, i.e., that there
are peculiar specifics for the pure disease [tonic], and others
for its varieties [pathic], and for other abnormal states of the
system. (Lesser Writings, p. 260-261, underlines and brackets

The most fixed of these diseases were those for which medicine had
previously discovered the curative substance casu fortuito (by trial and
error), and by drawing on the established lore and practice of folk
medicine. This discovery of diseases of a fixed and constant nature led
Hahnemann to the discovery of one type of specific medicine, which could
be ascertained simply from the knowledge of the disease itself. Such
constant diseases as Hahnemann was able to determine at this point fell, as
we shall see, into the two dimensions of disease known as the homogenic
and pathogenic.
The earliest examples of pathogenic diseases were the self-limiting
infectious illnesses of childhood, such as measles and scarlet fever (these
we later identify as pathogenic diseases), and of homogenic diseases - the
traumatic injuries (e.g., falls, bruises, and emotional shocks). Hahnemann
referred to the remedies for the constant, fixed diseases as constant
specifics or peculiar remedies.
The second form of specific medicine arose because there seemed to
be maladies in which no fixed, constant nature was easily identifiable. The
disease nature was much more variable and difficult to diagnose. In such


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

cases, which formed the majority of problems facing the physician,

Hahnemann discovered that he could determine the remedy for the
disease, that is the specific, through the symptoms of the patient, the
pathology (pathos = suffering), as expressed in alterations in feelings,
functions and sensations. The provings had given him the totality of
characteristic symptoms of the curative medicine and he had only to match
this to the totality of characteristic symptoms of the disease as expressed
in the patient. This was a more difficult approach to the treatment of
disease and became the focus of his main treatise on medicine, the
Organon der Heilkunst (first published, as noted earlier, in 1810).
We could call the remedies for the more variable, or individual
diseases, variable specifics, as the specific remedy needed will depend to a
large degree on the individual symptoms of the case of disease at hand.
What was used in a previous case of a headache, for example, would not
necessarily be valid in the next case, as the diseases causing headaches are
variable in nature.
Let us examine the writings of Hahnemann on these two types of
specifics, each coming from a different side of disease (speaking here of
disease as a concept, not of a particular disease as such).
It is only the very great simplicity and constancy of ague
and syphilis that permitted remedies to be found for them,
which appeared to many physicians to have specific qualities;
for the variations in these diseases occur much more seldom,
and are usually much less important than in others,
consequently bark and mercury must be much more
serviceable than not so. But neither is bark specific in ague, in
the most extended sense of the term, nor mercury in syphilis,
in its most extended sense [that is, where there are
complications]; they are, however, probably specific in both
diseases, when they occur simple, pure and free from all
complications. Our great and intelligent observers of disease
have seen the truth of this too well, to require that I should
dwell longer on this subject.
Now, when I entirely deny that there are any absolute
specifics for individual diseases, in their full extent, as they
are described in ordinary works on pathology, I am, on the


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

other hand, convinced that there are as many specifics as

there are different states of individual diseases, i.e., that there
are peculiar specifics for the pure disease, and others for its
varieties, and for other abnormal states of the system. (Lesser
Writings, p. 260-61).
We observe a few diseases that always arise from one and
the same cause, e.g., the miasmic maladies; hydrophobia, the
venereal disease, the plague of the Levant, yellow fever, smallpox, cow-pox, the measles and some others, which bear upon
them the distinctive mark of always remaining diseases of a
peculiar character; and, because they arise from a contagious
principle that always remains the same, they also always
retain the same character and pursue the same course,
excepting as regards some accidental concomitant
circumstances, which however do not alter their essential
These few [fixed or static] diseases, at all events those
first mentioned (the miasmatic), we may therefore term
specific, and when necessary bestow on them distinctive
If a remedy have been discovered for one of these, it will
always be able to cure it, for such a disease always remains
essentially identical, both in its manifestations (the
representatives of its internal nature [Wesen]) and in its
cause. (Lesser Writings, p. 440)

From Two Specifics to Two Sides of Disease

Eventually Hahnemann came to realize that these two approaches to
disease represented a dynamic polarity of disease and that disease,
considered conceptually, had two sides.
These two sides can be called the tonic and the pathic sides, based on
their respective natures and the terms that Hahnemann used in speaking of
them. While he never formally gave the two sides labels, the terms used
here are adducible from the language Hahnemann used in describing them.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

The constant nature of disease and the constant specific relate to the
tonic side of the case, which is unific in nature (that is, involves data that
is wholistic and supersensible, such as objective feeling and state of
mind). The more variable disease varieties and the variable, individual
specific relate to the pathic side, which is prolific in nature (the expression
of the disease as manifested in the sensible data, or totality of
characteristic symptoms of the patient).
In essence, each disease has an underlying form and each disease also
often has a particular expression over time. However, the degree of
constancy of the form will be different for different diseases, and the
nature of the expression in terms of the data used by the physician will
also be different.
By an infinite number of trials of all imaginable simple
substances used in domestic practice, in a well-defined disease,
which shall constantly present the same characters, a true,
certainly efficacious, specific remedy for the greater number
of individuals and their friends suffering from the same
disease might certainly be discovered, though only casu
...The constant specific remedies in these few diseases
were capable of being discovered by means of trying every
imaginable medicinal substance, only because the thing to be
cured, the disease, was of a constant character; - they are
diseases which always remain the same; some are produced by
a miasm which constitutes the same through all generations,
such as the venereal disease; others have the same exciting
causes, as the ague of marshy districts, the goitre of the
inhabitants of deep valleys and their outlets, and the bruises
caused by falls and blows
Only for a want [disease] of a constant character can we
suppose a supply [remedy] of a constant character.
That it was requisite, in order to find out empirically the
proper remedy, that all diseases, for which the specific was
sought should be identical and preserve an invariable fixed
character, appears not to only have been surmised, but to have
been deeply felt by the medical community of the old school.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

They imagined that they must represent to themselves the

various diseases of humanity in certain fixed forms, before
they could hope to discover for each a suitable, trustworthy
remedy, and this (as they knew no other better scientific
way of finding the fitting medicine in diseases) by means of
experimenting on them with all possible drugs, - a method
which had succeeded so well in the few fixed diseases above
alluded to. (Lesser Writings, pp. 687-689)
46.1. Very many examples of diseases would be
adducible, which in the course of nature were cured
homeopathically by diseases of similar symptoms, if we did not
have to keep solely to those few static [gleichbleibend]
diseases arising out of a fixed miasm, and thus worthy of a
determinate name, so as to be able to speak of something
determined and undoubted.
81.1.b]1 How many improper, ambiguous names are
there not therein, under each of which highly different
[variable] disease states are comprehended, often only
resembling themselves in a single symptom, like: ague,
jaundice, edema, consumption, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids,
rheumatism, stroke, convulsions, hysteria, hypochondria,
melancholy, mania, croup, paralysis etc., which are declared
to be static, fixed diseases [gleichbleibende, feststndige
Krankheiten] in and of themselves and are treated by name
according to standard practice!
81.1.b]6 Even those common acute disease are
documented by the old medicinal school as if they were
always uniformly recurrent, already known, fixed diseases
like: Typhus- hospital-, or jail-, camp-, putrid-, typhoid
nerve- or mucous-fever etc., although every epidemic of
such circulating fevers distinguishes itself each time as
another new disease, never before entirely extant, and very
divergent with respect to its course, as well as to several of
its most striking symptoms, and its entire respective
81.1.b]11 If one however, nevertheless, occasionally
believes himself in need of certain disease names in order to


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

make himself succinctly understandable to common people

when the patient is being spoken of, so let him make use of
the same only as a collective name and say e.g.: the patient
has a kind of St. Vitus dance, a kind of edema, a kind of
nerve fever, a kind of ague, never however (so that the
delusion in these names may finally cease once and for all):
he has the St. Vitus dance, the nerve fever, the dropsy, the
ague, since there certainly arent any fixed, static diseases
[gleichbleibende, feststndige Krankheiten] by these and
similar names.

In the above passage, Hahnemann has given us a principle relating to

the degree of constancy of a disease:
Only for a want of a constant character can we suppose a
supply of a constant character.

Thus, where there is a disease (want) of a constant character, we

would look for a remedial agent (supply) of a constant character.
As regards the naming of disease (dia-gnosis), only the fixed, constant
diseases can be given a distinctive name that allows it to be recognized,
such as measles or whooping cough. However the variable, individual
diseases can only be identified by their remedy. Thus, the names given by
allopaths are false names in most cases, as they describe the result of
disease and then only that which is material in nature.
If someone suffers, for example, from protracted lack of energy with
no known cause, they are diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome; if
with certain sensitivity and stiffness in the joints accompanied by
swelling, with rheumatoid arthritis. These are results of disease, not true
diseases, and even then they are not true conditions, being only a fragment
of the actual condition (alteration in feelings, functions and sensations)
produced by the disease, as we will see when we later examine the manner
of taking the case through the condition (totality of characteristic
symptoms). As Hahnemann states, we can only speak of a type of fatigue,
or a type of arthritis if we wish to use these allopathic names.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

For Hahnemann, the desired approach in medicine is first to

determine if the disease in question is of a constant, fixed nature and then
treat for that disease with the appropriate constant remedy. This approach
has the advantage that the physician often has only to know or look up the
constant or true specific that has been previously identified to cure the
case, allowing for the treatment of disease rapidly and with relatively few
Where the disease is not of a discernible typical constant nature
(either recognizable as such, as with measles or scarlet fever, or because
the cause is known, as in the case of accidents, poisonings and traumas)
and thus is of a variable, individual nature, the physician must then take
the route of eliciting and analyzing the expression of the individual disease
(symptoms) in order to find the curative medicine.
Hence it happens that with the exception of those few diseases that
are always the same, all others are dissimilar and innumerable and so
different that each of them occurs scarcely more than once in the world
and each case of disease that presents itself must be regarded (and treated)
as an individual malady that never before occurred in the same manner.
The internal essential nature of every malady, of every
individual case of disease, as far as it is necessary for us to
know it, for the purpose of curing it, expresses itself by the
symptoms, as they present themselves to the investigations of
the true observer in their whole extent, connection and
succession. (Lesser Writings, pp. 442-443)
In order to treat successfully the other cases of disease
occurring in man, and which, be they acute or chronic, differ
so vastly among each other, if they cannot be referred to some
primary disease which is constant in its character, they must
each be regarded as peculiar diseases, and a medicine which in
its pure effects on the healthy body shows symptoms similar
to those of the case before us, must be administered. (Lesser
Writings, p. 693)

It should be noted from the above quotes that Hahnemann also

distinguished between simple, uncomplicated (true) diseases and those


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

that were more complicated and formed varieties of this true disease. This
insight would later prove useful in Hahnemanns discovery of the chronic
diseases, both in terms of the simple, true disease and its many varieties.

Pathic Side of Disease

The pathic is that aspect of disease that expresses itself in terms of the
suffering (pathos) of the patient and the sufferings caused in those around
him. We see this in the term homeopathic or similar suffering. The
remedy chosen on the basis of this suffering can be said to have a pathic
relationship to the disease, making it the remedy for the pathic disease.
These are the individual, variable diseases that can only be identified
through the symptoms expressed by the particular patient. Thus, if one
were to ask what was the name of the disease he was suffering from, the
correct response would be, You are suffering from (name of remedy)
This is the side of disease that Hahnemann pioneered through his use
of provings to create a usable armory of medicines to treat the many
varieties of natural disease. It is the side that gave the name to one aspect
of the new system of Heilkunst based on the law of similar resonance
(homoios + pathos = similar suffering). In acute diseases of an idiopathic
nature the pathic side is relatively easy to identify and prescribe on, as the
symptom picture is strong and clear.
73. There is nothing that would earn the honorable name
of cure in this revulsive treatment, which has no straight,
immediate pathic direction (pathische Richtung) towards the
originally suffering formation.
139 ...because the substances prescribed in such a sense
had little or no direct pathic relation (pathischen Bezug ) to the
suffering nor should have, but, on the contrary, only attacked
the least stricken points in a useless and damaging way.
22.1.a]1 The other possible manner of employing
medicines against diseases besides both of these is the
allopathic method in which medicines are prescribed whose
symptoms have no direct pathic connection (pathische


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Beziehung ) to the disease state, therefore are neither

similar nor opposed to the disease symptoms; rather, are
entirely heterogenic.
284.4 So also in a long continued allopathic treatment,
which has no true healing power with respect to the disease,
no direct pathic (Homeopathic) relation to the parts and
processes concerned in the chronic disease... (Chronic

Tonic Side of Disease

The tonic is that aspect that relates to the more supersensible (beyond
the sense world) dimension of expression. The operative aspect here is the
state of mind rather than the pathology (suffering of the patient based on
the somatic state). Rather than expressing itself in the individual bodily
constitutions in terms of suffering, the tonic side expresses itself more in
other ways, such as in behavior and occurrents (circumstances surrounding
the disease, e.g., accidents or emotional stress). Tonic diseases involve
typology rather than symptomology, or constancy rather than variability.
The tonic remedies also have a fixed relationship to a particular disease;
they are constant specifics, as opposed to the individual specifics of the
pathic diseases. Psorinum is always the remedy for psora, Tuberculinum
for tuberculosis (as the chronic miasm, not the allopathic name for the
morbid tissue change, which arises out of the tubercular miasm), Arnica
for contusions, Apis for bee stings, etc.
The tonic side can be detected in Hahnemanns use of words that
contain the root word stimm, such as Verstimmung (mistunement). The
root has the concept of underlying tone, which can exist at many levels
muscle tone, music tone, manner of speech or writing, attitude, state of
morals, physical condition (e.g., flesh toned-complexion).
The mistunement or mistonification is the profound shifting of the
state of health through a change in the underlying tone of the person the
dynamic disturbance of the Living Powers natural rhythm. Rather than
pathology (suffering, sensible expression), what we have on the tonic side
is disease as phenomenon (a supersensible expression).


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

What we have in the tonic aspect of disease, then, is phenomenology

in polarity with the pathology or pathic (suffering) aspect. The common
functioning principle for both is nosology (study of disease
categorization). It is only through a thorough understanding of disease in
its different dimensions, aspects and hierarchies that we can properly
identify and comprehend the different tonic and pathic diseases in a
patient, and then work out an effective treatment. The tonic side exists in
time as well as space, whereas the pathic side exists in layers.
The tonic side is linked to Hahnemanns terms for curing, which have
as their root the word stimm. The root stimm is found in the term for cure
berstimmen or overtunement (see 68).
This refers to the process by which the medicinal Potence acts on the
natural mistunement. It is also used in the reference to the power of the
medicine to alter the tone of a healthy person (umstimmen - differently
tune - 21) and to the effect of allopathic treatment (to lower the vitality
through reducing the tone of the patient - see fn 60- herabstimmen).
34.2. It is above all required for cure that it be an
artificial disease as resonant as possible to the disease to be
cured so as to shift, albeit with somewhat stronger power, the
instinct-like Living Principle, capable of no deliberation and of
no recollection, into a morbid sonation {tonation} very
resonant to the natural disease, in order not only to obscure
the Feeling of the natural disease mistunement in the Living
Principle but to entirely extinguish and so to annihilate the
Feeling. (Note: not the symptoms, but the Feeling.)
63.1. Each Life-impinging Potence, each medicine,
resonifies {retonifies} the Living Power more or less and
arouses a certain alteration of condition in man for a longer or
shorter time.
66.1. A conspicuous, opposed after-action is, however,
understandably, not to be perceived in the healthy body with
the impinging-action of quite small homeopathic doses of
resonifying Potences.
69.5. ...the resonant to the present unexpunged natural
disease mistunement...


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

70.1...the diseases, as solely dynamic mistuning stimuli,

are over-tuned and extinguished by the stronger, resonant
mistuning stimulus of the homeopathic medicine in the Feeling
of the Living Principle...
148.2. If then, however, the Feeling of the impinging
action of this inimical agent, that strove to actuate and
continue this mistunement, is again withdrawn from the
Living Principle, that is, if the physician lets an artificial
disease Potence impinge on the patient against the agent, an
artificial disease Potence able to morbidly mistune the Living
Principle most resonantly, and which continually exceeds the
natural disease in energy (33, 279), even in the smallest
dose, then the Sensibility [Empfindung] of the original disease
agent gets lost for the Living Principle during the impinging
action of this stronger, similar, artificial disease; from then on
the malady exists no more for the Living Principle; it is
246 ...so that the Living Principle being resonified to the
resonant medicinal disease may never feel itself agitated to
adverse counter-actions and enraged...
247...the diseased Living Principle then allows itself to be
further resonified (that is, its Feeling of the natural disease to
be further decreased)
270.8. Only through this processing of crude medicinal
substances, preparations arise which attain their full
capability of aptly touching the suffering parts in the diseased
organism and thus, by resonant, artificial disease affection, of
withdrawing the Feeling of the natural disease from the Living
Principle present in those suffering parts.
289 fn a ...resonification of the entire Human Wesen

At a certain stage of his work, Hahnemann and his closest associates

began to work with dual remedies, the idea arises from, and is grounded


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

in, this fundamental understanding of the dual nature of disease, to treat

both sides of disease with surprising results.11

Idiopathic Disease
Hahnemann often spoke of diseases that were specific, self-contained
and peculiar, in other words, idiopathic diseases. These were the true,
primary forms of disease. Such diseases were of an independent origin,
not being derived from other diseases.
The term he used was eigene und in sich abgeschlossenen Krankheit,
which we have translated as well-defined idiopathic diseases.
Websters New 20th Century Unabridged idiopathy
[Gr. idiopatheia, feeling for oneself alone, from idios, ones
own, peculiar, and pathos, feeling, suffering] an independent
disease, neither induced by nor related to another disease;
spontaneous or primary disease.
Tabers idiopathic [idio- Gr. idios, own]
Prefix indicating individual, distinct, or unknown.
Pert. to conditions without clear pathogenesis, or disease
without recognizable cause, as of spontaneous origin.

Hahnemann admits that prior to his discovery of the chronic miasms

as primary (tonic) diseases, he and his students mistakenly treated the
secondary (pathic) diseases stemming from them (in particular, those
stemming from psora, which were most developed in his time) as being
primary diseases. However, Hahnemann came to fundamentally discover
that there were two sides to disease: the primary type, constant in its
essence and the secondary, or individual type, with its variable nature.


See An Affair to Remember in the Heilkunst series of books as well as The

Dynamic Legacy.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

This led later to the more profound discovery of the use of dual remedies
to treat both types.12
80.1. Psora, that true fundamental cause and
engenderer of almost all remaining frequent, indeed countless
disease forms, a] which figure in the pathologies as their own
well-defined idiopathic diseases under the names of nerve
weakness, hysteria, hypochondria, mania, melancholy,
imbecility, raving, epilepsy, convulsions of all kinds, of
softening of the bone (Rhachitis), scrofula, scoliosis, and
kyphosis, bone caries, cancer, fungus hematodes, neoplasms,
gout, hemorrhoids, jaundice and cyanosis, dropsy,
amenorrhea and hemorrhage of the stomach, nose, lungs, from
the bladder and uterus, of asthma and suppuration of the
lungs, of impotence and infertility, of migraine, deafness,
cataract and amaurosis, kidney stones, paralyses, defects of
the senses and pains of a thousand kinds, etc.
42.1 Homeopathy alone taught first how to cure the great
self-contained diseases, the old, smooth scarlet fever of
Sydenham, the more recent purples, whooping cough, croup,
sycosis, and autumnal dysenteries, by means of the
specifically aiding homeopathic remedies.
Even acute pleurisy, and typhous contagious epidemics
must now allow themselves to be speedily turned into health
by a few small doses of rightly- selected homeopathic
49.1. The continually repeated fact that the nonvenereal
chronic diseases, after being time and again removed
homeopathically in the best way by the remedies fully proved
up to the present time, always returned in a more or less
varied form and with new symptoms, or reappeared annually
with an increase of complaints, first disclosed to me:
that the homeopathic physician in such a chronic (nonvenereal) case, yea, in all cases of (non-venereal) chronic


See An Affair to Remember in this series.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

disease, is not only dealing with the disease appearance before

his eyes, and should not view and treat it as if it were an
idiopathic disease, to be speedily and permanently expunged
and cured homeopathically (which empirical results refuted)
but that he was always dealing with some separate part of a
more deep-seated original malady, whose great extent is
shown in the new occurrents emerging from time to time;
that the homeopathic physician may not hope to
permanently cure single disease cases of this kind under the
presupposition, hitherto entertained, that they were
idiopathic, self-contained diseases which would never again
sprout forth with other, new, troublesome symptoms; The
Tonic Dimensions of Disease

The tonic side of disease does not have layers, as does the pathic side
(which must be peeled away as they emerge, their order not known until
then), but rather dimensions according to the nature of the causal agent.

This dimension relates to the various accidents and injuries as
well as mental and emotional shocks. These are injuries that generally
affect each individual in the same way, creating blockages to the normal
flow of life energy. Thus, for each of these fixed, constant events, there
are also specific remedies. This is also the basis for first aid and the home
treatment of simple traumas, which can be done by almost anyone without
more extensive knowledge of Heilkunst. The emotional shocks are
generally more serious and can generate a host of mistunements of a
persons normal state of health. Hahnemann notes the effects of extended
grief, vexation and fear on ones health as being powerful triggers of the
latent chronic miasms.
93.1. If the disease has been caused by a remarkable
event, recently or, in the case of a protracted malady, some
time ago, the patient or at least the relations questioned in


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

private will then readily declare it, either of his own

accord or upon cautious inquiry.
93.1.a]1 The physician must seek to trace by astutely
phrased questions or other private inquiries the possible
dishonoring occasions which the patient or the relations do
not readily confess, at least not voluntarily.
93.1.a]2 To these belong: poisoning or attempted
suicide, onanism, common or unnatural lascivious
debaucheries, revelry in wine, liquor, punch and other
heating drinks, tea or coffee,
luxuriating in eating generally or in particularly
deleterious foods,
venereal or prurient infection,
unhappy love, jealousy, domestic discord, vexation,
grief over family misfortune, abuses, dogged revenge,
offended pride, disruption of the pecuniary circumstances,
superstitious fear,
or perhaps bodily infirmities in the private parts, a
hernia, a prolapse, etc.

Hahnemann speaks of remedies that are specific to the disease

irritation and mentions that they are homogenic.
14.2 The reliably availing ones could not have been any
others than the specific ones; that is, medicines which were
homogenic in their action to the disease irritation, whose use,
however, by the old school was forbidden and tabooed as
highly damaging because observation had taught that, with
the so highly intensified receptivity for homogenic irritations
in diseases, such medicines in the conventional large doses
had proven themselves life-endangering.

It is important to note the last comment, namely that the use of

homogenic medicines in large doses is dangerous. Prescribing the tonic


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

remedy at the right time is capable of unleashing a strong healing reaction,

because it shifts force fields releasing tremendous amounts of energy,
which can potentially overwhelm the Living Power if caution is not used.

This is the dimension of natural diseases. Natural diseases are in the
nature of dynamic infections. Nature employs microbes as the carrier for
each particular disease. As you learned earlier, the disease attempts to
penetrate the Wesen or Dynamis of the human being. If successful, a
separate disease is engendered within us and develops along a predetermined path. If the disease is self-limiting (so-called acute), the Living
Principle is able eventually to recover once the disease has run its course,
through its counter-action. The main forms of pathogenic diseases are
epidemic and sporadic diseases and the chronic miasms.

Each medicine is capable of engendering an artificial disease. Thus, it
has the potential to harm as well as to cure. In very small doses, the
medicine seems to be mainly self-limiting in nature, allowing the
sustentive power of the Living Principle to re-establish balance relatively
In crude form, the medicine has a high risk of harming the human
organism, disturbing its healthy state and giving rise to abnormal
functioning, the more so the larger the dose and the longer the medicine is
applied. Eventually the medicine may penetrate the generative power and
engender a disease of its own. This is called iatrogenic disease (doctorcaused). Hahnemann was quite vocal in his criticism of this aspect of
allopathic medicine and was often pessimistic about the ability of
medicine to correct the damage caused by allopathic prescribing.
However, with the subsequent development of isodes, remedies made
from the medicine, we now have an effective curative method for dealing


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

with these man-made diseases, which are as much the scourge of our times
as in Hahnemanns day.

Hahnemann was fully aware of the ability of suggestion (operating in
the context of ignorance or superstition) or false belief to generate disease,
even leading to death. These diseases involve dynamic affections, which
he called the highest disease. Originally, disease arose out of a
primordial split between the emotional and intellectual minds, which
derived from a lack of true knowledge, giving ground to belief or delusion.
17the highest disease can be brought to pass by
sufficient mistunement of the Living Principle by means of
imagination, and so, in the same manner, taken away again.
17.1.a]2 A premonitory dream, a superstitious fancy
or a solemn fateful prophecy of inevitable death on a certain
day or at a certain hour has not infrequently brought to pass
all signs of arising and increasing disease of approaching
death and death itself at the indicated hour which, without
simultaneous actuation of the internal alteration
(corresponding to the outwardly perceptible state), was not
possible; thus, in such cases from the same cause, all the
near-death-signaling disease features were in turn not
infrequently scared off by an artificial deception or
persuasion to the contrary and health suddenly again
established, which would not have been possible without
removal of the death-preparing internal and external
morbid alterations by means of these merely moral

Principles of Disease Jurisdiction

Disease acts, and must be treated, on the basis of a principle, and each
principle will vary according to the genesis. The Natural Law of Cure
includes, as does the realm of human law, various jurisdictions.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Each dimension or jurisdiction that arises from the genesis has its own
particular competence and principles by which cure and healing are
affected. All dimensions operate on the natural law of similarity of
resonance, but the nature of this resonance will vary according to the
nature of the genesis of disease:
Homogenic: resonance of specific irritant action. The focus in this
dimension is the irritant actions. Irritant actions involve both traumas and
toxins, both of which act on the life force. The traumas are further divided
into psychic (grief, fear, etc.) and somatic (physical accidents, surgeries,
etc.). The toxins are divided between those that act from outside
(exogenous) and those that are produced from within (endogenous). In the
realm of the homogenic, we have the principle of specific irritant action.
The first level (traumas) has been admirably addressed by Dr. Jean
Elmiger of Switzerland with his isotherapeutic system of the sequential
treatment of traumas (see his book, Rediscovering Real Medicine), and the
second (toxins) by Dr. Reckeweg in his comprehensive system of tissue
detoxification at the humoral and cellular level called homotoxicology
Kent himself also realized later in life, based on close observation, that
tissue change required the prescription of remedies based on that change, not
the psychic state.
As Eizayaga expresses it,
During the last years of his active life as a physician, Kent
published a most interesting article entitled Remedies related
to pathological changes in the tissues. In it Kent expresses
diametrically opposed ideas to those known by everybody in
his Homeopathic Philosophy, surely on account of his
remarkable clinical experience and his acute observation of

Eizayaga then goes on to quote from the article:

When a remedy has been prescribed for a patient in whom
tissue changes have occurred, the prescription being based on
the symptom-image, resolution of the existing tissue changes
has occurred as a result of the reaction to the remedy. These
become reliable clinical symptoms of the remedy,


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

demonstrations of the power of the remedy over the altered

tissue. These remedies are then recognised to be suited to
constitutions in which these pathological changes can develop.
Hence they are as important to the prescriber as though they
had appeared actually in the proving.

Eizayaga explains Kents reasoning further:

The author goes on to say that when said lesional changes
occur in the tissues, usually the patients symptoms have
disappeared, especially those on which the prescription was
based: thus, the prescription must be based on the symptoms
of the pathology, except in the case when the doctor can
individualise a medicine covering the lesional symptoms plus
the patients own. Further on he advises not to ever indicate in
any case a medicine which does not cover the present
pathology when the physician is dealing with serious or
lesional patients and quotes numerous examples. The article
finishes with these words:
By reference to the repertory, the prescriber may find
remedies which have thus been established as suitable for
suppuration, those suited for cancer, those related to
apoplexy, etc., and as an intelligent prescriber, the
physician should select a remedy for the patient similar to
the condition of the ultimate disorder. This is totally
different from prescribing on the pathology alone, or
seeking a specific for the name of the ultimate, regardless of
the patient. (Eizayaga, Treatise on Homeopathic Medicine, pp.

Iatrogenic: resonance of drug. What is emphasized here are the

conditions (e.g., dropsy), or what was caused as a side effect of the
material drugs. The principle is one of tautopathy; namely the matching of
the drug disease with the drug that produced the disease on the basis of
similars. However, as in the case of homogenic remedial action, the
substance used must be rendered safe by the process of dynamization
(normally serial dilution and succussion). This is not the principle of equal


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

action (aequilia aequilibus curentur), but the use of isodes, which is very
different (see footnote 56 of the Organon).
Pathogenic: resonance of pathogen. This is the realm of infection.
Pathological signs are emphasized. Here we have a principle of disease,
which leads to the use of isodes (remedies made from the disease agent) or
nosodes (products made from disease discharges).
Ideogenic: resonance of psychic state. Emphasis here is on the
behavior, which exhibits and demonstrates the core delusion (arch-belief).
The principle is one of matching the psychic state of the patient with the
remedy. However, in some cases, the use of the Law of Opposites comes
into play (see 226 where Hahnemann talks of using psychotherapeutic
means and appropriate living habits to treat those truly psychic diseases
that are not of long-standing).
Within each of these dimensions we have relationships based on the
form of the disease. Goethe was the first to speak of the form or
morphology of something as being the underlying nature that is not
sensible (open to the senses) but supersensible (open to our higher organs
of knowledge, involving kenning).
Homogenic: a relationship with the irritant action (homomorphic).
Iatrogenic: a relationship with the drug (isomorphic)
Pathogenic: a relationship with the pathogen (pathomorphic)
Ideogenic: a relationship with the belief (core delusion)
The Heilknstler needs to decide where to go to settle the case, and at
which level, in accordance with Aphorism 3.
The Heilknstler decides the competent jurisdiction to begin the case,
and prosecutes according to the principles of treatment valid in that
jurisdiction. He then proceeds, according to the hierarchy of jurisdictions,
up the scale.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

5: The Chronic Miasms

The chronic miasms that Hahnemann discovered were initially three
in number: psora, sycosis and syphilis. Later, with the emergence of
tuberculosis in the 19th Century, this was found to be an infectious disease
of constant Wesen. It had been considered part of psora early on and in
some of the books had been initially referred to as pseudo-psora.
Research has revealed that Hahnemann himself realized this.
In the preface of Charles Hempels translation of the
Organon, Constantine Hering recorded that late in his life
Hahnemann made further discoveries and developed a new
aspect of the theory of Psora with the introduction of a new
miasm he called Pseudo-psora. Hering wrote:
Hahnemann distinguishes the venereal miasms as
syphilis and sycosis; and also subdivides psora with pseudopsora. (quoted from Miasms in Classical Homopathy,
Chapter Two: What are Miasms, by David Little on

Tuberculosis, which is what pseudo-psora essentially was, has many

features of psora, but also of syphilis. The isolation by Koch of the
tubercular microbe confirmed the infectious nature of this miasm.
Acute miasms, as with other true acute diseases, had a relatively
sudden onset, climax and resolution (self-limiting). In contrast, the chronic
miasms had a slower onset, seldom grew to any climax (although there
were periodic flare-ups) and continued until ones death. Their course
could not be prevented, only slowed by diet and lifestyle, or the absence of
stresses. The prognosis was poor and the outcome often fatal.
The chronic miasms were infectious natural diseases, and each had a
characteristic skin lesion. This lesion was the first response of the Living
Power in its efforts to evict the disease. Unable to do so, the Living Power,
in its counter-action, pushes the disturbance of its energy, as far as


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

possible, to the periphery of the organism where it can do the least harm
and is visible to the physician so that he can effect a cure.
However, if the natural law of cure is not followed the treatment only
provides temporary relief (palliative) or it suppresses the expression of the
disease on the skin and forces the Living Power to set up a line of defense
deeper in the organism, affecting more important (what Hahnemann called
more noble) organs.

Inherited Nature of Chronic Miasms

The chronic miasms, Hahnemann wrote, could also be transmitted to
future generations. This he discovered from observation, many years
before the emergence of the science of genetics. A person is born with
certain latent diseases that can subsequently be awakened by various
stresses, or triggers, during one's life, including during pregnancy and the
birth process.
284.1.a]3 Since Psora is usually communicated through
the milk of the wet nurse to most nursing infants if they do not
already possess Psora by inheritance from the mother, they
are then at the same time protected anti-psorically in the
indicated manner by means of the medicinal milk of the wet
284.1.a]4 But the care of mothers in their first
pregnancy is indispensable by means of a gentle anti-psoric
treatment, especially by means of the new dynamizations of
sulphur described in this edition (270), in order to extirpate
in the mothers and in the fruit of their womb the Psora
(engenderess of most of the chronic diseases) already
imparted to the mothers through inheritance, and almost
always present in them, so that their progeny might be
protected against it in advance.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Proliferation of Chronic Diseases

Thus, we have a chronic miasm, the constant (tonic) disease, giving
rise over time and through the individual bodily constitutions, to variable
(pathic) chronic diseases.
897 This circumstance may not seem odd to us when we
stop to think that the psora is a chronic miasm of quite a
peculiar and especial character, which over several thousand
years has passed through several million human organisms,
and must have assumed such a monstrous extension of varied
symptoms,the elements of those innumerable, chronic, nonvenereal sufferings, under which mankind sighs, and could
configure itself into such an indeterminate multitude of forms
differing from one another as it gradually ultimated in the
various bodily constitutions of individual men differing from
one another in their domiciles, their climatic peculiarities,
their upbringing, habits, occupations,** i.e., occupations
which lay claim to these or those organs of the body, more this
or that function of the spirit and mind. mode of life and of diet,
and moulded by varying somatic and psychic relations. It is,
therefore, not strange, that no one and only single medicine is
sufficient to cure the entire psora in all its forms, but that it
takes several anti-psoric medicines in order to be able to
correspond curatively and homeopathically, by the artificial
morbid actions peculiar to each, to the enormous host of psoric
symptoms, that is, to all of the chronic (non venereal)
diseases, consequently to the entire psora.
It is only, therefore, as mentioned, when the eruption of
itch is still in full bloom and the infection thus still recent, that
the complete cure can be executed by sulphur alone, and then
at times with but a single dose. I leave it undecided, whether
this will succeed in every case of itch still blooming on the
skin, because the age of the itch eruption covering patients is
quite various.
For if the eruption has been on the skin for some time
(although it may not have been treated with external
expulsives) and begins of itself to recede from the skin, then
has the internal psora already in part gained the upper hand;


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

the cutaneous eruption is then no longer entirely vicarious,

and sufferings of another kind begin to be generated, partly as
the signs of a latent psora, partly as chronic maladies evolved
from the inner psora. In such a case sulphur alone (as little as
any other single antipsoric remedy) is usually no longer
sufficient for a complete cure, and the other antipsoric
medicines, one or another according to the remaining
symptoms, must be taken for homeopathic aid.

The first variant or generation of the chronic diseases will be the

closest to its origin. Thus, Sulphur is the pre-eminent anti-psoric remedy,
Thuja and Nitric Acid for the initial sycotic disease, Phosphorus in the
case of the Tubercular miasm, and Mercury and Aurum for syphilis. The
chronic diseases stemming from each of these miasms branch out like the
lineage of a family through time. The longer the miasm is allowed to act,
the more it penetrates the somatic realm and the greater the proliferation of
chronic diseases in a given individual. It is therefore important, as
Hahnemann points out in the quote immediately above, to treat for any
chronic miasms as soon as possible, even to the point of treating the child
while still in the womb. Even better would be to treat the parents prior to
conception, a true form of eugenics.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

6: Classical Views on Psora Theory

Hering said, in his introductory remarks to the 3rd American edition of
the Organon:
What important influence can it exert whether a
homoeopath adopt the theoretical opinions of Hahnemann or
not, so long as he holds the principal tools of the master and
the materia medica of our schools? What influence can it have,
whether a physician adopt or reject the psoric theory, so long
as he always selects the most similar medicine possible?
(quoted from Allen, The Chronic Miasms Psora and Pseudopsora, p. 13, 1990 reprint, Jain).

This view may have been an attempt to avoid the divisiveness that
Hahnemanns psora theory had occasioned amongst the body of
homeopathic doctors in Germany and elsewhere, but it also reflected a
significant view then and since, namely that the theory of psora had little
to do with the selection of the remedy for the pathic disease for a given
case, which was still to be chosen on the basis of symptom similarity. This
is in accord, at least on this narrow point, with Hahnemanns own
899 The homeopathic medical treatment of the countless
chronic diseases (non-venereal and therefore of psoric origin)
agrees essentially with the homeopathic treatment of human
diseases in general as taught in the Organon of the Remedial

However, Herings view was challenged by J. H. Allen as ignoring

several factors. First, knowledge of the theory is necessary to the
development of more anti-psoric remedies (and anti-miasmatic remedies
more generally), as Hahnemann himself had noted. Second, it is important
to know the miasms as they often lie dormant, and if the nature of the
miasms is not known, the practitioner ends up prescribing for what seems
like an idiopathic disease, but is only really a flare-up of an underlying


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Their [chronic miasms] work is often hidden for years, so

latent and pent-up are these forces in the organism. How many
times have we based our prescription upon the totality of the
symptoms that were entirely nervous or reflex, when really, in
the totality, values were not considered. But values must be
considered, for reflexes are always secondary, and primary or
basic symptoms directly of miasmatic origin. The nervous
phenomena may be palliated by such procedure; but it returns,
and time is lost in the experiment; while the physician skilled
in anti-miasmatic prescribing overlooks the foamings upon the
surface, and dips deeper into the case, looking for prima causa
morbi, and applies a remedial agent that has a deeper and
closer relationship with the perverted life force. (Allen, p. 14)

This reflects what Hahnemann taught; indeed, it formed the basis for
his discovery of the chronic miasms in the first place.
.194.1. then (as not rarely) the acute local malady was
a flare up of a hitherto internally dormant Psora which is on
the verge of evolving itself into an overt chronic disease.

Kent also echoed this view by Allen in his own Lectures on

Homoeopathic Philosophy:
Asthma, when it is hereditary, is one of the sycotic
diseases of Hahnemann... For years I was puzzled with the
management of asthma. When a person came to me and asked:
Doctor can you cure asthma? I would say No. But now I am
beginning to get quite liberal on asthma, since I have learned
that asthma is a sycotic disease, and since I have made
judicious application of anti-sycotics I have been able to relieve
or cure a great number of such cases. You will find in the
history of medicine that wherever asthma was cured, it has
been by anti-sycotic remedies. That is one of the first things I
observed, that outside of sycotics you will seldom find a cure
for asthma.
While Ipecac, Spongia, and Arsenicum will correspond just
as clearly to the supervening symptoms and to everything


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

that you can find about the case, yet what do they do? They
palliate; they repress the symptoms; but your asthma is no
better off, your patient is not cured.

Today, this view is found in the computer programs that list remedies
by miasmatic category to aid in the selection of the correct medicine for
each case where chronic miasms are detected. A comprehensive approach
to miasmatic prescribing that has taken Allens method into the current era
is the recent book by Dr. S. K. Banerjea, Miasmatic Prescribing. In this
book, Hahnemanns sequential approach to the layers of chronic disease,
plus the removal of the various layers of suppression by allopathic
treatment, is set out in detail, based on a knowledge of the indications of
each chronic miasm and the anti-miasmatic medicines.
There is only one approach if a complete cure is sought
and this is to systematically remove each layer of suppression
and miasmatic dyscrasia before proceeding to nip the
underlying cause of disease in the bud. (p. iv)
Clinical experience has shown that the best way to open
up these [one-sided, suppressed] cases is from the miasmatic
Once the outer layer is removed the second layer is
revealed. The second layer in turn becomes the surface miasm,
reflecting a different group of symptoms. Dr. Kent guides us
here, stating that there now has to be a change in the plan of
treatmentThe totality of the case needs to be reassessed and
the next prescription selected on the basis of the totality of
symptoms including the miasmatic symptomology. (p. 2-3)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

7: Prescribing for the Miasm

What is missing today is both an appreciation for the difference
between a chronic miasm and a chronic disease, despite Hahnemanns
own very clear distinction, and an understanding of the need to treat for
the miasm as well as any disease arising from it. The two are linked, and if
there is no understanding and acceptance of Hahnemanns initial
distinction between constant, static diseases and those of a more variable
nature, there can be no conception of treatment of the miasm itself, in
addition to the chronic diseases derived therefrom. What we have today in
the literature and in practice is confusion at both the level of principle and
of therapeutics.
For example, in his book Miasmatic Prescribing, Dr. S. K. Banerjea
summarizes the prevailing method of treatment of chronic disease, which
is driven by the one-sided view of disease as being only that with a
symptom-picture in terms of altered condition (changes in feelings,
functions and sensations):
Here miasm is the cause and the miasmatic state [he
means condition] is the effect or manifestation. We do not
prescribe for the miasmatic state and not for the miasm.
(p. 11)

At the same time, the use of nosodes for the treatment of miasms
generally was developed during the last 200 years. J. Compton Burnett
and Marjory Blackie in England were great proponents of the use of
nosodes to treat for the various infectious diseases of a fixed nature, the
true acute miasms, such as the epidemic, sporadic diseases and the
childhood illnesses. Nosodes for all the acute miasms were developed and
used with great effect, such as Variolinum for smallpox or Morbillinum for
If the acute miasms can be treated directly by means of nosodes,
being the exact simillimum (or the most similar medicine), then why not
the chronic miasms? In practical terms, the homeopathic literature is


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

replete with clinical use of the chronic nosodes to unblock cases (termed
by Randall Neustadter the hidden case), representing an unconscious
attempt to cure the underlying chronic miasm, although the matter is
clouded by the use of the abstraction blockage, leaving out
Hahnemanns very real Potence of disease.

The nosodes are as specific for the chronic miasm as for the acute,
capturing the essence of the disease in the characteristic discharge.
Whereas the chronic diseases are to be treated on the basis of the
homeopathic specific (that is, on the basis of the symptom picture or
image of the disease), the chronic miasms are to be treated using the
homotonic specific, which is the nosode. Sankaran rightly terms the
nosode the centre-point of the miasm.
The use of nosodes is still controversial despite over two centuries of
use because the nature of disease in Hahnemanns system of medicine is
little understood. Within homeopathy the use of nosodes can only be
sanctioned based on selection according to the symptom picture of the
disease. On this basis, the prescribing of nosodes on a causal basis is
rejected. It is rightly not part of homeopathy, which is symptom-driven,
but it is a rightful part of Heilkunst, Hahnemanns more comprehensive
system of medicine.
While many writers and commentators state that the use of nosodes or
isodes (so-called isopathy) was rejected by Hahnemann, it is clear from
any study of what Hahnemann actually stated that he rejected the false
version of the use of nosodes, but fully incorporated them within
Heilkunst and the law of similar resonance (see section on Isopathy)

Hahnemanns Sequence for Multi-miasmatic Cases

836 when the psora, as is often the case, was latent
before in the patient. At times, when a badly treated case of
venereal chancre disease had also preceded, both these


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

miasms are conjoined in a threefold complication with

syphilis. Then it is necessary first to come to the assistance of
the most afflicted part, namely the psora, with the specific
anti-psoric remedies given below, and then to make use of the
remedies indicated for sycosis, before the proper dose of the
best quicksilver preparation [Mercury], as we shall soon see,
is prescribed for the syphilis; the same alternating treatment
is to be resumed, when necessary, until a complete cure is
effected. However, each one of these three kinds of medicine
must be given the proper time to complete its action. (The
Chronic Diseases)

Law of Succession of Forces

The first truly rational approach to the treatment of the chronic
miasms based on Hahnemanns understanding of the dual nature of
disease in general and chronic disease in particular did not come until the
publicationin the early 1980s of Re-discovering Real Medicine by Dr.
Jean F. Elmiger of Switzerland. In this work Elmiger provides clinical
evidence of the existence of all of the four classical miasms in most people
and of their sequential treatment, based on Hahnemanns own
observations as to the order of treatment of multi-miasmatic cases.
Having removed the diseases caused by lifes shocks and traumas
(homogenic, iatrogenic and pathogenic diseases)13, Elmiger noticed that
the chronic condition of his patients returned under new stress, much as
Hahnemann described his experience prior to his discovery of the chronic
I have seen too many patients who have been treated for
20 or 30 years by conscientious professionals who follow the
Kentist school and who have profoundly suffered from the
chronic nature of their condition despite judicious and
repeated use of the appropriate simillimum. (p. 215)


See The Dynamic Legacy.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Elmiger also realized, as did Hahnemann and some others, that the
true simillimum for the chronic miasm was the relevant nosode or
it is impossible to cure these illnesses definitively
without the help of the corresponding major biotherapeutic
By not understanding this fairly simple truth, the great
majority of contemporary homeopaths still fail too often in the
every bit as simple cure of many repeated illnesses. They say
that they are strict Kentists or Hahnemannians and respect
the Law of Similarity to the letter, but they have not grasped
its essence. They deceive their patients by proposing a lifetime
of the remedies that are suggested by Kents repertory, while
one high potency of an appropriate major biotherapeutic
would be enough to erase the weighty predisposition that the
patient has inherited. Hahnemann wouldnt have hesitated to
use these prodigious weapons if they had been at his disposal,
since they represent the final accomplishment of his creative
thought process brought to fruition by Hering and Nebel. (p.

He realized that he had to correct the genetic code through the

treatment of the miasms. He had been taught to determine the particular
chronic miasm of each patient and treat for that. However, he discovered
from observation again that most people carry all of the chronic miasms.
By minutely studying the anamneses of my patients I
realized that they had all been subjected to the structural
rules of the four archetypes at one moment of another in their
lives. I rapidly acquired the conviction that every one of us has
been in turn psoric, tuberculinic, sycotic and luetic. (p. 224)
How can a doctor declare a patient luetic when his past is
full of psoric, tuberculinic and sycotic clues?... What would you
think of an archeologist who denied the Romanesque origins of
a building simply because a later builder had embellished it
with Gothic arches?...
If one of the four constitutions seems to eclipse the others
at the time of diagnosis, the observer must not conclude that


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

the rival genetic instructions have been definitively lost or

cancelled. (p. 223)

The question remained how to determine the order of treatment. Was

it random or did nature have an order in mind? What Elmiger found in
several thousands of patients was that once the life traumas had been
removed, all his patients first exhibited symptoms of psora, even if signs
of other miasms where also there. On giving each patient Psorinum he
noticed that the next miasm to emerge was invariably the same. From this
he discovered what he calls the Law of Succession of Forces at the genetic
level. The order he discerned is: psora, tuberculosis, sycosis and syphilis.
This is an order that we have confirmed countless times in the clinic.
I will present the following archiclassical example of a
young luetic patient brought to me in desperation by his
parents who had exhausted the limited means of allopathy
Ever since his first vaccinations this little mercurians health
had vanished in a succession of earaches, sore throats,
bronchitis and colds
With me the child was first freed from his iatrogenic bonds
and other astral stickiness. I then went after the constitution
from the angle of psora, contrary to homoeopathic dogma,
which would have indicated Luesinum. What was going to
happen? Following the reactions of psora elimination I was
expecting a resurgence of the luetic signs. They didnt take
long to appear. Was I now supposed to give Luesinum?
Logically yes, but once again no. The Law of Succession of
Forces, which I have derived through observation, gives
priority to Tuberculinum for all patients irrespective of their
illnesses I have verified this over 3,000 times with my own
eyes, and verify it daily with my radiesthesic techniques. This
natural order must be respected
In the hierarchical order of succession, sycosis is the
third predisposition and its biotherapeutic awakens, by
resonance, the third of the four great forces. (p. 233-234)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Dr. Elmiger then discovered that he needed to go higher in many

cases, in a series of cycles of the Law of Succession of Forces. The initial
cycle is to 10M, which he calls E1.
However, the fact is that not all of my 3,000 patients treated
in this way recovered. Both the more severely debilitated
children and the adults suffering from chronic illnesses needed
more than this first modest regulation
There was only one way out. I had to increase the depth of my
work by playing the same diathesic sequence again in another
So I followed my first heredosequential intervention with a
second incursion into the four predispositions using the same
biotherapuetics, but this time potentized to 50,000K This is the
EII cycle. Like the first one, it is rigorously sequential and doesnt
permit of any deviation from the majestic succession of forces:
Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum and Luesinum (p. 235236)

Dr. Elmiger also discovered that at the higher potencies there was a
relationship between a particular miasm and a season, so that treating for
the miasm in the relevant season was even more efficacious.
As long as I was involved only in the EI sequence there
was no real reason for me to be concerned about the depth of
the activity. Doses of XM are active for only about 6 weeks and
the patients reactions can be monitored from one visit to the
next. But the situation is totally different with doses of LM
[50M], which as I have said, are really long-range missiles.
Two to three months are required by the organism to execute
fully the condensed vibrational instructions of an LM dose.
The doctor can therefore prescribe each of the four great
remedies only once a year
And suddenly it was clear somewhere in my right brain:
the four predispositions were the daughters, or at least the
cousins, of the four seasons. I immediately verified this
intuition by submitting it to the double test of practice and
comparative radiesthesic analysis, and I made a surprising


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

discovery: all my chronic patients who had finished the EI

sequence and were relatively well stabilized began once again
to show signs of psoric instability at the beginning of the
autumn. The duration of the period of instability, be it 6
months or 30 days, didnt change a thing
Who has never been taken with psoric spleen at the
onset of the autumn, suffered from tuberculinic bronchitis in
winter, felt the typically sycotic sexual vitality of spring and
the characteristically luetic effects of unexpected sore throats
in summer? (p. 236-237)

The order in which the chronic miasms tends to appear or be activated

in people is as follows:








The Law of Succession of Forces seems to govern the tonic

dimension of the chronic miasms. If this sequence is not followed in the
repeated use of high potencies (above 10M) of the relevant nosodes for the
miasms (Dr. Elmiger here shares Sankarans observation that the higher
potencies reach deeper into the energy level), a major destabilization of
the energy field can result.
I could cite numerous examples where the major remedies
have been prescribed following exactly the Law of Similarities
[he means here the choice of the remedy on the basis of the
presenting symptoms] or Volls technique. Some patients have
received Medorrhinum LM or CM 20 times and none of the
other three. Others took Psorinum or Luesinum for 20 years
without ever seeing Tuberculinum or Medorrhinum. All these
defectors who appeared in my consulting rooms had been
treated conscientiously, even masterfully, according to the
principal law of homoeopathy but they hadnt been cured!


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Worse, their condition had clearly been aggravated by these

classical treatments. (Rediscovering Real Medicine, p. 246)
(comments in square brackets added)

It is noteworthy that Dr. Elmiger realized that treatment of the

miasms, as well as of the various shocks and traumas, is not enough. Diet
and structural treatment is also critical, as Hahnemann himself knew, the
complete story of his insights and use of regimen therapeutically still
remaining to be told.
First, it must be categorically stated that no medicine can
achieve lasting results if the patients diet is not healthy. This
initial requirement, brilliantly formulated by Hippocrates, was
put aside in some dark corner of history for centuries. The
dietetics taught in our faculties today is a pale caricature of
the royal science which like health, should occupy the key
professional chairs in our universities. (p. 189)

Elmiger fully understood, as well, the fundamental difference

between removing an imbalance (proper regimen) and removing a disease
(the realm of medicine proper):
Yet while it is true that Real Medicine cannot be conceived
without a rigorous change in our alimentation it must be said
that this is not in itself enough to reinstate the lost balance of
vital energy totally confused by a long series of destabilizing
This is why chronic illnesses that are tamed by
macrobiotic or other dietetic means inevitably reappear at the
slightest lapse in alimentary discipline. (p. 190-191)

How Many Miasms Are There?

Hahnemann distinguished between those miasms that were of a selflimiting nature, the acute miasms, and those that were of a chronic nature.
Of the chronic miasms, he initially identified three and at the very end, a


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

fourth, giving us two venereal (sycosis and syphilis) and two nonvenereal, puritic miasms of a chronic nature.
By and large, the classical literature has confirmed and followed this
four-fold nature of the chronic miasms and also Hahnemanns meaning of
miasm as being an infectious disease of fixed or static nature. Indeed, we
have Elmigers fuller development and unfolding of Hahnemanns
observations regarding the sequence of treatment of these archetypal force
fields in his Law of Succession of Forces. There has also been the
acceptance of the distinction between acute and chronic concerning the
inheritable nature of the latter and not the former.
However, more recently there has been a tendency to call many things
miasms, both of acute and chronic nature. This arises because of the
prevailing ignorance concerning the nature of disease and Hahnemanns
disease classification (nosology). This mainly is due to the one-sided
understanding of Hahnemanns system of medicine as being only the
treatment of disease based on the symptoms of the patient, which has
reduced disease to being the totality of symptoms of the patient, ignoring
the fact that, as Hahnemann pointed out, a person can have more than one
disease at a time. The history of this conflation and uniformitarianism has
been laid out in great detail in our earlier work, The Dynamic Legacy:
From Homeopathy to Heilkunst.
Lets look at some of the writings. One of the few practitioners
writing extensively on the issue of philosophy, albeit on a more
speculative basis, is Rajan Sankaran. In Substance of Homopathy he first
makes clear that there can be several chronic miasms in a given case and
also that it is critical to know the miasms in order to prescribe correctly.
There can be and usually are two or more miasms in a
case, though only one is prominent at a time. (p. 34)

I cannot overstress the need to settle upon the miasm

before searching for a remedy; the drug must match the pace
and nature of the disease. It will not do to give a remedy
belonging to the acute miasm in a syphilitic case e.g. Stram
where Merc is required. (p. 46)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Of course this fits in with the classical orthodoxy, which sees the
chronic miasms only as a tool to finding the right remedy, not as a disease
to be treated in their own right. Sankarans first departure from
Hahnemann is in the characterization of the acute miasm. In Sankarans
view it is only an acute state, not something that has an infectious nature
(that is, of the pathogenic dimension of the constant or tonic diseases). So,
the acute miasm becomes simply an acute disease.
An immediate, strong response like high fever, bounding
pulse, flushed face etc. as in Belladonna or Aconite. (p. 26)

Hahnemann identified the acute miasm as a sub-set of true acute

diseases. To call all acute states of disease acute miasms certainly destroys
the careful distinctions Hahnemann made, and made on the basis of the
constancy of the disease essence (see Annex on Acute Disease)
Sankaran then identifies miasms in-between the main miasms. This
seems not to have arisen from clinical experience, but out of speculation,
and this driven by a philosophic need.
The miasmatic classification represents to me a map of
diseases, and to plot diseases on this map more specifically it
was necessary to have more points on it. (p. 51)

He first adds tuberculosis, drawing from the classical literature. So

far, so good. He next draws on the high incidence of leprosy to classify it
as a miasm. This ignores the work of Hahnemann regarding the link
between leprosy and psora.
67 the age old chronic miasma of leprosy and itch; i.e.,
merely descendants of one and the same monstrous, original
malady, the nearly innumerable symptoms of which form but
one whole and are to be regarded as members of and to be
medicinally treated as parts of one and the same disease
76 The different names which were imparted by
different nations to the more or less malignant varieties of
leprosy (the external symptoms of Psora), which in many
ways deformed the external parts of the body, do not further


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

my purpose and add nothing to the matter, since the nature

(Wesen) of this miasmatic itching eruption always remained
essentially the same.
78 The occidental Psora, which, during the Middle Ages,
had raged in Europe for several centuries under the form of
malignant erysipelas (called St. Anthonys Fire), reassumed
the form of leprosy through the leprosy which was brought
back by the returning crusaders in the thirteenth century.
80 But the plight of mankind was not improved thereby; in
many respects it grew far worse. For, although in ancient
times the eruption of Psora in the form of leprosy was very
84 Mankind, therefore, is worse off from the diminution of
the external form of the Psora,from leprosy down to the
eruption of itch
86 This good feature Psora has lost in the present more
and more mitigated character of its chief symptom, which has
changed from leprosy to itch in the last three centuries.
87 But let no one think that Psora, which has been thus
mitigated in its local symptom, its cutaneous eruption, differs
essentially from ancient leprosy.
887 Even in the most ancient times when itch occurred,
for it did not degenerate into leprosy everywhere

Sankaran treats this as a separate miasm, placing it between

tuberculosis and syphilis, with the tubercular miasm falling between
sycosis and syphilis. This brings us to the map that Sankaran has
developed, based purely on, it seems, the psychological profiles of the
miasm or remedy involved, rather than on any clinical evidence as in
Elmigers case. Lets look at that map (p. 78).


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System



Here we can see a number of other supposed chronic miasms

introduced based on experience in India with the infectious diseases of
ringworm, malaria, and leprosy. They are placed on this map according to
their psychological profile as determined by Sankaran and by reference to
the remedies that seem to be associated with them.
This map is not in full accord with that developed by Elmiger based
on years of clinical observation and set out in his Law of Succession of
Forces. However, the map has some validity based on clinical fact insofar
as the cancer miasm is concerned. Both Elmigers clinical work and our
own clinical experiences have verified that miasm as chronic and the
placement is between sycosis and syphilis. However, this then raised an
interesting question for us in light of the fact that Elmiger also found a
correlation clinically between each of the four classic chronic miasms
and the four seasons, which is also borne out by examining the essence of
each miasm against the essence of each season: fall psora (lack); winter
tuberculosis (many respiratory infections); spring sycosis (intense
growth); and summer syphilis (lush growth with decay, particularly in
the more tropical zones). Clinically, treatment of a given miasm proceeded
more effectively if done in the respective season. However, the cancer
miasm did not belong to a season and seemed like an erratic boulder on
the landscape.
In the last few years, we have had occasion to discover a state of mind
and body corresponding to that described by Sankaran as belonging to the
ringworm miasm, which was borne out by the fact that the use of
Baccillinum (Burnetts classic remedy for ringworm), then the Ringworm


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

nosode itself (developed by Sankaran) cured the state of disease in one

striking case. While the symptoms did seem similar to Medorrhinum, this
remedy was taken with no effect. Only on taking Bacillinum was there
significant relief from the symptoms, a kind of angry depression. When
the Ringworm nosode was taken there was a further improvement at the
mental/emotional level. This occurred after treatment for the tubercular
miasm in the winter, but before the expected emergence in the case of the
sycotic miasm in the spring, and it seems to be related to what is referred
to in the Northern Hemisphere as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
We then recalled the map that Sankaran had provided and realized
that we now had another piece to the puzzle relating to the chronic
miasms. We already had, based on clinical observation, an intervening
chronic miasm between sycosis and syphilis (cancer), and now one
appeared between tuberculosis and sycosis (ringworm). What was missing
was an intervening miasm between psora and tuberculosis. Based on
Sankarans description of the malaria miasm and our knowledge of the
states of mind that emerged in patients in the late fall in North America,
we hypothesized that the intermediate chronic miasm was Malaria. This
has now been borne out empirically in many cases since.
We now have a more comprehensive map of the chronic miasms
based on extensive clinical observation (both our own and that of others)
that confirms that in addition to the four main, classic chronic miasms,
there are also four intermediate chronic miasms. Contemplation on the
nature of each of these intermediate miasms and on their appearance in
history strongly suggests to us that the intermediate miasms have an
evolutionary development that accords with the tenor of the times. Thus,
cancer is prevalent now in the West, particularly in the last fifty years,
whereas in Hahnemanns time malaria was endemic, followed by
ringworm in children in the period up to about 1950. We initially observed
these other two miasms in cases that had been treated to several levels of
the four dominant miasms as per Elmigers method. This supports the
historical view that the higher the potency, the deeper one goes back into
the genetic history.
Further, a dynamic understanding of the human organism, based on
Hahnemanns own map of the supersensible members (Geist, Wesen, Leib,


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Seele, Gemt, Sinn) as well as the insights of Anthroposophical Medicine,

and Hahnemanns contemporaries, John Brown and Richard Saumarez,
leads us to the insight that the four main chronic miasms relate to the
problems facing the Upper Man, which is more lodged at the Spirit (Geist)
pole of man, manifested through the Soul (Seele) and expressed by means
of the intellect (Sinn), whereas the four intermediate miasms relate to the
Nether Man, which is found at the pole of the Dynamis, manifested
through the Body (Leib) and expressed by means of the emotional or body
mind (Gemt).
In addition, based on our own observations, clinical experience and
insights, as well as those of Sankaran, it appears that the four intermediate
miasms have a theme that runs from the sense of irritable victimization of
malaria, through the sense of angry persecution of ringworm. to the
unsuccessful attempt to break out of the trap and the ultimate resignation
of cancer, followed by the final break from reality of lyme. This is
compared to the classic theme of lack or poverty of psora, the sense of
restlessness and fear of suffocation of tuberculinum, which leads to the
desperate attempt to break out of sycosis (excess) and finally the
stagnation, rigidity and self-destructive behavior of syphilis.
Thus, to summarize, we now have eight chronic miasms four main
ones and four intermediate ones. They are meaningfully related to the
human organism as well as the environment around it. Each is an
archetype, or fundamental disease type that can give rise to many
secondary disease forms, the variable nature chronic diseases.

The Sequence of Treatment

Dr. Hahnemann provided us with a sequence for treating the chronic
miasms (constant or tonic diseases), and this sequence has been further
elaborated by the Swiss physician, Dr. Elmiger, in his discovery, through
clinical experience, of the Law of Succession of Forces. This law reveals
the following order of treatment of the four main chronic miasms, which is
in the same order as their historical evolution.





Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

We then need to build in the four recessive or intermediate miasms.

This order was revealed by the link that Elmiger had provided, and we
have confirmed, of a seasonal order of the miasms, as well as evidence
that cancer seemed to be between sycosis and syphilis. Our own
experience has confirmed that ringworm fits in between tuberculosis and
sycosis and malaria between psora and tuberculosis, with lyme coming
after syphilis. Thus, we have the following order:
psora malaria tuberculosis ringworm sycosis cancer
syphilis - lyme
For the Northern Hemisphere at least we have confirmed the
following order and relationship:

early-mid sutumn (September/October)

later autumn (Nov.)
early-mid winter (December/January)
late winter (February)
early-mid spring (March/April)
late spring (May)
early-mid summer (June/July)
late summer (late July/August)

The Meaning of the Chronic Miasms

We can look to the meaning of each of these primordial diseases to
see the logic and force behind the order.
Psora this involves the initial contraction of the human condition of
health due to dehydration at the psychic level (dry, arid thoughts coming
from the intellect) and the somatic level (inadequate water intake). This
leads to the beginning of a sense of lack or poverty at all levels (body,
mind, soul and spirit). There is a general sense of tension and dryness, a
feeling that is most connected to that of the fall season when we find the


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

theme of dryness most pronounced, and also that of withering away and a
sense of contraction and closing in.
Tuberculosis the essence of this disease state is restlessness, the
desire to escape from the encroaching limits of the psoric state. There is no
sense of peace in the present, but a continual need to move, preferably to
higher ground (> mountains), but where they then feel the constriction in
their heart, forcing them to move to descend. They feel caught between
opposing forces and seem condemned to wander the earth without repose.
There is an increasing sense of lack of connection with life as manifested
in the lung symptoms. The paleness and weakness also speaks to the
increasing lack of vitality.
Sycosis This disease state represents a desperate attempt to break
out of the enclosing contractive forces. The level of energy increases and
becomes almost hyper in nature. There is a high degree of irritability that
can explode into anger and rage if provoked. The desperate attempt to reconnect to life against the impinging disease states leads to a hedonistic
rush into sensate experience (sex, drugs, rock n roll). There is strong
inflammatory response throughout the organism to try to dissolve the
sclerotic, contractive forces, producing all the itises of medicine.
Syphilis Here we see the final breakdown of the individual at all
levels: the acts of self-destruction through addictive behavior, leading in
cases to suicide; the descent into madness; the lack of conscience;
addictions, withdrawal from society in essence the expression of the
human creative energy with few or no restraints coming from the spiritual
or natural domain. The organism feels trapped and no longer struggles
against the dying of the light (Dylan Thomas), but gives itself over to
the forces of gravity and darkness.

Chronic Miasms and the Seasons

Elmiger has further identified each of the chronic miasms with one of
the seasons. Our research has verified the strong appearance of the
energetic imprint of each of the chronic miasms with the particular season
and the efficacy in treating for a chronic miasm when it is most active, all


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

other factors being equal. This similarity of the seasons energy with that
of a disease allows the forces of the disease to act more forcefully on the
human organism, even in health. To the extent that we have the chronic
miasm in us, the effects will be all the greater, due to the arousing of the
slumbering giant within.
Psora and Autumn - The energy of the Fall is one of a lack, of
drying leaves and dying vegetation, of the dimming of the light, of
lowering heat, that is, essential of an approaching encroachment or
Tuberculosis and Winter - The emergence of respiratory viruses,
coughs, and similar ailments in winter needs no reminder. We also see, at
least in the more extreme northern latitudes, where the contrasts of
temperature and climate are more pronounced, the great desire for travel
and escape that drives the tubercular state of mind.
Sycosis and Spring - The energy of spring, with its promise of
growth, heat and the return of energy has an expansive, youthful quality
reflecting the swelling of the buds of trees and bushes, the re-emergence
of the earths green cover, and the rising of the sap of life in plants,
animals and humans. It is in spring that we feel most alive and that we
partake of life with most abandon, with the greatest energy and joie de
Syphilis and Summer - The lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer have
a decadent, languorous quality to them. There is an element of underlying
decay amidst the profusion of growth, an increase in bacterial and
microbial growth generally, and the feeling of lushness without any real
goal or product. What we see in summer is the height of the Ancient
Regime in the decadent court of the Sun King, but a perceptive observer
can already discern the signs of decline and the eventual fall into madness
from the self-indulgent and almost self-destructive actions of an
aristocracy that has lost touch with its roots.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Theme of the Four Intermediate Chronic Miasms

The general theme of these miasms is that of a growing sense of
isolation and victimization, along with a withdrawal from reality.
Malaria - Malaria, which is linked to acute malaria, we have the
theme of being attacked, picked-on, of victimization generally (reflected
in reality by the mosquito, a carrier of the malarial plasmodium).
Ringworm - Ringworm, which is also linked to the acute occurrence
of ringworm, has a general sense of being a victim, which grows to
encompass a sense of being persecuted. Where the state of mind of
malaria is one of irritability and grouchiness, along with some tiredness
and lack of motivation, ringworm has a deeper fatigue, and the irritability
is more a sense of depression and frustration, as the theme of ringworm is
wants to, but can't. It is a picture of SAD, or seasonal affective disorder.
Cancer - The next intermediate miasm is cancer, which has a feeling
of isolation and disconnectedness, and being overly sensitive to contact
with the outside world. While the early phase of the cancer miasm can be
hyperactive in an attempt to break out of the encircling sense of negativity,
the eventual state of mind is one of a growing resignation to the state of
Lyme - With lyme, we have a complete withdrawal from the world,
and a sense of alienation and being misunderstood. The outside world and
social contact are painful and to be avoided, a picture very similar to the
autistic condition.

Chronic Miasms and the Evolution of Man

As is seen from Hahnemanns description, psora is the oldest of the
chronic miasms. It was the most prevalent in his day as well, providing
over 80 per cent of the chronic diseases he faced, earning the sobriquet of
hydra-headed monster. In between, we see the prevalence throughout
the west of malaria, reaching even into the northern lands, such as Holland
and Canada. Almost a half-century later we can see in the history of
medicine the emergence of tuberculosis as the dominant miasm, along


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

with the later prevalence of ringworm. Later, in the first half of the 20th
century, we can see the rise of the inflammatory conditions, primary
allergies and a more materialistic life-style typical of the dominance of
sycosis, followed by the rise of cancer from an isolated disease to a plague
upon the land. We are now witnessing the emergence of syphilis to its
time of dominance in the form of the growing autoimmune disorders, selfdestructive behaviors in adolescents, fascination with death and the dark
side of human nature, pornography, war in the form of terrorism involving
civilian populations, and such things as flesh-eating disease.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

8: Conclusion
The concept of miasm is a critical part of Hahnemanns medical
system in terms of the categorization of disease and its treatment. It refers
to diseases of infectious origin that have a constant nature (tonic diseases).
Those miasms that also have the capacity to be passed on from generation
to generation are distinguished from those of a purely temporary nature by
being termed chronic.
Tonic diseases, or diseases of constant nature, are further primary
diseases because they have a causal agent that, once identified, can be
used as the basis for the selection of the curative medicine according to the
dimension of the disease. In the case of the miasms, because they are of
infectious origin they belong to the pathogenic dimension of tonic disease.
The curative agent is derived from the principle of a fixed, static
relationship between the microbial, infectious agent, the disease and the
curative agent itself, according to the law of similar resonance.
Thus the nosode, made from the disease discharge of a particular
patient suffering from a fixed, static disease (such as measles), will always
be the curative medicine as it contains the infectious principle within it.
This enables the selection of the curative remedy without reference to
symptoms, but simply on knowledge of the causal agent (or recognition of
the static disease due to its constant nature). It also enables in new cases
never before seen or treated, where the infectious nature of the disease is
clear or suspected, to use disease discharge to make the curative agent on
the spot, again without the need for reference to the symptoms produced.
This is what Hahnemann referred to as true causal prescribing. It is not
homeopathy, which is the prescribing for the diseases or variable nature
based on the symptom picture, but it is a valid and important part of his
broader system of medicine, Heilkunst. We can term it homotonic
Those diseases that arise not from an outer cause, but simply are the
product of the evolution of a primary disease within the bodily
constitution over time as it engenders itself more and more into the


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

organisms life force, cannot be treated causally. They are secondary

diseases, derived from the primary diseases. These diseases are variable in
nature, depending on the individual circumstances and constitution of the
patient. They can be treated indirectly upon their cause, that is, the tonic
disease. Thus, to treat for the tonic disease using the homotonic remedy
according selected according to the disease dimension is also to destroy
many of the secondary diseases that arose from it.
However, some of the secondary diseases derived from the tonic
disease will remain, having become sufficiently independent of the parent
and they need to be treated directly. The curative agent then must be
identified by means of the symptoms of the disease, which is thus termed
pathic, on the basis of the law of similars, and the treatment is properly
termed homeopathic prescribing.
The few chronic miasms, the tonic, inherited diseases of infectious
origin give rise to many chronic, pathic diseases. The knowledge of the
chronic miasms and their identification in the patient then allows for the
expedient treatment using the curative agent, immediately provided in the
disease identification (diagnosis). Where there is more than one chronic
miasm, and this is the case for most patients today, there is a principle for
the treatment of such multi-miasmatic cases, termed the Law of
Succession of Forces, whose germ lies in Hahnemanns observations and
which was further unfolded by Elmiger several decades ago through
extensive treatment (and corroborated many times by our own
experience). This homotonic treatment for a chronic miasm removes at the
same time many of the chronic diseases (pathic in nature) derived
therefrom. Where a chronic disease remains it can be identified readily
from the symptom picture that emerges and treated homeopathically.
With the true understanding of the concept of miasms, particularly in
their chronic form, the practitioner is better able to understand the nature
of disease and also to attain a simpler, more effective treatment, to the
benefit of the patient.
Without such an understanding, the practitioner is left in confusion,
and with only the ability to treat the secondary, chronic diseases according
to the homeopathic principle. The primary chronic miasm underlying a


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

given chronic disease remains. An anti-psoric remedy is a remedy against

a psoric (pathic) disease, but not against the psora itself. When a nosode is
used against a suspected chronic miasm (or even an acute one), it may be
according to the symptom picture (for it can be so selected in some cases),
but is usually based on expedience and not principle (that is, on the
presumption of some hidden blockage or impediment to cure using the
well-selected or remedy for the pathic disease, rather than on an
understanding of tonic disease). Until practitioners of Hahnemanns
system comprehend the fuller understanding of disease, they will remain
simply homeopaths rather than Heilknstlers, Hahnemanns term for the
genuine practitioner of his complete medical system.
. 3.1. If the physician clearly realizes what in diseases,
that is, what in each particular case of disease, is to be
remedied (disease discernment, indicant),
if he clearly realizes what in medicines, that is, in each
particular medicine, is curative (knowledge of medicinal
and if he is aware of how to adapt what is curative in
medicines according to clear reasons to that which he has
undoubtedly discerned in the patient as diseased so that
recovery must result,
to adapt with respect to the commensurability of the most
appropriate medicine for each case according to its mode of
action (selection of the remedy, indicant)
as well as with regard to the exact necessary preparation and
amount of the same (right dosage) and of the proper timing of
the repetition of the dose;
-- finally, if he knows the obstacles to recovery in each case
and is aware of how to remove them so that the restoration be
-- then does he understand how to act expediently and
thoroughly and is a genuine Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler].


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

.6.2. a] 2. Is not then what is sensibly discernible as

disease signs the disease itself for the Remedial-Artist
.8.1.a] 1. When somebody has been restored from his
disease in such a manner by a true Remedial-Artist
.12.1.a] The Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] can derive
no benefit from probing into how and why the Living Power
brings the organism to the morbid manifestations, that is, how
it creates disease
.16.1. and, likewise, all such morbid mistunements (the
diseases) cannot be removed by the Remedial-Artist
.16.2. to the attentively observing and investigating
Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler]
.17. 1. the Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] has only to
take away the symptom complex in order to lift and annihilate
the internal alteration conjointly with it [the symptom
complex], that is, the morbid mistunement of the Living
Principle, hence, the whole of the disease itself.
.17.1 b] 1. Only thus could God, the Sustainer of
humanity, bring His wisdom and goodness to the light of day in
remedying the diseases befalling us here below, in that He
openly portrayed to the Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] what is
to be taken away in diseases in order to annihilate them and so
to establish health.
.29.1. a] 1. the weaker natural diseases, which solely
on account of their longer, mostly lifelong effective duration
(Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis) can never be vanquished and
extinguished by it alone until the Remedial-Artist
[Heilknstler] more strongly affects the Living Power with a
very resonant morbific, but stronger Potence (of homeopathic
.81.1. b] 10. the treatment mode of a genuine RemedialArtist [Heilknstler]


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

.83.1. This individualizing examination of a disease

case demands from the Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler]
nothing but impartiality and healthy senses, attention while
observing and fidelity in recording the image of the disease.
.100.2. if he wants to be a genuine, thorough RemedialArtist [Heilknstler] who never sets conjecture in the place of
104.1.a] 6. Thus was the most pensive of all pursuits, the
conscientious, careful investigation of the state of each single
patient, and the special cure to be grounded thereon, practiced
by those people, who called themselves physicians, rational
Remedial-Artists [Heilknstler].
104.2. During treatment, the Remedial-Artist
[Heilknstler] then has the image always before him,
especially in cases of chronic disease, and can behold it in all of
its parts and make out the characteristic signs in order to
oppose to it a well-aimed similar, artificial disease Potence
directed against the malady itself in the form of the
homeopathically chosen medicament selected from the series
of symptoms of all medicines which have become known
according to their pure actions.
.105.1. The second item [cf. 72 & 146] of the office of a
genuine Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] concerns the
investigation of the implements appointed for the cure of
natural diseases
.146. 1. The third item of the office of a genuine
Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] concerns the most expedient
employment of the artificial disease Potences (medicines)
proven for their pure action in healthy humans for the
homeopathic cure of natural diseases.
.165.1. and if among the known medicines there is no
more homeopathically fitting one to be found, then the
Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] cannot promise himself any
directly advantageous result from the employment of this
unhomeopathic medicine.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

.210.3. a] 1. How often, for instance, in the most painful,

protracted diseases do we not meet with a mild, gentle
mindedness [Gemt], so that the Remedial-Artist
[Heilknstler] feels impelled to bestow attention and
sympathy upon the patient.
.250.1. the shrewd Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler],
accurately investigating according to the disease state
.251.2. Should the Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler]
nevertheless find no improvement upon prescribing one of the
same medicines according to strict homeopathic selection, he
will then soon attain his purpose in most cases (in acute
diseases, already after a few hours) by a new equally minute
dose of the same means.
.254.1. the keenly observing and investigating
Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler]
.257.1. The genuine Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] will
know how to avoid making favorites of certain medicines
whose use he accidentally perhaps found appropriate more
often and had had occasion to employ with good success.
.258.1. By the same token, the genuine Remedial-Artist
[Heilknstler] shall not slight medicines in his further
curative pursuit out of mistrustful weakness
.264.1. The true Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] must
have the most genuine, full strength medicines in his hand in
order to be able to rely on their curative power; he himself
must know them according to their genuineness.
.268.1. The rational Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] will
never accept on trust and belief
.274.1. the true Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler]
.283.1. In order to now proceed entirely according to
nature, the true Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] will prescribe
his homeopathic medicine
.285.1.a] 3. A cardinal principle for the homeopathic
Remedial-Artist [Heilknstler] (which distinguishes him from


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

every so-called physician of all older schools) is that with none

of his patients does he employ any medicament whose morbid
impinging actions on the healthy human being had not
previously been carefully proven and familiar to him. (2021)
.285.1.a] 6. +) Therefore a true Remedial-Artist
[Heilknstler], who never practices without correct principles,
never unconscionably gambles with the life of the patient
entrusted to him


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Annex A: Wesen
This is a key term used by Dr. Hahnemann, one that has been lost as a
result of previous translations of his work, until the fully accurate
translations of Steven Decker. The term Wesen is difficult to translate into
English because it has many meanings: genius, essence, substance,
creature, living thing, nature or entity.
A Wesen is a dynamic entity that permeates the whole of something.
It cannot be divided from that which it permeates (except conceptually). It
has no mass; rather, it is energetic in nature. It is similar to the term
genius, used by the romantic philosophers of the 19th Century such as
Coleridge, as well as by contributors to our Materia Medica.
The Living Power is exponential to the human Wesen. The Wesen
cannot be a property of something, but only the essence itself. Hahnemann
makes clear in various passages that the Living Power has properties, that
is, that it can be lowered or raised (see footnote to 60 or 288) and that
there is a supply of Living Power (Introduction).
60.1.a]6 For Broussais it was only necessary to tone down
the Living Power of the patient, to lower it more and more and
see! the more frequently he had him bled and the more he had
the vital humour sucked out of him by leeches and cupping
glasses (for the innocent irreplaceable blood was supposed to be
guilty of almost all sufferings), the more the patient lost the
power to feel pains or to express his aggravated state by
vehement complaints and gestures.
288.2. This remedial power, often foolishly denied or
reviled for an entire century, being a wonderful inestimable gift
of God granted to humanity, by means of which the Living Power
of the healthy mesmerist gifted with this power dynamically
streams into another human being by touch and even without the
same, indeed even at some distance, by the powerful will of a
well-intentioned individual (like one of the poles of a powerful


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

magnet into a rod of raw steel) works in a different way, in that

this remedial power partly replaces the Living Power lacking
here and there in the patients organism, partly drains off,
decreases and more equally distributes the Living Power
accumulated all too much in other places.

So as we can see, the Living Power is a property of the human Wesen.

What Hahnemann referred to as the Dynamis (9, 12) is in effect the
human Wesen (Menschen-Wesen). The Living Power is a property of the
Wesen that keeps the organism in proper functioning, akin to the executive
power of a government.
The Wesen may form a unity with a particular material body or the
body may be immaterial in nature. Disease agents are Wesen, as are
Wesen is a very real entity, albeit a dynamic and not a material one. It
underlies the process of disease and cure. It links natural disease to the
human organism and then to the action of the curative remedy.
The Wesen of the disease agent effectively interacts with the Wesen
of the human organism. If the disease Wesen is more powerful it manages
to engender a disease upon the dynamis of the human organism. Thus,
disease is dynamic in nature and effect.
The disease first takes place at the level of the dynamis (energy level),
then moves down to affect the more noble organs, and gradually outward
to the circumference (skin). It then requires, in chronic disease, the
intervention of a similar medicinal Wesen (artificial disease Wesen) to
expunge the existing disease Wesen.
There is another aspect of the Wesen that helps in understanding the
full dimension of disease as it manifests and is captured in Hahnemanns
totality of characteristic symptoms. The Wesen permeates the human
organism but also the immediate supersensible sphere of the organism,
which is the field or ambient around the organism.
Thus, the sphere of action of the Wesen includes the circumstances,
events and conditions that make up the experiences of the individual.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

What happens to the individual is, in large part, shaped by the action of the
individuals Wesen in interaction with his Geist (intellectual mind). If we
have an accident this is a manifestation, at least partly, of the action of the
Wesen. The actions of the human Wesen are themselves the result in part
of the influence of the disease Wesen(s) that have engendered themselves
in our Wesen.
As we have learned, some diseases have a fixed Wesen, which
remains the same (acute and chronic miasms, shocks and traumas); others
are unique and changeable (sporadic and epidemic diseases).
While the disease agent might be mediated through a microbe, as it
invariably is in natural diseases (e.g., scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, etc.),
the microbe itself has a supersensible reality, or Wesen. It is the Wesen of
the microbe that seeks to penetrate the energetic reality of the person.
Unless this can be done, there will be only a disturbance, temporarily, of
the normal state of health (such as tiredness and a dragged-down feeling
rather than full-blown illness). The microbe moves on to seek another
victim and the person quickly recovers his slightly disturbed equilibrium.
There are also many cases where our Living Power is disturbed, such
as through lack of sleep and poor nutrition, which upsets our normal
functioning. However, these are more in the way of indispositions,
correctable through adjustments to our regimen (e.g., rest and proper
nutrition). If they continue long enough, however, they may eventually
damage the Living Power to the point that medical intervention is
To understand what else disease is beyond simply a disturbance of the
Living Power, we need to understand a fundamental and unique
contribution of Hahnemann to our knowledge of disease, namely the
uncovering of the dual nature of that Power.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Annex B: Wesengeschicte
History of Psora
Hahnemann sets out the history of the constant nature of psora, making
clear that it is not to be reduced to scabies, but involves a dynamic internal
itch, which comes from the engenderment of this primordial disease state
in the generative side (erzeugungskraft) of the Living Power. Banerjea, in
his recent work on the chronic diseases, underlines this fact as well (see p.
25, 32-33 of his work).
74 Just as protracted as syphilis or sycosis, and therefore
just as unquenchable before the last breath of the longest
human life, unless thoroughly cured, since not even the most
robust constitution is able to annihilate and extinguish it by its
own proper strength, Psora, or the Itch disease, is besides the
oldest and most hydra-headed of all the chronic miasmatic
76 The oldest monuments of history which we possess
show the Psora even then in great development. Moses* 3400
years ago pointed out several varieties. At that time and later
on among the Israelites, Psora seems to have mostly kept to
the external parts of the body for its chief seat as well as
during the times of uncultivated Greece, later in Arabia, and
lastly in Europe during the Middle Ages.
The different names which were imparted by different
nations to the more or less malignant varieties of leprosy (the
external symptoms of Psora), which in many ways deformed
the external parts of the body, do not further my purpose and
add nothing to the matter, since the nature (Wesen) of this
miasmatic itching eruption always remained essentially the
78 The occidental Psora, which, during the Middle Ages,
had raged in Europe for several centuries under the form of
malignant erysipelas (called St. Anthonys Fire), reassumed
the form of leprosy through the leprosy which was brought
back by the returning crusaders in the thirteenth century.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

And though it thus spread in Europe even more than before

(for in the year 1226 there were in France alone 2,000 houses
for lepers), this Psora, which now raged as a dreadful eruption,
found at least an external alleviation in the means conducive
to cleanliness, which also were brought by the crusaders from
the Orient, namely, the (cotton, linen) shirts before unknown
in Europe, and the more frequent use of warm baths. Through
both of those means, as well as through the more exquisite diet
and refinement in the mode of living introduced by increased
cultivation, the external horrors of the Psora within the space
of several centuries were at last so far moderated that, at the
end of the fifteenth century, it appeared only in the form of the
common eruption of itch, just at the time when the other
miasmatic chronic disease, syphilis, began (in 1493) to raise
its dreadful head.
79 Thus this eruption, externally reduced in cultivated
countries to a common itch, could be much more easily
removed from the skin through various means, so that with
the external medical treatments since introduced, especially
in the middle and higher classes, through baths, washes and
ointments of sulphur and lead, and by preparations of copper,
zinc and mercury, the external manifestation of Psora on the
skin was often so quickly expunged, and is so now, that in
most cases it remained quite unknown whether it had befallen
a child or adult.
80 But the plight of mankind was not improved thereby; in
many respects it grew far worse. For, although in ancient
times the eruption of Psora in the form of leprosy was very
troublesome to those suffering from it due to the lancinating
pains in and around the violently itching tumors and scabs,
the rest of their condition remained as a rule untouched owing
to the obstinately persistent skin suffering, which served as a
vicariating substitute for the internal Psora-malady.
And what is more, the horrible and disgusting appearance
of the lepers made such a frightful impression on healthy
people that they fled even at their distant approach, so that
the seclusion of most of these patients, and their sequestration
in leper hospitals, kept them apart from other human society,


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

whereby infection from them was greatly curtailed and

remained comparatively rare.
81 However, due to the very much milder outer form of
the Psora (due to the afore-mentioned causes) during the
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries appearing as itch, the few
pustules appearing after infection made but little show and
could easily be concealed, but they were irresistibly scratched
because of their unbearable itching, thus spreading the fluid
around, and the psoric miasma was communicated more
certainly and more readily to many other people the more it
was concealed; for things contaminated by the psoric fluid
infected those who unwittingly touched them, and thus
infected far more people than the lepers, who, on account of
their frightful external appearance, were previously carefully
82 PSORA has in this way become the most infectious and
most general of all the chronic miasmas.
84 Mankind, therefore, is worse off from the diminution of
the external form of the Psora,from leprosy down to the
eruption of itchnot only because this is less visible and more
hidden and therefore more frequently infectious, but also
especially because the Psora, now mitigated externally into a
mere itch and on that account more wide spread, nevertheless
still remained unchanged in its original dreadful nature
(Wesen). Now, after the eruptions being more easily driven
off, the disease grows all the more unnoticed within and so, in
the last three centuries, after the iatric [allopathic medical]
annihilation of its chief symptom (the external skin eruption)
it plays the sad role of producing innumerable secondary
symptoms, that is, it engenders a legion of chronic sufferings,
the source of which doctors never surmised nor deciphered,
and which, therefore, they could no more cure than they could
ever thoroughly cure the entire original itch disease (Psora)
when accompanied by its cutaneous eruption; but these
chronic diseases, as daily experience teaches, were ever and
again aggravated by the multitude of their faulty means.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Origin of Psora
Hahnemann does not give us the original source of psora saying only
that it pre-dates human memory and history. Kent provides us a clue in
linking the susceptibility to psora to an innate corruptibility of man, a form
of spiritual sickness that leads eventually to the creation of psora as a
disease and miasm. The idea, which is contained in all cultures and
philosophies, is that of the fall of man from a state of perfection to one of
imperfection, which allows for error and indiscretions.
Thus, psora becomes a disease state engendered by errors of omission,
that is, the failure to live right, both spiritually, mentally, emotionally and
physically. Hahnemann points out that it is the indiscretions of diet as well
as the burdens of emotional stress that are the particular arousers of the
already existent, though dormant, latent psora. If so, then they must have
been involved in its engenderment in the first place to have the power,
even in seemingly minor events, to call up the power of the miasm to
379 But still, even with such favorable external relations,
as soon as this person advances in age, even slight occasions
(a moderate vexation, a cold, or an error in diet, etc.), can
produce a violent (though brief) surge of disease: a severe
colic, chest or throat inflammation, erysipelas, fever and the
like - attacks whose severity stands in no relation to their
moderate exciting cause. These are mostly wont to eventuate.
380 Where however a person with an internally
slumbering psora, be it a child or an adult, having much
semblance of health, gets into the opposite of the aboveindicated favorable relations of life, when, for example, his
condition and whole organism have been very much weakened
and shaken by a prevalent epidemic fever or an infectious
acute disease,*
382 smallpox, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever,
purple rash, etc, or through an external severe injury, a shock,
a fall, a wound, a significant burn, the breaking of an arm or a
leg, a hard labor, hospitalization (usually egged on by
incorrect and weakening allopathic treatment), confinement


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

at a sedentary occupation in a gloomy, close room, weakening

the Living Power; or where sad losses of beloved relations,
bowing down the mind with grief, or daily vexation and
annoyance which embitter life obtrude; or where nutritional
deficiency or an entire want of what is necessary and
indispensable, exposure and inferior fare beat down mans
courage and vitality; then the slumbering psora awakes and
shows itself, by the heightened and augmented symptoms
following below, in its transition to the formation of severe
maladies; one or another of the nameless (psoric) chronic
diseases* breaks out and becomes aggravated (most of all
under the weakening and invasive, errant treatment of
allopathic doctors) from time to time almost unremittingly,
often to a most fearful level, if externally favorable
circumstances for the patient do not soon intervene and
impose a more moderate progress on the sickness.
383 *The one or the other disease, according to the
original bodily constitution, the peculiar mode of living
adopted, the peculiar disposition of the mind often acquired
through individual upbringing, or one or the other more
susceptible or weakened part of the body, gives a peculiar
direction to the disease, thus guiding the itch sickness to arise
as the one or the other malady, so as to unfold itself preeminently in that side of the condition and modified in just
that way. An angry, sullen disposition prompts the outbreak of
the psora quite particularly, as do previous exhaustions due to
frequent pregnancies, excessive nursing of infants,
extraordinary hardships, intrusive medical maltreatment,
debauchery, and a profligate life style.
The internal itch-sickness is, as before mentioned, of such
a peculiar nature that it may remain, as it were, tied down and
covered up for a long time under externally favorable
conditions, so that a man may seem healthy to the superficial
observer, often for years on end, until unfavorable
circumstances for spirit or body, or both, once set in, serving
as an inimical impact to awaken the disease slumbering within
and to develop its germs.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

His acquaintances and his doctor, yea, the patient himself,

cannot then grasp just how his health could so suddenly fall
into a decline. Here are some illustrative examples from my
own experience: After a simple fracture of a leg attended with
confinement to bed for five or six weeks, there may follow
disease conditions of another kind, the cause of which cannot
be guessed, disease-conditions, which, even after being
passably dispatched, nevertheless return, and which, even
with a blameless diet, nevertheless show aggravation to a high
degree upon their return-mostly in fall, winter and spring -,
becoming an increasingly protracted suffering from year to
year, a lasting cure for which, without replacing it with a still
worse malady due to allopathic cure, has been vainly sought
for in doctorial councils up till now and also in visits to mineral
Such impacts in life are innumerable, such unfavorable
occurrences which serve to awaken the psora (the internal
sickness), slumbering till then (perhaps for some time), and
which bring its germs to proliferate. They are often of such a
nature that the grave maladies which follow them by and by
are all out of proportion to them, so that no intelligent man can
view those occasions as sufficient reason for the ensuing, often
monstrous, chronic diseases which follow, but is compelled to
acknowledge for this phenomenon a deeper lying inimical
cause, which has now just evolved.
394 The awakening of the internal psora, hitherto
slumbering and latent, having been held in check as it were by
a good bodily constitution and favorable external relations, as
well as its breaking out into more serious maladies and
sicknesses, is announced by the increase of the signs given
above as indicating the slumbering psora and also by a
numberless multitude of various other signs and complaints.
These are varied according to the distinct bodily constitution
of a person, his hereditary disposition, the various errors in
his education and habits, his manner of living and diet, his
employments, his spiritual direction, his morality, etc.
928 But the most frequent excitation of the slumbering
psora into chronic disease, as well as the most frequent


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

aggravation of present chronic maladies, arises from grief and


It is probable that various deficiencies in mans existence over the

centuries, plus certain natural, acute diseases of a miasmic, epidemic or
sporadic nature, led to a sufficient weakening of the genetic inheritance.
This deficiency also became engendered in the Living Power of man as a
fundamental and archetypal disease of fixed, constant nature and one that
could be transmitted from one generation to the next.

Progression of Psychic Disease

Hahnemann also gives us the progression of the mental and emotional
Disease would originally have started from ignorance (lack of
knowledge). Ignorance then leads to superstition, as superstition is arch
belief (Aberglaube), and belief operates where there is a vacuum caused
by lack of knowledge. Belief (which is false knowledge) then gives rise to
a neglect of the spirit (almost like trying to run a car on contaminated
fuel). This, in turn, results in false morality and immorality (as opposed to
ethics, which is the thought form and activity that results from pure
knowledge). False morality and immorality are opposite functional pairs
of the imbalance of the soul. Finally, the false morality or immorality
leads to bad habits and the visiting of these habits onto other generations
(faulty upbringing).
Of course, once this progression is established, the course of disease
can run in the opposite direction: faulty upbringing can lead to bad habits,
then to false morality/immorality (to control the bad habits), spiritual
neglect and superstition (beliefs). All of this is entailed within states of
17.1.a]1 Just as also the highest disease can be
brought to pass by sufficient mistunement of the Living
Principle by means of imagination, and so, in the same
manner, taken away again.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

17.1.a]2 A premonitory dream, a superstitious fancy

or a solemn fateful prophecy of inevitable death on a certain
day or at a certain hour has not infrequently brought to pass
all signs of arising and increasing disease of approaching
death and death itself at the indicated hour which, without
simultaneous actuation of the internal alteration
(corresponding to the outwardly perceptible state), was not
possible; thus, in such cases from the same cause, all the
near-death-signaling disease features were in turn not
infrequently scared off by an artificial deception or
persuasion to the contrary and health suddenly again
established, which would not have been possible without
removal of the death-preparing internal and external
morbid alterations by means of these merely moral
224.1. If the spiritual/mental disease is not yet fully
developed, and were there still some doubt as to whether it
had really arisen from somatic suffering or rather stemmed
from faulty upbringing, bad habits, perverted morality, neglect
of the spirit, superstitions or ignorance, what then serves as a
criterion is that the latter will subside and improve by
understanding, well-intentioned exhortation, consolation or
earnest and rational expostulations...

In this sense, Kent was right to identify that the beginning of psora
was due to a spiritual weakness.
It is altogether too extensive, for it goes to the very
primitive wrong of the human race, the very first sickness of
the human race, that is the spiritual sickness, from which first
state of the race progressed into what may be called the true
susceptibility to psora, which in turn laid the foundation for
other diseases. (quoted from Banerjea, p. 33)

However, we cannot ignore the weakness that must also exist at the
other pole of man, as set out in Aphorisms 9 and 10 of the Organon,
namely the Dynamis, in addition to the Spiritus.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Kents View
Both Kent and Allen, and others since, have put forth the idea that
psora is a form of original sin and thus, that psora is the mother of all
Kent: Psora is the beginning of all physical sickness. Had
psora never been established as a miasm upon the human
race, the other two chronic diseases would have been
impossible, and susceptibility to acute diseases would have
been impossible. All the diseases of man are built upon psora;
hence it is the foundation of all sickness; all other sickness
came afterwards. (quoted from Banerjea, p. 34)
J.H. Allen: psora is the primary manifestation of
primordial sin, of the primary curse, the prophetic fulfillment
of thou shalt surely die. (quoted in Banerjea, p. 33)

Aside from removing any attachment of morality to the issue, which

was not found in Hahnemann, as well as to note that Hahnemann only
stated that psora was the mother of most chronic diseases (as it is clear
acute diseases existed prior to psora), it is important to underline, as does
Banerjea, that psora is an actual disease (of constant nature), not an
underlying predisposition to disease.
313 However small the internal psora may be at the time
of the quick expulsion of an itch-eruption, which has only
come forth with a few vesicles and which is then followed by
only moderate indispositions and complaints (which are then
usually, from ignorance, ascribed by the family doctor to other
causes of little import), the internal psoric disease, although as
yet of slight degree, remains in its character (Wesen) and
chronic nature the same general psoric disease of the whole
organism; i.e., without the aid of art it is inextinguishable, and
cannot be extirpated by the strength of even the best and most
robust bodily constitution, staying on the rise even to the end
of the patients life.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

First, there were and are acute diseases that exist independently of
psora, such as the acute miasms, which are themselves idiopathic in nature
and of a primary, constant cause.
. 5.1. As remedial aids, the data of the most probable
occasion of the acute disease as well as the most significant
factors in the entire history of the protracted sickness serve
the physician in finding out its [disease] fundamental cause,
which mostly [but not entirely] rests on a chronic miasm,
whereby there is to be taken into account

Second, as Hahnemann points out, he was able to discern the features

of psora as being distinct from other diseases since he himself did not
suffer from psora, but was susceptible to acute diseases, including those
brought on by emotional suffering.
316 *It was more possible for me than for many
hundreds of others to find out and to recognize the signs of
the yet latent and slumbering Psora within as well as of the
awakened version grown to considerable proportions by an
accurate comparison of the condition of all those, thus
afflicted, with myself, since I, as is seldom the case, was
never psoric, and have, therefore, from my birth even until
now in my eightieth year, been entirely free from the
(smaller and greater) ailments enumerated here and
further below - even though exposed to many mental
exertions and thousand fold emotional vexations - although
I have been, in other respects, very apt to catch acute
epidemic diseases.

The failure, starting mainly with Kent, to understand Hahnemanns

very real and concrete disease classification14 meant that psora came to be
seen as a predisposition to disease, a form of dyscrasia, rather than a
disease itself. From there, it was a simple leap to concluding that psora,


See The Dynamic Legacy.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

which was so widespread and ancient, was really the base for all other
disease, despite Hahnemanns clear statements to the contrary. What
Hahnemann stated is the fact that most of the chronic diseases of his time
(less so today) had psora as their direct cause. The others were caused by
syphilis and sycosis.
90 Thus was PSORA the most universal mother of chronic
.79.1. Hitherto, Syphilis alone was known to some extent
as such a chronic miasmatic disease, which, uncured, expires
only with the end of life.
.79.2. The uncured Sycosis (Figwart disease), likewise
ineradicable by the Living Power, was not recognized as being
an internal chronic miasm of its own kind as it however
indisputably is, and believed it to be cured by destruction of
the outgrowths on the skin without heeding the continuing
residual sickness.
.80.1. Immeasurably more widespread, consequently
more significant than both [of the above] named is the
internal, monstrous, chronic miasm of Psora-- Psora, that
true fundamental cause and engenderer of almost all
remaining frequent, indeed countless disease forms,a] which
figure in the pathologies as their own self-contained diseases
under the names of nerve weakness, hysteria, hypochondria,
mania, melancholy, imbecilityetc.

There is also the erroneous view that psora is the cause of acute
disease, but this is a mis-reading of what Hahnemann wrote. Where psora
was suppressed, this could lead to acute diseases as well, but the cause
here is the suppression, not psora itself. The first statement has to be read
in conjunction with the second, which provides the context:
72 PSORA is that oldest, most universal, most destructive,
and yet most misapprehended chronic miasmatic disease
which for many thousands of years has disfigured and
tortured mankind, and which during the last centuries has
become the mother of all the thousands of incredibly various


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

(acute and) chronic (non-venereal) maladies, by which the

whole civilized human race on the inhabited globe is being
increasingly haunted.
101 The diseases, partly acute but chiefly chronic,
springing from such a one-sided annihilation of the skin
symptom (eruption and itching) which acts vicariously to
assuage the internal Psora (which annihilation is erroneously
called Driving the itch into the body) are innumerable; as
manifold as the peculiarities of the many different bodily
constitutions and of the outer world which modifies them.

Hahnemann also distinguishes true acute diseases that are idiopathic

and occasioned by a singular cause from those that are simply acute flareups of an underlying chronic miasm, usually psora:
. 73.1. With respect to acute diseases, they are partly
such as assail the single individual as occasioned by
malignities to which just this person was particularly exposed.
.73.2. Pleasurable excesses or their deprivation,
physically vehement impressions, chillings, heatings, fatigues,
strains from lifting etc., or psychical agitations, affects etc.,
are the occasion of such acute fevers, but fundamentally they
are mostly only transient flare-ups of latent Psora
. 73.3. Thence arise fevers of their own nature
.81.1. b] 6. Even those common acute diseases which
are indeed able to propagate themselves in each single
epidemic by an infectious matter of their own remaining
unknown to us
.221.1. If, however, a mania or frenzy (upon occasion of
fright, vexation, spirituous drink, etc.) has suddenly broken
out from the ordinary, quiet state as an acute disease,
although it is almost always without exception sprung from
internal Psora, (flaring up as it were as a flame)
. 243.1. In those often very virulent intermittent fevers
which befall a single person, outside of marshy regions, a
remedy, homeopathically selected for the special case from


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

among the class of remaining proven medicines (not antipsoric), must, likewise, to be sure, in the beginning, as
generally in the case of acute diseases which resemble the
often very virulent alternating fevers with regard to their
Psoric origin, first be employed several days for the most
possible help; if, however, the recovery is nevertheless delayed
hereby, then we must be aware that we are dealing with Psora
close to its evolution and that here only anti-psoric medicine
can provide radical help.

The Somatic Cause of Psora

But if there is a psychic disturbance and weakness that leads to a
drying out of the mind from its richness in wisdom (at the pole of the
Spiritus or Geist), then there must also be a corresponding drying up at the
somatic level at the Dynamic pole (Dynamis). This may well have been
discovered by Dr. Batmanghelidj recently, in his book, Your Bodys Many
Cries for Water.
About 20 years ago, an Iranian medical doctor made an astoundingly
simple discovery - the healing property of water. Dr. Batmanghelidj was
directing a family charity medical center, the largest medical complex in
Iran, when the revolution that overthrew the Shah in 1979 also seized all
his familys assets and cast him in prison. While preparing to execute him
on trumped-up charges, the revolutionary guards discovered he was a
doctor and allowed him to help his fellow prisoners and delayed his
While in prison, Dr. Batmanghelidj initially had nothing with which
to treat the suffering except for water. One night he gave two glasses of
water to a stomach ulcer patient in extreme pain. Within several minutes
the pain subsided. At his trial, his life was saved when he presented the
judge with a treatise on the role of water treatment in peptic ulcer disease
and was released to continue his research. Dr. Batmanghelidj left Iran and
finally ended up in America. He has spent the rest of his life pursuing the
role of dehydration in producing many symptoms and conditions that are


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

seen as idiopathic, self-contained diseases. This resulted in a book, Your

Bodys Many Cries for Water.
The essential message is that the body indicates the need for water
well before we are thirsty. These cries for water are diagnosed as a
medical condition requiring drugs, which only worsens the bodys
Man is a water organism. We contain the salt of the oceans within us
in the intercellular fluid. We have also developed a mechanism for
preserving this necessary salt bath around our cells, so necessary for
continued life. In situations of scarcity, the body acts to conserve what
water remains. All metabolic function depends on adequate water both
within and without the cells.
When there is insufficient water intake, the body responds by severely
rationing water so that the brain is supplied on a priority basis, but other,
less critical organs or tissues are cut back. This produces various
symptoms - which are then diagnosed as a disease - (for all the reasons
that Hahnemann so brilliantly pointed out in dissecting the allopathic,
material mindset where the results of an imbalance or underlying disease
are taken as the disease itself).
The problem is that in the mechanical model of allopathic medicine
water is simply seen as a carrier for the solutes (matter dissolved in it),
which are deemed the regulators. The physical role of water itself as a
regulator is not considered. What is needed is a shift from a solvent-based
to a solute-based view of water.
It is the solvent - the water content - that regulates all
functions of the body, including the activity of the solutes (the
solids) that are dissolved in it...
Let me repeat: every function of the body is monitored and
pegged to the efficient flow of water. (Your Bodys Many Cries
for Water, p. 14)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

In this context, as Dr. Batmanghelidj explains,

chronic dehydration is the root cause of most major
degenerative diseases of the human body.

In the solvant-based approach, Dr. Batmanghelidj comes at the

problem of water balance in the body by means of the whole (unity),
rather than from the parts, which is the solute-based approach.
The dry mouth becomes the last desperate cry of the body for water,
not the first. Once this symptom appears, it is already almost too late.
It has become clear that the practice of clinical
medicine is based on a false assumption and an inaccurate
premise. Otherwise, how could a signal system for water
metabolism disturbance be missed or so blatantly ignored
for such a long time? At the moment, the dry mouth is
the only accepted sign of dehydration of the body. As I
have explained, this signal is the last outward sign of
extreme dehydration. The damage occurs at a level of
persistent dehydration that does not necessarily
demonstrate a dry mouth signal. (Your Bodys Many
Cries for Water, p. 10)

One example of the effect of dehydration can be seen dramatically

today in the high incidence of heart problems, with death from heart
malfunction being one of the top causes of mortality along with lung
When there is insufficient water, the cell wall alters and
creates a system of water filters like a showerhead that
requires pressure to force water into the cell and protects
water from leaving.
Vassopressin is one of the hormones involved in the
rationing and distribution of water according to a priority plan
when there is dehydration... To make sure the water can pass
through these tiny holes (which only allow the passage of one
water molecule at a time), vasopressin also has the property of


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

causing vasoconstriction and putting the squeeze on the fluid

volume in the region. (Your Bodys Many Cries for Water,
p. 61)

Another aspect of high blood pressure is that in order to retain normal

blood volume, the water regulating system closes off portions of the
capillary system. This is not detected in blood tests, yet the damage from
this, if continued, is considerable. The problem with high blood pressure is
that the body is trying to retain its water volume, but doctors misinterpret
the result for the cause and give diuretics. Then the body has to hang onto
sodium in order to keep water in the intercellular fluid. Salt is the regulator
of water held outside the cell. This water is then forced by the higher
blood pressure into the priority cells by the shower-head mechanism.
The doctors then interpret the higher salt levels as being another cause of
hypertension. Diuretics are then prescribed to lower salt levels. However,
the only true diuretic is water in this case!
The vogue in medical practice has become the
spontaneous and indiscriminate use of diuretics, calcium
blockers, beta blockers, and anti-cholesterol medications...
Why? Simply because the science of medicine has expanded
on a hopelessly erroneous paradigm. The very foundation of
knowledge on which medical practice of today is staking its
credibility and license to practice is in error and ignorant of
water metabolism disturbance as a possible cause of disease
emergence in the human body. (Your Bodys Many Cries for
Water, p. 159)
Higher blood cholesterol is a sign that the cells of the body
have developed a defense mechanism against the osmotic
force of the blood that keeps drawing water out through the
cell membranes; or the concentrated blood cannot release
sufficient water to go through the cell membrane and maintain
normal cell function. Cholesterol is a natural clay that, when
poured in the gaps of the cell membrane, will make the cell
wall impervious to the passage of water. Its excessive
manufacture and deposition in the cell membranes is part of
the natural design for the protection of living cells against


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

dehydration... It is a necessary substance. Its excess denotes

dehydration. (Your Bodys many Cries for Water, p. 84)

Inherited Effects
More astoundingly, Dr. Batmanghelidj found that the effects of
chronic dehydration could be inherited.
The established signal-producing chronic dehydration also
has a permanently damaging impact on subsequent
descendants of the person. (Your Bodys Many Cries for Water,
p. 7)

If we consider the findings of Dr. Wilhelm Reich regarding the effects

of an arid environment on character structure, as well as the insights of
Rudolf Steiner regarding the supersensible sclerotic impact of dry
(abstract) thoughts and education on our capacity for generation
(generative power) in spirit, mind, body and soul, we are led to the
possibility that we may be staring at an operative biological mechanism
for the emergence of psora.
Reich found that the actual condition of dryness in the external world
caused a constriction of the life force and a form of character armoring or
rigidity that limits the expression of our healthy generative power, overtly
in the form of sexuality. Steiner showed how the exposure to arid, dry
(abstract) thought, not at all grounded in the inner wisdom of the body
(etheric body, or level of life functions) led to a weakening of the overall
organism due to the failure to generate warmth in all its forms, which is
the foundation for our acting as individuals in freedom.15
Water is the fundamental condition for life. Life cannot exist without
water. The less water there is, the less we find vegetation (of course, there
also needs to be a minimal amount of heat so that the water temperature is


This is set out in more detail in The Dynamic Legacy: from Homeopathy to
Heilkunst by the same authors.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

conducive to life). The chronic effects of dehydration on the human

organism works to weaken the overall resistance to disease, and this
weakness is passed on to subsequent generations. Eventually, the Living
Power is weakened to such an extent that the human Wesen becomes
susceptible to the first of the chronic miasms.

Dehydration and Genetic Damage

By understanding the latest findings on gene research we can
understand how the lack of water at the physiological level will lead to
genetic damage. The human genome project has revealed how the unique
action of our genes relies on a complicated and individualized folding of
the amino acid sequence of each protein. As the Stanford University site
on protein folding (http://folding.stanford.edu) explains it:
What are proteins and why do they fold? Proteins are
biologys workhorses its nanomachines. Before proteins
can carry out their biochemical function, they remarkably
assemble themselves, or fold. The process of protein folding,
while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology,
remains a mystery. Moreover, perhaps not surprisingly, when
proteins do not fold correctly (i.e., misfold), there can be
serious effects, including many well known diseases, such as
Alzheimers, Mad Cow (CJD), ALS, and Parkinsons disease.
When proteins misfold, they can clump together

The drawings on site illustrate the process of protein formation

(linking the sequence of the protein to the gene) and the role of folding to
protein function. In the more detailed explanation of this protein folding,
we discover that the secret to the folding sequence is water (see
Essentially, proteins provide the individual building blocks of our
organism and are involved in our physical form, our immune system and
our ability to metabolize (through enzymes).


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

What is fascinating is that the function of a protein arises from its

shape, and this shape is a function of its folding, which it turn is
determined very much by the interaction of the protein chain with water,
through its water repelling or attracting response, dictated by various
substances on the outside of the molecules along the chain. Thus, we can
see that water, which forms the somatic foundation for the energetic or life
body, is essential to our physiological functions.
The function of a protein arises from its form, its three-dimensional
shape. The unique sequence of the 20 amino acids coded by human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the genetic master compound, determines the
shape or form of a protein. The unique sequence of a particular kind of
protein is determined by the unique sequence of coding genes on the DNA
of chromosomes that initiate synthesis of that protein.
Nothing in life happens in a vacuum. Context and
environment are essential to the fulfillment of function, and
proteins are no exception. The environment not only allows
proteins to function as necessary, it supports their endeavors.
Water molecules provide that environment. In order to fulfill
their respective missions, proteins must bend, twist, and
contort their primary amino acid strands into secondary,
tertiary, and quaternary forms. The hydrophobic (wateravoiding) and hydrophilic (water-attracting) interactions
between water and protein strands drives the conformational
changes needed for protein strands to realize their ultimate
functional form. In other words, the final shape of a protein is
determined by the manner in which water and protein strands
are attracted to or repelled by each other. As a lubricating
agent, water facilitates the breaking and re-establishing of
hydrogen bonds and other links between the various parts of
protein. Once the appropriate bonding is in place, water
molecules are critical to the continued integrity and stability
of protein structure. (Water, Holloway/Joiner-Bey, p. 17-18)

From all of this, it is clear that optimum protein function requires

complete hydration.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

The genetic code defines the structure of proteins by

delineating unique sequences of amino acids. Water molecules
drive the protein amino acid strands into their functional
shapes and forms using hydrophobic and hydrophilic forces...
Put more simply, the process is somewhat like the
construction of a building. Protein is the edifice [physical
body]; DNA is the architect [ontic organization]; RNA is the
construction foreman [astral body]; and water molecules are
the laborers and maintenance workers [etheric body]. This
interdependent interaction among DNA, mRNA, protein, and
water defines a fundamental biochemical relationship that
sustains life. (Water, p. 19)

How does dehydration then work at the cellular level? In 1992,

scientists discovered the means by which water actually enters the cell.
Previously, it was simply assumed that water passed through the
membrane. These entry points for water are protein water structures, or
channels through the double layer of fatty acids (phospholipids) called
aquaporins. Because the cell wall is made up of oil-based molecules, it
is hard for water molecules to pass through. The water channels are very
small, ranging in size from three to six angstroms, but the problem is that
water molecules tend to group together in larger clusters (because of
hydrogen bonding).16 These clusters are typically 30 angstroms in
diameter. The body must then breakdown these clusters into smaller
molecules that can pass through the aquaporins. If the capacity to do this is
weakened by disease or imbalance, then we will become dehydrated even
if we drink enough.

The Extent of Dryness in Psora

If we examine the symptoms of psora as listed by Hahnemann in his
Chronic Diseases, we are struck by the characteristic dry nature of many


This hydrogen bonding is essential in the ability of water to structure proteins.

(Water, p. 22)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

of them. The essence of psora is also that of deficiency and lack at all
Psora is further characterized by a kind of voluptuous itching, which
gives great relief on scratching, but then becomes burning and itches even
more. Here we can see the suppressed generative power of the Life
Principle (Dynamis) attempting expression (counter action) at the very
periphery of the organism.
Latent Symptoms of Psora
180.17 dryness in the nose
180.25 dryness of the [head]
180.40 dryness in the mouth
180.57 dry skin on the limbs
Signs of Awakened Psora
189.73 Feeling of dryness in the nose
189.84 The red of the lips is dry, scabby, peeling off; it chaps
189.103 Tongue dry
189.104 Feeling of dryness on the tongue, even while it is properly
189.108 Sensation of dryness of the whole internal mouth
189.286 Dry cough
189.370 Dryness of the (epidermal) skin either on the whole body,
with inability to sweat or perspire in any noticeable way through
motion and heat, or only in some parts.*
189.370*Especially on the hands, the outer side of the arms and legs,
and even in the face; the skin is dry, rough, parched, feels chapped,
and often has scales like bran


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

189.371 Disagreeable sensation of dryness over the whole body (also

in the face, around and in the mouth, in the throat, or in the nose,
although the breath passes freely through it)
The most important signal of dehydration is dyspeptic
pain (gastritis, duodenitis, heartburn). This then leads to the
formation of ulcers.
How am I able to make such claims? I have treated with
only water well over 3000 persons with dyspeptic pain... They
all responded to an increase in their water intake, and their
clinical problems associated with the pain disappeared. The
report... was published as the editorial article in the Journal of
Clinical Gastroenterology in June of 1983. (Your Bodys Many
Cries for Water, p. 26)

One dramatic case is provided by Dr. Batmanghelidj to illustrate:

For 10 hours, this man had suffered from pain and taken
the most potent and advanced medicines for the treatment of
peptic ulcer disease without any relief. Now, three glasses of
water had produced an obvious and absolute relief in about 20
minutes... On the average, it takes less severe cases about
eight minutes to achieve total pain relief. (Your Bodys Many
Cries for Water, p. 28-29)
What happens is that the first glass of water immediately
passes into the small intestine and is absorbed, being returned
within 30 minutes to the stomach for digestion. Water is
indispensable for digestion as it buffers the acid, provides for
the activation of the enzymes and turns the solid food into the
liquid state necessary for entry into the intestine (which
cannot take the acid of the stomach).
The buffering action of water in the stomach is in
providing the basis for the mucosal lining of the inside of the
stomach. The water holds the sodium bicarbonate of the
deeper layers, which neutralizes any acid that tries to get
through the mucosal layer. Acid-sodium bicarbonate
interactions produce salt (sodium from the bicarbonate and


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

chlorine from the acid), which needs to be removed by a backwashing process that is dependent on an adequate water
Thus, water provides the only natural protection against
the acid in the stomach, from base upward. Antacids are
designed to attach to the acid in the stomach itself - an
inefficient protection. (Your Bodys Many Cries for Water,
p. 31)

Actually, dyspepsia is really a thirst pain signal, much as we have a

food pain signal in the form of hunger. The current preoccupation with Hpylori bacteria in stomach ulcers is again coming at the cause through the
result. These bacteria live normally in the intestines and are necessary for
our proper assimilation of nutrients. However, as the histamine system
operates more actively at the valve into the small intestines, it has a
growth effect on the H-pylori.
Psoric Symptoms of the Stomach
180.36 Nausea, in the morning.
180.37 Sensation of emptiness in the stomach.
180.38 Repugnance to cooked, warm food, especially to meat
(principally with children). [because of a lack of hydrochloric acid
and bile due to the lack of water].
180.39 Repugnance to milk. [same need for HCl and bile to break
down the proteins and fats].
189.120 Eructations, with the taste of the food, several hours after
189.121 Eructations, empty, loud, of mere air, uncontrollable, often
for hours, not infrequently at night.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

189.122 Incomplete eructation, which causes merely convulsive

shocks in the fauces, without coming out of the mouth.
189.123 Eructation, sour, either fasting or after food, especially after
189.124 Eructation, which excites to vomiting.
189.125 Eructation, rancid (especially after eating fat things).
189.126. Eructation, putrid or mouldy, early in the morning.
189.127 Frequent eructations before meals, with a sort of rabid
189.128 Heart-burn, more or less frequent; there is a burning along
the chest, especially after breakfast, or while moving the body.
189.129 Water-brash, a gushing discharge of a sort of salivary fluid
from the stomach, preceded by writhing pains in the stomach (the
pancreas), with a sensation of weakness (shakiness), nausea causing
as it were a swoon, and gathering of the saliva in the mouth, even at
189.129* This also at times turns into vomiting of water, mucus, or a
gush of acrid acid - more frequently after eating flour dumplings,
foods causing flatulence, baked prunes, etc.
189.147 In the pit of the stomach there is a sensation of swelling
painful to the touch.
189.148 Sensation of coldness in the pit of the stomach.
189.149 Pressure in the stomach or in the pit of the stomach, as from
a stone, or a constricting pain cramp).*
189.150 In the stomach, beating and pulsation, even when fasting.
189.151 Spasm in the stomach; pain in the pit of the stomach as if
drawn together.
189.152 Griping in the stomach; a painful griping in the stomach;* it
suddenly constricts the stomach, especially after cold drinking.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

189.152* Not infrequently with vomiting of mucus and water, without

which in such a case the griping is not alleviated.
189.153 Pain in the stomach, as if sore, when eating even the most
harmless kinds of foods.
189.154 Pressure in the stomach, even when fasting, but more from
every kind of food, or from particular dishes, fruit, green vegetables,
rye-bread, food containing vinegar, etc.*
189.154* Even after partaking of the slightest quantity of such things,
there may also ensue colic, pain or numbness of the jaws, tearing pain
in the teeth, copious accumulation of mucus in the throat, and the like.
189.156 After the slightest supper, nocturnal heat in bed; in the
morning, constipation and exceeding lassitude.
189.157 After meals, anxiety and cold perspiration with anxiety.*
189.157* There may also be pains, renewed now and then; e.g.,
stitches in the lips, griping and digging in the abdomen, pressure in
the chest, heaviness in the back and the small of the back, even to
nausea; when nothing but an artificially excited vomiting will give
relief. With some the anguish is aggravated upon eating, even to an
impulse to destroy themselves by strangulation.
189.159 Immediately after eating, vomiting.
189.160 After meals, pressure and burning in the stomach, or in the
epigastrium, almost like heartburn.
189.161 After eating, burning in esophagus from below upward.
Other Thirst Pain Signals and Psora
Nausea in pregnancy
189.265 During pregnancies great weariness, nausea, frequent
vomiting, swoons, painful varicose on the thighs and calves, and also
at times on the labia, hysterical maladies of various kinds, etc.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Colitis pain
189.183 Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone.*
189.183* Which often rises to the pit of the stomach, digging and
causing vomiting.
189.184 Hardness of the abdomen.
189.185 Crampy colic, a grasping pain in the bowels.
189.186 In colic, coldness on one side of the abdomen.
189.187 A gurgling, croaking and audible rumbling and grumbling in
the abdomen.*
189.187* At times only in the left side of the abdomen, passing
upwards with the inspiration and downward with the expiration.
189.188 So-called uterine spasms, like labor pains, grasping pains
often compelling the patient to lie down, frequently quickly
distending the abdomen without flatulence.
189.189 In the lower abdomen, pains pressing down toward the
189.189* Pressing down as if to cause a prolapsus, and when it is
passed she feels heavy in all her limbs, the limbs go to sleep; she must
stretch and extend her limbs.
Rheumatoid arthritis
189.320 In the joints a sort of tearing, like scraping on the bone, with
a red, hot swelling which is insufferably sensitive to the touch and to
the air, with insufferably sensitive, peevish disposition (gout, podagra,
chiragra, gout in the knees, etc.).*
189.320*The pains are either worse in daytime, or at night. After
every attack, and when the inflammation is past, the joints of the hand
are painful, as also those of the knee, the foot, those of the big toe
when moved, when he stands up, etc., they feel intolerably benumbed
and the limb is weakened.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

189.321 The joints of the fingers, swollen with pressive pains, painful
when touching and bending them.
189.322 Thickening of the joints; they remain hard swollen, and there
is pain on bending them.
189.323 The joints, as it were, stiff, with painful, difficult motion, the
ligaments seem too short.*
189.323* E.g., the Achilles tendon while treading, stiffness of the
tarsus, of the knees, either transient (after sitting, when rising), or
permanent (contraction).
189.324 Joints, painful on motion.*
189.324* E.g., the shoulder-joint on raising the arm; the tarsus pains
on treading as if it was about to break.
189.325 Joints crack on moving, or they make a snapping noise.
189.326 The joints are easily sprained or strained.*
189.326* E.g., the tarsus, the wrist-joint, the joint of the thumb.
189.327 Increasing disposition to strain oneself upon lifting and, as is
said, to do oneself harm upon very slight exertion of the muscles,
even in small manual tasks, in reaching up or stretching for something
up high, in lifting things that are not heavy, when suddenly turning
the body, pushing, etc. Such a slight flexing or stretching of the
muscles often then brings about long confinement in bed, swoons, all
grades of hysterical troubles.
189.329 The joints are easily dislocated upon any false movement.*
189.329* E.g. the tarsus when taking a false step, so also the
shoulder-joint. Of this kind is also the gradual luxation of the hip-joint
(i.e., of the head of the femur from the acetabulum, when the leg then
becomes too long, or too short, causing limping).
189.330 In the joint of the foot there is pain on treading, as if it would


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

189.21 Headache daily at certain hours; e. g., a stitching in the
189.22 Attacks of throbbing headache (e. g., in the forehead) with
violent nausea as if about to sink down, or, also, vomiting; from
morning till evening, repeated every fortnight, or sooner or later.
189.23 Headache as if the skull were about to burst open.
189.24 Headache, drawing pains.
189.25 Headache, jerks of the head (passing out at the ears).
189.26 Headache, stitches in the head (passing out at the ears).
Anginal pain
189.290 Violent, at times unbearable stitches in the chest at every
breath; cough impossible for pain; without inflammatory fever
(spurious pleurisy).
189.291 Pain in the chest on walking, as if the chest was about to
189.292 Pressive pain in the chest, at deep breathing or at sneezing.
189.293 Often a slightly constrictive pain in the chest, which, when it
does not quickly pass, causes the deepest dejection.*
189.294 Burning pain in the chest.
189.295 Frequent stitches in the chest, with or without cough.
189.296 Violent stitches in the side; with great heat of the body, it is
almost impossible to breathe in, on account of stitches in the chest
with hemoptysis and headache; he is confined to his bed.
Stress and depression
189.10 Vertigo, passing over into unconsciousness.
189.11 Dizziness; inability to think or to perform mental labor.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

189.12 Her thoughts are not under her control.

189.13 She is at times quite without thought (sits lost in thought).
189.402 After three oclock in the morning, no sleep, or at least no
sound sleep.
189.403 As soon as he closes his eyes, all manner of phantastic
images and distorted faces appear.
189.404 In going to sleep, she is disquieted by strange, anxious
fancies; she has to get up and walk about for a long time.
189.405 Very vivid dreams, as if awake; or sad, frightful, anxious,
vexing, lascivious dreams.
189.406 Loud talking, screaming, during sleep.
189.407 Somnambulism; he rises up at night, while sleeping with
closed eyes, and performs various jobs, even dangerous ones with
ease, without knowing anything about them after waking.
189.408 Attacks of suffocation while sleeping (nightmares).
189.417 Disturbances of the mind and spirit of all kinds.* however,
though rarely, with syphilis.*
189.417* I have never either in my practice, nor in any insane asylum,
seen a patient suffering from melancholy, insanity, or frenzy whose
disease did not have psora as its foundation, complicated at times.
189.418 Melancholy by itself, or with insanity, also at times
alternating with frenzy and hours of rationality.
189.419 Anxious oppression, early on awaking.
189.420 Anxious oppression in the evening after going to bed.*
189.421 Apprehensiveness several times a day (with and without
pains), or at certain hours of the day or of the night; usually the person
then finds no rest, but has to run hither and thither, and often breaks
out in a sweat.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

189.422 Melancholy, palpitation and anxiousness wakes her at night

from sleep (mostly just before the onset of the menses).
189.423 Suicidal mania.* (spleen ?)
189.424 A weeping mood; they often weep for hours without
knowing a cause for it.*
189.425 Attacks of insane irascibility.
189.426 Fright often at the merest trifles; they often break into
sweating and trembling therefrom.
189.427 Disinclination to work in persons who else are most
industrious; no impulse to occupy himself, but rather the most decided
repugnance thereto.
189.428 Hypersensitivity.*
189.428* All physical and psychical impressions, even the weaker
and the weakest, induce a morbid excitement, often in a high degree.
Events affecting the mind, not only such as are of a sad and vexatious
kind, but also those of a joyous kind, cause surprising ailments and
sufferings; touching tales, yea, even thinking of them and recalling
them, stirs up the nerves, and drives the anxiety into the head, etc.
189.429 Weakness - Irritability.
189.430 Rapid mood swings; often very merry and exuberantly so,
often suddenly dejected; e.g., on account of his disease, or from other
trifling objects. Sudden transition from cheerfulness to sadness, or
vexation without cause.
When the body becomes dehydrated, the physiological
processes that will establish are the same ones that occur
when coping with stress. Dehydration equals stress, and once
stress establishes, there is an associated mobilization of
primary materials from body stores. This process will mop
up some of the water reserves of the body. Consequently,
dehydration causes stress, and stress will further cause
dehydration. (Your Bodys Many Cries for Water, p. 57)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Asthma and allergies

189.299 Asthma, merely when moving the arms, not while walking.
189.300 Attacks of suffocation especially after midnight; the patient
has to sit up, sometimes he has to leave his bed, stand stooping
forward, leaning on his hands; he has to open the windows, or go out
into the open air, etc.; he has palpitations; these are followed by
eructations or yawning, and the spasm terminates with or without
coughing and expectoration.
189.301 Palpitation with anxiety, especially at night.
189.302 Asthma, loud, difficult, at times also sibilant respiration.
189.303 Shortness of breath.
189.304 Asthma, on moving, with or without cough.
189.305 Asthma, mostly while sitting down.
189.306 Asthma, spasmodic; when she comes into the open air it
takes her breath away.
189.307 Asthma, in attacks, lasting several weeks.
Asthma and allergies are indicators that the body has
resorted to an increase in production of the neurotransmitter
histamine, the sensor regulator of water metabolism and its
distribution in the body.
It is recognized that asthmatics have an increase in
histamine content of their lung tissue and that it is the
histamine that regulates the bronchial muscle contraction.
Since one of the sites for water loss through evaporation is in
the lungs, bronchial constriction produced by histamine
means less water evaporation during the act of breathing - a
simple natural maneuver to preserve the body water. (Your
Bodys Many Cries for Water, p. 115)
Let me explain another very important issue in asthma the role of salt... I would like to share an important secret with
you. Salt is a natural antihistamine. People with allergies
should begin to increase their salt intake to prevent excess


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

histamine production.
Water is needed in the lungs to keep the air passages
moist... In the first stages of asthma, mucus is secreted to
protect the tissues. There comes a time that much mucus is
secreted and it stays put, preventing normal passage of air
through the airways. Sodium is a natural mucus breaker...
People with asthma should slightly increase their salt intake.
(Your Bodys Many Cries for Water, p. 120)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Annex C: Treatment Using Nosodes

Given that the chronic miasms are primary or constant in nature, what
we have termed tonic diseases; given that there can be only one medicine
for a given disease; and given that the principle for the tonic jurisdiction
(pathogenic) under which the chronic miasms fall is that of a similar
resonance between the pathogen, the disease and the remedy, the remedy
for each of the chronic miasms is the relevant nosode. Thus:

- Psorinum


- Tuberculinum


- Medorrhinum


- Syphilinum

This makes prescribing for the chronic miasms quite simple. Of

course, there are many remedies for the various, variable (pathic) chronic
diseases deriving from each of the chronic miasms. On these, the main
homeopathic literature and materia medica are fulsome.
The use of nosodes for the treatment of a disease by means of
selection according to the tonic principle of jurisdiction (similar
resonance), rather than on the pathic principle of symptom similarity, is
not accepted within homeopathy. To the extent that we understand
homeopathy to refer to prescribing on the basis of symptom similarity and
to apply exclusively to the pathic diseases, this is based on correct
principle (if not always so consciously). To the extent that the term is
intended to encompass Hahnemanns complete medical system, it is
unfounded (or, more precisely, founded on ignorance, not knowledge).
This issue is often referred to under the term isopathy. While the
conventional homeopathic texts state that isopathy is not homeopathy,
which is correct, they also imply or intend to claim that isopathy, or the
use of medicines according to the law of similar resonance on a basis other
than symptom similarity is not part of Hahnemanns medical system,
which is not correct.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

The terms isopathy and isodes encapsulate the development of
the tonic side of disease. Hahnemann criticized the use of the principle of
equality on which isopathy is based, rightfully seeing it as only a variant
of the law of similars (as true isopathy is what allopaths use, such as in
vaccinations, with all its attendant disease effects). He accepted that the
remedies chosen on the basis of their relationship to the disease material
(containing the disease potence) were a valid application of the law of
similar resonance and were the missing link to the treatment of the tonic
So-called isopathic remedies represent another dimension of disease
and treatment involving a relationship to disease agent, whether infectious
(natural, i.e., existing in nature) or poisons, both natural (e.g., snake bites
or toxic metals) or medicinal (synthetic, i.e., man-made). The use of such
remedies is a variant of the law of similars.

History of Isopathic Remedies

The use of disease material to treat certain diseases of known
etiology (cause) has a long history. In a chapter by Dr. Marc Haffen, in
O.A. Julians Treatise on Dynamised Micro-Immunotherapy, the
following examples are cited:

Use by Bohemians of venom introduced near a snake bite; by

Columbian Indians of a serum made from the liver of a serpent.

People in China were made to wear the clothes of a smallpox

patient who was in full suppuration stage or by introducing the
dried pustule into the nostrils.

Hippocrates: the use of the slime of a rabid dog to guard against


Dioscorides: recommends the use of the liver of the dog that has
bitten a person, grilled earthworms to get rid of worms, the flesh of
the viper and crushed scorpion that have bitten one. He also stated
the principle that where there is the disease, there is also the


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Paracelsus: The similars cure the similars, the scorpion cures the
scorpion, mercury cures mercury. The poison is mortal for man
except, if in the organism there is another poison with which it
may fight, in which case the patient regains his health.
(Compendium philosophae, 1568). Paracelsus used very weak
doses of the poisons.

Robert Fludd in the 17th Century treats tuberculosis with the

dilution of the sputum of the patient, prepared spleen to prevent
enlarged spleen and kidney stone to prevent kidney stone

Anthanasius Kircher: The poisonings in general are cured by their

proper counterpoisons. Thus, the bite of the spider will be cured by
the application of a spider, the biting of a scorpion by the
application of the scorpion, the poison of a rabid dog is drawn out
of the body by the furs of the same dog. (Magna sive de arte
magnetica.) Ubi morbus, ibi etiam medicamentum morbo illis
opportunum (There where there is disease, there also is the proper
remedy of the disease). (In mundus subterranius, 1645)

Lady Montague has her child vaccinated by an extract of smallpox

pus. Prof. Phillipus Nettr of Venice (1718) recommends the use of
dried pus from the plague eruption against the plague. Frances
Home of Edinburg used the blood of the patient suffering from
measles against that disease (Homoeo medical facts and
Experiments, 1754)

Hering and Isopathic Remedies

Constantine Hering, who was a contemporary of Hahnemann and
carried on a close correspondence with him, is perhaps the father of
isopathic remedy use. Hering used the venom from the Bushmaster snake,
creating the remedy Lachesis. He also used the saliva of a rabid dog. Later
he developed the use of the potentized pus of scabies (Psorinum),
smallpox (Variolinum) and speculated that there was a principle allowing


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

the use of disease agents to treat and prevent against acute diseases
(sporadic and epidemic diseases such as the plague and anthrax).
It is interesting that Herings wide-ranging research and inquiries led
him into other areas such as the use of organ remedies and tissue salts.
Hering speculated that some products of the human body and some parts
of the healthy organism had a more particular action on the parts from
which they are derived (Stapfs Archiv fr die homopathische Heilkunst,
14-2, pp. 98-99). Hering also speculated that various chemical elements
found in the organism would have a particular effect on the organs in
which they can be principally found (Archiv, 13-3, p. 65 and 14-3, p. 14).

Lux and the Thesis of Equality

Johann Wilhelm Lux was a well-known veterinarian who taught and
wrote extensively. In 1820, he came across the writings of Hahnemann
and started to apply this new approach to medicine. He could be said to be
the Father of Veterinary Homeopathy. He founded many homeopathic
associations and started the first periodical devoted to homeopathic
veterinary. He dedicated his first volume of the periodical, Zooiasis, to
Lux was asked at one point (1831) what remedy could be used against
anthrax and Lues bovum pestifera (rinderpest), but not otherwise knowing
a remedy, advised the use of the 30th dilution of the nasal mucous of the
animal suffering from rinderpest and of the blood of an animal suffering
from anthrax. This led to success in treatment of this disease and in 1833
Lux published his results in a small pamphlet, Isopathik der Contagionen.
In this work, Lux proposed an idea not unusual given the history noted
above, namely that ...all diseases carry in them the means of their cure.
In the context of his time, this implied the use of diluted and dynamized
morbid agents such as:

Scabby of sheep

Tinea of animals

Itch (psora) of man


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

The blood of the spleen of animals suffering from anthrax

Pus of syphilis

Serum taken from vesicles of Marochetti in rabid persons

Lymph of anthrax and of the plague and cholera

Products from secretions of men and animals (dynamized fecal

matter, foot sweats, saliva of epileptics, etc.)

Drugs used to excess (e.g., diluted Sulphur against the abuse of


Lux then went further by suggesting a new principle aequalia

aequalibus to replace the principle of similia similibus. Hering and
Luxs work, set against a medical backdrop of experimentation with
disease material for medicinal agents, triggered a greater use of such
The main proponents at the time were Attomyr, a German homeopath;
Gross, one of Hahnemanns original provers, and co-editor with Stapf of
the first homeopathic periodical, Archiv fr die homopathische Heilkunst
(Archive for the Homeopathic Remedial Art); Herrmann, a homeopath in
Austria; Jolly, a dentist in Istanbul; Theuille, a homeopath in Moscow who
made remedies from leprosy and the bubonic plague; and Weber, a
German homeopathic veterinarian who conducted trials with Anthracinum.
Attomyr and Gross spread the knowledge about Psorinum produced
by Hering. Weber wrote a serious and scientific study of his work on the
treatment of anthrax using a potentized nosode (30C of the blood of a
diseased spleen) (Der Milzbrand und dessen sichersten Heilmittel,
Leipzig, 1836). Jolly wrote to Hahnemann about work that Theuille was
doing in Moscow regarding the plague using the 30th dilution (Archiv,
1837, v.6, p. 289). Herrmann took up Herings ideas on organ remedies
and felt that the real scope of isopathy was the medicinal power of
substances of homonomus organs (Allgemeine Hom. Zeitung, 1844, Bd.
27, p. 187). He then published a book on organotherapy in 1848, which is
the origin of later work in this direction, such as by German and French
researchers, but also that of Compton-Burnett in England.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

The Modest Author (Luxs Pamphlet)

History of Isopathy
All the diseases carry in their substance even the means
of their cure. Proposed to the Congress of Homoeopathy for
their strict experiment.
Published at Leipzig, 1833 at Christian Ernest Kollmann.
Translation: Doctor J. Askenasi (Paris) [This is the first
French translation.]
M. Valentin Zibrik of Szarvaskend, proprietor of the
Comitat Rauber in Hungary asked me by writing on the 11th
December, 1831, for a homoeopathic medicine against Lues
boum restifera or bovine plague (Loeserdurre) and against
anthrax (milzbrand).
My reply was negative, because I did not yet know the
homoeopathic means for these epidemics. Nevertheless in
order to honour the confidence of this proprietor, I explained
to him the mystery of the nature by the highest principle of
medicine which may be expressed as follows. All the
contagions carry in their substance, even the means of their
At the same time I told him, knowing that he has ideas
about Homoeopathy, how a drop of blood of an anthrax and a
drop of the nasal mucus of the bovine plague, diluted thirty
times, should be used. The basis of this fundamental law was
unknown at that time.
Patients suffering from frostbite find amelioration by
the snow. Apples and potatoes peeled cause to diminish their
coldness by cold water. Burns are best treated by the fire.
Serpent bites are treated by the venom of the same serpent.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Hydrophobia in man, even very grave, is treated in Russia by

the saliva of rabid dog, as is related by General Boroden in
June 1829, with a rapid and certain result.
In these cases that may be multiplied easily, the
natural force seems not to cure by the simillimum but by
aequale (although in another dynamisation).
The inoculation of the cows by the lymph of the
mammary pustules protects them from psora and syphilis.
This vaccination remains identical.
One should potentise with a drop of blood of the spleen
of some animals suffering from anthrax or other pustules like
it or syphlitic chancre, in short product of every contagious
disease of cows, sheeps, cats, dogs in order to obtain a real
homoeopathic cure.
It is in 1831 that Lachesis was experimented by Dr.
Hering, then in another experiment was carried out on
healthy man by Dr. Grisselich in 1832 with Psorinum
(Psoricum)the itch. Against latent herpes, I will prescribe
three grains of the latter (psorinum) with success, even for
herpes squamosa.
Four members of my family were definitely cured of
their toothache (dental arthritis) by the same Psorinum.
One must be very careful while treating the Ozena of
horses by isotherapy, by changing the dynamisation (Potenz)
between 15 to 30.
Some epidemics of the year 1832 were eradicated with
Isopathy helped by some remedies in the 30th dilution like
Mercurius, Spiritus sulphuratum, China, Natrum muriaticum.
I may be allowed to mention that the numerous prizes
that I have obtained for my works in England, Holland,
Germany, Austria and Turkey go to the Homoeopathic school.
Very often it is found that Homoeopathy [her meant
generally] is realised perfectly in Isopathy, because we cure
contagious disease by their own infecting substance.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System


Homoeopathy acts on the nervous system and on each
organ according to its totality through the energy liberating
out the gross substance of the medicine, which is a force
obtained by some particular process.
The more the substances are potentialised, the more
the dormant power (energy) is liberated. Thus mineral
substances that have neither smell nor taste like Silica, Gold,
Lycopodium, change their qualities by diluting them to 30th,
40th or 50th potency.
Copper, Iron, Lead need to be of such high dilutions.
Roots, barks and grains that have however smell and
taste, act in lower dilutions, like Asafoetida, Chamomilla,
Valeriana, Castoreum, Moschus etc. 12th to 15th dilutions
are enough.
Contagions require higher dilutions. Contagious bites
of horses require 30th dilutions
For more than 10 years, I treated all the animals by
Homoeopathy and I continue to follow with success this
marvellous means.
Moreover, I continue experiments of new doses of
different medicines which are more suitable to animals.
The positive results are so much attractive that I feel
the necessity to tell them to others and it is for this reason
that I have founded. the review Zooaiassis or Homoeopathic
cure destined to the diseases of animals. The first issue is
going to be published, during the Easter of this year.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Hahnemanns Views on Isopathy and Isopathic

The use of nosodes as specifics for diseases of constant nature has
been a controversial one. Where does Hahnemann fit into this debate?
Hahnemann must have been knowledgeable about Luxs work and ideas.
These were not too far from the ideas Hering was generating. However,
the bold challenge put forward by Lux as to the principle of cure forced
Hahnemann to react. In the 5th Edition of the Organon, which came out in
the fall of 1833, Hahnemann published his reply:
93.a]1. On these examples from domestic practice Mr. M.
Lux erects his so-called remedial mode by equal and same,
called by him Isopathy,[meaning, he, Hahnemann would call it
by a different name] which some eccentric heads have even
already assumed as the last word of remedial methodology,
without being aware of how they could realize this.
93.a]2 It is quite a different matter, however, if one judges
these examples precisely.
93.a]3 The purely physical powers are of a different
nature than the dynamic medicinal ones in their impinging
action on the living organism.
93.a]4 Warmth or cold of the surrounding air or water or
of foods and drink do not in themselves (as warmth or cold)
cause absolute noxiousness for a healthy body; warmth and
cold belong in their alternations to the sustainment of a
healthy life and, consequently, are not medicinal in
93.a]5 Thus, warmth and cold do not act as remedies in
bodily ailments by virtue of their nature (therefore not as
warmth and cold per se, not as things detrimental in
themselves, as are perhaps the medicines rhubarb, China, etc.,
even in the finest doses) rather, merely by virtue of their
greater or lesser quantity; that is, according to their degree of
temperature, just as (in order to give another example of
purely physical forces) a great lead weight painfully bruises
my hand, not by virtue of its nature [Wesen] as lead, but due


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

to its quantity and weight in bulk, whilst a thin lead plate

would not bruise me.
93.a]6 Therefore if cold or warmth prove to be helpful in
bodily ailments like frostbite and burns, they prove so solely
because of their degree of temperature, just as they also, due
to extremes in their degree of temperature, inflict damage on
the healthy body.
93.a]7 Accordingly we find in these examples of help from
domestic practice that the limb was not restored isopathically
by the persistent employment of that degree of cold wherein
the limb froze (it would have become quite lifeless and dead
thereby), but rather by a cold which, only approximating it
(Homeopathy), gradually tones down to a comfortable
temperature, as frozen sauerkraut applied to a frozen hand at
room temperature soon melts away and gradually warms up
from 32 to 33 [Fahr.] and so on up to the temperature of the
room, be it even only 50, thus restoring the limb again by
physical homeopathy.
93.a]8 So also a hand scalded with boiling water is not
restored isopathically by application of boiling water, but only
by a somewhat lesser heat: e.g., when one holds it in a dish
with a liquid that is heated to 140 [Fahr.], the liquid becomes
somewhat less hot every minute and finally assumes the
temperature of the room, whereupon the scalded part is again
restored by Homeopathy.
93.a]9 Water which is still in the process of freezing will
not draw the frost out of potatoes and apples isopathically, but
only water near the freezing point.
93.a]10 Thus, to give another example of physical
impinging action, the damage resulting from a blow to the
forehead by a hard object (a very painful bump) is quite soon
diminished in pain and swelling when one vigorously presses
the site with the ball of the thumb and ultimately always more
gently, homeopathically; however, not by an equal blow with
an equally solid body, isopathically, that would add insult to


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

93.a]11 What is likewise adduced in that book in the way

of Isopathic cure. that muscular contractions in humans and
lower spinal paralysis in a dog, both arisen by means of cold,
have been rapidly remedied by cold bathing this event is
falsely explained by Isopathy.
93.a]12 Cold ailments have only the name of cold, but
come about in bodies prone thereto even with a sudden draft,
which was not at all cold.
93.a]13 The various effects of a cold bath on the living
organism in the healthy and diseased state are not to be
encompassed at all with a single concept, so that one
immediately thereupon could found such an audacious
93.a]14 That snake bites, as stated there, would be cured
most surely by snake parts will remain a fable from the days of
yore until such an improbable assertion has been confirmed by
indubitable observations and experiences, and it will probably
never come to that.
93.a]15 Finally, that the saliva of a mad dog administered
to a man already raving from hydrophobia (in Russia) is
supposed to have cured him this supposed to will lead no
conscientious physician astray, however, into dangerous
imitation or into the erection of a so-called Isopathic system
(as dangerous as its expansion is highly improbable), which it
has been passed off for (not by the modest author of the little
book: The Isopathy of Contagions, Leipzic: Kollman, but) by its
eccentric devotees; especially by Dr. Gross, who cries Isopathy
up as the only correct remedial principle, and insists on seeing
Similar Things by Means of Similar Things only as a stop-gap
measure, thanklessly enough, however, seeing as how he owes
his fame and fortune solely to this principle of Similar Things
by Means of Similar Things.

Hahnemann is here responding not so much to Luxs pamphlet, as to

the apparent excesses of others. He is clearly worried that some are taking
the matter far beyond what Lux himself had proposed. Dr. Gross bears the


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

brunt of the criticism for seeming to promote the principle of identities as

the only one. Dr. Lux, the modest author of the little book: The Isopathy
of Contagions, is apparently not included in those who wish to raise a
new system of medicine on this new principle. Given that Lux uses the
term isopathy in the title and text, this may seem surprising. However, if
we look to what Lux actually wrote, it becomes clearer.
In these cases that may be multiplied easily, the natural
force seems not to cure by the simillimum but by aequale
(although in another dynamisation)...
Some epidemics of the year 1832 were eradicated with
Isopathy helped by some remedies in the 30th dilution like
Mercurius, Spiritus sulphuratum, China, Natrum
muriaticum [Are these the tonic and pathic sides coming
Very often it is found that Homoeopathy [that is, the law of
similars] is realised perfectly in Isopathy, because we cure
contagious disease by their own infecting substance...
For more than 10 years, I treated all the animals by
Homoeopathy and I continue to follow with success this
marvelous means
The positive results are so much attractive that I feel the
necessity to tell them to others and it is for this reason that I
have founded the review Zooaiassis or Homoeopathic cure
destined to the diseases of animals. The first issue is going to
be published during the Easter of this year [1833]. (from
Julian, Treatise on Dynamised Micro Immunotherapy, pp. 61-66)
(bold and square brackets added)

Lux presented the concept of isopathy, or more correctly the concept

of deriving remedies in potency from disease matter, as a variation of the
law of similar resonance. This explains Hahnemanns exception of him
from the criticism of those trying to erect a new system of medicine on the
concept. For Hahnemann, the use of such remedies was consistent with the
idea of specific remedies related to diseases of common origin or constant
nature. In the realm of disease irritation, homogenics applied. In the realm


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

of disease agents, isopathics were valid. What was not valid was the
argument that this dimension of the law of similars was somehow a new
law. It was simply a principle within the law of similar resonance.
Hahnemann also created a footnote to 56 in the 5th Edition of the
Organon. By the time Hahnemann had written the Introduction (1833), he
had become aware of efforts to take what Hering and Lux were doing to
create a false system of medicine (Gross in particular) and made an
addition to address this:
A fourth mode of employing medicines in diseases has
been attempted to be created by means of Isopathy, as it is
called - that is to say, a method of curing a given disease by the
same contagious principle that produces it. But even granting
this could be done, which would certainly be a most valuable
discovery, yet, after all, seeing that the miasm (virus) is given
to the patient highly potentised, and thereby, consequently, to
a certain degree in an altered condition, the cure is effected
only by opposing a simillimum to a simillimum.

Again, the language of Hahnemanns criticism makes clear that

Hahnemann supports the use of isopathic medicines (to cure a given
disease by the same contagious agent that produces it), but through the use
of potentised remedies, which only underscores the fact that this is a
variation of the law of similars. There is no new law of identities. In the
context of homogenic remedies, the use of such remedies in crude,
unpotentized form is highly dangerous, as would be the case here due to
chemical toxicity (and also with vaccinations).
Hahnemann also dealt with the issue raised by Lux and Hering in his
Chronic Diseases, second edition (1835-39):
379.1 The antipsoric medicines treated of in what follows
contain no so-called isopathic medicines, since their pure
actions, even those of the potentized miasma of itch (Psorin)
have not been proved enough, by far, that a safe homeopathic
use might be made of it. I say homeopathic use, for it does not
remain idem (the same); even if the prepared itch substance
should be given to the same patient from whom it was taken, it


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

would not remain idem (the same), as it could only be useful to

him in a potentized state, since crude itch substance which he
already has on his body as an idem is without effect on him.
But the dynamization or potentizing changes it and modifies it;
just as gold leaf after potentizing is no more inactive crude
gold leaf in the human body, but in every stage of potentization
it is more and more modified and changed.
380.1 Thus potentized and modified, the itch substance
(Psorin) when taken is also no more an idem (same) with the
crude original itch substance, but only a simillimum (thing
most similar). For between IDEM and SIMILLIMUM there is no
intermediate [stage] for any one that can think; or in other
words between idem and simile only simillimum can be
intermediate. Isopathic and quale are equivocal expressions,
which if they should signify anything reliable, can only signify
simillimum, because they are not idem (tauton).

What is Hahnemann saying here? Again, he clearly accepts the use of

remedies made from disease material. For Hahnemann, however, it is
incorrect to state that there is a new law to explain the use of such
remedies. When disease material or disease agents are potentized, they are
no longer the same (idem), but similar. Thus, their use falls under the
domain of the law of similar resonance.
Hahnemann modified the footnote in the 6th Edition.
56.4.a]1 There are those who would gladly create a third
application of medicines against disease by means of Isopathy,
as it is called, that is to say, cure a present disease with the
same miasm.
56.4.a]2 But even granted they could do this, so would
Isopathy nevertheless only effectuate a cure by opposing the
Simillimo with a Simillimum, since Isopathy only presents the
miasm to the patient highly potentized and consequently
56.4.a]3 But this intending to cure by means of an
entirely identical [crude] disease Potence contradicts all


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

healthy common sense and therefore all experience also.

56.4.a]4 Those who first broached the subject of so
called Isopathy presumably had hovering before them the
benefaction which humanity learned by the employment of the
cowpox inoculation, by which the inoculated one remained
free from all future smallpox infection and was cured of the
disease in advance as it were.
56.4.a]5 But both the cowpox and the small pox are only
very similar, in no way entirely the same disease; they are in
many respects divergent from one another, in particular by
the more rapid course and the gentleness of the cowpox, but
especially by virtue of the fact that cowpox never infects the
human being by proximity, and so by means of the general
distribution of this inoculation an end has been made to all
epidemics of that deadly, terrible smallpox to such an extent
that the present generation no longer has any graphic
conception whatever of that former horrible smallpox plague.
56.4.a]6 Thus, to be sure, certain animal diseases will
proffer medicinal and curative Potences of their own for very
similar, important human diseases, and accordingly,
supplement our homeopathic medicinal stock happily even
56.4.a]7 But meaning to cure a human disease (scabies
or maladies arisen therefrom) with an identical [crude]
human disease matter (e.g. with a Psoricum taken from
scabies) that is going too far!
56.4.a]8 Nothing results from it but calamity and
aggravation of the disease! (bold and square brackets added)

Hahnemanns modifications address another argument raised, namely

the use of cowpox to protect against smallpox. He also underscores the
danger, as in the case of homogenic remedies, of using the remedy in
crude doses. The text makes clearer that Hahnemann accepts the value of
isodes (as he was now using Psorinum), but not the use of a system of


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

medicine based on true identity, that is, from the use of crude disease
matter, which is highly dangerous, even deadly.
However, Hahnemanns attempts at dealing with this issue were not
well understood, not surprising given the general lack of understanding of
the dual nature of disease. On Hahnemanns death, Griesselich, the editor
of the journal, Hygea (1834-1848), who had considerable influence in
homeopathic circles at the time, followed in Hahnemanns footsteps and
attacked isopathy as a system, even though he was sympathetic to the use
of sarcodes and nosodes (and had earlier developed the use of Psorinum
which Hahnemann and Hering took up).
The result was confusion and the casting of isodes and nosodes into a
shadowland of continued use without any clear understanding of the basis
for this use. On the one hand, they do not strictly conform to the prevailing
idea that remedies should be prescribed solely on the basis of
symptomology (provings). On the other hand, they are clinically effective
when used on the basis of a direct relationship with a known and constant
disease (such as measles, whooping cough, smallpox, chronic miasms,

Modern Views on Isopathic Medicine

Other than O. A. Julian in Europe, we have only seen one other
serious attempt to deal with the place of isopathic remedies in the context
of Hahnemanns medical system Francisco Eizayagas Treatise on
Homeopathic Medicine.
The five therapeutic methods [homeopathy, isopathy,
enantiopathic, tautopathic, allopathic] are at present used in
Western medicineThe isopathic method, being as it is the
most like the homoeopathic one, renders great service in the
treatment of patients, both in the official and homoeopathic
schools, although in the homoeopathic school it is always used
as a complementary therapy to the properly established
simillimum. Tautopathy [use of attenuated doses of drugs to
cure illnesses caused by that drug] has a great field of action in
the grave and increasingly numerous cases of drug
intoxications or reactions... (p. 60)


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

We still do not know exactly how the nosodes act in

accordance with this etiological similitude, but a vast
experience does confirm it. In the chronic infectious states,
such as gonorrhea, syphilis and tuberculosis, we almost
inevitably have prescribed the nosode which tends to exercise
a most favourable action Isopathic treatment constitutes a
field, in certain aspects, that is unexplored and has great
possibilities. The use of medicines that come from pathological
products, such as tumours (carcinosin, schirrhinum); of
different types of pus (baccillinum) or from bacterial or viral
cultures (influenzinum, morbillinum, colibacillinum); of
parasites (hyadatidnum), etc. merit profound a serious
research not only for their therapeutic possibilities, but also
for their application in preventative medicine. There exists
well documented information regarding the preventative
effect of infectious nosodes and there is no obstacle to discover
why, by analogy and based on the same principle, other
nosodes should not also have similar virtues by acting in the
same manner. (p. 67)
The harmful, and at times, unlucky effects of vaccinations
are treated in homeopathy with medicines that are almost
specific: Thuja, Apis, Silicea, Malandrinum or with the
nosode corresponding to the administered germ (Vaccininum,
Tuberculinum, etc.). The toxic action of numerous allopathic
remedies (antibiotics, chemotherapeutics in general) may be
successfully treated by the same dynamized substance. The
cases that have been published of intoxication due to penicillin
and other antibiotics which have been treated by this simple
method are numerous.
There are arousing causal factors of pathological states,
each one of which often have their remedies chosen by
etiology, at times even without taking into account the
symptoms, when these are absent. (pp. 67-68)
Sometimes an acute infectious state cannot be healed with
the rightly indicated medicine and it is indispensable to
administer the nosode corresponding to the germ at stake in
order to obtain a quick effect. We have seen cases of acute,
febrile, colibacillary pyelitis which corresponded clearly to


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Pulsatilla and which only cured with Colibacillinum. We have

seen whooping cough cases which are typical of Drosera and
which only cured with Pertussinum, and so on. (p. 277)
If homoeopathy is employed with restrictive criteria, its
therapeutic possibilities are very few. If, on the other hand, all
the tools of homoeopathy [Heilkunst] are used freely, both as
regards remedies as well as application techniques, with an
ample and scientific criterion, its possibilities are practically
unlimited and they only depend upon the physicians human
limitations. (p. 282)
In homeopathy, with the nosode of each of the acute
diseases we could fulfill a job similar to the one achieved by the
vaccines which are known without any of their
inconveniences. While the non specific resistance of an
individual to an infection is increased with the homoeopathic
remedy, a higher specific immunity against a given germ is
obtained with the nosode... (p. 283)
If this immunization is valid for the epidemics we have
mentioned, it is logical to deduct that, by applying the same
isotherapeutic principle of the specific nosodes, we could
prevent our patients, especially the children, from any
epidemics. (p. 285)

Isopathy in Other Contexts

The attempt to find remedies to cure diseases in the infectious disease
material or in morbific bodily secretions provided a fertile stimulus both
for homeopathy and allopathy.
We have the development in homeopathy of:

remedies for use in miasms (diseases of fixed nature) made from

the disease exudation or agent, such as Morbillinum for measles,
Variolinum for smallpox, Tuberculinum for the tubercular miasm,
Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, etc.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

remedies made from drugs to treat chemical and other druginduced diseases (e.g., Sulphur to remove sulphur disease,
Cortisone, Penicillinum, Mercurius, Plumbum, Cuprum, etc.)

remedies made from organs and organ secretions to treat such

organs (organotherapy)

remedies made from chemical salts to treat various conditions (Dr.

Schsslers Biochemic Tissue Salts)

However, these developments have not been fully integrated into

Hahnemanns system for two reasons. First, Hahnemann himself only
came to realize their potential late in his life and second, the emphasis to
date on pathic prescribing (homeopathy proper) means that these remedies
are used only when indicated on the symptom picture, or if used tonically,
this is done sporadically (and essentially unconsciously), because of a
general lack of understanding of this realm of disease.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

Annex: Acute Disease

Two main types (Aphorism 73):
1. Individual acute fevers
a. due to shocks/traumas
b. flare-ups of underlying chronic miasm
73.2. Pleasurable excesses or their deprivation,
physically vehement impressions, chillings, heatings, fatigues,
strains from lifting etc., or psychical agitations, affects etc.,
are the occasion of such acute fevers, but fundamentally they
are mostly only transient flare-ups of latent Psora, which
returns spontaneously into its dormant state when the acute
diseases were not all too vehement and were soon dispatched.

2. True acute diseases

a. with a uniquely occurring (variable) nature
i. sporadic (affects only a few)
ii epidemic (affects many widely)
73.4. Wartime exigencies, floods and famine are their not
infrequent occasions and engenderers they are partly such
as assail some people at the same time here and there
(sporadically) by occasion of meteoric or telluric influences
and malignities, whereby only some people possess the
receptivity to become morbidly aroused at the same time;
hereon border those acute diseases which epidemically seize
many people with very similar ailments from a similar cause,
which then usually are wont to become contagious when they
spread over thronged masses of people.

b. of a constant nature (acute miasms)

73.4. ...partly they are peculiar acute miasms recurring
in the same manner (thus known under a traditional name)
which either befall the individual once in a lifetime, like


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

smallpox, measles, whooping cough, or the old, bright red

scarlet fever of Sydenham, mumps, etc. or recur often in a
rather similar way, like Levantine plague, coastal yellow fever,
Asiatic cholera, etc.


Chronic Disease in Dr. Hahnemanns Medical System

J.H. Allen, The Chronic Miasms Psora and Pseudo-psora, p. 13,
1990 reprint, B. Jain Publishers
Dr. S. K. Banerjea, Miasmatic Prescribing, published by the Allen
College of Homeopathy, England, 2001
S.R. Decker and R. Verspoor, The Dynamic Legacy: from Homeopathy
to Heilkunst, available at www.homeopathiceducation.com
Dr. Jean F. Elmiger, Re-discovering Real Medicine, published by
Element, 1998
S. Hahnemann, Chronic Diseases and Their Cure, translation by
S.R. Decker, electronic version
J.T. Kent, Lectures in Homeopathic Philosophy, B. Jain Publishers
Rajan Sankaran, The Substance of Homeopathy, B. Jain Publishers


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