Why Credit Restoration Works
Why Credit Restoration Works
Why Credit Restoration Works
Section 609, 610 & 611 of the FCRA specifically protects consumers from illegal reporting. This reporting
mechanism requires the bureaus have verifiable proof of negative credit events including, late pays, foreclosures,
judgments, collections, bankruptcy, liens, child support, etc.
The 3 credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, are governed by a document produced by Congress: THE
FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT. This document provides the legal framework to govern affairs between the 3
credit bureaus and consumers. Banks, on the other hand, are governed by State and Federal Banking Regulations.
This System disputes the right of the credit bureaus to report anything negative about you without being in
compliance with Section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This federal law mandates that the credit bureaus
must have verifiable proof of anything they report about you on your credit report.
As an example, if I have late mortgage payments, the credit bureaus would have to have my payment records. They
would also need to have a copy of the original note with my signature showing that I am the responsible party AND
someone has to have reviewed it and verified its accuracy. Most consumers arent aware that the three major credit
reporting agencies are reporting your personal information without verifiable proof, which is illegal.
These 4 paragraphs (along with my paraphrase) reveal the deletion mechanism.
Page 35: 609. Disclosures to consumers [15 U.S.C. 1681g] (a) Information on file; sources; report
recipients. Every consumer reporting agency shall, upon request, and subject to 610(a)(1) [ 1681h], clearly
and accurately disclose to the consumer: Paraphrase: The information on file, mentioned above, is the
information that Experian stores in their computer base on a consumer. Every consumer reporting agency is
Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. 610(a)(1) [ 1681h] is identified as proper identification (driver license
and SS card) + a written request by the consumer. Basically it says that if a consumer asks the correct way,
in writing, and properly identify themselves, the 3 bureaus are required to disclose to the consumer exactly
what documents are stored within their computer base. From experience, they show their hand very
reluctantly Experian is the most reluctant.
Page 37 (2) Summary of rights required to be included with agency disclosures. A consumer reporting
agency shall provide to a consumer, with each written disclosure by the agency to the consumer under this
Page 37 (2), (E), a statement that a consumer reporting agency is not required to remove accurate
derogatory information from the file of a consumer, unless the information is outdated under section 605 or
cannot be verified.
Verification is a vague term but is defined in the terms section of this document on page 7.
Page 7 (2) Verification (B) of the information in the consumers application for the credit or insurance, to
determine that the consumer meets the specific criteria bearing on credit worthiness or
insurability.Paraphrase: This is about as clear as mud. It was obviously written by a gifted attorney.
Although (B) deals with credit and insurance we are only concerned with credit. (2) (B) is the CREDIT
APPLICATION! If you look closely, it says that it is the information in the credit application that is uses
to determine that the consumer meets the lending guidelines.Application: For example, lets assume you are
going to purchase a car and finance that car. When the F&I department of that car dealership fund a deal
with a lender, the dealer surrenders the 2 most important funding documents: contract + credit application.
Once the lender is satisfied with these and the necessary supporting documents, the lender funds the
loan.The lender now has the responsibility of reporting this consumers file to the 3 credit bureaus.
The lender sends the credit application to the 3 credit bureaus to properly verify that this is the correct
customer. This verification piece is important. Its important because the dealership has to comply with the
Patriot Act and other imposed regulations to properly verify, by securing a copy of the consumers Driver
License, that the person signing the contract + credit application is the person that was properly
identified.Also, the lender used this credit application to check on the persons job, income, residence,
references, approve the loan, and to pull credit. The credit application is the verification piece.
The lender, on a monthly basis, sends its gigantic email batch file to the 3 credit bureaus. In this giant file, it contains
the information on our consumer. The lender sends exactly what you see printed on the credit bureau. The sent info
account number
date opened
high credit
payment term
payment amount
The problem. The lender never, ever, ever, sends the credit application to the 3 credit bureaus! No lenders ever send
the credit application.
In the last 11 years of disputing Section we have never found one verified account!
This being the case, anything that is included in your credit bureau can be removed. You can effectively remove
good as well as poor credit files. We have an 87% deletion ratio. The only reason its not higher is because once a
consumer removes that problem filethey quit the letter writing process.
According to the FCRA, if a credit file is on a consumers bureau it has to be properly verified. Each item included
in a credit bureau has a verification piecebut, the bureaus never have it.
The FCRA states that the bureaus are the ones that have to keep this verification on file. Otherwise, the lender, a
court, or a collection company could place anything they like on your credit report. The bureaus want to report. The
bureaus make money from their clients when they report.
Section 609 Disputing: our letters of dispute are directed towards the 3 bureaus not the lender. We simply state that
according to Section 609 of the FCRA that you have to send me a copy of my verification. If you do not have this
copy of my verification in your possession, the FCRA states that you are required to delete the disputed file.
A continued series of more expressive letters escalate the disputed item towards deletion. The success in regards to
time varies from customer to customer. However, the results are the same: removal of the disputed item.