The song uses mountains as a metaphor for a married couple standing together. It expresses the longing and missing between a husband and wife who are separated, comparing their longing to mountains breaking down from being apart. The wife sends a message to her husband saying that although they are apart, it seems like he is with her when he sends messages, easing her missing of him.
The song uses mountains as a metaphor for a married couple standing together. It expresses the longing and missing between a husband and wife who are separated, comparing their longing to mountains breaking down from being apart. The wife sends a message to her husband saying that although they are apart, it seems like he is with her when he sends messages, easing her missing of him.
The song uses mountains as a metaphor for a married couple standing together. It expresses the longing and missing between a husband and wife who are separated, comparing their longing to mountains breaking down from being apart. The wife sends a message to her husband saying that although they are apart, it seems like he is with her when he sends messages, easing her missing of him.
The song uses mountains as a metaphor for a married couple standing together. It expresses the longing and missing between a husband and wife who are separated, comparing their longing to mountains breaking down from being apart. The wife sends a message to her husband saying that although they are apart, it seems like he is with her when he sends messages, easing her missing of him.
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Oh, my wife
Like two mountains standing together INDO LOGO Oh, my wife 2X KEGASI SAMANNA RIONROI ALLA RIONROI Where we can live together PALETTU SENGERENG To end longing SENGERENGMU SAMANNA PADA BULU My longing for you is like the mountains AMBO LOGO Oh, my husband 2X ADAMMU SAMANNA SILAPPAE ALLA SILAPPAE Your message likes word by word RUTTUNGENG MANENGNGI Its (message) coming together ** BULUE SAMANNA MARUTTUT TONA The mountains seem to break down/crumble INDO LOGO Oh, my wife 2X TANETE SAMANNA LEPPA TONA Hills seem to break down
Seem to break down NATARO UDDANI Because I miss you MUDDANIKKI SAMANNA APPASEKKI My missing is my message AMBO LOGO Oh, my husband 2X LETTUKI SAMANNA TELLETUKI It seems like you are here ALLA TELLUTUKI Yes, you are here KO MAPPASENG MUKI If you send a message BACK TO **