Crisis Communications Plan
Crisis Communications Plan
Crisis Communications Plan
This Plan provides guidelines for communicating within the corporation, and
from the corporation to the media and public, in the event of an emergency
or crisis. This Crisis Communications Plan describes the role of Internal
Communications in communicating vital information to members of the
Greenacres community as well as key stakeholders, customers and
employees of the corporation.
This plan is an integral part of emergency response for the corporation and
should be used to guide emergency decision- making appropriately. As with
any plan, the elements of this plan should be reviewed and tested regularly
in conjunction with site- wide emergency drills and exercises.
1. Restore a sense of confidence within the corporation
Clearly demonstrate the efforts of the corporation leadership to
addressing the needs of the public
STAGE 1. Activation: Corporation response units will inform the Crisis
Response team of a potential crisis or emergency that could affect the
community of Greenacres. The head of the Crisis response team will inform
appropriate members of the corporation to institute appropriate crisis
communication procedures.
STAGE 2. Crisis Communications Team: The primary Crisis Communication
Team comprises the President, the VP of Business and the VP of Public
Relations. As needed they will seek additional input regarding emergency
communications from any or all of the following:
VP of Business
VP of Public Relations
Emergency Operations Director
Chief of Police
Emergency Management Coordinator
NOTE: In an incident that could affect the immediate life- safety of any
member or member of the Greenacres community, any of the listed
personnel above can activate crisis communications resources to provide
rapid warning notification without additional authorization or approval.
STAGE 3. Spokesperson: Generally, this is the highest- ranking individual who
has direct knowledge of the events, preferably the President. The individual
selected will have the highest credibility and understanding of the events
surrounding the crisis.
STAGE 4. Notifying Key Constituencies: The Crisis Communications Team will
determine which publics need to be informed first. It is important to keep in
mind that people will seek and believe- other sources of information in the
absence of official communication. Effective communication will help squash
rumors, maintain morale and ensure public safety.
STAGE 5. Fact Sheet: As soon as possible, a fact sheet will be prepared to
supplement communication with key publics and information provided to
reporters by the spokespersons.
STAGE 6. Alerting the media: The VP of Public Relations should decide on the
best way(s) of reaching the news media. In cases where a crisis likely to be