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Unit Plan: Essential Questions or Driving Questions

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Unit Plan

Name: Kimberly Keatley

Grade level: 8
Content Area: Integrated Science
Title of Unit: Science, Engineering, Technology and Society

Essential Questions or Driving Questions:

Essential Question(s):

In what way has society been helped by technological advancements?

Is there anything left to invent?
Why are technologies constantly changing?

Content Standards Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient
precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant
scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural
environment that may limit possible solutions.
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
The more precisely a design tasks criteria and constraints can be
defined, the more likely it is that the designed solution will be
successful. Specification of constraints includes consideration of
scientific principles and other relevant knowledge that are likely to
limit possible solutions.
Crosscutting Concepts:
Influence of Science, Engineering, and Technology on Society
and the Natural World
The use of technologies and limitations on their use are driven by
individual or societal needs, desires, and values: by the findings of
scientific research: and by differences in such factors as climate,
natural resources, and economic conditions.

ISTE*S Standards:

2. Communication and collaboration

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and
work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.

2d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve


3. Research and information fluency

Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
3b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use
information from a
variety of sources and media

Overview and Timeline

Duration will be 6-10 school days, with class periods of 52 minutes.
Students will determine a technology that has been changed over time and
how that technology has aided society. Students will learn and use basic
research methods including how to determine if a source is reliable. Students
will synthesis research and collaboratively prepare a presentation that shows
how a societal problem has been aided by the use of technology and will
include team ideas for further development of the technology. In addition,
students will critique other groups presentations using a scoring rubric.

Presentation will be completed collaboratively using GOOGLE Slides. The
presentation will be shared between the learners and myself. I will be able to
monitor and assess progression of work during and outside of the class
A scoring rubric will be used by students to self assess their own presentation
for successful meeting of criteria during work. Groups will present in a small
group format to two other groups and given the choice to present to entire
Summative assessment will be an average of the groups assessment, two
other groups assessments, and my assessment using the scoring rubric.

For students needing help

o A presentation template will be provided
o Topic provided with reliable resources

For students needing further challenge and advancement:

o Create a model of the future technology described
o Use of a different presentation platform
o Present to entire class

Present to other classes


Educator Preparation:
o Access to laptops or chromebooks will be required for entire
lesson duration
o Access to GOOGLE DRIVE logins for students that have forgotten
o Preparation of paper copies under Tools and Resources Provided
to Learners
o List of possible topics for students struggling with getting started
o Lesson preparation on search techniques
o Lesson preparation on evaluating reliable sites
o Approval from other educators for presentations in their classes


Tutorials and Templates Provided to Learners:

o Students will be provided with past student examples of work
including below standard and approaching standard

Briefly explain how the resources, tools, and tutorials may be

used to differentiate content or process for learners:

and Resources Provided to Learners:

Laptops or chromebooks
GOOGLE logins
Graphic organizer for students to take notes on regarding
website search techniques
o Graphic organizer for students to take notes on assessing
sources for reliability
o Graphic organizer for students to take notes during research

For students needing help

A presentation template will be provided
Topic with reliable resources

For students needing to be challenged

Create a model of the future technology described
Optional use of a different presentation platform such as Emaze or

Reason(s) for chosen technology(s):

o GOOGLE SLIDES was chosen for the following reasons:
Students are familiar with using his or her GOOGLE DRIVE
Students are able to collaboratively work on the same
project in real time

Teacher will be able to have product shared on GOOGLE

DRIVE for formative and summative assessment

Instructional Plan

o Students will work in the classroom on all days with access to
the library for research of print sources
o Students will work in groups of two. This will be student choice.
o Both students are responsible for entire project/research.
Collaboration will occur in the presentation by students being
responsible for certain slides. Students will provide on scoring
rubric the person that was responsible for creation of each slide.

o For students needing help
A presentation template will be provided
Topic with reliable resources

For students needing to be challenged

Create a model of the future technology described
Optional use of a different presentation platform such as Emaze or
Powtoons (would require some out of class work)

Closure and Reflection

At the end of the project, groups will present in a small group format to
two other groups. They will score themselves on the scoring rubric*
and assess the two groups they view. Those three scores, along with
my score, will be used to determine an average for product grading.
*Students will also assess themselves and his or her partner on the
collaborative work.
Any groups wishing to present to the class will be provided the
Any groups wishing to present to another class at Huntington Middle
School will be provided the opportunity.
End of unit reflection will be completed using a survey in GOOGLE
FORMS. The survey will ask students to reflect on his or her
contribution, the project parameters including the rubrics and
presentation platform, as well as feedback to me on what was done
well and what I could improve.

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