1786 Colt Place
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
19203 North Meghan Drive
Maricopa, Arizona 85138
Knowledge and education of the biopsychosocial relationships between body functions and
structures, activities and participation, and environmental factors. Ability to assess the mental
and physical functional ability of patients across the lifespan in order to promote, restore, and
maintain high levels of well-being and in general quality of life.
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
Touro University Nevada
Henderson, Nevada
July 2014- June 2016
Fieldwork Experience
Level IIA: Piller Child Development Outpatient Pediatric Clinic, Phoenix, Arizona
(November 2015- January 2016), Occupational Therapy Student
o Level IIA education within a sensory integration pediatric outpatient clinic with
special intervention strategy knowledge in NDT, feeding therapy, sensory integration,
Handwriting without Tears curriculum, and Social Thinking curriculum. Conducted
formal assessments including Peabody, BOT-II, Berry-VMI, MVPT-4, SPM, and
CAPE/PAC. Knowledge in direct supervision of OT assistants and private medical
billing practices.
Level I: Easter Seals of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada (July-August 2015), Occupational
therapy student
Level I: HealthSouth Desert Canyon Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital, Las Vegas, Nevada
(April- May 2015), Occupational therapy student
Level I: The Shade Tree, Las Vegas, Nevada (March 2015), Occupational therapy student
Professional Development
Neurologic Musical Therapy Services: In-service on sensory based interventions in the
school setting, Phoenix, Arizona (January, 2016)
National School Backpack Awareness Day: In-service, Touro University Nevada OTS
Cohort, Henderson, NV (September, 2015)
AOTA Framework: Domain and Process, 3rd edition and client centered and occupation
based documentation, Las Vegas, NV (September 2015) CEU: 2 hours, Presented by: Debbie
Amini, EdD, OTR/L, Sponsored by State of Nevada Board
Goal Writing in Occupational Therapy, Las Vegas, NV (September 2015) CEU: 2 hours,
Presented by: Debbie Amini, EdD, OTR/L, Sponsored by State of Nevada Board
AOTA National Conference in Nashville, Tennessee (April 2015)
CarFit, Las Vegas, Nevada (May 2015)
Volunteer Experiences
Carfit (May 2015)
Northwest Hospital Volunteer (2013-2014)
Professional Affiliations
Member, Arizona Occupational Therapy Association (2016)
Member, American Occupational Therapy Association (2014 to present)
Member, Nevada Occupational Therapy Association (2014-present)
Member, President of Student Occupational Therapy Association (2014- present)
NBCOT (July 2016)
Licensed Practitioner of Arizona (August 2016)
CarFit Technician certified, Las Vegas, Nevada (May 2015)
CPR/ First Aid Certified (2014-present)
Aimee Piller, MOTR/L, SIPT
Level IIA Fieldwork Educator
Phone: 480-398-4280
Dr. Shannon Martin
Assistant Professor and Academic Advisor
Phone: 702-777-3247
Sarah Lawton, MOTR/L
Occupational Therapist and Colleague
Phone: 602-628-2462