Print This Voucher Your Voucher: The Merchant: Science and Art of Living (SAAOL)
Print This Voucher Your Voucher: The Merchant: Science and Art of Living (SAAOL)
Print This Voucher Your Voucher: The Merchant: Science and Art of Living (SAAOL)
Your Voucher
The deal includes all the important scans, checkups and tests necessary to make sure
youre in the pink of health
SAAOL offers the most comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation and reversal program in
For additional discounts on more than 20 orders, please fill up our Corporate Order Form
Fine Print
Valid at 2 locations
o Offer 1 Valid at Hyderabad
o Offer 2 Valid at Vizag
Offer not valid for stress test (tread mill test) / 2D echo at Vizag location
All local/national laws and rules - dress code, consumption of intoxicants etc - that apply
to regular customers, apply to Groupon voucher holders too
We suggest you check out other awesome deals in your city to waive it off!